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Originally Posted by Invisible Brainiac
If I am right, Brainy was not in on it - Brainy mentions later in LSH 80 that he was also fooled by Cos' act.

And agree re Lori, she comes across as more likable and mature here, than in many of her later appearances! (even when she gets aged to adulthood!)

I think I've mentioned this before but Lori - in addition to the obvious Glorith connotation - was (according to one creator I spoke with) going to be a cypher for exploring the UP worlds at one point - similar to how she's in awe of 30th century Metropolis ("everything looks like the mall") she'd have some kind of views on other worlds. Obviously that never happens and she becomes the Danny Chase of the Legion. smile

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What could have been... smile

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Okay, next up - the Starfinger story, part 1. LSH 75 & Legionnaires 33!
Originally Posted by Invisible Brainiac
Legion of Super-Heroes 76
Bouncing Back

Issue Information


New members Star Boy and Gates, as well as architect Chuck Taine, meet a frosty reception at Legion HQ. The team's morale is at possibly its lowest point yet, as Leviathan comes to blows with Cosmic Boy while Invisible Kid pulls Triad, Chameleon and Violet together into an Espionage Squad.

Spark returns and is punished by Cos. Valor leaves, frustrated at having to remain in hiding. Violet has a crisis of confidence after feeling ignored and searching for Kinetix in vain.

Kinetix awakens on the Sorceror's World, tended to by an old hag called Mysa who hints about power!

Winema Wazzo confronts Ultra Boy, who confesses his love for Tinya and wished that he had died instead. In a fit of emotion, she urges him to destroy Legion HQ to prevent more teens from dying.

President Chu shuts down the Time Institute in order to clamp down on time travel, and the issue ends with the Institute being attacked by a villain who looks like Starfinger... and who was sent by a mysterious woman!


A lot happens in this issue - most of it unrelated, but at the same time there is a sense that many plot threads (the Xanthian member mentioned in LSH 66, Kinetix's fate, Lyle's dissatisfaction with Cos, Valor's fate) are starting to progress. But the threads are discrete enough that it feels like a jumbled mess with too much going on. It's easy to empathize with the overwhelmed Legionnaires.

The issue itself reads like a mish-mash of fleeting scenes with little true resolution. Lyle, Cham and Lu are together in one scene; suddenly, we see Lyle alone in one scene and Lu alone in another; then the three are together again. Gates and Star Boy join together but don't do anything. We don't get any hints as to what Lyle is planning.

On the plus side, there were plenty of little character moments. I know I was tickled pink by the introductions of Chuck Taine and Star Boy, and the return (and membership!) of Gates!

Gates easily stole the show, his snarky and opinionated comments had me cracking up (. And teleportation is way up high on my list of cool, tactically advantageous powers.

Chuck looks to be on his way to becoming unofficial Chief of Morale yet again (a moniker he took early in the Preboot!), and it's a welcome ray of light in these depressing times. Having him be an architect adds a nice dimension to the character. And his speech at the end - "We'd all be dead if not for the Legion!" - made me cheer. Come on Legionnaires, get your act together!

Finally, Star Boy's intro also is a nice nod to his Preboot days - the space-cruiser accident (which caused him to miss out on a lot of action!) and his friendliness.

Leviathan vs. Cos - Cos at least had the wits to stop the fight. At least he's still not a total wreck (though he does diss Marla and yells at the other Legionnaires). I don't side with his decisions, but he came out better here. Gim pushes an innocent Cham without provocation, and I'm sure he threw the first punch. Gim does have a point, though. Poor Marla tries unsuccessfully to diffuse the tension; it seems the Legion's adult advisor doesn't hold much sway here.

Kinetix is safe (thank grife!), but is still intent on power. Let's not forget that her lust for power caused her to be depowered in the first place, and nearly got her killed. Having her be found by the magical Mysa is a slight confidence booster, but doesn't soothe my fears entirely. Remember, Mysa as the Hag was one of the bad guys. So it remains to be seen - will she ultimately be evil in this reality?

Poor Violet is burning herself out with worry over Zoe. Vi seems to be the only one who IS worried; she was closest to Zoe, but I'd still expect the others (including the besotted Gim!) to worry about her a little bit. To add to her inner turmoil, Gim remarks that he should be the one worrying about Zoe, because of the way she used to smile at him. An annoyed Violet shrinks away with the classic line - "maybe she was laughing at your hat!", which causes Gim to remove his headgear.

Anyway, poor Vi's feelings are sad AND realistic; her closest friend is missing, Spark gets so much attention, and it looks like Vi has a crush on Gim - who has a crush on Zoe! Oy! She knows they are her friends, and she knows she has to be more assertive. I look forward to seeing a more confident Vi.

The Spark secret admirer subplot is revisited again, though all we really know is that someone is going through a lot of effort! Tenzil? Lyle? Someone else entirely? I don't mind Cos' punishment of Spark too much, though the unspecified duration IS a bit harsh. But we can't have a superhero team whose members just go running around without at least keeping the leader informed.

Touching moment between Jo and Winema is ruined by Winema's deep-seated anger and hatred. She accepts that Jo loved Tinya, but then urges him to destroy Legion HQ. Whooo. Say... wasn't there some other powerful being who is being used as a puppet by someone? Someone who wants to take the Legion down?

The mysterious Starfinger is eerie AND terribly powerful, and like in the Preboot seems to be a puppet. I'm interested to see where this goes.

The hormones are flying! Lori hates being treated like a kid, but still acts like one. Rond is devastated by the Time Institute shutdown, but we know he'll be okay.

And of course, the Science Police are being a tad bull-headed. Ah well.

Overall, this story was a big jumble. There's a sense of movement, but it's all confused. Too much is happening, and it's a big change of pace from the last few 2-parter stories. I got the sense that the writers were making up for lost time, so to speak; they just finished a couple of tie-in/crossover stories which they were forced to tell, and as a result a lot of the other scenes and developments they had been meaning to work on were bumped to this issue.

On the plus side, the massive number of developments does make me excited to see what happens next. It also gives a feeling that - maybe - there will be some sort of grand culmination of all these plot threads soon.

The art is serviceable, and Lee Moder is doing a good job helping us follow the action.

Originally Posted by Invisible Brainiac
Legionnaires 33
The Inhuman Touch

Issue Information


We continue from LSH 76, with the mysterious masked man who looks like Preboot Starfinger attacking the Time Institute. Despite antagonism from some Science Police officers, Saturn Girl and Rond Vidar manage to stop him, though he escapes.

The masked man later appears on Guron, a technologically backward world that is negotiating to join the UP. Chu sends the Legionnaires to stop him, but he takes most of them out - disintegrating the Legion cruiser AND Invisible Kid's flight ring, sending a tower crashing onto Leviathan's head, and "disintegrating" the oxygen around the others. Only Shrinking Violet remains, and she charges him as the issue ends.


1) We see a gift flying invisibly towards Spark while she's on Monitor Duty. Spark immediately figures out that it must be Lyle's doing, as he's the only male on the team who could have left it without her noticing.

2) A call from their mom shows that Live Wire left Winath almost immediately after Spark did.

