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Hi all. So based on this earlier thread, a helpful post from Reboot, and some good input from He Who Wanders, I revisited the work from last month to get more specific as to WHEN certain issues happened in the 2990s. I believe I've been able to get these down to a period of within a couple days, especially for the first few years of the Reboot (i.e., the KC Carlson years) up to issue 100, which is where the LSH Secret Files timeline ends, which is (probably not) coincidentally 100 days after the founding of the Legion.

There were some oddities in this, however. There is extremely little time between the end of the Composite Man story and the LSH Annual, which documents the loss of Kinetix's powers prior to Shvaughn's meta story. So I did make a few swags here and there, and if an issue did not run into another back to back, the precedent seems to be 3-5 days between stories.

The other challenge was that Carlson's tenure didn't really have much in the way of dates or years after the start, where we have a date of Brainy needing to report to LSH HQ by 5/31/2994. Once McAvennie took over as editor, it got weird. All of a sudden the year jumps to 2998 (not a problem, let's call it the Time Trapper shenanigans smile ) but more specifically there are other oddities - in at least one case a specific 2998 date is thrown out there, but its only done to bear relation to the month of the publishing of the issue. It would have caused a three month jump, so I decided to ignore that. Also in the same tenure, the sequential numbering of the issues was not planned well, where you'd have a LSH issue with a particular L shield number happening after a L* issue with an L shield of a higher value (e.g., the events of L*74 (15) take place after LSH 118 (16). So it got a bit confusing at the end, as I don't think McAvennie cared enough about that stuff, which was vastly different from Carlson's tenure. For the purposes of sanity, and to keep things somewhat sane as the timeline will eventually head into The Legion title, we'll use 2998 for the year, as they start referencing the 31st century and all that in the following DnA titles.

I'll post the 1994/5 stories first and update over the next few days just because of formatting. At the end of the day, the story of the Legion told through Legionnaires and LSH v4 starting after Zero Hour, starts in late May, and continues through late December of that same year with the end of Widening Rifts. Merry Christmas to the Legion - you all need to find work/your way home.

All dates up to LSH100 are based on the Secret files timeline using an arbitrary start date of 5/25/2998.
If an issue doesn't have a date that means it happens on the same day as the above issue (i.e., cliffhanger, to be continued, etc)
If the published timeline didn't reference a specific date, I followed the precedent of the secret files and swagged 3-5 days between issues unless there was a specific mention (yesterday, a month ago, etc).

Legion calendar events from  Legion of Super Heroes & Legionnaires, 1994-2000

LSH0	May 25 2998		Founding
L0	May 28 2998		
LSH 62	May 31 2998		
Leg 19	June 4 2998		
LSH 63	June 7 2998		HQ Opened
L 20	June 8 2998		
LSH 64	June 9 2998		
L21	June 12 2998		Planet Hell
LSH 65			
LSH 66	June 17 2998		Andromeda, Violet, Kinetix join
L23	June 21 2998		
LSH 67	June 24 2998		Tangleweb II
L24			           Assault on Triad
LSH 68			
L25	June 28 2998		
LSH 69			
LSH Ann	June 29 & 30		29th = Kinetix loses her powers, 30th Annual meta story
L 26	July 5 2998		
LSH70	July 6 2998		Brainy cures Laurel.  Kinetix leaves.
L27	July 7 2998		
LSH 71	July 8 2998		
L28	July 9 2998		Daxamite attack on Earth
L Annl			
LSH72	July 11 2998		
L29	July 12 2998		
LSH73	July 13 2998		Garth hunts down Mekt
LSH74	July 15 2998		Superboy/Future Tense
LSH75	July 16 2998		Lori Morning introduced


LSH76	July 18 2998		HQ still very damaged, so soon after L32
L33	July 20 2998		Secret Files date
LSH78	July 21 2998		Starfinger revcaled to be Jan
LSH80	July 23, 2998		Chu deposed
L38	July 27, 2998		Vi elected leader
LSH83	August 3, 2998		Leviathan dies
L40	August 4, 2998		Emerald Legion
L41	August 5, 2998		Leviathan funeral
LSH85	20th
L42	August 7, 2998		Kinetix powers restored
LSH86	20th
L43	August 10, 2998		Tryouts
LSH87	20th

