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Inane one word posts XXXIV - inanity
by Legion Tracker - 03/06/25 06:36 PM
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Kill This Thread LXIV - The Giant Checkerboard
by Ann Hebistand - 03/06/25 01:34 PM
I'm Thinking of a DCU character Part 6!
by Chaim Mattis Keller - 03/06/25 09:24 AM
Your Woman Of The Day
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Aaand Round 3 is over. The results are:

the boys:

1) Changeling 75 points (3)
2) Arsenal 66 points (4)
3) Robin 60 points (2)
4) Green Lantern 58 points (1)
5) Nightwing 52 points (5)
6) Tempest 47 points (6)
7) Flash 46 points (7)
8) Superboy 30 points (8)

and the girls:

1) Troia 79 points (1)
2) Harlequin 71 points (2)
3) Supergirl 62 points (3)
4) Rose Wilson 50 (7)
5) Jesse Quick 45 points (4)
6) Wonder Girl 43 points (6)
7) Bumblebee 39 points (8)
8) Starfire 37 points (5)

Once again the movement in the table for the boys has been at the top end of things, with Changeling being in the lead even before he gets his extra 5 points. Green Lantern's relativly poor showing doesn't prevent him droping back too far simply because of his incredibly strong round prior to this one. Strong rounds for Flash and Tempest just keep them safe as well, and at the end of the day there really was no saving poor Kon-El who only managed to gain three points this round and so is shown the door.

And again with the girls the movement is in the middle of the table. Troia and Harlequin both get a very good showing this round which pushes them that little bit further ahead of the other girls, although Supergirl manages to hold onto third place getting joint first this round with Troia and the fourth placed lady, Rose Wilson. Rose is the big mover this round out of both teams, leaping from seventh to fourth which only goes to show that one poor round doesn't automatically mean you're out of the running. On the other hand one *very* poor round does mean that Starfire tumbles from a relativly safe fifth place to end up last over-all. So now she can go back to deciding if she's a princess or not and maybe getting some new clothes.

Round Four coming soon...

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Round 4

Well so far we tested the Titans skill, their artistic ability and their capacity to cope in a tough situation. So this round it's time to get gratuitous. All fourteen remaining Titans are put in a room full or single men and women. The Titans can chose to wear whatsoever they please, as little or as much as they feel comfortable in. The aim of the game is simple: the Titan to get the most kisses wins. Only one kiss from any one person in the room, but how they get the kiss is up to them. They must use their wits, their charms and, if they want, their physical appearance to win the game. There is no playing dirty this round, anything goes.

And because of that our judge this time round will be those lovely Birds Of prey Black Canary and Huntress.

Five points extra are also available this round for whichever titan has the best chat-up line (or worst, depending on how you look at it). As with round 3 the extra points don't automatically have to go to one of the overall winners.

The contenders remaining are:

the boys:

Green Lantern

the girls:

Jesse Quick
Rose Wilson
Wonder Girl

(and just so there's no worries about the ages of some of the contestants there's an even spread of ages amongst the people in the room).

Voting finishes some time on Monday 4th October.

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Guys, I have made a decision. For this round at the least (and probably for the remaining rounds) I'm going to follow Future's lead again and double the points for each position (so 14, 12, 10 and so on). I'll keep the extra points at five though, but that may go up next round as well.

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1. Arsenal (big surprise)
2. Nightwing
3. Changeling
4. Flash
5. Robin
6. Green Lantern
7. Tempest

1. Harlequin (you DID say anything goes...)
2. Supergirl
3. Troia
4. Wonder Girl
5. Rose Wilson
6. Jesse Quick
7. Bumblebee

Best line? Hm... I'd probably go with Nightwing on this one, because he'd be more adaptable in starting a conversation.

