1 Legionnaires (Nightcrawler),
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Faraway stood and walked to the table, he turned and filled Mirenna’s glass, she took it in silence and turned once more to the window, her face tranquil and serene
Faraway turned away from her as he filled his own glass, he had seen the small tell tale signs, she was worried, heck she was on her second glass and she never drank, preferring to keep her mind sharp and focused.
With the glass in his hand he turned to face her. “Mirenna” he said as her reached forward and took her hand in his, “we must be as one in this, the game is afoot, the great game, and one wrong move could lead to the destruction of whole planets, enslavement for millions or worse” He stepped a little closer to her, “blast her” he thought as he caught the scent of her perfume, “she knows that smell is my favourite and she knows its distracting” He continued “I need to know if I can trust you, really trust you on this”
Mirenna smiled as she said “of course you can Far” but her head turned away from him. He reached up and gently took her chin in his hand and turned her face towards his own, his eyes looked down into the steel grey eyes of Mirenna, probing, looking for the truth, for a second her eyes flashed defiance, but then they softened and melted, her posture sagged a little and for a second her composure left her and she was as frightened for the future as he was. They lent towards each other as if to kiss, but stopped.
“So, we trust each other” said Faraway as he held her gaze for a few seconds longer.
“With our minds, with our bodies and with our lives Darden. No more secrets” came the reply.
Satisfied Faraway Lad nodded and released her face, that was what he needed to hear although the unspoken words, the may have beens, the what ifs remained and hung thick in the air between them
“Damn you to hell and back Darden” she whispered “not even Cobalt Kid has got that close to the real me”
But then the moment was over, the steel returned to her eyes, the knowing, mocking smile to her face. Ambassador Helen was back in charge.
“When do you leave for Legion World Ambassador” she asked back to her most regal.
“Tonight your Excellency” replied Faraway, “I need to retrieve some bits and pieces, I think the fellowship is going to need them. Once I have them I plan on using Horace to infiltrate .................”
He never managed to finish that sentence, because there was a panicked hammering on the door of the apartment. Next second a security over ride had opened the door and a very flustered aide de camp rushed in quickly followed by members of the Ambassadorial Elite Guard who silently but very efficiently took up close order position to protect the two Ambassadors.
“Major Yuill” said Mirenna in her most icy and officious voice “You’d better have a very good reason for interrupting a private Ambassadorial meeting in this manner, or do you actually think a posting to a listening post on the Gil’Dishpian border is a good career move”
“Your Excellencies” stammered the Major, “please forgive me but the Council needs everyone to attend the Grand Chamber at once, War has broken out”
Faraway strode over to the Aide de Camp, “speak plainly man” he barked “what do you mean war, who’s at war, where is the fighting, and why in the name of all that’s holy are you panicking about war, it happens in this Universe, two sides fight, why are WE in uproar about it”
“Sir” gulped the Major, “that’s just it, it’s not just a border clash or two nations fighting for resources, it’s everyone. Don’t you understand sir; everyone of the major and a fair few of the minor powers have just declared war on the UP. The Khundians, the Kahnate, the Dark Oval, Taltar, even some of the Barbarian Hoard; they are all attacking UP space, all at the same time and from everywhere at once.
Sir” continued the Major, “it’s not a war it’s a massacre, the fleet just can't hold them, and they are spread too thin. The enemy Sir they ......they are pouring in through the gaps, it’s a flood and its heading this way”...
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Time Trapper
Time Trapper
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Dev and the King talked for several hours about this plan that they had devised. The paperwork had been signed, and now the next phase could begin.
The King put his seal on the document. "It is done. I am in your debt for this my son."
"It's a temporary thing, and everyone knows that."
"That it may be, but it makes things much easier for us to continue on with what has been begun. I am truly sorry for what we have put you through...and continue to put you through, I only hope that intime you can truly forgive us."
Dev nedded. "This is a step in the right direction, and by helping me with my friends, you have proven yourselves to be much more than what I thought of you just a few months ago. I am sorry as well that things couldn't have worked out differently."
The King smiled, "you could try again, now that you are officially married to my daughter."
Dev closed his eyes and put his head down a little. "I don't think that is really going to work though. I am having a hard time getting pst the circumstances that brought us together in the first place."
The King nedded this time. "We just need a little time to get the paper work in it's proper place and then the divorce proceedings can begin. While you are married though, please see if there is anything that you can find in each other...if for no other reason than for the sake of the children."
Dev Em sighed. He had known that the King was going to use that strategy...and it was one that he had thought of as well.
"We'll see sir, but no promises."
A man entered the room and took the document from them and carried it away.
They stood as he left and turned to leave.
"Let's go find the women and children. It's about time to eat dinner."
Dev agreed and was about to open the outer door when it burst open and Loser Lad ran in followed by several guards. "Dev...we're under attack!" He yelled.
Active LMB character is still Beast Boy.
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Weber's World
Shortly after the meeting concluded, Helena made her way back to the quarters Cobalt had arranged for her to use. As she pulled her pass key out, she wondered if she would get any sleep this last night before their Fellowship would depart Weber's world.
Before she could open the door, Helena heard someone approaching. She turned to her side and noticed it was none other than Kalla Hrykos.
With a thought, Helena's robotic arm rose up, and the shirt sleeve that covered it receded. In a few quick seconds the arm transformed into a formidable-looking rifle-cannon.
"Make one move, bitch," Helena snarled, "and I'll turn you into little more than a red splatter at the other end of the hall!"
"Easy, Helena," Kalla said soothingly, "I'm here to talk, not fight."
"Well, I don't care what fancy light powers you have, you lunatic....because it wouldn't be much of a fight!" The cannon began to whir and hum, and Helena aimed it at Kalla's head. "I lost a lot of good men in my Company to your 52, Hrykos! And countless of Legion World's citizens died as well--and a great heroine named Bat-Fem! You've got lots of blood on your hands...give me an excuse to take it back!"
"I told you...I'm not here to fight," Kalla said, the smile disappearing from her face. She knew very well that Helena would fire that cannon in a heartbeat. "I want to tell you about myself, how I'm not the same woman I was with the Church...and how I've changed Hrykosia...and Elysia...for the better under my leadership."
"I don't want to hear it, Hrykos! Nothing you could say or do will ever erase all those lives you took!"
"You're right," Kalla conceded, "it won't. But you see, like you, I was oppressed by my people. My family wouldn't acknowledge me because my father conceived me with a commoner. My mother was executed, and I was treated as little more than a servant girl while my younger brothers, conceived with my father's proper wife, were royalty."
"Well, boo-hoo!" Helena laughed derisively. "Kalla was a poor widdle rich girl!"
Kalla's eyes glowed with a hint of her power as anger arose within her, but she pushed it back. "It opened my eyes, Helena, to what my people were doing. The racism, the classism, the speciesism, the oppression. I got out into the worlds and saw it for myself. I met aliens, experienced other cultures and revelled in them. I even did the unthinkable and fell in love with an alien named Huldnaf. We...were going to get married. But my brother Damyen had him executed. That's...that's when I went over the edge and became a terrorist for the Church. I...didn't want to live."
Helena held her cannon up for emphasis. "I can fix that."
Ignoring Helena's threat, Kalla continued, "after being set free in the prison break the Trumpeter engineered, I was inspired by my second chance! Lard Lad had already murdered Damyen and his wife. I made some...influential friends...and killed my brother Collus. I claimed my right to Hrykosia's throne. But what is more...I used my position to apply what I've learned and to right the wrongs of our people. Integration is happening and is spreading to all of our colonies...including Elysia! I'm going to restore your history to you!"
"So," Helena responded, unmoved.
"So?!?!" Kalla exclaimed with more than a hint of anger. "I'm freeing your people! And now I'm working with you to free all of us from the larger oppression of the Dark Oval! Doesn't that mean anything to you?!?"
"Yes," Helena said coldly, "it means our power-mad despot is trying to put on a politically-correct face as she works to gain more power than she ever has before. I've got your number, Hrykos, and it's on speed-dial. You're all about power. You'll betray us. And when you do," she points to the cannon, "this will be ready for you."
"Fine!" Kalla yelled. "Think what you will!" And she walked away. She paused at the turbo lift and said, "Lubahæfen."
"Huh?" Helena said, her cannon still pointed at Kalla from across the hallway.
"'Lubahæfen'," Kalla repeated. "It's the true name of your home planet. It means 'haven for love'. Elysia will be Lubahæfen, once again. I promise you."
At that moment, the turbo lift doors opened, and Kalla entered. The doors shut, and she was gone.
"Lubahæfen..." Helena repeated and had a haunted look on her face. Her cannon transformed back into its more armlike, though still obviously mechanical, normal appearance and her sleeve extended and covered all but the mechanical hand.
She finally entered her quarters and eventually lay down in her bed.
She didn't sleep a wink.
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Joined: Sep 2003
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Weber's World
Lon asked Kalla to meet him back at their quarters after the meeting broke up. He left the meeting room and wandered Weber's Worlds streets. He entered a seemingly random building and went to the top. Minutes later Cobalt Kid landed on the same roof and walked over to him. "Everything alright Lon?"
"Yeah...no...I knew Lardy did some things that the others would find questionable, but I didn;t expect that kind of reaction from them. It worries me that she..."
Cobalt Kid held up his hand for Lon to stop. "You know her better than that Lon. She knows things that we have done...and she also knows the whys of those things as well. Lardy was out for revenge...and not in a good place at the time. We have done everything in the name of the United Planets. It may not make the actions themselves any les ideal for her, but she knows our motivations."
"Okay then Cobie. If you say so. I just can't stand to think that she would be that upset with me...after the entire time I essentially lied to her about who I even was."
Cobalt put his hand on Lons shoulder. "She knew about that the whole time. She understands why you did what you did there, and doesn't hold anything against you for it. the rest of them though..."