3) Leviathan puts Star Boy and Gates through training. An injured Star Boy suddenly manifests electrical vision powers which he can't control. Gates continues to show contempt for the Legion, while Leviathan is still angry at Cosmic Boy for admitting Star Boy and Gates, but not Ultra Boy or Jan Arrah.

4) Lori Morning explores Metropolis on her own. She mistakes an alien shop owner for a pet. The Science Police are called in after the alien accuses her of harassment.

5) Violet's bravery at the end of the issue is also highlighted in more quiet scenes. She steps in to stop Cos and Imra from arguing heatedly about Lori by reminding them they are supposed to be friends. And when Spark gloats about Lyle being her secret admirer, Violet simply says she used to be jealous, but thought about it and would rather be happy for her. (A sharp contrast to LSH 76, where she was crying in bed about being ignored!)

6) On Takron-Galtos, the warden tries interrogating Brainiac 5 to figure out what he knows about time travel. He promises to try worse.

7) Kinetix recovers on the Sorceror's World. Mysa shows her an image of the Emerald Eye and says they need to find and destroy it before it possesses anyone else. Enthralled, Kinetix thinks the Eye is beautiful.


A lot happens this issue, with all the subplots being developed. And most of those don't seem related to the main plot. Instead, the Legion's diverse cast continues to get developed.

Right now it still feels a bit like the Legion is caught up in events, rather than shaping them. Mysterious masked man out to destroy them (we know his "master" wants him to destroy the Legion, but is the Time Institute also a target?). Using him to lure the Legion to Guron was clever, it's not a UP world so there would be less of a chance of someone assisting the Legionnaires.

Star Boy's electrical vision powers are a throwback to the Adventure Era, where he temporarily had Superboy-like powers. Poor Star Boy is a bit of a clumsy knucklehead here. In training, Leviathan tells him to stop Chameleon - Thom does so by sinking him into the ground with his gravity powers, damaging the gym. Gim predictably gets mad, and I agree with Gim here. Powers should be used responsibly, people.

Gates, on the other hand, shows much better power control. And nearly every line is a gem. "Training for what? Assassination? Torture? No thanks!" Later on when Cos tells the Legion to "watch him for cues", Gates goes, "have no fear master, we wouldn't DREAM of thinking for ourselves!" (to which Cos retorts, "Gates...SHUT UP!" That made me laugh out loud. Two issues in and I already love Gates.

Lyle's fear of heights is mentioned again, in battle - did the Masked Man know that, and is that why it was Lyle's flight ring he destroyed? Lyle does sneak in a fun snarky line. Leviathan tells him to hold on, to which Lyle responds, "If there was anything to hang on to, there wouldn't be a problem, would there?"

Imra's hand-to-hand continues to shine, by the way. She beats the masked man at the Time Institute with her fists and flight ring as she can't hit him telepathically.

All in all, a nice issue. Lots of character moments, some good action. The main drawback is that the overall plot does not seem to move forward so much, and the Legion is still stuck in a rather unpleasant relationship with the UP and the Science Police. On the plus side, while that atmosphere is felt this issue, it's quite a bit more upbeat than the last one was and the Legionnaires act like a much better unit in battle.

Lastly, as a Kinetix fan, I have to comment - the cover features her finding the Emerald Eye, but she only gets two pages in the issue! Whaaaat! tongue

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Gim was really a hothead - drill sarge type. He calls out Cosmic Boy for not supporting Brainiac 5 during his arrest... but then ruins it a bit by insulting Star Boy and Gates AND shoving Chameleon. tsk. come ON, Gim. You had the moral high ground... and not even an apology for almost killing Chuck and Marla.

Gates mentions weight when teleporting, and we see some attempts to limit his power. It IS a useful one... we've also seen attempts to limit Saturn Girl's telepathy, and of course for Andromeda we have that handy lead weakness too.

I have to reiterate how much I love Gates, almost every one-liner is just comedy gold!

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LSH 76 -

The first appearance of the "L" shield on the cover! I found the intro scene fun, mainly due to the intro of Chuck, Thom and the re-introduction of Gates, this time as a formal member. A lot happens to help the new reader understand what's going on via the script, which shows nice technique on the part of Peyer. The fight between Cos & Gim was kind of interesting, with Gim looking like the bigger jerk in the end. Great comment from Thom about more than the HQ building needing help.

Starfinger's introduction is appropriately sinister. Very interesting that the "person in the shadows" is definitively drawn as female.

Spark finally returns back to HQ, and Cos punishes her with monitor duty. At least Spark isn't disrespectful of Cos here - she knows she ran out w/o permission. Lyle, Lu and Reep (especially Lyle) treat new Chuck dismissively, but Lyle wants the E-squad to work against Cos.

Jo's encounter with Winema has never sat well with me here. He's all teary about being so in love with Tinya, but they've known each other for like a month. Their relationship always felt rushed to me and this further drives that home.

I really enjoyed the scene with Vi & Spark. There's a lot said and unsaid on page 14 that shows Vi's lonliness without her best friend around, as well as Spark's naturally outgoing nature. Back in the day this was the page that killed the theory that Vi was Ayla's secret admirer in the online community. smile The other page with Vi, where she and Leviathan are in the gym, we get a fun moment where Gim thinks very highly of himself regarding Zoe, but her making fun of his hat is telling - he never wears his headgear again after this.

Speaking of Zoe, her little scene was fun, but her face at the mention of power was a bit... unsettling.

Page 19 also has a lot going on here - we see Violet making a tough decision that will have ramifications later, but the mess hall scene is great. The placement of the characters is well done - Cos & Gim are sitting alone at their respective tables. The e-squad has their own & the new kids have their own table. Not sure exactly why Gim is so glum, to be honest. Reep's eating habits reminded me of Jar Jar Binks in Star Wars Ep 1 - about four years before it came out! But in the end, Chuck is the one that throws a cold bucket of water over the Legionnaires' attitudes - and rightly so.

The Starfinger cliffhanger is GREAT.

The last comment that I'll make about this issue is that I'm very much reminded of the tone of the majority of the Threeboot as I read this story. Its probably because I'm in the middle of a re-read of that run, but I'm struck with the level of enmity and dissatisfaction within the team, both between the characters individually, but also with certain factions vs Cosmic Boy, especially regarding his relationship with UP Leadership. As with the Threeboot, partly because its a setup story and partly because of the negative character attitudes, the issue doesn't hold up quite as well. Like with the 3boot, I only felt satisfied when the team got their comeuppance at some level - in this case when Chuck told them to check their attitudes at the door. So there are a lot of little character moments that are fascinating to read, especially in hindsight, but the whole of this issue doesn't sit as well with me.

Legionnaires 33 -

Picking up with Starfinger's attack on the Time Institute, we see Imra really taking charge in a good way, bringing the fight directly to Starfinger. His reluctance to harm Imra directly in the first clue that there's something bigger going on with this guy.

Ayla's moment seems a bit of an ADHD's dream page - Ayla's bored, the secret admirer strikes again, Ayla's mom doesn't like her hair, Garth has run away again, but all of that doesn't matter as she discovers the new gift, obviously put there by Lyle.

