Yay! This is the tale of how Fangirl Girl came into being! A story of transformation and how a normal girl kind of, sort of accidentally became a superhero! This is based in the WB!LoSH world and I put a lot of thought into it, so please, please, PLEASE read it! I’ll love you forever! And besides, a lot of the stuff is true about me (except the turning into a superhero thing of course!), including my name, so if you read it you might learn a lot about me!
Quick note: I did NOT draw this picture. I made it on Gen8's Furrie Dollmaker on DeviantART. And in this fanfics I’m actually born in the future and stuff, so I’m not some time-traveling Mary Sue, okay? Okay, here we go.
The Misadventurous Tale of Fangirl Girl
Chapter 1: We Have a Problem
Written by: Fangirl Girl
![[Linked Image]](http://www.angelfire.com/droid/brainy/saras_stuff/Fangirl_Girl.JPG)
That fox? Yep. That's me. I wasn't always orange and fuzzy, though. Neither was I in the Legion of Super-heroes. Both were sort of an accident.
You see, it all happened while I was sitting in my room, minding my own business. I'd just gotten my latest potion kit in the mail. Oh, wait, I never told you my name, did I? Well, my name is Sara. I live in Seattle, Washington with my parents. Yeah, so I was 20 and still living with my parents, big deal. It’s not like I was jobless. I worked in a kids’ play area in the local super store. Anyway, as I was saying. I was just testing out my new potion kit to see if it actually DID anything (they never do).
"Sara, what are you doing up there?" I heard my mom call up to me.
"Nothing!" I yelled back. My mother thought my potion dabbling meant I was a Satanist, so I preferred not to let her know when I was doing so.
"Well, stop doing nothing and come down! It's dinner time!"
"Just a minute!" I replied. I wanted to finish this new potion before the ingredients went bad. I was making a wish potion. Supposedly if you drank it and made a wish the wish would come true the next day. Which of course I knew was a load of bullcrap, but I wanted to try it anyway. I finally finished the potion and triple checked the ingredient list, just to make sure. I then drank the potion, hoping the non-toxic label still held true after you mixed the ingredients. I closed my eyes tight and thought of what I really wanted, ‘I wish I could have the Uranian Spinners standing right here in my room!’ The Uranian Spinners, in case you’ve been living in a cave for the last 5 years, are the hottest boy band from Uranus.
I held my eyes shut for a few more seconds, just to make sure. I then opened one eye and looked around my room. Nope, just as I thought. No cute boy band. Not even an autograph. Just my plain old, boring room. I sighed and stood up so I could join my mom and dad for dinner. As I did, I muttered to myself, “God, I wish something exciting would happen to me for once…”
Well, no sooner did the last word leave my lips than did I feel something funny tingle inside of me. I thought that maybe that last box of Chocolate Munchies I ate was finally coming up to haunt me. I sat down, hoping the feeling would pass so my parents wouldn’t know I was munching again. I was already putting on some weight and my dad kept bugging me to exercise.
Well, when I sat down I got a surprise. There was a strange pinch that ran up my tailbone. I yelped a bit and stood up quickly. That was strange; it was like I sat down wrong. I thought that maybe a part of my jeans was poking into my back; wouldn’t be the first time. I put my hands on my hips and leaned back to take a peak. That’s when I stopped. Something else else was horribly wrong. I had something a human normally shouldn’t. A tail. A long, orange, fuzzy fox tail. That’s when I noticed my hands. They were orange and fuzzy as well. My legs too. What was going on? My stomach was covered in fuzzy white fur and unusually thin.
I raced to a mirror, hoping I was imagining all of this. Maybe the potion was affecting my mind? But I looked into it and took in a deep breath. My whole face was orange and white fur. Not only that, but I had two fox ears. I had somehow turned into a walking, talking fox. I didn’t know what to do, so I did the first sensible thing I could think of. I screamed at the top of my lungs. “WHAT THE HELL?!”