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Nice review, GL.
I did like the mixed feelings/emotions, like this being a brutal war with many civilian casualties; mixed in with Thom and Jenni struggling to keep their spirits up. The somber mood was very much on display.
Also Thom's concerns about Nura becoming a weapon, but not being able to complain because his own powers were enhanced. (DNA certainly does a lot of this power enhancement - Umbra's darkfield gets an upgrade too after all, though this has precedent in Legionnaires 64, pre-DNA!) Both Nura and Thom become much more effective here
XS on the other hand. I agree that her acting as a super speed courier and messenger make tons of sense. what I don't like is, despite her speed, she gets in trouble twice this issue - once being hit by the pulse, a second time being entangled by the Robotican AI. So much for being fast! and also her super speed setting of an alarm. I found it distracting, and thought it made XS look bad in comparison to the rest
I was also very impressed by Insect Queen almost dying from exhaustion to do her job. And Jork was likable, which made his predicted death hurt even though I saw it coming.
I also liked the deeper look at the Khunds. They actually come across as noble here, coming to Xanthu's defense.
Both endings left me wanting more - did Thom and Jenni make it? What about Nura's visions??
Overall, a good issue - my quibbles are minor.
Last edited by Invisible Brainiac; 08/23/21 07:02 AM.
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Agree - I'd say that aside from the intro of the story, most of my issues are very minor and its a pretty solid book.
If I'd been more on the ball last week, I'd have finished the review for LW5 and posted it yesterday, as it was the 20th anniversary of it's release!
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Good review, GL. I wondered what you would make of this issue since it's hardly the lighter side of the Legion you seem to be longing for. As you note, "You are Here: Xanthu" harkens back to "Legion of the Damned," with Xanthu being invaded and conquered almost instantly and our remaining heroes being left in a hopeless situation. The cover of this issue could be viewed as a reverse-Watchmen cover. Each cover of the Watchmen limited series was intended to be the first panel of the story whereas the cover of LW 4 could be viewed the ominous last panel of the main story--Thom taken over by Robotican tech things. Resistance is indeed futile.
For me, "You are Here: Xanthu" accomplishes two things. First, it establishes that Robotica is indeed the serious threat everyone's been alluding to. Second, it surprises us with an unusual combination of characters working together to fight the threat. I was delighted to see the opening narration lead into Jenni's introduction. She's an odd choice to be on Xanthu, and while her presence is vaguely explained (she "ran" to Xanthu looking for old friends--I don't recall her being particularly close with Thom or Nura), it gets us into the story quickly and makes good use of her power as a long-distance form of communication. I, too, enjoyed her banter with Thom.
Although this is ostensibly Thom's story (it's his planet, after all), he is less developed. Sure, he's a powerhouse and gets plenty of opportunities to demonstrate his gravity-bending might. But he doesn't really grow or reveal anything about himself in this story. Even his heroic gesture of staying behind to make sure the refugees escape is a foregone conclusion--and undercut by Jenni's own surprise sacrifice. The two of them do make a good team, though.
But it's really Nura who is the standout star of both the lead and backup stories. The war has forced her to grow from a narcoleptic ditz into a secret weapon: a fortune teller who can predict events with uncanny accuracy. There is a cost, though--two, really. First is that she sees deaths of colleagues she cannot save. Second is the ironic revelation that she now gets no sleep at all. Considering how important the sleep cycle is to humans, this development could have portended dire turns for Nura's health and sanity. Luckily or not, I don't recall this development going anywhere in later stories.
The story itself is nonstop action with a straightforward premise: the Xanthu and Khund forces fight a losing battle and only barely manage to get the last ships of refugees off the planet. It's told effectively and does what it sets out to do: establish Robotica as a significant threat while working in a cliffhanger about Jenni and Thom's fate. This was both a blessing and a curse of Legion World. I wanted so much to know what would happen next, but I knew I would have to wait many months for further developments. In a way, it was frustrating that each issue of LW shifted focus to a new set of characters and a new problem on a new world.