The moment in the gym sets up the dynamic of Gim being overly hard on Thom, with Thom wanting to impress Gim. The though balloon of Lu imagining Gim is one of the best panels ever. Thom's power going haywire is a homage to the Adventure Days that appeared pretty quickly, I thought. But I agree with Ibby - Gates always get the best lines. Always. smile

Cos' comment about Starfinger - "Missing a page" - was great, and a good way of communicating an overwhelmed leader very quickly.

The next few pages has another collection of events that provide setups - For the main story, we have the Legion heading to Guron, but then Lori goes exploring Metropolis, Brainy is brooding in prison, and Kinetix talking to Mysa on Sorcere's world. The Kinetix scene is interesting for two reasons - it introduces her to the Emerald Eye and the beginning of her charge to destroy it (and her obvious infatuation with it), but also the explicit pointing out that the relationship Zoe has with Violet is definitely more than any she has with the other Legionnaires (which includes Gim wink ).

On Guron, the mission goes to hell really quickly as Starfinger disintegrates the air. Which kinda doesn't make sense, but whatever. smile I guess he kept on saying disintegrate to keep disintegrating the air that kept rushing in. But Vi says she's escaping the gas? I dunno. That's a bit confusing, but it sets up a great cliffhanger!

Definitely like the Moy art more than the Moder work from LSH 75, but that's nothing new from me.

Originally Posted by Invisible Brainiac
Gates mentions weight when teleporting, and we see some attempts to limit his power. It IS a useful one... we've also seen attempts to limit Saturn Girl's telepathy, and of course for Andromeda we have that handy lead weakness too.

These are all great points, and Gates' powers have a lot of potential challenges depending on how close to science a writer would want to skew. For example, if Gates were on a space ship in orbit, he couldn't teleport to the surface in a "Hard SF" setting, as he'd be going SO FAST in orbit, he'd have to have some way of dissipating that energy off somewhere mid-teleport, or he'd fly away super fast in an instant!

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thanks for that bit of science re Gates teleporting from orbit!

yeah, these issues where full of little character bits and interactions. Chuck giving everyone a small wake-up call was great. The exposition during the Cos/Gim fight was well done and did not seem repetitive. Vi falling all to pieces over Zoe, wow!

and yes, Zoe and power tongue

Also the Espionage Squad set-up is coming along nicely

and indeed, some great hand-to-hand from Imra vs. Starfinger - I think her first really good hand-to-hand fight since her introduction, if I am right.

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Originally Posted by Invisible Brainiac
thanks for that bit of science re Gates teleporting from orbit!

Its a weird bit that I learned from reading those "behind the Sci Fi" books that have been published forever. I think it was probably around the Star Trek transporter. smile

Chuck giving everyone a small wake-up call was great.

I think narratively, it was the best part of the issue for me.

and indeed, some great hand-to-hand from Imra vs. Starfinger - I think her first really good hand-to-hand fight since her introduction, if I am right.

I think you're right about that. For most of the rest of the Legion since the founding, she's mainly doing the mind-thing, but she's also usually with someone else to handle the brawling.

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in this case when Chuck told them to check their attitudes at the door
I remember this bit!

I remember I wasn't wild about Chuck being relegated to support status in the reboot, but that speech was a really good way of very quickly showing that he was going to be treated respectfully as a member of the cast and not just be an easter egg.

The Bouncing Boy was another one, but I guess that's a long time coming yet wink

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Originally Posted by razsolo
in this case when Chuck told them to check their attitudes at the door
I remember this bit!

I remember I wasn't wild about Chuck being relegated to support status in the reboot, but that speech was a really good way of very quickly showing that he was going to be treated respectfully as a member of the cast and not just be an easter egg.

The Bouncing Boy was another one, but I guess that's a long time coming yet wink

And for me being a new Legion reader at the time of publication only had a second hand knowledge about Bouncing Boy historically. So this version of Chuck felt like a cool addition, kind of like Tenzil.

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The multiple plots were a plus for me - kept every pot boiling. It did feel a bit chaotic, but the Legion is in a bit of disarray at this point. Cos seems to be in over his head with no deputy-like support. He's got two new members, one who isn't 100% functional and one who absolutely doesn't want to be there, one other member in prison, one missing, one pretending to be dead, Valor under wraps and a time-displaced kid wandering around. It's pretty sneaky of Lyle to organize action against Cos, but that's espionage for you. Don't know if they'll ever really resolve their differences.

Gates is pretty heavy on the politics here - I remember him from later, more toned down. But he still rises to the occasion to rescue people.

Chuck does shine here, the outsider voice that can speak to everyone. It's cool that he's an architecture student and not some slacker cutting out of work to go to a ballgame.

The scene in the lunchroom with the different groups was great! Sometimes you don't need words.

Mysa the Hag AND the Emerald Eye - that's an interesting mix of Legion history. You just figure Zoe's headed for big trouble here.

A few teasers for Spark's admirer. Whoever it is is going overboard with the gifts. Violet's reaction shows that she's growing in self-confidence; I wonder if she was a favourite of Peyer and McCraw.

GL has a point that Jo is unbelievably devastated by Tinya's death - he's supposed to be a tough guy - but maybe it's partly guilt that he couldn't save her.

Lori's scene with the store owner was very funny.

Always liked Lee Moder's skinny Legionnaires! I may be in the minority and have only encountered one other fan as enthusiastic as I am. smile

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Originally Posted by Fat Cramer
The multiple plots were a plus for me - kept every pot boiling. It did feel a bit chaotic, but the Legion is in a bit of disarray at this point. Cos seems to be in over his head with no deputy-like support. He's got two new members, one who isn't 100% functional and one who absolutely doesn't want to be there, one other member in prison, one missing, one pretending to be dead, Valor under wraps and a time-displaced kid wandering around. It's pretty sneaky of Lyle to organize action against Cos, but that's espionage for you. Don't know if they'll ever really resolve their differences.

great point, FC. I remember feeling sympathy for Cos at times during this era - who would not be stressed, with all that going on? also with Brainy in jail, nobody can search for XS...

re missing Zoe, it was an interesting / nice touch that Mysa mentioned casting a spell so nobody else would worry. Did Gim already start flirting with her at this point? ah yes, Gim mentioned that to Vi in the scene where she insulted his "silly hat" (and immediately shrank out of sight, lol!) And the Mysa scene ties into this, with Vi's friendship being stronger than Gim's crush - I liked that bit

re Moder, I remember reading an opinion that Moder's skinny frames fit the Leigonnaires' young ages. always found that an interesting point. even Jo and Gim and Thom, the "buffest" ones, are still more lean and mean than bulky. Lyle and Garth and Brainy are quite a bit skinnier.

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Originally Posted by Fat Cramer
Chuck does shine here, the outsider voice that can speak to everyone. It's cool that he's an architecture student and not some slacker cutting out of work to go to a ballgame.

Yeah I never really liked the original origin story.

Mysa the Hag AND the Emerald Eye - that's an interesting mix of Legion history. You just figure Zoe's headed for big trouble here.

Yep, lots of bad rolled into one. smile

A few teasers for Spark's admirer. Whoever it is is going overboard with the gifts. Violet's reaction shows that she's growing in self-confidence; I wonder if she was a favourite of Peyer and McCraw.

Agree that the secret admirer went overboard. smile

And its a good question about Peyer & McCraw's view on Vi. I know that Jeff Moy has said that he felt the upcoming storyline that features her was the best one of their run.

