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Hi Harbi, I have been looking forward to reading your next instalment! Let's goooo!!!! First up, loving the countdown! It really maintains that creepy horror movie vibe I mentioned last time! Tinya's back! Her reunion with Cham was very touching "No... no Reep, that's not right... it's been almost five years!" ![[Linked Image from live.staticflickr.com]](https://live.staticflickr.com/65535/53086171344_c861e70e93_c.jpg) <faith and I are not on speaking terms right now> The blond Daxamite responded bluntly as she unravelled the last bit of twisted metal debris and pulled the cannon out from underneath. Poor Laurel, that is heartbreaking! Old(er) Cham promising to get them out of there is giving me adult advisor Cham vibes from the SW6 Legion Aww @ Ayla and Jenni's reunion...lots of pulling on heartstrings in this story I see! You are painting a really clear picture of a team that has been desperate and on the run for a long time, and it's interesting seeing it be the reboot team as they're generally considered the more optimistic timeline....I am really enjoying this, Harbi! And Lyle is still alive! What a cliffhanger! More, more, more! 
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yay, more good stuff Harbi!
and thanks for the appreciation, and very happy to help! I know the Reboot Legion are in great hands with you!
as raz did, I love the countdown -- gives a sense of foreboding and urgency!
classic XS zooming around, wanting to see everyone now! they were here first friends after all!
glad that Rokk at least had his eyes regrown, and smart of both teams using/recognizing Dominator tech
goodness, you paint an amazing pic of how stressful and desperate things have gotten, with how thin the Reboot team have gotten. nice to see that Saturn Girl has taken up leadership, and curious as to how Kid Quantum handed it off.
whoa! your Tinya is there!!! well! I did NOT expect her to end up here too! but nice putting of the pieces together, that's a second storyline wrapped into this one!
poor Thirteen! It was a bit of a call to nature... makes sense that the diff laws of physics would impact his power's effect on his body!
oh my stars, poor Tinya has been alone for so long... (at least Sa Lok's loose end has been unraveled too)
nice way to show, and end, the reunion between Cham and Tinya too. the hug, and that scary ending (5 years!!)
powerful team on the planetoid there! but it makes sense, considering what they are up against. Nice convo re Drake and Laurel, with Kari apologizing on Drake's behalf. and Amynta trying to encourage Laurel, and Laurel just... wow... they HAVE been through a lot!
great reference to Umbra/Tasmia's anxieties and fears from Legion Lost, with Imra having to soothe her!
nice little tactical bits too - having Wildfire and Kari and the Daxamites flying outside the craft to react quickly, and reverse-engineering Tinya's distorter to hide the ship! you are so good at these little tactical bits and creative uses of powers/tech
there sure were a lot of drones around, if nearly 200 are stil left after BBII got through with the rest!
another nice nod to continuity, with Live Wire and Spark taking care of the food
aww at Ayla and Jenni hugging!
heh, love the bit with Imra sharing info between the two Brainys, and a good point that Imra will not necessarily understand everything she shares!
the mystery thickens, "with Kid Quantum's assistance perhaps", now you've got me all worried and scared that something has happened to Kid Q in the meantime!
good old Dr. Kabbo! his quiet support of Glorith was well done
loving the boosting of this Legion's flight rings wth an eco protect function. transuits are handy but not as convenient!
you do a great job with the countdown, and the little bits and pieces there showing just how badly the Reboot team has been beaten down!
whoa! and Lyle is still alive! a pleasant surprise for me, I wonder how he's been doing! kudos for giving Lyle a key role, Harbi, well done!
Another great installment,
I cannot wait for more more more!
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Guys, that was fast! I just popped back to double check the spelling before anyone read it Glad you're enjoying it, there is a lot to cram in the next installment - and all within 12 minutes! Originally, I had planned on te team to encounter their Tinya while they were making their way to the U247 team, but it didn't read well so I ditched that and rewrote her reappearance, added the 6 years bit as iIt gives me something to work with when/if they get her home as we deal with her experiences while lost. Raz, I was totally channeling 5YL Cham when I wrote that part  thought I'd slip it in there quietly so well done for catching it. IB, thanks for the comment about tactical thinking as I always wonder if I'm doing enough. That's the problem with trying to write not one but two Brainiacs - what would a pair of12th level genius' do? As much as he's probably my favourite Legionnaire, I do find writing Querl difficult. Anyway, more soon as a group of Legionnaires get into serious trouble and it won't end well for at least one of them. Thanks again guys.
Legion Worlds Ten - the final chapter is here. Find out the ultimate fate of our fantastic future friends.Only found in the Bits o' Legionnaire Business Forum.
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nice twist re Tinya, Harbi! I agree it flows well that she made it to this reality earlier.
oooh color me intrigued, excited and apprehensive! looking forward to the next bit!
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12 minutes:
"Henry, can you open a warp and bring Lyle here please." the senior Brainiac 5 asked.
"Our sensors cannot pick up the exact source of his message..." the holo-man appeared genuinely surprised. "Once I have co-ordinates it will be simple enough to collect Lyle Norg."
Outside of an airlock, just as they were making their way in, Wildfire turned to Shikari and asked if she could sense a path to Lyle. The Kwai warrior considered his question for a few seconds before she nodded and pointed away from the planet.
<Let's go get him!> The composite anti-energy being blasted off in the direction his teammate had indicated.
<Drake!> Star Boy called out after him as he blasted into the darkness around them, closely followed by Shikari.
<I will retrieve him> the Huntress sent before flying off. Andromeda flew at the Amazon's side, both pushing themselves to catch up with their errant colleague.
<damn it!> Star Boy took off from the planetoid. <Dreamer...> Thom Kallor sent his message directly to Nura Nal, <Drake's gone to find Lyle, we're going to get him back! If you gotta leave before we do, then go Don't wait for us... promise me you'll save yourself!>
And with that, the gravity manipulator from Xanthu sped up as he followed his teammates and the Amazonian warrior from another reality out towards the approaching force from the Thanagarian Empire.
11 minutes:
In the engineering deck, Ultra Boy stood at the side of Apparition protectively.
The Huntresses flight ring was sending data back to the team and the senior Brainiac 5 had arranged a holo-display to share the data for the group that had gathered. The inbuilt scanner was showing what the group following Wildfire were flying towards: two large Thanagarian battle cruisers, perhaps fifty smaller ships, and hundreds of silver dots that they all knew were the winged warriors that had Kal El's genetics grafted onto their own and wore Nth metal armour.
It was an impossible battle, approaching at just short of light speed,
"Brainy said we need Shikari for their plan to work... why did Wildfire have to be such an ass and take her? If he wants to kill himself he should just go do it by himself!" The young Tinya hissed, her eyes filling with tears.
"Ah, babe, you know how co-dependent they are. Let's hope they find Lyle quickly and the weird holo-man can get them back to us in time." Jo Nah said softly, though his posture was tense and his expression angry.
10 minutes:
The majority of the young Legionnaires waited in the second level meeting room as had been requested.
The holo-display showed them what their teammates and the Amazon were flying towards. All of them felt their adrenaline start to spike. They had only encountered the Thangarian First Sons a couple of times but it had been enough for the Legionnaires to be scared of them
Laipas, the huge wolf hound, strutted between the young Legionnaires, her tail wagging as she offered her chin up to be scratched. Violet resisted the urge to giggle as the wolf hound rotated her head like a clock hand so the Imskian could reach all the spots the dog wanted scratching. As Salu stopped so she could pay attention to the display, Laipas nudged her playfully in the stomach with her nose before stretching her head up, chin raised, so the young Legionnaire could rub the exposed parts being offered.
"I wish I could live in the moment you do, you gorgeous doggie..." she said to herself as she ruffled the hair under Laipas' chin. At her side, Cosmic Boy muttered his agreement as he focussed on the holo.
9 minutes:
"I should give myself up... it's me they're really after." Phantom girl said quietly to Chameleon Boy.
The two old friends were stood by the door to the engineering deck, watching the read-out.
"These kids, Reep, they've only fought when they were cornered and I bet none of their opponents were ever any more than just knocked out. They still believe in... still practice the Legion's ethos. They haven't learned how to really survive here yet. Or they don't want to..."
"What are you saying Tinya?"
"I killed a planet full of them Reep... I should never have joined this team, the kids don't deserve to die just because of me."
In a whispered voice, Phantom girl shared her story.
As the planetoid she had arrived here on was blown apart, the former team leader had hid amongst debris until a small Thanagarian shuttle had gotten close. She had sneaked onto it and remained hidden until it reached a planet a day later.
Tinya had quickly realised that, for all their ferocity, the Thanagarian's technology was less advanced than what she was used to in her reality. She could figure it out and work her way around it with a little help of her flight ring's scanner and database. She had been in this awful dimension for over two years and wearing stolen clothes of a serving girl to make it easier to move around, committing small acts of sabotage in that time, and had worked hard to avoid discovery, when she had done something that would haunt her until her dying day.
Between her espionage skills and dumb luck, she had been inside one of the citadels on a highly prized outpost world of the First Sons.
On that day there had been a Conclave of Senior Warlords meeting to plan their assault into a new section of the Milky Way. Phantom Girl spied on it from a hiding place amongst the rafters above. The Thanagarian astro-scouts had identified over six hundred planets that could supply them with resources their toxic empire needed within striking distance of their outposts. Several of the warlords were gambling over whose force would kill the most and take the most slaves from the indigenous populations. There was also talk of a Green Lantern being reported within this sector though these rumours were unconfirmed and they discussed how to eliminate that threat if it were true.
First though, they had discovered a small contingent of strange beings, reportedly survivors from a planetoid that had unexpectedly materialised during a skirmish they had been fighting with the Khunds. Tinya recognised them as the surviving members of Sa Lok's meta-thugs. From the star chart that the Warlords were examining she estimated they had hidden out on Trom, probably figuring that the planet's toxic environment would give them some cover and protection. The Thanagarians had assumed that the Khunds had created these beings that had interrupted their battle. Over thirty of Sa Lok's gene-enhanced thugs had managed to flee before they could be captured and dissected.
As Tinya watched from her hiding place, the holo-screen that hung over the circular table where the warlords had gathered, displayed half a dozen of their Nth metal clad warriors attack the small base. It had been a massacre that was over in under a minute. As the Warlords clapped each other on their backs, the Bgztlar Legionnaire thought she would throw up.
The Warlords laughed and then returned to the business at hand... the advancement of their empire into new territories.
Over the next week, in between bouts of tears and panic she realised she had to act. Tinya Wazzo planned how to stop the Warlords from getting any further from their staging post on this world. Her plans revolved around their satellite solar energy farm that ringed this world.
"What did you do?" It was the first thing Reep had said since Tinya started speaking. He could see how desperately she needed to talk so had not dared interrupt her flow.
The Thanagarians had developed a rudimentary teleportation system many centuries before. They primarily used it to transport inorganic matter as their culture saw personal use of teleportation as a sign of weakness akin to cowardice. Among the Thanagarian warrior class, it would be political suicide to admit to needing instantaneous transport. They were expected to fight their way out of any difficult situation. As this point of view was heavily ingrained in the Thanagarian culture, their teleportation technology was often overlooked.
Tinya had never thought of herself as particularly technically minded, but by using the flight ring's AI information she had constructed a crude data corrupting device. She planned to take control over the satellite system that spun around this planet that collected solar radiation and transmitted the energy to huge power plants on the planetary surface.
She used one of the Thanagarians' trans-positioning systems to get her device up to the satellites then hid out on a shuttle that was bound for a nearby battle cruiser. By the time she arrived on the cruiser the damage had been done. Her device had scrambled the controlling AI, as she had hoped. Unfortunately, instead of shutting down the power being transmitted to the planet below causing black outs, the solar energy gathering satellites overloaded setting off a catastrophic chain reaction.
This caused a backlash that overpowered all of the energy generating plants on the planet. The Thanagarians used integrated energy producing systems to keep their population lit and heated. Mainly, it was geo-thermal plugs that tapped into active volcanoes, solar battery satellites, and finally power plants that used a technology they had stolen from the Khunds - the volatile nega-energy. The overload that Tinya's crude mechanism created led to three dozen volcanoes spontaneously erupting and over a hundred power stations exploding virtually simultaneously. The resulting blast of raw energy tore the tectonic plates clean off the mantle of the world.
The empire lost more of its military personnel to an enemy combatant that day than they had in total for the previous century. The damage to their campaigns of aggression and advancement of the empire were still being felt. The position of the Emperor himself was threatened and as retaliation he instigated draconian edicts that restricted the rights of all of his citizens.