The backup story, "War Makes a Weapon," is the best of any backup in the series so far. It's really a back story, showing how Nura became what she is now; however, we really get a glimpse into her personality, bravery, and love for Thom. The last panel, in which she tells the Khund she's ready to give tactical updates as tears pour out of her eyes is powerful. Gone is the ditz of earlier stories. In her place is a warrior who has already sacrificed so much and is ready to sacrifice again.
I agree that the art is better suited to the technology than to the figures. There were several pages in which the characters get lost in the carnage of robots and machinery around them. This type of art style--throw in everything and the kitchen sink--seemed to be quite popular back then. The level of detail on pp. 14-15 (when Nura makes her entrance) is astounding, but the characters seem to be a secondary consideration.
As for Jenni's appearance, it was unusual and made her look like an insect. I did like the kneepads, which sometimes looked like faces and other times like bowling balls.
It was nice to see some of the Amazers--this is their planet, too, so they should be there. I had forgotten that the reboot Insect Queen was an Amazer. It threw me when she made her entrance.
Overall, this wasn't the most memorable issue of LW--again, the characters (the people we care about) are too often overshadowed by the events and images around them--but it's solid and holds up well on re-read.
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Lots of great points here, HWW.
When the story first started, I did indeed have a "here we go again" thought in my head with the intro, and was expecting yet another Warhammer Legion story, and it did not disappoint. The big difference was the tone. LotD was a major downer of a story. This was not, due to Jenni and Thom's banter. You make a good point in that Jenni and Thom never really hung out a lot or were featured together, but the writers make it work. It also does an amazing job of illustrating the Robotican threat.
This is 100% Nura's book. And the funny thing is that even 20 years later after reading this originally, I remember her backup story more than the main story featuring Jenni and Thom. I think its because Nura's story is very personal and marks a significant change to her character, and that the main story is yet another DnA world crusher, so it wasn't as original. That specific criticism (DnA's frequent recycling of themes, and specifically there about worldbusting) is what I remember the most from this era of the Legion, but I'm finding nuggets of things that I enjoy as I'm re-reading these books. The Nura story is one of those such moments, and as you rightly pointed out, extremely powerful and very well done.
IMO what DnA did with Nura is the best thing about their tenure that I've seen so far.
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Re Jenni and Thom, especially that bit about Jenni ragging on Thom for making awful jokes... and Thom saying it's his way of coping with everything.
Agree that Nura was the highlight. She was the one who changed the most, both powers and personality. I definitely took her more seriously - and liked her more - after that!
Am I the only one who loved Insect Queen's chops? (though she was a bit insensitive to poor Jork, but I gave her a pass because she was pushing herself so much)
DNA World Crushers... good point eh? Damned, Lost, Ra's and Terrforforming, Robotica... yeah it's just one big thing after another!
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Great point about Insect Queen, Ibby. And I agree - She really shined in her efforts. Which was a huge contrast to Atmos - I'm STILL not sure what he does. LOL
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oh yeah, Atmos had like one panel using his powers eh? And his characterization was basically: I'm angry! thanks for reminding me, GL  Poor Atmos really got the shaft in comparison.
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LOL - Rage is his superpower.
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To me, Atmos was just there as an additional reminder that Xanthu was home to a team of super-heroes, not just Star Boy. As I recall, he and Star Boy were not exactly friends, correct? If so, their alliance parallels that of the Khunds and the Xanthuans--forced to become allies because of a common enemy. I did like Atmos' line, "If [the glass] were full, I'd have to wonder why no one's drinking from it" -- a perfectly logical rationale for pessimism. 
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It's funny, I don't remember Atmos being anything more than window dressing for the most part. He was in a couple scenes, but didn't fight in the Mordru battle, for example. In fact, I don't remember any instance of him having any dialogue.
There was a scene in the pre-5YL Legion (I think) where Atmos had seduced Nura, so there was that. But I don' t think there was much of him in the Reboot at all.
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Atmos, if I recall, appeared...