"Thank you Cobie, and I noticed that about some of the others as well. Whatever. I could not care any less about what they think of me. I do what I do, because it needs to be done, and the United Planets and your other girlfriend, the Ambassador wants it done."
"Are you going to start that again?"
"Admit it...nobody that has actually met her would blame you."
"Nothing has happened between us Lon, give it a rest."
"Alright then, you ready for what we need to do, are you confortable with everything?
"I would not be going if I wasn't, and if I didn't trust you."
"Good, that goes both ways, because I don't think I would trust anyone else with that."
They talked for several more minutes cementing certian aspects of what they needed to do.
They finally parted company, and Lon made his way back to his and Kalla's quarters.
She was still awake waiting for him.
"You have a good walk about Fuzzy?" she said from the shower.
Lon smiled and took his jacket off.
"Yeah...you need some help with your back?"
"Of course."
They didn't sleep at all.
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Bold Flavors
Bold Flavors
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Weber’s World, Private Quarters of Princess Crujectra of Psyonia
Cobalt and Crujectra lay in each other’s arms in bed, trading little kisses to one another, enjoying the relaxed glow they each felt after their first private hour together in a long time. Both were smiling at one another, taking deep breaths. Cobalt opened his face into a wide grin and she started to giggle: “You’re so proud of yourself, aren’t you?” she said, rolling over so she had him pinned, as her long blonde hair hung over her shoulders in his face.
“Yes,” he laughed, grabbing her arms and pulling her close to kiss her again. “Now I’ll have something to think about while I’m away,” he added, kissing her again.
4 hours later
Cobalt slept soundly by her side, somehow in a deep sleep despite all the heightened tension. Spellbinder laughed to herself at Cobalt’s ability to do that: the man could sleep through the most anxiety-filled times. He also had a knack at finding his appetite too, when no one else was able, she thought, looking at the tray of plates and bowls off the side, where there was once a decadent spread of the finest Psyionian dishes. You’d be hard-pressed to find a single morsel left, she thought smiling again. How is it, all I feel is tremendous anxiety for the mission their about to undertake, worrying that I might never see him again, and he is able to sleep like a baby?
She knew why: when a plan came to fruition, or events long thought about were finally happening, Cobalt Kid was at most relaxed.
Unable to stare at the ceiling any longer, she flipped on her omni-com to look at the news feed and immediately saw dozens and dozens of messages awaiting her. Evidently, when she told her Royal Guard she would not be interrupted, they followed her orders to the letter—perhaps overly so. She looked at the news feed and messages and her eyes lit up with horror.
The United Planets was suddenly in intergalactic war! She could see immediately quite a lot of the “news” was pure panic-stricken hyperbole, but it was clear that the UP was facing a multi-front assault. The Khanate, the Okaarians, Imsk? The Khunds threatening their own action against the UP?
Somehow the Dark Oval knew something was coming for them, and they have struck preemptively. But how? The Dark Oval doesn’t have the political or real power to get so many different territories and nations to act in concert. It was as if a much greater force was controlling these events.
“Cobie, you have to wake up,” she said out loud, not thinking to use her telepathic link.
“I’m up,” he replied, suddenly sitting up in bed. A deep sleeper, yes, but it didn’t take much to wake him up. “You waking me up can’t be a good thing…” he said, seeing that she was looking at her omni-com.
“This changes things,” he said, packing the rest of his belongings which he would be bringing on the quest. “The immediacy of it all. The ability of the Dark Oval to coordinate this assault—it leads me to reconsider this talk of a Dark Lord. And it means we’ll have to count on every single one of our allies in the coming days.” He spoke to Crujectra as she was now in her Spellbinder costume and alerting her guards telepathically that she would be joining them momentarily. “It looks like every member of the LMB is going to be involved in this one way or another.”
Suddenly Spellbinder turned and grabbed Cobalt by the shoulders. “When we step outside this door, I’ll have to do my duty as an Ambassador here at Weber’s World, for Psyonia, Legion World and the UP in general. And you need to face this danger head-on. I just want you to know, Cobie, that in your darkest moments on this quest, just think of me. Remember you have a reason to come home and see this through the end. I need to know you’ll be safe.”
He looked back into her eyes deadly serious. “I promise,” he said. In a rare moment of true intimacy, Cobalt spoke further: “Crujeckie…I love you.”
“I love you too,” she said, and they kissed furiously, embracing one another tightly.
Cobalt walked down the corridor on his own now, several hours ahead of schedule. His trademark trenchcoat was held over his arm; replacing it was a trusty-old grey cloak, given to him by the Elves as a gift many years ago during another quest. He would need it in the coming days, as he would need the numerous items he’d brought along in his pack, which hung down around his side in a series of pouches, hidden by the cloak.
In two days, the UP media machine would show Spellbinder and Cobalt Kid leaving Weber’s World together on a long good will tour, through the use of illusions and a Durlan actor. It would be reported as tabloid fodder but would be picked up on by their enemies. Given recent news, many might not believe it, but that would be okay. Even if one did, it was enough, and it would throw off their certainty of the timeline.
He’d be careful in the Oval—everything he did was measured. And he knew full well he something to return home to in Crujectra. But he also knew that what he was about to begin in the Dark Oval would be perhaps the most important thing he’d ever been a part of, and he would see it through no matter what the cost.
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Weber’s World, Private Guest Quarters
Lolita tossed around on the little bed within the guest quarters, unable to get any sleep at all. She had calculated and recalculated the strategy several times and knew it was sound. She went over the vast list of items they would need for the quest in her head and reconfirmed they had everything they might need. By her nightstand was a buddle or rope, which she thought of at the very last minute.
She looked over at the tank in her room and saw Shark Lad was inside, though she couldn’t tell if he was awake.
She said a quiet thank you again to Cobie for arranging a room with both a bed and a tank for her and Sharky. When they had gotten back, she joined him in the tank to relax and a bit and spend some time with him. Being the girlfriend of a humanoid shark meant always making sure a part of your superhero costume doubled for a bikini.
Shark Lad was renowned for his ferocity but with her he was very gentle. Lolita was not the kind of girl that could easily be intimate. She needed for things to move at her own pace, and always felt men would not have the patience to do so. With Sharky, he was sweet in that he was patient and made her feel comfortable. For someone who caused criminals around the galaxies to feel a true sense of horror, she was amazed at how gentle and funny he could be.
She smiled to herself at these thoughts but they soon faded and again she felt the anxiety returning for the mission at hand. Would any of them get any sleep? Hrun, probably, she thought, and then started to giggle. And as she did so, looking at the clock by her nightstand, she suddenly heard a code being entered into the door from the outside hallway!
An intruder?! She jumped out of bed, leaning against the wall in an instant as the code was completed. She suddenly heard a loud bang as she inhaled and prepared for an attack. Was the Oval here already?
“Lolita, it’s Cobalt! I’m coming in!” she heard and the door began to open.
“Wha--?” she said out loud to herself as suddenly the door opened and Cobalt was in the doorway. “Cobie! Are you serious? Get out of here?! What do you think you’re doing?! What if--?”
“Looking good kiddo,” he said like a jerk, obviously enjoying teasing her. She realized she was still in her bikini. “Turn on your news feed. Our time-table just got upped by 8 hours. We’re leaving very shortly, so get packing!” He then turned to Shark Lad. “Have some extra chum Sharky, we’re going to need you at your best!” he yelled at the tank.
“Cobie, get out of here, right now,” she said, annoyed. “We’ll see you in 15 minutes.”
“Take 20 if you need it,” he added, and suddenly he threw her his blue trenchcoat. In the past, she had worn it on several occasions when he had not, and it had become another one of her trademarks to wear a trenchcoat. “I won’t be needing this on the journey, and I know you could always use its various functions. If you want to use it, its yours.” With that, he was suddenly out of the room.
She was surprised at the gesture for a moment but then she turned back to yell at him to leave again. By then, he was gone. “Ridiculous…the nerve of him…bursting in here…”
Shark Lad jumped out of the tank. “I’m gonna have words with Cobie, I think,” he said, a small rage beginning to simmer.
“I’ll handle it,” she said, further annoyed. She looked at the trenchcoat. I could use it he thought, and picked it up. “Throw me that rope, Sharky?” she said.
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Time Trapper
Time Trapper
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Weber's World
Knowing that he would be unable to get some rest this night, Lard Lad chose instead to hone his combat skills in a holo-gym that Faraway Lad had arranged for him to use in the diplomats' recreation building. He had just completed a round of fight simulations and was resting a little before the next.
As he wiped the sweat from his brow and felt his body ache, Lardy was reminded all-too-well that he was powerless and had been since the Red Bee shot him in the head. True, he had his Mark II exo-armor, but he knew that technology could fail him when he needed it the most. He had to be ready for anything.
He was far from a stranger to unpowered combat, though. As a Lard Knight, he'd been trained extensively in hand-to-hand and was the most decorated swordsman ever to come through the monastery. The only one ever to really best him in a fair sword fight was...himself. He'd once fought a presumed alternate future version of himself who called himself "Dark Lard", and Dark Lard had severed Lardy's hand in the duel.
Lardy looked at his right hand, just then. The artificial flesh made it impossible to distinguish as a cybernetic prosthesis with the naked eye, but Lardy could always feel the difference. He thought of the hand as a reminder of what he could become if he ever truly lost his humanity.
His humanity. He'd done a lot of horrible things the last few years. And now, it was out in the open more than it had ever been before. If he lived through this, he wondered what awaited him out the other side. Would he lose his LMB membership? His Legion World Citizenship? Would he be imprisoned? There was so much uncertainty.
He thought for a moment about his family and how Far had told him about the danger they had been in. He remembered how relieved he felt when Far told him they were under the protection of Loser, Dev and Dev's family. He knew Helena and the kids would be safe, no matter what.
At that moment he felt really alone. Normally, on a night like this, knowing that he was about to go on a dangerous mission, he would surround himself with friends and party the night away. Probably, he'd end up in the arms of one or more lovers.
