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I'm not even sure I still get 5 titles...
1. I completely agree with everyone on JSA. It's not going to take much more for me to call John's run one of the best ever.
2. Astonishing X-Men. I've been reading X-books every month for 16 years, and this is the only one I currently give two shits about. And honestly, more should happen each month.
3. Legion. It's still the book I'm most excited to see.
4. Astro City. Kurt can still throw down.
Sadly, I'm not sure I would bother to put some of the others I get on a "favorites" list. Hawkman? Sometimes great, sometimes underwhelming. Uncanny X-Men? A habit more than a favorite. Tom Strong? I still love the concept, but where's the creator?
I'm spending more time reading TPBs from the library than I am going to the comic store. I've really enjoyed the first fifty issues of Nightwing, Leave it to Chance was great, Y: The Last Man was amazing, I even liked the first part of Bruce Wayne, Fugitive! Maybe I would like comics more if I didn't have to pay for them...
The only consistent feature of all of your dissatisfying relationships is you.
Don't judge me!
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1. Legion - I love this run
2. Ultimate Fantastic Four - it's been spotty but the new story arc is interesting and the art by Greg Land is some of the best I've ever seen.
3. Ultimate X-Men - depending on the story arc and the artist, this can be very good, or mediocre. Right now it's mediocre, but in the past, it's been great. Needs a better artist though
4. Ultimate Iron Man - I'm interested to see where this is going.
5. All Star Batman and Robin
Leaving me bored are
Green Lantern Doom Patrol Majestic
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2. Fables
3. JSA
4. Teen Titans
5.Wonder Woman
Had to think about # 5 there and it sorta surprised me that she would take the 5th spot, but I have to say that I ahve been enjoying here book alot more then the bat books or even Superman titles.
Of all the IC minis Villians United and DOV have been the best reads. OMAC is great but I have found R/T War somewhat lacking. Ditto on Donna Troy.
Books leaving me 'ehhh'
1. Bat books 2. Superman Books 3. Outsiders 4. Hawkman 5. Green Arrow
Didn't get Supergirl and will wait around for GL.
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ONGOING: (no particular order)
YOUNG AVENGERS-- likeable characters surrounded by mystery in well-told stories that make good use of good old-fashioned cliffhangers. Nice art, too. I think Legion fans might have some natural affinity for this title.
JSA-- It's still a treat to see an ongoing title featuring the Alan Scott Green Lantern, Hourman (or men), the Jay Garrick Flash side by side with Sand, Star-girl, Dr. Midnight, Atom-Smasher, etc.
For so long these guys were kept on the back of the shelf... pulled out only for rare appearances, often in crowd scenes.
HAWKMAN... I LOVE the use of the unfamiliar GA Hawkman villains! This has been a real surprise. The return of Golden Eagle is nice, ongoing source of mystery.
BIRDS OF PREY... I like the alteration between guest-stars galore and highly personal scenes. I never cared for the Helena-Huntress, but this title has made me appreciate her. And caused me to like Black Canary and Barbara Gordon even more.
WONDER WOMAN... the mythological element is the draw, for me. I like Rucka's updated Greek gods and am *very* curious to see how they'll progress. And I *love* seeing Hermes back! Hmmm- does Ares new role as Lord of Hades have anything to do with all the resurrected characters that've popped up in the last few months? Is the 'Infinite' crisis one of the afterlife(lives)?
VILLAINS UNITED: Loads of fun-- though possibly not for the 'uninitiated' unless that rare being likes figuring things out as they go (is this a dying art?)
RETURN OF DONNA TROY: I know, I know-- but I'm just so glad to get Donna back... and I like the Titans of Myth (except for that name!!)
PURGATORY (rising):
AQUAMAN... there's an energy to the stories now... though there's also a sort of drift that nothing ever really gets resolved. I like the addition of Sub Diego-- though featuring it at the expense of Atlantis doesn't sit too well. And the characters of Koryak and Tempest seem to have switched personalities, somehow. I'm not sure if the writer intends this, or not. I'm a bit concerned for the continued existence of Mera.
JLA... a great storyline going on, but will there even be a JLA in a few months? All's uncertainty.
FLASH... ROGUE's WAR needs to end on a high note... with lots of attention to Wally West and to some of the characters that have fallen to the wayside. I regret that it became ZOOM's WAR the last couple of issues. It makes sense as far as the larger plot goes, but the old Zoom kind of bores me.
RUNAWAYS... something about the series is not quite as good as the first volume, but it's still a fine book and well-worth reading.
PURGATORY (falling):
X-books-- the HOUSE OF M stuff has everything up for grabs. Maybe that mini's last couple of issues will make all the hype worth it, but I'd be surprised. I mostly hope that adjectiveless XMen will continue with the cast mostly intact (though I wouldn't care if Wolvy, the increasingly annoying Emma Frost and Gambit move off to some other title...) and with a renewed sense of purpose and some good old fashioned *stories*.
MARVEL KNIGHTS 4... I am royally ticked off that the solicits indicated that Crystal would be guest-starring in this week's issue... only to find that Emma bloody Frost joins Sue, She-Hulk, Ms. Marvel and Alicia Masters for a night out on the town instead. I liked the issue, and it's campy flashback to a Sue/Black Panther flirtation(!?!)... but really, Emma for Crystal? Gag.
