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WOW, what an ending! Big applause!!

I had a feeling that the Chinese gods weren't going to be quite so on board with Pig and his assorted psychos, it was very well-earned and cathartic seeing them cast judgement the way they did! Although part of me is sad that the lightning beast never got his paradise hahahahaha

It was a nice touch having Thunder be the only one to really know how to interact with gods too, and the Legion acknowledging that the rest of them were in over their heads.

I felt for the Zodiac members who wanted to turn back time, although obviously the Chinese gods are in the right here. Even if they have the power to do it, it would be crazy.

Athena popping up to take care of Ferdinand's judgement was an unexpected surprise as well! This means the Greek pantheon are out there somewhere too still! I wonder if a one-time goddess of truth is one of them..?

Dragonwing's ending was very fitting and I'm glad that he got to redeem himself somewhat....I think he went way too far for everyone to just take him back with open arms, so it's a good end to his story arc and it highlights that he was well-intentioned but flawed.

I think that last scene with everyone's soul energy going to heal Dryad and the way you described Xao dying was really cinematic, I could see an awesome splash page with all of the energy pouring out of them.

This was an excellent story, IB - I am sad that it's over! Looking forward to seeing where everyone goes from here, and I have got a couple picks ready to go for your leadership nominations as well!

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hi Omni, thanks for the R&R! wow, you sure covered a lot in one sitting!!

Originally Posted by Omni
I'm starting off with the team being captured and finding out what's happened to each.
I'll try and see how i feel about the groups. But you know me i enjoy seeing random pairings.

I'm enjoying the Chinese lore your using for the Zodiacs and sharing it with us.
I've tried to figure out how each of the characters presented embody their Zodiac.

thanks Omni smile hope it is a fun thought exercise, rather than too much strain!

Originally Posted by Omni
The Rat -
Man Kono's battle with the team was pretty harsh.
So i'm not 100% familiar with her abilities. So she makes herself intangible but also others? there were times reading this that i thought she was a geokinetic. (When Gates gets pulled into the ground when she's not touching him is the part i'm thinking of the most)

ah yes, she makes others intangible. unfortunately I had to keep the bios for later, so as not to spoil some surprises!

Originally Posted by Omni
i'm glad that she doesn't want to kill anyone really. Well except Live Wire it seems.
I'm glad she's also not too fond of the Pig and sees just how bad he is. But Kono is definitely an opportunists. I feel like there had to be a better way to get Skarla back. Maybe i'm forgetting something but were they ever tried to be resettled to a new world?
How does Kono know about the spell Mysa cast? Can they detect it?

Kono doesn't really want to kill Live Wire actively, though she might think a moment before saving him tongue and the Pig was able to detect Mysa's spell using one of his many talismans. re Sklar, the Sklarian survivors resettled on the Sklar Asteroid Belt (revealed in LSH Secret Files 2), though as far back as Legionnaires 57 it's been mentioned that a world had been offered to them for resettling, but for some reason (not mentioned) they didn't take it.

Originally Posted by Omni
The OX -
Ferdinand - this is pulling from deep DC lore based off of those comments he had about Wonder Woman and her owing his people.
the Greek Gods really are terrible with their patrons. But that's some interesting mythology that they were cast to the stars.

Putting Echo and Ferro together...i see what you did there. create even more tension with the two members who have a bit of a beef with each other. Well one sided beef as i don't think Echo realized that Ferro had feelings for Mentalla.

agree, the Greek gods can be quite terrible. Echo and Ferro, having them in the same team was too good to pass up. and yes, Echo is completely clueless tongue

Originally Posted by Omni
You know i'm surprised Garth's lightning didn't set the vegetation Ferdinand was calling forth on fire. The would have at least caused a little distraction for the team.

re vegetation, it was wet vegetation -- I Googled, and apparently wet vegetation (think plump fleshy vines) is resistant to electricity smile

Originally Posted by Omni
I can't remember or not but did Triad and Ferro fix their issues or have they just agreed to keep their distance? if so, its kind of telling because even though there's only the four of them they don't seem to interact too much.
But another issue i've noticed with each of these little groups, for all their power team work seems to be the last thing their really relying on and keep trying to strike individually.

Triad and Ferro made up in volume 2. re teamwork, they have been taken by surprise and attacked by surprise, so the team does need to get their bearings first smile

Originally Posted by Omni
Scratch wants to cripple Umbra? shocked
YES! Umbra keep fighting! ... damn. ...wait they stole a ring? a ring that protects against the shadow champion's powers? Hmmmm i want to know more about this ring! was it a mystical object that was stolen from another location or was it in the shadow caves to begin with? so many questions!

Shadow Cave wink

Originally Posted by Omni
The rabbit -
Lepus - This one's interesting because we get no narration from the villain to start off the segment. i like the change up and the reveal that comes with it.

So one thing i've noticed and i could totally be wrong on this. But it always seems like Shikari is partnered up with someone she was in the Second Galaxy with. Not that i don't like it. But there usually seems to be one of them around.

they do represent about 1/4 of the team, so the chances of Shikari being with another Lost Legionnaire aren't that small smile

Originally Posted by Omni
U-26 inspired for sure! Never would have thought of bringing a character in from there. again this is another one if he hadn't fallen victim to his own ego he could have been a member of the Legion.

so is it that their powers aren't affective right away because of the physics surrounding him and his universe or because of his own powers and that its too fast?

yeah, he's really powerful eh? ah what could have been. it's mainly that Lepus is just that fast, so he was able to beat them before their powers could take effect.

Originally Posted by Omni
The Dragon -
I don't know much about Chinese culture but i do know Dragons are very revered creatures. so I'm surprised that the Dragon is in the 5th position. Especially after the deeds he performed which made him late.

Maybe one of the ancestors can answer why the Dragon was only fifth tongue

Originally Posted by Omni
Its so weird to think of a place that has no metal at all. Even when they do the plastic prisons in X-men metal still some how gets in because its in so much of what we make.

they are in a very "natural" world without much human intervention wink

Originally Posted by Omni
i can't believe it. i just can't. Xao why? why Xao? why?

The violent mystical energies are being collected? to contact the great Ancestors? so the Chinese gods of old?
You know i was hoping that Dragonmage was going to be really atoning for his actions and would one day find peace with or without the Legion and this is like none of that development happened. That he just wants the easy way to fix things. This makes me so angry.

I find it interesting that the Reboot Era is really the only era where Dragonmage is treated as kind of villainous compared to his counter parts and that's including the fan fics here. I have to wonder why that is. is it because of the big fear that was magic for a long part of the Legion's arch when dealing with the Eye and Mordru?

i don't care how many tears you cry at this point Xao. i don't feel bad for you. You've made your choices.

at least for me, I'm going off Dragonmage's impatience and pride exhibited in the comics - through Legionnaires 44, 47-50, and Legionnaires 71-74. I have to say that Xao has a bad understanding of atoning as well... I think you and Mysa are having quite the same reactions to this!

Originally Posted by Omni
I'm little confused with the Dreamer parts. is she having a vision of fighting and then fighting or is it just the visions?
As she watched Thom fall to the ground, Dreamer forced herself to snap back to the present. Her teammates needed her!

Dreamer is switching between her precog-visions and the present. Her first impulse was to use her precognition to see if she could understand why their teammates were fighting them.

Originally Posted by Omni
Wow, i understand what Element Lass was trying to do. But that could be lethal to someone if not done right, like now in the heat of the moment. i don't care how much she's studied.

Element Lass was desperate, and she only transmuted Andromeda's lead serum because she had practiced this very well with Brainy and company. the Legion recognizes that Andromeda or M'Onel could be turned against them at some point, so they have prepared very carefully re non-lethal ways to stop them if so

Originally Posted by Omni
Mentalla's thoughts of Echo and Ferro as they attack was interesting. i thought she had an idea that Ferro liked her. But i guess she has no idea how he really feels. dang. Poor Ferro.

Poor Ferro frown he hasn't actually said anything to Mentalla either, and Mentalla won't pry into his mind.

Originally Posted by Omni
OOoo. damn Slizz that's pretty crafty. a second illusion is something they for sure wouldn't think of. Sensor never does stuff like that usually. But i feel like we've barely explored what Sensor or Slizz for that matter are truly capable of.

I'm trying to think if Sensor ever made a second layered illusion under the first one smile come to think of it, Universo did in Dream Crime!

Originally Posted by Omni
The Horse -
Lusyo wants fame and fortune? well at least he's got goals. But out of everyone his seem to be the smallest and most self serving so far.

So is Lusyo a mystic or his he using different artifacts that were stolen by this Zodiac coven?
Really liking how Sizzle has learned to take in the ambient energy.
Damn Brainy's temper sure can get out of hand. Are his emotional regulators working?

hold that thought re Lusyo having a small, self-serving goal wink Lusyo does have his own power, but mostly using artifacts indeed.

Does Brainy have built-in emotional regulators? that anomaly upgrade always confused me, what exactly did it do? I always thought it made him more emotionally intelligent, without any tech upgrades or whatever. also, Brainy is super stressed because of all the unknown elements in their situation - he's also a bit worried about the others who aren't with them.

Originally Posted by Omni
The Goat -
Ok i know i shouldn't be laughing with the situation there in. But Gear complaining about the different everyday devices he has to make is super funny to me.

Ok, i'm gonna say i am so glad that this one didn't turn out to be who i thought it was. I for a moment thought Mekt was behind this particular scenario. A Lightning Beast thought is pretty cool idea.
Dang. Pig is devious to recruit and animal who doesn't have a real sense of morality.

it's always nice to have SOME humor even when things are super dark tongue nah, Mekt has a totally different arc, so I'm glad you're relieved it's not him smile

Originally Posted by Omni
Zoe did great but i'm surprised she didn't try to morph the local surroundings more. I also wonder if she could sense the magic acting within Brawler and maybe some how tap into it?

Zoe was focused on driving Brawler away to get Babbage and Microbe to safety, hence she exploded the ground first. Sadly, Brawler's attack was too brutal, and put her on the defensive. As for magic, she could sense of course but tapping into it is another thing... Zoe's learned not to play around with things she doesn't understand well smile though you raise great points, and perhaps I should have made Zoe's thinking and tactics clearer. Will do next time - it's a bit tough with someone so powerful and versatile smile

Originally Posted by Omni
The Roosters -
Ahhh and so Chakuq wants a life beyond the Kawi way. That makes sense. if i had been exposed to a new life style and technology that inspired a life in me i never even dreamed of why not go for it. I'm sure that Mother Emmket would understand if Chakuq wanted to leave and explore her path in a different way. Why did she need to do it this way?

