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#14777 05/10/04 09:23 AM
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With the impending cancellation of the Legion (though I suspect it will actually be another relaunch) I'm wondering if this might be a good time for me to call it quits on comics.

I can't imagine ever giving up on the Legion after all these years that I've been a die hard fan (35!), but I'm 43 years old now and I can't really see myself still trotting down to the comic shop when I'm in my 50s. Not to mention there's the whole storage space issue.

What about some of you other older fans? Do you think you'll ever outgrow comics in general or the Legion in particular?

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Jim, I have done this a few times. I stopped buying comics right before the Great Darkness saga. I had to track these issues down years later. I so regret not buying these when they first came out.

I pick up other titles occasionally, but have pretty much resolved to buy Legion until one of us dies. I turn 39 this month, so hopefully my doom is years away - Legion's demise looks closer than that.

Crossgen will likely die, further reducing the number of titles I read. Maybe I'll just blow my money on golden and silver age stuff instead. The stories are better, and they appreciate more.

Can I see myself stopping by the CBS when I am 60? No. I suspect I will someday sell off my collection - maybe around the time I retire. Should be worth a pretty penny by then. Who knows though? Maybe I'll be reading the 54th reboot of Legion in the old folks' home with you guys. Steal my teeth and I'll beat you with my cane, y'hear?

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Happy Birthday Vee
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I quit buying comics for about 15 years (1982-1997 or there abouts) It was the Legion that brought me back. At 45, I now pick up a few other titles regularly. Although I could live without any of them, the Legion is in my blood. (I'm still trying to fill in some of those missed issues!)

I imagine I'll stop if & when the last Legion series ends. Until then I'll probably keep ordering them. Guess my heirs will have a pretty valuable collection to enjoy or sell, whichever suits them!

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It depends. I came back to comic books after many years solely because of the Legion, though I've picked up several other titles since then. If the LSH is truly over, or if there is a relaunch with new chararacters, I will look for another form of escapism.

If the worst happens, I'll continue purchasing the LSH Archives and back issues until my Legion collection is complete, then calll it quits. I am a Legion fan first and foremost. The world of comic books means nothing to me without them.

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Hmmm....I'm 32 and have been collecting since I was 17. I don't see myself stopping anytime soon...I do have a 5 year old son who's really into Superman and Batman, so he'll keep me into comics, if nothing else does....until he "grows up."

I'm getting the distinct feeling, however, that there are fewer and fewer comics I'm interested in, and I have less and less patience with crap. I'm pretty much holding with only the core titles I cannot imagine giving up--Legion, X-men, JSA, Avengers, Tom Strong (and just about anything else Alan Moore chooses to do).

I also can't imagine selling off my collection. I get more pleasure out of rereading Squadron Supreme, Claremont's golden years, or the TMK Legion than most of my new comics (Legion included). I just have to figure out how to keep my kids away from them...

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I'm 44 and to be honest only really collect the Legion. although I like Fables and Lucifer the Legion is my first love. Without a new monthly to buy I guess I will have to buy the missing issues from my collection and then start to track down all that AR stuff.

As for going to the comic shop in my 60's hell yes I will. After all my money's as good as the young whipper snappers. smile I used to send my little grey haired old mum in to collect my Legion Issues and she still pops in to buy backing boards and bags as birthday presents and stuff and she hasn't been eaten by the monsters that live in the comic shop (well maybe she has and she has been replaced by a pod person?) wink

So I think I am into comics now until I am in the grave. I just hope the Legion is around to give me a euology.

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I'm stayin' put!

I'm eighteen years, eleven months and thirty days young, and I've only just discovered the legion, my first issue being the opening chapter of Dream Crime. It's gonna take more than cancelation to stop me buying Legion!

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That's a good question. My collection is rapidly consuming space in my home and my uncle just gave me a couple hundred of his books. I think I'm too addicted to every really leave. I would kind of like to pare down my collection at some point though. eBay maybe? I don't think there's anything wrong with a 50 or 60 year old buying comics. Should there be?