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Man, where's the love for the Dead? If I have to get every one of you a copy of the first trade to read this series then I'll have to start saving up. Seriously, if you are not reading The Walking Dead you are missing out on one of the best series in years. Zombies aside there is a depth to the series that most super-hero books lack.
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Originally posted by Lightning Lad: Man, where's the love for the Dead? If I have to get every one of you a copy of the first trade to read this series then I'll have to start saving up. Seriously, if you are not reading The Walking Dead you are missing out on one of the best series in years. Zombies aside there is a depth to the series that most super-hero books lack. Ahem...I'll promise to read an issue of Walking Dead if you'll do the same with what I believe is one of, if not the, best comics at the moment... Waid & Silvestri's Hunter Killers. Awesome art great story telling, excellence all around.
"Hey Jim! Get Mon out of the Zone!! And...when do we get Condo back?"
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That's a deal! I actually had placed the first issue of HK on my order list but it was one of the ones dropped when I cut back. I always wait until the last minute to submit my monthly order so I can add or drop books as needed.
I'll look for copies of HK later today.
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You won't be disappointed. I'll look for Walking Dead this weekend when I go by Acme
"Hey Jim! Get Mon out of the Zone!! And...when do we get Condo back?"
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I take it you're referring to bothregular and limited-run series: 1.Legion (it's the only one I bag AND board after a reading) 2.Red Sonja (only two issues so far, but lots of promise) 3.Uncanny X-Men (not as good as it was, but not about to give it up) 4.Catwoman (spotty, but still enjoyable) 5.Black Widow (waiting for the newest run)
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(Hmmmm ... I probably won't be allowed to count GirlGenius since it became a webcomic, even though it will still have TPB collections ... ) 1. P.S.238 by Aaron Williams, published by Dork Storm. Lots of interesting stuff going on at the School For MetaProdigies; I just wish it came out more frequently. 2. JSA. 3. Uncle $crooge. Carl Barks. Don Rosa. ... okay, they're not in every issue. But even the issues without Rosa or Barks usually manage to be fun. 4. Legion of Super-Heroes. Has the potential to move up the list. 5. Hawkman. I was really worried about this book when I learned Johns was leaving, but the new creative team has been doing a fine job. Honorable Mention: I thought JSA: Classified got off to a terrific start.
"Gee, Brainy, what do you want to do tonight?" "The same thing we do every night, Bouncing Boy: try to take over the United Planets!!" They're B.B. and The Brain ...
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Originally posted by Vee: You won't be disappointed. I'll look for Walking Dead this weekend when I go by Acme Just so you don't think I didn't remember. My comic shop doesn't carry copies of Walking Dead. The only order in those on standing order. I'll have to see if I can track down a copy somewhere so I can live up to my end of the bargain. 
"Hey Jim! Get Mon out of the Zone!! And...when do we get Condo back?"
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Well so you know I did get issues 0-3 of Hunter/Killer and read them. I did enjoy them but I do prefer Waid's LSH. I will add it to my list though since it did intrigue me. ~~~~~ Posted from my PSP
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- Flash - JSA - Thunderbolts - Green Lantern - LSH
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Originally posted by Lightning Lad: Well so you know I did get issues 0-3 of Hunter/Killer and read them. I did enjoy them but I do prefer Waid's LSH. I will add it to my list though since it did intrigue me. ~~~~~ Posted from my PSP Glad you enjoyed it Scott. I love the artwork and the story is really "intriguing" (good choice fof words for it)
"Hey Jim! Get Mon out of the Zone!! And...when do we get Condo back?"
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It's been almost two years since I've been on this thread so I decided to review my current top 5 titles.
1. Still love Ultimate Spider-man
2. Invincible (if you are not reading this book, you owe it to yourself to pick it up) In fact... I like this book so much that I might pick up Kirkman's Zombie title "The Walking Dead" because of all the good things I've heard about it. Me and horror comics don't mix... that's how good Kirkman is on Invincible
3. Still waiting on the next Birds of Prey TPB
4. LSH... what can I say. The title has left me flat since Dream Crime and Foundations, but I'm a loyal kind of purchaser. Still my only monthly get.
5. Still waiting on the next Nightwing TPB
As for my previous titles...
Star Wars Clone Wars finished its run. Decent reading.
Bat Trades... Stopped after the two Hush Volumes. They were great though. Recently picked up Hush Returns and was left entirely flat by the book. So flat that I may not go back and pick up the War Games Volumes.
Exiles... well I hate to say it, but they've found themselves exiled from my reading list. I just stopped caring.
May go back to picking up Ultimate X-Men, but I'm still resisting that notion. Might put them on my gift lists.
Something Filthy!
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Lessee...currently I am really liking, in no particular order...
1) Birds of Prey 2) Jonah Hex 3) Wonder Woman
umm...not sure anything else I buy would make the cut...
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Originally posted by Outdoor Miner: Fables JSA LSH Gotham Central Jack Staff (when it appears...)