Most worrying though, for Tinya, was that the Emperor's personal Coluan servants had quickly discerned the root cause of this tragic event.
The largest bounty ever recorded in the history of the Thanagarian empire was now on her head.
8 minutes:
Glorith had insisted on watching the holo.
Dr Kabbo was unsure, as he could sense her anxiety already, but the young mystic had told him she had seen things in her vision that she would need to see for herself if the message she sent to her past self was to be the same. He didn't really understand her logic but as he could sense her conviction he acquiesced.
The holo shone in the darkened storage area where the two Legionnaires prepared for Glorith's spell.
"Amynta will lead the fight." The young sorceress said, her expression was unreadable, though Dr Kabbo could feel her concerns as she stared at the sight before them.
7 minutes:
Ambassador Amynta of Nostos ii had trained to fight her entire life.
As the approaching hawkmen came into view, she could see they were carrying weapons. They would reach the Legionnaires in seconds. While she was unarmed, having had to return her magical spear to the Temple of Artemis on Nostos ii, she was more than confident enough to handle the attacking force. She smashed her wrists together to access the magic within her armbands - gifts from two goddesses that had admired her skills. With the magic activated, Amynta's strength, durability, skill and speed increased for a limited time.
Ahead of her, Wildfire desperately blasted at the two approaching Thanagarians. His anti-energy did slow them down, but not enough to stop them. Shikari had motioned towards a small shuttle, perhaps only 20 clicks from where they were. That was where the pathway to Lyle Norg was leading her.
Amynta sped past Wildfire and threw herself at the two Thanagarians. She kicked out at the nearest, while reaching out for the tip of one of his wings. As he flew away from the blow, she tore the wing off his back and used it to slice at the second, ripping the armour across his stomach. As he jerked back the Amazon swatted him with the flat side of the wing, batting him towards his maimed comrade.
Andromeda reached Amynta and Wildfire at this point and blasted at the two Thanagarians with her laser vision, melting their armour and fusing them together into an ungainly mass. The two warriors struggled against each other though ultimately were bound in Nth metal unable to move freely. Wildfire gave them a blast of his anti-energy to send them tumbling away from the group.
As the three Legionnaire followed their Kwai comrade towards the small shuttle that she believed held their missing teammate another of the fierce warriors swooped in towards them, swinging a spiked mace around his head.
Amynta blocked the spiked weapon with the wing she had torn off the other warrior and booted him firmly in the stomach. Andromeda used her laser vision again, blasting into his eyes while the Amazon grabbed his weapon with one hand and threw a mighty punch that sent him flying.
<that is how we deal with them!> She exclaimed empathetically across the telepathic matrix as she swung their opponent's mace, feeling its weight so she could use it on the next Thanagarian that came close to them.
6 minutes:
Star Boy reached out.
Thom Kallor was not as swift as his colleagues, despite using his gravity manipulating powers to push himself after them.
He watched as the Amazonian Legionnaire from the other reality smash into two of the Thanagarians, almost defeating them single handedly. Her savage fighting style was what was needed, he thought, as she tore the wing off of one to batter the second. The Xanthuan gave a cheer as he sped to catch up.
As Andromeda and the Huntress dealt with the two Thanagarian warriors, Shikari swooped to the side towards a small shuttle. Thom followed her, using his ability to pull the craft towards them. If Lyle was in there then they would get him away as fast as possible, and if he wasn't... well, hopefully the savage Amazon would be able to deal with whoever, or whatever was.
Star Boy was concentrating on the shuttle and didn't see the Thanagarian until the last moment. As the warrior in the Nth Metal armour charged towards him Thom had only seconds to defend himself and, without thinking, he turned ad continued using his gravitation manipulation to pull the warrior towards him, though managed to twist, throwing the winged attacker away. The Legionnaire gave a blast of gravity waves to send him spinning off into the darkness around them.
Thom Kallor gave a sigh of relief as he quickly looked around him and couldn't see any of the Thanagarians coming towards him. His relief turned to horror though as he realised that while he team had been fighting these few warriors, the majority had streaked past them and were approaching the planetoid where his colleagues were.
Legion Worlds Ten - the final chapter is here. Find out the ultimate fate of our fantastic future friends.Only found in the Bits o' Legionnaire Business Forum.
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yay, more! ooh, Henry being genuinely surprised, that's rare! Kari saves the day, or at least finds Lyle. uh oh, Drake being all impetuous... Oh Thom, you did this exact same thing during the evacuation of Xanthu in Legion Worlds 4... LOL at Tinya and Jo calling Drake and Kari co-dependent, you wrote this irony so well, Harbi you really write the younger Legion's fear and anxiety so well, with little reactions like Tinya's frustration. aw, I liked that point you had older Tinya make, about how the younger Legionnaires are still all "don't kill", holding on to the last shreds of hope from their own universe! it's a great way to highlight the differences in their home realities. also a nice point that the tech here is less advanced, I guess that's what has kept everyone alive until now! balances the scales a bit. brilliant point re teleportation, makes sense a very violent warrior culture would view teleportation as cowardice also, wow at what Tinya did. tough choice, but I get it... also makes sense Amynta is field leader, she has the most combat experience and training! nice teamwork from the team there, quickly disabling two enemies like that! nice use of Thom's full gravity powers too...! and Andromeda is kicking butt... oh... boy... looks like we're spinning towards the finale! nicely done Harbi, way to up the ante!
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Wow, thanks IB, you're fast! When I was planning this out it struck me that without the Coluans and the Terrans, I don't think technology on a galactic scale would progress the same, so while it balances the scales as you rightly pointed out, it was meant as a comment on the potential that the Thanagarians had wiped out. 'Our' Tinya never meant to destroy the planet so she's got some major grieving to do over that, and possibly a few more, actions. Amynta is hardcore so of course she's just going to take charge in a fight  She hasn't had the chance to really cut loose since fighting Black Adams daughters so it was well overdue. Yeah, this part will be over soon, and then there's the falllout from it to deal with... More next week, thanks again IB C
Legion Worlds Ten - the final chapter is here. Find out the ultimate fate of our fantastic future friends.Only found in the Bits o' Legionnaire Business Forum.
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oh! also a good point Harbi, that the Thanagarian war-mongering has indeed set the galaxy back as a whole! and thanks for pointing out that Tinya never meant to destroy the planet and kill all those people. poor dear, she must be going through so much  looking forward to the next bits Harbi!!
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5 minutes:
"It's time." Nura announced.
Spark, Timber Wolf and Ferro had joined Dreamer in the lower docking bay. Nura had given them a very quick guide on how to operate their hastily put together planetoid defences. After that they had stood quietly by their hard-light command consoles, waiting for the Thanagarians to get closer. Brin tapped his fingers impatiently until Ayla shot him a dismissive glance.
They did not have to wait for long. The long-range sensor grid pinged as it notified the Legionnaires that their opponents were away to reach the effective range of their defences in the next twenty seconds.
The two hundred and fifty or so drones that Dreamer and Chameleon Boy had gotten ready flew a randomised pattern a hundred thousand clicks from the planetoid. The team knew they would be no real problem for the Thanagarians to smash aside. The hope was that they might distract their attackers enough so that the other, more potent, weapons would have a chance to hit their targets.
The Gamma Flechettes had the longest range so were first to be fired. Ayla targeted the front of the oncoming wave of winged Thanagarians. The warriors at the front dropped away but were replaced as quickly as Ayla could target them. The wave of winged warriors continued towards them.
Hyper-K lasers blasted out, scattering a group of the First Sons. The unfortunate few that were actually hit were exploded backwards into the paths of the advancing battle cruisers. Brin growled to himself as he gleefully switched targets and commanded the lasers to fire again and again. As fast as his reflexes were, the Thanagarian's were faster and for every one he hit, he missed half a dozen more.
Ferro took control of the missiles. There were only twenty three, and while they had powerful payloads, they had a limited range. He knew that he had to make each one count. He had pre-programmed a pattern where small groups would fire and take twisting circular routes towards the leading battle cruiser. If they could slow the dreadnoughts down, then it might give the First Sons pause... at least that's what the iron skinned Legionnaire hoped.
4 minutes:
Glorith concentrated, muttering the arcane words of the spell that would send visions to her past self, allowing the team to have these extra precious minutes to prepare.
Dr Kabbo had asked if she was okay just as she assumed a lotus position and closed her eyes. The young sorceress gave a rare smile before thanking him for the help he had given to prepare for this spell. He could feel her thoughts gather as she concentrated on the words she needed to say, and was pleasantly surprised by how focussed her mind was.
The air hummed and slowly, almost imperceivably, the room started to light up.
As Glorith finished saying the enchantment that would pass the information from her present self to her past, magic that she felt as natural using as she did her fingers and toes flooded her senses and a ring of purple light expanded out from her core and engulfed the whole room.
The message had been sent!
The young sorceress took a deep breath and opened her eyes. And there, stood in front of her, instead of the kind counsellor Dr Kabbo who had helped her prepare for this spell, was a child of at most three years of age. It was clearly Noah Kabbo, but instead of the athletic and intelligent man she was used to seeing...
"Mama!" the child yelled, before bursting into tears and falling onto his front to thump his hands and feet against the floor in frustration.
3 minutes:
Outside of the shuttle, the Huntress, Wildfire, Star Boy and Andromeda fought against the Thanagarians.
Shikari had torn through the outer hull with her armoured claws and barrelled inside. Inside, she could see Lyle; strapped into a glass tank with an oxygen mask over his mouth. He gave her a thumbs up and a voice came over a tanoy system.
"It's not a breathable atmosphere. This was a transport drone shuttle and my trans-suit is damaged. It's good to see you, Kari!"
"We'll take you home Sneaky-Legion" The Kwai said as she slipped off her flight ring. "Wear this, it'll allow you to breathe" She punched her hand through the tanks glass screen and Invisible Kid scrambled to grab the ring from her and place it onto a finger.
As Shikari helped Lyle out of the harness, they could see flashes of light through the hole she had torn in the shuttle.
Star Boy tried to push the two Thanagarians that were flying towards them away, but they fought against his gravity wave and barely paused. Thom changed tactics and swiped at both of them with contrasting waves, throwing them into each other. As they struggled to untangle themselves after the jarring impact, he blasted them with the strongest wave he could summon and both winged warriors tumbled away from the small shuttle. Thom took a deep breath, that was close...
The Huntress traded blows with a particularly burly Thanagarian warrior. She swung the mace she had grabbed earlier at him, and as he ducked out of the way the Amazon kicked out and caught him painfully on the side of his thigh. He swerved towards her, both hands reaching out trying to grab her but she got hold of and twisted one of his arms painfully, half turning away as she did so his arm was stretched across her body. He was close to her shoulder and reached around to strike at the Amazon while struggling to free himself. With accuracy borne of long hours spent training for combat, she elbowed him in the face, knocking him unconscious. Amynta looked around for another opponent to fight...
Andromeda used her laser vision to temporarily blind a couple more of the approaching hawkmen. As they put their hands in front of their eyes, she rushed in at super speed and threw one onto the other, and decided to use the same tactic that she had earlier. With controlled bursts of laser vision the young Daxamite fused their armour together. She knew it would only slow them down, but that was all they needed to do right now...
Wildfire remained close to the rip in the shuttle that shikari had torn. His anti-energy could actually hurt the Thanagarians, and he knew they would avoid him if they could, at least until there were enough of them to overwhelm him with minimal risk. A few sharp warning blasts had dissuaded the one warrior that had made a beeline towards him. Amynta had dealt with him as he tried to skirt around the shuttle, Wildfire was pleased to see.
He really admired her vigour; the team had been so exhausted by their travels over the last few years that it was a refreshing jolt to see someone with that much passion and energy... It reminded him of what the team used to have.
<Legionnaires, I have him, let's go!> Shikari flew out of the shuttle, carrying a thin and weary-looking Lyle Norg.
<Henry! We need a warp now!> Amynta yelled across the telepathic matrix. She and Andromeda flew back towards the shuttle.
As the Huntress retreated, a dozen of the Thanagarian warriors swooped in towards them.
2 minutes:
Henry's warp spun around them.
"Get Shikari in that harness now!" the younger Brainiac 5 barked as the Kwai pathfinder fell through the spinning warp onto the engineering deck. In her arms, Lyle Norg landed awkwardly against the hard floor. As the warp began to close, they could all see the Thanagarians swarming around it.
Amynta swung the mace she had taken in her hand, readying herself to defend the base. Andromeda floated up towards the warp, sure that the Thanagarians would get through to them, while Star Boy tried to catch his breath before the next wave of the winged warriors attacked.
