It was just a lazy Saturday yesterday, so Mrs. Nihil and I decided, why not, let's take a day trip down to Batimore and check it out. She's not really a comic person but likes fantasy art type things.
So glad we went! Just
so many back issue dealers - something becoming a real rarity at what are supposed to be "comic book' conventions. I filled a bunch of collection holes out of all the dollar and 50 cents bins.
Very impressive Artist Alley, as well, without huge lines. Chatted with Jim Starlin, Herb Trimpe, Brian Reber (who worked on the Legion backups in Adventure) and Jason Pearson (from the 5YL run).
Additionally there was an
awesome Legion panel that was in a fairly small setting (so much so that no microphones were required for audience questions). On the panel were Mike Grell, Keith Giffen, Jack C. Harris (!), Mark Waid, Barry Kitson, and Chris Roberson (who is writing the Legion/Star Trek crossover) The panelist were in very relaxed form, just BSing about their histories with the Legion.
Grell talked about Murray Boltinoff's famous lack of humor... how it went over Boltinoff's head when he suggested that "Infectious Lass" was a bit of an awkward name and perhaps she should be renamed "Syphi-Lass". Grell also talked about his dislike of Tyroc saying, "A guy who yells real loud?
I can do that, too, if you hit me in the balls!"
Giffen was... as always... doing his twisted humor curmudgeon thing, talking about getting mad at DC during 5YL and blowing up the Earth as payback. In a tongue in cheek fashion he talked about Levitz's anal retentiveness with flow charts and script references ("You want me to go look up Adventure Comics whatever for a visual reference? No... no, I'm lazy... I'm not doing that.")
Great moment when Giffen talked about his upcoming work for DC. He said, "I'm doing a new OMAC series with... (to the audience) please don't do it... Dan Didio." On cue, a portion of the audience booed, as the panel started cracking up. Mark Waid interjected with, "I want the record to show that it wasn't
me that made that sound!"
All in all, a very nice way to spend a Saturday... and, I did meet Legion Worlder, Kid Quislet:
Originally posted by Kid Quislet:
I'll be the old, fat white guy wearing a Green Lantern T-shirt.
and let me say that the first two adjectives of that description are not true at all.