She brings up a valid point. The Kawi were getting paid in their ability to use the thresholds and travel new paths but is that really a payment of any sort? i know its part of their culture but they must be paid some how. As it does kind of seem like the UP is taking advantage of them and treating the Second Galaxy like a tourist trap.

yup, this will definitely be explored more later re the Kwai way. As for why Chakuq thought this, it's a bit of her own immaturity, and a bit of the Kwai emphasis on tradition - Chakuq just didn't think to try a different way. silly of her, for sure, but from my own hometown/culture there are sadly many who think like that: well it's tradition so...

Originally Posted by Omni
Oh a magical talisman to swap powers that's pretty cool and Chakuq makes a great point she's not Shikari. Maybe they don't all have the same weak points. But it might also be the magical stuff helping her.

yeah, it's more the magical stuff Chakuq was referring to smile not that Shikari has a different physiology than Chakuq

Originally Posted by Omni
Dog -
Hachiko - her reasons for doing this are heartbreaking. But its not a good enough reason to cause all of this.

completely agree!

Originally Posted by Omni
wait so the Pig can steal people powers like Rouge? so he needs to touch them to do it? When he drains it does he drain just powers or life force too? does he cut them off from it permanently or is it a short duration? So many questions i must know!!

haha smile no need to touch; naturally, he drains only powers. it's not permanent, he sort of synchs with them and copies the powers.

Originally Posted by Omni
Wow The team has arrived just in time. well sort of each of these vignettes were heart breaking to read. Each time it was harsh.
Candi's was so... i'm crying for her.

Cera i think is making the right choice. train and then never do this again and there's nothing wrong with that.

I'm glad XS made it too and poor Mysa. This is a huge betrayal to them.

Looks like they all have a pretty good opinion about Retro but at least he's trying and seeing that maybe he needs to rethink his choices in life.

There were so many good small emotional moments in this post and i like that you didn't break it up in separate post but just the asterisk running though.

Wow. these have all been great and i'm so pumped to see what comes next. But sadly that's all the time i have for tonight. Keep it coming and hopefully i'll finish soon!

glad Cera's choice is coming off as wise and realistic! indeed, being a Legionnaire is tough, so someone has to be fully committed to dealing with the dangers!

re Retro, he's not completely bad. he's not Legion material, but he's shown enough willingness to be better, so he's still a Cadet... for now. glad you liked the many small moments and the format too, I didn't want to drag this part out so I kept it one long post.

thanks tons Omni, appreciate your R&R a lot smile

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thanks a ton Raz, glad you liked it!

Originally Posted by razsolo
WOW, what an ending! Big applause!!

I had a feeling that the Chinese gods weren't going to be quite so on board with Pig and his assorted psychos, it was very well-earned and cathartic seeing them cast judgement the way they did! Although part of me is sad that the lightning beast never got his paradise hahahahaha

It was a nice touch having Thunder be the only one to really know how to interact with gods too, and the Legion acknowledging that the rest of them were in over their heads.

I felt for the Zodiac members who wanted to turn back time, although obviously the Chinese gods are in the right here. Even if they have the power to do it, it would be crazy.

Athena popping up to take care of Ferdinand's judgement was an unexpected surprise as well! This means the Greek pantheon are out there somewhere too still! I wonder if a one-time goddess of truth is one of them..?

Dragonwing's ending was very fitting and I'm glad that he got to redeem himself somewhat....I think he went way too far for everyone to just take him back with open arms, so it's a good end to his story arc and it highlights that he was well-intentioned but flawed.

I think that last scene with everyone's soul energy going to heal Dryad and the way you described Xao dying was really cinematic, I could see an awesome splash page with all of the energy pouring out of them.

This was an excellent story, IB - I am sad that it's over! Looking forward to seeing where everyone goes from here, and I have got a couple picks ready to go for your leadership nominations as well!

hee hee! I hate capricious, evil type gods, so I made the Chinese gods have a sense of justice!

don't worry, the lightning beast does live in a nice protected area on Korbal. we might see her again actually wink

yeah, Thunder just popped in as a "hm, you know, she gets powers from the gods so she must have talked to them before!" type!

yeah, a running theme for the Zodiac members involved (Rat, Tiger, Dog, and even Dragon) was that they couldn't let go of the past or move on. so they signed up to this crazy scheme...

oh yes, the Greek pantheon are out there wink haven't thought about whether a certain Diana will be Goddess of Truth still in the 31st century, but I have dabbled with the idea of having Diana appear in another way... tongue

and glad Dragnomage's ending worked for you! I super agree and am glad you found it realistic. it was tough writing him in, balancing the good intentions with the super bad methods, and some little redemption. I actually considered having his arc go a different way, but i didn't want to go the mind-control or manipulation route (that was already for Brawler, and IMO Xao's too magically-talented for that)... and I considered leaving him out entirely, but come on. His whole thing is Dragons, and who better to be the Dragon sign... smile

and thank you! I would love to see some art of my team, and that last scene is a good one, thank you for your kind words!

yeah, it's been a wild ride and I'm a bit sad it's over too! thanks raz, I had fun writing it and I'm glad you enjoyed reading it!

I have the next couple posts drafted, they will be the aftermath/epilogue and also close off Volume 4. then leadership elections will open, plus I will ask for open opinions on the Reservist Cadets too wink I just want to give them a last once-over before I post, but that should hopefully be within the week.

thanks again tons raz, really appreciate your R&R and support !

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The Mother of the Chariot stepped forward, and wordlessly closed Dragonmage's eyes. Xao Jin lay, still, as if asleep.

Then she turned to the assembled Legionnaires, and surviving Zodiac Signs.

"It is time for you to go, to safety," she smiled. "But I would wait in your spacecraft; soon, Dryad will be returned to you. In a diminished form, but still alive."

And before any of them could say a word, the entire Legion and the remaining Zodiac Signs vanished, and reappeared in the UP Dreadnought Terra.

Looking around in awe, XS saw Admiral Everett and Shvaughn Erin running towards them.

"What in the blazes did we just witness?" Admiral Everett said.

"Saints preserve us!" Shvaughn exclaimed. "We were listening the whole time through the Titanet, but..."

The outlines of Titanet Chief Adept Erqol's face appeared; she was broadcasting from the Titanet HQ. "I perceived everything in real time, but I can't believe it myself!"

"Neither can I..." Chemical Kid had one arm each around Invisible Kid and Jacques Foccart. "We're all here, we've all been healed..."

"Physically, anyway..." Saturn Girl said quietly. Though she was not prying, she could feel the angst and mixed emotions everyone was broadcasting. The team had come together as one, but all of them had been hurt... and not just physically. She spared a glance for the White Witch, who was in a corner with Apparition. Many of the others, especially many of the Reservists, also seemed a bit shell-shocked. They had encountered some very powerful deities, after all... And she knew many were thinking: what if they had not been benevolent?

Live Wire could tell Saturn Girl was thinking, and squeezed her hand in reassurance. "We're Legion, Imra; we may be stunned now, but we will bounce back." She smiled at him gratefully.

"And look out there!" Blizzard, gently holding the rocking horse which had been The Horse, pointed out the windows. "Dryad is falling apart!"

Kinetix laid Dragonmage's body down with her telekinetic field, and used her powers on his costume to form a veil over his face. "But the gods said that we had saved Dryad?"

"Yeah, how can it be falling apart?" Ultra Boy demanded, even as he hefted the now-emaciated Ox onto his shoulder. "That whole life-energy transfer worked, right?"

"They said Dryad would be diminished, but alive," Gravity opined as he lifted the bound Tiger up with his powers. The Tiger kept silent, looking defeated.

"Indeed," Brainiac 5 stood, transfixed, not even thinking to use his Omnicom to record his observations. "I conjecture that the dead parts of Dryad will fall away, and... and... this is a lot to take in."

"Let's just enjoy it, Brainy," Star Boy said quietly.

"Watch but be careful," KId Quantum said, a tad wearily. "Be ready for anything..."

Before everyone's eyes, pieces of Dryad crumbled and floated away.

One piece appeared to head for the ship.

"I... I can see a face forming on it!" Andromeda gasped, as she used her telescopic vision.

And as the piece reached the window, it slowly molded its form. Two legs sprouted, then two arms. And finally, a head slowly formed, with two eyes and a mouth.

It spoke in a rumbly, gravelly voice. "May I join you?"

Without missing a beat, Gates opened a teleportation disk. "Happy to have you abroad, Dryad."

The stone figure, about as tall as M'Onel, stepped out of Gates' portal and onto the floor. "Thank you, thank you all for giving part of yourselves to me."

Shikari, clutching the doll that had been the Rooster, looked out of the window. Pieces of Dryad's dead husk floated outside. "We saved a world today, didn't we?" she asked Wildfire softly.

Wildfire gently held her hand. "That we did, Kari, that we did."

Everyone watched in awe as Dryad took its first tentative steps on the ship.

"So, what now?" Density looked around, gesturing towards Dryad and the now-amnesiac Brawler.

Nightwind put a hand on Density's shoulder. "Now, we rest. We've been through a lot."

"And that's an order, folks," Kid Quantum stretched her hands above her head. "We have a lot to sort out... but that should wait until tomorrow. Today, we heal."

Last edited by Invisible Brainiac; 05/02/23 04:06 AM.
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Legion World

3 days later...


Though the Chinese deities had healed them, the events of the past few days had strained the team. M'Rissey had shuffled the duty rosters, keeping only a skeleton crew of Legionnaires on call at a time. Many of the Legionnaires had gone to visit family or friends, or simply taken time off to travel and otherwise relax.

At the end of the three days, when everyone had come back, Kid Quantum had chaired another meeting of the Active membership. This time, Reservists and key Legion Support Staff were invited to join. Adding in the likes of Magnetic Kid and Thunder, Impulse and Mandalla, and the more experienced Legion Cadets; and with the Uncanny Amazers and Heroes of Lallor, Marla Latham and Shvaughn Erin and others all along, the room was filled to the brim. The mood was not exactly somber, but more quiet. Many of the Legionnaires still felt a mild weariness.