Cameo in Legionnaires 0, when the Xanthian government decided Kid Quantum I would be their Legion rep over Star Boy and Atmos.
Cameo Legionnaires 49, when Xanthu was debating whether to send anyone over to help vs. Mordru
LSH 102, speaking and fairly major role, leading the defense of Xanthu vs. Natra Dellons, and being all defensive when Star Boy and Monstress show up - and Star Boy takes charge with superior leadership and tactics. This is likely what HWW was remembering when he recalled that Star Boy and Atmos were not exactly best friends.
Legends of the Legion 4, Star Boy's origin, cameo.
Starman 50, barely escaping the giant shadow creature thingie that consumed the rest of the Amazers (they got better).
He likely SHOULD have appeared in a speaking/fairly major role in LSH 82, but the art got messed up and it was Atom'x instead who showed up!
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And this is why Ibby's the man.
I totally forgot about the story in 102 (probably intentionally), so yeah, that must be what HWW was thinking of.
I need to read the Legends series now that I have DCUI.
And that Starman issue is cool - I always forget about it! But its absolutely a Legion story!
Last edited by Gaseous Lad; 08/24/21 04:08 PM.
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it absolutely is, Star Boy and Umbra play major parts in Starman 50!
hehe i've read most of those issues 10 times over, so they stick in my memory!
I should add, L* 49 is when they fix the Atom'x / Atmos errors by having them both appear together. this carries over into Legends of the Legion 4 I believe.
Last edited by Invisible Brainiac; 08/25/21 01:56 AM.
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Right - I noted that Atmos is in issue 49 where the different hero teams send representation out to the Mordru fight, but I didnt remember if the lack of Atmos was an error or not.
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Ah yes, that one. My take is that Atmos, as well as Insect Queen, Kono and the Bald Kid, were left behind. Only Atom'x, Monstress and Kid Quantum II were sent. the full Amazer membership (except maybe the Bald Kid) were in the same first panel that Atmos was in. and Xanthu leadership was saying "perhaps we can spare SOME of you..."
Last edited by Invisible Brainiac; 08/25/21 07:48 AM.
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Legion Worlds #5 Released August 22, 2001 DC Comics, Color 39 Pages Story 1 - You Are Here:Steeple Dan Abnett & Andy Lanning - Writers Steve Dillon - Pencils Klaus Janson & John Stenisei - Inks Tom McCraw - Colors Mike McAvennie - Editor Synopsis We are introduced to planet Steeple, a bleak, barren planet mainly used as a Spiritual Retreat. Val Armorr is flying through the atmosphere on a blimp-steed with his mentor, Sorcsis, who is musing on Val staying on the world to dedicate himself to the local philosophy for ten years. Val's been here for months since the Rift incident along with Andrew Nolan. We shift over to Ferro, who is in a fight with the criminal Nadir, recently escaped from Takron-Galtos. It does not go well for Ferro, who's helmet is ripped off and some nasty rending sounds are shown. Back to Val, he is still contepmplating his choice, as he has embraced a pacifist philosophy and feels as if he's losing his edge, but he feels as if he's gained a lot. Sorcsis seems to be hard selling the Steeple philosophy as we flash back to Val & Andy's arrival. Ferro is in yet another identity crisis without the Legion, but he feels comfortable enough to walk around without his helmet - which Val is OK with. Back in the present, Val and Sorcsis fly back to their home to find dead bodies everywhere. Val finds Andy unconscious and in metal form sans helmet, apparently lying in a pool of blood. Nadir sucker punches Val, and melee ensues, ended by Nadir grabs Val by his ponytail and tosses him against the wall. Val wakes to find the Halpashar memorializing their murdered brethren. We find that Nadir has fled and Val wants to go after him. He's rebuked by Sorcsis, who reminds that their philosophy rejects revenge. Val points out that Nadir will try to leave the planet before he is trapped and will likely leave a string of bodies. Visiting Andy, we discover he was so greatly injured that he is stuck in metallic form and kept in stasis. Ferro is still wearing his Legion ring. The countdown is at six hours before the last shuttle leaves the planet for ten years. Val cuts off his ponytail and puts on his Karate Kid uniform. He and Sorcsis head after Nadir. We shift to the starport - the only technological refuge on the planet with two hours left to leave, and enter Nadir, who starts blasting the people on the platform indescriminately. Despite Sorcsis' protests, Val dives right in and starts fighting