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Well, just like that, half the patrons have gone off on some mission to Rimbor. I don't envy them. I spent a good portion of my life on Rimbor...and silverale and brothels aside, I'd avoid the stench if I could help.
Too bad that Vidar fellow left, though. He was an interesting sort.
And where is Exnihil been?
< finishes drink >
Look at me. Wondering about the men, when I let three incredibly lovely ladies walk out without saying a word. Perhaps I'm losing my touch...
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The Green Queen
The Green Queen
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I wouldn't be so worried. Some of the men here are hot enough to be worth turning gay 
Why must power be so elusive?
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<Reflecto walks into Shakes. She enjoys the "no fighting" rules posted.>
<Parks her butt at the end of the bar where she has a good view of the place.>
<She says to herself>
I wonder which one is Renly Fox?
<When she sees a rogueish man staring at her. Well she did look great in her newly redesigned costume>
Bartender ... I'll have some nice thick french fries with mayonaise please.
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< notices the knockout blonde walk in and park a very cute butt at the end of the bar. >
What a great costume... <he said, to Giant Robotic Lesbian in the corner>
<signals to the bartender for another "First Mate's Tears", the famous pirate drink>
Thanks mate. And whatever she's drinking can go on my tab too.
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<finishes plate fo french fries.>
<The bartender brings over the drink and points to Renly Fox>
<says to herself> ha! I'm not going to drink anything some random guy at a bar gives me! How new does he think I am ... heyyyyyy that guy matches the description of ....
<surreptitiously pours out the drink in a nearby plant. plant wilts and dies.>
<takes a moment and then walks over to Renly Fox's table>
Thanks for the drink. It must be my lucky day.
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<looks at plant, obviously perplexed> Not really the intent of the gesture...but okay. It is kind of amusing. I thought it was my lucky day too when I saw you...until the plant took a death bath. I meant no offense.
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oh you saw that? Hey, you can never be too careful, a lot of crazies out there.
<sits across from Renly Fox>
< This one may be trickier than I thought she thinks>
Why don't you introduce yourself. I'm Stella ... Stella Ah.
Programmed by Eryk Davis Ester.
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Pleasure to meet you, Stella.
<flashes handsome smile>
I'm Renly Fox, and I'm somewhat new to Legion World. I've been waiting for a Gent named Exnihil but apparently he's a busy man.
Are you one of the famous Legionnaires? It's quite...overwhelming having so many of the galaxies greatest heroes in one place.
<Renly's posture suggests a carefree attitude but to a more trained eye his eyes suggest a clever, insightful demeanor>
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Most of the LMB are off planet now, makes it pretty boring around here.
But ... there are still enough of us around to take care of things if anything should happen.
.... Care for another drink? <waves bartender over>
I've heard of Exnihil, he does seem like a busy man. What are you meeting him for?
Maybe it's something I can help you with?
<Reflecto's force field gave her a slight glow>
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Just looking for a rare blend of tobacco that only someone of his skills could provide. <as he spoke, Reflekto could tell this anecdote amused Renly, as if it was a private joke or an outright lie> I'd love another drink. Tell me, what does a young heroine like yourself do for fun around here? And will it get us in trouble? 
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oh you know, making sure pirates mind their manners on Legionworld.
super strength comes in real handy sometimes.
<pauses to make sure Renly Fox gets the hint>
other than that, I just enjoy being outside of a lab ...
<orders a gingerale>
Smoking is bad for you by the way, I heard that somewhere.
What do you know about Rimbor? I'm curious about what Power Boy and the others will find there, and how soon they'll be back.
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<having left The Tobacconihiist Smoke Shop , Exnihil arrives at SHAKES bar to blow off some after-work steam. He enters and takes a quick look around the place, but doesn't immediately see anyone he recognizes. There were a lot of new faces on Legion World lately. Well... good. Some new blood was always just the thing to keep things interesting. Just so long as his regular bartender was still on, it was all good. He sidled up to the bar> Babette: "Khundish vodka martini... up?" Ex: " Ah... Babette, you always know just the right thing to say to a guy." <Babette smiles and starts mixing Ex's drink>: "So... your ears must have been buzzing." Ex: "How's that, now? Babette <nodding over to the table where Renly and Reflekto are sitting>: "Those two. I could be mistaken, but I could have sworn I heard them say your name a little bit ago." Ex: " My name? But I didn't see anyone that I recogni..." <squints over at the table> "Well, whattya know. Excuse me, Babette." <Ex picks up his drink and moves toward Renly's table>
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<sits back and waits to see what happens>
<Takes a long sip of gingerale>
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Ah, Mr. Exnihil at last! I'm - dare I say it - hopeful you've come with good news for me.
<Renly's face opens up into a wide grim; however it is more wolfish and dangerous than charming>
I can see you're suddenly recalling the last time we met those years ago. Back then I went by a more colorful moniker.
<back to Reflekto>
Tell me, my dear, are you aware of how influential Exnihil is within the film industry? I imagine he's met all sorts of interesting people.
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Ha, ha...
<sitting down next to Reflekto, and speaking to her first>
..our friend exaggerates. Exnihil Studios is no 30th Century Fox... but we do all right. The name's Exnihil... how you do, my dear?
<Reflekto rolls her eyes... wisely. Ex turns back to Renly>
I did, indeed bring you good tidings. I was able to track down your request, though it took a bit of doing. You'll have to forgive me, though... Mr. Fox... "years ago"? The old noodle isn't what it used to be, but I don't think I remember...
<Renly raises an eyebrow rakishly as Ex stops short, suddenly recognizing him>
...oh, good lord!
"Pirates of the Antarean: Curse of the Black Hole"?!