GL has a point that Jo is unbelievably devastated by Tinya's death - he's supposed to be a tough guy - but maybe it's partly guilt that he couldn't save her.

This is a great point - I would have accepted this scene a lot easier, even back when I originally read this, if they had focused on Jo's guilt versus love. In the end, the writers fast tracked Jo/Tinya after a five year run of having them separated.

Always liked Lee Moder's skinny Legionnaires! I may be in the minority and have only encountered one other fan as enthusiastic as I am. smile

I mean, Moder had some great individual panels, but at the end of the day it was just a personal opinion on the overall work. I think for me the bodies were OK, but the faces seemed to be way older than they were. The scene that stands out to me is when Kinetix was introduced, her little brother Thanot looked to be about 35. laugh

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Originally Posted by Invisible Brainiac
great point, FC. I remember feeling sympathy for Cos at times during this era - who would not be stressed, with all that going on? also with Brainy in jail, nobody can search for XS...

Me too - I had been in a few scenarios where I felt overwhelmed and felt that it was portrayed in a relatable way.

re missing Zoe, it was an interesting / nice touch that Mysa mentioned casting a spell so nobody else would worry. Did Gim already start flirting with her at this point? ah yes, Gim mentioned that to Vi in the scene where she insulted his "silly hat" (and immediately shrank out of sight, lol!) And the Mysa scene ties into this, with Vi's friendship being stronger than Gim's crush - I liked that bit

re Zoe/Gim, it seemed to me that she was more flirty towards him rather than vice versa - that started a little bit later. Until it ended. smile

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Originally Posted by Invisible Brainiac
Legion of Super-Heroes 77
Lock Up

Issue information


The Warden of Takron-Galtos illegally enlists Nara Minsork, a roge Titanian, to probe Brainiac 5's mind and learn the secrets of time travel.

Minsork uses illegal technology to dig into Brainiac 5's mind, and finds his memory of the last time he felt pleasant - the day he was born.

Yet, Brainy's memory of that moment is objective because he already forgot what he felt. And that's why he wanted to travel through time - it was the only way for him to see his mother's face again, as Colu expunged all records of her. Brainy uses his complete control of his mind to threaten Minsork that he will trap her in it, unless she gives up this memory and allow him to suppress it again.


The issue is told from the point of view of Nara Minsork, not of Brainiac 5. It actually works here; Minsork's telepathy allows us to see how a Coluan's mind would differ from an ordinary sentient. And to also see how far advanced Brainy's 12th level intelligence is from the typical Coluan's.

It also makes for more dramatic reveals of Brainy's time on Colu. He was bored to death simply because he was so much smarter than everyone else. This lets us see his isolation. I'm reminded of a similar insight with Marvel's Quicksilver, where he likens his super-speed to living in a world where he is always "stuck in line" with slow-moving people - explaining his impatience. This explains Brainy's own impatience with much less intelligent people.

The issue gives more key insights into Brainy:

1) He does not attach much emotional significance to most of his life

2) Besides his birth, a key event was when the Coluans kicked Brainy out of Colu because he kept running experiments without proper clearance. Nobody else on Colu was smart enough to understand what he was doing, so to prevent him from "destroying the planet", he was "given away" to work for RJ Brande.

3) Brainy kept blowing up Brande Industries labs. Brande found him an internship at the Time Institute...

4) ... but Brainy was pulled away from there when he was drafted into the Legion. His Legion career was full of boredom and annoyance at being distracted, and jealousy at the attention Invisible Kid got from inventing the flight rings from Brainy's discarded experiment...

5) Except for Andromeda, whom he was fascinated with. He was genuinely sad at her death. but the issue implies that he didn't so much as crush on Andromeda, as he was fascinated because she physically resembled Brainy's mom (tall, blonde). Andromeda's death saddened Brainy because she reminded him of his mom.

All in all, a good story that really lets us get to know Brainiac 5. Nara Minsork isn't a shabby character either; an amoral woman who uses technology to break into Brainy's mind even though it risks shutting his mind down permanently. The Warden is also a good example of the corruption under Chu's UP - he knows hiring Minsork, a rogue telepath, is illegal; and he blackmails her into working for him. Yet, he is willing to do these because Chu is leaning on him to discover Brainy's secrets of time travel - despite time travel being outlawed by the UP! If we didn't already know Chu was bad news, this cements it for us.

Originally Posted by Invisible Brainiac
Legionnaires 34
Fallen Star

Issue Information


Picking up from the cliffhanger in L* 33, Shrinking Violet charges Starfinger. Too small to be affected by his powers, she manages to get close and beat him - though not without minor injuries. She finds, to her shock, that Starfinger is really Jan Arrah!

Back in Legion HQ, Saturn Girl telepathically probes Jan Arrah along with Cosmic Boy and Leviathan. From his memory, they see it was Winema Wazzo who captured and brainwashed him, in order to get revenge on the Legion for Apparition's death..

Cos, Gim and Lyle interrupt a UP session to show their video of Winema attacking Jan. President Chu and the other UP delegates start questioning Winema, but Chu interrupts to order Cos to freeze his video. In a scene showing Jan traveling as Starfinger, she points out a background image of a Sun-Eater! Chu brings the Legionnaires to the UP Secret Archive, and tells them about how dangerous the Sun-Eater is - that it can literally destroy stars. She also introduces the villains that Legion fans will know as the Fatal Five - besides Mano, there are Tharok, Validus, Persuader, and Empress (no Emerald!). In this reality, each was genetically engineered by their homeworlds to fight the Sun-Eater (or so Chu says). Lyle references his Earthgov past, saying the five were unoffically called the Fatal Five because of how dangerous they were.

Cos convenes the team, and the 10 remaining Legionnaires agree they are short-handed and need all the help they can get. Only Gates dissents; everyone else agrees to enlist the help of the Fatal Five.

Finally, Tharok gets a call from someone who says that the UP has dispatched the Legion to collect the Fatal Five, as planned. Tharok agrees to hold his end of the bargain - to kill the Legion.


1) We see Valor on Drak IV. A bunch of scavenging nomads have found a cache of very high-powered arms. After beating off their attack, Valor questions the nomads on where they found the arms; they say they just found them there. Valor destroys the arms and leaves the scavengers for the Science Police.

2) On the Sorcerer's World, Mysa restores Kinetix's power and sends her after the Emerald Eye.

3) Saturn Girl is called to pick up Lori Morning. The sentient that Lori petted is filing a complaint; Imra scolds him for not understanding that Lori made an honest mistake. Lori gets off with a warning.

4) Chuck Taine walks in on Violet as she changes. A stammering Chuck apologizes, while Violet is cool as a cucumber. Triad is surprised that Violet wasn't even embarrassed. Violet responds that she grew tired of resenting her teammates for just relaxing and having fun; she even chides herself for spending so much time searching for Kinetix, "like she isn't fully equipped to take care of herself!" Violet changes into a more revealing costume.


I like the cover blurb (Shrinking Violent!) way better than the actual title (Fallen Star). Shrinking Violent is a nice play on words. Fallen Star does not really seem to fit, unless it refers to the brainwashed Jan? Or to the stars being devoured by the Sun-Eater? Or to Winema being caught in wrongdoing?