"Damn it!" Wildfire exclaimed as his boots flared and he pushed his way through the closing warp. Even as the warp shut, they saw him floating in space and reach up to lift his visor.
<Look after each other and remember me>
Those were the last words anyone heard from Wildfire.
The sensor array that the senior Brainiac 5 had rigged up bleeped, indicating that there had been a massive anti-energy explosion just outside of the planetoid.
The young Ultra Boy rushed to help Lyle Norg up onto his feet. Shikari was screaming and resisting as the two Coluans tried to fix a harness across her shoulders. She was desperate to get back outside and somehow rescue Wildfire.
<Imra, you must calm her,; guide her to find our path home> The senior Brainiac 5 sent to Saturn Girl across a personal bandwidth of the telepathic matrix. The Titanian gave a fierce glance towards the older Coluan, though knew that as much as it pained her, she agreed with him. Gently, Imra used her prodigious psionic power to sooth Shikari's fears and deflate her eagerness to join Wildfire, and instead to focus on the pathway through the dimensions to get them home.
"If both Tinya's and Zero can stand there..." the younger Brainiac 5 pointed to a central part of the engineering deck where a ring of heavy cabling was laid out, "and Jazmin, once they start to phase, you will need to hold them there." He nodded to Kid Quantum who took a deep breath before nodding in response.
"Cosmic Kid, can you assist, ensure there is no leakage from the quantum energies, please." The senior Brainiac 5 asked. Jazmin gave both him and Po a dismissive glance but didn't say anything as she prepared herself.
Thirteen stood by the Q-Drive, his head was buzzing. Being in this reality had not been pleasant, and he wondered if it affected Dreamer the same way, somehow throwing Naltoran's abilities to see, and in his case influence, probabilities off kilter. Either way, he would be glad to get home and would never volunteer to travel to another dimension again.
"I have the way we need to follow." Shikari announced. "We're ready..." the younger Querl announced as he tapped on his omnicom, "let's go!"
1 minutes:
The planetoid was shaking...
"What the florgg is going on?" Kid Quantum said, a tad more robustly than she meant to. "Why aren't we going?"
"It's the Q-Drive!" Thirteen yelled as he tapped furiously onto a hard-light screen. "It's not connecting..."
The senior Brainiac 5 ran over to his side and started adding taps to the screen.
"Oh, Cassandra, give me strength!" Dann Hortra turned towards the device that the two Coluan geniuses had created that sat on the floor next to where the two Tinya's and the intern Zero were waiting. His eyes glowed brightly and everyone in the room could feel the hairs on their bodies start to stand on end.
The machine had been hurriedly made, in part from the remains of the Jumpship Reality Drive that had brought the junior team here, together with the T-D Drive that had been found on this planetoid and modified by the senior Coluan. Both Brainiac's had calculated an over 96.75% chance that their hybrid dimension opening matrix would work first time.
Instead, the newly built warp drive machine had hummed and vibrated. As Thirteen turned his mutant power onto it, the machine began to glow ominously and hovered just off the floor. Within seconds it was too bright to look directly towards.
"This off the charts!" The junior Brainiac gasped as he stared with his eyes wide open at the screen before him. The room started to hum as energy danced across the shining machine. The senior Brainiac had reached for his belt and a force field globe sprung up around the shining machine.
As tears of molten light ran down his face, Thirteen shouted "Hit the damn button, Dox!"
The planetoids' defences were exhausted.
The last of the missiles had exploded virtually harmlessly against the hull of the leading Thanagarian dreadnought. The drones that Chameleon Boy and Dreamer had salvaged and reactivated had all been disabled by the armoured hawkmen that circled the planetoid. All weapons on the planetoids surface had either been depleted, malfunctioned or been destroyed as the First Sons hurled their own hand-held weapons at them.
The advancing army had orders to take whomever they found inside alive, or they simply would have smashed this small world apart as they had done to countless others beforehand.
They knew that there were meta-powered aliens on board. Some had been shown to be worthy fighters, though previous encounters had led the attacking force to believe that they were cowards. The anti-energy explosion had made the Thanagarians wary though. Seven of their number had been killed by it. That was more than the Khunds had killed in the last half-year, and if these aliens could do that, then the Empire planned on adding their technological know-how to their own... before the aliens were publicly eviscerated.
Eight hundred and thirty-three of the Nth metal armoured and winged warriors hung in space equidistant around the planetoid. They would allow the invading aliens one chance to surrender of their own volition before the First Sons of the Thanagarian Empire would physically retrieve them from their rocky base.
Before the ultimatum to surrender could be given though, a wave of translucent light rushed around the alien's rocky base and, as the winged attackers retreated slightly in case this was another anti-energy attack, the planetoid vanished!
Legion Worlds Ten - the final chapter is here. Find out the ultimate fate of our fantastic future friends.Only found in the Bits o' Legionnaire Business Forum.
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Unseen, not unheard
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yay, more! ominous start there, with 5 minutes left on the clock... it's definitely an escalation when the Reboot team needs to use these kinds of weapons! They did blast Warworld and Legion World before, but only at a shield covering Earth... not against sentients. desperate times and all that whoa! talk about unintended consequences with Noah Kabbo and Glorith! Sneaky :Legion, I love it! nice tactics from Thom! makes sense Wildfire would appreciate Amynta's spirit! shades of Legion Lost too, it was Wildfire's POV issue where he was thinking the Legion wasn't like the Legion they used to be... ooph talk about upping the ante Harbi, of course it would be Wildfire. poetic in a couple of ways; his loss is ripping Shikari up (and she's needed for the escape), and he was the one who led the charge to rescue Lyle too. what a moment! yeah, makes sense Imra would not be happy telepathically manipulating a friend, though it is needed. painful decision. I wonder what Brainy thinks about this, though surely he has concluded that there is no other way either sorry, I had to think a bit, who is Zero again? ah yes of course, your intern - I looked up the roll call earlier. carry on! lol at Kid Q getting annoyed at Brainy and Cosmic Kid, ah Kid Q, we know you're powerful, but... lol at Thirteen just being done with dimensional travel. I wonder if his thoughts will prove to be prophetic, and if he'll regret not saying anything... yeah, over 96.75% is not 100%... oh dear. BTW, I love the "Oh Cassandra!" exclamation! lol at younger Brainy just going speechless for a moment! interesting (and lucky) that the Thanagarians were told to take anyone alive. the empire thought they could study and use them I guess? ah yes, you answered that next paragraph also bears an interesting question: Wildfire killed a few in self defense, did any of the others kill anyone - maybe the weapons? How does that fit with the Legion code, does it count as self defense too? well, I'm sure you will touch on it later, you are very thorough in these things and have probably already thought about it and they're off, minus Wildfire but with Lyle back! nice twists there Harbi, having Lyle somehow escape himself. and Wildfire's sacrifice, wow! as always, looking forward to more more more, this has been an epic ride, and I'm eager to see you dealing with the aftermath!
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First Base, seven days later:
Element Lad stood over the unconscious Thirteen in the medi-bay on First Base.
"I still can't believe he really looks like this..." It was the fourth time in as many days that he had said this to Dr Shakespeare.
"Yup, guess we all know now..." Kent didn't want to discuss it, he was too concerned by the lack of response from the unconscious Naltoran. Dann Hortra's condition was not the only on-going issue that he had on his plate, though he knew that they were running out of ideas how to treat this case. The High Seer of Naltor himself had contacted the doctor four days before, expressing his concern for Dann and offering whatever help they needed. Four Naltoran medics had visited and taken tests before leaving just as quickly. This had resulted in daily conversations between them and Kent, though no-one had any solutions to offer.
It had been a standard week since the planetoid had returned to their reality. The planetoid had only appeared to be gone for a couple of seconds but according to the team on board they had been away for hours. They returned with an extra-dimensional version of the Legion that the team had met years before, as well as an older and much fatigued Phantom Girl.
The other Legionnaires, the younger team from XS's home dimension, had been given support by Dr Falkner and a team of medi-paths to help them recover from the traumas they had been through alongside any basic clinical care they needed. After seventy-two hours, most of the young team had been given an all-clear and allowed to leave First Base, apart from Ferro who still needed treatment for the injuries he had sustained at the hands of the First Sons, and Cosmic Boy whose eyes were being regrown. The young Kid Quantum stayed by Rokk's side the entire time.
With the team from the alternate reality appearing, and the excitement they brought with them, the Senior Team decided to only run skeleton staff on the basses and allow the teams seven days of on-call duty - with the promise that they would only be called in emergencies.
Many of the young team took the opportunity to leave so they could visit this universe so like their own, often with members of the team from this reality as guides. They had agreed to return within seven standard days. The young Legionnaires were overjoyed to be in a reality where they would no longer be hunted, or worse, on sight. Thunder and Tyroc insisted that the newly arrived Legionnaires wore distorters at all times as they went to explore, and gave them each a line of credit, before wishing them a great time.
XS had called Gates, excited to reunite him with their old team. The Vyrgan had said he was too busy teaching his people in this reality their true culture, something they had lost under the Khunds, but he wished them well. Jenni was not impressed though wished him well before cutting the holo-feed.
The young Ferro had been making his way to a rec room to grab some lunch when he heard the voice call out from behind. He had been released from the quarantined medi-bay only that morning and had been to check out the apartment that he had been assigned. It was perfectly functional, with a sitting room area with a holo-pit. large bed, dressing area, washroom and galley kitchen. His team hadn't decided if they were going to stay for long, though he doubted it, so he didn't plan on making many changes.
He turned around and stared at the man before him.
"It's me... Doug." The older Ferro said, his voice cracking as he did. There was a stunned moment while the two men stared at each other, before they both stepped forward and Douglas Nolan and Andrew Nolan hugged.
Neither expected to ever see their twin brother again. Not that, technically they were each other's twin, but both knew this was as close they would ever likely to get.
The steel skinned mutants both had tears in their eyes as they pulled apart.
"I... if you're up for it, Gazelle is waiting for us in Shakes... umm, it's our bar and recreational area. We thought you might want to kick back and enjoy yourself now you're here."
And so, five minutes later, the interdimensional brothers were sat in a side booth in Shakes with the Khundian Legionnaire.
"We must toast your reuniting!" Gazelle announced as they sat and with that, she left to get drinks for them from the bar.
"Wow, a Khund on your team..."
"Yeah, we're glad to have her on the team too. Me, especially... She's my... well, we've been seeing each other for almost two years now. J'zil changed my life. She's fierce and determined and always one hundred percent honest. I've never met anyone like her. For all her sharp edges she's really inspiring y'know? She definitely gets things done. Are you dating anyone?" As Doug asked this, he knew the answer would be 'no' and felt a momentary pang of annoyance at himself. Before another word could be said though, Gazelle slammed a tray onto the table with nine shot glasses filled with a suspicious clear liquid.
She picked one up and signalled for the Nolan brothers to do the same. "We must each make a toast, so that this day is remembered!"
"Ah... I doubt I'll remember much after this. I'm not really used to alcohol, Garth tried to brew some beer at the last base but it was not great... really, really not great." Andy admitted meekly.
"Then you must make your toasts count so we may remember them." Gazelle smiled as she stated this.
Reluctantly, Andy and Doug lifted up a glass towards their mouths.
"It is clear rum, from Mardru." The Khund said, "and let me begin... my toast is to a fulfilling life, a swift arm and sharp blades and that our enemies curse our names for generations after we are gone." And with that she chugged the contents of the glass into her mouth and slammed it back on the tray. Reluctantly, the two brothers did the same. Both shook and coughed afterwards, which Gazelle laughed at. After they had caught their breath, she indicated that Doug needed to make a toast.
"Ah... so, umm... here's to a long life full of good friends and family." Doug said, half-heartedly, before throwing the rum into his mouth and reluctantly swallowing. Both Gazelle and Andy threw back their shots.
"Douglas, you should toast for that which you desire... good friends and family? That is not a warriors toast." Gazelle gave her lover a disappointed look as she spoke.
"Honey... I'm not a warrior, at least not in the Khundian meaning of the word." He replied, between coughing as the rough alcohol burned its way down his throat.
"Clearly..." She turned to look at Andy, "you must toast for something you desire over all else."
"Ah, okay miss Gazelle." Andy replied, and appeared to consider his response for several long seconds before finally holding up his final shot glass. Doug and J'zil also picked up their glasses and held them in front of their mouths.
"So, here's to fresh vanilla ice cream, coated in chocolate sauce ...and sprinkles on top!" He glugged his drink and immediately creased up in laughter, coughing much of his rum over the table as he did. Doug cracked up as well as he shot the rum. The two brothers laughed and coughed together as Gazelle picked up the tray and empty shot glasses, muttering to herself about how she could not believe that the human race deserved to have ever left their home star system.