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Is someone going to report you to the AARP Codgers' Normality Police if you go into a comics shop after (horrors!) age 50? Nope.

What are some of you so worried about? It's only decorous to go into a "real" bookstore with "real" books at that age, is that it? Who's going to laugh at you? Nobody.

Think of Will Eisner, who has an annual awards ceremony named after him at the Comic-Con, fer gawdsake. He's in his mid-80s. He's not afraid to show up at such soirees. I'll bet he thinks it keeps him young. I'll bet he's right.

I'll keep going to the comics shop while they're still publishing something that's worth reading, or at least investigating on the racks. Not one second later, not one second sooner. Even when I get as old -- in body ONLY -- as Will Eisner.

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I stopped buying comics for a while also - but, as Grey wrote, as long as there are books worth reading, I'll be at the comic shop. My tastes have changed over time, however - I don't buy many superhero books or much from DC generally and nothing from Marvel.

There is a wide range of comics and graphic novels now - while I read some "kid" books, I really prefer to read about subjects relevant to my own stage of life. Cheery things, like divorce, cancer, nursing homes, failed careers.... (just kidding...sort of).

Do people stop reading the funnies in the newspaper? Why stop reading comics just because of a particular age? 60 may seem old to you now, but trust me, it gets younger as it gets closer!

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60 may seem old to you now, but trust me, it gets younger as it gets closer!

Tell it like it is FC...

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Not much between despair and ecstacy
Not much between despair and ecstacy
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The idea of giving up on comics because you reach a certain age seems strange to me. Do people outgrow music or movies? As we grow older, we may lose interest in certain kinds of comics, but comics as a medium and art form should never be relegated exclusively to "kiddie" or "younger" audiences.

I'm 40 and have never stopped reading comics since I was nine. I have given up on most of the comics I used to collect, including the Legion twice (1990-93 and 1994-98). I'm no longer interested in mainstream super-hero serials, as I once was, though special stories sometimes lure me back (Dan Jurgens current work on THOR being an example). The Legion is a special case for me, as it is for most everyone else here. Even though I'm twice as old as most of the characters in this incarnation, something about the Legion keeps me coming back. Yet if the Legion was cancelled permanently (Levitz forbid!), I'd find other comics interests, as, indeed, I already have.

By the time I'm 60, everyone else in the comics shop, I worry, will be that age, too. frown

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By the time I'm sixty I expect I'll be able to download (or have transmitted into my brain) any comic I want with the click of a button smile

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Magically Delicious
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i am 35... i like hww's analogy for outgrowing music or movies... despite that analogy, however, i can imagine myself finding stronger interests than comics and perhaps growing away from them(but not 'outgrowing' them), but i cannot imagine myself ever growing away from the legion... as long as legion is around, i imagine it will keep me growing more toward the comics medium than away from it, but even if i assume that legion is canceled forever, there are series i would not give up until they are done... fables, rex mundi, strangehaven, those more quirky, perhaps more 'adult' tastes that have developed since the legion first grabbed me

Why are you laughing at me? It's unkind, as well as puzzling!
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Though I've culled and am still culling much of my collection, I can't see myself ever quitting comics, I simply enjoy them to much.

There may be less that interests me now, but sooner or later another HECKLER or X-STATIX or TOMORROW STORIES rolls around.

And the recent revitalizations of Outsiders, Teen Titans and (less recently) JSA keep me having fun even on non-Legion weeks.

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Wow, this is one of those interesting questions that draws me out of the woodwork. I stopped reading comics years ago. This board got me back into reading (or at least looking at) the current book but, sad to say,it just isn't my Legion.

As far as the "cancellation" goes, we all know the book is coming back in some form but after so many reboots/restarts/redirections does it really matter.

Anyway, I still love "my" Legion and have continued collecting original Legion art...maybe collecting original art is the next step after collecting comics...


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