Speaking of, Winema's grief over Tinya's death, her previous animosity to the Legion, and her temperament all combine to make her a plausible villain.

Most of the issue's events seem to be a roller-coaster: first we have a brainwashed Jan Arrah (a powerful weapon indeed) attacking the Legion; then his memories show a Sun-Eater, which Chu immediately picks up on. Then the Legion is sent to gather the Fatal Five, and in the end someone is revealed to be pulling the strings to have the Fatal Five kill the Legion. I read these issues out of order, so I cannot say for sure if I would have been suspicious way back then... but the writers drop enough hints that I can imagine many savvy readers start questioning these events.

Valor acts a bit cocky here. After felling the nomads, he goes "Oh, come on. That was one punch." When he escapes the arriving Science Police, he tells the one conscious nomad, "Listen, I have a problem. I;m famous, see? And right now, I can't afford to be seen except by the stupid, the out-of-it...people like you." Whoa. Can't imagine Preboot Mon-El saying these things. But then again, we know this version of Lar Gand had a somewhat different reaction to his Phantom Zone imprisonment... and of course, he has his messiah status in this reality to deal with. I can understand him getting a bit of an attitude.

Leviathan is impatient and brash as usual, while Cos is much calmer and more even-tempered this issue. Lyle managed to weasel his way into confronting Chu, even if he wasn't part of Jan's mental probe. Did Cos decide to bring in him because of his experience with Earthgov?

Gates continues to be a star. With just one line, he probably brings in 90% of the humor in this issue - "I suppose if our reactionary president told you to jump into a black hole, you'd do that, too!" interestingly, Spark and Triad and Chameleon are among the ones to defend Cos, despite Spark and Triad at least having serious disagreements with him recently.

Violet's bravery against Jan isn't new - she showed the same fire versus Micro in LSH v4 66. But her demeanor outside of battle - not being fazed by Chuck walking in, wearing a more revealing costume - are completely new. Perhaps the writers had already decided to make her the Emerald Empress by this point, which would explain her sudden confidence boost. Of course, to the reader it should be a big clue that something is amiss, as she was so softspoken outside of battle before! Remember when Zoe was changing her outfits in Legionnaires 23?

As Future mentioned above, Kinetix's subplot moves along without developing her character any. In her one-page scene, she is still as eager as before to get power; and she never even thinks of the potential dangers of the Emerald Eye. She's my favorite Legionnaire, but I have to admit her subplot hasn't been doing her many favors yet.

Lori's subplot is almost as bad. Her running off is realistic, but what purpose does it serve? She got into trouble, then Imra got her out of trouble with her Imra-ness. Plenty of build up, no pay off.

As for the Fatal Five, not much has changed for Tharok, Validus or Persuader. We already know Mano is a very different character this reality. That leaves Empress:in terms of power, a big step down. No more Emerald Eye, so she is just a cruel killing machine - "she knows a thousand ways to kill a hundred different species". No evidence of any super powers. She likes to pass herself off as a political freedom fighter, so we are told. Maybe that is why she calls herself the Empress, I don't know.

This is another solid issue. Subplots don't add that much yet, but the main action is pretty gripping, if a bit fast-paced. It does move the overall story along quite a bit.

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LSH 77 -

Brainy, imprisoned in Takron-Galtos, is interrogated by a new Telepath - Nara Minsork. I really thought this was a cool issue, as it was much more of a standalone episodic story compared to all the ongoings that had been happening since the relaunch. I found Nara to be a rather interesting character. A criminal telepath with a Saturn tattoo on her cheek was a fresh choice and I'm honestly surprised she wasn't used again. Hell, even Waid had a similar Threeboot character in Jeyla, but obviously made her a different character. Of course, through Nara we get that cool deep dive into Brainy's psyche, the background of the Brainiacs and some hints at Coluan civilization.

The second half of the book introduces some more fascinating concepts - tech-assisted telepathy (and Nara's VR suit) and Brainy viewing everyone else as apes, leading to his hiring by Brande. Lots of great background that helps flesh out Brainiac 5, that also makes you feel kind of sorry for him, or at least empathize with the character. Raised by robots in an uncaring environment. He definitely has feeling for Laurel, definitely has a thing for strong blonde women, as we see his mother, Brainiac 4, fits that motif. But tragically she leaves Colu after Querl's birth.

The revelation of Brainy's obsession over time travel to see his mother is pretty amazing. Of course, he shuts down Minsork out of his mind, and she gets dragged away by the warden.

Really loved this story and everything that was revealed here. Basically, I agree with all of Ibby's points above. smile Of course, the creative team totally ended up botching the story with his mother later on, but that's for a different day.

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Legionnaires 34 -

We pick up from Legionnaires 33 and Violet takes care of business with Starfinger handily with the shocking revelation that Starfinger is a brainwashed Jan Arrah! This is the main plot thread of the issue, where Imra probes his mind to discover an apparent brainwashing by Winema Wazzo. When this recording is shown to President Chu she a) ignores the evidence implicating Wazzo and b) notices a small detail in the background - the Sun Eater is coming to town! Chu cancels all hearings and orders the Legion to recruit the Fatal Five. But on a mysterious world, Tharok receives a communication from a mysterious woman(?) to destroy the Legion.

The subplots work pretty well. We get a check-in on Valor, who is being an anonymous space vigilante, and Mysa smacks a tattoo, if not some sense, into Kinetix, forcing her to go find the Emerald Eye. Lori is re-aquired by Imra in a light but neat follow up scene with the canine-like store owner. Vi's scene is probably the most interesting, as to Ibby's comment, it signals something is in the air. Vi changing into a new costume - and keeping cool when Chuck barges in - definitely signals a change. While her ferocity with Starfinger was one thing, this is definitely a new aspect of Violet that bears attention.

This is probably one of my favorite individual issues of the reboot, as it's Jeff Moy's art and a heavy focus on Vi. I actually was able to get Jeff to autograph a copy for me last year! I think we can safely say, based on some sketch notes from Moy, that they had already mapped out what they were going to do at this point with Violet, the Eye and Kinetix. As we all know now, Kinetix was originally supposed to wield the Eye, but because the fans sussed it out, the writers changed at the last minute. But that had already happened at this point - in Jeff's notes, he says that Vi's uniform becoming more revealing was an expression of the confidence bestowed by the Eye, and this change was the first visible manifestation of that.

Agree that the Lori page was kind of a waste, but they had to rein her in, I guess.

The other big flag that something is off is the revelation and confrontation about Winema Wazzo. They deliver seemingly hard evidence, and nothing is done but focusing on a small background detail that sends the story off into an entirely different direction, which is confirmed when we meet Tharok at the end. But the Five are what we'd expect - we've met Mano, Persuader and Validus are exactly the same as before, and the Empress is pre-Eye - all pretty cool starting points.

Like Ibby said - a really solid issue here, minus the Lori scene.

Bonus art easter egg - Apparently the SP/UP folks running security below the council chambers enjoy watching Star Trek Generations while they work. smile

Last edited by Gaseous Lad; 07/17/22 04:12 PM.