As she slammed the tray and empty shot glasses onto the bar, she heard Doug say loudly "...and sprinkles on top!" before the two Ferro's started laughing raucously again.
Lyle Norg was on Earth.
He had tried to not think about this world while they were on their travels, but he knew as soon as he stepped out of Henry's warp, as he felt the familiar gravity and saw the sun shining through the grey clouds above the Metropolis skyline, that he had really missed his homeworld.
He had felt particularly homesick when he had been separated from his team in the last, horrific reality... he had not planned to fake his own death, but it was either that or risk revealing his team to the First Sons. After that fateful decision he had needed to live on his wits to find his friends again.
He had heard the elder Tinya's story when she had first met the team. As much as the majority of the team didn't entirely trust her, especially after hearing of the blood on her hands, Lyle had realised that in the reality ruled by the Thanagarian Empire, her sabotaging them and delaying their expansion had probably saved more lives than any one act his entire team had ever undertaken. Her grief at the accidental results of her action was clear. After she had told her story the team had voted on her joining them. It had been close, but ultimately sense prevailed, Lyle thought, and they welcomed her into their ranks.
It was a week later that, in the accretion disc of a proto-star system that the First sons had almost captured the team. Lyle had been on a resource scavenging mission at the very edge of the system in a stolen cargo scow when the Thanagarian craft appeared. Lyle knew the team were spread out and unlikely to be able to defend themselves, so he used the craft he was in to ram the First Sons' cruiser. After setting it on auto-pilot, he dived out of the airlock - grateful that just the day before Querl had added the eco-protect function onto his flight ring that the Coluan had copied from the elder Tinya's ring. He had made his way stealthily onto the cruiser and hid, aware that his teammates may well believe he had sacrificed himself for them.
He couldn't believe his luck that he had been on the lead battle cruiser the emperor had sent to track down a rogue agent that they claimed had destroyed an advance staging post. He quickly stole servants' clothes. He reasoned it would be easier to reunite with his team if he was hiding in one of their city size crafts. It was the longest month and a half of his life.
Looking back on it, between the ease at which he understood and could manipulate the technology, and the thrill of espionage, he had almost enjoyed it. The daily beatings of servants he witnessed kept him focussed though. He also realised that he was lonely. Before, whenever he had been locked in the laboratory, or on a mission, he always had the team to return to. This time he wasn't sure... and, slowly, he began to get homesick. Not just for the Legion, but for Earth and, surprisingly given that they had never been particularly close, for his family.
Lyle really wanted to see his parents, but as his counterpart from this reality had died year before, he knew it would be a cruelty if he were to contact them directly, but still he had options that made that unnecessary...
It was easy to locate their address on the Central Register of Sentients for Metropolis. Lyle hadn't quite made up his mind if he would simply hover invisibly outside of their windows or use the distorter he had been given so he could interact with them. Maybe he would do both. Whatever he chose, he knew he just wanted to know they were okay...
Violet felt her heart catch in her throat.
The Imskian hero had been sat quietly in the rec room enjoying her breakfast when she spotted Kinetix walk in. The telekinetic was talking to an athletic young man. It was clear they wee a couple by the way he gently had his hand on her back and she twirled her long red hair in her fingers as she spoke to him.
"Zoe?" Salu said it without thinking, and the red head turned towards her. Although Kinetix smiled at Violet, it was clear from her expression that she didn't know the Imskian.
"Hi, Salu..." Kinetix stepped forward with her hand held out to shake.
Violet couldn't help herself as she got up, and hugged the counterpart of her friend.
"Ah.." Zoe was surprised for a second before she returned the hug, holding the obviously emotional dimensional displaced Legionnaire.
"I'm so sorry..." Salu started to pull away, her head turned away as she hid the tears in her eyes.
"Get back here." Zoe said with a chuckle as she pulled Salu in for another hug. "I got you, don't worry..."
The elder Tinya Wazzo had locked herself in her old apartment after she had been let out of Dr Shakespeare's quarantine and cried for two days solid, refusing both assistance or company. Word soon got about that she was not to be disturbed. Luornu managed to persuade Tinya to open her door and let the Cargggite in to speak with her for a couple of hours, Reep dropped by the next morning, and Tasmia visited twice over the next couple of days, but other than her three friends, she made it clear she did not want visitors.
Rokk, Gim, Imra and several others did manage to speak with her via holos, but it was clear she had been damaged by her time away from the team. She allowed Dr Shakespeare one visit. He checked her over, prescribed some minor medication, and left. And, as requested, after that she had been left alone in peace.
That was until Soddam Yat appeared.
The Daxamite Green Lantern flew to within a click of First Base before announcing he was there to see Phantom Girl. Thunder flew out almost immediately and was prepared to send him packing when Tinya sent a message through the telepathic matrix to let him in. She wanted to talk to him.
Three hours later, the Senior Team had a message from her:
"I love you all, but I need ...I need to leave for a bit. I will be back, I promise. My mind is... it's been a tough time away from you all, away from my home and I need space and time to heal. Apologies to everyone that tried to make contact but I'm not ready, not yet. Soddam will take care of me, and, I... I'll be in touch. Thank you for respecting my needs at this time."
Moments later, an emerald bubble phased through First Base with Tinya Wazzo snd Soddam Yat inside. It floated into space, and once it was a quarter click from the Legion's base, the green energy sphere with Tinya and Soddam inside it winked out of existence.
After the team had returned home, Glorith felt obliged to help Noah Kabbo.
Something in her spell had transformed him from an adult into a small child, and the young mystic knew she had to fix it. She was the person responsible for his current predicament, after all.
Forty eight hours after returning, alongside Dr. Shakespeare, the young sorceress visited Noah Kabbo's family to try to explain the situation. Kent dealt with Noah's family well, he was thoroughly charming while remaining professional the whole time they were there. Glorith felt ashamed for the problems she had caused for the whole two hours they spent with their teammate's family. Dr Kabbo's mother, also a psychic counsellor, reassured her that they had full faith in the Legion and her magical abilities to resolve the issues. While the mystic was explaining what she planned to do to resolve the problem, Noah's sisters played with him, giggling as they teased him. Glorith thought they looked so happy...
Professor Dox had spent several hours trying to get to the root of the problem, but as he explained to Glorith, he simply didn't understand the magical arts so was unable to give any suggestions that she would find meaningful or helpful. Both Xao and Southern Lights had examined the young child that had been Dr. Kabbo several times and had been unable to give Glorith any extra information. She hadn't really expected them to but still felt disappointed.
After a week of failed attempts to return Noah to his correct age and increased frustration at the lack of headway she was making, Glorith knew that there was only one option left - it was time to ask for help from Lady Mysa, the Black Witch.
Legion Worlds Ten - the final chapter is here. Find out the ultimate fate of our fantastic future friends.Only found in the Bits o' Legionnaire Business Forum.
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Unseen, not unheard
Unseen, not unheard
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hi Harbi, what a treat to see the beginnings of the aftermath! yikes, poor Thirteen. I can imagine that Jan is so shocked by Thirteen's real appearance, just because it's so different from his "powered up" appearance. nice touch, having Naltor offer aid! whew, all this inter-dimensional travel and the differing speeds of time! nice touch having Kid Q stay by young Cos the whole time! also a nice touch having the Senior Team decide to put everyone on call! I can just imagine the excitement indeed, of having a whole alternate Legion (over two dozen of them!) popping up! I really dig the practicalities here - the distorters and credit lines are smart! and I can imagine the Reboot team would like to explore this reality. (I confess, I misread at first, I thought that the younger MEMBERS of your team were exploring this reality, then I read it again - mea culpa!) huh, a bit surprised that Gates wouldn't at least want to see his best buddy, the Reboot Brainiac 5 (I wonder what young Brainy thinks of this!). I'm with XS, NOT impressed - come on Gates, Henry could have warped you over in a heartbeat! Just like Jenni to be kind and thoughtful. Triad Purple would have given Gates a telling off! young Andy and older Doug meeting - brilliant! LOL at Doug putting his foot in it, re dating. And I love Gazelle being all "we must drink to celebrate!" also LOL at Garth trying to brew beer! nice call-back to Garth's agricultural roots and Gazelle's disappointment in the Nolans' "softer" toasts was well done! Nice exploration of the Reboot team's mentality, with them voting on older Tinya. Personally, I agree 100% with Lyle's PoV here. Kudos on writing him well, I know he's not your favorite but you are doing him justice! and wow, a month and a half in hiding, whew! ah, and wanting to meet his reality's parents, understandable! aw, young Vi seeing your Zoe! What a sweet scene... very, very well done, this one! aw re older Tinya. nice highlighting of her relationships, with only Lu, Reep and Tasmia getting to actually see her. And of course, having others check in on her too. good of Sodam to check in, and very understandable that Tinya needs a break! go go Glorith! smart of Kent to inform Dr. Noah's family. I really picture him as the consummate doctor, with a great bedside manner - you write him really well! and ooh, another visit to Black Witch Mysa, eager for that! I wonder if the younger Zoe is still stuck in Mordru, who is stuck in Mysa... hm... dare I get my hopes up? well done set of scenes, Harbi, including the choice of Legionnaires to focus on - two long-dead in your team's reality (Andy, Lyle) and one with a living counterpart (Zoe)! looking forward to more, more, more!
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Joined: Nov 2009
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Hi Harbi, I finally got an hour to sit down and catch up! Thoughts as I go: This countdown is really adding to the intensity, I love it! Oh wow, Tinya wiped out a whole planet??? That's wild, I wonder how the other Legionnaires are going to react when they find out? Always nice to see goodest boy Laipas again, and a very big YAY to Amynta and Andromeda kicking butt! Nice touch to have Star Boy acknowledging what a good fighter Amynta is too Whoa!! What's going on with Glorith and Dr Kabbo? Is she his mother in her future/his past??? Is she seeing a vision of when he was a kid?? Did she pull an Original Recipe Glorith and turn him into a baby??? I am intrigued! Shikari calling Lyle Sneaky-Legion made me smile, I love her kooky names for everyone GASP! Wildfire blowing himself up! I hope they manage to wrangle a recovery for him somehow! Oh, and poor Thirteen's out of action too! Ferro meeting his not-really-twin was a nice bit of wholesomeness among all the drama! And I also liked Gazelle's grumbling about their bad (by Khund standards) toasts I can't help feeling Lyle wanting to visit his not-really-family isn't going to end well! Aww, the Zoe and Vi moment was super heartwarming  Sad to see Tinya leave the team when she only just got home, but it is totally an understandable reaction too...after what she's gone through, I can see how she wouldn't be able to just slip back into being a bright and shiny superhero again... Okay, so Glorith pulled the ol' "turn a Legionnaire into a baby" move then! Looking forward to seeing what comes of Mysa's involvement!
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Ultra Boy and Apparition had decided to go to Ventura.
Despite every Legionnaire being welcoming, both found it uncomfortable being in a universe where the alternate of him had died and the version of her was... well... they had seen what had happened to her.
Polar Girl and Bouncing Boy asked to join them, and as neither were counterparts of those they left behind. Jo and Tinya agreed. Mel picked up on the vibe from the two Legionnaires from the other reality and arranged with Stoor that they were not going to mention their dimension's version of Jo and Tinya while they were on their break. The young Jo and Tinya deserved to face their future without worrying that they would have the same fate as the pair from this reality.
Kid Pulsar asked to join them, as he had heard about a virtual racing game in the Lucky Spire Casino that he was dying to have a shot at - he explained that the prize money rose with every failed attempt and currently stood at just south of a million credits! Ultra Boy said he'd love to try as well, and the two young men spoke excitedly about what they would do with the money if they won it.
As the group were discussing this in the Romper Room on First Base, Solar Gorilla was sat at a nearby table enjoying a big bowl of salad and couldn't help but overhear. She bounded over and asked if she could join them as well, as she had always wanted to visit Ventura. Her teammates happily agreed. None of them saw the sideways look Tinya gave Jo - the meaning was clear, this was supposed to be their break, but it seemed that the other team were taking over... they arranged to go the next morning, giving them time to get packed and rested.
As they met up in Henry's warp control room, Polar Girl casually mentioned that she had discovered that Chameleon By had access to a suite that R.J. Brande himself used to use so, and was still held in the company name, and she had judiciously begged him if they could use it. Reep had grudgingly given her the access codes so they could save money and stay there in style.
This unexpected bonus meant the six young Legionnaires were in high spirits as they stepped through Henry's warp.