Kid Quantum smiled at the group, thanking everyone for their contributions, and promising to keep the meeting short and to the point.

Triad started by discussing some personnel movements.

Some of the new Cadets had performed so well while the Active Legionnaires had been missing, that they had been promoted to Reserve status. These were also among the ones with sufficient control over their powers to not be a danger to themselves and others, and whose power levels were deemed strong enough to possibly become full Legionnaires. They would still remain in the Cadet program, and were definitely not as far along in their training as the most experienced Cadets; but they would be called on more often to supplement the Active membership on missions. Aquamarine, Battering Ram, Fauna, Healer, Neuron, Paragon, Swallowtail and X-Bomb Betty walked into the room, to much applause from everyone present.

Also, it seemed that Dryad, now in its humanoid form, had inherited some of Dragonmage's and the Legionnaires' training and experience through the life force transfer. Dryad had done extremely well on many of the basic Cadet tests, even displaying great skill with a flight ring. To illustrate, Triad played a training video; the room murmured with approval as Dryad displayed advanced geokinesis, breaking off and manipulating parts of its own body, and even controlling the earth and rock under it. Dryad reacted well in battle, instinctively prioritizing the protection of innocents, and knowing when to duck and cover.

What Dryad lacked was knowledge and memory of the United Planets or the modern-day world. It definitely did not inherit any memories, nor - it seemed - any personality traits.

Lacking a home, Dryad had been invited to join the Legion Cadet program; and considering its skill and abilities, Dryad had been made a Reserve Legionnaire as well. Dryad walked into the room, to thunderous applause. Its stony face broke into a gigantic smile.

Following that, Triad announced that some of the more experienced Reservist Cadets - ones who had been deemed ready to graduate - had decided to move on from the program. Konk! and Kal Bodo both whooped as Arachno moved over to join the Uncanny Amazers; her former fellow Cadets Night Girl, Porcupine Pete and Spectrum also stood up to welcome her. Vapor smiled warmly as Catspaw and Comet Queen moved over to join the Heroes of Lallor. Hotshot, Stone Boy and Tellus likewise hugged their former fellow classmates as they came over.

The Legionnaires likewise applauded. Arachno, Catspaw and Comet Queen had all done well enough on missions and in tests, that they deserved the chance to become full-time members of a super-team. In fact, a similar offer had been extended to many of their contemporaries: but Crystal Kid, Dragonwing, Flying Fox, Rainbow, Veilmist and Vision had insisted on staying in the Legion Cadet program.

Kid Quantum explained that the Uncanny Amazers and the Heroes of Lallor would be taking a growth trajectory over the next few months. The idea was that they would become sister teams to the Legion. She pointed to the leading role they had taken while most of the Legionnaires had disappeared; bringing Cadets on missions and generally filling in. In fact, the Amazers would now be the first point of contact for Affiliated Planets worlds, while Lallor would lead in its United Planets quadrant. This would take some pressure off the Legion. After all, with Threshold technology, there was no reason the teams could not work together more often; but having different jurisdictions would allow for faster responses, especially when multiple emergencies arose.

Next up were some administrative topics. Brainiac 5, Babbage and Gear outlined a plan to further strengthen the Legion's security protocols, including against magic. The White Witch had invited a pair of Zarroxian sorcerers to spend time consulting on magical security. Reservists and Legion Cadets would likewise be accorded more psychological support; the staff under Dr. Ryk'rr and Mandalla would be increased.

Lume stood up to share its experience. Its transformation into a lamp by the Pig had scarred it, but Dr. Ryk'rr and Mandalla had helped it process the experience. Lume encouraged its teammates to make use of their services, as being a Legionnaire was tough and dangerous, and required everyone to be at their best.

Addressing the elephant in the room, Kid Quantum stressed that the team would do their utmost to prevent anyone else being compromised, the same way Brawler and Dragonmage had been. As before, some Legionnaires would be asked to lend their skills or knowledge to a task force led by Nightwind, Chameleon and Brainiac 5, to review and strengthen security. She ended with a plea for team members to reach out and ask for help; she stressed that, had Dragonmage come to the team after being approached by the Zodiac, they would have done their best to keep him safe and work with him to stop them. "We're a Legion, and nobody should have to go off alone," she remarked.

The White Witch then explained that the sorcerers on Zarrox had taken custody of the magical objects retrieved from the Zodiac. They would slowly be cataloguing and returning them from whence they came. Kid Quantum reminded that some Legionnaires may be asked to assist in returning some of these. On the holo display, Kinetix and Blizzard were shown returning some of the objects stolen from Earth; while Umbra had reclaimed the parts of the Shadow Cave and had restored them to Talok VIII.

Switching topics, Gigi Cusimano, as head of the Science Police on Legion World, spoke about the prisoners.

First, the Science Police, assisted by the Espionage Squad, had looked into the origins of the Zodiac members. Not much was known, though they had at least figured out that Slizz the Snake and Chakuq the Kwai had had their natural abilities enhanced or unlocked - presumably by the Pig. Investigations would be ongoing.

Shikari was moved to say something. Chakuq, after all, was one of her people. "The Kwai are deeply ashamed and concerned of what has happened," she said, somewhat shyly. Battle was her thing, not public speaking! "Matriarch Enkenet is considering very carefully the future of our people - clearly, many opportunities are opening up to us now that we have contact between our galaxies. We will be working more closely with the United Planets to see how we can bring those opportunities to us.

Supported by Chameleon, Sensor also felt she should say something. After all, Slizz was one of her people too. "I have been in contact with Orandans who knew Slizz," she began. "They also expressed surprise at her turn. I assure you, however, that my father King Charlz is taking this seriously; for anyone to want the throne of Orando so much that they would resort to this..." She paused, and Chameleon nodded to her. "Orando has already been moving to give a greater voice to our people, and we will be studying the social and governing structures of other UP worlds, to see how we can improve ours."

Murmurs of approval came from different audience members. Gates began to speak; at a quick harrumph from Brainiac 5, he kept it short by saying he, and the team, would doubtless help any initiatives from the Kwai or from Orando.

Moving on through the former Zodiac Signs, Gigi Cusimano showed that the transformed Rabbit was being kept on a highly secure patch of meadow, under 24-hour surveillance. He had not displayed any high intelligence or any of his old powers, but no chances were being taken. The transformed Snake, Horse and Rooster were being kept in a tesseract storage room, also under constant surveillance. Many of the Legionnaires shivered at the thought; the three had, respectively, been transformed into a painting, a rocking horse and a doll. The Chinese deities had implied that they could think in their states; XS in particular shivered at that. Being immobilized was frightening to her; she could not imagine being unable to move or even to speak.

Sensing the discomfort in the room, Saturn Girl shared that it seemed these three signs were in a sort of mind-scape. That is: inside the Horse's mind, he was reliving his past actions in a sort of tableau. Mentalla added that she had tried controlling their motor functions; none of the three had any, at all.

Gigi then displayed the cell of the Ox, which was more of a hospital room. The aged, frail minotaur had been outfitted with an exoskeleton to let him move around the room. The Ox looked defeated, and spent most of his time sitting in contemplation.

The amnesiac Brawler had been horrified at what he had done. He had tried to commit suicide twice while incarcerated, and was now under constant suicide watch. A court hearing was planned in one week, to determine if a reborn amnesiac could be tried for crimes committed in his old self. Saturn Girl and White Witch were expected to testify on the circumstances surrounding the manipulation Brawler had endured as well; the court was expected to consider the personal responsibility that he had exhibited.

Shvaughn Erin, as Legion Liaison for he Science Police, noted that Legionnaires could attend the hearing as spectators. She also expected that Brawler's defense counsel - which was being bankrolled by the Legion, as one of the benefits Cadets received - would send out a call for character witnesses. Most Legionnaires and Cadets reacted with doubt; though Brawler had indeed been brainwashed, Brawler had always been arrogant and hot-headed. Still, Kid Quantum sternly reminded the room that for all his hubris making him a prime target for the Zodiac Signs, magic had been used to influence Brawler. It was up to the courts to decide how much responsibility he actually bore for his actions.

Fauna's heart pumped as she reported on the Goat. Journeying to Korbal with Spark and Chameleon, Fauna had made contact with the lightning beast. The beast had no memories of being a Zodiac Sign, and was - based on all signs - a normal lightning beast once more.

Kono the Rat, the Tiger and the Dog were all currently on Legion World, awaiting trial. Considering their magical nature, Legion World had been deemed a safer prison for them than Takron-Galtos. M'Rissey and Chlorophyll Kid also shared that they would begin exploring ways to help the Sklarian survivors, who had settled on the Sklarian Asteroid Belt; and Wellur, the Tiger's homeworld.

Finally, the White Witch invited any interested to join a memorial for Dragonmage the next day. She acknowledged the pain of his betrayal, but said she wanted to honor his final sacrifice and remember the man he had once been. Several Legionnaires indicated support, and that they would attend. A few made it clear from their body language that they had mixed feelings about this; and some like Timber Wolf, Umbra, Ultra Boy and Gates made as if to say something but were quickly quelled by Kid Quantum moving on to the next topic - and, in Ultra Boy's case, a firm look from Apparition.

Kid Quantum then stated that Legion leader elections would open in a week, and encouraged anyone interested in the job to let it be known. Most of the Legionnaires chuckled; everyone knew how much work it was. A smaller number looked eager, however.

"But before I end my term," she smiled. "We were having a day off and a party when we were so rudely interrupted by the bad guys. So we're going to party again. Let the festivities begin!"

Cheers and chuckles erupted as Kinetix and Blizzard stood up, announcing that they would once more have a fashion show, and a VR game tournament, and all were invited to join - things would start in an hour. Tenzil cheekily shared the menu, and Triad shared that the Gim Allon Exhibition Hall would be the venue.

The team began filing out of the meeting room, mainly in high spirits. Even the White Witch gave a small smile as she exited.

After all, with Dryad as a Cadet, she could be reminded of Dragonmage's last noble deed. It didn't erase his mistakes from before, but it did show he had tried to atone.

