Welcome back!
I played it for a bit.
Got a speedster / guns / gadgeteer up to max level and kind of wilted when I realized how many missions it would take to get the 'cool armor' and that the only 'cool armor' I really liked was the Magic based stuff (and my character was Science based!).
(Meanstreak's theme was that the process that imbued him with super-speed affected his mind as well as his body, and that he assembled his gadgets at super-speed on the fly, from parts in his backpack.)
I also toyed around with a plant-controlling tophat wearing voodoo kid, a fire-throwing martial artist, etc. but Meanstreak was the only one that got past 20th or so.
I ended up making one of each origin type, on each side, so that I could play through the various Superman/Batman/Wonder Woman arcs, and the Luthor/Joker/Circe arcs. (I love Michelle Forbes and her rich smokey voice, really I do, but gosh, her voice work as Circe was *way* over-the-top!)
At the moment, my subscription is lapsed, but it's going free to play soonish, so I might play a bit more. I kinda hated the six button limitations and all the mouse combinations. I have never, in my life, played an Xbox/console type game, so I was utterly boggled by things like 'left click 3 times, then right click for a second, then left click again to activate a power that you needed five seconds ago...'
Huge, huge misstep, IMO, limiting people with a keyboard to having to pretend they only had six buttons, and jump through the mouse-clicking hoops.
Still, very, very fun to get involved in fights between Dr. Fate and Felix Faust, or Wonder Girl and Giganta, or Parasite and Power Girl, or Gorilla Grodd and the Flash! The Bane / Killer Croc fight was particularly fun, as was the Poison Ivy / Robin fight. Fighting the Trigon-possessed Raven (and all of the other Teen Titans) was brutal!
Loved getting movement powers right out of the box (City of Heroes made you wait until 14th level, IIRC), and loved, loved, LOVED, that super-speedsters could run up walls. (In COH, you had to run around, which was painful, and everybody just took Flight or Super-Jumping.)
Loved the costume control, being able to add or remove components after 'discovering' them.
Loved the Watchtower and the Hall of Doom. Wow, such incredible places!