But not tonight. He wanted to drink tonight more than anything, and that's why he couldn't do it. And there was only one person's bed he wanted to share. He had paused in front of her door on the way here, but he'd lost his nerve. Probably would've been rejected, he thought. She needs her space, anyway.
He thought of his Fellows and wondered how they were spending this final night.
Des, he knew, was at long last reunited with the love of his life, Crujectra--he would make this night count for sure. He smiled at this thought because he always wanted his best friend to be happy. He knew there'd been a deep emptiness inside Des during his and Jeckie's years apart.
Kalla and Lon...yeah, he knew they were probably going at it. The thought made him sick to his stomach. Kalla was pure evil. He knew it very well. He hated that Lon couldn't see that.
He pondered Lolita and Sharklad. He wondered if they were together tonight. Could Lolita truly move on with a man who wasn't Cobalt?
Hrun, he knew had to be living it up right now the way only Hrun could. Lardy grinned as Hrun was kind of like his old debaucherous self...only magnified twenty-fold! If Hrun went to bed with less than twenty wenches tonight, Lardy would be disappointed.
Helena, he didn't know a whole lot about. He got the distinct impression that Helena had a thing for Seth Gaterra from her speech. If so, Lardy knew tonight would be lonesome for her.
Then, he thought of Rockhopper Lad. He knew Rocky well enough to know Rocky was comfortable and content with Hyvvie and Tim in stow. A short time ago, Lardy and Rocky had been very much in love. Then, suddenly, it was just over. Lardy usually wasn't attracted to men as a general rule, but his love for Rocky as a friend had grown into something much more. They'd talked recently and patched up their differences, but Lardy got the distinct impression that friends were all they'd ever be again. It hurt a great deal because for a time the two of them had felt so very right.
He sighed for a moment.
Then, his thoughts turned to Tempest. What was Theresa doing now? Was she sleeping? Was she thinking of him at all? He wanted more than anything to see her tonight, to be with her. Even if all it consisted of was just talking to her and being in the same room. But he didn't know if she wanted anything of the kind. She was that hard to read. He felt often that she cared on some level, but he wasn't entirely sure. Especially after she'd confessed her history of manipulating and using people. What if she was doing that right now--expecting him to come to her to demonstrate her hold over him? Worst of all, what if she didn't even intend to manipulate him but was doing it subconsciously...out of habit?
Lardy shrugged. He was obsessing over Theresa the way he was obsessing about wanting a drink. Was he a Tempaholic now, in addition to being an alcoholic?
"You've gotta stay focused on the task at hand, Lardy!" he yelled aloud to no one in particular. "If she really wants you, she'll have to make the next move. Otherwise..." He stood up and grabbed his sword. "...computer, load Sword Combat Program, Level 10!"
Ten holographic ninjas appeared bearing swords.
Lardy grinned widely and dove into them.
Those holograms wouldn't stand a chance.
Still "Lardy" to my friends!
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Joined: Sep 2003
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Winath, the United Planets
The LMBer known as Space Ranger flew over the skies of Winath at top speed, covering as much ground as possible. “My, give me my coordinates again,” he said, “this damn planet is practically almost all farmland and finding a blasted landscape to use as a marker is next to impossible.”
My Whee Fem, who worked for him as part of his private detective agency, replied from the other end of the omni-com: “I’m uploading them now, Ranger. Tell me again why this is so important?” she asked quizzically. All she knew about this mission is it seemed really strait-forward and simple, and could be accomplished with great ease. Yet Space Ranger acted as if it was the most important job he’d ever been on.
“Cobie asked me to do something really important for him while he’s away,” the Ranger replied abruptly.
“Oh, Cobie said it was important so it must be!” said My Whee Fem sarcastically. “Like everything he ever asks you to do isn’t the most important thing ever.”
“Very subtle,” said Space Ranger. “First, he doesn’t ask me to do it, he pays me to. It’s a detective agency, remember?”
“You’d do it anyway…” she began to say.
“Second, he filled me in on why this is so important. We need to find the designated target here and keep a close eye on him. Once Cobalt clued me in on what he’s about to do in the Dark Oval and why this person is so critically important, it makes sense that not only will assassins be on the way, they are very much already likely here.”
My Whee Fem was silent on the other line. Finally she replied: “Ok, I get it. Even if you’re being purposely vague. But the designated target is a very capable superhero. He can take care of himself…why the needed back-up?”
“He’s that important,” said Space Ranger. “Now feed me the coordinates again, I think I’ve found that backwater town that somehow isn’t on any map in the galaxies.”
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Weber’s World
Tempest enters her guest chambers, she has just left the meeting, acting as the pillar of calm behavior, that is until she gets into her room. She leans against her door and grins from ear to ear. Then her face turns sour.
“Cobalt Kid’s plan is taxing, I suppose it is in the best interest for all,” she thought, “but not for me, going through Hive and Dominion has little interest for me.”
She looked at room, it only took a second to realize that she was bored in here. She looked around and saw nothing that interested her, until she spotted the bathroom. Within minutes she prepared a hot bath and was in the tub with random items floating above her. She reached up and grabbed a clear vile from the levitating assortment. She opened the lid, which had a brush on it and began to coat her finger nails.
“Can’t have unsightly nails, now can I?”
She stayed in the bath for a while, she washed her hair and scrubbed her skin until she felt clean and refreshed. She got out of the tub and walked over to a full length mirror which had a small sitting stool in front of it, she stood in front of the mirror for a while, admiring herself. She liked her body, she wasn’t so much vain, but proud. She remembered how withered and frail she looked when she first left the cocoon, but now her body with healthy. Her supple curves, her vigor and her confidence had returned. She then sits down on the stool, she looks to her purple robe, various items float to her side. She picks up a brush and begins to take it through her hair, as she thinks to herself.
“Things seem so much more clear now. No more secrets, no more confusion. Not even with the damn men of the Legion. Cobalt is no longer appealing to me. He may have once been my dream man, but that dream was nothing but a lie. Dev, poor, sweet Dev wouldn’t know where to begin with me. But there are still two in question. Anthony. Where to go with Anthony? He’s losing face amongst his peers, not particularly a bad thing. But he wants so much. I can see it, the longing, the need for closeness. Does he deserve it? The way he so easily sleeps around. I’ve had more than my share of affairs, but they all had a reason. He just gives it away. It’s disgusting.
But there is one other that I never noticed before.”
She puts her brush down, pins her hair up and brings out some natural body butter that she has made. It smells of vanilla and nut oil, she dabs her fingers in it and applies it to her skin.
“Timber Wolf. I wouldn’t have given him a thought a month ago, but as I see him, he’s so…callous at times. He’s not bad on the eyes either, a bit rough, but handsome, and great hair. And to think, if I took him from that whore Kalla, her poor heart would just break!”
She laughs out loud unable to hold back her joy.
“Serve her right for thinking she’s so great. Nothing but a tyrant. She’d be so easy to break in two if only someone would let me.”
The lights flicker in her room.
“I know. I know. I have more important matters at hand.”
She gets up and dresses herself in her uniform. She looks at herself in her suit without the robe on, admiring how it traces her figure.
“I tailored this so well.”
She puts on the robe and fastens it around her waist with it’s moon crescent buckle. She walks into the room and sits on her bed.
“There is always this reminder that this mission could be the death of us. But it’s not, not for me, anyways. You have allowed me to go on a quest of justice and vengeance. The path I lead must be beneficial for all for you to let me sate my thirst. For that I thank you, Mother Goddess.
To stay on my path, it is imperative that I stay alive, obviously. So I will. Even at the cost of the others. My purpose is to serve you, first and foremost, if that must cost me the trust and the lives of my colleagues in the Legion, then it cannot be avoided. I must make it to the Epsilon Sector. No matter what.
But I would prefer that all that leave on this mission, return.”
She pulls out a dragon scale, a basilisk tooth, a strand of demon hair, a cockatrice talon and an eye of a Gorgon.
“The crap I had to go through to get this, it better be worth it.”
She closed her eyes, the items swirled around her as she meditated.
And to show I bear no ill will, I, too, shall bestow a gift...
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Bold Flavors
Bold Flavors
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Weber’s World
Lard Lad moved down the halls quickly, carrying with him everything he thought he needed for the quest ahead. He had to pack quickly, but he knew he’d be traveling light already.
“Nice cloak,” said a voice and Lardy turned to see Cobalt wearing an old gray cloak. Lard Lad happened to be wearing the exact same cloak—both had received them as gifts, along with five other Legionnaires, many years earlier during a quest. They were from the Elves, and it was believed the cloaks had some minimal magical abilities.
“Great,” replied Lard Lad, “now I look like the biggest jerk here.” Both smiled.
The two walked together into the designated gathering room and within were most of the LMBers. “Tis true war in the galaxies!” said Hrun the Barbarian upon their entrance, “our quest becomes ever more hopeless, though ever more important!”
“Everyone gathered,” said Tempest to Cobalt and Lardy, “we’re six hours ahead of schedule now. We’re just waiting on—“ she was interrupted as Shark Lad and Lolita entered, “—ah, we’re all here.”
“Excellent,” said Lard Lad. Both he and Cobalt turned to Rockhopper Lad, the newly elected LMB Leader.
“The time is now, then,” said Rockhopper Lad, “and the lives of billions rest on what we are about to attempt.” He nodded at them, and they knew it was time.
“I’ll see you to the port,” said Kent Shakespeare, who was also with them. He looked at the assemblage of Legionnaires and their allies: Rockhopper Lad, Time-Teller Lad, Lard Lad, Tempest, Cobalt Kid, Timberwolf, Shark Lad, Oracle, Helena Handbasket, Hrun the Barbarian and Kalla Hrykos. He began walking and they followed.
“I know we’ve talked about all the different ways to get in contact with the LMB once you’re there,” said Kent, “but we’ll have to assume eventually you’ll be out of contact. Just assume we’re taking care of business here in the UP,” he said assuringly, “and we’re going to assume you’re doing the same.” His face was deadly serious though he hid any sense of worry.
