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Bold Flavors
Bold Flavors
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(come and join the roleplay!)
...well, feel that brisk winter air. Perhaps it isn't the best time to go on a soul-searching journey through the woods, over the hills and into the distant, thus-far undiscovered lands of Legion World; but then again, perhaps there is no better time.
The MMB is changing and the changes have thus far been subtle. But soon, they may grow more...severe?
<walks on, past a giant mountain, not seeing a giant dinosaur frozen in ice>
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So, Mr. Cobalt...is this vision quest or whatever intended to help you discover your inner gayness or something?
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Bold Flavors
Bold Flavors
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Uh...not really Clive. I hope that wasn't something you planned on.
I've caused too much destruction on Legion World lately and thought it best to get away. And also to get some better pespetctive on current happenings on Legion World. Care to provide some? You've expressed several...interesting points of view in the past.
Also, this gives us a good oppurtunity to explore these hills nearby the city. They've been nigh impenetrable in the past but that job was largely left up to rank and file Security Officers.
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(Distant shot of Cobie with YK in the foreground looking up at the frozen dinosaur in the ice) ________________
Is it the soul that needs searching Cobes? Or simply our parts in the story? My story begins far in the past you know, farther than you probably suspect.
(montage page) When I was little I remember being a tool of powerful people, I remember being a star, merchandised, published but I had no control. As a young adult I used those small powers to become the tool user but my career was short and I was soon canceled. I was left in limbo but for the occasional college journalism paper or nastalgia revival.
I returned in strength in the LMB as a member of a super hero group then a group leader and a brief flirtation with super villainy.
Now though my powers have developed far beyond their original scope. Sometimes I fear they're going to destroy me, the spin is too powerful. I've crossed time and space, I've even traveled across universes under my own power to meet Superboy.
I'm afraid my past is far away and lost to me. I don't know if I even have a future. 3G can handle the store..and the gang. _______________
Pulling a hooded cloak over my floor length yellow robe and shouldering a pack I slog along behind Cobalt Kid.
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{walks onward}
Ah, nothing like explorin' the frontier. Even if it is some wacky alien world hundreds of years in the future.
'Course, being the expert tracker I am, I can tell others have been down this path before. And may be watching us from over those yonder hills. Best keep my dagger ready just in case.
I wonder if that Raging Bull fella has anymore of that chewing tobacco?
{walks on}
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Originally posted by Cobalt Kid: Uh...not really Clive. I hope that wasn't something you planned on.
I've caused too much destruction on Legion World lately and thought it best to get away. And also to get some better pespetctive on current happenings on Legion World. Care to provide some? You've expressed several...interesting points of view in the past.
Also, this gives us a good oppurtunity to explore these hills nearby the city. They've been nigh impenetrable in the past but that job was largely left up to rank and file Security Officers. "interesting points of view"?!?! Whatever are you referring to, Mr. Cobalt? 
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Tomahawk, the people who have been down this path were here only an hour and thirteen minutes ago. I'm sure they haven't gone far.
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I have the distinct feeling I'm being watched... Though I haven't seen anyone else there's still an uneasiness, a feeling that Big Brother is nearby.
<span style="font-size: 10px;">whirrrrrrrrrrrrr</span> What was that?!? It felt like something went right past my head! The lights of the city still seem far away no matter how fast my pace becomes. My breathing is becoming labored, in part due to my sense of being watched, and in part due to the increasing grade of the hills. It'll be dark soon. Perhaps this wasn't such a good idea after all...
Long Live all them Legions!
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Bold Flavors
Bold Flavors
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<hears voices>
Hm? It appears our comrades, who were right behind us, have drifter farther off. Could it be that the hills want us to be lost? Is it some allegory for Legion fandom? Or is it just really confusing hills? Either way, I like the girls from The Hills.
