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Bits Of (Random) Legionnaire Business...
by Korbal - 03/31/25 11:52 AM
Kill This Thread XVII - Retirement Age
by Ann Hebistand - 03/31/25 11:46 AM
Legion Trivia 6
by Chaim Mattis Keller - 03/31/25 09:45 AM
The Non-Legion Comics Trivia Thread Pt 5
by Chaim Mattis Keller - 03/31/25 09:01 AM
DC is Reviving the Legion Soon! Everyone Will Embrace It!
by Invisible Brainiac - 03/31/25 08:44 AM
Legionnaire Mastermind
by Invisible Brainiac - 03/31/25 04:39 AM
Inane one word posts XXXIV - inanity
by Invisible Brainiac - 03/31/25 04:39 AM
Wheel of Fortune / Hangman Season 3
by Invisible Brainiac - 03/31/25 04:39 AM
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You guys really should be reading GREEN ARROW, it's edge-of-your-seat right now.

Wanna know what's going on?


So badguy Dr. Light beat the crap out of femme-Dr. Light and stole her powers, putting her in critical condition (as seen above) in order to draw Green Arrow away from Star City. To keep him there, he sends Mirror Master & Killer Frost.

Because Dr. Light's real plan is to kill Mia (Speedy) and Connor (Green Arrow 2). Mia's in his sights as of the last page of # 55!

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kimiyo was tough. i can't believe she went out like that. i gotta pick it up at the store...

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Thanks, Gary. I really appreciate it. Sigh, not Kimi's greatest moment, and not the greatest fight scene ever. How exactly did Doctor Light drain her anyway? He just absorbed her powers?? It just seemed a bit too easy - Kimi absorbed a sun's power once!

Looks kinda bad... but at least she's still alive. There's hope yet.

Though her hand was still glowing as she fell. Could it be that the doctor's lying or mistaken? Maybe she hasn't totally lost her powers yet, and they're just dormant or need to be recharged.

Thanks again, Gary.

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The "startling change to the recently deceased" line - could that mean someone will be back from the dead?

Unless Mordru shows up and starts making zombies again...

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yeah i would've bet kimiyo couldve ripped dr. light 1 a new one. even in his new old ruthless self.

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Originally posted by Invisible Brainiac:

Unless Mordru shows up and starts making zombies again...
Based on an upcoming TEEN TITANS cover I saw elsewhere on LW, I wouldn't rule something like this out.

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Bold Flavors
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Just a thought IB, but I think DC has big plans in store for Kimiyo after Crisis. I love the character myself! Even if it meant a name change (the Dr. Light moniker is really too tarnished after Identity Crisis), I'd love to see her active somewhere in the DCU.

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I'd think with Alexander Luthor and co. returning for the event, you really can't do this without Kimiyo involved in some way.

White. A blank page or canvas. His favorite. So... many... possibilities.
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Thanks for the info guys.

Anyway, I was reading the DC boards the other day (not a member, just pop in there once a month or so) and found a thread discussing GA 54. One poster mentions that Geoff Johns posted the ff:

Regardless, I was just talking to Keith Giffen about ideas for Doctor Light II. There are fairly interesting plans for her and they're all good.

And Gail Simone also posted that she was planning to use Kimi in BoP. But the plans were pushed back a bit, unfortunately.

But hey, there's a lot of reason to hope now smile

Regarding the rest of the casualties and possible casualties, I have to say I'm still grieving over the deaths of Beetle, Sue and Dimitri and Fire's injury. Their era of the Justice League was a pretty memorable one - the stories may not all have been great but the characters more than made up for that.

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If, as rumors suggest, Barbara becomes Batwoman, then maybe Kimiyo becomes the new Oracle?

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Originally posted by Invisible Brainiac:
Thanks, Gary. I really appreciate it. Sigh, not Kimi's greatest moment, and not the greatest fight scene ever. How exactly did Doctor Light drain her anyway? He just absorbed her powers?? It just seemed a bit too easy - Kimi absorbed a sun's power once!
I believe that the Monitor stole his powers and transferred them when he created her. I'm not sure if this is a retcon or the original intent.


