Just doodling...Idea I had for a Team Titans team, like a DC version of the Exiles (not a new concept I know but what the hell)
Anyway, at the front is Jason Hart aka "the Protector" form the Titans drug awareness comics (robin standin....Robin was tied up with liscencing issues...)...New Costume
Then the girl in Red / Yellow is Flamebird
Above her, Emoish guy with the Lip Ring is Molecule from the 52 Gap Year Titans
The Girl on the top Right is Inferno from the Legion of Superheroes (Reboot version) who was stranded in the 20th century in the mid 90s and never heard from again, though in all likelyhood is Sun Girl from the Titans East team that Slade put together...
The masked Guy in White is the original Jericho, an unused character meant to appear in Teen Titans #20 (original series) who would have been a black superhero
Cir-El, retconned out of existence Supergirl
AAAANND Harlequin, an unused character from Infinty Inc. Who would have been the first gay superhero had he been used. (this isnt the costume he was designed with)
Jericho concept
Titans as DC version of "the Exiles"
Made up of various Titans Characters from Various Titans series, unused concepts...that kinda thing...no real storyline in mind...just a lineup...
In an unused story for Teen Titans #20 (original series) there was to be a black character called Jericho introduced, brother of some gang member fighting the mob that was manipulating them (or something)...anyway...read about it yourselves : [link]
So yeah...basically the same guy...I figure the costume is pretty much white...with red accents? I dunno...
Betty Kane is the Bat-Girl of Earth 2, past pretty much the same as Dick Grayson, Yadda Yadda leaves Batwoman to forge her own identity as Flamebird, Leader of her realities version of the Titans...Um...I'll think up what to do with her at some point presumably...
Red and Yellow colour scheme...
Back in the 80's with the first version of Infinity Inc. Roy Thomas designed a male Harlequinn that was meant to be the first gay character in comics...[link])#Infinity_Inc._-_Gay_Male_Harlequin
I figure he'd be a perfect character to throw in a multi-reality Titans team...
Well since Flamebird is the ultimate Rich Girl...Why not also make her the ultimate Fag Hag, with Harlequin being the Jack to Her Karen...
And...He's...Duela Dents Son...possibly...noone knows...except possibly him...but which Duela? Cause didnt she die? ooooh the Mystery (basically yes, the Earth 3 version died, but not the Earth 2 version, where history has been pretty much in line with our time thus meaning The Joker was around in the 40s, Duela a teenager in the 70s...And This guy born in the late 80s...or something. Of course that throws the whole Flamebird as Robin thing out of Whack...Make her Tim Drake. GOD. WHATever...its just comics)
Figure the Costume would be green and purple...purple hair...OR red and green combo like Duela in Kingdom Come
....Sooo.....Who would you have in a Multireality Titans team?