Round 3 begins!We're down to 101, let's move to pick our Top 75!
And I'm going to make it harder (and hopefully more interesting) for everyone - this time we're going to RANK our favorites! That's right, list your top picks from 1-30.
Points will be distributed as follows - they are intentionally skewed so that a higher ranking gives a much higher number of points!
Points are awarded as follows:
Rank - Points
1 - 600
2 - 500
3 - 400
4 - 350
5 - 300
6 - 250
7 - 200
8 - 170
9 - 150
10 - 120
11 - 110
12 - 100
13 - 90
14 - 80
15 - 70
16 - 60
17 - 50
18 - 45
19 - 40
20 - 35
21 - 30
22 - 25
23 - 20
24 - 15
25 - 12
26 - 9
27 - 7
28 - 5
29 - 3
30 - 1
The Top 75 vote-getters get through, meaning we will lose 26 Legionnaires.
and please copy-paste the list/wording exactly as below, parentheses and spaces and all, this will make it a) easier to identify which version, b) it will make my Excel lookups work
House Rules1) Each round will last about 72 hours (so, around this time on January 16, though I will be in the office then, so this will end a bit later!)
2) I'll vote at or near the start of every round to minimize bias on my part.
3) While I don't encourage changing of votes, I won't disallow them either. I'll only tally votes at the end of each round (to make it easier on myself!). I'll post on this thread the minute I start tallying to alert everyone; votes that come in after that will be ignored.
4) In case of errors in the results, I'll post a correction immediately. If anyone's vote was affected by the error, he or she will get a makeup vote next round - +15 points to give a Legionnaire of their choosing (only applicable once we do ranking; for rounds before, will do something else).
Realities remaining on the list - you can use this to search (Ctrl+F) the list of Legionnaires, too! (and if you have questions on the realities, please let me know!)
Adult Legion (Adventure Era)
Arthurian Legion
Dead Earth
Legion Toon (and Comic)
Superboy's Legion
Round 3 list!Realities are listed alphabetically; then Legionnaires are listed alphabetically within reality.
(5YL) Brainiac 5
(5YL) Chlorophyll Kid
(5YL) Color Kid
(5YL) Crystal Kid
(5YL) Fire Lad
(5YL) Impulse (Kent Shakespeare)
(5YL) Infectious Lass
(5YL) Laurel Gand
(5YL) Matter-Eater Lad
(5YL) Reflex (Devlin O'Ryan)
(5YL) Shrinking Violet
(5YL) Spider-Girl
(5YL) Stone Boy
(5YL) Tyroc
(5YL) Veilmist
(5YL) White Witch
(Adult Legion (Adventure Era)) Superman
(Arthurian Legion) Cosmic Boy
(Arthurian Legion) Live Wire
(Arthurian Legion) Saturn Girl
(Bendisboot) Computo
(Dead Earth) Wildfire
(Legion Toon (and Comic)) Bouncing Boy
(Legion Toon (and Comic)) Brainiac 5
(Pre-5YL) Blok
(Pre-5YL) Bouncing Boy
(Pre-5YL) Brainiac 5
(Pre-5YL) Chameleon Boy
(Pre-5YL) Chemical King
(Pre-5YL) Colossal Boy
(Pre-5YL) Cosmic Boy
(Pre-5YL) Dawnstar
(Pre-5YL) Dream Girl
(Pre-5YL) Element Lad
(Pre-5YL) Ferro Lad
(Pre-5YL) Invisible Kid II
(Pre-5YL) Karate Kid
(Pre-5YL) Krypto
(Pre-5YL) Light(ning) Lass
(Pre-5YL) Lightning Lad
(Pre-5YL) Mon-el
(Pre-5YL) Phantom Girl
(Pre-5YL) Polar Boy
(Pre-5YL) Princess Projectra/ Sensor Girl
(Pre-5YL) Quislet
(Pre-5YL) Rond Vidar
(Pre-5YL) Saturn Girl
(Pre-5YL) Shadow Lass
(Pre-5YL) Shrinking Violet
(Pre-5YL) Star Boy
(Pre-5YL) Sun Boy
(Pre-5YL) Superboy
(Pre-5YL) Supergirl
(Pre-5YL) Tellus
(Pre-5YL) Timber Wolf
(Pre-5YL) Triplicate Girl / Duo Damsel
(Pre-5YL) Tyroc
(Pre-5YL) Ultra Boy
(Pre-5YL) White Witch
(Pre-5YL) Wildfire
(Reboot) Andromeda
(Reboot) Apparition
(Reboot) Brainiac 5
(Reboot) Chameleon
(Reboot) Chuck Taine
(Reboot) Cosmic Boy
(Reboot) Dreamer
(Reboot) Ferro
(Reboot) Gates
(Reboot) Gear
(Reboot) Inferno (Sandy Anderson)
(Reboot) Invisible Kid
(Reboot) Karate Kid
(Reboot) Kid Quantum II
(Reboot) Kinetix
(Reboot) Live Wire
(Reboot) M'Onel
(Reboot) Monstress
(Reboot) Saturn Girl
(Reboot) Sensor
(Reboot) Shikari
(Reboot) Shrinking Violet/ LeViathan II
(Reboot) Spark
(Reboot) Star Boy
(Reboot) Superboy (Kon-el)
(Reboot) Thunder
(Reboot) Triad
(Reboot) Ultra Boy
(Reboot) Umbra
(Reboot) XS
(Retroboot) Chameleon Girl
(Retroboot) Duplicate Damsel
(Retroboot) Night Girl
(Superboy's Legion) Light Lass
(SW6) Alchemist
(SW6) Andromeda
(SW6) Catspaw
(SW6) Computo
(SW6) Dragonmage
(SW6) Kid Quantum
(Threeboot) Theena
*Round ends around this time +6 hours, Tuesday, January 16th!! (I will be in the office then, so will end around my dinner time here in Amsterdam!*