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Originally posted by Nightcrawler:
Such a waste of some really great characters.
I know! Reading through this thread made me sad. I would much rather see stories featuring these characters than to see them killed off. In death, they serve as a short-lived shock moment, but in life they could star in a mini-series or team book or something. They have too much potential to be killed off!
Originally posted by Nightcrawler:
A little elaboration about Poison Ivy and Jason Woodrue's inclusion. The story where Pamely falls for Hush (Tommy Elliot) and has him cure her of her plant powers and poisons so they can be together only to wind up dead, leads directly into the following issue, BATMAN: GOTHAM KNIGHTS #66. In that issue, Deathstoke and Talia of the Society use Hush to save Prometheus from the poisoning he recieved from Jenna (a Poison Ivy redux). They want Prometheus' key, which has the power to unlock time, space, everything. The whole story will continue in JSA CLASSIFIED #5 and is a IC tie-in. Prometheus is said to be in a "stable" condition at the end of issue.

What confuses me is that Jason Woodrue appears to be human and murdered in the story, but shows up as plant-like Floronic Man in JLA. Even though I collect every DCU title, I don't remember a story of them being seperated.
Man, the Gotham Knights writer really annoys me. I'm glad that most other DC writers seem to be ignoring what he does.
Originally posted by Invisible Brainiac:
Anyway, I was reading the DC boards the other day (not a member, just pop in there once a month or so) and found a thread discussing GA 54. One poster mentions that [b]Geoff Johns posted the ff:

Regardless, I was just talking to Keith Giffen about ideas for Doctor Light II. There are fairly interesting plans for her and they're all good.

And Gail Simone also posted that she was planning to use Kimi in BoP. But the plans were pushed back a bit, unfortunately.

But hey, there's a lot of reason to hope now smile [/b]
Yay! I'm glad that Winick didn't kill her off (as it would've been really easy to do). Now, it's possible for her to still be used in stories, and it appears that some writers already have plans for her. Once again: yay!

Updates of my own:

Dead Villains
AMOS FORTUNE (Head sliced in half by blast from Virtuoso in VILLANS UNITED #6.)
Status Unknown
HUMPTY DUMPTY (Humphry Dumpler) (Possibly killed in explosion in VILLAINS UNITED #6.)
WEATHER WIZARD (Mark Mardon) (Possibly killed in explosion in VILLAINS UNITED #6.)
Transformed Villains
BLACKBRIAR THORN (name unknown) (Body destroyed by Spectre in DAY OF VENGEANE #1. Currently in the process of growing a new body in DAY OF VENGEANCE #4.)
New Villains
MISTER TERRIBLE (name unknown) (Introduced in VILLAINS UNITED #5.)
RAGDOLL III (_____ Merkel) (Son of Ragdoll I, first appeared in VILLAINS UNITED #1.)
SCANDAL (Scandal Savage) (Daughter of Vandal Savage, introduced in VILLAINS UNITED #1.)
VIRTUOSO (name unkowwn) (Introduced in VILLAINS UNITED #5; possesses violin once owned by the Fiddler.)

And I don't think Crime Doctor should be listed as dead. In VU #6, Luthor mentioned that his "A-number-one torturer" was in a coma. I assumed that he was refering to Crime Doctor.

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I don't care if she's hot...VIRTUOSO just as lame as Fiddler. smile

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Shouldn't we add the Supermen of America to the Unkown list? It appears they were taken out in OMAC #6 but it's a bit vague.


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The Supermen of America are already on the Status Unknown list.

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Maybe you can add Copperhead as deceased? That Shadow Thief is kind of getting involved (you mentioned Monocle on the list..) They started all way back to the Identity why not included Copperhead?