L44	August 11, 2998		Mordru tomb discovered
L45	August 14, 2998		Mantis Morlo - Lyle elected leader
L47	August 20, 2998		
L48	August 21, 2998		Emerald War
L51			        Aftermath
L52	August 22, 2998		Vi gains growth powers
L53	August 29, 2998		
L54	Out of Time		
L55	Sept 5, 2998		Composite Durlan

L56	Sept 5-10 2998		M'onel's story to keep him away from HQ
LSH100	Sept 10 2998		Legion reunited.  Outpost dedication. Anomaly discovery
L57	Sept 11 2998		
LSH101	Sept 12 2998		Spark Dies & comes back
L58	Septr 13 2998		Team enters anomaly 
LSH102	Sept 14 2998		Xanthu
L59	Sept 15 2998		Day off
LSH103	Sept 16 2998		Xanthu ctd
LSH104	Sept 16 2998		Return from Anomaly
L61					Time Trapper
LSH105	Sept 16 2998		Team returns to real time at the end of L60
L62	Sept 19 2998		Dark Circle
LSH106	Sept 20 2998		
L63	Sept 21 2998		
L65	Sep 23 2998		
LSH109	Oct 1 2998				"Eye on Vi"
L66	Oct 5 2998				Vi & Chuck's date night
LSH110	Oct 9 2998				Thunder!

L67	October 14 2998		Star Boy in the caverns
LSH111	October 16 2998		Monel Posessed
LSFs	October 17 2998		Legion discovers the Blight
L68	October 18 2998		
LSH112	October 18 2998		Triad Purple is mean to Ferro
L69	October 19 2998		
LSH113	October 21 2998		Vi & Ayla rescue Kinetix
L70	October 20 2998		Rokk fights Domain
LSH114	October 21 2998		Bizarro Legion
L71	October 21 2998		Elementals storyline
LSH115	October 21 2998		Bizarro Legion
L72	October 21 2998		
LSH116	October 22 2998		Eternium
LSH117				Eternium
L74				End of Elementals (After LSH 118, which is next in sequence
LSH118				End of Eternium story
L75	October 26 2998		
LSH119	October 24 2998		LEGION Flashback
L76	October 28 2998		Wildfire
LSH120	Oct 31 2998		Not Vacation for brainy & gates
L77				Vaction
LSH121	Nov 1 2998		Fatal '5' takedown
L78	Nov 10 2998		Robotica.  Blight takes out the stargate network
LSH122	Dec 10 2998		Legion of the Damned

L79	Dec 11 2998		Damned 2
LSH123	Dec 12 2998		Damned 3
L80	Dec 13 2998		Damned4
LSH124	Jan 5 2999		Rifts 1
L81	Jan 5-6 2999		Rifts 2
LSH125	Jan 6 2999		Rifts 3

Last edited by Gaseous Lad; 05/22/21 02:07 PM.

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Just as a quick note, added certain milestone events to the timeline for better context.

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Adding the 1996 issues. Claim to fame this year is the Starfinger/Chu storyline, and the classic Emerald Vi story before the 20/30 split. It was also the first year where they started the L shields on the issue covers with the sequence number, similar to how Batman and Superman were noting in-universe issues at the time.

Of note, I obviously don't count the 20th C issues in a future chronology. smile

LSH76	July 18 2998		HQ still very damaged, so soon after L32
L33	July 20 2998		Secret Files date
LSH78	July 21 2998		Starfinger revcaled to be Jan
LSH80	July 23, 2998		Chu deposed
L38	July 27, 2998		Vi elected leader
LSH83	August 3, 2998		Leviathan dies
L40	August 4, 2998		Emerald Legion
L41	August 5, 2998		Leviathan funeral
LSH85	20th
L42	August 7, 2998		Kinetix powers restored
LSH86	20th
L43	August 10, 2998		Tryouts
LSH87	20th

Last edited by Gaseous Lad; 05/22/21 02:05 PM.

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Alright, since 1997 was so easy since only the Legionnaires title was in the future, I went ahead and did that too.

Of note, new recruits, Emerald War, Leader Lyle, Vi can grow.