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the boys:

1) Arsenal
2) Changeling
3) Tempest
4) Green Lantern
5) Robin
6) Nightwing
7) Flash

the girls:

1) Supergirl
2) Harlequin
3) Jesse Quick
4) Wonder Girl
5) Troia
6) Bumblebee
7) Rose Wilson

See with this one my reasoning goes along these lines: none of the boys or girls are anything but attractive. They're all hotties so the winner is going to come down to how they play the game. Arsenal, Changeling, Supergirl and Harlequin aren't going to let the fact that they're straight prevent them getting kisses from both sex. Also Roy and Gar at the very least (and probably the girls too) would go the whole hog and work the crowd wearing very little indeed. Tempest and GL would probably be quite happy flaunting their bodies (plus there's a bit of a personal liking for Tempest here too wink ) while Robin, Nightwing and Flash would be a little more wary of that kind of thing. It's not that they're not confident, just that the others maybe have the edge when it comes to chatting people up (despite being a ladies man Dick has always been show to be a bit coy around the ladies for example, and Wally would probably be very aware of his relationship with Linda). Jesse and Cassie would also have the confidence, and Troia would do quite well since she's probably the hottest of them all. Rose I think would kind of lose out since I don't see her as being as conifdent as the others.

And finally, the best chat-up line I think has to go to Harlequin. It probably wouldn't be the most effective or romantic or whatever but it would be bound to be something bizarre which at the very least would get people's attentions. Gar and Roy on the other hand would probably just be cheesy. laugh

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The kissing game, eh?

1. Arsenal (he's a charmer)
2. Nightwing
3. Changeling (also a charmer, but his appearance may put people off)
4. Green Lantern
5. Robin
6. Tempest
7. Flash

1. Harlequin (she'd plant one on anyone)
2. Supergirl (Who wouldn't kiss her, you know?)
3. Troia (ditto)
4. Jesse Quick (smooth talking business woman)
5. Wonder Girl (spunk)
6. Bumblebee
7. Rose Wilson (I see her failing at this for some reason)

Harlequin I'd give the best pick-up line, or lack thereof, as she goes around smooching everybody. No inhibitions!

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Oops, forgot to post this yesterday but better late than never...

Round 4 is over and the extra points has made a bit of a difference. Not a *huge* difference, but enough to give some of the contestants a firm lead. The results are:

the boys:

1) Arsenal 108 points (2)
2) Changeling 107 points (1)
3) Nightwing 80 points (5)
4) Green Lantern 78 points (4)
5) Robin 78 points (3)
6) Tempest 63 points (6)
7) Flash 58 points (7)

the girls:

1) Harlequin 116 points (2)
2) Troia 105 points (1)
3) Supergirl 100 points (3)
4) Jesse Quick 67 points (5)
5) Wonder Girl 65 points (6)
6) Rose Wilson 60 points (4)
7) Bumblebee 49 points (7)

Arsenal and Changeling carry on fighting it out for the top spot among the boys with a mere one point between them at this stage. The fact that both of them strutted their stuff in nowt but posing pouches and kissed *everyone* probably had something to do with their scores this round. Nightwing also makes something of a comeback this round but still needs to go that extra bit further if he’s to catch the frontrunners. Green Lantern and Robin manage to keep their scores fairly respectable but slip in the ratings slightly. At the bottom end of the table Tempest and Flash didn’t fair too badly but still remained a good way behind everyone else. Nothing could save Flash though and so with Round 4 over we say goodbye to the first of the original Fab Five, with another looking seriously in danger.

With the girls Donna Troy is finally ousted from the top spot with a spectacular showing from Harlequin who not only nearly matched Arsenal’s over-all score from this round (40 points compared to 42) but also picked up the extra five points available for the best pick-up line (although possibly literally picking people up and kissing them doesn’t count as a pick up line). Even without the extra points though she would have taken first place. Donna just manages to keep hold of second place though despite Supergirl also making a remarkable showing this round, being a full seventeen points behind Donna at the start of the round and finishing it a mere five points behind. In the middle of the table Jesse, Wonder Girl and Rose are possibly too close to call at the moment but still have a lot of catching up to do with the top three girls. Unfortunately there was no saving Bumblebee this round either and we have to wave her goodbye as she buzzes off to try and find a better outfit.