Last edited by Invisible Brainiac; 05/02/23 04:44 AM.
Joined: Oct 2003
Posts: 85,738
Unseen, not unheard
Unseen, not unheard
Joined: Oct 2003
Posts: 85,738
Feel daunted by the length of this thread? You can also check out the Recap Thread to catch up!


Legion World

There was much giggling and good cheer as everyone trooped to the Gim Allon Exhibition Hall. The hall had been divided in two, such that one half was for the fashion show and the other for the VR games. A little hallway and entrance had been set up between the two halves, so anyone could easily slip from one to the other.

At one end of the hall, cutting across both halves, was a sumptuous buffet catered by Matter-Eater Lad. Tenzil himself was already sipping a glass of synth-wine. "Hey, I already did all the cooking," he laughed at Violet. "I'm going to enjoy myself!"

"You'd better," Violet winked at Tenzil as she reached over him to grab an empanada. Tenzil grinned as he lowered his sunglasses and peered at her. Behind them, Live Wire and Spark, and Cosmic Boy and Magnetic Kid walked past the VR gaming display; the two pairs of siblings were teasing each other about their bad gaming blunders.

Chlorophyll Kid watched the VR gaming screen as Rebound, Triad Purple, Triad Neutral, Ferro, Chemical Kid, Ultra Boy, Lori Morning (with Proty on her shoulder) and Kal Bodo took on Sizzle, Density, Amp, Gear, Insect Queen, Particon, Konk!, and - surprisingly - Atmos. The normally-taciturn Amazer was awkwardly trying to control his character, but actually seemed relaxed today! Many others were cheering while watching, and Calorie Queen and Timber Wolf were placing bets on which side would win. But Ral sat quietly, munching on some of Tenzil's rolled duck pancakes.

"Not your thing, Ral?" Karate Kid sat beside him.

"I mean, I like VR games," Ral smiled. "But not really competitively, you know? I play them to relax. What about you?"

Val shook his head. "The last week has given me enough fighting for a bit. Most people think my martial arts are about fighting and violence, but they forget the art part. Speaking of..." Val pointed to the other side. "I don't like playing dress-up myself, but I do appreciate the aesthetics of fashion. Would you like to join me?"

Ral looked at the front, where the losing team had to graciously bow out. Rebound and company traded good-natured jeers at Sizzle's team, as the former's team got up. "We really should ban that Doctor Light-Kole combo," Blizzard joked. A new team of Blizzard, Hotshot, Night Girl, Spectrum, Porcupine Pete, Stone Boy, Splitter and Radion moved forward. Hotshot saw Ral and motioned. Ral shook his head with a smile and mouthed, "Catch you later!" Hotshot returned a thumbs-up, then eagerly sat down to choose his character.

As Ral and Val entered the fashion show, they saw a line of Legionnaires and Reservists waiting for Kinetix to conjure up a look based on what they had chosen. Gravity was the next guinea pig. "Is this cut far too low?" the lean Legionnaire asked, as he inspected his mid-section in the mirror.

"Honey, considering all the skin you already show, the only way it'd be too revealing is if you went out in your underwear," Kinetix teased.

XS ran up to Val and Ral. "Nice to see you both! Only five more in front of you!" She gestured to the end of the line, where X-Bomb Betty was encouraging Uplift to try a more flowing fit for her dress. Even Echo was in line; he could be heard telling Triad Orange that he and Mentalla were planning to visit the theater soon, and he wanted to look his best.

"Oh no, we're just here to watch!" Ral stammered.

"Are you sure?" Mabuhay Corazon smiled at them. "It'll be fun, we have some Omnicoms set up where you can pick an outfit based on some parameters, like casual or formal... you can pick the colors..."

"Dreamer made me try it," Star Boy called from nearby. "She says I need a wardrobe upgrade."

"He wears the same three shirts on our dates! Ever since we started!" Dreamer made a show of rolling her eyes. "Now hurry up, I want to see how I'll look in the gown I chose!"

"You guys should try it," Inferno winked. He had on a dashing wine-red suit. "You get a free new outfit, and it's always good to dress for success you know? Or for the sentients." He made a show of checking himself out in one of the holo-mirrors. "Besides, it feels good to look good!"

Val and Ral looked at each other. "Why not?" Ral shrugged.

"It's another art to learn," Val winked as he let Mabuhay grab him by the hand, and pull him to an Omnicom. Ahead of him, Mandalla, Thunder and Element Lass were playfully debating which shade of green would best go with Thunder's shoes.

Towards the back of the room, Umbra, Lume, White Witch, Andromeda, Brainiac 5, Gates. Babbage, Rond Vidar and Dryad sat in a circle. "Our teammates really are very boisterous, aren't they?" Mysa said, sipping her mug of warm Taltaran chocolate. It was an indulgence she'd allowed herself today. She and Andromeda had just spent quite a bit of time planning Dragonmage's service tomorrow; the former Sister of the Eternal Cosmos had made some very meaningful suggestions on how to best remember Xao's life.

"I'm surprised they can hear themselves think over all this noise," Umbra muttered.

"I personally find it fascinating," Babbage intoned. "There is much to observe, and it helps me understand organic-forms better."

"Indeed, it is... good to learn more," Dryad said, its voice rumbling slowly as its very basic features moved. Its face had hardly any of the features that would be found in most humanoid races or species; Dryad had two button-like eyes, and a basic mouth that let it speak. Not even a nose, not that it needed one. And its ears were simply two little holes on the sides of its head.

"Participant observation is a proven method of learning," Rond Vidar began. "But it is subject to the researcher's prejudices, of course."

"Well, that's how I learned when I was a new Legionnaire," Lume smiled encouragingly at Dryad. "I'm sure you will find it very helpful."

"Personally, I find all this frivolous and ridiculous," Gates chirped. "However, I am happy for the chance to socialize - especially with present company."

"I have a question, if I may," Babbage leaned forward. "Many of us nearly died these past few days... Dragonmage has passed..."

"Babbage!" Andromeda hissed.

"I apologize, I did not intend to cause any negative emotions," Babbage quickly interjected.

"It's okay," White Witch smiled. "It is a fact, Dragonmage is gone... please, continue, Babbage."

"Thank you, Mysa. As I said, many of us suffered severe physical damage, and for sure we have to process the events that occurred. But I observe that most of us are acting rather happy today?" Babbage continued.

Dryad looked around. "Indeed, from my observations during the final battle, I would have expected a more somber, sad mood. Everyone seems rather merry."

Umbra, Brainiac 5 and Gates looked at one another. Then Andromeda smiled gently.

"We humans work through events in different ways," Andromeda explained. "We generally need time to process, and sometimes distracting ourselves allows us time to sort things out."

"And though I prefer to socialize with smaller groups," Gates continued. "The healing power of being with friends should not be underestimated!"

"We cannot discount the effects of Dr. Rykrr's team's psychological intervention..." Brainiac 5 added.

"And the healing provided by those Chinese gods may have included some emotional and mental component," Umbra continued. Brainiac 5 made a small face; he really detested the unpredictability of magic!

Gates stood up. "And I think I speak for many, when I say that the whole team coming together for a final charge has lifted my spirits!" He was speaking loudly enough that some of the others turned to look at them. "That feeling of oneness, of us all working through our individual injuries to help each other at the end... We may have faced a threat that could have ended us all, but we did it together!"

The table fell silent, stunned. Then, a mischievous smile formed on Lume's face. "Gates for Legion leader!" Lume quipped.

"If that happens, I resign!" Umbra teased. The table erupted into laughter.

As Gates began to retort, Wildfire and Shikari walked in. "Brainiac! I have a puzzle for you!"

"For the last time, Wildfire," Brainiac 5 replied with a touch of irritation. "I'm not interested in playing VR games."

"But we were discussing, Smart Legion," Shikari's eyes twinkled. "What is the highest possible combo damage that one can think of? We thought you could tell us."

"If anyone can figure it out, it's you," Wildfire pointed out.

Brainiac 5 made a show of throwing up his hands. "Wasting my twelfth level intelligence on this..." But his face held a small smile as he followed Wildfire and Shikari over to the other side of the room.

By the refreshment table, Invisible Kid was chatting with Jacques Foccart. "So Condo and I can definitely come over for dinner tomorrow," Lyle said. He paused. "You're sure your okay? Whenever I use my invisibility to make someone else invisible, I feel like I've run a marathon. You cloaked so many others on Dryad..."

"Lyle, relax," Jacques laughed. "I was protected by magic then. It's all good. I'm still retired, still relaxing... but yes, it was needed. I jumped in to save you, and I would do it again. I know you'd do the same for me, brother."

Lyle smiled as he hugged Jacques. "Fine, but you know you don't get a flight ring if you're not a Reservist..."

"I don't want to be," Jacques laughed.

Nearby, Flying Fox had heard the conversation with his advanced hearing. "Imagine, someone who doesn't want to be a Reservist," he muttered to himself.

"Careful now," Rainbow teased. "You wouldn't want to get a reputation as an eavesdropper and a gossip, would you?"

The Cadets were sitting with some of their recently-graduated peers. Vision turned to Catspaw. "You are absolutely sure you want to leave the Cadet program, April?"

Catspaw bared her teeth a bit. "For the last time, Rhent! I'm a girl with simple wants, I just want to fight bad guys, not deal with mystical mumbo jumbo or politics. Look at what the Legion's been up to recently! I'll be happier on Lallor, where there's a lot of nature and mostly street-level crime to fight!"

Arachno nodded. "I feel the same. Xanthu will be a better fit for me. Most of the Amazers' last missions have been disaster relief. It will be much less stressful."

"And like, starshine, I like helping people, you know?" Comet Queen was bouncing up and down. "That last Zodiac fight was a mega black hole burn of hurt! Give me rescue missions any day! No, I'll be happier on Lallor too! Maybe the rest of you want to come join!"

"Hah!" Dragonwing shook her head. "Come on, Grava. We all know how the Legion ranks us. Crystal Kid, Rainbow, Vision, Veilmist... they're all in the top tier of power potential among us Cadets. They have a much better shot of getting into the Legion than I do, just because of that!"

"So why are you still here, then, if you don't think your chances are good?" Arachno asked. "Don't you want to join on Xanthu?"

"I'm not a quitter," Dragonwing laughed.