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you got it signed by Jeff Moy! Lucky you, and happy for you!

yeah,this issue holds up really well. Vi's confidence and Zoe being sent to search the Eye at the same time... lol at your comment re Zoe not getting any sense

Jan as Starfinger was a great way to show how versatile and dangerous his powers can be! and it all made sense too in the end, as to how he could do all the Liquefying and Burning and all that

threat of Fatal Five and mysterious shadowy woman was well done. and of course, Winema's "reveal" was sensible - after all, she has hated the Legion from the beginning, and Tinya's death made her really hate them

and then Chu spotting the Sun-Eater just turned things on its head! whew!

also funny re the team Cos brought to the UP - his deputy Gim, and spymaster (lol) Lyle. not even Imra, who did the telepathic scans. but of course, Gim and Lyle would have pushed for going, while Imra would have been more OK to step back

also lol at Gates' one liners!

and yeah, the look at Brainy's history was nice and revealing. he was already coldly arrogant from the beginning of his life, but the abandonment by his mom Brainiac 4 does humanize him a little. and him threatening to trap Nara Minsork in his brain shows just how advanced his mind is. also love that he does not really mind being imprisoned, as it lets him think free of distraction!

I do appreciate the plotting done by the team, by the way. Brainy being imprisoned leads into a spotlight issue, for example. the timing of Vi's new confidence is also spot-on as to the ongoing story. all the individual threads re Jan going to Trom and getting kidnapped, Winema's reactions to Tinya's death, etc. are also woven in and starting to converge...

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Originally Posted by Invisible Brainiac
you got it signed by Jeff Moy! Lucky you, and happy for you!

Jeff is really cool and accommodating generally, but I met him at Baltimore last year to pick up some stuff. So obviously he has art for sale and accepts commissions, etc, but he also has some other books for sale - graphic novels and individual issues where he is the artist, and sketchbooks that he has created that collect a lot of his commissions. So I bought a bunch of other issues, including Legionnaires 34, and he was gracious enough to sign a bunch of them. In one of them he even did a really quick Vi sketch - it was really cool. I'll try to post it if I can find it; I'm pretty sure its buries in my boxes somewhere. smile

lol at your comment re Zoe not getting any sense

It works right? laugh

Jan as Starfinger was a great way to show how versatile and dangerous his powers can be! and it all made sense too in the end, as to how he could do all the Liquefying and Burning and all that

Yep, I remember in my original read all those years ago that I was blown away by this reveal.

also funny re the team Cos brought to the UP - his deputy Gim, and spymaster (lol) Lyle. not even Imra, who did the telepathic scans. but of course, Gim and Lyle would have pushed for going, while Imra would have been more OK to step back

Of course Imra was also busy bailing out Lori. smile

and yeah, the look at Brainy's history was nice and revealing. he was already coldly arrogant from the beginning of his life, but the abandonment by his mom Brainiac 4 does humanize him a little. and him threatening to trap Nara Minsork in his brain shows just how advanced his mind is. also love that he does not really mind being imprisoned, as it lets him think free of distraction!

I do appreciate the plotting done by the team, by the way. Brainy being imprisoned leads into a spotlight issue, for example. the timing of Vi's new confidence is also spot-on as to the ongoing story. all the individual threads re Jan going to Trom and getting kidnapped, Winema's reactions to Tinya's death, etc. are also woven in and starting to converge...

Yep, KC Carlson worked really hard to keep a rich world in play here, so the writers introduced B4 at this point, but it wasn't returned to until after issue 100 - but the plan was to have that Dark Circle story w/Brainy's mom sooner, but as we know the story was rejected.

PS - I'm not sure if this is a clue or not - but Vi, who very specifically has violet/purple eyes, has green eyes on the cover. Coloring error or clue? smile

Last edited by Gaseous Lad; 07/21/22 06:43 AM.

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Vi with green eyes COULD be a clue! nice catch!

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LSH 77 is one of my favourite issues from this run. Nara Minsork is unique - she's dressed like a dame in a Marlowe novel (30th century style) and she's trouble - an immoral telepath. She just wants to make a living, it seems, not take over the universe. It's a refreshing take on a citizen of Titan.

The Warden's a bit of a creep as well.

We do get insight into how strange a Coluan mind is, especially Brainy's. You actually feel sorry for the kid's rotten childhood, although it doesn't seem to bother him much. Nara's investigative process feels incredibly invasive until Brainy turns tables on Nara and threatens to imprison her in his mind.

Originally Posted by IB
Valor acts a bit cocky here. After felling the nomads, he goes "Oh, come on. That was one punch." When he escapes the arriving Science Police, he tells the one conscious nomad, "Listen, I have a problem. I;m famous, see? And right now, I can't afford to be seen except by the stupid, the out-of-it...people like you." Whoa. Can't imagine Preboot Mon-El saying these things. But then again, we know this version of Lar Gand had a somewhat different reaction to his Phantom Zone imprisonment... and of course, he has his messiah status in this reality to deal with. I can understand him getting a bit of an attitude.

Letting off steam, I guess - but it doesn't feel like classic, noble Mon-El.

Originally Posted by IB
As Future mentioned above, Kinetix's subplot moves along without developing her character any. In her one-page scene, she is still as eager as before to get power; and she never even thinks of the potential dangers of the Emerald Eye. She's my favorite Legionnaire, but I have to admit her subplot hasn't been doing her many favors yet.

Lori's subplot is almost as bad. Her running off is realistic, but what purpose does it serve? She got into trouble, then Imra got her out of trouble with her Imra-ness. Plenty of build up, no pay off.

Kinetix doesn't come off too well here. She's jumping into danger, we know it; she might be blind to it. All the more opportunity to rise to the occasion and show her hero side later perhaps. Agree the Lori sub-plot didn't add anything, except to keep her in the story.

Originally Posted by GL
The other big flag that something is off is the revelation and confrontation about Winema Wazzo. They deliver seemingly hard evidence, and nothing is done but focusing on a small background detail that sends the story off into an entirely different direction, which is confirmed when we meet Tharok at the end. But the Five are what we'd expect - we've met Mano, Persuader and Validus are exactly the same as before, and the Empress is pre-Eye - all pretty cool starting points.

That scene seemed unbelievable to me. The Legion just bursts into the meeting, accuses Winema in front of everybody, then it's all dropped with the SunEater revelation. Will we later find out that Chu knew about Jan/Starfinger and that's why she so easily dismissed the accusation? Good point that this Empress is pre-Eye; her new look is unappealing and I sort of focused on that, but why should she wear green if she hasn't come under the Eye's influence?

And I totally missed Vi's green eyes - and took her new outfit as just a sign that she was gaining confidence as a Legionnaire.

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Originally Posted by Fat Cramer
LSH 77 is one of my favourite issues from this run. Nara Minsork is unique - she's dressed like a dame in a Marlowe novel (30th century style) and she's trouble - an immoral telepath. She just wants to make a living, it seems, not take over the universe. It's a refreshing take on a citizen of Titan.

Totally agree - We saw a decent amount of Titanians both pre- and post-DnA, and they all seemed to create a decent tapestry of a diverse culture instead of the general "funny hat" syndrome that most alien worlds are shown as being.