So Round 4 is over and Round 5 will follow shortly....

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Round 5.

Make ‘em laugh, make ‘em laugh, make ‘em laugh.

It’s another personality test this round and this could be a huge challenge for some, but a delight for others. This round takes place in the Batcave, of all places. The rules are simple. Each contestant has three minutes to perform a comedy routine of their choosing. They are then scored simply on how funny they are. Nothing more complex than that.

However the judge is Batman.

As always there are extra points available (remaining at five points this round, but the rest of the points are still double) to awarded to the contestant who performs the most original routine. Not necessarily the funniest, just the most original (ie: it can go to anyone, not just one of the top ranked). The contestants are:

the boys: Arsenal, Changeling, Green Lantern, Nightwing, Robin and Tempest.

the girls: Harlequin, Jesse Quick, Rose Wilson, Supergirl, Troia and Wonder Girl.

Voting for this round ends probably Friday 8th, but might be Monday 11th.

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Bats is the judge? Oh, dear...

1. Robin (Would know some inside jokes, perhaps)
2. Nightwing (Likewise, but Dick always did seem to get judged harder by Bruce)
3. Changeling
4. Arsenal
5. Green Lantern
6. Tempest (I don't actually see these last three succeeding at all, but Bats DOES have to rank them)

1. Harlequin (Might remind him too much of Joker to crack a laugh, but she IS funny)
2. Rose Wilson (Humor would be more his level)
3. Supergirl
4. Troia
5. Jesse Quick
6. Wonder Girl (Again, the last four probably wouldn't succeed)

Overall winner? Rose Wilson...she surprised Bruce.

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1. Robin (As Future said, he knows what makes Bats tick)
2. Green Lantern (has a sense of humor and knows Batman pretty well)
3. Nightwing (Although he's a little more familiar with Bruce than Tim, Dick just isn't that funny. )
4. Tempest
5. Arsenal
6. Changeling (I think he's funny but Bats would find him juvenile and annoying.)

1. Harlequin (she's the only one who could pull it off with Batman)
2. Troia (Bruce probably has a soft spot in his heart for Donna since he's known her for so many years)
3. Jesse Quick
4. Wonder Girl
5. Supergirl
6. Rose Wilson

Overall winner? Tim. Although Harlequin & Chageling are funnier, Bruce really doesn't have a sense of humor. Tim would be more clever than anyone and this is what would likely carry the day.

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1. Robin (same reasoning as above)
2. Green Lantern
3. Nightwing
4. Changeling
5. Arsenal
6. Tempest

1. Harlequin
2. Troia
3. Supergirl
4. Jesse Quick
5. Rose Wilson
6. Wonder Girl

Most original: Tough one, but I'll give it to Robin.

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Batman never laughs ever, so I trust he's putting himself in a human's shoes, the way J'Onn would.

1. Robin
2. Nightwing (they both know Alfred, HE can make Bruce laugh)
3. Arsenal
4. Changeling
5. Green Lantern
6. Tempest (poor Garth)

1. Supergirl (she'd make fun of Krypto or Clark)
2. Wonder Girl
3. Troia
4. Jesse Quick (the only thing they could both laugh about is self destructive behavior, and I bet Batman can't believe how much of a mess Jessie Quick is, even with super-speed (thank grife Batman doesn't have that!)
5. Rose Wilson (poking your eye out isn't funny, sorry)
6. Harlequin (can't concentrate on her routine because he's too busy trying not to picture Jason Todd dead at the hands of the Joker)

Most original: Tempest's fish puns (oh cod it's giving me a haddock!)

I apologize for editing my vote. I had a realization.

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No probs for the edit, especially since your reasoning makes a lot of sense.

