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Recent Legion-verse sightings in DCU proper
by Sarcasm Kid - 01/20/25 08:49 PM
Wheel of Fortune / Hangman Season 3
by stile86 - 01/20/25 07:59 PM
Legionnaire Mastermind
by stile86 - 01/20/25 07:59 PM
I'm Thinking of a DCU character Part 6!
by stile86 - 01/20/25 07:54 PM
Legion Trivia 6
by Eryk Davis Ester - 01/20/25 07:17 PM
Inane one word posts XXXIV - inanity
by Legion Tracker - 01/20/25 06:41 PM
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More Polyanna than Poison Ivy
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Welcome back.

Read LEGIONS OF 7 WORLDS in the Bits forum:

Retroboot (Earth-7.5) Arc 1 (COMPLETED)

Retroboot (Earth-7.5) Arc 2 (WORK IN PROGRESS)

"Don't look for role models, girls, BE the role model."

- Legion World member HARBINGER
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I guess the answer to IB's question is no...but I'm still kicking *shrugs*

And to show I bear no ill will, I, too, shall bestow a gift...
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Heyy, Temp! Hope we see more of you around here.

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Hello, my name is Nate. I just signed up, and wanted to introduce myself.

I enjoy reading comics from all eras of the Legion, but the majority of my favorite stories are from the Adventure Comics or Superboy, which (with very few exceptions) I have only read in the Archives. Beyond the wonderful stories of the Silver Age, I am particularly fond of the 5YL stories, especially the ones that feature the SW6 kids; the DnA Legion; and the Threeboot, at least up until Waid left.

My favorite Legionnaires are Saturn Girl, Dream Girl, and Triplicate Girl. My favorite non-Legionnaire, but still Legion-adjacent character is Policy Pam, who narrowly edged out Spaceopoly Lad for that honor.

Beyond reading Legion comics, I enjoying cooking and tabletop gaming.

That's all I can think of to say about who I am. Thanks for letting me join. LLL!

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Welcome to the forum! I hope you enjoy it here.

Go with the good and you'll be like them; go with the evil and you'll be worse than them.- Portuguese Proverb
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Welcome! You'll find lots of fans of various eras here, including the Silver Age and 5YL!

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Welcome, Nate!

"Everything about this is going to feel different." (Saturn Girl, Legion of Super-Heroes #1)
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Welcome, Nate Lad! We're happy you've joined. I'll be sure to let you know next time we run a Legion Idol game.

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Humanoid from the Deep
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A little late but I guess I'll do it.

Hi, my name is Vik. I've been a Legion fan for about 3 years now afer I jumped in through the post-Zero Hour team. Since then, I've read every era of the Legion, though the pre-Crisis era will always be my favorite. Cosmic Boy is my favorite Legionnaire(if you can't tell), but my other favorites are Colossal Boy, Sun Boy, Element Lad, and Lightning Lad.

Besides the Legion, my favorite comic franchises are the Green Lantern and Flash.(Hal Jordan and Wally West are my favorites respectively).

Outside of comics, I love listening to music and playing badminton. I'm always watching movies in my free time so I'm open to any recommendations from you guys.

That's about it from me. Long Live the Legion!

Last edited by Nostalgia Lad; 03/22/15 12:48 PM.

Keep up with what I've been watching lately!

"Where have you gone, Joe DiMaggio? Our nation turns its lonely eyes to you."
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Hello Vik! Nice to read your formal intro. We're glad to have you here as well. I'm sure you'll enjoy the discussions on the Legion forum and in Dr. Gym'lls on different comics series - I see you've already posted on the Barry Allen thread!

I see you've also found the What are you Watching thread smile

Originally Posted by Nate Lad

Beyond reading Legion comics, I enjoying cooking and tabletop gaming.

You might enjoy kenaustin's Legion Magic the Gathering trading cards, Nate Lad!

It's also nice that both of you appreciate various eras of the Legion throughout history. One thing I really like about LW, is that while most of us have a specific favorite era (for me it's the post Zero Hour), almost all of us are also able to appreciate different Legion eras.