Glorith had not found it easy to persuade the toddler Noah Kabbo to walk into the flames with her.
The little boy had burst into tears and tried to run away as she walked towards the fire place before them. In the last week, the young mystic had found the toddler to be both fantastic and exhausting in equal measure. Right now, she was veering towards exasperating...
"Glorith, is everything okay?" Xao asked from her doorway.
She was knelt before the crying toddler, cooing gently as she tried to soothe the young boy's fears. As she gently stroked the young Noah's face, she quicky explained to Xao that she was hoping to step through the fire with the child to take them to Zerrox. Dragonmage smiled and started muttering an arcane charm. As much as he relied on the Eternal Jade Dragon to empower his dragon magics, Xao Jin was a formidable sorcerer in his own rights, and as Glorith watched the fireplace became a brightly coloured doorway... a glamour that tricked her eyes, and she was certain would fool the child's.
Two minutes later, Glorith, Dragonmage and the toddler Noah Kabbo walked through the glamour-door and found themselves in an enormous hall made of milky white crystal. The floor was a mosaic of eggshell blues and darker browns that bounced the light. The light danced with rainbows while bird song chirped all around them. In the centre of the hall was a mighty oak, it's branches were covered in golden and copper-coloured leaves that sparkled in the light.
"This is the Temple for All Sides of Time... Mysa built it for me, though I have only been here twice before. All those that carry my name are entitled to palaces like this, as a place of contemplation," she said. "I find it... daunting." Glorith's voice was small as she finished.
"Glorith... it's so beautiful!" Xao exclaimed. As he did, the young Noah Kabbo giggled and started to run towards the tree, his little chubby hands reaching up to grab at the rainbows that danced in the sir.
"Xao, can you make sure he is safe, please. I need to call upon Lady Mysa."
He agreed, laughing as he chased after the little boy. Glorith's expression was unreadable as she hovered in lotus position and closed her eyes as she sent a message to the Black Witch.
Andromeda stepped through the warp onto Hope World two days before.
She had heard from the kind doctor in the medi-bay that one of the Legionnaires currently stationed on this planetoid might be able to give her some guidance.
It had been a few years since she had been one of the Sisters of the Eternal Cosmos, and she had grown to doubt the teachings that stated there was the Higher Being looking over all things, but she still wanted to somehow experience the serenity their teachings provided. After an extensive search on the UP database, she could not find any mention of the faith in this reality. Dr Shakespeare had seen her search and suggested that she speak to Sister Eclipse instead.
The reptilian Legionnaire had been waiting for the young Daxamite and welcomed her warmly. As she gave her guest a tour of the small planetoid they had taken to call Hope World, Sister Eclipse was aware that Andromeda was tense. They had reached the non-denominational chapel that had been added recently, and decided to sit on one of the pews.
"Laurel, may I ask... what is it that troubles you?"
"Ah, Sister, it is... my faith has not been great lately and meeting you and coming here, I fell... I'm sad that I had such doubts." Her eyes were filling with tears as she spoke. The Daxamite was staring at the abstract design on the stained-glass panel that rose up behind the dais on the far wall.
"Laurel," Sister Eclipse wasn't surprised by Andromeda's response, "I cannot speak of the experiences you have had, nor do I wish to belittle the feelings you have experienced, I only know there is always love if you look for it. And sometimes, I found in the most desperate situations, that love must come from within us so we can see the hope that we all need to carry on."
"I wish more people thought like you Sister... I did try to, but it has been so very hard."
Sister Eclipse sat quietly by her side as the tall Daxamite cried.
Ventura, Las Vega Casino Resort:
Polar Girl - Mel Lassar of Tharr - cryokinesis Bouncing Boy ii - Stoor Chamble of Pasnic - creation of personal spherical force field Kid Pulsar - Neel Koduah of Earth - incredible strength, invulnerability, projection of explosive blasts Solar Gorilla - D'Nadka Endarooga of Dmansca - generate and project extreme heat and light
U247 Legionnaires: Apparition - Tinya Wazzo of Bgztl - intangibility Ultra Boy - Jo Nah of Rimbor - ultra- strength, speed, breath, invulnerability, flight and vision powers, one at a time.
The Legionnaires had spent half an hour in their plush suite familiarising themselves with it before they decided to explore the casino.
Las Vega resort was famous UP-wide for its top range of games, outrageous live shows from top nsme performers, an indoor theme park snd large zoo, and its high cash prizes. As a result of its elite profile, it also had an extensive security system in place. The main Monitoring AI had spotted and identified the Legionnaires within seconds of their arrival and alerted all staff that they were to be treated with an Alpha Platinum Star Double Plus rating of hospitality. In other words, nothing would be too much for them...
The young Legionnaires were unaware as they wandered through the busy arcades. Apparition and Ultra Boy said they'd like to have wander by themselves and arranged to meet the others several hours later in the main food court.
Polar Girl agreed quickly, before adding that she wouldn't mind some time alone with Bouncing Boy as well. Kid Pulsar rolled his eyes as he looked round to Solar Gorilla, who giggled as she took his hand.
"Let's go win some money, Neel " she said as the two couples left. He nodded and followed her to the Blackhole Jack tables.
After they had strolled past a couple of rows of arcade games, Jo pulled Tinya in against him and kissed her firmly. She did not resist.
"If we're going to do it Jo, let's just do it now " she whispered.
"You sure you don’t want the others there, babe? I know we both agreed that we ain't gonna turn into our counterparts, but we don't have to do this today if you don't one hundred percent want to do it."
"I think... if we stop and tell them, it'll blow out of proportion, and it won't be about us, and then we've got tradition and family and teammates, and the media wanting holos and interviews and God knows what else all interfering in our moment. No... no, I don't want anyone to know until after we've done it. Let's get married again right now Jo Nah, be my husband and I'll be your wife!"
"Okay! You got it Tinya, you're making me the happiest man..." He didn't finish his sentence as she pulled him in to kiss her.
The AI controller had monitored their conversation, alerted after the words "get married, now" had been uttered, and it processed this information and estimated the arrangements needed.
Unknown to the Legionnaires, though definitely known to the owners of the casino, several years before a small piece of code had surreptitiously been added to the Central AI control matrix and an alert was sent to the local media.
The headline and story ran almost immediately across the Ventura Couriers front screen, picking up traction from other media outlets with surprising speed:
"Phantom to wed a ghost?
"This morning, in the exclusive Las Vega resort, Tinya Wazzo (Phantom Girl of the Legion of Super-heroes) proposed to Jo Nah (Ultra Boy), and he accepted... congratulations to the lovely couple, only wasn't he murdered over two years ago? With Ultra Boy's DNA and physical profiles matching our scans to those on public record, we are all asking the same thing - if the Legionnaires have developed a way to resurrect their own, can they bring back our dear departed Nan?"
The young Legionnaires knew nothing of this as the wandered towards the casino's Chapel.
Lyle had not planned to speak with the mother of his counterpart from this reality.
She had spotted him as he strolled through the large park that ran parallel to the mega-block where she lived in. She had been out walking and had stopped to sit on a bench under a wide branched tree. Her seat was five metres from the path, half-hidden in dappled shadows - a great spot to watch the world go by from. She had been skimming through holo-news sites when she spotted him and called him over. Too late he remembered that he could have used the distorter on his belt to disguise himself... but by then she had approached him and held out her hands towards the young Legionnaire.
"I'm not your son..." His voice cracked as he got close.
"I know, but you are... you are Lyle, aren't you? I was just watching the holo-feeds and they just announced Ultra Boy and Phantom Girl on Ventura... that isn't the same Jo I met, is it? He looks too young..."
"No... no, we're from another dimension, just passing though, I'm sorry." Lyle was unsure what to say as he had not planned on getting this close.
"I knew it!"
"You were always the smartest of us all." he laughed as he said this, "though you would never admit it." She gave him a wide smile.
"Your father... no, I'm sorry, our Lyle's father, passed away last year. Professor Dox, that kind Durlan, Mr Daggle, and Ms Wazzo all attended his funeral. They were all very kind." She gave a small, fragile smile.
He leaned in towards the older woman and she hugged him tightly.
Theena called all Senior Team members.
"Folks, the Ventura news cycle is reporting Ultra Boy has been resurrected... I think you might need to recall them back to First Base."
Holo's of Tyroc, Thunder, Lightning Lass and Retro all appeared before the Communications Officer. The four Senior Team members quickly discussed the issue before deciding to contact Tinya and Jo to let them know - if they didn't mind word of their extra-dimensional origins getting out then the team would not interfere with whatever they were doing, but at least the two young Legionnaires would be informed of their options.
"Ah, folks, before you go any further, it appears they are heading to a Quickie-Wedding chapel!"
"Well, I guess I'd best go find a hat to wear." Ayla said with a laugh.
Legion Worlds Ten - the final chapter is here. Find out the ultimate fate of our fantastic future friends.Only found in the Bits o' Legionnaire Business Forum.
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Guys, thank you for all your kind words about my story. There's more coming up as I have fun showing how the U247 team react to finally being safe, and we learn a little bit about where they have been. Next up, Triad goes to meet Duplicate Girl, we touch upopn the Ferros, Glorith has a lesson from Mysa, and do we need to get new hats for Jo and Tinya's big day? Hmmmmm probably 
Legion Worlds Ten - the final chapter is here. Find out the ultimate fate of our fantastic future friends.Only found in the Bits o' Legionnaire Business Forum.
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Unseen, not unheard
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looks like all that time on the run (and seeing the fates of their older counterparts) has driven Tinya and Jo to reaffirm their love ! Although it also still looks like a small wedding, like their first one - but I totally get it, we went for a small wedding too cause we couldn't be bothered to plan lol
nice nod to our two nuns, Sister Andromeda and Sister Eclipse
good of other Lyle's mom to figure stuff out so quickly
some interesting twists Harbi, looking forward to more more more
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Done some more reading, here are my thoughts as I go... Poor reboot Jo and Tinya having to deal with well-meaning people when they just wanna be alone...I think we have all been there! Once again, I like Glorith and Xao having distinctly different applications of magic..you are very good at differentiating betweem magic users, Harbi! Sister Eclipse is such a good match for reboot Laurel! It must be difficult finding a whole universe where your faith doesn't mean anything... oooh, reboot Jo and Tinya getting re-married looks like it's gonna cause some issues - an awesome use of 31st century technology there; as bad as the paparazzi are in our time, it must be so much worse when they have access to so much more invasive tech! Aww, Lyle's reunion with his mum was much nicer than I was expecting tbh - I really liked their interaction, it is how I would like it go if I got to meet my mum in another universe  I am VERY interested to see Triad meet Duplicate Girl!! I like that you're keeping the 247 Legion around long enough to get some good mileage out of them...looking forward to more, Harbi!
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U247 Legionnaire:
Triad - Luornu Durgo of Carggg, self-triplication
Triad had decided to visit Home Base.
Her counterpart from this reality was the headmistress of the academy, and Luornu knew that she wanted to meet her. Before she left though, the young woman from Carggg wanted to learn a little bit more, so accessing the database on the Luornu from this reality.
As she read the data stream, Triad had tears in her eyes: this other Lu had not had it easy! Losing one then another of her sister selves was one of the most brutal fates a Cargggite could imagine. She had somehow amped up her abilities to create multiple duplicates though Triad doubted these other selves would ever be as close as the original three self-sisters.
The tears didn't actually fall until Triad read about the death of Chuck Taine... she remembered Chuck from her home reality, so sweet and kind, and determined. She could understand how easy it would be to fully fall in love with him, and to lose him in such a horrific way would be heartbreaking.. Luornu struggled to think of another word, as really, language struggled to capture the depths of some emotions. The team had experienced so many during their travel's through the different dimensions...
When they had first begun their travels, the whole team had been buzzing with excitement, though they tried to remain pragmatic. She remembered that one of the first realities they had visited had developed to be almost entirely magical, with science as they understood it seen as a fringe eccentricity. They had traded an old flight belt - a real relic from their early days - for a spell that healed Ferro, allowing the steel-skinned mutant to heal enough that he could resume his flesh and blood form. Another mage they had met tried to kidnap Salu, saying that she had some sort of a bond to an ancient source of power he craved... after they had freed her and the local law enforcement had removed him, the team had decided to leave,; none of them had any mystical knowledge so they felt on the back foot after what had happened to Vi. That reality had been a mixed bag of emotions for them all. And only one of over a dozen places they had been through...
