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Edit: Thread title, to encourage posting comments

I noticed recently that I get a better response to my FanFic through PMs than I do on the posting threads.

I'm hoping that this trend means that people don't want to interrupt the 'flow' of the story, but it could very well mean that the comments are being withheld for other reasons, such as a majority of readers not liking the story and not wanting to post negative comments.

Well, I'm slightly masochistic and I believe that any writer who honestly wants to improve his or her mastery of the craft NEEDS to hear the negative side and use it as a counterbalance.

Please remember one thing however, my intention is not to start a battle between posters, nor am I asking for comments on anyone else's work - although they are invited to join in should THEY so choose.

So here's the place for that ...

Just an Old, Broke-Down, Drunk, Bum!!

With a Power Ring...
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Binliner (that's Harbinger to you!)is on record saying she prefers people to post on her threads as it acts like a 'commercial break' and pads out the pages to make it look like she's written more than she really has

I am so gonna get my arse kicked for this!!!

lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol

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I also feel that if I post then I know where to resume reading next time I check the thread out....

Maybe it's just that Me, you, your missing bro', Numfie, Danny and 'binger are the only people who read this?

I feel really lonely all of a sudden eek

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Originally posted by Sonnie Boy:
Binliner (that's Harbinger to you!)is on record saying she prefers people to post on her threads as it acts like a 'commercial break' and pads out the pages to make it look like she's written more than she really has

I am so gonna get my arse kicked for this!!!
Actually Sonnie is right, I quite like a few posts between yesterdays and todays and tomorrows posts in my fanfics.

I'll only do it to others if other people are doing it too though. I know that, for instance, I whizzed through Grey Birds Solace tale as a result of there being no other posts, but I still enjoy reading others views on my stories.


And I am going to kick his arse!


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And here I was going to PM you guys to say that I'm sorry I've fallen behind in the fanfic reading here again and haven't gotten to any of the recent stuff. This week, this week. By which time you'll have written 10 more pieces.....

I like to read the comments - sometimes people mention things I hadn't noticed or suggest possible endings/interpretations I hadn't thought of, through which I get more out of what I'm reading.

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I also like for peope to post on my story!!!!

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I've just re-read this thread and I've got to ask you Chuckles, are you wanting us to post our comments on your stories here in this thread or in your stories actual thread?

I'm confused! confused

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I haven't received many PM's on my stuff, so I have to assume that most of the people who have read it are either not saying anything or are posting on the thread itself.

I really don't mind if people post in the thread.

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I find it harder to comment on a multi-part story until it has arrived at some conclusion. Perhaps it comes from seeing that an author is aiming at a resolution or high point, in both character actions and plot, and I find it premature to judge until I've seen all of the essentials.

That also makes it harder to communicate how I'm enjoying a story as it unfolds, unless I use the occasional IM. A less "permanent" note seems more appropriate for a work in progress. If it's clearly a serial story, though, with well-defined episodes, notes after each installment become more worthwhile.

Also, for those who don't know recent and local traditions: Many LMBPers would begin a story on the old DC boards, using the LMBP characters, and tag it "Onevision," which by common consent meant that no comments were posted to the thread until the author signaled that he or she was finished.

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I really enjoy all the Tag Team threads that are developing here. The different ideas, styles and use of characters is brilliant laugh

I want to post but amn't brave enough yet! I will but first I have to kill off ... I mean write exciting stories about my own characters. Once my current Legion 35C spin-off story line is over (probably tomorrow, certainly by the end of the week) I'll dive in.

Just thought I'd post my appreciation for them here rather than on the threads themselves.


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As someone who used to write quite a bit on the old boards I always found comments (negative and positive) on the threads a welcome sign that people were reading and (hopefully) enjoying the stories. So in my case please feel free to comment as and when.

Greys comment about onevisions versus tag teams is a good one. Although for my part I always thought the main difference was that we had set onevisions up so that only that one author could set out and tell his story, without additions from his friends that may have taken the story in directions the author did not want to go. I don’t think they were intended to stop comments but my memory may be out on that. Perhaps some of the old hands can help out here?

The tag team stories were great fun precisely because they could go of on such weird and wonderful tangents.

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The on-going tag team thread has made me laugh more than any other thread on this board....

Will try to think of some funny scenario to write into it but can't promise it'll be of a similar standard....

Almost New Kids latest Space Ranger-with-wind post made me snort lemsip through my nose - that's one way to unblock sinuses! Though not a way I'd recommend..... laugh

thanks chuck!

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Originally posted by Sonnie Bozzo:
The on-going tag team thread has made me laugh more than any other thread on this board....

Will try to think of some funny scenario to write into it but can't promise it'll be of a similar standard....

Almost New Kids latest Space Ranger-with-wind post made me snort lemsip through my nose - that's one way to unblock sinuses! Though not a way I'd recommend..... laugh

thanks chuck!
You're quite welcome Keith, but I recommend checking some of the new posts. Recent additions by Cobie, Harby, Blockhead Boy(?)(Hmm... Gotta be an innocent typo, laugh ), FC, and others have added some bits that put mine to shame. lol lol

Free KOKO and Jinx!

Just an Old, Broke-Down, Drunk, Bum!!

With a Power Ring...
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I think I'll post a general comment on this thread - I'm a bit intimidated posting on a tag-team thread - which is a bit ironic as I can quite happily create my own universe to play with! Not in REALITY but in writing you understand, I'm not godly really, well not without a bit of cosmetics and a good bra anyway laugh lol

I do try. shocked

Honest. shocked

don't hate me please.