L44	August 11, 2998		Mordru tomb discovered
L45	August 14, 2998		Mantis Morlo - Lyle elected leader
L47	August 20, 2998		
L48	August 21, 2998		Emerald War
L51			        Aftermath
L52	August 22, 2998		Vi gains growth powers
L53	August 29, 2998		
L54	Out of Time		
L55	Sept 5, 2998		Composite Durlan

Last edited by Gaseous Lad; 05/22/21 02:06 PM.

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Interesting stuff. Thanks for all the hard work.

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ah, its nothing. And now we all know what Jim does during endless mindless conference calls ten hours a day. rotflmao

Seriously though, the timeline from Secret Files 1 makes this REALLY easy up through the 1997 issues.

After that, I need a nice cider or wine to make it work well. The attention to detail after KC left was... noticeable. Everything worked really easily up to issue 100. After that, it really starts to slide (hell, even the planet Aleph is suddenly changed to Aelph... shrug)

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Adding the 1998 issues to the timeline.

1998 is where I started doing a bunch of SWAGs to the dates, as the previously published timeline did not go past issue 100 with the dedication of Outpost Allen. So I kept the prior convention of going out 3-5 days if a new issue did not pick up immediately after the prior. Also, because the Legion returned to the 30th century, both books are counted in the sequence this year.

This year's big claim to fame was the Time Trapper anomaly and Dark Circle storyline.

Also of note, is Legionnaires 66, where Jacques Foccart makes a mention in the log of the date being December 10. I decided to ignore this as an outlier. Although it would have added two months to the overall timeline, I don't think Vi would have been ok with waiting that long (although LSH 109 could be the issue that's two months out...)

L56	September 5-10 2998		M'onel's story to keep him away from HQ
LSH100	September 10 2998		Legion reunited.  Outpost dedication. Anomaly discovery
L57	September 11 2998		
LSH101	September 12 2998		Spark Dies & is brought back
L58	September 13 2998		Team enters anomaly 
LSH102	September 14 2998		Xanthu
L59	September 15 2998		Day off
LSH103	September 16 2998		Xanthu
LSH104	September 16 2998		Return from Anomaly
L61					Time Trapper
LSH105	September 16 2998		Team returns to real time at the end of L60
L62	September 19 2998		Dark Circle
LSH106	September 20 2998		
L63	September 21 2998		
L65	September 23 2998		
LSH109	October 1 2998				"Eye on Vi"
L66	October 5 2998				Vi & Chuck's date night
LSH110	October 9 2998				Thunder!

Last edited by Gaseous Lad; 05/22/21 02:07 PM.

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it seems so complex, eh! At first glance, I think many of these issues could have bigger gaps in between... then remembering that some sub-plots (like Thom and Candi actually getting to Xanthu, or the slow-ish journey to the Anomaly) start in a previous issue, meaning the gaps could not possibly be that big - and the one-day gap thing makes complete sense.

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In some cases it's explicitly stated, like in the Dark Circle story. The state dinner on Winath is one day, then the next issue Triad and Spark are hiding out and the day gap is specific.

But for the others, especially the Xanthu story & Karate Kid, I had to extrapolate and assume one day for all the stuff to happen per issue because things just kept happening.

I had the same assumptions at first - a week or so between issues. But careful examination reveals that it is a little more complex than that. 1999 was more difficult to track due to some things that I'll get into when that's ready.

Interestingly, and I should have noted this, '98 is the last year where they had a storyline that crossed over both titles using the L shield as a sequence number. After this, stories would reference each other between the titles, but never be part of a crossover until Abnett & Lanning take over with Legion of the Damned the following year.

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Dark Circle Rising was that last crossover, eh? Yeah, sigh. I remember the two teams of Legionnaires barely interacting for a bit after that (though to be fair, in real time that was like... one year? Dark Circle ended with LSH 108/L*65, so by LSH 120/Legionnaires 77/LSH 121 there was mixing again...)

and it took a while to solidify the casts between LSH and Legionnaires. L* 66 still had some Outpost Legionnaires stationed on Earth (Vi, Kinetix, Triad...)

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Yes, the 1999 issues referenced each other frequently but were never direct crossover stories. For the most part each group had their cast and locations (L* was based on Earth HQ, LSH on the Outpost) as well as stories. They kind of touched on each other during Bizarro and the Elementals, then the cast came together for the beach party and the Fatal Five redux, but that was it until DnA.