Triad brushed the hair from off her face and called on Henry for a warp across to the Academy. As she did, she hoped she would not been seen as being rude for turning up unannounced. At least, she thought, she had been considerate enough to integrate her sister selves so as not to remind this realities version of herself of what she was missing. From what she had picked up from the holo-data stream, Luornu read between the lines that the version of her here could be ...how would R.J. have called it? Prickly, yes, prickly was the word. Though after everything she had been through, Triad fully understood why this Luornu might have some sharp edges. Whatever the case, Triad planned on meeting her other self and perhaps if she was lucky, they could have a cordial meeting.
As the warp opened, Luornu could see an older version of herself standing at the other side, a big smile on her face and her arms wide open in welcome.
One look at the genuine pleasure in her other self's face told Triad that this was going to be so much more than a 'cordial meeting'. Triad ran through the warp into the arms of her alternate self.
Zerox, the Temple for All Sides of Time:
Dragonmage - Xao Jin of Earth - dragon magics Glorith of Zerox - manipulation of magical energies
Currently reverted to a very young age: Spy (also team counsellor) - Dr Noah Kabbo - heightened awareness and limited telepathy
Szenlong - newly hatched Spirit-Dragon... of Space!
Black Witch - Mysa Nal of Naltor - immense magical knowledge and power
As Glorith meditated and Xao played with the young Noah, the air above them started to sparkle. The spirit-dragon Szenlong materialised, and mewled at Xao in tone that made it clear it had not liked being left behind on First Base while Xao had joined Glorith here. The young dragon snapped its teeth together and blew out its cheeks to show its disappointment
"Szenlong, ahhh I'm sorry, I didn't mean to desert you." Xao smiled as he apologised to the small dragon, and gently stroked it under the chin.
Noah reached up, giggling as he ran his little fingers along the dragon's tail. Szenlong quickly turned and snapped at the toddler.
"Szenlong!" Xao stood up straight, his expression suddenly serious, "you will not, ever snap at a child again! That is not acceptable from you young dragon, do you hear me?" The spirit-dragon backed away, clearly taken aback by this reaction and mewled apologetically at the Legionnaire.
"Don't apologise to me, you need to apologise to Noah. He was only being friendly so there's no need to snap. Human children do not have the instinctive knowledge that dragons do so he didn't know you wouldn't like that. Now apologise." Behind them, Xao heard a laugh. He turned his head to look. Myra Nal, the fearsome Black Witch had a hand over her mouth as she giggled at the sight before her.
"There is some wisdom in the ancient saying that one should never work with small children or animals, don't you agree?" The Black Witch laughed again.
Xao bowed his head in deference but before he could reply Mysa spoke again.
"Xao, there is no need to be so formal, we are friends, are we not?" Her tone was light, friendly, yet he could see the mischievous glint in her eyes.
"Lady Mysa," Glorith interrupted, much to Xao's relief, "Thank you for coming so quickly. I need your assistance to help us return our friend to his proper age." She indicated the toddler that was giggling as he ran in circles, chasing Szenlong who flew in looping patterns just out of his reach.
The Black Witch considered the young child for a moment before turning back to Glorith.
"Ah... no, I'm sorry my dear child, but his condition will only be repealed by the temporal magics that reside within you, and you alone, as they are responsible for the reversing of his age." The Black Witch gave the young Legionnaires a sad look. "I fear you used an enchantment to mix the time stream, without considering your own birthright and the tremendous powers it accesses. You must find a solution within yourself, dear Glorith, for it is only you that can return this man from his relived childhood. You have it within you dear child..."
And with that, the Black Witch faded away until she was gone entirely, leaving the two magical Legionnaires, the toddler and the young spirit dragon alone in the huge temple.
Glorith turned to Xao, tears in her eyes, and asked "what do we do now?"
"Glorith, I'm sorry to say but I think the right question is, what can YOU do now?"
Ventura, Las Vega Casino Resort:
Polar Girl - Mel Lassar of Tharr - cryokinesis Bouncing Boy ii - Stoor Chamble of Pasnic - creation of personal spherical force field Kid Pulsar - Neel Koduah of Earth - incredible strength, invulnerability, projection of explosive blasts Solar Gorilla - D'Nadka Endarooga of Dmansca - generate and project extreme heat and light
<Tinya! Jo! Where are you?> Solar Gorilla's telepathic message rang across the flight ring generated telepathic matrix.
After a few seconds she tried again as there was no response. Kid Pulsar heard her call and stopped the game he had been immersed in to find out what was wrong. D'Nadka pointed to a large holo-display that floated over the games hall - breaking news! Ultra Boy resurrected to marry Phantom Girl!
The two young Legionnaires called for Polar Girl and Bouncing Boy to join them - the couple had snuck off to a viewing platform that gave a clear view of the incredible vista of Ventura's raw landscape, that was renowned as one of the most romantic places in the casino. D'Nadka quickly explained what the news was showing and asked if they would join them looking for the missing couple. Jo and Tinya obviously didn't realise that they had been spotted and were front and centre on all news broadcasts - if the couple from a distant dimension were hoping to sneak sway for a quiet wedding they were in for a nasty surprise!
Polar Girl suggested they all use the flight ring tracker to locate them, and the four young Legionnaires could race to find their inter-dimensional colleagues.
Kid Pulsar agreed to the challenge, adding that the losing pair were buying drinks afterwards.
First Base:
Theena Greglenn of Silgor Marregorraus - Network - Communications Officer - hyper-pathic communication through symbiote
The teams Communication Officer was unsure if she should follow orders.
As the Senior Team meeting had ended, Lightning Lass had asked Theena to contact the wider team to let them know they would be holding a surprise party for Jo and Tinya, and to ask them to get back to First Base at short notice.
But first, Theena wanted to let Tinya and Jo know that the press were onto their plans on Ventura. The couple didn't respond to standard messages through their flight rings but thankfully the Communications Officer had other resources to call upon.
What most of the team didn't know, is that through her symbiote, Theena could focus on anyone that she had touched before and get a sense of their state of mind - not telepathy, but more a general feeling... when the team from the other dimension had appeared, Theena had been introduced to them all and made a point of shaking their hands. And through that physical contact her symbiote would be able to connect with them.
As Theena thought about the young Tinya Wazzo and Jo Nah, she got an impression of their current situation- a sense of freedom and happiness, it was almost giddiness!
Through her symbiotic hyperpathic ability, Theena was able to send a message to the two young Legionnaires. She apologised for interrupting them and explained what the news cycles were reporting. She didn't mention the Senior Team wanting to spring a party on them.
Theena believed that after everything they had been through, surely it made sense to let them have this moment to themselves rather than hold a huge surprise get-together in honour of something they clearly wanted to do privately. They needed quality time to themselves...
Oh well, she thought, if it went well then the couple would be happy, and if it didn't... well, Ayla could shoulder the blame for that.
Tinya thanked Theena for the information she had shared and promised that her and Jo would keep their heads down.
Once the hyper-pathic call was finished, Theena concentrated on all the current teams on First, Second and Hope World, as well as the inter-dimensional team with the obvious exceptions of Ultra Boy and Phantom Girl.
<Legionnaires, you are invited to return to First Base at a time to be arranged shortly as we will be holding a surprise party for Jo and Tinya. They are currently looking to hold a private wedding ceremony on Ventura to renew their vows. Please don't spoil the surprise and tell them about the party the Senior Team will throw in their honour, just be ready to meet up in the main Rec Room on First Base once we have established a time.>
Ventura, Rimbor Uprising:
Ultra Boy ii - Jo Ryd of Rimbor - ultra strength, speed, invulnerability, flash vision, one at a time Controller - Garetta Kloumhoff of Rimbor - psychic projection of dread, hopelessness and fear Stratus - Thon Romeo-Tango of Rimbor - assume gaseous form
It would not be an understatement to say Jo Ryd hated the Legion.
As a young child his mother had been murdered because of the Legion. It definitely didn't help that his father was one of them... and so the young orphan had been happy to be part of a gang on Rimbor. They gave him the family he had always desired and taught him how to get what he wanted from life.
Jo always knew he had ultra-powers as he had moments of strength othough they didn't kick in fully until he reached puberty, and once they had he rose through the ranks and his ambitions grew.
He had been approached by two Khunds several months before to help procure an arms shipment, which he had done. Then the damned Legion had raided their warehouse, caught most of the gang he had been assembling and destroyed the merchandise. He barely escaped, and the Khunds had deserted him, saying he was a trouble magnet that they could not be associated with.
After that, his anger burned even fiercer, and he knew that he would never work for anyone again. Although he was only sixteen standard years old, he knew that there was strength in numbers - both the gangs and the Legion taught him that! - so, he approached a couple of recently gene-modified gang-members that he knew were frustrated. He would build his own team, and when they were ready, he planned on taking Rimbor for himself and shaking the damned hegemony of the United Planets itself! He would create an uprising against those that would hold them down... and so, he called his gang the Rimbor Uprising, that way they would never forget their purpose.
Jo Ryd had travelled to Ventura on a speculative venture - in part to try to raise some capital, but also to make contacts to the various families that ran the underground on this world. And so far, four days since arriving, the two members he had taken with him had proven helpful, but they were not really much closer to his goals. It had not been the success he had been hoping for, and worse, his team knew it.
As Jo Ryd stepped out of the sonic shower, Thon Romeo-Tango, the scrawny thief they had taken to call Stratus shouted through the apartment to him:
"Hey Jo... you gotta see this, it looks like your papa is actually alive and well! All the news channels're saying he's away to marry that Bgtzlar witch here on Ventura! There don't appear to be any other of their team around, so wotcha think, we crash their do?"
At ultra-speed, the young man from Rimbor got dressed and then called his team together. Perhaps this visit to Ventura would be more successful than he had hoped after all!
Legion Worlds Ten - the final chapter is here. Find out the ultimate fate of our fantastic future friends.Only found in the Bits o' Legionnaire Business Forum.
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Unseen, not unheard
Unseen, not unheard
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yay, more!
Reboot Lu's sadness at the troubles of older Lu was well done. nice nod to Chuck, too. also glad to see the team trading something to heal Ferro, that's the Reboot Legion I know! And the nod to Vi and the Emerald Eye was a nice touch too.
Also realistic and good to note that the team's travels started out with excitement, then descended into hardship.
"prickly", heh!
good of Xao to put his foot down at Szenlong!
lol at what Mysa said about animals and children... I agree! and I like her telling Xao to relax with friends
ooh, a problem that Glorith has to solve. makes sense that only the spellcaster can undo it...
great description of how Theena's symbiote actually works! gives her some nice range, without being too "powerful". and good of Theena to use her judgment too, I agree, I think a newly-wed couple (especially one that decided to get married without telling anyone) would prefer some privacy...!
ah, Jo's child revisited! another spanner in the works, uh oh. and he's named after Jo too, whoo boy... and his mom was An Ryd, of course! nice twist Harbi, I'd almost forgotten about Jo's unknown child. Well, this is going to be interesting for sure!
looking forward to more more more!
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I got some time for more reading tonight and I am glad I did! Oh man, Triad reading up on this universe's Luornu must be heartbreaking! I don't know if I would be able to go through with it if I were in her place! Szenlong has so much personality, I love it! You really excel at making him his own entity and not just an extension of Xao...and I love Xao being the angry papa ooh I like this development for Theena, having a pseudo-telepathic connection with people she's touched before...I am curious as to why she would keep it from the rest of the team though, maybe she's worried people would be concerned about their privacy? 247-Jo and Tinya fighting Jo's alternate universe illegitimate son? Yes please!! Can't wait to see how this pans out! 
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Thanks guys, I'm grateful for your kind words.
Yeah, Triad and 'our' Lu have had very different lives so it had to be touched upon.
Szenlong, haha, he's a little pest at times. Way I see it is Dragons may be born with some knowledge but that doesn't make them wise so poor Xao is forced to be 'papa'. I'll drop by them soon as we learn more about Glorith's story.
Theena, ah I have problems with her as there was so little done with her in the threeboot. I'm sort of sure where to take her story, and do have something planned for her pretty soon, but overall she's one of the team I'm least sure of.
Jo Ryd vs Jo Nah... coming soon!
More next week as we check in on what others have been up to, we find out what Jo Ryd's idea of a family reunion looks like, and it all gets a bit messy. ????
Legion Worlds Ten - the final chapter is here. Find out the ultimate fate of our fantastic future friends.Only found in the Bits o' Legionnaire Business Forum.
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Ventura, Las Vega Casino Resort:
U247 Legionnaires: Apparition - Tinya Wazzo of Bgztl - intangibility Ultra Boy - Jo Nah of Rimbor - ultra- strength, speed, breath, invulnerability, flight and vision powers, one at a time.