Nadir. He is effective until Nadir blocks a kick and tosses Val off the platform. Nadir threatens the remaining crowd, challenging them, and Sorcsis confronts him. Val then flies up wearing a flight ring, and kicks Nadir in the back just as he shoots at Sorcsis, making him miss. He then begins jumping around Nadir, striking him from all angles, including a strike to Nadir's power pack, shorting it out the next time he tries to fire, which disables Nadir completely. Val orders Nadir arrested, identifying himself as Karate Kid of the Legion. In the end, Val and Andy stay on Steeple. Val had used Andy's flight ring for the fight, but now he's resigned to the fact that he will remain there for ten years, as he couldn't get back to retreive Andy in time. Story 2 - Executive Action (A Tale from the Caselog of The Presidential Oversight Watch) Dan Abnett - Writer Jamie Tolagson - Artist Tom McCraw - Colors Mike McAvennie - Editor Synopsis We open on M'Onel busting criminals in space. The Braalian Repulse and Twine (a new Overwatch member) are taking down others from that criminal group in a lander. Repulse rips open the hull searching for the criminal Cortex, but are met by Gangster, who replicates himself into six copies and attacks. Twine, a Rimborian who is an expert in using whips and bolos, realizes the lander is a decoy. The scene shifts to a replica of Pluto (here called a planet, so it's dated for sure), that is apparently a dormant Warworld. Cortex, Pollen and Bronto are here to steal it while the Overwatch is busy chasing the diversion. Overwatch members Brainstorm and Abyss interrupt by stealing Cortex's disk telekinetically. Brinstorm dispatches Pollen and Abyss dispatches Bronto and Cortex runs away only to run into McCauley's aide Venge. The two engage in a vaguely threatening dialogue before being interrupted by M'Onel. Apparently there is more to Venge than meets the eye. Venge states that Cortex committed suicide, but the clear implication is that Venge murdered him. Commentary NOTE - LW5 originally came out 20 years ago this past Sunday, which is an interesting coincidence that just makes me feel old.  If I'd been on my game and not traveling last week, I would have released this a few days ago! This was an interesting issue in a few ways. The art was pretty solid across the issue in both parts. Dillon's pencils did a good job portraying the alien landscape of Steeple, and did a great job with the character design. And the action was well done, very fitting for a story starring Karate Kid. The concept of the flying jellyfish was a neat idea. I was wondering, though about Val's depiction. I'm not sure if they got into his ancestry much in the Reboot, but he had historically been shown as half-Japanese, but here he looked pretty caucasian. If I'm not mistaken, this is the first time that Steeple has been shown in any continuity, so its interesting that this travelogue entry is on a world that is brand new to the Legion universe. The story opens in a now-familiar manner for this title - an exposition of the new world to introduce the new reader to the world's environment and people. Interestingly this exposition only lasts a page or two, much shorter than most of the others in this series. The story is very philosophical, as Val is pondering whether or not to turn his back on his martial ways and stay on Steeple for at least 10 more years. Of course fate has other designs and he is forced into action (wouldn't be much of a Legion title if he didn't fight!). The pairing of Andy with Val was a curious choice, as his only real purpose in this story is to provide a flight ring. I'm not the biggest Ferro/Ferro Lad fan in the best of times, but it seemed that he was just here to get beat up. I was actually interested in understanding Andy's choice to go with Val a little more, as they never seemed to be buddies. Overall, the story was OK, but not very memorable. The plot, outside of the jeopardy of the deadline, was fairly predictable, but the choice to strand Val and Andy on Steeple was unexpected, so I imagine that this will be revisited in the ongoing. The secondary story was also decent, with the main point to show the Overwatch and the menace of Mr. Venge, but again, not all that memorable. I found myself interested in Brainwave's and Abyss' powers, so I'm curious as to whether we'll see them again. I chuckled when Pluto was mentioned as a planet. This was the first issue where no mention of the Legion's return, so we are just assuming that this is taking place simultaneous to the prior four stories. The backup is explicitly stated to be happening sometime prior to LW1. Summary - interesting read, but not sure where this is going to fit in the overall DnA Legion tapestry, as a lot of the elements here seemed like setups for future stories.
