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If you aren't pretty knowledgable about the various versions of the Legion then the following won't make complete sense, but "Tempus Mosaic" is my attempt to graft the Post-ZeroHour Legion onto the pre-'Crisis On Infinite Earths' Legion as one continuous timeline. In doing this the original Legion history occurs exactly as it did in the comics, as does the Post-ZeroHour Legion stories... but the 5 Year Later stories are significantly altered. Credits for these pics go to Jim Lee (whoes designs I borrowed heavily from) and my favorite Legion Micro site: Brainiac 6 The aged Brainiac 5 turned down Glorith's offer to return the 'older' Legion to their prime. Instead he chose to tranfer his briliant mind into an artificial body of his own design. Since he knew he was not the original, but the clone and since he was undergoing an upgrade he left the Brainiac 5 designation to the younger version and adopted 'Brainiac 6' as his new name.
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Blok is haunted by two questions: Would he be dead if Officer Erin hadn't intercepted Roxxas on his way to assasinate Blok.... and if he had managed to exit his hibernation just a little quicker, would Schvaghn Erin still be alive?
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The son of Lightning Lad and Saturn Girl has inheirited his father's power and adopted his original code name: Lightning Boy
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Husband of Saturn Girl and father to Lightning Boy... Lightning Lad (without and with cape)
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Possibly the most powerful being in the universe, only his own super powers and a hidden set of braces allow him to stand after being paralized from the waist down in the final battle with Mordru and Glorith.
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Possibly the most effected by the 'clone' question... Tinya Wazzo was shocked to learn that neither she nor the younger version was a clone. Tinya is half Carggite and as such was born able to devide into 3 beings. At birth, 2 of her selves were taken without her mother's knowledge. One became Apperition of the Legion of Super-Heroes. Another was temporally displaced to the distant past and became Phase of L.E.G.I.O.N. While the third was displaced only two decades and became Phantom Girl.
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Mother to Lightning Boy and wife of Lightning Lad, Saturn Girl is the most powerful Telepath that Titan ever produced. She also was one of its greatest beauties, but she is never seen without the full robes and face mask since becoming one of the early victems of the 'Validus' plague unwittingly carried by her own son. What scars she may bear are known only to her family
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Dirk Morgna died at his own hands after being expermented on by the Dominator forces that had tricked him into helping them conquer the Earth. Former legionnaire Wildfire used his body to contain his own energies when it seemed he would disipate without a sufficient means of containment. What he didn't realize was that his energies would slowly revitalize Dirk's body. As his body regenerated, so did Dirk's mind. Eventually Wildfire sought B6's help in sepperating from Dirk's body. Dirk once again took up the mantle of Sunboy, but he is not the same man he was before his death.
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Posessed by the entity known as Bounty and forced to amputate her wings under unknown circumstances, Dawnstar was then left for dead after Bounty used her body in an ill fated attack on the renegade bounty hunter Sade. Recovering from her physical and mental injuries took some time, but when she was sufficiently recovered she sought to regain her lost wings. Organic replacement was beyond even 31st century medical technology, however Thangar had centuries of experiece with artifical wings. With Thangar technology and a little help from Brainiac 6, permanent wings constructed of an alloy of Ninth metal and Element 152 were grafted on to replace her lost wings. The appear completely natural except for the metalic sheen and besides providing her with atmospheric flight they also can be formed into armor or used as offensive weapons if needed.
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Durring the '5 Year Gap' it was discovered that the Manhunter robot disguised as Laurel Kent had not been masquerading as the Superman descendant all along, but had abducted and replaced the real Kent. The Legion managed to track her to the medical planetoid, Quarantine, where they found her in a coma. Querl Dox managed to awaken her through use of high energy impulses sent directly into her brain. When she came out of the coma she discoverd that besides the near invulnerability she inheirited from her anscestor, she also now posessed super speed and stregth. The Legion inducted her under the name Legacy.
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After seemingly sacrificing himself durring the 'Black Dawn' incident, Wildfire found himself bonded to the sun he had stabilized using his own life energy. It took him years to sepperate his consciousness from the sun and when he did he found that his containment suit was nolonger sufficient to hold his energy in a coherent form. Desperate, he entered into the dead body of former Legionnaire Sunboy who's biology was geared towards the storing and manipulation of such energy. What he hadn't counted on was that the influx of energy he provided was enough to revitalize the corpse and allow it to return to life. When he realized that Dirk's mind was reawakening, he went to Brainiac 6 for help to sepperate from Dirk's body. Once removed from Sunboy, he once again faced the problem of containing his energy. Brainiac 6 created a forefield gererating harness, powered from Wildfire's own energy that allows him to form and maintain a humanoid body.
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Jan Arrah was one of the few 'Adult' Legionnaires that turned out to be the original and not a clone. He became involved with Sean Erin when Sean was persuing Roxxas to avenge the death of his twin sister (and Jan's one-time lover), Shvaughn Erin . After Roxxas was brought to justice Jan used his power to help Sean overcome the effects of withdrawal from ProFem (which Sean had used to masquerade as Shvaughn). After the Revitalization at the end of the Glorith/Mordru War, Jan married Sean, addopted the new code name Alchemist and became mentor to his young clone.
