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So, if the three (or four, if we count TMK) Legions were to be amalgamated into one, through reboot, hat trick, or some other means, which versions of which Legionnaires would you want on the team?
Here's a few of my picks:
COSMIC BOY - I like reboot best. Preboot never had much of a personality, IMHO, and 3boot is a jerk. I always liked reboot's roots as a Magnoball hero, with its "Hoop Dreams" alagory.
LIGHTNING LAD - I will be in the distict minority here, but I always loved the Proty persona retcon. I'd vote for a TMK-type LL who tries to be the brash hero he knows he used to be, but is, deep inside, the sweet, humble, easily overwhelemed Proty.
SATURN GIRL - A hussy in any incarnation. Still, I'd like a little of Conway's ice queen, mixed with some of Hamilton's bossyness, but without the reboot's omnipotence.
PHANTOM GIRL - I like the Corckrum costume best, and the pigtails, and the slightly districting nature of living in two dimensions simultaniously that 3boot introduced, but the best Tinya, IMHO, is reboots daughter of privledge yearning for adventure and something "real."
TRIPLICATE GIRL - Again, I prefer cockrum's costume, but Triad was the best iteration of this character. I did like that 3boots movement in the direction of asexual reproduction, but question Lu being from a planet of Lu's.
CHAMELEON BOY - I like preboot best. What it is about shapeshifters that makes the want to be detectives? (See also: J'Onn J'Onzz). I was never wild about Cham being Son of Brande, but I LOVED Levitz' version of Durla, with it's post Six-Second War tribes. I never liked reboot's Pope Cham, or 3boots Cypher-Boy.
COLOSSAL BOY - I liked reboots Gim as SP cadat, but never cared for that version's stick-up-the-butt persona. Threeboots Giant-who-shrinks was cute for about 12 seconds. I like preboot best, with Gim as the big bear scout always trying to do what's best but never quite rising to the task.
INVISIBLE KID (Lyle) - I liked the silver age costume best, as well as the easy leadership sytle from "The Outcast Legionnaires." However, I also liked reboots friendly rivalry with Brainiac 5. I don't like the 3boot version at all. Still, I wonder if my favorite version might not be dead, since I really like Jacques, and who needs to invisible kids?
More later
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you can have jacques if you give him his warp powers back and have him control them...that would make him unique and different than Lyle.
Bring back the super-cousins
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BRAINIAC 5 - I need a new version here. Silver Age's angst over being a decendent of Superman's arch-nemesis never quite ticked with me. Bronze Age's insanity always seemed a way to handicap the character, much in the way Mon-El always had to be off on a mission somewhere so the Legion could be challenged. Reboot was, toward the end, too snarky, while 3boot is all Dox. To my mind, Brainy should be written exactly like Sheldon, from "The Big Bang Theory."
SHRINKING VIOLET - I HATED Emerald Vi, and I'm not a big fan of 3boots militant persona. Actually, as I look back over the years, my favorite Vi turns out to have been from the run of issues when she was actually Yera. I think I like most the shy vi version of early reboot (minus the warrior training) mixed with the Conway's dragon harvester. I see Vi as the shy college girl who is maybe a little insecure, or unsure of herself, but nonetheless passionate about her causes.
SUN BOY - The Levirz era skirt chaser is the best, although let's stop just short of his becomming a womanizer, please.
BOUNCING BOY - Oh, please, let's just get him on the team. Truth be known, I think I like the animated version best.
STAR BOY - The Levitz era bearded, D&D playing Thom is still a favorite, but I think I like the 3boot version best. The Legion can use more color, and his costume is uber-cool. I also like the acident prone nature of the character (which has historical antecednets, i.e. comet tails, "Crash Kallor" and bringing buildings down on top of himself.) However, my intepretation in the early 3boot was that Thom got teased for his accidents, and apparent poor decisions, but most could be attributed to circumstances beyond his control, hence his frustration at being thought of as a goof when he knows differently.
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SUPERGIRL - Hot pants and puffy sleaves, please. Actually, Supergirl was always such a minor part of the Legion, I don't mind at all dumping her in favor of . . .
ANDROMEDA - The TMK LAurel always bugged me because she was shoehorned into previous continuity. Too big a retcon for me, to make her a mainstay of the early days. I liked the Andromeda costume, although the xenophobia thing bugged me, in part becasue it was merely a way to keep Daxamittes on Daxam so we didn't have a 31st century full of Superboy/girls running around minimizing the Legion. I'd move in the Sister Andromeda direction, and make Daxam a sort of Quaker/Amish state, with it's inhabitents not so much fearing aliens, just prefering their own ways and abhorring violence.
KID QUANTUM - Another character I liked, although he was created to die in justification of the no devices rule. I'd let him remain in that role, although maybe not as quite the overbearing jerk he was depicted as. Maybe just gung-ho. Self-confidence does not have to be a character flaw. It also occures to me, with black Thom, maybe Xanthu is a world in which white's are the minority? I liked reboots planetary champion challenge, as well as the Amazers. I'd hope to see more of both, perhaps with an explantion of the non-humanoid race seen in some issues.
