Time has tempted me. Time always temps me. But I resist you. She always temps me, Time. Calls to me. Whispers to me. Seduces me. I know Her. Inside and out. Yet, I cannot begin to solve Her. I love Her and hate Her at the same time. She is the mother to our children though. I, their father. Our children are legion. Ha. How appropriate is that? I love our children, my children. I watch them. I punish then when they have misbehaved. Is that not a father’s duty? I interact with them in their lives, throughout their lives. Show them attention. Is that not what a parent should do? Yet, they do not understand. Appreciate me. My devotion. It is how I display my love for them. They will understand some day, some year, some time. It is the time for me to show them my love once more. All I have is time. So, perhaps it is not temptation, but responsibility. As a paternal being. To test them. To make them grow, to make them stronger. To love them. So be it. I give in to this temptation of responsibility. Ah, feel my loving touch again my children, my Legion.