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<Renly's face shows great amusement at the flash of alarm Ex feels>
Quite the hit I recall. One day I'm labelled the public enemy #1 and the next little sentients are dressing as the Red Pirate while playing pirate games.
Anyway, I greatly appreciate procuring the Southfarthing blend.
<now to both of them>
Tell me, my friends, a great tobacco is best enjoyed with a great pipe. And the finest pipes are handcrafted...a skill I also know. So my question is, would you know where a special wood groove on Legion World is with Terran palm trees? For I've heard such a place exists and that is the wood I'd use.
<Renly speaks with great ease and friendliness, as what he was saying was totally normal>
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<Ex, still flustered by the memory of the making of "Pirates of the Antarean" - likely one of the most dangerous ventures his company had ever untaken, both from a filming, and - ultimately - legal standpoint, begins to slightly stutter>
Wo... wood grove... p... palm trees? I... uh... I suppose there's Actor Lad's Cool Luau... I think they have this sort faux Hawaiian thi... wait... what?
I'm sorry... "Renly", is it these days? You've got to forgive me... you just look a bit different now from when we...
<leaning in slightly and lowering his voice>
Are you even allowed to be back in this sector?
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<now this was getting good. Cobalt Kid may've been right about this keeping me busy!>
<leans in to hear more>
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I'm sure with the right chaperone everything will be alright Mr. Exnihil. "Renly" dosn't seem so dangerous at all.
<This was one of several times Reflecto had made a hint that she would be keeping a close eye on Renly. She wondered if he would snap.>
<touches Renly's arm lightly and says in a low voice>
I'm afraid you can't go chopping down trees Mr. Fox, on Legionworld ... we've got environmental laws ...you'll have to buy your pipe like everyone else.
... but please, continue, I am interested to hear all about this ... especially this black hole misadventure and ... this Red Pirate.
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<dedman stumbles in through the door, looking quite haggard, even for him. He stood hunched in the doorway one arm across his stomach clutching the strange package he had been carrying to his body. He stared wild-eyed around the bar and finally spotted Ex. He cautiously approached, as if unsure if he should, but finally made his way there>
"Eh..Ex...is it really you? If you are really there I need your help."
<With that, dedman collapsed to the floor, and judging by the bruises, scrapes and contusions, it wasn't for the first time recently. The package with its odd wrapping fell away from his body, the paper tearing slightly. A glint of Onyx and Gold could be seen within>
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<Reflecto moved to help Viridis Lament ... She didn't know him ... but she was a doctor and an LMBPer. It was instinct to her>
He's in rough shape!
<There were a few default medical supplies in her new standard uniform LMB costume. It wasn't much but it would do for now.>
<She DID keep one eye on that package though. She would've expanded her force field over it if she could learn how to do that trick Invisible Brainiac helped her do with projecting her force field.>
Exnihil ... what's the meaning of this!
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Let me help, my dear.
<Renly moves to assist Reflekto but the old pirate instinct kicks in. He can't help but notice the glimour of hold and he is instantly considering how he could run off with it.>
Lets get him off the floor--there, that table will do. Perhaps some cold water will help?
<Renly begins "assisting" Dedman>
<Yet...he knows he has a more important mission. And this girl...something about her that he instantly liked. He doesn't want to raise her ire so soon.>
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<Exnihil, having seen this many times before, is almost inured to the scene. With an air that would be completely inappropriate - were it anyone else - he watches Renly and Reflekto attemping to aid deddy>
Guys... guys... this is just par for the course for the LMB. This is dedman!. Trust me... the best way to help him, right now... is to let him die.
<Even as he speaks the words however... Ex has a feeling of misgiving. He has seen his friend die and resurrect countless times before... but he's never looked this bad before. Just to be on the safe side, he pushes the package out of the line of sight of Reflekto, who had been eying it.>
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<at the moment Ex touched the package dedman...vaulted...upright again>
Ex, looking a little confused and hurt said "I was just moving it deddie, calm down"
"I..I'm sorry Ex. It's been preying upon my mind"
"Why don't you just open it then if it bothers you so much. At least you'll know what it is. Look, this weird paper is already torn here"
"I'm ashamed to say it, but I've been afraid to see what it is. The man who gave it to me said it was everything I've ever wanted and that it was from a fan. But something about it just isn't right...but this isn't why I've been looking for you"
"You..afraid? That's, well, shocking to be honest. If there was anyone around who had no fear I'd say it was you. But if its not this package you need assistance with, what is it?"
"You remember how my 'voice of the Ded' ability works? Well I want to have that power again and you are the only person I know on Legionworld who can aquire the appropriate...substances"
<At this Reflekto's ears perked up "Well this is interesting" she thought>
<Meanwhile a slow sly grin spread across Ex's face and a glimmer appeared in his eye> "Deddie, THAT'S something I can definitely help you with"
***unnoticed by exnihil and the rest, a mysterious figure enters and approaches the bar***
skim milk on the rocks, please.
***babette replies*** Sure thing, sweetie. here ya go.
***the figure stares into the glass as if it were a mistery waiting to be solved***
And who might you be, sweetie?
***still starring into the glass, the figure replies*** i am the conundrum.
***the figure briefly glances toward the drama unfolding between ex, renly and the others but seems more interested in the milk***
***the figure picks up the glass, almost takes a sip, but sets it back down***
***the figure puts a credit on the bar and leaves shakes and the undrunk milk***
***babette looks puzzled for a moment, then dumps the milk out and puts the credit in the regaster***
***oddly, neither she nor anyone else who saw the figure could describe his or her appearance***
***indeed, no one can recall whether the figure was male or female***
***anyone viewing the security vid would be shocked to see the figure doesn't show up at all***
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