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Hello ladies and gentlemen. My name is Jeremy, and I live in northern Indiana. I began reading comics about a year ago while helping out at my local comic shop. I am a very new Legion of Super-Heroes fan, but am eager to dive in!

I used to play Magic: the Gathering, and my LCS held tournaments. After a large amount of my MTG collection was stolen I made the conscious decision not re-invest in many of the high dollar cards. I took that moment as an opportunity to get out of the money sink that was Magic.

Even though I stopped playing I would still help run tournaments and man the MTG counter at the store. While hanging out I began to dip my toes into reading comics. I started with a few suggestions from the LCS owner as well as friends. I also began to play Heroclix with a few friends.

Then, one day last December, a couple of friends were talking about the Heroclix War of Light storyline event WizKids would be holding (it is actually going on right now). I had heard numerous times people talk about the Sinestro Corps Wars, Blackest Night, or just the Geoff Johns run in general. I figured it would be cool to know a bit about the story while playing in the events this summer. So I walked up to my LCS owner and asked him where I needed to start reading Green Lantern. He handed me the trade for Green Lantern: Rebirth.

From that moment I was hooked into Green Lantern, and comics in general. I caught up in the story (almost 10 years worth of issues) in less than a month. I could not stop reading it. It also served as a gateway toward reading other DC titles. In order to expand my knowledge toward the DC universe in general I began to read other titles besides the ones in the Green Lantern family.

While helping sort some back issues a couple of months ago at my LCS I came across legion of Super-Heroes Volume 6 #1. The cover with the Green Lantern ring and Legion ring looked intriguing. So, I picked up the issue to read. Although some of the things went over my head the book managed to pique my interest in the title.

I have been looking into the Legion of Super-Heroes for the last month, as well as reading a few issues here and there to get a feel for the title. The concept behind it is very cool. There looks to be many places to jump into. It just seems as though I need to make the decision on where to start.

My LCS has a very large quantity of back issue comics, and there is quite a lot of Legion of Super-Heroes. My LCS owner has told me that there are not any big Legion fans in my area. Based on what is in the back issues it seems as though I would be able to, with very little trouble, be able to read straight through from issue #259 (the first issue of volume 2) up to recent continuity. I have seen many issues of LOSH in the 50 cent and $1 bins.

So, with that in mind, I am going to ask a question to some of you Legion experts. Where would be a great place to start heavily diving into LOSH? Should I attempt to start all the way back in the beginning, or start with one of the more modern reboots? Does anyone have any suggestions?

I am extremely eager to become entrenched in the Legion universe. So far it has appeared to be a sprawling sci-fi comic with plenty to explore. That concept is what got me hooked into Green Lantern, and it seems like LOSH is going to do the same.

I look forward toward discussing numerous topics on the Legion with many of you.


Last edited by Rathmaker; 09/29/14 08:58 AM.
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Welcome, Rathmaker! It's refreshing to see someone who wants to learn more about the Legion. You're certainly the first reader I've met who first learned about the Legion through Green Lantern.

I would recommend for you to start with the "Retroboot" Legion (from Action Comics #858-863) first, then proceed from there. This is really where the latest incarnation of the Legion "branches off" from previous versions. Then after that, go ahead and read through the other versions - you would be a missing a lot if you don't smile Just my opinion though I'm sure others would be able to give you a good perspective too.

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Given where you are coming from, picking up more recent incarnations probably makes the most sense, though there's a lot to be said also for just sampling a bunch of different eras and figuring out what strikes your fancy. I think it's fair to say that, generally speaking, hardcore fans haven't been all that enthusiastic about recent runs, but a newcomer's perspective might be different.

Feel free to ask us any questions that you happen to have. You'll find a lot of extremely knowledgeable and friendly people on this forum.

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More Polyanna than Poison Ivy
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Nice to meet you, Rathmaker. Funnily enough, Green Lantern: Rebirth brought me back into comics after a seven-year-plus hiatus! Synchronicity!

I would concur with Ibby and EDE that the Retroboot is a good place to start for a newcomer, but since it's more or less a continuation of where the Baxter era (Volume 3 #1-63) left off, you might try the first couple years of the Baxter era. I'll admit I'm biased -- I think Baxter #14-45 are as good as the Legion has ever gotten.