I just realised I haven't posted my own votes yet. D'oh.

the boys:

1) Changeling
2) Arsenal
3) Green Lantern
4) Tempest
5) Robin
6) Nightwing

See, my reasoning for Robin and Nightwing being so low is that Batman does know them and even though they may know what makes him tick he'd be less inclined to laugh at them in front of other people and would judge them more harshly. Unfair possibly, but then again this *is* Batman we're talking about.

and the girls:

1) Supergirl (she's just very funny. And I think Bats would be more forgiving of her because of his relationship with Superman. I also think she wouldn't be as awed of him as the others and he'd like that).
2) Harlequin (although I'm almost inclined to rethink this because of TiJulk's reasoning)
3) Wonder Girl
4) Rose Wilson
5) Troia
6) Jesse

I'll probably post the results to this round later today Friday) but it might be Monday...

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Oops, forgot to say who gets the extra points from me. Actually, it's Robin even though he's low down over all because I think he'd do something a bit odd and clever and nothing like any of the others.

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Round 5 is over!

There hasn't been a huge amount of movement in the rankings, but that doesn't mean to say it's been an action free round all in all. The results are:

the boys:

1) Changeling 141 points (2)
2) Arsenal 140 points (1)
3) Robin 135 points (5)
4) Nightwing 118 points (3)
5) Green Lantern 114 points (4)
6) Tempest 81 points (6)

the girls:

1) Harlequin 164 points (1)
2) Supergirl 144 points (3)
3) Troia 143 points (2)
4) Jesse Quick 93 points (4)
5) Wonder Girl 93 points (5)
6) Rose Wilson 86 points (6)

With the boys Changeling and Arsenal once again fight it out for the top spot with a mere one point between them, but they're still far from being safe at this point. Robin managed a great round picking up 40 points this round if you don't include the extra five points he received as the most original comedian. That shoots him up from fifth to third and leaves him a mere five points behind Arsenal. It's also probably too early to count Nightwing and Green Lantern out of the running. Both had a good round this time and get into three figures and only have four points between them. With two rounds still to go before the final there is the potential for them to catch up again. Unfortunately (and much to my own personal chagrin) Tempest just couldn't keep up with them. He's the only one of the boys still not to have made it into three figures so I'm afraid the big hunky fish man has to return to the waves and his annoying wife. Unless I take him home with me of course.

With the girls it's just as much a tight run race. Harlequin seems to have a formidable twenty point lead at this point but that could still all change. Gaining an incredible 46 points this round (only two off the maximum available when all votes were cast) means that she is almost certain to make it into the final three, but only time will tell that. In second and third place Supergirl and Troia fight it out with Supergirl just gaining that one extra point that pushes Troia down into third. Jesse and Wonder Girl are still in with a fight as well ending this round with equal points (a higher total this round puts Jesse just ahead) and even though they're a good way behind the top three they could potentially pull off a shock victory in the last few rounds. Finishing in last place though is Rose Wilson. Rose began the game very strongly and looked to be in with a chance of making it right to the end but a couple of very poor rounds meant that her lead was quite quickly gobbled up and she ended the round just a little too far behind the others to save her. That being said for someone who is one of the 'lesser' Titans it's been a great run, beating the likes of Starfire and Raven to get this far.

Round 6 will follow shortly...

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Round 6

We're into the quarter-final round now and it's a test of skill, speed and visual recognition. It's also pretty darn simple. The round takes place in the living room of our two judges, Ralph and Sue Dibney (since in my DCU Sue, like Troia and Lilith, isn't dead). Each Titan is given the same 250 piece jigsaw puzzle and it's simply a case of completing the puzzle in the shortest time. Whoever finishes first gets the points.

The extra points this round comes once the puzzle is finished. As you would expect the puzzle itself is Titans themed and features every single Titan there has ever been. The points go to whichever of the Titans left manages to name everyone depicted first. This is completely seperate from the first part of the test so could be won by anyone. Also since we're nearing the end there are now ten points avaiable rather than five, giving someone either the chance to pull ahead of the rest or catch up with them, depending on their current score.

The remaining players are:

the boys: Arsenal, Changeling, Green Lantern, Nightwing and Robin.

the girls: Harlequin, Jesse Quick, Supergirl, Troia and Wonder Girl.