Clive, what I meant is that you have a unique point of view. First you were a robot and now a human being; you also have the POV of someone 'new' to the LMB and Legion World, yet have just experienced a term as deputy leader so you've got some experience. And the one person you were closest to, Lard Lad, is now the person you hate the most. I'm curious about some of your thoughts on various other people, situations and trends on Legion World.
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<comes stumbling out of the bushes>
Thank the stars! I've been lost in these hills for ages! I'm glad you finally came to rescue me!
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Bold Flavors
Bold Flavors
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Hello good citizen! I'm the legendary poster Cobalt Kid and this is my merry band of friends! We're exploring these hills while I make undergo a journey of deep self-analysis after a recent brouhaha with an old friend now turned deadly enemy.
Er, how you end up in these hills? And do I know you from somewhere?
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Originally posted by Tomahawk: I wonder if that Raging Bull fella has anymore of that chewing tobacco?
Here ya go. These days, I prefer myself a good pipe smoke. Mind ya, all this tobacco's carcinogen-free... a benefit of coming from the 31st century, where everything's bigger and better. Do y'all see that red flicker, in the distance yonder? Looks like someone else has struck camp up ahead... I'll go on ahead by myself to check it out, just in case they're hostile.
♦ Translated from 31st century Texan to 21st century English ♦
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Originally posted by Cobalt Kid: Clive, what I meant is that you have a unique point of view. First you were a robot and now a human being; you also have the POV of someone 'new' to the LMB and Legion World, yet have just experienced a term as deputy leader so you've got some experience. And the one person you were closest to, Lard Lad, is now the person you hate the most. I'm curious about some of your thoughts on various other people, situations and trends on Legion World. Funny, my time spent as a robot is becoming more and more of a distant memory...as if it were all a dream. But in any case I have a mish-mash of memories passed down to me from that time and from the patchwork donors of my soul. And immediately, upon my birth, I noticed how much darker the LMB and Legion World have gotten in recent times compared to their early days. Oh, it's not just the conflict--there've always been threats to deal with that are potentially universe-threatening--it's deeper than that. The innocence seems gone. And that is what is at the core of my plea for morality...a burning desire to recapture the innocence of the LMB and of Legion World. It's not that the LMB were ever paragons of virtue or anything, but there was always such joy in their undertakings, whatever they may have been. Now, it just seems all empty and shallow. And, honestly, the harder and deeper I look into the history of it all, I can't help but think it all ties in to my father and all the baggage he's brought with him since his excursion into the Dark Oval. In a way it's not so much about the man who rose from the dead being an imposter--it's about the man who returned from the Dark Oval being an imposter! Can you honestly say that the man who murdered Hrykos and Mordra (yes, I know he did it) is the same man who co-founded the LMB, was its first leader and was a principal architect in making it great? Can you? Has he brought anything but pain back with him since he returned? Is he not at least partially responsible for every conflict that has happened since? This chaos-bringer cannot possibly be Lard Lad! I just can't reconcile the two! What do you think, Mister Cobalt? You know him better than anyone! Do you honestly feel this is the same man who had been one of your closest friends?
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Where in tarnation did everyone go?
Its damn near Christmas and I lead everyone out into the hills just to get abandoned?
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Do you think those foolish humans got stranded in a snowstorm in the hills and ended up eating each other?
[Rodent-English translations provided courtesy of telepathic earplugs.]
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Many, many men have seen the open road.
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The road is long, with many a winding turn...
Long Live all them Legions!
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<having found his way yesterday, the Traveler continues his trek into the hills, walking over a slightly overgrown path> <pauses for a moment as a small plug of old tobacco on the ground catches his eye. He picks it up and brings it to his nose> Hmmm... Tomahawk has been this way... and Raging Bull... I'd put it at about three months back... Yes... almost there... <walks on>
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<deep into the hills, the Traveler comes to a large mound of overgrown vines. To the untrained eye, it would almost seem like a natural formation, but the Traveler knows better. Reaching into his pack , he pulls out a machete and begins to hack away at the dense growth, long untouched.>
Come on... come on! I know this is it!