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Wow, has it really been that long? 20 years ago!
Val and Andy were never really buddies before, aside from playing video games together (but also with Garth, Jo, Lu...)
It's funny how we barely see Andy, mostly in flashbacks - but he exhibits some of the greatest character growth and change of all throughout Legion Worlds! First, getting over his disfigured face; and second, being stuck in metal form and in a coma. The first is a big step forward as it involves him accepting himself, while the second arguably puts him in greater danger than even XS and Star Boy.
Karate Kid's growth was a bit more subtle. He tried to find himself, and in the end realized he was a Legionnaire first, upholding justice and mercy (in the sense of trying to save lives, even if he has to use violence to do it - harming his own spiritual growth). reminds me of Avatar: the Last Airbender, where the Avatar, Aang, is counseled by a past life - violence erodes his spiritual growth, but he needs to do it to fulfill his worldly duties re bringing balance to the world. Val's portrayal is not that different from his pre-DNA/Reboot one, where he has been shown meditating, and seeing martial arts practice as a way to grow and develop himself.
I did like seeing the Oversight Watch in action, and the hints of Venge being more than he seems (hm! foreshadowing!!!!)
I have to say, coming after the Xanthu issue, this one felt a lot more "simple" with relatively smaller stakes. But I enjoyed it nonetheless!
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Your take on Ferro is spot on. The fact that he was comfortable taking off his mask is a huge deal.
Something interesting though - in Ferro's fight with Nadir, his helmet is ripped off and Ferro has already turned himself into iron. Apparently his helmet is put back on by the natives. A curious editorial choice.
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ooh that's a good one, I remember being puzzled by it too!
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Time Trapper
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This is probably my least favourite of the Worlds series, but it's still pretty good. Like GL, I thought the story was fairly predictable except for the ending. The martial arts guy on a spiritual quest ... good questions raised about violence vs non-violent resistance, but I think a different Legionnaire in Val's place might have made for a more challenging tale. We don't learn anything about Andy's spiritual growth or thoughts, except that he's comfortable removing his mask among the monks of Steeple. Val has, at this point, 10 years to reconsider his return to fighting but, sadly, we never get to see that outcome. It could have been a good epilogue, but the writers are leaving the portal open for an early return of the two Legionnaires.
The bit with Andy's mask put back on by the monks: they could have come up with an explanation, but we readers are left to imagine his face. It's a problem for artists, since Andy's face is supposed to be horribly disfigured, but when his brother's face was revealed in that anniversary "dream/other timelines" story, it didn't look awful; just different, like a number of alien faces. (I vaguely recall some story in which his horrible appearance was mostly in his head, but that might have been a fan fic.)
The second story didn't hold much interest for me. The Workforce members were competent, the villains were boring. I'd like to see a giant lizard being who talks like a Shakespearean scholar for once. At least Venge supplied a hint of something more, something unpleasant.
Holy Cats of Egypt!
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The bit with Andy's mask put back on by the monks: they could have come up with an explanation, but we readers are left to imagine his face. It's a problem for artists, since Andy's face is supposed to be horribly disfigured, but when his brother's face was revealed in that anniversary "dream/other timelines" story, it didn't look awful; just different, like a number of alien faces. (I vaguely recall some story in which his horrible appearance was mostly in his head, but that might have been a fan fic.). I thought about that story quite a bit when reading this, as yes, that instance showed his face as looking more alien than anything else. The only thing we've heard about from the reboot Andy is that his face is asymmetrical, has many convolutions of the "skin, bones, muscles and organs" making any surgical correction impossible in Legionnaires. However, in that same issue we're told that he can shift himself into any face, with the catch that he would have to remain in that form, which is essentially what happens here. I'd like to see a giant lizard being who talks like a Shakespearean scholar for once. I love this idea so much!!! 