Happy reading!

Read LEGIONS OF 7 WORLDS in the Bits forum:

Retroboot (Earth-7.5) Arc 1 (COMPLETED)

Retroboot (Earth-7.5) Arc 2 (WORK IN PROGRESS)

"Don't look for role models, girls, BE the role model."

- Legion World member HARBINGER
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Rath, great to have you here on LW! It's always great to hear someone be enthusiastic about getting into comics, and given that you just read 10 years of John's GL in one month, that's about as enthusiastic as it gets.

My recommendation for getting into the LSH would be as follows:
- Follow IB and EDE's advice and start with the "retroboot's" first appearance in Action Comics a few years back (by Geoff Johns), and then follow their appearances up until their most recent series. This includes Legion of 3 Worlds and back-up stories in Adventure Comics, then into the last two volumes by Paul Levitz.

- If you're still hooked, I think you would enjoy reading about this team's earlier history (even if it's not exactly the same team, DC has essentially been trying to say it is the same team). You could start at LSH #259 from the 70's as you suggest and read it right up until the end of that era, which will bring you right into their reappearance in Action Comics. Basically you'd be finishing Volume 2 and then reading the entirety of volume 3. There are some very excellent stories in there. Vol 3 is what Fanfie calls "The Baxter Era", which is how most LSH fans refer to it.

- And just to clarify, the LSH doesn't start right there with #259; it starts years earlier in Adventure Comics, then back-up stories in Action Comics and then as Superboy & the Legion of Super-Heroes. There are many great stories there, but they are harder to find and not cheap. So that might be a longterm goal for you if you really love the team.

- And then, when you've come to know the LSH inside-out and really are prepared to dive into the complexity of its history, you might want to venture outside of this current incarnation and experience all the different versions of the team. That would include everything from Late 1989 - late 2007 (basically everything between the end of the Baxter Era and Geoff John's Action Comics LSH story):

(A) LSH Vol 4 #1-61, which is known by fans as "TMK" or "5YL" and is about the future of the current incarnation you like (that no longer happened, given that the team reappeared in Action Comics for its current incarnation).

(B) The "Reboot Era" / "Zero Hour LSH" era which is also a lot of fun, that finishes out LSH v.4 and the Legionnaires comic, and then includes Legion Lost, Legion Worlds and the series "Legion" #1-38 (or so).

(C) the Threeboot, yet another version of the LSH that started with Mark Waid & Barry Kitson at the helm and later had Jim Shooter and Frances Manupal.

There is a lot to love about these other versions, plus various miniseries and things, but I would wait until you feel you are comfortable with the history of the franchise before exploring what can be a pretty confusing series of different versions of the same concept.

Last edited by Cobalt Kid; 09/29/14 10:24 AM.
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Originally Posted by Cobalt Kid

(A) LSH Vol 4 #1-61, which is known by fans as "TMK" or "5YL" and is about the future of the current incarnation you like (that no longer happened, given that the team reappeared in Action Comics for its current incarnation).

And if this doesn't scare you off, you'll probably do okay as a Legion fan!

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Thanks to all of you for the warm welcome, and suggestions of where to start. I apologize for taking so long to reply, but my job kept me tied down completely for the last week. I hate it when real life gets in the way of entertainment...

I picked up Superman and the Legion of Super-Heroes Saturday from my LCS (all 6 issues for $6.00...yeah!). I read through them in one sitting Sunday morning, and then turned around to read them again that evening. It was a fantastic read. When I head to my LCS today I am going to look for issues to continue on with this incarnation. Then, I will look to see where I care to jump in with the past volumes.

Originally Posted by Eryk Davis Ester
Originally Posted by Cobalt Kid

(A) LSH Vol 4 #1-61, which is known by fans as "TMK" or "5YL" and is about the future of the current incarnation you like (that no longer happened, given that the team reappeared in Action Comics for its current incarnation).

And if this doesn't scare you off, you'll probably do okay as a Legion fan!

Actaully, reading something like that makes me want to piece it all together so that I can completely understand that whole statement 😉.

Thanks again for the kind welcome. I will just plop myself down in the corner of the academy, and read some comics...