They had not really cared when the wedding would be held, though after Theena had contacted them to say they were all over the news streams, Jo and Tinya knew they had to get it out of the way as quickly as possible. The sooner it was done, the less media intrusion was likely.
When they got to the chapel the two young Legionnaires were told there wasn't a vacancy for a wedding for another hour and forty minutes. The functionary was both embarrassed and clearly in awe of the two Legionnaires as she explained the delay.
Tinya was secretly happy that they couldn't do it immediately as it meant she had an opportunity to get herself ready and perhaps find a decent dress ...and maybe even a nice shirt and haircut for Jo.
He was less than impressed, but went along with her suggestions as they booked themselves into a salon for some last-minute pre-wedding pampering. She insisted they just enjoy the experience.
Jo was sat in a salon chair with two rather cute young assistants fussing around him, trying to decide what hairstyle would be best for his wedding holos. Meanwhile, Tinya had been taken aside to be shown some dresses that they had on site that she may want to try on.
They all saw the crowds gathering outside the salon, and could hear the manager ask the AI security to not allow anyone else in or any filming of those already inside. Tinya kept her head down.
She was mid-fitting of a particularly nice white sleeveless silk dress when the explosion ripped through the salon and the screaming started...
Saturn Girl and Livewire had been visiting their counterparts on Winath for the last three days.
It had been a fun few days, where the older Garth kept trying to feed them at every opportunity while the older Imra had veered between attempting to counsel them and insisting they relax. The junior couple had both felt the love and compassion between the older couple. It reaffirmed to them that their own relationship was right; it was strong.
Playing with the older couple's children had been an added bonus. Garridan and Graym were surprisingly happy to meet the younger version of their father and, as all mischievous young boys do, they took advantage of his kindness to play far more than they usually would be allowed to. Both Imra's smiled as they watched.
Spark had joined them, alongside the older Ayla for a flying visit on their first night there; they stayed for a meal before hurrying back to First Base.
"Is this the life you imagine for us?" Imra from the alternate reality asked her partner as they lay on their bed on the second night.
"I... no, no I don't think so, not living on a farm back here but they're like, what ...fifteen years older than us? So, maybe in the future, just not for a while."
"And kids? How many do you see us having?" She asked softly, as her fingers gently ran through his hair.
"Well... a couple to start with, at least." Garth grinned as he imagined them as parents.
"Do you want to start making them now?" And with that she rolled on top of him and grabbed his hands, locking her fingers tightly between his. They kissed.
"Ah... it would be nice if we could at least practice." Garth said as he pulled his hands out of hers, grabbed her waist and twisted their bodies around so Imra found herself underneath him.
"Y'know I love you Imra Ardeen, every sprocking gorgeous, glorious inch of you." Garth said as he nuzzled into her neck.
"So you should Garth Ranzz, so you should." she responded with a giggle.
Glorith and Dragonmage were both hungry and tired.
Little Noah was asleep, curled up on a big cushion that Glorith had spun out of the air for him. Szenlong was curled up on the corner of it, keeping watch over the sleeping toddler. Xao smiled as he watched the spirit-dragon take on a more protective attitude around the small child.
The two mystics were discussing options to return Noah Kabbo to his correct age. Both were feeling frustrated.
"Let's break now, have some food, perhaps if we relax for a short while we can start again with fresh eyes...?" Xao had already suggested they stop for the day but Glorith's determination had driven them on.
"Perhaps you are right, and perhaps we need something to eat as well..."
With a spell, Glorith summoned a platter of fruit and cheeses, with a pitcher of sweet, cold water.
The two young mystics ate in silence. As they did, both relaxed for the first time since they had arrived on Zerrox. Neither were watching Noah. If they had been, both would have been surprised as his form shifted and he rapidly aged. The cotton one-piece he had been wearing as a toddler ripped leaving a naked, adult Noah Kabbo curled up on a large cushion. Szenlong took to the air and gave a happy honk.
Xao glanced over his shoulder to check the spirit-dragon was alright.
"Gorith!" He exclaimed excitedly as he jumped to his feet, "how did you d that?"
The quiet sorceress hovered across the floor and floated above the unconscious team counsellor.
"I have no idea how that happened Xao, I was simply relaxing and enjoying our meal..."
"Your chronomancy powers, Glorith... they must be tied to your emotions. As you relaxed..."
"But... the first thing we are taught is that we must always control our feelings lest they subvert our spellcraft." Glorith sounded unsure as she spoke, still surprised at their colleague returning to his true age.
"You're going to have to tap into them if you want to learn the extent of your heritage."
Glorith glanced up at her teammate and nodded, there were tears in her eyes. Xao was uncertain if they were for happiness that Noah had been returned to his proper age, or fear at the prospect of using her emotions to inform her natural magical talent. Either way, Dragonmage knew he would be there for her to help in any way that he could.
First Base:
When the team had been given time off their usual duties, Tel Vole had hit the gym. His husband, Jed Rikane, felt deserted.
Jed knew that Tel was aware he'd promised his family they would visit them the next time they both had time off.
It was something they rarely did, not because Jed's family weren't anything but welcoming, it was that Tel found family gatherings uncomfortable so was always making excuses to dodge them. This time, with Jed's mother's birthday coming up, the young purple skinned man decided he was going to insist Tel joined him.
When Gravity Kid returned to their quarters several hours later, his husband was waiting for him, a carry-all packed ready for their trip to Earth.
"C'mon Tel, you need to get packed as we're heading to Earth... the Rikane Clan are gathering." Although he said it lightly, Jed could see the annoyance on his husband's face.
"You go. I'm... you know I don't understand your family Jed, I mean they're lovely and all, but... I just can't relax like you do. I don't get it, the dynamic. The way you and your brothers tease each other... it makes me really uncomfortable."
"You're coming Tel, so put on your best fake smile if you need to and let's get ready to go." Jed said a little bit more forcefully.
"No... no, I'm not Jed. Please...." Tel looked down at the floor between them, not moving.
"It's my mother's birthday, the day after tomorrow, and I promised we'd be there." There was a tone of pleading creeping into Jed's voice, tinged with anger.
"I'm not going Jed, I'm sorry but I just don't want to go." As he said this, Tel looked up and could clearly see the disappointment and hurt in his husband's expression - Jed Rikane could never be called inscrutable - and he knew that this would not be the last time they would speak about this matter.
"Okay." That was all Jed said as he picked up the bag he had packed and stormed out the door.
Timber Wolf and Shield had met with the young Brin Londo.
There had not been much of a connection between them until the older Brin had suggested they visit a resort that he knew. Laurel rolled her eyes as she had a feeling where her partner was going to suggest, but she remained quiet. She understood that her Brin wanted to make a good impression, and as it was his alternate self they were with, her Brin hopefully would know how best to break the ice between them.
The three of them had stepped through Henry's warp into a tree house build fifty metres up from the forest floor. It was surrounded by a forest of enormous proportions; flocks of colourful birds squawking in the branches close by.
The next five and a half hours had seen the two Brin Londo's play in the arboreal heights as Laurel Kent tried to keep up with them. At various points she had simply sat on a branch and watched in awe of the two acrobatic legionnaires as they spun their way through the treetops. She often lost sight of them as they spun and ran and jumped so quickly.
As night fell, the three of them collapsed onto the single huge bed that dominated the centre of the tree house.
Ventura, Las Vega Casino Resort:
Polar Girl - Mel Lassar of Tharr - cryokinesis Bouncing Boy ii - Stoor Chamble of Pasnic - creation of personal spherical force field Kid Pulsar - Neel Koduah of Earth - incredible strength, invulnerability, projection of explosive blasts Solar Gorilla - D'Nadka Endarooga of Dmansca - generate and project extreme heat and light
U247 Legionnaires: Apparition - Tinya Wazzo of Bgztl - intangibility Ultra Boy - Jo Nah of Rimbor - ultra- strength, speed, breath, invulnerability, flight and vision powers, one at a time.
Bouncing Boy heard the explosion; immediately, he took to the air.
Polar Girl was close behind him as they swerved along a corridor to where their flight rings locator app told them they would find their inter-dimensional fellow Legionnaires. As they got close, they both heard screaming and could smell smoke.
<get behind me Mel> Bouncing Boy sent as he activated his personal force field. He was a little surprised that the usually headstrong Polar Girl didn't argue... though as they turned the corner and saw the devastation in front of them, they both gasped. There had clearly been a store there once but now there was pandemonium: a debris strewn mess, fires burning all the way around the space, panicked residents and shoppers and gawkers running, screaming, and there was obviously several seriously injured amongst the chaos.
In the middle of this disater zone, two people stood, apparently uncaring of the flames and screaming.
In front of these two were Tinya and Jo from the other reality; both were on their knees, faces streaming with tears, apparently begging for forgiveness. Bouncing Boy knew the young man from Rimbor as he had encountered him in an arms warehouse on Rimbor, and suspected the woman must be some sort of psychic; Ultra Boy and Phantom Girl did not strike him as the sort to cry or beg....
<Mel, can you freeze the fires, I'll deal with those two> and with that Stoor pushed his force field to its densest form and sped up as he flew towards them. With a crash Bouncing Boy smashed into the back Jo Nah's son. Stoor remembered how powerful he was so, as much as he hated the idea of hitting someone from behind, hoped to end this fight as quickly as possible.
As Bouncing Boy smashed into the invulnerable back of the young thug from Rimbor, Jo Ryd was thrown off his feet, while the impact also flung the young woman at his side headfirst into a pile of rubble.
The Rimboran young man quickly stood up, his face livid as he turned towards Stoor.
"Bubbleboy! Yeah, I remember you. You'll regret that..."
But before he could act, an explosion erupted before his face and the young thug was thrown across the room to crash into a wall.
Kid Pulsar had swooped in just as Bouncing Boy had collided with the Rimboran thug, and knew from a previous mission report that the young man before them would be tough. With a thought he had extended his explosive ability.
"You wanna try your luck against me?" Kid Pulsar said as he flew towards Jo Ryd. As Neel had always been told his strength matched that of Ultra Boy's he relished the chance to find out how close they really were.
As Jo Ryd pulled himself from out of the wall, he saw that another Legionnaire, a Gorilla with flames licking across her fur, had also arrived and was drawing the fires out of the burning debris created by his flash vision attack on these premises. Another was close by carpeting the burning floor with ice, smothering the flames. That meant there was at least four of them here, plus Ultra idiot and his ghostly girlfriend here... he only had two of his gang with him so, perhaps, Jo Ryd thought, it was time to cut and run.
While Bouncing Boy and Kid Pulsar had acted, Jo Nah had regained his composure and feet after having his mind being messed with. It was fair to say he was not amused!
"You ruined our sprocking wedding day you squajj... You're mine!"
Apparition stood up beside him. "I'll take care of that mind witch, you go get him Jo."
And in a blur of ultra-speed Jo Nah was gone to confront the son of his alternate self.
Legion Worlds Ten - the final chapter is here. Find out the ultimate fate of our fantastic future friends.Only found in the Bits o' Legionnaire Business Forum.
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Unseen, not unheard
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*eagerly rubs hands* yay, more!
lol at Tinya pushing Jo into the pampering. but of course, how often does one get married, right?
ooh, both Imras and both Garths, lovely! what a sweet scene, and it's about time younger Garth and Imra got some quality time together! After all they've been through! also love that the traditionally-reticent Imra is the one who makes the first move!
huh, glad Noah's problem is solved! and now Glorith has to learn more about her own powers, interesting! quite a bombshell for someone so used to keeping her emotions in check.
whew, more Tel/Jed drama. those two really come from very different backgrounds, and have very different personalities.
heh, nice bonding between the two Brins.
smart deducting from Bouncing Boy. indeed, can't imagine young Tinya or Jo just crying like that.
loving the imagery of Solar Gorilla flamed on!
well, we got a good fight on our hands! eager to see the next bits!
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Joined: Sep 2003
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Thunder was covering the mission monitor board for both bases.
As the alert went out from Ventura, she quickly scanned the list of Legionnaires that were on either base; the majority being on First Base as they gathered for the surprise party.
Both Ferros, Gazelle, both Kid Quantum's, Cosmic Boy from the dimensionally displaced team, Mindbender, and Tyroc to lead them... even as she started to press the appropriate icons on the monitor board, Kinetix and M'Windaji called through that the news streams were saying there had been an explosion on Rimbor and they were grabbing some of their teammates and going to help.
One minute later in Henry's warp control room there was pandemonium as many of the recently returned members from both teams rushed to be on the Rimbor mission.
M'Onel and Mon El had finally got around to discussing the one thing that had defined both of their lives as Legionnaires - loneliness.