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Okay here's the last of the run. This includes 1999 and 2000, where Zoe finally woke up, Bizarro Legion happened, we met the new Wildfire, I mean ERG-1..., the Legion went on vacation.

Oh yeah, DnA came aboard. This was a lot more difficult to track, as some stories took place out of chronological order in the story as opposed to the issue sequence. The best example of this is the ending of the Elementals story happening simultaneous to the end of the Eternium storyline. L74 is released before LSH 118, yet at the end of 74, Garth is rushing out to see Imra since their mission is over, but the issue hadn't been released. Also LSH 119, the Legion flashback I had at a prior calendar date due to the presence of Garth playing video games with Jo versus the events of L75.

Also, based on a comment from Monstress in LSH 124, I set those happening in January 2999 a few weeks after the Blight, which seemed reasonable given what had happened, but also because of Candi's comment of fashion being "so 2998." She sure has that fashion sense!

L67	October 14 2998		Star Boy in the caverns
LSH111	October 16 2998		Monel Posessed
LSFs	October 17 2998		Legion discovers the Blight
L68	October 18 2998		
LSH112	October 18 2998		Triad Purple is mean to Ferro
L69	October 19 2998		
LSH113	October 21 2998		Vi & Ayla rescue Kinetix
L70	October 20 2998		Rokk fights Domain
LSH114	October 21 2998		Bizarro Legion
L71	October 21 2998		Elementals storyline
LSH115	October 21 2998		Bizarro Legion
L72	October 21 2998		
LSH116	October 22 2998		Eternium
LSH117				Eternium
L74				End of Elementals (After LSH 118, which is next in sequence
LSH118				End of Eternium story
L75	October 26 2998		
LSH119	October 24 2998		LEGION Flashback
L76	October 28 2998		Wildfire
LSH120	Oct 31 2998		Not Vacation for brainy & gates
L77				Vaction
LSH121	Nov 1 2998		Fatal '5' takedown
L78	Nov 10 2998		Robotica.  Blight takes out the stargate network
LSH122	Dec 10 2998		Legion of the Damned

L79	Dec 11 2998		Damned 2
LSH123	Dec 12 2998		Damned 3
L80	Dec 13 2998		Damned4
LSH124	Jan 5 2999		Rifts 1
L81	Jan 5-6 2999		Rifts 2
LSH125	Jan 6 2999		Rifts 3

Last edited by Gaseous Lad; 05/22/21 02:06 PM.

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Love the descriptions. Like Triad Purple is mean to Ferro. lol!

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I wanted to have fun with the stories that I found lacking, and that was definitely one of them. laugh

Come to think of it, I don't think that was ever resolved. Not that I care too much; I'm not a big Ferro fan, honestly.

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No, it wasn't. Only cropped up again IIRC in LSH 114, where Triad wants to tag along on a mission that Lyle and Ferro were going on. And Ferro says he won't go, making Triad run off in anger.

Also was NOT a fan of LSH 112. And especially hated that one panel, where Triad Purple gives up her transuit to save Ferro... Neutral tells her it's a good idea, then Purple replies "Go to hell!" like... what?!?! where did that come from?????? Is that what you say to yourself when you get praised for having a good idea???

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Yeah, it was just weird. Orange and neutral were making all over him and purple's being a bitch.

And then Andy's being a dweeb with the whole "if this part of you hates me, then the whole of you does" like no one can hold multiple feelings about someone.

Its like one of those shows/movies where you can't find ANYONE to root for. Kinda like Tinya & Jo. wink

Triad should have fed Ferro to the metal slugs. Then I would have some reason to enjoy the issue. laugh

Last edited by Gaseous Lad; 05/24/21 12:01 PM.

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oooo! I didn't know we had those smileys!!! smile

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Originally Posted by Gaseous Lad
And then Andy's being a dweeb with the whole "if this part of you hates me, then the whole of you does" like no one can hold multiple feelings about someone.

Its like one of those shows/movies where you can't find ANYONE to root for.

ugh yes, I also found that part stupid. Orange and Neutral were very kind to Ferro, and they called Purple out for being mean to him, and they told him the truth. Like, come on Andy. Yes, it's good to stand up for yourself, but realize also that Carggites work differently and only Purple was being an @ss!