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It's well-known that Hamlet sounds better in the original Draconian.
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Time Trapper
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Most Shakespeare plays would have been a lot better with a few giant lizards in key roles.
Holy Cats of Egypt!
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Most Shakespeare plays would have been a lot better with a few giant lizards in key roles. "Lo, there shall be a dragon quest!"
Still "Fickles" to my friends.
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LW5: I had somehow completely forgotten about this issue. When we started these re-reads, I couldn't remember if the Xanthu issue was #4 or #5. I knew what awaits in #6, but I couldn't for the life of me remember what happened in the remaining issue or who was featured. So, re-reading this issue was like discovering it anew.
The Karate Kid of the reboot always seemed like a toned-down version of the original. He had all the right benchmarks--power, personality, and costume similarities--but I can't recall any major stories featuring him or his interactions with other Legionnaires. ("Sneckie" being a snake eliminated the one close and enduring preboot relationship he had.) In "You are Here: Steeple," we find him doing what KK does in pretty much any boot: going on a spiritual quest, searching for his purpose, and kicking ass. This story has all the makings of a yawner.
Yet it works because of the focus on Val's relationships with his mentor and with Andy. Sorcsis, the pashassi-master, takes the place of the Sensei in the preboot. Sorcsis seeks to guide Val onto the path that he (Sorcsis) believes to be the correct one but is willing to accept whatever Val decides. In a very moving scene, Sorcsis risks certain death by blocking the path of the villain, Nadir. The pashassi-master may be a pacifist, but he is no coward--just the sort of mentor towards which Val would gravitate.
As for Andy, I'm okay with him being treated as a punching bag because this isn't his story. It's Val's. Andy is there for one reason: To push Val into doing what we (as readers) want and need him to do: renounce peace and return to the ways of violence in order to protect civilians. As Gas pointed out, it wouldn't be a Legion story if Val didn't kick some bad guy butt.
Even though Andy and Val were not shown to be close before this story, clearly they've become close friends along the way, and this is brilliantly illustrated in two scenes. The first is the flashback when they are walking among the public space on Steeple. They are comfortable with each other, and Andy is comfortable enough to remove his mask in front of Val. This alone illustrates their relationship. The second scene occurs when Val flies up from the canyon sporting Andy's flight ring. Clearly, the ring had to come from Andy, and while Val's taking it is wholly understandable from a tactical point of view, it does leave us with some uncomfortable notions. Val stole his friend's Legion ring, the thing the comatose Andy was holding on to. What happens now? Does Val leave Steeple and take the flight ring with him?
Mercifully, this question is answered in what is one of my favorite plot twists of all time. Val decides to stay on Steeple because he won't leave Andy there alone. DnA showed that they truly understood the spirit of the Legion: It was about sacrifice and loyalty. Val sacrifices his purpose for his friend, and so (probably) finds a new purpose.
Although I didn't remember this story at all, it's now one of my favorites among the LW offerings. On one hand, it could be suggested that DnA sidelined two characters they didn't want to deal with (something a lot of previous writers had done). On the other hand, the manner in which they did so honors Val's character and the spirit of the Legion. And it's much better than killing KK off for the umpty-third time (take that, Keith Giffen).
I don't know if DnA planned to revisit Val and Andy at some point--ten-year-exiles in comics are, like death, severely overrated--but I'm fine with this being their coda. Some stories deserve an ending.
The backup story is pretty much useless in my opinion. We already know Venge is a shady character, so his depiction here adds nothing. I was also confused by the names of some of the characters. Sentences such as "I last tracked Cortex . . ." and "You're right, Pollen" make sense only if we know Cortex and Pollen are character names, but we discover this as we go along. The characters' powers are interesting, and the art is appealing (as is the art in the main story), but the story is filler.
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