"Hey!" Catspaw hissed.

"I don't mean it like that!" Dragonwing shook her head. "With you I get it, you want something else. But I want to be a Legionnaire, so I'm staying!"

"Hear, hear!" Rainbow raised a glass. "We should all follow what we want, right?"

"That's the spirit!" Veilmist smiled.

Crystal Kid stared into his drink. Was this what he wanted? After seeing the beatdowns and injuries the Legionnaires had suffered? He managed a smile, just so he wouldn't have to explain himself. But he did wonder... should he stay, just because he had been told his powers could reasonably get him onto the main team?

Towards the back of the VR room, cheers and groans both erupted as Sizzle's team finally lost. They had defeated four challenging teams in a row, but finally lost to Blizzard's team. They were eagerly replaced by a mixed Staff/Cadet team: M'Rissey, Battering Ram, Dolphin, Paragon, Retro, Vampire, Impulse and Aquamarine.

Other Cadets and staff, such as Swallowtail, Aquamarine, The Mess, Healer, and Question, cheered them on as they took their spots. Andromeda gently pulled Teena Dav along, encouraging her to join in. The young Daxamite was still recovering from being kidnapped and experimented on; but she had decided to join the Cadet program at least long enough to learn basic self-defense. She didn't seem serious about joining the Legion though; she just wanted to explore the galaxy more.

Splitter was beaming; his power may not be the best, but he was surprisingly good at this VR gaming!

Cosmic Boy, Kid Quantum, Live Wire, Saturn Girl, Nightwind and Lamprey sat in a circle. Lamprey, still relatively new as an Active Legionnaire, was shivering a bit. Though she knew all Legionnaires were equal, basically, she was conscious that she was sitting with five current and former Legion leaders! She had been chatting with Nightwind when the other four had approached.

"Hey boss," Nightwind had said teasingly. She could already tell what this was about.

"Not for long," Kid Quantum laughed, shaking her glass to stir it. "Nobody's put their name forward yet for next election, Berta. Have you thought about it?"

"Not eager to step into those shoes again, Jaz," Berta smiled cheekily.

"We all know you can do the job," Tayla smiled. "But if you don't want it..."

"If nobody's interested, you might just get a second term," Cosmic Boy teased Kid Quantum. "Unless you explicitly say you don't want it."

"You are doing a great job," Saturn Girl smiled. Kid Quantum smiled back gratefully.

Kid Quantum took a swig of her drink, and pointed at Rokk. "Maybe I'll put YOUR name forward, mister former first leader!"

Live Wire patted Cosmic Boy on the back. "Show us all how it's done, boss!"

"No, no, no, not funny, guys," Cosmic Boy laughed.

"Hey, everyone, listen!" The six Legionnaires looked up, to see Microbe on stage. "Hey!" she stamped her foot.

"I can tell everyone," XS volunteered. Magno stood beside her, admiring himself in his new gray-and-magenta shirt. "Let me just run around at super-speed..."

"Don't strain," Violet laughed. "Let me get their attention." Growing to giant size, she clapped her hands.

Some glasses and tables shook, but only in the immediate vicinity. Still, the noise continued as Legionnaires and allies whooped and cheered and chatted. Oblivious, Vapor was showing her new dress off to Theena and Apparition; it was very wispy, matching her gaseous hair. Fauna, Beastmaster and Tellus continued chatting in a corner; the three were experimenting with linking telepathically, to see how Fauna's powers would interact with Beastmaster's.

"Allow me," Echo said suavely. "You might want to cover your ears." Letting out a high-pitched whine, Echo made everyone in the hall sit up and take notice. Mentalla giggled as she watched Echo blush a bit at some of the dirty stares thrown his way.

"Thanks, Troy!" Microbe immediately took over. "So Sensor likes to sing, and she suggested we do a karaoke bit! We're setting up in the next room! Who's in?!"

"Oh yeah!" Chameleon and Spark immediately stood up. So did about a dozen others. Density rubbed his hands eagerly, and Konk!'s head zipped around energetically as she flew to the door.

"Oh heck yes!" Particon said. "Where I come from, we always say - if you can't sing well, sing loudly!"

"I'll make you sing really loudly tonight," Insect Queen whispered slyly as she followed Particon.

"This is more my style," Shvaughn Erin stood up, pulling M'Onel with her.

"Oh, this I got to hear," Gigi Cusimano laughed as she followed her friend.

Spark nudged Chemical Kid. "You should go, use your deep bass holo-presenter voice!" she teased. Condo blushed, then stood up.

"Sounds like just the thing," Nightwind smiled, as she watched Mabuhay Corazon ushering Violet and Tenzil over to the karaoke room. "Anyone?"

Lamprey stood up eagerly. The other four shook their heads no. Nightwind and Lamprey waved as they headed over to the karaoke room.

Kid Quantum took another drink. "Every time I look at all this..." she gestured from one end of the room to another. "I just marvel at how large and complex the team has grown."

"You've done a great job steering the team," Cosmic Boy said. "We've all been leaders, but never over this many."

"Being leader was tough when there were only 24 of us," Saturn Girl shook her head. "Now there are 49 Active Legionnaires, and all the Reservists, Cadets, support staff, and our sister teams..."

"Speaking of, want to take bets on who will be number 50?" Live Wire grinned mischievously. "My money's on Dryad. It can control earth... and even in space or in the air, it can use its rock body as a weapon!"

"It needs to learn a lot about the world first," Kid Quantum said. "I think it will get there, but not as number 50. Now, last membership meeting, Rainbow and Vision were the front-runners based on both powers and attitude..."

"But Veilmist has made great progress too," Live Wire pointed out. "She used to be a hotheaded gung-ho type - I recognized a lot of my younger self in her. And now, she's the epitome of teamwork."

"I'm just worried that the extent of our injuries has turned off some of our Cadets," Saturn Girl said quietly. "Comet Queen, Catspaw, Arachno... I wonder if we will lose more."

"But Imra, it might be good if some of those who don't want to continue weed themselves out," Live Wire countered. "Being a Legionnaire is dangerous, and that danger won't ever go away."

"We should, however, keep encouraging everyone to visit Dr. Ryk'rr," Kid Quantum pointed out. "The team will keep growing, but we can't have any Active Legionnaires falling apart during missions. I'd rather we grow slowly and steadily."

"And you all keep telling ME to relax more," Cosmic Boy laughed. "Come on, let's talk about this later. I want to go have some fun." And he began walking towards the VR gaming console.

Kid Quantum, Live Wire and Saturn Girl looked at each other. Then they broke into laughter. Grabbing a drink each, they wandered off into the crowd as well.

The festivities ran way into the night, and it took much gentle nudging from Marla Latham to finally clear the Hall of sentients.

"What a mess!" Lenzslo Philish, the chief Athramite on Legion World, shook his head. "Oh, it will take forever to clean out these carpets!"

"This is not an opportunity for you to redecorate the whole room," Marla said firmly. Then in a more gentle tone, he added. "Let the robo-drones clean it up. After all we've been through in the last couple of weeks, we deserve a break."

Marla spared a small smile as the last of the laggards trailed off. Martin Anderson's hair was on fire, and Nightwind had created a vacuum around it to extinguish it, even as he sang the song from Disney's Frozen XVIII. Ultra Boy just shook his head as he carried the poor Cadet down the hall. This was one who would likely be trained enough to use his powers safely, then placed somewhere else outside the Legion.

Marla chuckled inwardly at the merciless teasing the poor boy would receive tomorrow, though he kept his face stern in case someone saw. After all, he would have to ensure that someone gave Martin a stern talking-to about alcohol use the following day.

"They make a mess and a bit of noise, but they are good kids," he mumbled as he turned off the lights.

***End Volume 4***

Last edited by Invisible Brainiac; 05/02/23 04:58 AM.
Joined: Oct 2003
Posts: 85,738
Unseen, not unheard
Unseen, not unheard
Joined: Oct 2003
Posts: 85,738

Updated Legion Roll Call.

Definitions: quoted from LSH Secret Files 2

1) Active members - must have at least one genuine and intrinsic super-power (which does not need to be unique relative to all other current active members); be able to fully control said power; and be courageous and of good character
2) Reserve members - must be a former active member, an honorary member, or a worthy candidate for active membership not elected to active membership
3) Honorary members - not defined; may be proposed by any Active member

IB's note - for Honorary members, I've also listed the reasons why they were elected to Honorary status

Active Legionnaires

Kid Quantum II, Jazmin Cullen of Xanthu; time manipulation. Current Legion leader.