The arrived at a secret space-port on Weber’s World. Docked was a small merchant ship, destined to take them to the edges of the Dark Oval in what was known as the Contested Territories, and from there, to the Space Knights Templar. It would be cramped space with such a large party, but it was necessary.
“You’re new home for the next 48 hours,” said Kent. He turned now faced them all again. “Good luck, all of you. Watch each other’s backs…and stay safe.”
Cobalt leaned forward and grabbed Kent’s hand, pulling him in for a tight hug. “Sweet Ass Sweet,” Cobalt said, echoing the famous LMB rallying cry.
Kent then turned to embrace every LMBer before they left, all in their own custom. To stay behind while your comrades went off on a quest incurred its own form of pain and helplessness. But in their absence, he had his own work to do.
“Let’s board,” said Rockhopper Lad.
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Time Trapper
Time Trapper
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Elsewhere : Power Boy's Dream Power Boy opened his eyes ... and awoke in a field. He saw in the distance an ancient city of crumbling gold. His eyes hurt from the glare. Everything around him was washed out and pale ... as if color itself was fading from all things. The city called to him. Begging him come to it. He began to walk towards the city, lethargic and without flight. Power Boy stumbled along … he noticed a great white wolf pacing him. PB fell, exhausted. The Wolf closed ... "Get up young pup" "We are almost there, and I have one gift to give you before we part" PB, mouth dry asked "what are you?" The Wolf replied "Every pantheon has its trickster, its scapegoat, and its stalemate. come, let me carry you while I tell your story" PB climbs on the back of the Wolf. “I have looked for you for a long time young pup. And I have barely succeeded as there is little time left. Be still, there is much you must know” As the Wolf galloped towards the fading castle Power Boy listened. “We, you and I and many others, called ourselves the ‘New’ gods because we usurped those ‘Old’ gods that came before us. We were not much different from the humans long ago but, we mastered the world around us through science and evolution until we were as gods. In our arrogance and cunning we overthrew ancient primal forces of the universe. We were worshiped as gods by the humans. However, the humans evolved, defining their universe, they grew cunning and arrogant as well, and uninterested in us. Realizing our time in this dimension was over, we decided to leave the universe to the humans, and created a ‘Fourth World’ between dimensions. Here, this desert that you see is all that is left of our once glorious kingdom. We have lived here for ages, fought here, loved here. Apparently, even gods can grow old. In fact, before you were born to us there had not been a new birth for millennia.” Power Boy gasps “I’m one of you?” The Wolf replies, “Yes. Your birth was seen as a great triumph, and filled these old gods with hope. It was a happy time then.” “But soon, something new came to the ‘Fourth World’, a storm. Darkness covered the golden realm. And when it receded … you were gone.” “Some of the elders suspected it was the ‘Old’ gods, come to punish us at last. As the craftiest of us, and the one with the most experience with other realms, I was tasked with finding you.” “I looked for ages, throughout time, and across dimensions. Until finally, I found a dark dimension, that tasted like ancient sorcery.” PB speaks “Qward” The Wolf snarls “Yes. Qward. A reverse dimension where evil reigns. A Legion of villainy used foul magics in the name of a Dark Lord to summon you from our bosom.” “This evil Legion decimated any opposition and ruled with tyranny. I killed many of them between my jaws. I dared not act openly because of this Dark Lord they worshiped, who gave them boons. By the time I found you, you had escaped to another dimension and became part of a good Legion. I thought you safe … until now. The New gods dwindle and disappear. I believe this Dark Lord is one of the old gods come to destroy us. It is hunting us, one by one. We plan to flee to another plane of existence. I brought you here to accompany us … or change our minds.” PB “My first memories were of Qward, waking up in pain. They tortured me and used me, trying to turn me into a great weapon. They even sent me into the past to someplace called Apokolips …. where I earned my Mega Rod. I was called Disaster Boy because of my great talent for destruction. Eventually I escaped across time and dimensions to find a Legion of heroes, It is only recently I have put my hood away and become Power Boy.” The pair finally reaches the enormous gates of the ageing castle. finally reaching the enormous gates. Power Boy pushed on them and they crumbled to dust ... washing away in the wind. End of Part One
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Weber's World
Rockhopper Lad and the others started anxiously towards the loading ramp of the small merchant ship, their minds on the mammoth task before them. Suddenly, Timberwolf stopped, sniffing the atmosphere around them as if something was wrong. Then the others noticed the small glowing bits in the air, which darted back and forth, circling each of them in turn. Most seemed mesmerized by the lights; only Hrun managed a quick instinctive swing with his battle-ax, but in vain.
Then the heat and the fire began. A column of flame suddenly appeared in the center of the assembled party then slowly shaped itself into various forms. It was at one moment a dragon, another an eagle, then a volcano, then a castle, and at last an old four-poster bed. The flames solidified into a concrete material bed, and Cobalt Kid and Lard Lad both smiled, for they had guessed what was going on.
The bits of a light now swirled around on the bed with increasing speed, until in the center of them, there manifest the form of a masked woman, wearing a cloak not unlike that of Lard Lad and Cobalt Kid, but of a sleek black silk. Most of the glowing bits disappeared inside the depth of her cloak, but two remained, one resting on each of her shoulders. They seemed to take the form of tiny, winged humanoids as she stepped off the bed.
“Lucifer Lass…” Cobie began. “We had hoped to reach you and Eryk in preparation for this mission, but Greg Evigan Island wasn’t accessible from Legion World, and we presumed that you were… wherever it is that you guys go when you aren’t on Legion World.”
“It is unfortunate that I didn't hear of this... adventure you are undertaking sooner. I certainly would've tried to talk you out of it." There was a trembling in Lucifer Lass's voice that was unusual.
"Look, we've got everything prepared..." Cobie began.
"I know. It's no use trying to talk you out of what you have planned. It's just... you are likely to stumble on something far larger than you realize. You know of the multiverse?"
"Of course..."
"There are the infinity of universes placed side by side. But there are also places... above and below. The one you seek... the one you will face if you continue on the present path... is a denizen of these realms. All you love will be endangered if you persist in awakening the darkness."
"It's my understanding that the danger has already begun..."
"It is not too late to pull back."
"No. There is evil to be fought. That's what we do. We are the LMB. We are heroes." Cobalt Kid's confidence was reflected in the faces of the rest of the assembled party.
"Then may your luck be in proportion to your courage."
Lucifer Lass walked over to Lard Lad. "Lard... Anthony," she said. "We've never spoken as much as perhaps we should. I... I have something that you must have." She handed Lard Lad a necklace with a locket attached. "Inside this locket you will find something that will help you. It will open when it is needed."
"Are you coming with us?" Lard Lad asked.
"Not exactly. There are things that must be prepared if you are to succeed. But our paths shall most likely run parallel. Look for me in the Hall of Llilthantra on the planet Sumra. I believe your route should take you there."
Lucifer Lass sat down upon her bed once more.
"Oh, wait, one more thing." She reaches beneath one of the pillows and pulls out a small box, wrapped with a bow. "Give this to Power Boy when you see him." She tosses the box to Cobalt Kid.
As Cobalt Kid catches the box, Lucifer Lass and her bed fade from view. The assembled LMBers look at each other for a moment, and then proceed to board the merchant vessel which will take them into the Contested Territories, their thoughts on the dramatic visit they had just had.
None were aware of the tiny winged humanoid who had stowed away behind some boxes in the cargo hold of the ship.
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Time Trapper
Time Trapper
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Daroon Dev looked at Loser Lad in disbelief. Loser Lad had just informed him that they were under attack. "Who's attacking us?" "Bugs...big bugs." Dev's Omnicom went off. "Hold on it's from the Office." He quickly answered Question Lad's inquiry and ran outside with Loser Lad. There were indeed swarms of various sized bugs advancing on them. Some were on the grounds outside the walls of the castle, and some were flying overhead. The Daxamites that were among the guards had taken to the air and were engaging the flying ones, but it seemed to be a loosing battle...there were just so many of them. "I'll be right back out Loser, help who you can." Dev turned and ran back inside searching the halls for the families as Loser Lad ran towards the front line. Dev found and carried the King to where the women and children were. "Sorry for the rushed ride Sir, but we are under attack and need to get them to safety," he said as he turned to Helen, the Princess and the children. The children were huddled against their mothers. "I am not one to run from a fight Dev Em," the King said with the Queen moving to his side and nodding agreement. "We do not rule because we cannot, or will not fight for our people." "There will be fight enough for everyone, but we need them safe and protected. The attack seems to be focused on the Castle, so that means that they need to be away from here as soon as possible.." "Very well then," he said as he summoned several guards to accompany them. Kar Em came flying in. He was a mess, covered in all kinds of gunk, and they could tell that he had been fighting the bugs. "They need to get somewhere safe your Majesty," he said to the King, "the bugs do seem to be focusing their efforts here, but are attacking the entirety of Daroon. We can hold them here for a while, but even we Daxamites have our limits." The King looked around and told the ladies and children to follow him. He turned and moved very quickly towards a back wall in one of the rooms they were near. Helen, Helena and Hugh were right behind him. So was the Queen, ushering Han and Jon as she went. Princess Alyson grabbed Dev's arm as he and Kar were turning to go to the fight, "please be safe," she said and kissed him. She then turned and ran to catch up with the others. The Kings Royal Guards moved before and behind them as they entered a secret passageway. Kar waited patiently for Dev to regain his composure and they flew as fast as they could into the battle. The wall was holding so far, and the bugs were being taken down. But for every one that the King's men or the Daxamites killed, it seemed that a dozen more came over the horizon. Kar Em joined the other Daxamites in the skies and started barking orders. They were very powerfull, but they were mostly politicians and not used to front line combat. Kar was furious for Daxam not letting him bring several of his old Troop along with them. Dev joined Loser Lad on the wall. "Not going so well huh?" He said as he fried a few flying bugs with his heat vision. "Nice place they have here...open to all sorts of guests," Loser said as he focused his power on a group of bugs trying to get over the wall to their left. The Guards there were able to take the advantage and dispatch them rather quickly. "Yeah...well, I really appreciate you sticking around," Dev said as he flash fried several more bugs with his heat vision. "No place else I'd rather be...except just about anyplace else...but then you'd just call me back again and I'd have to come and pull your butt out of the fire anyway." Dev laughed and took off to take down a bug that was flying over their heads. ---------------------- Kar Em blasted through bug after bug using his strength, speed, heat vision and flying ability. If not for the fact that there were innocent lives in danger, he would be enjoying himself. The fact that there were though made his efforts that much more focused. The fact that his grandchildren were in danger, made his attacks that much more viscious. Dev Em flew over to him and they formed a back to back circling formation ove the center of the Castle. Kar said, "look out at the villages and tell me what you see." Dev used his vision powers and gasped a little, "...by the gods..." Dev floated up higher above the middle of the Castle grounds. He pulled out his Omnicom. I hope this gets out, and that there's someone around to receive it. he thought as he cleared his throat. "This is Dev Em of the LMBP. If anyone can hear this message, the moon Daroon is under attack and we need help. We are barely keeping ourselves from being overrun. There are Bugs of all sizes coming at us, and we are loosing men with every wave. Please send help as soon as possible...we are cut off. They are taking the women and children prisoner, I'm going to try to find out where they are holding them." He pocketed his Omnicom and flew down to where his father was. He said, "I'm going to see if I can find out where they're taking them...I'll be back as soon as I can." Kar nodded, although he knew what Dev would find would be almost too much for anyone to handle. He had seen attackes like this before, and those men that were not able to defend themselves were usually slaughtered quickly. Those that could, it was just a matter of time before the numbers took them down. "Be careful son, we don't know what else they have out there...and it's going to be messy." "I know..." Dev said as he flew toward the horizon, a grim determination on his face that nobody had ever seen before.