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add Silver Ghost to the New Villains list too...this is the first time Uncle Sam mentioned him in Infinite Crisis #1 since Post-Crisis. He was last seen in Crisis #9, as if I recalled correctly. If I am wrong, then has to be SSSV #14 or #15 as last seen (more than 25 years!)

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Isn't the current Manhunter hunting down Copperhead?


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I thought she'd knocked him off in the first issue of her series.

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Manhunter Killed Copperhead by blowing off his brain and tongue.

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More to add to the list (I know you are gonna hate me for this!) heh:

Cheetah I - Priscilla Rich (from Wonder Woman)
the Top - Roscoe Dillon (from Rogue Wars - the Flash)
Vigilante I, Gimmix, Whip II, LIttle Boy Blue, Dan the Dynomite (all in 7 Soldiers)
Dr. 13, Ibis, Taia, Timothy Ravenwind (in Zatanna)
Smartbomb ( in Nightwing)
Skeetz (I me sentimental fool.) ( in Countdown to Crisis)
Harbinger (Superman/Batman)
Ferrin Colon and Doc (Adam Strange)

By the way, Black Condor's real name has been confirmed as Ryan Kendall.

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Originally posted by Stratum:
Isn't the current Manhunter hunting down Copperhead?

MANHUNTER #15 is a flashback issue.

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Originally posted by superboymddjr:
Maybe you can add Copperhead as deceased? That Shadow Thief is kind of getting involved (you mentioned Monocle on the list..) They started all way back to the Identity why not included Copperhead?
Monocle's death is related to Infinite Crisis because he was sent by the Society. Copperhead's death is unrelated to Infinite Crisis (though it's a shame he had to die).
add Silver Ghost to the New Villains list too...this is the first time Uncle Sam mentioned him in Infinite Crisis #1 since Post-Crisis. He was last seen in Crisis #9, as if I recalled correctly. If I am wrong, then has to be SSSV #14 or #15 as last seen (more than 25 years!)
But would that make him a new villain if he's been seen before?
Cheetah I - Priscilla Rich (from Wonder Woman)
The original Cheetah? Where'd she show up?
Vigilante I, Gimmix, Whip II, LIttle Boy Blue, Dan the Dynomite (all in 7 Soldiers)
Dr. 13, Ibis, Taia, Timothy Ravenwind (in Zatanna)
Eh... I don't think these relate to Infinite Crisis. Plus, I'd wait until Seven Soldiers is officially over to declair any of them dead. Some of the deaths of Vigilante's team were kinda vague... and Morrison said he'll deal with that event starting in Bulleteer #2.
Harbinger (Superman/Batman)[/qb]
Her death happened way before Infinite Crisis began, but I guess it relates because Donna assumed her role.
Ferrin Colon and Doc (Adam Strange)
And I'm not sure how these deaths relate to Infinite Crisis either. If Infinite Crisis changes brings them back or something, then sure.

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Bold Flavors
Bold Flavors
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Originally posted by Haggard Lad:

[b]Cheetah I - Priscilla Rich (from Wonder Woman)
The original Cheetah? Where'd she show up?[/b]
In the Wonder Woman/Flash team-up a few months ago, the Golden Age Cheetah was killed by the current Cheetah (aka the Silver Age cheetah, not the guy cheetah from a few years ago).

This relates to Infinite Crisis, b/c Rucka used it to establish that Wonder Woman is willing to kill if need be. And it also showed the beginning of the Cheetah/Zoom alliance (aka Zoom joining the Society).

Harbinger should count, b/c many of the early plots of Superman/Batman directly relate to the current DCU (and yeah, the Donna Troy thing).

If you count the Adam Strange mini as a lead-in to the Rann/Thanagar War (which it kinda is, and kinda isn't), then Doc and Ferrin Colon count. Also, the very concept of the Darkstars itself was destroyed in that issue, as it was stated somewhere that they were the only ones left.

So far the people who we know most likely will not die are: the Ray, the female Dr. Light. *Gulp*

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Wasn't the guy's name Colos or something instead of Colon?

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