Amp, Ming Sul of Earth (Korea and Taiwan); amplifies the natural abilities of self and others
Andromeda, Laurel Gand of Daxam; enhanced speed, strength, invulnerability, vision powers, flight
Apparition, Tinya Wazzo of Bgztl; intangibility
Babbage, I-45ENG/Nth Series of Robotica; combat mechanoid
Blizzard, Brek Bannin of Tharr; cold projection
Brainiac 5, Querl Dox of Colu; 12th level intelligence and force field powers
Calorie Queen, Taryn Loy of Bismoll; consume all forms of matter, and conversion of same into super-strength
Chameleon, Reep Daggle of Durla; shapeshifting
Chemical Kid, Condo Arlik of Phlon; controls chemical reactions
Cosmic Boy, Rokk Krinn of Braal; magnetokinesis
Density, Jed Rikane of Earth (Mongolia and Nepal) and Quothon; controls his body's density
Dreamer, Nura Nal of Naltor; precognition
Echo, Troy Stewart of Earth (South Africa and Trinidad and Tobago); sound manipulation
Element Lass, Candi "Princess" Pyponte-LeParc III of Xanthu; transmutation
Ferro, Andrew Nolan of 20th century Earth (USA); previously could turn his body into durable iron, but now stuck in his iron form
Gates, Ti'julk Mr'asz of Vyrga; opens teleportation disks
Gear, I.Z.O.R. of Linsnar; bio-mechanical techno-morphing
Gravity, Tel Vole of Earth (Cambodia and Thailand); gravity manipulation
Inferno, Dirk Morgna of Earth (USA and Russia); pyrokinesis, can see heat signatures
Insect Queen, Lonna Leing of Xanthu; morphs into various insect forms, gaining the powers of the forms she takes
Invisible Kid, Lyle Norg of Earth (Australia and Israel); invisibility
Karate Kid, Val Armorr of Omega Colony (Earth colony: Japan and Myanmar); skilled martial artist
Kinetix, Zoe Saugin of Aleph; telekinesis and animation of objects; affinity for magic
Lamprey, Tayla Skott of Earth (Maldives and Palau) and Neptune; underwater survival; hydrokinesis
Live Wire, Garth Ranzz of Winath; electricity generation and manipulation
Lume, of Silvan; energy being made of light
Magno, Dyrk Magz of Braal; magnetokinesis
Mentalla, Delya Castil of Titan; telepathic control of others' physical functions
Microbe, Drura Sehpt of Somahtur; control harmful and beneficial microorganisms
M'Onel, Lar Gand of 20th century Daxam; enhanced speed, strength, invulnerability, vision powers, flight
Nightwind, Berta Skye Harris of Earth (Iceland) and Enwa; wind and air manipulation, enhanced vision
Particon, Jennifer Sanchez of Earth (India and Philippines); "hard light" energy casting and manipulation
Rebound, Chuck Taine of Earth (Canada and Uzbekistan); inflates into a durable bouncing form
Saturn Girl, Imra Ardeen of Titan; telepathy
Sensor, Jeka Wynzorr of Orando; sensory manipulation
Shikari Lonestar of the Kwai; pathfinding, armored skin and claws allowing for flight and survival in space
Sizzle, Teela Spuunvil of Abaddonus; absorbs and converts energy
Spark, Ayla Ranzz of Winath; electricity generation and manipulation
Spider-Girl, Sussa Paka of Luna; prehensile hair
Star Boy, Thom Kallor of Xanthu; gravity manipulation
Timber Wolf, Brin Londo of Zuun; enhanced speed, strength, durability, senses and regenerative powers
Triad, Luornu Durgo of Cargg; triplication
Ultra Boy, Jo Nah of Rimbor; enhanced speed, strength, invulnerability, vision powers and flight, but can only use one power at a time
Umbra, Tasmia Mallor of Talok VIII; darkfield casting
Violet, Salu Digby of Imsk; shrinks and grows own body
White Witch, Mysa of Zarrox; sorcery
Wildfire, Drake Burroughs (energy gestalt of two beings); anti-energy being
XS, Jenni Ognats of Aarok; super-speed

Reserve Legionnaires (Not Legion Cadets or Support Staff)

Magnetic Kid, Pol Krinn of Braal; magnetokinesis (magno-ball athlete)
Thunder, Cece Beck of 90th century Binderaan; SHAZAM-empowered human with enhanced strength, speed, durability, stamina, wisdom and flight powers

Reserve Legionnaires (also Legion Support Staff)

Chlorophyll Kid, Ral Benem of Mardru; accelerated plant growth (Disaster Relief & Development)
Impulse, Kent Shakespeare of Earth (United Kingdom: England); enhanced speed, strength, durability and recuperative abilities (Legion World chief medical doctor)
Matter-Eater Lad, Tenzil Kem of Bismoll; consume and digest all forms of matter (Legion World head chef)
Mandalla, Tari Wahlmunn of Takron-Galtos; projects a thought-sphere that affects the target's mental and physical functions (Legion medical staff)
Tomb, unpronounceable of Sarccus; controls others' bodily functions (Legion medical staff)

Reserve Legionnaires (Still in the Legion Cadet program)

Aquamarine of Mellorus; induces transformations in self and others to land-based, water-based, or air-based forms
Battering Ram, Louie Lee of Pluto; concussive force blasts
Crystal Kid, Bobb Kohan of Earth (Brazil and Peru); crystal generation and manipulation
Dragonwing, Marya Pai of Earth (Singapore and Tibet); breathes fire and secretes acid venom
Dryad, living remnant of the dead planet of the same name; malleable rock body, geokinesis and terrakinesis
Fauna, Cats-Eye of Starhaven; animal empathy and borrowing of animal attributes
Flying Fox of H'lven; levitation, enhanced agility and strength, claws
Healer, Mend'rr of Jaquaa; accelerates natural healing by borrowing strength from others
Neuron, A'rmie of Gil'd; telepathy, electricity generation
Paragon, Solana Xatu of Korugar; boosts others' confidence
Rainbow, Dori Aandraison of Xolnar; rainbow-based light powers
Swallowtail of Swizzar; flight, scales from wings can refract light and cause effects such as hallucinations, sleep, paralysis
Veilmist of Khundia and ??; teleportation
Vision, Rhent Ustin of Earth (Egypt and Spain); microscopic, telescopic, heat, freeze, and hypnotic vision
X-Bomb Betty, Betty Shell of Ventura; causes small explosions

Deceased Active Legionnaires

Kid Quantum I, James Cullen of Xanthu; weak stasis field casting, augmented by an external device
Leviathan, Gim Allon of Mars; grows own body
Element Lad, Jan Arrah of Trom; transmutation

Deceased Reserve Legionnaires

Dragonmage, Xao Jin of New Shanghai (Earth colony); sorcery

Other Legion Cadets - Partial List

Calamity, Eryk Davis Ester of Touston; disintegrates objects uncontrollably
Dolphin, F'e1lpz of Dili-Tawi; can hold his breath indefinitely
Dream Boy and Dream Girl; Apollo and Artemis Chiang of Eros; charismatic attraction of those attracted to their sex
Martin Anderson of Luna; pyrokinesis
The Mess, Meyer Qayd of the Sol Asteroid Belt; telekinesis affecting small-diameter objects
Polecat, Dafe Meron of Venus; emits a foul stench
Retro, Deen Toro of Retcon; touch-triggered ability to rewind time, but leaving those affected with a memory of "future" events
Teena Dav of Daxam; enhanced speed, strength, invulnerability, vision powers, flight
Uplift, Cera Kesh of Earth (Antarctica); levitation

Uncanny Amazers of Xanthu - have a cross-Reservist arrangement with the Legion

Atmos, Marak Russen of Xanthu; nuclear energy blasts, flight, enhanced strength and durability. Current Amazers leader.

Arachno of Arachnidia; enhanced abilities of spiders
Kal Bodo of Xanthu; phrenology and psychometry activated upon touching another's head
Konk!, of Xanthu; detachable floating head, if she fails to reattach her head to her body, a new one with a different personality grows
Night Girl, Lydda Jath of Kathoon; super-strength in darkness
Porcupine Pete, Peter Dursin of Earth (Jamaica and Mexico); ejects quills from his body
Radion, Roy Travich of Earth (Italy and Madagascar); flight and emission of radiation
Spectrum, Ulu Vakk of Lupra; changes the color of people and objects

Heroes of Lallor - have a cross-Reservist arrangement with the Legion

Vapor, Tal Nahii of Lallor; transforms her body into gases. Current Lallor Heroes Leader.

Beastmaster, Ilshu Nor of Lallor; transform into any animal
Catspaw, April Dumaka of Earth (Ghana and Tanzania); enhanced agility, speed and claws, cat-like senses
Comet Queen, Grava of Quaal III; super-speed flight and emission of comet-like gases
Hotshot, Staq Mavlen of Shwar; breathes fire
Splitter, Floyd Belkin of Lallor; ability to detach his limbs from his torso
Stone Boy, Dag Wentim of Zwen; turns self into stone
Tellus, Ganglios of Hykraius; telepathy and telekinesis

Honorary Legionnaires (they get flight rings too!)

Rene Jacques "RJ" Brande of unknown; telepathy of unknown levels (See L* 52!); Legion Founder/Financier and United Planets Ambassador to the Second Galaxy (recognized for founding the Legion! and being their continued supporter all throughout)

Shvaughn Erin of Earth (Ireland and Montenegro); Science police captain and Legion Liaison Officer (recognized for helping the Legion on several missions, such as being stranded in the 20th century (LSH 85-100), resisting the Blight (Legion of the Damned LSH 122), and piercing the Robotican shield (Legion 14)

Superboy, Kon-El of 20th century Earth/Krypton; tactile telekinesis that simulates super-strength, flight and invulnerability (recognized for helping save Valor - now M'Onel - from the Phantom Zone in L* 31)

IB's note: prior to receiving his powers, Rebound (Chuck Taine) was also an Honorary Legionnaire, for helping the Legion vs. the Rift (Widening Rifts, LSH 124-125/L* 81) and as part of the SUBS (Legion Worlds 3, Legion 1-4). A depowered Magno (Dyrk Magz) also kept Honorary status after losing Active status, due to playing key roles in missions such as defeating the Fatal Five (LSH 121) and resisting the Blight/helping against the Rift (Legion of the Damned/Widening Rifts).

Other Legion Support Staff or residents of Legion World (staff also get flight rings as a matter of practicality, but are not honored to the same level as Honorary Legionnaires

Cannus of Anthropologia; skilled tracker, canine senses and abilities (Search & Rescue)
Cub Wazzo-Nah of Bgztl and Rimbor; son of Apparition and Ultra Boy, confirmed phasing abilities
Dr. Gym'll of Jaquaa; Legion physician
Dr. Ryk'rr of Jaquaa; Legion psychiatrist
Dr. Mollie Dennum of Hephaestus; materials scientist
Gigi Cusimano of Mars; Science police lieutenant and commander of the Science Police contingent on Legion World
Lenzslo Philish of Athram; lead of the Legion World Athramite contingent; chief designer
Lori Morning of 20th century Earth (USA); RJ Brande's adopted daughter
Mabuhay Corazon of Aleph; fashion design student and Legion costume consultant; childhood friend of Kinetix
Marla Latham of Earth (Germany and Sweden); Legion adult advisor
M'rissey of Mercury; advanced scenario modelling; manager of the Legion's Disaster Relief and Development arm
Proty of Vyrga; shapeshifting and limited telepathy
Question, Akiko Li of Venus; makes people question their inner motivations; Intelligence and Negotiation
Rond Vidar of Earth (Greece and Iran); scientist specializing in time studies
Theena of unknown; attached to a symbiotic alien able to open "viewscreens" allowing communication across distances (Communications, Search & Rescue)
Vampire, Jackie Idonno of Hermaphrodite; energy draining field (Clean-Up)

