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Turns out that Triplicate Girl was captured with Cosmic Boy last issue, and the Dominators are torturing them, trying to find out where the Legion and Wanderers are going to be gathering for their Last Stand.
Mon-El (who is pictured as a Wanderer on the splash page) needs more anti-lead serum, stat.
Invisible Kid now has an alien arm.
I expected us to see the Legion and Wanderers laying waste to the Dominion homeworld this issue, but we don't.
Dream Girl appears to Dream Boy.
Lots of injuries--Timber Wolf and Ultra Boy seem like they're in pretty bad shape--but no deaths.
Not at all a bad issue, but I want to be able to read the rest of the story, *now*.
But if you really want something Legion-related to scratch your head over this week, pick up Justice League #7, which seems to lead into the JLA/JSA crossover.
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Matthew should have said "But if you really want something Legion related to scream your head off over this week, pick up Justice League #7 (out today), which blasts off into the JLA/JSA/LSH crossover.
Seems we've been getting blatantly teased for months and months and none of us really picked up on it.
Back to this issue of S&LSH, I was a litle put off by the splash page which includes Mon with the Wanderers. I truly hope that he does not remain with them instead of the Legion. (Or Mysa for that matter)
I really want to know HOW Lyle got that new arm!
Dream Girl SPEAKS to Dream Boy through his dream and it sounds like he has a very important roll to play in all of this.
I have a very bad feeling about Luornu. I think whoever mentioned some weeks ago that the death that the Legion will mourn next month might be her third body could be spot on.
And finally, anyone who bad mouths Cos in my hearing ever again will have one very irate Vee with which to contend. Cos has a huge set of brass ones as far as I'm concerned.
"Hey Jim! Get Mon out of the Zone!! And...when do we get Condo back?"
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Yes I finally warmed to Cos in this issue. Even if it took the Dominator Torture Caste Dude literally breaking his balls with those big metal zapper gloves.
I wonder if it's Element Lad's Trip that dies. The merged Trip really seems to have a thing with Cos.
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Element Lad? Who's he? Have we even seen Jan recently?
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Although I wasn't really surprised by anything in this issue (you mean, Triplicate Girl's "information" was part of a trap? Not so shocking!), it was a nice dramatic build-up to the climax of the story line.
And it reminds us how essentially different this incarnation of the Legion really is. Previous versions of the team would have been quite unlikely to invade an entire planet. But this isn't your Grandpa's Legion! This is the "Operation Enduring Freedom" Legion. So, what are the odds that this invasion will go well?
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We were talking a few months ago about 'defining' moments of heroism for specific Legionnaires. This was Cosmic Boy's. Everything good about the character was there in this issue: foresight, cunning, capacity to inspire, leadership, and, last but not least, physical power. Great to see him like that. I really prefer characters that are not perfect (Cos certainly isn't), but that are heroes when it counts.
And his hair is black! I can hardly believe it! I thought I was going to have to pencil it in my copies myself! (I still might, in the old issues)
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Originally posted by TimCallahan: Although I wasn't really surprised by anything in this issue (you mean, Triplicate Girl's "information" was part of a trap? Not so shocking!), it was a nice dramatic build-up to the climax of the story line.
And it reminds us how essentially different this incarnation of the Legion really is. Previous versions of the team would have been quite unlikely to invade an entire planet. But this isn't your Grandpa's Legion! This is the "Operation Enduring Freedom" Legion. So, what are the odds that this invasion will go well? Pretty good, I think. I can't come up with a better plan. Besides, Waid and Kitson only have a couple of issues left, and this is the shortest distance between us and a happy ending.
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Oh, one more thing. The cover should have been Cos and the Dominator.
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At least Nura said something about those hideous pants that Dream Boy wears. Though she shops the same store.