Originally Posted by GL
The other big flag that something is off is the revelation and confrontation about Winema Wazzo. They deliver seemingly hard evidence, and nothing is done but focusing on a small background detail that sends the story off into an entirely different direction, which is confirmed when we meet Tharok at the end. But the Five are what we'd expect - we've met Mano, Persuader and Validus are exactly the same as before, and the Empress is pre-Eye - all pretty cool starting points.

That scene seemed unbelievable to me. The Legion just bursts into the meeting, accuses Winema in front of everybody, then it's all dropped with the SunEater revelation. Will we later find out that Chu knew about Jan/Starfinger and that's why she so easily dismissed the accusation?

This was exactly my thought. You'd think someone in the crowd would have been saying, "Yeah, I get the Sun Eater threat and all that, but can we keep our eye on the ball here? This lady just brainwashed a kid to kill a bunch of folks!" Its seriously the weakest part of this issue.

And I totally missed Vi's green eyes - and took her new outfit as just a sign that she was gaining confidence as a Legionnaire.

As did I on my initial read of this issue. I remember being really happy that my favorite character was taking agency in transforming herself.

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You both make excellent points re Winema being accused. if I remember right, next issue or two, we see Winema still hanging out with the other UP dignitaries. Nobody even thinks of placing her in preventive custody or at least taking her in for questioning!

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Covering LSH 78 & Legionnaires 35

Originally Posted by Invisible Brainiac
Legion of Super-Heroes 78
The Gathering Doom

Issue information


The UP Council meets outdoors. Most delegates are nervous, but President Chu faces up to the situation by describing exactly how scary the Sun-Eater is. She outlines her plans to have the Legion stop the Sun-Eater, prompting an outburst from Winema, who is promptly removed. Chu recovers smoothly, and promises that no UP star-system will be destroyed. We see panicking non-UP worlds rush to join the UP to gain protection.

The Legionnaires split into pairs to collect the Fatal Five.

Cosmic Boy and Violet head to McCauley's base to retrieve Mano. Evolvo devolves into ape form to stall the Legionnaires, but Violet promptly scares him into submission with her shrinking. McCauley, forced to comply, brings the Legionnaires to Mano. The UP makes a generous offer - help against the Sun-Eater, and get a full pardon. Mano accepts, much to McCauley's horror, as nothing will stop Mano from pursuing his vengeance. Cos shows little sympathy; McCauley was keeping Mano in a horrible cell without legal authority - with rats imported from the sewers of Paris! Even if Mano had rejected the offer, the Legionnaires would have had him transferred to a proper jail.

Saturn Girl and Spark head to Pasnic to find Validus running loose. Imra sees Validus' mind is just a "big angry head full of nothing"! Spark resists Validus' lightning but can't affect him in return. Imra manages to telepathically implant a big, scary image of herself into Validus' mind - making him faint!

Chameleon and Leviathan head to an asteroid for Venegar, built specifically to house the Empress. They find her lounging on the bodies of every single sentient there, much to their horror.

Gates and Invisible Kid find Tharok's hideout. Lyle warns Gates not to teleport ahead, despite Gates' difficulty walking; Gates does still teleport, but wisely waits by the entrance to Tharok's lair. Lyle gives a recap of Tharok's history - stupid criminal who got solvent spilled on half his body; reconstructed into a cyborg by a surgeon, whom he promptly killed; cybernetic enhancements make him extremely intelligent. To their surprise, Tharok surrenders without a fight. Interestingly, Tharok is holding what looks to be the Atomic Axe.

And on Takron-Galtos, Star Boy and Triad go on ahead to take custody of the Persuader, sans Axe. We find a new Warden, replacing the one who sicced Nara Minsork on Brainiac 5 in LSH v4 77. She mentions that the old Warden is now behind bars. Triad sees Brainy and tries to talk to him, but he ignores her - too busy thinking. Talk about lost in thought.

As the Legionnaires and Fatal Five assemble, Tharok hands the Atomic Axe to Persuader, gives a shiny dagger to Empress, frees Validus, and rallies the Fatal Five to kill the Legion. Uh-oh.


The cover is an excellent homage to the Adventure Comics issue with the original Fatal Five story!

The Gathering Doom. Nice title, and a subtle foreshadowing also that maybe gathering the Fatal Five wasn't the best idea.

The writers managed to pack a lot of characterization - both for Legionnaires and for the Fatal Five - into a series of lovely little vignettes. This issue was structured extremely well, and the action was not interrupted at all by any subplots. References to matters outside of the main plot (e.g. Mano's vendetta versus McCauley) are folded into the main story.

On the Legionnaires -

Cosmic Boy continues to be calm and even-tempered, a big departure from his recent tantrums. He definitely shows his compassion here - being appalled at Mano's poor cell conditions, and also reminding the Legionnaires (especially Leviathan!) to stress communication with the Fatal Five over confrontation.

Violet also continues to be confident and clever, scaring ape-man Evolvo without throwing a punch.

Spark doesn't get to do much, but I like her snarky yet professional demeanor. She is good for a few cracks while still getting the job done.

Saturn Girl pulls the big save against Validus; to be fair, she is probably the Legion's only effective weapon against him now.

Leviathan's sense of justice comes through at how disgusted he is of the Empress.

Chameleon doesn't do much, though his Interlac has improved a bit. At least he can be understood without the need for a translator.

Invisible Kid references his spy past again; he shows much more caution this time around. Learning from past mistakes?

Gates, despite his bravado and sarcasm, showed his fear of Tharok. Again, comedy gold for the little bug!

Triad spends most of her lines yelling at Star Boy, and grumbling at Cos for giving her the "easy job" of getting the Persuader, who is already in custody at Takron-Galtos. Neither she nor Star Boy are happy about spending the issue filling up forms to get the Persuader freed.

Star Boy, for his part, seems a bit lost this issue - being yelled at by Triad for touching the controls on their spaceship, and not recognizing Brainiac 5. Ah well, he's only been here a few issues, give him a break...

The Fatal Five's facade ends as expected, and possibly sooner than expected - we didn't even see any real Sun-Eater, and they didn't even move the action off Takron-Galtos!

This issue was great for story momentum; the writers wisely chose not to include anything distracting. instead, we go full throttle into what promises to be a big battle!

Artwise, I commend the panel layouts. They are easy to read and follow. I also think Lee Moder's art has improved at this point; the Legionnaires look more fleshy and less anemic. The action scenes are also very easy to follow.

Ibby, for L* 35 I'm editing out the detailed commentary here for length.

Originally Posted by Invisible Brainiac
Legionnaires 35
While You Were Out...

Issue Information


While the Legionnaires are away, Metropolis (and by extension Earth) wait for the Sun-Eater. Rond Vidar heads to Legion HQ to examine Lori Morning, under the watchful eye of Shvaughn Erin in her role as SP Officer. Lori brashly uses the Legion HQ holo-projector to tell Metropolis that she, as Future Girl, will protect them while the Legion is away - leading to concern and fear. A furious Marla Latham has to do damage control.

An intruder uses this opportunity to attack HQ with a device that scrambles communications and an army of shapeshifters.