United Planets Leadership and Staff

Edvard Hagbard, Science Police Commander
Hector Hol, United Planets Armed Forces General
Rosa Tubman Everett, United Planets Fleet Admiral
Wilhelmina Wasil, Warden of Takron-Galtos
Winema Wazzo of Bgztl; United Planets President
Zarox Lux of Colu; 10th level intelligence (UP Disaster Coordination)

Science Police Officers

Bogdan Tarka of Doopa, invulnerability (Science Police cadet)
Dar Zel of Daxam, enhanced speed, strength, invulnerability, vision powers, flight (Science Policer officer)
Giselle Smith of Triton, super-charges metabolism to enhance physical attributes (Science Police cadet)
Hegga Hanzo of Winath; Science police officer on Winath; childhood friend of Spark and Live Wire (along with her twin Megga, with the UP Aid Program)
Sybelle Deacon (Science Police officer)

Other Allies

Devlin O'Ryan of Xanthu; reporter
Gilda Gan of Naltor; precognition, Titanet Officer
Hannah Wells of Earth (France and Mali); reporter
Jacques Foccart of Earth (Haiti and Ivory Coast); complete self-cloaking from all conventional senses; usage of his power severely damages his body
Jancel Ardeen of Titan; telepathy, Titanet officer
Lianna Erqol of Titan; Chief Adept of the Titanet
Micah Aven of Titan; extremely skilled telepath and tutor of the most promising adepts
Prats Pradesh, "Plaid Lad" of Dolcegabanna; fashion design student; turns fabric into chequered patterns
Sandy Anderson of Luna (formerly Inferno of the Workforce); pyrokinesis
The Wolfpack of Rimbor; Timber Wolf's former gang (leader Crody; Hubble, Mash, Race, Rn'drr)
Yera Liggle of Durla; shapeshifting (actress)

Sorcerers of Zarrox

Antonio Stefanacci of Earth
Elphaba of unknown
Harlak of Khundia
Traci Thirteen the XIIIth of Earth, specializes in combat magic
Viki of unknown, specializes in teleportation spells

The Workforce of McCauley Industries; may be called upon by the Legion and United Planets in grave emergencies

Amber of Dendron, projects a sap-like gel
Evolvo, Sev Tcheru of Lallor; shifts self between human evolutionary states, including a super-strong ape-man and a telekinetic, hyper-intelligent futuristic human; current CEO of McCauley Industries
Lupine of unknown, wolf-like humanoid form
Sandstorm of Mica, body composed of animate dust particles
Survivor, Oulan Calhoun of Mars; enhanced durability and endurance, UP Navy training; field leader of the Workforce

Last edited by Invisible Brainiac; 05/31/23 08:38 AM.
Joined: Oct 2003
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Unseen, not unheard
Unseen, not unheard
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ok everyone, thanks for coming on this wild ride with me. With Volume 4 now down, I'm going to start plotting ideas for Volume 5.

In the meantime, it's time for reader Legion elections!! And I am also taking opinion polls on Legion membership (non-binding :p) Please send me a Private Message with your picks as follows:

5 points - 1st choice
3 - 2nd choice
1 - 3rd choice

we will get one leader and one deputy from all this!

eligible: any one of the 49 Active Legionnaires as of end Volume 4 smile (please check out the roll call).


as for new members, as stated we currently have 49. I won't be able to handle many more, but I am curious: are any of the Reservists particularly appealing, competent or interesting to you? Which ones do you think would make good Active Legionnaires?

Last edited by Invisible Brainiac; 05/02/23 05:01 AM.
Joined: Feb 2011
Posts: 1,203
Joined: Feb 2011
Posts: 1,203
Hey IB,

I'm back for another round of R&R and i'm hoping that i'll finally get to finish Vol. 4!

I'm starting off with the team being restored to health. (i'm not 100% sure where i left off and i may cover a section or two that i already commented on. So sorry in advance if i do.)

I'm glad Babbage was able to be restored. It's super lucky that Robotica was able to salvage something and thankfully the White Witches' spell held!
Poor Lume!

This is hard for Nura any time this happens but i'm sure this is probably the worst its been in a while. I wonder if Dreamer is going to have to learn some counter spells to help ensure her sight.

Wow they have 16 captives. that's crazy. But it really drives home how many Earth based or Earth connected Legion members there are.

man Dragonmages turn on the team is really hurting them and they are so right. i feel the same. ( but take it a complement IB! you've gotten me to care about Xao and i was really looking forward to his development.) So yeah me and Mysa share the same sentiments about it.
Damn, Mysa brings up a great point how far back does this plan go? How much does Dragonmage know?

I know they all want to save their friends but its time to just act. There can't be a debate. Go and save them!

Ahh can't forget the elements either. but that explains some of the other choices for sure.
So we have two days to undo and fine the team while letting everyone heal? After all those brutal attacks, even with Mysa and Dragonmage's spells things don't look too good. I know the 30th century can do wonders and magic added. But i feel like the teams oout of commission for a while...

They've involved Dryad? this isn't good at all...

Man the medical just sounds heart breaking to be there and see so many hurt and those around them hurting.
I'm glad there was someone there who could help Lume. the idea of being transformed into something that completely questions your sense of self is utter unimaginable to me. hopefully this can help Lume really recover.

I don't know if Winema could handle it if Tinya died again. i really don't. But thankfully she doesn't have to worry about that.

OMG! Triad and RJ's moment was so sad. i'm glad she finally called him dad! i really want a family post with her and RJ now when their not imperial.

Tenzil and Brek have good insight into Vi and Zoe and this moment was well done. But i still don't see Vi and Tenzil as more than really good friends. idk why. it's just not a pairing i'm seeing that works for me, i guess. But he's a good guy cares so that's what matters.

good to see Jaques and the family showing up. But i hope he doesn't do anything rash. the rage is very clear from Jaques.

Marla is a hero for sure with all the help he's given to sooth all the parents, family, and friends. Theena and M'Rrissery are also doing great too!
Good thing Gear and Babbage prepared that system. i'm kind of surprised its not over whelmed too.

I don't know how Mekt is keep his mind blank enough to help connect everyone. if it was me i would have been sobbing the moment the connetion started and i could feel the shock, pain and sorrow from those i was connected to.

I think Nura is gonna need a long break after this. But i'm glad she can check all of their futures to make sure that each of the Legionnaires will recover and be safe.

Oh boy, looks like another cadet maybe on the ropes to being a reservist only. its understandable. being a Legionnaire is a tough and deadly job in a lot of ways and it takes a very strong character to be one. not just a strong power.

The moment with the Robotican surgeons has me wording if maybe Robotica will start to take an interest in the studies of the mystic arts. We know magic can affect machines. so why not robtican's being able to conjure and use magic? or at least their own version of it.

Good on Mentalla getting out of her own way and trying. i hope her and Sizzle can become better friends after this and that she and Echo both get a chance to expand their social skills.

Shvaughn Erin and M'Onel's moment was of so sweet. :tears:

Dryad -
Ok, so we learn Dragonmage isn't as far up the food chain as it might have seemed and the Pig is 100% running the show. But at least he was able to convince him to heal the captive Legionnaires.

Oh wow the Pig is not happy with the rest of the Zodiac and he totally suspects Dragonmage of protecting the Legionnaires as well. But Slizz is clearly an example that he can prove as Element Lass was still standing when all was said and done...oh snap i guess he doesn't care and Xao is fried too! :X

The Pig is utterly cruel. it's too bad Dryad isn't strong enough to fight back some how.

I'm glad the team is rallying even with their small numbers and poor RJ, he's so worried but he has to remember this is what they signed up for. to help the galaxy!

Wow XS really has come a long way that i forgot they were living in one of his warehouses before the original "L" shaped headquarters was built.

Dryad -
Well at least Kono is thinking smartly about her wish from the Chinese Gods. lord knows if you don't phrase something just the right way it can be used against you. (see any Genie story out there outside of Disney's Aladdin. lol.) Glad she's think of an exit strategy but I'm also hoping she gets caught. i know she wants Skarla back. But they've had chances to rebuild and refuse to take it, like you said. so i feel less and less sorry for her plight.

Alright! a sneak attack! Great idea get ride of the magical objects first. that way the Zodiac is a bit weaker.
Damn that Rooster!

Alright Jaques getting involved!

Oh nice! Mentalla is taking on some powerful targets here. But now we know why Slizz didn't move. very well done.

Mysa, Dreamer and Timber Wolf! glad to see their coming through.

Why are they all of a sudden worried about someone else being there, (Ie XS lol) if the magic is still being drained. Shouldn't they be taunting the Legion that they can't be stopped?

Ooo and XS got them to hit the captives! Nightwind is free. I'm shocked that the spell keeping them captive was so easily disturbed.

So if violent energies from battle were needed, isn't the Legion's rescue also feeding the spell? even though their not losing/being killed, its still energy that is being expanded and added to the pot. Did the Legion think of that possibility?

Damn, that was a massive assault from the Zodiac! Interon is a life saver!
Haha and here comes the brashest of them all! Wildfire! The Zodiac is down for the count for sure now!

Oh shoot! i had totally forgotten about Vampire! that was a great idea to bring her in for this mission to help depower the Zodiac. i was wondering what was going on.
Nice glad the Sorcerers were able to find away for Jaques do participate safely! oh nice and a spell for Vampire too. good thinking.

Dreamer's calling out what to do was good use of her powers.
Nice that the Titanet is coordinating the team to be as effective as possible! I'm torn on giving them the info update right there and then on their teammates. Yes it fuels their anger and resolve and its done instantly. But I'm also like, no this could distract them just as much.

I was worried for a moment there when Mentalla broke off from Slizz and Xao. thought they might really try to attack.
I'm also surprised that Dragonmage is even still standing and not instantly knocked out by Inferno.

So Slizz mental powers aren't as strong as Senor's without the magical talismans or were they using something else to know where to converge their powers if they couldn't actually see? i know they were playing it up. but its not clear that they weren't actually blinded at least to me...

the battle with Brawler was interesting just because he's tougher than we ever thought or give him credit for even without the magical items. I think we've gotta find a new way to keep the flight rings safe. if that's even possible.

Question, can Shikari do the wing vibration trick too or is that specific to Chakuq?
Glad they were able to lay the smack down on her.