Active LMB character is still Beast Boy.
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Aboard the Dragon Ship Devastation Atmosphere of Weber’s World Hrun 8 hours ago
Hrun, he knew had to be living it up right now the way only Hrun could. Lardy grinned as Hrun was kind of like his old debaucherous self...only magnified twenty-fold! If Hrun went to bed with less than twenty wenches tonight, Lardy would be disappointed.
Hrun woke and stretched his arms. As he did so the raven haired slave girl lying across his chest stirred, but did not wake.
Hrun smiled as he looked at Folka, “now” he thought, “If Folka is here in my bed where is her twin Folkvi”, turning his head to the left he was pleased to see Folkvi also deeply asleep next to him. A sound behind Folkvi attracted his attention and craning his neck Hrun saw a blond head on the pillow, “Tis mistress Gisla” he said softly “And Verun” as he noticed the fourth sleeping woman.
Slowly sliding out from underneath the furs without disturbing the women, Hrun walked silently towards a silver bowl in an ornate carved wooden stand. As he stood washing in the cold clear sweet water, he thought about the events of the previous day. Was he wrong? No, now in the cold clear light of morning, (well morning as set by the ships computers which were deliberately set to Home planet time rather than Weber Mean Time) he was sure. The pattern was there, he could see a way to hurt these invaders and at the same time teach those traitors from his own tribes the price of oath breaking.
Looking around Hrun noticed with pride the decoration of his Hall. Rich tapestry’s hung from the wall; the floor was covered with expensive rugs. Gold inlaid tables were full of the remains of last night’s feast. All in all it was a pretty good facsimile of his ‘real’ Hall back home on vagnstjarnafold, or at least where his Hall used to be, until the wars came.
Wiping his hands on a soft cotton towel, Hrun walked over to a sleeping figure. Kicking him softly in the side Hrun roared, “wake up Halmfast you drunken sot, we have work to do”
Halmfast jumped to his feet, although a little bleary eyed he was ready to obey his King. “My Lord” he said, through a haze of rank meat and mead stinking breath, “what is your command”
“We leave for battle immediately, gather in all the warriors, prepare the war shields”
As Halmfast turned to leave, Hrun reached forward and held his shoulder for a moment, “Oh and clean yourself and the rest of the HouseCarls up first, if we are soon to ride into Valhalla then lets us be noble warriors, not drunken peasants”
Halmfast left. Hrun looked around the Hall; already the signs of last night’s debauchery were being erased. House slaves were cleaning and tidying, the rest of the HouseCarls were rising from their slumber, some already cleaning and preparing their weapons. He smiled, to the majority of the LMBP these men were seen as drunken loud buffoons, but he knew the steel underneath the bombast, and he knew that Cobalt Kid understood it too. A lot of the men in this room would not live out the week, and they knew that too, yet still, as they started to sharpen blades, and clean mail they were singing and smiling. Hrun was proud of them. He hoped he would lead them well and do them honour.
Bring me Mead and Meat, NOW Slave!!
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Faraway Lad Webers World Now
Deep in the interior of Webers World, a small control and command centre was now the most busy and important room in the United Planets.
General Maximus Bellasarius was sat in the centre command chair. On banks of screens in front of him the various reports from the various fronts showed a depressingly consistent theme.
“Sir” reported a Comms officer, “Reports from planet New Tudhoe in sector 47. Hive fleets have just entered planetary space. The Local defence fleet, consisting of one cruiser and four escorts have been lost. Sir” he continued after a second “no survivors…. Not one…………the Hive…those bastard bugs………..they actually went after the escape pods and hunted every last one down.” The Sub Lieutenants voice cracked at the thoughts of the thousands of crew men lost, killed in the cold icy darkness of space.
“Steady son” came the calming voice of Bellasarius “just do your job. I’ll make sure they are avenged, now give me the numbers, starting with ETA for planet fall”
“Yes sir” came back the reply, the voice stronger now, more efficient. “Hive fleet will make planet fall in 30 standard minutes. Estimated time until the entire fleet disembarks, 6 standard hours.
“Holy fathers” thought Bellasarius, “just 6 hours to disembark hundreds of thousands of Bugs. No wonder the Planets fell silent so quickly, it was if a Tsunami just washed away all life from the surface. It was the same all over, huge numbers of troops would land, take the planet and….well then, silence, no one escaped, no messages came out, not even demands from the enemy”
“Thank you Sub” said the General in a more kindly voice, “now take a break go and get freshened up, have a sleep you’ve been on duty 12 hours straight”
“As have you General” said a voice from behind him, “and as our best military mind, we do need you at your best for the struggle ahead don’t you think”
Bellasarius turned to see Ambassadors Helen, Faraway and Crujectra standing in the doorway.
“You should get some sleep General, your team here will be able to monitor things, and if another planet is attacked we promise, we’ll wake you instantly” continued Cru.
“Perhaps your highness is correct” replied Bellasarius, “I will sleep in the ready room if you give me my word that you will wake me”
Mirenna Helen answered for all three, “Yes General we will wake you when the next planet is attacked”
Starting to yawn the General stepped down and headed towards the ready room. “Thank you your excellencies, a few hours will help me to think more clearly” and with that the door closed and he was gone.
Faraway turned to Crujecktra, “Cru” he started “did you use your powers to….…”
He stopped as the Princess placed two delicate fingers in his lips “hush” she said coquettishly “As if I would do that”
“Enough” said Lady Helen, “we have the time and space we need, Faraway can you do what needs to be done”
Sitting down in the command chair, Faraway Lad smiled and gave a simple “yes” as his answer. Internally he thought, “I can if Hrun is right about this
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Hrun Dragonship Devastation Low orbit, Webers world Four hours ago
On the command deck of the Devastation, Hrun studied the large holomap of the United Planets hovering on top of the plotting table in front of him. Large swaths of it were already in darkness, fallen under the heel of the Dark Oval.
There, Psyonia hung as a bright beacon in Space undaunted, and unconquered, yet all around it the darkness swallowed planet after planet.
But there seemed to be no strategy to all this, Planetary systems that were strategically vital were being ignored whilst small unimportant systems were being wiped out. What was the Oval doing? Was fear and panic all that they wanted? And then even as he thought it Hrun realised that he had the answer. This was no war for resources, no war for territory. The enemy did not want slaves, riches or even glory. It simply wanted to destroy, to cow, to awe to induce panic and fear into all.
But now, Hrun realised, now he could see this truth he could see the pattern. He could start to fight back, start to give a small beacon of light in the darkness, perhaps enough to give the peoples of the United Planets hope. Hope that they could fight back, that they could win.
“Helmsman” said Hrun looking up from the holomap, “is the course laid in?”
“aye aye lord” replied the Helmsman.
“Marshal of the Northfold” said Hrun turning to the tall blond haired man standing by the Plotting table “did any of the Varangian Guard answer our call?”
Marshal Thorribald looked up and smiled, “aye my lord” he replied, “more than we hoped for, we have almost a full Legion of Varangians on board”
“Excellent news Thorribald” said Hrun, “still tis only 5,000 spears to add to our own 2,000. I could wish for more”
“You do have more sire” said a strange voice “if you will have us that is” Stepping out from behind Thorribald a small brown haired man came over to Hrun and saluted. “I am Strategos Manuel Comnenos of the Opsician Theme. Our Holy Empire was destroyed by the Khanate many many years ago. Though our Emperor struggles to maintain his lands and wishes to re unite the Empire, it seems a hopeless task. Some remnants of Empire cling on, the Despotate of Eprius and the Opsician Theme are two of the largest. Yet for many years now we have had no strength of our own and we have had to rely on the Varangian Guard to patrol our borders and to protect our planets from harm. They have shown great loyalty to our Emperor when all others deserted him and so now when their need is great, now when all free lands have heard the trumpets and the call to arms, we have raised another Legion to fight alongside your army. I lay before you another 5,000 spears of the 1st Opsician Legion (Victrix). Will you accept?”