Chuck Taine, Tenzil Kem and Marla Latham successfully fend off a trio of intruders. Rond, Shvaughn, Lori and some Athramites face another group that has a caustics bomb; they are trying to use it on the HQ power core, which would destroy Metropolis! Lori kicks the bomb away from the intruders; it eats away a large portion of the floor, sending most of them plunging to their doom. Lori saves herself and one intruder, who asks Lori to save herself. Lori refuses, and hangs on long enough for Shvaughn and Rond to save her. The Legion support staff decide to keep the intruder, and Lori names it Proty.


The roll call is, as always, a nice touch. Unlike some other roll calls, the characters' expressions here fit the scene - Shvaughn and Marla register disapproval, Rond is embarrased out of his life, Tenzil is amused and Chuck is gawking at Lori's hideous fashion disaster.

I think the writers did a great job of including exposition. There was just enough to give readers background, and it was worked in organically through conversations that are character-building and that seem natural. They explained things in a minimum of words and had the characters figure things out intelligently enough. Points are lost for the repetitive dialogue on Takron-Galtos and with XS though, that's still 2.5 pages total!

Lori. Though it's not explicitly stated, the Legion is probably keeping her existence a secret from the government. Else, Chu would likely have carted her off to prevent Rond from discovering useful things from studying her.

Nice nods to the Preboot continuity (Chuck being a sharpshooter, the Space Canine patrol) that would still be appreciated by new readers as well.

It was a fun issue, and each of the seven cast members get something to do. Proty, well, it's a nice nod as well, though its inclusion does raise a lot of questions. And at least the Legion / Fatal Five battle got moved on a bit.

It was also good seeing some scenes of what is happening on Earth, what with the Sun-Eater panic. That way, this issue does not feel so much like filler, but more like "what is everyone else doing?" Interestingly, none of the support staff register even a bit of worry about the Sun-Eater itself, though they are probably just confident in the Legion.

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The Gathering Doom begins. So the whole Sun Eater ruse - everyone is basically going along with the President because of a glimpse of it in a memory without any kind of verification. AND Wazzo is still walking around freely after the same memory implicated her in a crime! But it seems to me that Chu is being very canny here and leveraging this incident to increase the size of the UP and gain power.

The splitting up of the Legion to pick up the Fatal Five makes interesting pairings. Everyone's in a different ship - only one, Imra and Ayla to pick up Validus, is a legit Legion cruiser. The best pairing is Lyle and Gates, just cause Gates gets the best lines.

Cos and Vi go to pick up Mano from McCauley and Evolvo, who tries to stall as a primitive ape. Vi easily takes care of him without a fight. I have to say that this is one of the Moder issues where I really did like the art - even though Mano is faceless, you can almost feel him smiling when he accepts Cos' proposal to help, releasing himself from McCauley's imprisonment. Imra scares Validus into passing out while he's on a rampage. One wonders what the deal is with him in this continuity.

The sequence where Gim and Reep go to recruit the Empress is chilling - she's a complete psycho. The only recruiting story that has any real depth to it is Lyle and Gates getting Tharok, where we see his backstory of the petty thief hurt in an accident then kept alive by the people he was stealing from for some reason. They find him - with the Persuader's axe - and he easily surrenders.

Everyone meets at Takron-Galtos, where Thom and Luornu are getting Persuader from the new warden; apparently the shenanigans with Brainy and Minsork last issue got the last one fired. They walk by Brainy but he doesn't respond. There's a lot to like in the last couple pages - an interesting pairing of the Empress and Gates, Tharok laughing at both the Sun Eater and Cosmic Boy's trust, just before he gives weapons to Persuader and the Empress. He's presented as an interesting villain.

It's a fairly by-the-numbers story that sets up the big showdown between the fight, and its done pretty well, other than the oddness of the premise at the beginning.

Interested in the Post-Zero Hour Reboot Legion? Check out:

The Reboot Legion Timeline

Fan Fiction: The Legion of Super-Heroes v4.1 (continuing the reboot from issue 126!) on LW or here (external)

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some of those pairings more served to highlight the Legionnaires, than the Fatal Five. Cos/Vi getting Mano for example, was showing Vi being assertive. (McCauley cringing in fear re Mano getting free was hilarious). or Triad giving Thom a hard time, treating him like a rookie.

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Invisible Brainiac: Happy happy birthday, cleome!
thoth lad: Hello Mattropolis!
Invisible Brainiac: Happy birthday, Legion Tracker!
Ann Hebistand: Did anyone have problems getting into Legion World earlier this afternoon?
Invisible Brainiac: I didn't have any issues, though I can't remember what time I tried this afternoon
Ann Hebistand: Okay, thanks.
Ann Hebistand: Happy Birthday, Ultra Jorge
Ann Hebistand: OptimusPrime < 40th Anniversary TOMORROW
Ann Hebistand: Today, 40 years ago... OptimusPrime
KryptonKid: Sgt Pepper taught the band to play...
Sarcasm Kid: I hope those of us in the southeast are okay and safe
Ann Hebistand: Thank you, Sarky.
Ann Hebistand: I was lucky, but many people were not. Please keep them in your thoughts. And if you can, make a charitable donation.
Sarcasm Kid: Am I gonna see anyone at NYCC this Thursday?
Nightcrawler: Staying local, sorry.
Fat Cramer: Hello Legion World. Missed you! Lots of catching up to do.
Gaseous Lad: Welcome back FC!!!! We missed you!
Ann Hebistand: Cramey! hug love
thoth lad: Great to see you Cramer!
Kappa Kid: Hope everyone is doing well! smile
Eryk Davis Ester: Wow! Cramer and Kappa Kid? Are we gathering up all fo the members for some big #200 anniversary event or something? wink
Invisible Brainiac: sweet! nice seeing ya, FC and Kappa!
Future: Hi, Legion World! Thanks for keeping the Legion alive!
Ann Hebistand: Hi! Good to see you here. I miss your comments on the Transformers G1 cartoon.
Eryk Davis Ester: Now Future? Wow!
Reboot: Truly, there was a future, once.
Sarcasm Kid: Happy Hanksgiving all you turkey droppings
Ann Hebistand: LOL. Belated Happy Thanksgiving to you, Sarky dear.
Sarcasm Kid: Candle is alive she's okay
Eryk Davis Ester: Santa brought thoth back!
Ann Hebistand: Huzzah!
Rockhopper Lad: The Rookery Holiday party is in progress! Pop by!
Ann Hebistand: I am so going to attend! Thanks, Rocky!
Nightcrawler: Updated us to version 8.0 of the software. Everything resets to the default settings. I'll be restoring things back to normal as I have time.
Nightcrawler: Sorry. Didn't realize the solution I had for the old PHP would screw up the new board.
Reboot: Wait, Version 8 actually happened shocked
Nightcrawler: Yeah. smile
Reboot: *insert "It Has Been 84 Years" clip here*
Invisible Brainiac: thanks Nighty, appreciate it smile
Ann Hebistand: Yes! Thank you, Nightcrawler. And Happy New Year, Legion Worlders! CalorieQueen
Rockhopper Lad: Howdy, Legion Worlders! love
Ann Hebistand: Hi, Rocky! hug love
thoth lad: Rocky!
Lard Lad: Yo, Adrian!
Ann Hebistand: "Gonna fly now"
cleome58: "I'm the Queen of 58 and I'm here to state..." wink
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