<he continues to hack at it when suddenly, his blade hits stone>
Ah ha!
<he continues to cut, pulling away an armful of vines at the point of contact. Little by little, a seeming wall of white marble is revealed underneath.>
How could this have happened... how long has this been left forgotten?
<now, in an almost frantic scramble, he pulls at the mass of vines, revealing more and more of the wall before him, until, at last, it stands revealed. Etched in the stone are three enormous letters:>
P. B. F.
<The Traveler places his hands on the wall and begins to scan the surface, looking for a small divet. He finds the aperture and, as an evil grin crosses his lips, he reaches in.>
<A click. Then, with a great rumbling the wall itself opens up, revealing a staircase descending into the ground.>
Oh... Legion World... your hour of reckoning is at hand!
<laughing maniacally, the Traveler descends the stairs>
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<about two miles off, a lone figure approaches> After all I just been through , well, hospitals just ain't what I need right now. And neither are futuristic cities. Need to get out and clear my head. Maybe do some digging too, and find out why my darn memory is all messed up. All this mess started up over them yonder hills. Likely, I'll some answers lie up there too. <keeps walking> I never was one to back away from danger. Hopefully that won't be my epitath...
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<reaching the bottom of the staircase, miles below the hills, the Traveler stands in complete darkness before an arched frame. His eyes perceive nothing but a blackness so complete that even to close them would provide more light. And yet... he senses... no, knows, that his final destination lies directly before him. He reaches out in the blackness, just to feel the reality of his destination.> Ah yes, so familiar. So long... it's taken me so long to get back. So many diversions with these petty human forms. But now... at long last... I'm home. <he takes a deep breath, and passes through the arch> < A BRIGHT FLASH >
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<from out of a hidden stairwell, Phineas B. Fuddle emerges, having abandoned, for the time being, his temple below . He cover the entrance again, against prying eyes, then pauses for a moment, and breathes in deeply> Ahhhhhh! So this is what air feels like! I do admit, the physical is not without its allure. Now... how far along is that little servant of mine? <checks his watch, and seems a bit surprised> Four O'Clock, already? Exnihil... you do surprise me! So... four o'clock... one third of the way done... that means the timepieces are already in place in: The Tobacconihilist ... Cafe Cramer ... Quislet\'s Law Firm ... ... and SHAKES bar ! Such progress from such a small man. Four down... eight to go... and then... Legion World will be remade in the image of Phineas B. Fuddle! <strides away across the hills, letting loose with an evil bellowing laugh>
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<phineas continues his trek across the hills, breathing in the night air, a smile on his face for just how much he's enjoying his new found physicality. Suddenly, from his coat pocket, his watch chimes to the sound of "Westminster Quarters". He hears the watch strike six even tones. He pulls it out and examines it, just to be certain> Six O'Clock!!! Fantastic! I could not have anticipated that my little servant would be so efficient... I suppose pain is a powerful motivator. That means that in addition to the timepieces already activated at The Tobacconihilist , Cafe Cramer , Quislet\'s Law Firm , and SHAKES bar , Exnihil has found his way to: Rockhopper\'s Rookery ...and The Office of Security itself! Halfway through... already, I can sense the mechanism at work. History is being rewritten as we speak... things that never existed are being created so that they always existed! Dare I hope... <reaches into his pocket, and pulls out a spyglass, a welcome temporal anomoly left over from the previous existence of Tomahawk. Phineas puts it to his eye and looks toward the heavens. The grin that crosses his lips is almost insane in its delight> The Orrery!!! It's there! Well... yes, of course... I should say, it's always been there, or rather it's always been there now... ah <digustedly> the limitations of these descriptions within this spacial world. No matter... my seat of power exists... and it shall be there that, despite the efforts of the little Legion Worlders, their world will cease to exist. Away... <Phineas fades from the Hills, off to his Orrery in orbit high above Legion World>
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