As a member of the Senior Team, Mon El was supposed to have been in Second Bases on a stand-by basis, in case any urgent mission came up whle the rest of the teams were given down time. Dreamer of the alternate reality had approached him, alongside M'Onel, with a smile. The platinum blond precognitive said that she had a vision that in three days they would return from exploring a distant system, both greatly refreshed. She innocently asked if either had decided which system it was that they would visit...
The two Daxamites had spent the next day investigating a solar system on the very edge of the United Planets. Long range scans had indicated that the twin small red dwarf binary stars had fourteen planets and two asteroid belts. None of the planets had more than bacterial level life, though the incredible environments and vistas they had experienced had fulfilled them both.
Both had been solo explorers withing their respective home realities and still needed to fulfil that urge to go out there and see what they could find. Both had slso had their natural strength of character tested by being trapped within the Phantom Zone for a millennium, and as a result they now appreciated company and friendship far more than they ever would have before.
But still, a thousand years of living an eternal moment while seeing the rest of their realities move on had left deep scars within both of their psyches. And, as much as they had been blessed with love and support from their respective teams, neither had ever really opened up about it, until now. The words were difficult, often emotionally charged and deeply felt.
After another day in the system, without any interruptions from their teammates, the two Daxamites decided to fly back to Second Base under their own power with their findings. They took a few detours along the way, just to take in a few of the outrageous sights, and by the time they had returned, neither felt the anchoring weight that they had been carrying since leaving their prisons within the Phantom Zone.
"Kent, wake up."
Dr Shakespeare had been sleeping as the holo of Nura Nal appeared at his bedside.
The team's chief clinician had worked overnight and had been looking forward to having a day in bed. Jan had kindly waited up for him. That had been four hours earlier, and the couple had made it to bed a couple of hours ago. Both had been exhausted so, with there being so many Legionnaires available, had switched off their flight ring call function. They had planned on being decadently lazy for the next day.
"Whatisit?" Dr Shakespeare muttered as he turned towards the voice, his eyes were still closed.
"You need to get to the medi-bay, Thirteen is waking up. He'll need your assistance there."
With this the muscular doctor sat up, and in doing so threw off the duvet. "Yup, will be right there." He said, suddenly awake.
"Thanks sweetie." Nura's holo popped out of existence with a big smile.
"Is she gone?" Jan mumbled from under the duvet.
"Yup, and I better go too. Sorry..."
"Thazallright... loveyou." Jan muttered as he rolled over, pulling the duvet over that Kent had just moved, and immediately fell back asleep.
"Sleep well, love you too." The large doctor said quietly as he pulled on fresh clothes and walked out the door.
Friction and Ultra Girl had decided they were overdue to go to the Academy on Home Base.
A few weeks before, they had met two young men from Rimborian who were away to start attending there. The two young women decided it was time to give them a surprise visit. Both were quite nervous about it, though egged each other on with a false confidence neither truly felt. What if Victa and Bolton had decided to not take their potential relationships any further... or gossiped about them to the other students? Neither knew, but they also accepted that they never would unless they tried.
Victa Mogretti had taken the code name of Shape as he could manipulate his own body's dimensions and mass at will, and with his easy charm, quick wit and big smile he had become a popular student. He was not aware that the girl he had cosied up to a several weeks before was the Legionnaire called Friction. His friend Bolton Ash-Singh had figured out that the group they had met that night were Legionnaires but he hadn't told Victa. As Bolton was also enrolled at the Legion Academy, he hoped to see his friends face when Victa found out. As Phantom Boy, he could become intangible, and had unexpectedly discovered that he had the additional ability of x-ray vision. Bolton wasn't perhaps as charismatic as Victa but his generous nature and sense of humour had endeared him to his classmates.
The two Rimboran students were in class, studying for galactic law when Li-Fahn and Janee walked in, casually chatting to the student's tutor, Ella Drottmi. Victa started to giggle, his nerves getting the better of him.
"Shape... Phantom Boy, you're needed. Can you join these two Legionnaires please, they have a task for you." Ella said this with a straight face, aware of the situation but not wanting to let on to the rest of the class. The other students gave a few concerned exclamations, and someone said "you're in trouble boys!" as the two young men left their desks and walked out to the front of the class. Victa went to put his arms out to hug Janee but before he could, Li-Fahn got in his way and shuffled both students outside of the classroom. "Shh!" Ultra Girl whispered as they made their way through the irising doorway.
"What the...?" Victa said explosively, a huge grin on his face, as the door closed behind them.
"We told you we'd meet again, didn't we?" Janee replied, her smile was michevous.
"Hey!" Bolton said casually to Li-Fahn, his nerves showing despite his best efforts to appear cool.
"We got you both booked out for the afternoon... so, where do you fancy going?" Li-Fahn gave Bolton a warm smile as she said this, before putting an arm around his back and pulling him in for a quick hug.
"Ummm... Earth?"
"Okay, let's go then. I know just the spot. There's a cafe in Sydnopolis that we once went to, has great beach views and sells the most magnificent burgers."
Victa gave Janee a peck on her cheek, suddenly self-consciously aware that the girl he met was real genuine Legionnaire!
Friction led the way, fighting the urge to take Victa's hand; they didn't want rumours to start if they were spotted. As it was, as far as the student body was aware, the two students had only been asked to help two Legionnaires.
Both couples hoped it would stay like that, at least until they had a chance to figure out what was going on between them for themselves.
Ventura, Las Vega Casino Resort:
Polar Girl - Mel Lassar of Tharr - cryokinesis Bouncing Boy ii - Stoor Chamble of Pasnic - creation of personal spherical force field Kid Pulsar - Neel Koduah of Earth - incredible strength, invulnerability, projection of explosive blasts Solar Gorilla - D'Nadka Endarooga of Dmansca - generate and project extreme heat and light
U247 Legionnaires: Apparition - Tinya Wazzo of Bgztl - intangibility Ultra Boy - Jo Nah of Rimbor - ultra- strength, speed, breath, invulnerability, flight and vision powers, one at a time.
Rimbor Uprising: Ultra Boy ii - Jo Ryd of Rimbor - ultra strength, speed, invulnerability, flash vision, one at a time Controller - Garetta Kloumhoff of Rimbor - psychic projection of dread, hopelessness and fear Stratus - Thon Romeo-Tango of Rimbor - can assume gaseous form
As Apparition approached the young woman from Rimbor that had messed with her mind, she felt herself start to choke.
Within seconds she was on her knees, coughing as her throat seized up. Polar Girl ran over towards her, desperately trying to get her attention. "Phase out Tinya, I got this!" The short Tharrite shouted as she sprinted across the debris strewn floor.
Tinya Wazzo was barely conscious but as soon as she allowed herself to swerve between dimensions her throat immediately cleared. Apparition had floated through the floor, into the storage space below the wrecked wedding store. She took a second to take a deep breath before floating back up to the fight above.
Polar Girl had attended the Academy alongside a student that they called Kid Nimbus so had recognised the way the slight mist in the air appeared to move against the air currents and wrap itself around Tinya's throat. Mel Lassar was grateful that Tinya was one of the few Legionnaires that could easily escape from this sort of sneaky attack.
Polar Girl lowered the temperature in front of her as the young Legionnaire from another dimension phased through the floor. The air seemed to twist and push against the force of the extreme temperature drop, but within seconds an ice sculpture of a twisted stream of vapor stood before her. She knew that this was the gaseous form of a Rimboran gene-modified thug.
Tinya phased back through the floor and saw what looked like steam coalesce into a frozen snake-like tendril around where she had been standing. "Thank you, Mel." She said, her throat still raw. Tinya looked around; the girl that had messed with her and Jo's minds was starting to stand up, pulling herself from the rubble where Bouncing Boy's impact had thrown her.
"You're mine!" Tinya hissed as she lunged towards the Rimboran gang member.
Garetta Kloumhoff reached out with her psychic power, hoping to incapacitate Apparition before she got too close, but the Bgztlar was too fast as she swiped her balled fist out, knocking the Rimboran back against the wall. Apparition ignored the pain in her knuckles and dived towards the young woman that had cruelly manipulated both her and Jo minutes before. A knee to the solar plexus followed by an elbow strike to the side of her head and Garetta fell to the floor groaning.
"Hey Tinya," Solar Gorilla yelled as she bounded across the debris towards her, "I've got just the thing for her..." and with that the gorilla took an incapacity cuff from a pouch on her belt and snapped it around the fallen Rimboran's wrist.
"Do you always carry them, even when off duty?" Tinya looked at the young gorilla with a quizzical expression.
"Never know when we might need them, so be prepared. That was our Academy training, and it was right again. Guess old Lu and Lydda knew what they were talkin' about, eh?" D'Nadka gave a wide grin as she replied.
Jo Ryd tore across the room at ultra-speed.
He could see that Jo Nah was following him so he dodged and swerved as much as he could, flicking debris towards the Legionnaires that were standing around like statues against his hyper-velocity. Jo Nah went out of his way to protect his friends, as Jo Ryd expected, and this gave the young gang member an idea.
As he ran past Polar Girl, he prodded her on the shoulder. At the speed he was passing that, along with the wind rushing behind him would be enough to send her flying. As expected, Jo Nah dived towards her to stop her from flying into a wall. Jo Ryd smiled and ran on, hoping to incapacitate enough Legionnaires that he could get his own squad out of here and away from law enforcement agents.
Bouncing Boy was in the air not far away so the Rimboran thug pushed at the side of the force bubble that surrounded him, which would send the Legionnaire spinning out of control. He might not be able to get his hands directly on him through the force field but Jo Ryd was inconvenience him as much as possible, and that would wrong-foot the rest of the Legionnaires.
Ahead of him, still flying towards where the Rimboran had been stood (though at several thousandths of the speed that Jo Ryd was moving), was the big black guy that he thought must have caused the explosion that had knocked him off his feet. Well, thought Jo Ryd, if this Legion scum can make things explode perhaps he wouldn't mind a bang for himself... and with that he took a swing at Kid Pulsar and punched him on the side of his face with as much force as he could muster.
As it struck at hyper velocities, Jo Ryd's hand virtually exploded down to the wrist against the invulnerable Legionnaire. He immediately skidded to a stop and switched his powers over to invulnerability, hoping that his ultra-energy would heal him. Before he could move, Kid Pulsar landed beside him and placed an incapacity cuff on his arm, knocking him out.
"Well, he wasn't much fun, was he?" Said the young Legionnaire as he picked Jo Ryd up and flung him across his shoulder. Kid Pulsar used his flight ring to call for emergency medical treatment for the unconscious thug. As he did, Polar Girl called the Rimboran thug a few choice Tharrian cursewords, before apologising quickly in case there were any eye-spy cameras monitoring them.
Seconds later, a spinning honey and violet warp appeared and fifteen Legionnaires flew through, ready for trouble. Before them, the wedding store and chapel had been virtually demolished, small fires still burning in pockets of debris. Polar Girl was stumbling across a fallen shelving unit, being helped by the Ultra Boy from the other dimension, while Apparition and Solar Gorilla were stood over an unconscious gang member, Bouncing Boy was landing on the floor before them clearly dazed.
"Oh, hey guys, f...fancy seeing you h..here, what ya's doin'?" Bouncing Boy asked innocently, his face split with a wide grin.
Polar Girl laughed so hard she almost choked.
Legion Worlds Ten - the final chapter is here. Find out the ultimate fate of our fantastic future friends.Only found in the Bits o' Legionnaire Business Forum.
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Unseen, not unheard
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ooh, the Legions are in full force here, nice! ah, lovely of Dreamer, nudging the two Mons. who else can relate to Mon's thousand year ordeal than... another Mon? and a great nod to the core of their characters, the love of exploring. nice bit of healing for them here awww re Kent and Jan... and lol at the two sleepyheads! ah, I've been looking forward to seeing the two new Rimborian students again! good that Phantom Boy has something extra to differentiate him from other phasers. sweet surprise from Friction and Ultra Girl, though I wonder if the tutors will give them (and Ella) a tough time for pulling these students out for a date? I can imagine Cos or Lu might not look at it so kindly Polar Girl continues to impress, she's way more competent than your Brek nice take down from Tinya. and yeah Tinya, you never know when you'll need these things...  go Solar Gorilla! Jo Ryd is pretty smart! well, tactically anyway -- arguable if attacking some Legionnaires on Ventura was smart to begin with oooh, Jo Ryd's hand! that sounds painful... ok I take back what I said about his smart tactics, clearly, punching the super-tough Kid Pulsar was NOT smart! that was a nice quick takedown! Hopefully, with Jo Ryd in custody, he will get a good talking-to... and maybe get some healing of his own!
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