If I remember rightly a couple of years back the board was set up in such a way that post counts were shown beneath each posters name, in common with a number of other boards I believe. The titles that each poster had under their names were directly linked to the number of posts they had made.
Unfortunately this led some to indulge in post padding and other irritating and annoying tactics designed just to get the individual posters numbers up. I have a vague recollection of some of the guys who come here for a serious discussion of all things Legion finding this; well I would guess you could call it Spam, type behaviour increasingly irritating. It’s a fine line between acceptable fun, which everyone me included does at times and doing it all the time to the exclusion of all else. Especially as some posters seemed to be unable or unwilling to keep such post padding to the threads where silliness allowed it, such as the who’s next thread, but start popping up all over the board, interrupting the flow of conversations with inane and irritating questions and attention seeking statements. I don’t know details but I guess what happened is that people started to complain and some proto “flame” wars built up until at the end Gary and Scott had to take action.
Now LegionWorld is one of the nicest places on the net and people (on the whole) seem to get along fine with no big brother moderators trying to run the place their way. But it has to be remembered that this place is not a democracy. At the end of the day this is Gary and Scott’s sandpit we play in, they set it up, they run it, they maintain it and they pay for it. WE are guests here and we play by their rules or we don’t get invited back.
At some point they decided to remove the public display of post counts and since then there has been little public clamour to have them restored. People celebrate individual milestones (usually when they hit a thousand post increments) but the names attached to the various post increments are, if you look around the board, pretty meaningless as posters tend to give themselves personal titles rather than post related ones. You can give yourself any title you like by editing it in your profile, just like mine.
I have been posting on LegionWorld almost since day one and with the LMB for many years before that. To be honest I don’t even know what my current LW post count is. Numbers, like size

is not important, it’s what you say, how you interact with others and the enrichment you bring to their lives, how you feel about yourself that is.
I see that Star Boy has referred you to Gary’s thoughts on the subject and knowing Gary as I do I figure he will need a huge ground swell of opinion in favour of a change to make him change his mind. We’ll see what happens in response to your question but I hope, now you know a bit of background, you don’t get too disappointed at the reaction or lack of it to your question.