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Seems we've been getting blatantly teased for months and months and none of us really picked up on it. None of us? have you been reading the JSA posts? How about this month's Wizard? What about the reports from WW LA? I've been dizzy for months now. Ok back to this issue. Here is a bunch of stuff I though of going through the issue fron to back. 1. Brainy isn't imagining Nura and apparently she can move in dreams. She may have visited other dreamers but was just passed off as imagination. What exactly did Brainy do to her? 2. What does Dream Boy's premonition mean? Is Earth going to make it? Nura is saying the whole universe is at stake. 3. Saturn Girl is already on a first name basis with "Mon"? Exactly how much time has passed? 4. When did Brainy become such a whiner? You have a 12th level intellect! You made a transmatter gate out of bubblegum and duct tape! Find the sprocking kryptonite and make the serum. What are they paying this kid for anyway? 5. I keep forgetting how screwed up the normal people are in this future world... "The Legion as rebellion against cocoonism" is a cool concept but it gets lost if we only see it one panel every 8 issues. 6. who is "Telekinisis" is this an old character revamped? And man this one is whining worse than Brainiac. 7. Please don't kill Timberwolf. Dating Jeckie is dangerous business. 8. Gotta love Jo! 9. What is Phantom Girl after? any guesses? 10.Torture scene drags on but I think it was necessary to make us doubt what we already suspected. Lournu isn't that weak and has probably proven the best at deception out of the whole group. 11. Where's Mekt? 12. Matchups at the rendevous are fun. Can anyone give a rundown of who they think everyone is? 13. I love how Brainy is still shooting evil stares at the other Coluan 14. Is Lyle's arm a symbiot? Does it have super strength? Does it have a mind of it's own? Does he have a better or worse chance with Supergirl now? 15. Wow! For the first time this series Cosmic Boy is cool.
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The best part of issue 28 in my opinion? DREAM GIRL'S BACK!!!!!!
... well sorta, but what the heck!
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Ho hum. I thought it was another lightning fast read. That's their plan for saving the whole planet? And just how DID they all get themselves to the rendezvous point so quickly if they can't use technology? Surely Light Lass and White Witch didn't transport everybody. Why didn't they just have Projectra create an illusion of the teams gathering instead of putting everyone at risk?
The cover is again misleading. Supergirl hardly appears.
I get really tired of all this buildup and then we don't even get to see the big 3 kick Dominator ass. Just one panel from Supergirl saying the entire invading army has been "nullified." And from the shape Mon-El and Ultra Boy were in earlier, how did they manage it?
Again with the "healing factor" for Timber Wolf. I wish everybody would stop Wolverinizing him.
It's about time we saw Triplicate Girl again. Ditto for Wolf and Jeckie, but we didn't even get to see them use their powers. And where is Element Lad anyway?
I want Dream Girl back, dammit. Jettison Dream Boy already and bring her back.
What the heck's up with Invisible Kid's arm? Talk about left field. His flight ring blowing up does that? WTF? Who was that old Conan the Barbarian type character with the demon hand? It reminded me of him. I suspect it comes with some new power but what it might be I can't imagine.
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Oh, yeah. Why did the art suddenly turn to crap in the panel where Cos frees himself? Did Barry draw the whole book except that panel?
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remember cos asked the wnaderers healer to fix Lyle's arm. he did that not the ring
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Dream Boy saving the universe is OK with me -- as long as it costs him his life. Dream Girl's got to be the busiest dead person since Boston Brand. I wouldn't object if she stayed in this state if she made regular appearances in the future.
Last time we heard about Saturn Girl, she was lost in Londinium. Now all of a sudden she's in Montreopolis (kudos to the Dominators for not forgetting to annihilate Canada). Methinks some subplots have been contracted in the race to the finish line.
Mon-El is roll-called as a Wanderer. Last issue he was with the Legion (I think). In light of his absence from the cover of #30, I guess we can see where this is heading.
Why is everyone blaming Mekt for Cosmic Boy's disappearance? He's innocent, I tell you! He was just, um, following orders.
Love Lyle's sentient limb. He seems rather fond of it.
The telekinesis dude is pretty cool-looking. Ditto the reptilian alien guy hanging out with Phantom Girl. The Wanderers need their own mini-series.
Phantom Girl speaketh! It's kind of chilling to think Tinya might very well be the last super-hero left alive in the event of the utter destruction of humankind, but it makes sense.
Did Timber Wolf always have self-healing powers?
I *loved* the Triplicate Girl scene, especially the explanation of her powers -- "three sets of nerve endings reporting to one consciousness". Dot-head does a decent Admiral Ackbar impression.