This round ends... uh... probably Wednesday 13th, but it might be earlier since I need to finish the game before I go on my holidays on the 25th and there are still two rounds left after this one.

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1. Nightwing
2. Robin
3. Arsenal
4. Green Lantern
5. Changeling

1. Jesse Quick (not for the speed, for her saavy)
2. Wonder Girl
3. Troia
4. Supergirl
5. Harlequin

The winner? Nightwing.

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1. Nightwing
2. Robin
3. Green Lantern
4. Arsenal
5. Changeling

1. Troia
2. Jesse Quick
3. Wonder Girl
4. Supergirl
5. Harlequin

The winner of the bonus points - Nightwing.

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1. Nightwing
2. Robin
3. Green Lantern
4. Arsenal
5. Changeling

1. Troia
2. Jesse Quick
3. Supergirl
4. Wonder Girl
5. Harlequin

Bonus points: Nightwing

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I see that the same person popped into everyone's head.

Green Lantern

Jesse Quick
Wonder Girl

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my votes:

the boys:

1) Robin (just to be different. wink )
2) Nightwing
3) Green Lantern
4) Arsenal
5) Changeling (poor Gar)

the girls:

1) Supergirl
2) Jesse Quick
3) Troia
4) Wonder Girl
5) Harlequin

And I give the extra points to Donna. I think it'd be close between here and Nightwing, but I just think she'd have the edge on him.

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Round 6 is over, and it’s all change at the top for both the boys and the girls. The results are:

the boys:

1) Robin 177 points (3)
2) Nightwing 176 points (4)
3) Arsenal 162 points (2)
4) Changeling 151 points (1)
5) Green Lantern 142 points (5)

the girls:

1) Troia 183 points (3)
2) Supergirl 178 points (2)
3) Harlequin 176 points (1)
4) Jesse Quick 133 points (4)
5) Wonder Girl 117 points (5)

The results for the boys just shows how quickly things can change. Arsenal and Changeling, who have barely been out of the top three since the start of the game, slip down into fourth and fifth place respectively. Robin and Nightwing however pull off a blinder this round getting 42 and 58 points (third place over the round went to Green Lantern with 28 points, way behind the Bat boys) which means they jump right back up to the top of the table with a mere one point between them. Despite that it’s probably too early to count out any of the top four even at this late stage. Unfortunately for Green Lantern despite a strong round he’s just pipped at the post. He almost caught up with Changeling but a few weak rounds early on have cost him his place. Still, considering many considered him not to belong in the Titans in the first place it’s a pretty good showing.

Over with the girls Troia manages to regain her lead after slipping down the table the last few rounds. A very strong round for her (40 points in total, only equalled by Jesse Quick) means that she now has a five point lead over everyone else. Supergirl also had a strong round and manages to keep hold of second place ahead of Harlequin who has her first really poor showing, only picking up 12 points. In fourth place Jesse makes up quite a bit of a gap between herself and the top three so she could still be in with a chance of making it into the final. Unfortunately for Wonder Girl there just wasn’t any saving her this round. She didn’t do too badly but she just had too much ground to make up and even though she started the round with equal points with Jesse there was just no way she could match the speedster’s performance. So we say good-bye to our youngest girl and get ready for the last round where someone will be voted off...

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Round 7

Once again I shall follow Future's lead on this one, and the final round with someone being evicted (as t'were) will be a simple popularity contest. Just rate the four boys and four girls in order of your personal favourites. Just to up the ante again though points are again doubled, so they are now 16, 12, 8 and 4. The contestants are:

the boys: Arsenal, Changeling, Nightwing and Robin

the girls: Harlequin, Jesse Quick, Supergirl and Troia.

This round ends Friday 15th so that I can get the final in before the end of next week. laugh

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And just to get in early, my choices are:

the boys:

1) Changeling
2) Arsenal
3) Nightwing
4) Robin

the girls:

1) Supergirl
2) Troia
3) Jesse Quick
4) Harlequin

Truth and Justice shall Prevail!
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