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More Polyanna than Poison Ivy
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Rathmaker, if you're interested in 5YL, you may also want to check out its sister book, L.E.G.I.O.N., which followed the ancestors of the Legionnaires in the present day. I think the first 55 issues have a lot of great moments.

Read LEGIONS OF 7 WORLDS in the Bits forum:

Retroboot (Earth-7.5) Arc 1 (COMPLETED)

Retroboot (Earth-7.5) Arc 2 (WORK IN PROGRESS)

"Don't look for role models, girls, BE the role model."

- Legion World member HARBINGER
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Me am so happy to be here.


Legion World


Next time we have a DC/Marvel crossover, I want it to take place in the Hostessverse
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Hmm... did Bizarro KKT5477 just say goodbye to us?

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Humanoid from the Deep
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I don't think he's happy to be here either. frown

Keep up with what I've been watching lately!

"Where have you gone, Joe DiMaggio? Our nation turns its lonely eyes to you."
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But he can't! I'm enjoying his fanfic so much!

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More Polyanna than Poison Ivy
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He posted this in his Earth-K fanfic thread in Bits:

Originally Posted by Klar Ken T
I have a great deal more I would like to write; years worth, in fact, but my failing health makes that impossible. I will soon be taking a break from Legion World for at least a little while.


And he also provided a summary of where his other story was going in his other Bits thread.

Read LEGIONS OF 7 WORLDS in the Bits forum:

Retroboot (Earth-7.5) Arc 1 (COMPLETED)

Retroboot (Earth-7.5) Arc 2 (WORK IN PROGRESS)

"Don't look for role models, girls, BE the role model."

- Legion World member HARBINGER
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Thanks, Fanfie. I'll check it out.

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Well, there have been as many incarnations of this thread as Legion message boards, but thanks to Gary and Scott, we've all found a terrific home here at Legion World.

I thought it would be a nice idea to start this thread up again, so that we can get to know all our LW friends and family, both old and new.

Here's some of the standard info that people have included in the past -- but please feel free to tell your fellow Legion Worlders as much or as little as you'd like.

Name: Max
Age 29 (I've been '29' almost as many times as Lucille Ball has - so i'm 35 wink )
Where you live: Pacific Northwest (Seattle)
What you do: Full time UI Designer, part-time student studying web/mobile technologies.

Legion info: I think the Legion was the first comic I ever followed, although the X-Men was the first comic I can recall consciously following (but the Legion was always there in my stack; Now i read digitally). My favorite run was Geof Johns which was in action and other places followed by the original Levitz/Giffen run which included the Great Darkness Saga and showed us that AD&D would survive in to the 31st century (who would of ever thought it, Sunboy was a 'GM'?). My favorite Legionnaires are Invisible Kid, Element Lad and Phantom Girl; I like Lightning Lad a lot.

I like the 'Boy', 'Girl', 'Lad', 'Lass' names the most because they're just fun. The Legion has always been at it's best when it puts its idealism and innocences front and center I think.

My favorite artist on the Legion was James Sherman, who only drew a few issues but they were amazing for they're time. After him, it's Giffen as he did so much to redefine and revitalize the Legion. Then it's Gary Frank followed by the likes of like Bartista, Hughes, Lightle, Swan and then all the others. Ross Andru who did a lot of covers did some great renditions too. Writer wise, Its Johns, then DnA and then Levitz (I didn't like his revised run). I despise the Waid threeBot personally - the legion was going well then was rebooted for no apparent reason and it just seemed like change for changes sake with no real coherent story.

Other things I like: Besides super-heroes (animated Legion cartoon was epic), i like the basics (music, movies, tv, blah blah blah). I also like studying and learning, I draw and have illustrated comics professionally, but found i liked doing UI design better and it pays much better and comes with benefits.

Anything else?: Currently my friends and I are building an RPG site ( which i hope is ok to mention here. We're hoping to have a legion game up and running within the month. We use to do an X-Men game, so we're repurposing our marvel site into a dc site, so it's a little wonky right now. But within a month it will be, hopefully, quite amazing! all are welcome if they like to RP wink

cheers and happiness to all

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