(Disclaimer: I don't use Twitter. I am basing this on what I have been told by someone who does.)
It is quite possible that you have been the victim of a bot block list. I am told a lot of people get overwhelmed by the responses they get from totally unknown contacts largely through retweets. A common response is to use use a bot list. You see a list promoted that says it will block users who have a particular persuasion/opinion/stance/history of racism or sexism or whatever, and you can use that list to block anyone on it. Great in terms of reducing the garbage. However someone has to make up those lists and you are relying on their judgement. More than this, users can end up on lists like this not because they themselves did anything but because they follow a person who once did something that someone didn't like. It can even go to deeper levels where you follow some one who follows someone who follows someone who was once offensive to someone, and then the person making the list followed the follows and added them all to the list.
So someone can end up being blocked for nothing they did but just because they ended up on a list created by someone else to deal with a different issue entirely.
Anyway that's how I have heard it described. I sometimes listen to a guy on YouTube (Perch) who has different opinions but strongly encourages discussion etc. I tried to find the video where he explained this but couldn't exactly (he posts about 3 short videos per day - I sure don't listen to them all) but this one on comic creators blocking comic shops has some of the useful information. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vW6W4iffueI
So someone can end up being blocked for nothing they did but just because they ended up on a list created by someone else to deal with a different issue entirely.
This is why I tell people that I get more from Twitter as a lurker than I ever did as a participant. I still read it too much, though. It takes a conscious effort to remember that I don't need to read every redundant comment or repetitive GIF in a 3,000-post dogpile. As a news aggregator, it can be useful. As a "community"? No. And it's noteworthy to me that I'm more likely to be wasting time on there if I'm already fatigued or in a bad mood.
November 1st will be my 4-year account-deletion anniversary. No regrets.
Hey, Kids! My "Cranky and Kitschy" collage art is now viewable on DeviantArt! Drop by and tell me that I sent you. *updated often!*
I mean, I'm blocked by the same guy for unknown reasons too. I always assumed it was because I was either a) too much of a Bendisboot hater on main, or b) got caught up in a blocklist.
I preferred the days when we fought Robotica to the social disapointment of being snubbed by them.
Physical pain is more bearable than emotional pain!
I was pleased when I talked the chainsaw wielding maniac attacking me down to criticising my choice of slippers. I found that pretty bearable.
Don't knock it. Even in jest. Emotional abuse is a horrible thing. I know because I have Post Traumatic Stress Disorder. I barely survived those traumas. Think about that.
Thanks all. Without responding to specific posts, I will say that the conversation here is definitely better AND more in depth. But I have been able to connect with a few people that I hadn't heard from in a long long while, so that's nice.
And interesting comments about the block-bot. I didn't know such a thing existed. So it may be that. I do know that there are a decent amount of Legion fans online that have this weird connection about the Bendis Legion being the "woke" Legion because of the character redesigns, and therefore any criticism of the Bendis Legion is a criticism of "woke" culture, when the reality is that we are criticizing the writing and characterizations.
Interested in the Post-Zero Hour Reboot Legion? Check out:
It's a bit ironic that these so-called "woke" fans, are immediately associating criticism of writing and characterization without criticism of new designs. Ugh. I don't think I've once complained about the character designs themselves, despite my heavy dislike of the writing.
And to be clear, I don't have a problem with folks who consider themselves woke. As with anything, something taken to an extreme can cause unintentional harm.
Interested in the Post-Zero Hour Reboot Legion? Check out:
So I had this thread idea a few weeks back which was something like "The Rest: Not Woke Enough for the Current Legion?" but I decided that even though it really amused me, it probably wasn't worth the potential risk of someone who didn't get the joke taking it the wrong way.
In the Super-Stalag of Space story, there's this scene where Brainy is introducing the freshly captured Legionnaires to other prisoners in the Super-Stalag, and after introducing Weight Wizard, Plant Lad, Blockade Boy, and Shadow Kid, he finishes with "...And The Rest". Presumably, this is meant to indicate all of the other prisoners that he's not introducing, but when he says it there's only one other prisoner in the scene, who happens to be lying on top of a bunk bed. This character has thus been nicknamed "The Rest" by Legion fans (at least here on Legion World). Not much is known about him, other than the fact that his powers clear involve some sort of super-resting.
That is brilliant! A hero who doesn't actually do anything (as far as I remember) called The Rest! I've been looking for ideas from old stories to mine for my fanfic and I might steal this, it's totally brilliant!
Legion Worlds Ten - the final chapter is here. Find out the ultimate fate of our fantastic future friends.Only found in the Bits o' Legionnaire Business Forum.