Hrun looked at Manuel closely; he looked like nothing more than a soft, effeminate city dweller. The sort he has scorned in the past, the sort his forefathers had burned out of hearth and home, but was this offer real or was it some sort of trap of the enemy? Time was against him, he needed the spears this man could bring, but he also to move and move quickly.
He looked up at Akolouthos Grimbolf, commander of the Varangians, “well” he asked.
Grimbolf nodded “I have served with Strategos Comnenos for many years, my Lord, He is loyal and what is more his troops will fight for us”
“Then on the honor of the Akolouthos I will accept your Legion” and cheers echoed around the command deck.
Hrun smiled, already and without his next act, the free peoples of the Galaxy were answering the call. Everywhere reports were coming in of planets who a few scant weeks ago could hardly bare to be in the same room together starting to realize that against this enemy, they needed to work together, else they all fall to the darkness one by one and alone.
Hrun looked forward, “Helmsman, you have your course, cast off, Tis time the Devastation tasted blood.
As the Dragon ship warped out of orbit, Hrun sent a coded message via his LMB secure comm. link
Bring me Mead and Meat, NOW Slave!!
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Faraway Lad Four hours ago. In the Debating Chamber on Webers world.
The council chamber was in uproar. Ambassadors were all shouting to make themselves heard above each other.
Some were shouting at the raised Dias demanding to know what the UP government was doing, some pointing the finger of blame at the UP itself. Even more had started to accuse Ambassadors from other sectors of being in league with the Invaders.
Into this maelstrom of noise walked Ambassadors Faraway, Helen and Crujectra.
“there, there”, shouted the Ambassador for Aldebaran III pointing at Faraway and Crujectra “it’s that damnable LMBP that’s to blame, if they had not invaded Dark Oval space this would not have happened.
“No! No!” retorted the Ambassador from New Jaiapur “The LMBP are the ones who protect us, they are our shield.
“Silence, Silence” called the Speaker of the Assembly “Unless we allow all to speak no one will be heard”
Slowly the noise subsided as the agitated and frightened Ambassadors retook their seats.
“Now called the Speaker, “let the assembly recognise the Ambassador from Illiad”.
A heavy set woman rose and began, “Excellencies, as we know the United Planets is under attack, on all fronts it is in retreat, it is failing to honour its commitments to protect and preserve the safety of the outer worlds. Illiad has but one demand; Send us a fleet strong enough to save us”
As she sat down, a chorus of agreement rippled around the room.
A UP general stood up, “spreading our forces that thinly will not help, we need to concentrate the fleet and attack in force that is the only way to drive the invaders back”
“so” shouted the Ambassador from Phlon, “we see the truth behind the Earthers promise, they let us bleed and die, whilst they hide here, and when we have weakened the enemy enough they will destroy them and take our lands for themselves”.
A tall strikingly handsome man stood next, his voice was sweetly smooth, and seemed the very pinnacle of reasonableness. “Noble Lords” he said “all this talk of spreading the fleet or concentrating it is pointless, no one knows where the enemy will strike next or when.” His hand manipulated the controls at his seat and in the centre of the chamber a huge 3 D map of known space appeared. As his hands flew over the controls huge sections of the map turned dark, the very stars seeming to blink out of existence as his voice continued.
“Look at how the Dark Oval forces move, there are no rules to it, no logic, no one is safe, how do we fight such a thing? No my Lords we are defeated our only hope now is surrender.”
His hands moved again and new parts of the Holomap were illuminated.
“My lords, the Dominion now controls ten sectors in the beta quadrant, Hrykosia is attacking its neighbours. The Khanate seems to be on the move. Barbarian Allanii, Macromanii and Skirrian tribes have broken the treaties and swarm forward into civilized Space. No we must sue for peace before the UP is shattered into a thousand pieces”
A new voice entered the fray.
“The United Planets is already broken” it said “it has failed to protect us, it has taken our taxes, imposed false laws and values, and when it is needed it has failed”
This was the Imskian Ambassador speaking now
“and because of those reasons Imsk and its allies now announce that with immediate effect they leaving the UP and will become free independent nations once more. We have been promised by Dominion representatives that a free Imsk has nothing to fear from these armies, and that they have no conflict with those who stand aside and do not get in the way of their defensive strikes against the UP. ..
The Ambassadorial Chamber erupted in noise at this unexpected announcement, cries of “traitors” and “backstabbers” were hurled at the delegate from Imsk, but there were also cries of “hear hear” and “yes! We will be next” from parts of the auditorium Faraway was saddened to hear.
“The free peoples on Imsk will be heard” the Ambassador shouted over the noise caused by his announcement that Imsk and four other planetary systems were seceding from the UP with immediate effect. He continued, “as of today, the corrupt and dictatorial government of First Minister Digby has been overthrown. It has been replaced by a special people’s safety committee chaired by Leader Muldron of the Imskian Iron Oval. Special security arrangements to protect the people are being put in place with known terrorists being rounded up and arrested, whilst high profile supporters of the corrupt Minister Digby have been detained in special camps for their own protection. Further more in order to protect the people of Imsk from imperialistic aggression from Braal and internal counter revolutionary crimes, the people of Imsk have petitioned the Regent, Admiral Muldron to form an alliance with the freedom loving forces of the Dark Oval. Together with the Oval, Imsk will march forward to a new, bright, sunlit future. For our protection our allies troops have been moved forward to prevent any pre emptive strikes from Braal and have occupied strategic points along the border. Once assurances of non aggression have been received from Braal these troops can of course be removed”
Next the Ambassador for Hazor stood up. “as you all know, for many years Braal has illegally occupied Hazorian territory in the Vespaisian asteroid belt. An ultimatum has been sent to the Government of Braal to demand the return of the whole belt to Hazor. Rest assured we will not take sides in the coming conflict between the UP and the Dark Oval, all we want is to be left alone, a demand agreed by the Hrykosian Ambassador just today. Rest assured once our legitimate grievances are met we will have no more demands on our neighbours
The Ambassador for Preztor then stood. “Following the last Great War, the victorious powers dismembered the Preztorian Hegemony. When they did so they left many native Preztorians outside the new boundaries of Preztor, all of whom cry out for reunification with the fatherland. We will now help those people return to the bosom of their land, The Krebble Ribbon will be retuned to Preztor within one week or our troops will take it back.
“But that will leave us with no defences and will cost us many of our advanced manufacturing facilities,” cried the delegate from Aarok, “it will turn us into a backward society”
“No more that you deserve” sneered the Ambassador from Darzyl. “We also announce a change of government, following help from our friends in the Dominion, a new government under His Majesty, consisting of a Grand Council of the Nobles and Commons united under the leadership of Grand Master Dulce, of the Darzyl Oval Order of Men has been formed to protect Darzyl and all who ask for our protection shall receive it. We too remain neutral; we ask only that the UP investigate the curious fact that Psyonia has somehow remained immune to attack though all around it fall victim. Perhaps the Psyonians have some……secret agreement with the Oval that protects them, or is it that the connection to the LMBP must also be looked at.
Finally the speaker said
“the chair recognizes the Ambassador for Taltar”
Lady Tal’shok was small and jolly looking, a classic example of not judging a book by its cover, as she had an unenviable reputation for cruelty.
“Taltar will restrain its fleet, and will return to a state of neutrality until this current conflict is over. Once it is over and if” and there was an unmistakable emphasis on the word if “the UP is victorious then Taltar will consider re opening negotiations to join the UP. Lady Tal’shok looked directly at Faraway and Crujectra and continued. “as we are so constantly reminded, the LMBP is not an executive arm of the UP and as such we expect the LMBP to continue with its normal protective duties through out the Galaxy during this current crisis”
Faraway tensed, “she’s heard something, she knows how thinly we are stretched” he thought, “Does she know what Des is planning?” He felt the stirrings of the old diplomat’s disease, paranoia and a fear that people know all your secrets and were just playing with you.
He felt a hand laid soothingly on his arm, “let me answer this one Far” said Crujectra. Slowly she stood up and now the Princess seemed to glow from within, her beauty seemingly magnified by the occasion, as she held the audience silent and spellbound just by standing there.
“Your excellencies” she said “ I give you my absolute word that no matter what the course of this war, the LMBP will do what it has always done and will protect to the full extent of its might, the weak the poor and the oppressed. No matter who they are and no matter where or under what form of government they are”.
She sat down and whispered in to Far’s ear, “and if at the end that’s just you and I left alive, well it might not be very much but it’s still to the full extent of our powers, so before you start I am not lying”
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Faraway Lad Webers world Two hours ago
Faraway, Crujectra and Helen had left the chamber and were now leaving the arguments still going on behind them. They turned and in silence headed down a corridor to a turbo lift, as they did so they heard a voice behind them. It was the Taltarian Ambassador. “I am leaving Webers world” she announced “I must consult with my government” she smiled evilly “I will just remind you of a fact that will have to be settled and soon. The G’ibral Tor is ours, has always been ours and must be returned to Taltar immediately”
Faraway Lad placed his head against the cool wall of the corridor and groaned, this was just going around in circles. Sometimes he though the Gods of History must just be conspiring against him.
The Tor of G’ibral was one of nature’s freaks, a naturally occurring strong point situated as it was in a narrow space lane between a gigantic null grav hole called the Nekron Expanse and the flaming deadly gases of the Horath Nebula it effectively controlled transit in the densely populated alpha sector. Stopping ships passing the Tor was easy and would, if done, half the amount of trade in the UP overnight, causing huge economic upheaval. Captured from Taltar by the Kingdom of Deria some 300 years ago it had passed into UP ownership once Deria joined the UP 150 years ago But Taltar had never given up on her claims to the Tor.
Now, G’ibral Tor was essential to the safety of Earth, if the Oval captured that stronghold then the space lanes would be open. The enemy would be able to flood in behind almost all of the UP’s outward facing defences. The UP would be attacked in the flanks and those carefully constructed defence positions would be rolled up one by one leading to total defeat. Keeping it as a bulwark against invasion was now more essential than ever.