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Element Lad proved to be a clone of the elder Legionnaire now known as Alchemist. He has the same powers, although less skills using them, as his cell donor. After the Revitalization Element Lad chose to leave with his mentor, his mentor's husband and the rest of the 'adult' Legion. When they returned to help rescue the now time-lost younger Legion, Element Lad discovered there had been a third Jan Arrah from the new Tromm that had been created durring the Revitalization. He also learned that the new Tromm had suffered a fate eirily similar to the original and that the other Jan had died under circumstances that no one wanted to discuss with him.
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Sean Erin was the twin brother of Officer Shvaughn Erin of the Science Police. When Shvaughn was brutally murdered by Roxxas the Butcher, Sean swore revenge. To this purpose he masqueraded as his own twin sister through the use of the highly dangerous gender altering drug known as ProFem. He hoped to induce extreme guilt and psychosis in Roxxas' already unstable mind by having 'Shvaughn' persue the man who murdered her. He hadn't considerd the reaction of Shvaughn's friends or her former lover Jan Arrah. After getting over the initial shock, Jan agreed to work with Sean on the condition that Roxxas be turned over to the authorities and not killed by Sean. Durring their time together bringing Roxxas to justice the two developed feelings for each other and they persued a relationship even though Sean intended to return to being a male. Sean nearly died from withdrawal from ProFem and only Jan altering his body chemistry saved his life. It also had the side effect of giving Sean powers similar to a Trommite with the difference that Sean must touch what he is transforming. Sean eventually married Jan and together they provide a mentor/parental relationship to Element Lad (a clone of Jan).
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The current deputy-leader of the Waunderers, has the ability to create and manipulate any form of quantum radiation. The limits of her ability have yet to be discovered. She is: Quantum Queen.
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Trio is one of Gates' fellow team-mates in the Outsiders. She is half Carrgite and half something else (it is believed, but not confirmed to be Daxxamite). Like all Carrgites she has the ability to split into 3 identicle bodies. Unlike other Carrgites, that is not her only ability. Combined, Trio is vertually invulnerable. Split ..... Spitfire has Kryptonian level Vision, Hearing and Breath powers. Hellion has Kryptonian level Strength and agility. Vixen has the power of Flight up to Kryptonian level speeds. The only thing that doesn't fit with Trio being of half Daxxamite heritage is that she retains her powers under a red sun and on heavy gravity worlds. If Trio herself knows for sure, she is not telling and it is a secret that might one day come back to haunt her... and her team.
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Nothing is known about the past of this young woman called Quetzal. She may be the result of one of the Domminator experiments on Earth. She is superhumanly fast, strong and agile with wings instead of arms, she is covered in green down and feathers... and she breathes fire!
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Stig Ah was a normal Rimborian boy when he was injured in the explosion of a Fusion Powersphere. He appeared to have been unaffected by the incident, until one day he passed by a construction site and a girder was accidentally dropped on top of him. Miraculously, it appeared to bounce off an invisible wall just above him. It was then that he discovered that the Powersphere's null radiation had activated his latent power to reflect any fast-moving object, matter or energy, which was directed toward him, back to its source. He used this power to become the hero, Reflecto.
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A recolor of Gates to reflect how he looks as a member of the Outsiders. Credit for the creation of the Outsiders to the late Dave Cockrum.
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Long live the Legion!
Long live the Legion!
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Neat power options for Trio.
Given their names and the poses Dave put them in, I had considered something similar, giving Hellion invulnerability and strength, Vixen speed, strength and senses and Spitfire flight and flame breath (instead of heat vision), so they still would have more-or-less fit the Kryto-Daxamite-Ultra-Energy power suite.
Some creative stuff, working the death of Sun Boy/Wildfire, Bounty entity, etc. into new origins / power-sources / growth points, rather than just ignoring them. Dawnstar with Nth metal wings is many times cooler than Archangel was with his dumb razor-wings, IMO.
Lightning Lad's look works better with the cape, and yet Garth, barring his original costume, really doesn't seem the cape type... Lightning Boy's costume is also cool.
Sun Boy's glowing eyes are permanantly like little suns, I gather, a sign of his changes? Neat.
Laurel Kent as not-a-Manhunter is very cool, and the Legacy name is pretty neat.
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Due to radiation his parents were exposed to, Thom Kallor of Xanthu was born with the ability to shift mass from the stars themselves to any target he chose. The effect of this was to make the target extremely heavy and dense. He joined the LSH under the name Starboy, although he now calls himself Starman.
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in Londo of Zuun was experimented on by his own father. The results of the experiment were super strength, speed and agility. He joined the Legion Academy under the name Lone Wolf after helping the Legion discover the culpret behind a series of robberies. He later assumed the name Timber Wolf when he was inducted into the Legion upon completion of an undercover assignment. Years later it appeared that the experiment that gave him his powers was killing him. After mutating into a savage animalistic form he was helped by the Godlike being Aria and gained control of his animal form. He can now shift at will (although extreme stress or anger can force the change as well). He now goes by the name Lycan and left the designation Timber Wolf to his young clone from the SW8 Batch.
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Lyle Norg was one of the ten 'resurected Legionnaires' returned to the LSH by the Time Trapper as part of a cruel game. He is the clone of the Legionnaire known as Invisible Kid (who was one of the SW6 Batch Legionnaires who were secretly replaced and put into suspended annimation only to be released durring the Dominator War). He now goes by the code name Wraith.
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Andrew Nolan was one of the ten 'resurected Legionnaires' returned to the LSH by the Time Trapper as part of a cruel game. His clone is the Legionnaire known as Ferro (who was sent back to the 20th century and raised there never knowing he was from the 31st century). He now goes by the code name Alloy.
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