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DC Comics' Absolute Universe
by Ann Hebistand - 01/10/25 01:17 PM
Legion Trivia 6
by Korbal - 01/10/25 12:41 PM
I'm Thinking of a DCU character Part 6!
by Eryk Davis Ester - 01/10/25 10:02 AM
Kill This Thread LXII - Post-Christmas Blues
by Ann Hebistand - 01/10/25 08:41 AM
Wheel of Fortune / Hangman Season 3
by Invisible Brainiac - 01/10/25 08:11 AM
What Turns you Off!!!!
by Invisible Brainiac - 01/10/25 08:10 AM
The thread that ate _____ !
by Invisible Brainiac - 01/10/25 08:10 AM
Crow! Tell us the good things going on in your life!
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#13890 05/28/04 07:10 PM
Joined: Jul 2003
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This is in a spirit of fun. I'm looking forward to the new creative team, with a bit of trepidation. Here's a few ideas I'm pretty sure would've been passed up when deciding the fate of our favorite superteam...

--LEGION OF SHADOW PUPPETS... FORESHADOW (this continuity's UMBRA/SHADOW LASS) goes to the 'Bah!' side. She gets the 'cloud of ancestors' power-boost, but instead of rejoining the Legion, she takes them over. One by one, her ancestors absorb the Legionnaires until they're under Foreshadow's control.

Once she's conquered the Legion, Foreshadow realizes she doesn't really want to be a villainess, so she sets up business doing shadow puppet shows in public parks... occassionally saving a galaxy here and there by trotting out the puppets under her control.

LEGION OF FURBALLS... STREAKZZY the WIZCAT aided generations of wizards on Xerox. He got tired of the 'familiar' and embarked upon his own quest for power. That quest led to a duel with Mordru. Streakzzy catscratched the old wizard and Mordru died. But before he took his last breath, Mordru cursed Streakzzy... limiting his magical prowess to that of the 'hairball' spell.

Streakzzy coughs up a hairball, bats it into a victim's face and gains complete and total mastery over that entity until Streakzzy decides to release them. Guess who his targets are... Streakzzy bears a grudge towards the Legion after viewing their 'oppression' of metabeasts in a magic mirror. (Streakz had taken a roll in catnip the day that alternate realities were covered in mirroire class, so he's a bit confused.)

LEGION OF ROBOTS... Robotica won. Thom and Jenny are actually robots who 'upgrade' their teammates one by one.

GORILLA LEGION... Gorilla World (a colony of Earth's Gorilla City, *not* a theme park) forms its own superteam.

#13891 05/29/04 01:25 AM
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Time Trapper
Time Trapper
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Proty Legion: the Legion as we know it is almost wiped out in a catastrophe of their own making. The few remaining members decide to cover up their losses by recruiting Proteans to take the place of the missing members. Nobody suspects.

Legion, Inc: (not so radical, this one's been done before) RJ goes broke, the U.P. is in economic depression and can't finance the Legion. They go the public company route, selling shares to raise money. Gates quits.

Holy Cats of Egypt!
#13892 05/29/04 04:57 AM
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The Star Boy Legion: Characters accumulate so much continuity baggage and so many convoluted character twists that they eventually collapse into a black hole of continuity, known as the mysterious "moratorium" (case in point:Hawkman).
Eventually the black hole spawns a rebirth, where all old continuity is set aside and the character begins anew.
Repeat as desired every 5-10 years.


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