And with Gotham Central now gone, Planetary moves into the Top 5, and mention must be made of JSA Classified and Rocketo.
Legion World's Badwill Ambassador
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Top Five books, huh? Well, in random order then...
1) Sam and Twitch (pay attention you Manhunter fans) 2) JSA 3) LSH 4) Hawkman 5) Planetary (this book makes me think, dagnabbit!)
Just spouting off.
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More Polyanna than Poison Ivy
More Polyanna than Poison Ivy
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My Top 5:
1. X-Factor 2. Green Lantern 3. Fantastic Four 4. LSH 5. JSA (it's been tough going for the past few months, but I'm optimistic about the Levitz issues...# 82 hadn't arrived at my local shop yet when I went there last weekend.)
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Fabulous and Sparkly!
Fabulous and Sparkly!
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Right now I'd say:
1. LSH 2. JSA 3. JSA Classified 4. Hawkman (I hope it will continue to be as Hawkgirl) 5. Infinite Crisis - I wasn't enjoying it till issue #4. I'm really looking forward to #5 now!
The only character in all of literature who has been described as "badnass" while using the phrase "vile miscreant."
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1. LSH 2. Green Lantern, Duh! 3. JSA Classified 4. JSA 5. Infinte Crisis
Just an Old, Broke-Down, Drunk, Bum!!
With a Power Ring...
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1. LSH 2. Young Avengers 3. JSA 4. New Avengers 5. Hmmmm....
I just can't BLOK it out!
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Bold Flavors
Bold Flavors
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Originally posted by Cobalt Kid: I checked my old top five list and FOUR of them have fallen out, although one kinda by default.
[b]Young Avengers What can I say that hasn't already been said? This is Marvel's best comic, and one of those rare comics that just gets it. Like the All-New X-Men, Byrne's FF, and even the Marvel Silver Age, it has an unknown excitement factor that somehow, despite many trying, cannot be bottled.
JSA This comic is the KING. Discounting Flash (due to upcoming changes), JSA has been comics best book for some time, and still is, and I'm confident, still will be for sometime. Top of my read list.
Legion of Super-Heroes I feel like its back. It's sharp and its fun and its the LSH again. Even with another reboot, I'm excited. Like many, I think I'm biased here, but I freely admit it. And I'm loving it.
Captain America Now this is good writing. And amazing art. And some risk-taking story-telling, but done in such a crisp, well-written way, with great characterization and I'm drawn in, despite early reservations.
Hawkman Anyone not reading this is stupid. Action, savagely likeable characters leaving my trying to catch my breath--and I'm loving it. [/b] That was my post on August 16th, and its actually still the same. I have some slight reservations though: LSH is moving too slow for me and might now really qualify as a Top Fiver. JSA has me worried about post-crisis and Johns leaving. And the loss of Carter Hall to Hawkman could equal the loss of enjoyment for Cobalt Kid…but I’m willing to wait and see on all of these, because I’ve been so impressed so far. I also don’t include mini-series, or I would put Infinite Crisis as a definite Top Five. Some of the Seven Soldiers stuff is also very good. Honorable mentionsBirds of Prey Daredevil – Bendis’ final arc was a return to a level of quality that shows how good he really is. Ultimate Fantastic Four – Millar’s run right now makes it the best Ultimate title. Fables Runaways Wonder Woman (by Rucka) Green Lantern X-Factor Major GripeWhen this thread started in March 2005, I said (and still feel) that Flash was the best comic out there. Now I miss it terribly. One awful story following Geoff and now a new title… Oh, and I'll really miss Gotham Central. One of the best comics out there since its inception and never a weak storyline.
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1. Birds of Prey. It never sucks. 2. The Ultimates 2. Whenever it comes out, that is. 3. Freshmen. This mini has been quite a bit of fun. 4. LSH. Warts and all. 5. Aquaman. I wanted to list it much higher, but its pacing until these last few months leading up to the OYL revamp made Waid's LSH look like a Michael Bay film. Now, with the new writer coming, Jon Arcudi's made more of interest happen in 3 issues than in the six prior. (Someone tell these writers to stop writing comics like TV shows -- their comics only last 20 minutes and new episodes don't come weekly.)
Up-and-comers: JSA -- I've gradually tracked down nearly the entire series and am much more impressed with it than I was when I'd pick up an issue here and there. It's still hit-or-miss, but I like these characters well enough to want to follow along anyway. Johns' departure is a concern.... Young Avengers -- waiting on the 1st trade to sell me on it. Recent issues look pretty good, but the setup is the make-or-break for me.... X-Factor -- truth be told, this belongs in the top five. But I wanted to give Aquaman a shout out before it slips off into revamp oblivion.... Astro City -- every issue of this title is fine comics. Just not regular enough.
-- Still here to help.
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Some changes in mine since last August:
1. The Walking Dead 2. Jonah Hex 3. DC's Showcase Series 4. The Legion of Super-Heroes 5. Captain America
I have to admit the Legion is slipping. And with Warlord and Moon Knight coming up (assuming they are as good as the previews show them to be), the Legion may slip out of my top 5.
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