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Legion Trivia 6
by Korbal - 01/08/25 09:54 PM
Legionnaire Mastermind
by stile86 - 01/08/25 09:25 PM
Wheel of Fortune / Hangman Season 3
by stile86 - 01/08/25 09:23 PM
I'm Thinking of a DCU character Part 6!
by stile86 - 01/08/25 09:22 PM
My Art Commissions (Legion or Not Legion it's art)
by Ann Hebistand - 01/08/25 05:11 PM
Kill This Thread LXII - Post-Christmas Blues
by Ann Hebistand - 01/08/25 04:27 PM
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The Non-Legion Comics Trivia Thread Pt 5
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#12097 05/26/04 03:55 AM
Joined: Feb 2004
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have you already posted this ? love

#12098 05/26/04 04:22 AM
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Hmmm.... I'll reserve judgement for the moment. Leading off from Teen Titans? Yik. I like most of what Johns does but his Titans is complete bobbins and I hope that the same style of story isn't used by Waid. I really don't see why they feel the need to relaunch it though. From the article it doesn't sound to much like a drastic rethink in terms of the team itself. Visually maybe (but that's pretty much inevitable with any new artist) but not hugely in terms of concept.

But still... I dunno, there's something about the tone of the whole thing that makes we wary. Waid can write great comics but he's also not exactly immune to righting a great big pile of steaming shite either.

Ach well, at least we now know.

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#12099 05/26/04 04:28 AM
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Well, this is just packed with info, lots to digest. A few first thoughts:

30 pages? Woot! (My new favorite word since joining an MMPOG, City of Heroes. smile )

As much as I'm enjoying the new Titans, I'm not sure how I feel about using them as a launching point. They talk like the other crossover doesn't exist (and wasn't it in Hypertime, so I suppose it might not -- I don't remember), but I can't see them really NEEDing to use this as a plot point. But if it gets us a new bunch of fans, I suppose I can be cool with it. Depends on the story.

And for all the fizzling out of DnA's run, they did bring a lot of great things into continuity, so the whole reboot thing is a bit scary. Plus how are we all going to refer to things now? Pre-Zero Hour will now have to become the prebootboot?

"That said, the three founders have been, are, and will be playing a role. “They’re vastly important,” Waid said of Saturn Girl, Lighting Lad, and Cosmic Boy. “Indescribably important. But that doesn’t mean you’ll be seeing them. After that, we’re still pinning down the membership, so even we’re not 100% certain. Okay, okay--Brainiac 5.” "

Hmm, I hate to be slavish to LSH history, but they're THE GUYS. I hope we get to see them in a decent time frame.

"But every story, every single story - whether it’s the “A” plot, the “B” subplot, or the “C” sub-subplot--must always be about one or more Legionnaires and how what’s happening for the next 30 or 60 or 90 pages is affecting them."

Encouraging words.

And now I have to get ready for work. I look forward to seeing everyone else's comments today.

#12100 05/26/04 05:43 AM
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So the facts are revealed at last and the rumours have all been true - Mark Waid and Barry Kitson are re-re-booting the Legion!

I... don't know what to think about this. I must admit I'm quite surprised - I really didn't think they'd restart the Legion AGAIN and so soon (relatively) after the last re-boot too!

This is a very risky move by DC IMO. Didn't the first re-launch do enough to alienate long-time Legion readers? Are they now trying to piss off the re-boot fans too?

As for myself, I'm conflicted. On the one hand, I LOVED the re-boot Legion. Sure there were some bad periods (PMS and practically all of DnA since issue #2 of the current series) but nothing about this universe was broken beyond repair and any good writer could have picked up the ball and carried the team to new heights. But on the other hand I do really love Kitson and Waid's work (for the most part) and some of the ideas they're cooking up sound really interesting!

I'll definitely give the first few issues a look to see what they've got planned.

... and I'm trying not too let myself get too excited about it because I'm sure fate still has a cruel blow in store for me, but one thing the re-re-boot might hopefully give us is... THE RETURN OF GIM ALLON!!! WOO-HOO!!! (*dancing in giddy glee*)

In fact, someone should probably start a thread of the things they want to see in the re-re-boot. I'll get the ball rolling :

... etc.

#12101 05/26/04 05:57 AM
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I don't know what to make of this yet... I guess I'll approach with reserved excitement. About the only plot danglers I'd like to see covered is the Sharn Nux disappearance and maybe Cub.

Don't know what to make of the crossover with The Titans... given that I have the full run of Young Justice and enjoyed that very much, you'd think I'd be a little more interested than I feel at the moment. Give me time... I'll come around. I'm easy.

Something Filthy!

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