Yup, I liked Cos "uncorked" (it's about time!) but I have a bone to pick with the artist. One minute we see Cosmic Boy half-naked, his costume all in shreds, but as soon as he passes through the Dominator transmatter gate the costume miraculously reconstitutes itself. It's not fair!! If it were a girl, I bet she'd still be half-naked.
Element Lad isn't the only Legionnaire missing. No Lightning Lad or Star Boy either. And no (sob!) Sun Boy.
I noticed there were two inkers -- Mick Gray and Jimmy Palmiotti. That might account for the artistic differences.
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Its actually strange to think the Phantom Girl has the option to say ... "ah farg it, I'm going home"
I thought also that hours or even days passed between scene cuts and since the last issue. So the timeline was not overly important to me.
And all this time Starboy missed the secret of making Cos not talk. Kick him below the belt and ask him to reveal the plan and he'll clam up.
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Did Timber Wolf always have self-healing powers? As far as I know, the only time he did (before now, anyway) was during Gail Simone's arc of the reboot Legion.
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Oh, yeah, I forgot about the healer guy on Lyle's arm.
Ultra Boy's costume was in shreds in one panel and then fine later too. Come to think of it, why should any of their costumes ever be in shreds? They're all just holograms created by the flight rings, right?
No, Timber Wolf did not always have a healing power. I think Gail Simone was the first to give it to him. She even called it a "healing factor".
And I can't believe the torture caste can't think of anything better to torture someone with magnetic powers than using sharp METAL instruments to slice him up. Look at the trouble they went to to make those gauntlets that screw with the one Carggite being in the universe's wimpy power of splitting into 3. Not a very bright allocation of resources IMO, Dominators.
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Originally posted by jimgallagher: And I can't believe the torture caste can't think of anything better to torture someone with magnetic powers than using sharp METAL instruments to slice him up. We don't know they were metal. Maybe they were plastic. Reeeeeeally sharp plastic.
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Dominator virus? Didn't Microsoft patch windows yet?
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Man that Luornu torture scene was painful for me to read. I don't think a female character has ever been tortured to this extent in any previous incarnation of the Legion. Nice to see her so heroic...I suppose. Didn't believe for a minute that she had really given in.
I'm concerned about her inability to triplicate. Also, was it wise of Cos to leave a member behind with virtually no power to control the remaining Dominators?
I agree with Jim G...the first thing I thought of was...why not have Projectra create an illusion? Weren't they all still in peril the moment the transmatter opened...despite the big 3 swooping in? Might have been a nice back-up plan in any case.
Again...my main complaint with this book...too many non-Legion heroes to keep track of or care about. I want a "Legion of Super-Heroes" comic...not a "Legion of Super-Heroes and some Wanderers and those guys Sun Boy fell in with and some random Legion fans with powers who hang around the real Legion" comic.
The poster formerly known as Carggaphile.
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This was Cosmic Boy's breakout issue? How? It's just more of him getting to talk, him having the plan, him this, him that--same thing it's always been. Sure it should have been Cosmic Boy on the cover with the Dominator, and the title should be Cosmic Boy & the Legion of Super-Heroes.
Thankfully, this issue did do what last issue should have done and actually showed us the other teams in action. The Dream Girl/Dream Boy meeting was intriguing, & I quite appreciated the line about his pants. It was nice to see Saturn Girl and Brainy even if they didn't do much. Shadow Lass, Projectra, etc. was a nice aside to show how thin they are spread, though I hope "focusing to heal" has more to do with 30th century healing methods than wolverine-like powers. Nice interaction with Phantom Girl & the Wanderers too.
So, overall, I think it was a nice issue, but the only breakout character in my view was Triplicate Girl.
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I still haven't read #27. It's not that I've lost interest in the series. I just don't find it the most important (or second or third) read anymore.
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I forgot this even came out, but what I have read from the spoilers it looks like a good issue, so I will take a look at it next week.
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Terrifyingly On-Topic.
Terrifyingly On-Topic.
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Mekt is in the very last panel. Fashionably late, our Mr. Ranzz. (I didn't see our other Mr. Ranzz at all...guess they used up their screen time last issue.)
It'll be interesting to find out what Mekt knew -- or deduced -- about Cos's plan. His look back to Cos's last known position at the end of issue #27 seemed to be significant, somehow.
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