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Binger, if you take a moment and reread the 'onging' thread the bit you posted to it was quite possible the single funniest bit in the entire story. And it set up a lot of the things that came after it. tongue

I know that ABNQNK took off and ran with what you wrote, but who says you can't return the favor? wink

And, we could never, Ever, hate you Belinda. love

Now, get in there and goof off, just like the rest of us.

Truth and Justice shall Prevail!
(Just as soon as the Check Clears!)
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I think I need scaffolding sometimes lol lol lol

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Maybe the other newbies are just a bit shy? I know that I always get a minor panic attack whenever I post something... Just give 'em a little time, they'll show up soon. Once we get comfortable on this board, the comments will come flooding in. cool

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A serious note about the tag team threads. I'm getting a wee bit disturbed by the increasingly mysoginistic tone in them. While I can accept that 35 years ago the Legion was a tad sexist we shouldn't hold that up as a reason for the current glut of awful nonsense. This woman who's name we're not supposed to mention as it is, I assume, her real name stealing powers through sex etc etc is not a pleasant story arc. Not funny. Not clever. Get over it boys. Do you know what it says about your views on your own sexual maturity when you write such crap?

Personal swipes at people are really not attractive in a story thread! Use the regular threads or PMs to do your attacks! And if your target doesn't actually post on the board why are you dragging old and dead arguments out for public airing? Very immature!

If you want to push away genuine women from your threads (and this wonderful board) you're going the right way about it. And to settle any rumours I am most definitely a real woman, not an Alt ID like so many of the other 'female' posters appear to be. We're all here as fans of a magazine that tries to promote equality regardless of circumstances. Surely we should try a little to echo this? So, as a parting thought to the poor taste posters- Get a grip! And not just of yourself!

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Fair comment Harbi and well made, but isn't it a funny point to make following your previous comment to all and sundry about the Hall Russell bras you need to keep your huge bazookies in check???? (By the way, wasn't Bazookie the annoying little shite in the Godzilla cartoons?)

Love you loads, by the way Binger....

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I AM Fair game, I'm here to play along and as you are well aware Numf I can give out as good as anyone else. I'm not shy (as you can definitely confirm!) and will allow a lot of things to be said or done around me without any complaint. But that is when it is done to me! And I'm aware of the situation.

My problem was the general tone against all women, and in particular a sudden glut of really nasty posts about someone who p-ed off one of our suppposedly senior LMBPers on another board!! - this pissed me off.

What I guess I'm trying to say is this - IF you want to be taken seriously have the guts to fight with those big enough to fight back.

'nuff said Numf, love you too


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Misogynist or misanthropic? I wouldn't say that the men are portrayed in a very flattering light either...perhaps it's the Ultimates virus infecting everything.

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I'm not sure what really happened, but I have read the Calling all LMBPers thread, so I know a little bit about it... I hope I haven't offended anyone, and if I did, I'm really sorry, it certainly wasn't intentional. I know that I'll be more careful in the future, so we can keep the harmony and good vibes on this board.

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I thought I'd reincarnate this old thread to post my views on all the ongoing writing threads.

And that was a nice link into Ongoing - I love how the boys (Abin Quank, Cobalt and Numf-El) have sort of settled into a great routine of taking turns in posting an entire arc each - AQs' Mickey Spilane-esque Editor Eddie is great, Cobies traditional but with a twist action adventures and Numfies total lunacy are all individual, fascinating, captivating, outrageous and well worth a second and third reading each!

Danny Blaines sublime adventures about 'normal' people is one of the highlights of this whole board, it reads like a film - don't know if that makes sense but I do feel like I am there in the story with the 'real people' he writes so well.

Of course theres Abin Quanks Ron Karr story that gives us more depth of character per post than a year of DnA is well worth a raving about too. I'm addicted to this story.

And there's my ongoing stories set in the 35th century. Well I kind of enjoy them too.

There have been a load of great fanfics prior to these as well and everyone that I've read has added to the great weft and weave that makes this forum so unique and wonderful and a joy to log onto every night.

Sorry artists but I'm a literary girl - give me words over pictures any day! I do love your work and wish I could draw more than rudimentary stick figures that look like they're recovering from an industrial accident!

Okay, to be honest with you I'm jealous of the artists talent and love sneaking peaks at their fantastic work, just like every other poster here.

To everyone who has invested time and effort to add to this wonderful, inspired and lovingly mad board - thank you!

I wouldn't make a good critic, would I?

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Sidenote- Harbinger, I have to admit I feel really bad, I've never read the post at the top of this page until now. I know this was a month ago, and the point is moot since we fixed the problem, but I just wanted to say 'sorry' smile . OK, no more going back to it now wink . Love you Belinda!

And thanks for the kind words on the tag thread! I'm enjoying it quite a bit myself these days too! I've been enjoying Chuck's stories all along, and I've never quite read anything as funny as Numf's! I only wish more people would post on it again, *cough* *cough*, Harbinger, Fat Cramer, EDE, Icefyre, Vee, etc., etc...

I plan to getting around to reading all the other fanfics as well! This I promise! I know I have a ton to read about Glorion Grundy and Danny B's Midnight Investigation, as well as a ton of other cool stuff!

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Bold Flavors
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In case this isn't clear to everyone who is not Chuck, Numf or I: post on the ongoing tag thread! Don't worry about continuity, don't worry about whatever. Have fun with it! If you screw up continuity, we'll fix it, or just not ever care anyway! And do what you want to any of the characters who you think won't mind (just remember, it's open game on you after you do something to me wink )!

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