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Originally Posted by Gaseous Lad
oooo! I didn't know we had those smileys!!! smile

They even have their own thread!

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Okay, so as y'all probably are gleaning, I'm working on a few things that relate to the reboot and this timeline.

I went and did some cross-matching (yeah, I'm like that), and looked at the Legionnaire birthdays and found some funny coincidences with the birthdays documented elsewhere (I used the Mayfair resources for most of the 'classic' Legionnaire birthdays) but used the "publish date" for the birthdays for the new Reboot legionnaires (XS, Kinetix).

So, based on the cross-reference on this timeline (which I did a few weeks ago as of this writing) and the birthday review (which I did yesterday), and the ages provided by the reboot creators back in the day, I found the following interesting coincidences in the reboot universe:

Imra turned sweet 16 during the Blight. Happy Birthday Imra!

Garth proposed to Imra on the day he turned 15 a few weeks before!

Luornu turned 17 on the night that Vi & Chuck had their date night!!

XS turned 15 a couple days after Vi came back with growth powers.

Reep's birthday was the same day as the dedication of Outpost Allon!

Lyle turned 17 during the blight.

Ayla obviously has the same birthday as Garth, so dunno if the whole dual birthday/proposal thing was planned.

Vi turned 15 within a week of joining the Legion.

Star Boy got his powers stabilize for his birthday in the Elementals story!

Anyway, thanks for indulging me in this odd little endeavor. I thought the Triad, Star Boy and Livewire coincidences were pretty funny. Also determined a couple other things:

Kinetix's birthday is Jan 24
XS' is Aug 31

Tinya was 15 when she was married....

And there we go. laugh

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Thanks for sharing, Gaseous Lad. I'm always a fan of these chronology "investigations." I wonder if you could provide exact dates for some of these events, even if you have to fudge on the years a bit?

For me, the preboot Legion and its timeline as written by Levitz in the first Mayfair sourcebook is the most meaningful. It allows for the Legionnaires to have grown some before committing to life changes such as marriages. Going by that timeline, Duo Damsel and Bouncing Boy were around 24 (Year 9 of the timeline) when they married, and Garth and Imra were about 25/26 when they married (I do like the idea of her being about a year older than he was). Of course, this is all speculation. I think the reboot creators tried too hard to keep the Legionnaires as teens while rushing them through life events such as marriage and childbirth. The preboot had these events more spaced out.

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Hey there HWW!!

Great to see you!
The birthdays were very specifically from the Bierbaum 2995 Sourcebook where applicable.(1992)

All other dates for the reboot Legion were based on the first Secret Files information, then extrapolated from that.

So, yes, I'd definitely agree that the reboot folks were keeping the kids in their cohort, but I think that's overall a good thing. I get that the comic creators need to keep the "comic year" in line with the "current year" in order to keep things relative to the consumer. But for a comic that was trying to literally reboot itself out of continuity issues, I don't think there was any rush to grow the kids up super fast.

I think my comment on the reboot and Imra/Garth and Tinya/Jo was more of a "guys, no one needed to rush this" kind of thing.

I agree, if DC were to have committed to the idea of a reboot, this would be a completely different discussion.

Last edited by Gaseous Lad; 06/08/21 10:47 PM.

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15 year old Tinya getting married, oh dear

the Reboot did realize this, I think. They specifically had it that "14 is the age of majority on most UP worlds!" -- I think this was revealed in LSH 64. (except Winath, which becomes a major plot point, but I digress)

14! heavens. and there's also no "well, we've advanced in 1000 years". Shvaughn Erin's interview in LSH Secret Files 2 specifically says that the Legionnaires are still kids at their age... Spark also says the same thing in LSH 94!

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Oh, and the actual ages for the reboot Legionnaires were from Tom McCraw on Usenet/AOL in 1995. He did an initial round for the first 10 or so Legionnaires, then revisited the concept for the second batch up through Gates.

Interested in the Post-Zero Hour Reboot Legion? Check out:

The Reboot Legion Timeline

Fan Fiction: The Legion of Super-Heroes v4.1 (continuing the reboot from issue 126!) on LW or here (external)

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