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Long live the Legion!
Long live the Legion!
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One thing about Supergirl, Mon-El, etc. that occasionally bugged me is how powerful they are.
It took Superboy/man decades to reach that level of power, and he started out 'more powerful than a locomotive' and all that. It would be neat to have a sort of retcon where Kryptonians / Daxamites didn't just bam, get some yellow sunlight on them, and .23 seconds later be powerful enough to move planets around. A more gradual development of power, with Clark being a major exception, since he was born off-world and *raised* under yellow sunlight (or whatever off-Krypton conditions matter for the development of uber-powers), would be neat. Mon-El could still be a heavy hitter, but, again, be an exception, since he's been off-Daxam for a thousand years or so.
Ye olde average Daxamite fresh off the boat wouldn't be all that and a wedge of cheese, 'though.
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Amish Andromenda I'd pay to see - what a cool concept : )
I'd go for Brainy of the 5YG, but before he was aged by Glorith - still had the brains, but tempered by experience and with a cool sense of humour.
GATES: always good to have a teleporter around, and a cranky left-wing bug-alien teleporter was just fantastic.
DREAMER: Khund-trained, insomniac kick-ass hot chick - just what every super team needs!
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PROJECTRA - The original Shooter's character, with all the powers of Sensor Girl, but with the Cockrum costume and long hair.
SHADOW LASS - The 3Boot version is the best, not like the original almost a slave of Mon-El, and not so hysterical like Umbra. The Cockrum costume was the best, but the new in Action Comics can work too, it's very sexy.
WHITE WITCH - I like very much the 5YG version merged with the soul of Princess of Sorcerer's World?, more powerfull and agressive.
INSECT QUEEN - The reboot version from The Amazing Amazers can be very good.
DAWNSTAR - The one and only original version.
SPIDER GIRL - The Legion of The run, with blue hair and codename Wave.
VEILMIST - The more powerful teletransporter, and the most female fatale in The Legion story.
From UK with glamour.
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Hmmm. If you're really thinking of fleshing out a LSH that would be in place after LEGION OF THREE WORLDS, you'd have to use characters as Johns will be using them. He's said that he'll be using characters as they'd appear just after their most recent appearances, LIGHTNING SAGA/ACTION version excepted, as only he knows what they'd really look like.
So that means as of LSH 40 (Shooter and Manapul)-- well, really, it'll be more like, what 46?-- and the end of the reboot-that-was, and the Legionnaires as we saw them at the end of the ACTION storyline, as well as the handful of characters from LIGHTNING SAGA who we didn't see in ACTION.
Otherwise, it'd be a LEGIONNAIRES FOREVER, as in AVENGERS FOREVER, cast or a plain and simple personal version.
All of which can be fine and interesting.
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...I'd be down for a Legionnaires forever book <_< >_> Especially of ME Lad and XS were in it. Th'o I'd have to be SW6 ME lad...same with SW6 Ferro <__< >__> C'mon Geoff you know you want to.
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* Brainy - Zero Hour Legion, pre-upgrades. The snark makes him interesting * Matter-Eater Lad - 5YL Version, "Tenzil Kem takes a bite out of crime!" * Sun Boy & Lightning Lad - Those arses in the TMK era. * Star Boy - Current version, I prefer his level of 'hard luck hero' * Chameleon Boy - Zero Hour beginning version, I liked the lack of understanding, I guess it'd get old after a while though. * Ultra Boy - The post Zero Hour 'gang kid' version, he always did 'bad boy' a lot better. * Gates & non-catatonic Kinetix
I like the 'negative' character traits quite a bit as flawed heroes are always infinitely more interesting. We don't need to stick with the old for nostalgia's sake. I don't know if they'd have the guts to reboot again, and I don't know if I'd want them to. I know this version is the red-headed stepchild, but I believe it's just that it went for too many massive storylines too quickly without enough characterisation or personal stories for newer readers.
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Out of the original Legionaires I pretty much like the originals...with a couple of exceptions...
Shadowlass - W&K version is the best IMO. Karate Kid - like the W&K version the best. Triplicate Girl - W&K version is the best.
As for the Zero Hour Legion and 5YG Legions
I pretty much like all the new characters they created for those series.
I like XS, Gates, Gear, Laurel Gand(Zero Hour version, the 5YG version was Supergirl)...
If those are brought into the Action Legion due to the erasure of their time lines, I'd prefer it be those actual characters, with memories intact and not revised versions of them. I'd prefer they don't erase those timelines though...it sucks when that happens.
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The amalgamated Legion would have to include Gates, the best character from the reboot. Also I'd want Blok, Tellus, Quislet, and Tyroc to be there. It would be great if we could have both Lyle and Jacques, but if only one, then Lyle.
I could really do without Kent Shakespeare (sorry Sean), because he was boring, and then also get rid of Bounty and all those others introduced in the 5 years later arc.
As for Vi, I'd like Shrinking Violet from the Silver Age. A shy superhero is needed.
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