“Ambassador” he started but too late, she had swept on past them down the corridor and into a private ground car, heading for the space port.
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Faraway Lad Control Bunker Webers World. Now
Faraway Lad started giving orders in a fast, quiet staccato fashion.
“fleet in sector 901 remain in position”
“Message to Admiral Darlton in Proxima Centari , we need to move three fast attack carriers from Proxima to support the colony worlds around Alpha Centari, there is going to be a major raid by Hrykosian destroyers”
“Ask General McChinon how many troops he can spare for Brigadier Stuarts coming raid on El Whadi Halfa”
“move the 3rd battle fleet to co ordinates 9087.4 by 678 by 22.113 and tell them to hold awaiting reinforcements, then to be ready to attack”
“Inform Hrun, his battle plan is go”
By his side Crujectra and Helen were both locked in their own furious conversations via omni comm. link with government representatives across known space.
Finally a lull in activity gave Faraway a chance to relax and look up.
“Well?” he asked.
“Its done” replied the Princess, “those planet’s that are going to fight for us are firmly on board, the scared and the lost and the ones who want to wait to see who is on the winning side have agreed to neutrality, at least for now”
“Well that’s all the strategic moves in place, now we just have to wait and see” said Faraway. “I have got as much of the commissariat moving as I can, at least the troops will have enough ammunition, fuel and food to fight. Now it’s up to the Generals on the ground to actually fight them well enough” he sighed, “I hope I have done enough”
Instinctively, and without thinking both women reached forward and each took hold of one of Faraway’s hands, “you’ve done all that’s humanly possible my dear” said Mirenna softly, “no one in the LMBP or the UP could have done better”. The Princess smiled, “you have done everything Cobalt could have wanted Far, with all this going on his small fellowship should be able to sneak into the Oval unseen and unnoticed. You’ve given him a chance to do this and do this right. Thank you I think you may have saved my lov….” She hesitated, an almost embarrassed smile on her face “I mean Cobalts life, for that I and the Royal house of Psyonia will always be in your debt”
This small vignette was rudely interrupted by a consol alarm sounding.
“Sir, it’s the Taltarian Fleet” said a comms officer, “it’s moving fast and I think it’s on an attack vector towards G’ibral Tor”
Faraway’s heart sank, He had gambled and removed most of the defences from around that strongpoint to reinforce other sectors of the front, were the Taltarians taking advantage of this to press their ancient claims after all?
A comm. screen buzzed to life near Faraway, on it the face of Lady Tal’shok appeared. She smiled as she saw who was sitting in the command seat.
“Well it seems the LMBP are closer to the high command of the UP than the Princess claims. I think that will have to be discussed in council later. Never mind” she continued, “my message remains the same whomsoever receives it. The fleet of Taltar will maintain and protect its claim to the G’ibral Tor. No war ships of the Dark Oval will be allowed to enter Taltarian space without meeting extreme prejudice. We will protect this base, now you go and fight your war Earthlings”
“Sir” called a bunker comms officer, “communiqué coming through from Governor General Wolfe, confirmed by our own long range scanners, the Taltarian Fleet is not attacking, repeat not attacking. It true sir they are turning they are taking up, yes they are taking up defensive positions around G’ibral Tor they seem to be telling the truth sir”
Well thought Faraway, there’s going to be some problems ahead over this but at least that’s one worry off my shoulders, now I can relax for a while.
“Sir” said another officer, “emergency message coming in from Daroon”…………..
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in transit between Weber's World and the Contested Territories
There was precious little living space aboard the small merchant vessel. More than Lardy had thought, though, as Hrun wasn't making the trip with them. Lardy had thought that Hrun would be among them, but apparently he had been present to both bond with the Fellows and to glean what the broad strokes of the quest would be.
The men had left what scant quarters were available for the women while the men made themselves as comfortable as possible in the cargo hold.
Lardy was exhausted. He'd spent all of the previous night training and had taken himself to the limits of his endurance in that holo-gym. Though he couldn't make himself comfortable in the comparative luxury of his suite at Weber's World, he had drifted off in his makeshift bed in the cargo hold within an hour of their departure.
But his sleep was far from restful, for as soon as he closed his eyes...
...Lardy opened them to a world of pitch blackness that was barely illuminated in the distance by a faint, flickering light. Lardy stumbled as he tried to make his way to the light, unable to see anything. He tried to activate his exo-armor that he might fly to his destination, but it wouldn't respond. Lardy concluded that his armor was gone. He accepted its absence and continued on.
He didn't know how long it took to get there. Hours? Days? Longer? He kept struggling harder and harder to get there, frequently taking falls as he tripped on unseen barriers. Frequently, he yelled out as brambles scraped his skin. Worse, he could hear hissing, growling...laughing? By unseen beasts.
Finally, battered and in pain, he reached the source of the light. It was a path made of stone illuminated on both sides by torches. On either side, there was still the encompassing darkness. The path itself seemed endless and its destination completely unseeable.
Lardy stopped at the beginning of the path. He held out his hands and saw in the shimmering light that he was clothed in his elven cloak. He saw in his pockets that he had meager rations. On his belt he saw that his sword was in its sheath. He wondered where all of his friends had gone. Cobalt? Rocky? Temp?
Shrugging and seeing no alternative, he began to walk along the path. It was very difficult for him with all his bruises and scratches. Very painful. Even worse, his left ankle was throbbing in pain. He'd twisted it in his journey through darkness, misstepping into an unseen hole. He unsheathed his sword and used it as a cane to take the pressure off of that leg. He saw nothing else available he could use.
Eventually, after an unfathomable time on the path without rest, he began to see things in the darkness beyond the bounds of the path.
To the left, he saw Helen and his children...and others...beset by creatures more vile than he could imagine. He heard Helen scream. He tried to run to their aid but couldn't step out of the path's bounds, no matter how hard he tried. And then they disappeared.
He realized that they were never really there. They were visions. Were they happening then? Were they to come? Or was he being taunted by the darkness?
Further down and to his right, Lardy saw himself and two others. Lucifer Lass. Eryk Davis Ester. They were talking about something. Sharing a dinner together. At the end they put their hands together. Making a pact? These were two people who might be his brother and sister. He had just seen Lucy before they left in the merchant vessel. There was so much he wanted to ask her, to say to her. But she was gone before he could really register the implications. Eryk, he had barely seen in years. He wanted to reach into the vision and learn more, but suddenly, the vision faded.
The locket! He remembered the locket Lucy gave him. He paused on the path and saw it was still around his neck. He knew somehow that there was still hope.
He continued along the path with renewed vigor. As he went along the visions came faster and were less detailed. He saw a flash of Wyandotte with his hands around Lardy's neck. He saw Cobalt locked in combat with Romaltus. He saw images of foes powerful but unfamiliar. One, he was certain was the cloaked figure that had followed him in Weber's World.
He saw someone who he thought was a foe long vanquished battling...Faraway Lad? He couldn't put his finger on exactly who it was, only that Far's foe felt so very familiar.
Then he saw...Dev-Em? No, it couldn't be! He was wild and plowing into the SMB. Killing them. No...it couldn't be!
Then, images of war, images of suffering, images of pure annihilation and death and misery. Lardy found himself overwhelmed and dropped to his kness. He let out some bile onto the path as he felt suddenly indescribably guilty. Somehow, he felt like all the horror he was seeing was his fault. Beyond even how he'd instigated the conflict with the Oval, there was a deeper connection that sickened him but that he could not name.
After he got all the bile out that he could, he looked around. Suddenly, he realized he was at the end of the path. He looked up and saw a terrible light coming toward him from the distance. As it got closer and closer, Lardy realized, to his terror, that it was a single, fiery eye. And it was coming to claim him.
Lardy screamed and did what any reasonable person would do in the situation. He ran. As fast as he could with a hobbled ankle, he ran back down the opposite end of the path that he had struggled so hard to travel. In his peripheral vision he saw the images playing out just as they did before. He closed his eyes and ran as hard as he could.
Then he fell. As he struggled to get back up, he felt the heat of a thousand suns bearing on him. He turned around and faced the flaming red eye.
Lardy faced it, stood his ground and fighting his quivering jaw, he said, "wh-what do you want?"
A horrible laughter seemed to come through the eye, then it said, "<span style="font-size: 20px;">At last! I SEE you!</span>"
Suddenly, Lardy screamed. He was on fire! The pain! He was dying and then...
...he woke up.
Lardy looked around, startled. Around him, he could see the cargo hold and that Cobalt and the others were there, too, asleep.
"J-just a dream?" he whispered.
But Lardy knew better. He'd had prophetic dreams before...when he had the Lard Force. And this felt just like one of those.
He tested his theory be trying to summon some Lard Force energy from his hand. Nothing. Everything he could think of, he tried, but the Lard Force did not respond, just as it hadn't in the year since he lost it.
What did this mean? He had no clue.
Lardy was haunted by what he'd seen. He knew he wouldn't be getting any more sleep any time soon.
More, he knew he didn't want to.
Still "Lardy" to my friends!
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Power Boy's Dream Part 2: An Ancient Evil
Power Boy climbs step after dusty step, the Wolf only a few paces behind.
He felt a sense of urgency, afraid this Evil Lord that was hunting the ‘New’ gods to extinction had something to do with the troubles of the LMB.
Finally at the top, a great plaza opens up before him. Across the plaza he sees a gateway and shadowy figures moving through it. One figure stands apart, watching the rest.
In the next moment, the watcher is next to Power Boy.
A tall female figure takes shape. “After all this time Wolf, you found him, you found my son.”
The Wolf smiles proudly. “I fear too late. So many of us are missing or … (he looks to the portal) .. leaving”
She replies “It was inevitable. Our time is over, it is time to move to the next existence. We move along to the abstract.”
The Goddess looks into Power Boy “Will you come with us, my son.”
PB felt himself waver, he didn’t know if it was the heat of the place or the stare of the Goddess. He wanted to go, more than anything. That moment lasted for what seemed like a lifetime, as if the decision was a great contest, taking place across time.
The Goddess spoke again “Come home with us my son”
PB mutters as if poisoned “ … home?” “my home, my friends …” PB shakes his head “ … the LMB, my home, …”
PB snaps to “ Stay. Help us. Fight with us!”
The Goddess releases her hold, sighing sadly, “You have spent too much time with the humans ... the battles of this dimension are not for us to interfere with.”
The Wolf BARKS! “The Dark Lord threatens all reality, what happens in this place will affect the others. An ‘Old’ god of evil reborn will not be content with one dimension … he will devour dimension after dimension ….”
A glare from the Goddess withers the Wolf. “I see, you have not brought my son to me but, I to my son.”
“maybe … dear Wolf, maybe you are right.”
<span style="font-size: 32px;">SHHHRREEEIIIKKKKK!!!!</span>
Her contemplation is broken by a powerful blast of darkness that shatters the portal, striking down several ‘New’ gods trying to pass through the portal.
A horrific wailing booms from all around as insectoid tendrils of darkness smash and pollute the city. Power Boy is crushed to his knees.
The Goddess howls "NOOOO!" and faces the enormous darkness. Power Boy‘s mind reels when he tries to focus on the darkness. A golden music begins to oppose the infinite darkness as the Goddess stands proudly. Even in its glory the music is small in comparison with the screaming darkness.
Only a handful of the ‘New’ Gods remain, the ones not fast enough to gain passage through the now shattered portal. A few become blurs as they speed away, others wink out as the teleport or become invisible, and a smaller few turn and raise their battle rods … joining the Goddess in fight.
It will not be enough. The ground shakes and walls tumble.
The Goddesses head swings toward Power Boy.
The Wolf deftly snatches Power Boy up from the neck of his costume, and pounces away. As the Wolf transports them through dimensions … Power Boy looks back and sees the kingdom of the ‘New’ Gods shatter like glass, and after, only oily darkness.
Power Boy wakes, floating in space, the Wolf licking his face.
“We made it, but the gods …”
The Wolf smiles “Gods are not so easy to kill young one”
“I must find the LMB, the chaos happening must be related to this.”
The Wolf nods "They are here, near Webber's World, I brought you to them." (The Wolf has obvious difficulty pronouncing Webber)
"You are dependable, for trickster"
The Wolf laughs "Few can understand my intelligent ways ... so they say I trick them, to me it is easy hahaha"
“Wolf ... one more favor, assemble the ‘New’ Gods … there must be some alive, that did not answer the call to flee, that the shadow has not yet got.”
“I will … try … young god of power.” And with that the Wolf fades away.
Power Boy floats for a moment sick to his stomach overwhelmed by the events.
Then he heads for the LMB.
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The merchant ship sailed through space, as the rest of the universe reacted with anxiety and paranoia to the grandiose events. The ship went mostly unnoticed, as the Legionnaires intended, and for the next (48) hours gradually left the United Planets, coming ever closer to its boundaries. There was one who followed, undeterred by the deception. Wearing a hoodless cloak of the most vibrant purple, he was overwhelmingly beautiful to behold, causing some to turn their eyes, less shimmer of his radiance burn out their eyes. Around his head he wore a simple golden crown in the shape of a thin band with a fig leaf on either side. A sword hung by his belt and a spear over his shoulder. Though he was the ideal model of beauty, his penetrating blue eyes and wolfish smile quickly made evident he was the epitome of cruelty. Yet those who simply looked at him could not fathom the extremes of that cruelty. Though a millennia earlier he was the Emperor of a vast Empire, who lived a long life where his authority exceeded all others—and made sure he tested those boundaries on every occasion he could—it was in this secondary existence where he submitted to the authority of one greater that he truly felt alive. His name was Titus. He was the Dark Lord’s most favored servant. There were three things he held as his sacred right to do in the Dark Lord’s service: Robbery. Rape. Murder. And he followed the Legionnaires, watching…and waiting… -------------------- The Contested Territories – Once former conquered planets by the Dominion, the planets making up the contested territories have a very recent history of exploitation and abuse. Their poor fortunes changed in 3006 when Legion World Triumvir Cobalt Kid led his army into the Dark Oval and liberated the planets. Additionally supported by the United Planets Naval Fleets, the planets formally rejected their Dominion overlords and applied for membership to the United Planets, which they were quickly granted. Though now free and under the protection of the Space Knights Templar, the Contested Territories remain a center of violence, terrorism and war between the Dark Oval and the United Planets.[/i] “At last,” said Lolita, piloting the merchant ship alongside Time-Teller Lad, who also made a surprisingly excellent pilot. “We’re entering the very borders of the UP now. Soon we’ll be at Antioch, where we’ll be able to get rid of this ship.” “It will be quite a relief,” said Time-Teller Lad with a smile, “as I feel like I’m getting to know everyone a bit too well!” Lolita couldn’t help but smile at Tim’s good-heartedness and leaned forward to pet Hywvie. “Antioch is the most dangerous of all the contested territories, because it contains sections held by both the UP and the Dominion. And therefore it makes the perfect entry point,” she said to Tim, but then looking at her omni-com again. “Any updates?” he said, “it’s only been 131.3 seconds since you last looked at it, after all.” “No,” she said, realizing he was right that she was checking it constantly. The news from the UP was too engrossing—it was an incredibly complex series of planets flexing their political muscle, but she was beginning to sense a pattern developing. Alas, it wouldn’t matter much longer. Once they got far enough into the Dark Oval, their communications would gradually fade out and then cease all together. Dark Oval technology prevented communication out of the territory. Hywvie lifted his head up, sensing someone was coming and the door opened as Shark Lad joined them. “I’m getting stir crazy,” he said plainly, with a gravel in his voice that made Hywvie back up a little near Lolita’s legs. “I don’t care if it doesn’t sound possible but I think the ship is getting smaller,” he added. Time-Teller Lad couldn’t tell if he was kidding or serious, though Lolita smiled. “The sexual tension back there is annoying enough,” she said, “come join me up here and we’ll make our own,” she added and Shark Lad finally smiled. “Er, maybe I should see how everyone is doing” said Time-Teller Lad about to get up when he suddenly looked out the view-screen and saw an approaching presence! “Wait! What’s that?!” Lolita turned and instantly felt a wave of panic, thinking they were under attack. She moved to stand but suddenly felt Shark Lad’s large, clawed hand push her back down. “Funny I’m telling you to calm down,” he said. “But no worries. That’s Power Boy.” “Power Boy?” said Lolita suddenly feeling upbeat. She, like Lard Lad, was very disappointed to learn that Hrun was not joining them. But if Power Boy was—that would be a huge power boost! As they got closer they saw the seriousness on his face. “He looks grim,” she said.
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Timberwolf sat in a corner of the cargo hold and meditated. It was a better thing for him to do to pass the time than sleeping was for the others. Everyone else seemed to be antsy, or plagued with restless attempts at sleep. Meditating for him was a way to rest his body and excercise his mind at the same time.
He was going over the plans in his head. Over and over he went through them. Trying to imagine anything that would go wrong, going wrong in the most horrid way possible...and then coming to a satisfactory way to deal with that situation. For him, it was the ultimate form of relaxation.
After a few hours he heard his Omnicom beep. He blinked and was wide awake without making a sound. He grabbed his Omnicom before it went off again and disturbed anyone else. They were getting close to where they would stop being able to receive any basic transmissions, even ones on open channels of the United Planets. THe fact was, that this transmission was probably close to a half hour old and bounced off of numerous random satellites before it got to them. He had set his to alert him of any that conatained only a few specific names. His brother, Dev Em, was among the few names on the list.
He listened to the transmission from his brother several times before finally shutting the Omnicom off.
He removed his earpiece, hung his head and wished for a brief moment that he had some god to pray to. But he just grinned and thought, I could hear it in his voice...he's on the verge of becoming very dangerous to whomever it is that is attacking Daroon. I'd hate to see him pushed past his limits, although...whoever it is would most definitely deserve it if it happened.
He thought about the implications of who was on Daroon with him, and that worried him and made his worries fade just as fast. Sure, Lardy's kids were there, but so was Kar. Lon and Dev's father. God help the poor bastiches that messed with the old man.
He turned and looked at Lard Lad, who had just awoken with a start. He was around some boxes from him, so Lard Lad could not really see that he was also awake. He watched him for a short time and finally went back to meditating.
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Power Boy stepped across the threshold of the airlock the same moment Lard Lad woke with a start. As if he brought a great darkness to them.
Lolita, Shark Lad, and Time-Teller Lad were there to greet him. This Power Boy looked stoic. Usually Power Boy was nonchalant ... even in battle, so used to battle and confident in his prowess. This Power Boy looked as if a great weight were on his shoulders. and more surprisingly ... he looked .... hunted?
'Gather everyone. We need to talk. The Dark Lord lives.'
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Inside the mind of SharkLad
It’s times like this when I think, ‘I shoulda been a lawyer.’ I mean, sprock, now we gotta deal with the Dark Lord?
I look at Lolita. She’s trying hard not to react. The kid likes to act like nothing gets to her, but even she doesn’t like the sound of what Power Boy is saying.
Well, at least now maybe I’ll get to see some action. I’ve been dying to sharpen my teeth on something ever since Hrun let me spar with a couple of his men before we got loaded onto this tin can of a ship. That was fun. Lolita thought I should be saving up my strength, but I feel like I’ve got energy to spare.
Lolita’s a good kid. She’s giving something I needed, but… there’s still something in the way she looks at Cobie. She definitely didn’t like seeing him with the Princess. When this is all over, Lolita and I are gonna have to have a long talk.
Anyway, I guess I should be paying attention to Power Boy…
Just when you thought it was safe to go back in the water...
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