Go chuck Go!
Great choice of plant. i just envision these white spider like vines shooting out and across, growing thicker and longer with small transulent sparking leaves forming along the way and at some spots a budding white lace, almost transparent flower that shoots the "webbing" ensnaring the Horse more and more.

Great job with Candi and Particon and i liked how they resolved it without really having to hurt the Lightning Beast. its true she has no real clue what she's doing.

The Dog, if she had only found the Legion they might have helped her. The pheromoneal power is an interesting one. Especially for a race of Dog people. the possibilities of Cannus' people to be explored is interesting.
Nightwind is right! no one made the Dog choose this!

Loved seeing Spider-girl ensnare the Tiger. But now that they know where she is they need to knock her out. Dreamer shouldn't have waited. I'd kick her swiftly and knock her out cold before trying to figure out her next move.

the Rabbit is the hardest to beat because of that cartoon logic. Thunder has her hands full. But i enjoyed Val stepping in. i think he could take the rabbit for sure!

The Ox is tough. maybe he needs to turn up the energy and mix it with someone else.

Watching Mysa confront Dragomage was so heart breaking.
Gravity did well. But he better keep Xao off his feet. i don't see him going down easy.

Question, when Kono came up from the ground, she was still intangible right? cause Invisible Kid chopped her on the was she only partially intangible?
this is what i love seeing the team working together to keep the villains down. But what else does the Kono the Rat need to do to complete the spell? i thought it was a waiting game at this point...

Oh snap! i wasn't expecting that! she took out Thunder! wow!
And with Thunder out the Rabbit is free. dang. ... wow... i thought Kono said she'd never put her hand into someone's chest. damn, i hope Val is gonna be ok!
Man Kono is really taking out the team. She shows just how much of a threat Apparition could be.

damn the Rabbit went for Amp and Mentalla. He punched her from the inside? or that's just what it felt like?

The Rabbit should have known that the Pig was holding out on them.
And a ghost army and Zodiac creatures? not making this easy for the Legion one bit!.

Aven to the rescue?! Glad to know now lets see what the teams gonna do...

WOW! i wasn't expecting to see the battered Legionnaires show up in force like that! seeing all of them coming in on crutches, bandaged up, and hover beds was both kind of funny and amazing. But this is what it means to be Legion!

the Pig shouldn't be sneering at anything. If all their forces are now focused here, they are in for a fight!
Glad the other teams showed up to help too!

Keep trying Dryad! hopefully it can help! At least it can provide some cover.

Ok so i was right. All this fighting is just adding to the big ball of energy. That's no good! And now he's taking it from everyone including the rest of the Zodiac? This is really not good. But at least now we know it requires more than just energy to reach the Chinese Gods realm.

wow those descriptions of all the Legionnaires fighting with their wounds was wow. I can't believe there all there. Zoe's was surprising for sure!
Umbra is always regal. lol.

Poor Dryad! its trying so hard.
Damn the energy ball has taken them all! oh my!

Wow the Gods arrival and their accoutrements are very lavish and beautiful. The idea of sending houses to the afterlife is intriguing.

Smart move to let Thunder do all the talking.

Its interesting you use the wording the stench of violence. suggest maybe these Gods don't care for it...
Of course the signs are impatient and would talk over each other.
I agree with each reaction the team had for the Zodiac 12's wishes.

Hahah sorry Horse not a done deal and now you've gotta be careful for what you've wished for i'm sure.
I'm glad the Chinese God's have more honor than those who summoned them and can see what some of these 12 are all about.
Oh wow. the four transformations were interesting, I get the painting one as it depicts what she wanted and the Rabbit being turned itno a harmless bunny makes sense. But the doll and rocking horse seem to just fun images, unless i'm missing some other significances.

Oh snap! Athena comes the party, Looks like old Ferdinand isn't gonna like the answer he gets. And Athena is harsh. But respectful in these proceedings.

I don't know how i feel about Brawler's possible redemption but given that he was basically insane, its better than him coming back at some point as a threat.
the Lightning Beast was also fitting as well and i know the Legion is going to safe guard them for sure.

Because changing the past brings with it a slew of problems. As sorry as i feel for the Dog and Kono the Chinese Gods are right. they can't change the past and they have to move forward.

Ahhh so i was right. they don't care for violence. See Pig this is why you should do as much research as possible before starting any of this.
Glad they saw into each of them and that Dragonmage really did cast a protective spell. But sadly too little too late. But glad they will face the justice they deserve for the violence and danger they caused.

Oh wow! i did not see that ending for the Pig coming and we never even got to learn who he was.

No, that's not fair for Dryad! that poor planet. But that means its been reforming for a lot longer than we thought if the Pig was able to use its magic.

Jazmin's suggestion was very honorable. But the King Duke makes a great point too though. I bet they would need several legions.

Dragonmage is offering himself? Oh my. that is truly the greatest act of redemption that he could offer. i just wish it didn't mean that we had to lose Xao permanently. but at least Dryad will live. :tears:
Mysa's words to Xao never rang truer. Poor Mysa. i had honestly thought maybe they would have been happy together at some point. frown
I'm glad the team is there for her. I think Tinya and Zoe and Mysa could be an interesting friend group to explore.

Dragonmages last moments...OMG! :sobs:

I'm glad the team came through this alright and that the Chinese gods were benevolent. But Saturn Girl raises a lot of points. They all saw just how close they were to being defeated. With all of them hurt it makes sense that many of them are anxious and shell shocked. Mysa must be a mess.

So the punished aren't taken away in their altered forms with the Chinese Gods but left with the Legion? that doesn't sound like a good idea even if they can only be released if they've learned their lesson...

Aww poor must be a sigh and a lot to take in if Brainy isn't taking any readings.
Too bad the Legion can do something more to help, like Mysa cast a spell or Gravity and Star boy working together to at least keep the dead pieces from flying off into space. Maybe make it another moon.

wait so one of the pieces turned into a sentient creature that is now with the Legion? So is he like a magical golem? a piece of its soul? a piece of Dragonmage even? if it grows can it go back and help Dryad grow? so many questions!

But yes the team is in need of a good rest!

Three days later -
Great to see that everyone was able to take time off and that it didn't hurt the galaxy at large.

Yay more Reservist! always down for that. i enjoyed all of them and it makes sense that they are each progressing to the next step. We shall see who moves forward to one day being a Legionnaire!

Ahh so Dryad is a geo-kinetic or geomancer depending on how you look at it. it's interesting that this reality doesn't have a Blok persay but in a sense it does now with Dryad. Just a different powerset and origin lol.

Aww i was hoping that Grava would make the main team someday. But at least she's getting a chance to show the galaxy what she's got.

I like your plans with the other teams and how they will be growing and helping the Legion more as sister teams. The Universe is so big, it makes sense that eventually there would be more teams out there. You've created your own version of Legion Worlds like Harbinger in a sense. But without planetoids. instead sister teams. Like Harbinger you've really created Legions instead of just a Legion and its such a natural progression for the team. Great job!

Glad the team's support staff is bulking up too and that Lume was able to speak. i hope they take its words to heart.
I sure hope the team listens to Jazmin's plea. its so true they are a team, friends, family, and a Legion!
Glad that the security protocols are getting looked over and that a magical resistance will be added to it.

That's great they were able to return them. but i hope they recommend better security of each of the magical items. Although with a cataloged it will be easier to track and make sure their in their proper places.

Ahh the criminals! So Slizz and Chakuq's abilities are natural just enhanced. interesting.

I really look forward to seeing how Shikari's people deal with the new and expanding opportunities they have. I just hope no more Kawi get taken in by these villains. This is the second one i think we've had since Singularity and his forces if i'm correct.
Sensor's people taking a strong and responsible approach to making their people feel more included in their governing.

I'm with XS the idea of being immobilized like that while still thinking sounds horrible. Glad their in tesseracts. At least that way if there is a power failure they won't be getting out that for sure. Well glad Saturn Girl and Mentalla can verify that they aren't a real threat at the moment.

I feel slightly bad for Brawler. But I'm slightly surprised that he was even told about his past. I thought this was a new lease on life for him. that in a sense he was getting to start over. but i guess he does have to be held accountable. Although we shall see if the courts truly think he should be with no memory. But i don't think he's going to be leaving a hospital for a very long time.

At least the Lightning Beast got a good ending and happy to hear she's well and has no memory of this.
Glad their being held on LW. it is the best option.

I feel for Mysa, I do and it must be hard to do this ceremony for Dragonmage. But i think it is needed. Just like with Element Lad. We have to honeor the good parts even if in the end he betrayed them. He made a great sacrifice to try and atone. But i totally also understand how/why the team feels uncomfortable about it all.

All of these are great things and great developments and i can't wait to see who the eager eyes for Legion Leader were!
Awesome that the party got to continue and yeah i'd move everything into one room too after all that happened. idk if i'd ever want to be alone again. :X

Atmos joined in? wow these are strange times.
haha loved the siblings teasing each other.

Hahaha Gravity might as well be in his under ware!
Everyone trying to convince Ral and Val to get an outfit was cute.
Star Boy's comment was funny. love it. laugh laugh

the quieter members was a nice group to see and i'd be interested in seeing this grouping on a mission.
I'm glad Andromeda is helping with the service. it makes sense that she would have some good ideas.
Oh Brainy and his distaste for magic.
its great how Babbage and Dryad bring this up. Greif and death are such complicated concepts to deal with. All the strange ways that it can manifest is so incredible. their explanations were very good.

Hahahaha Gates for Legion Leader! lead the charge Lume. lol
Oh Umbra, maybe you should be his deputy :mischievous grin:
Oh Brainy stop with the fake protest. lol.

You know Flying Fox the Legion life in any form is not for everyone.

i like all the cadets reasons for leaving but i am sad to see them go from the spotlight of the cadet program.

I'm glad Crystal Kid is really thinking it over. i'm surprised that Rainbow Girl wasn't also thinking of leaving...

Lamprey's moment was cute but she shouldn't be too nervous even with five leaders around her.
Hahah oh man imagine if Rokk got pulled back into the leader position.

A cool a karaoke party. sounds like a fun time.
Hahah oh Insect Queen you randy little bug. lol laugh

The leaders make some great points about the cadets. hopefully they won't lose too many. But the ones leaving make sense. They don't feel right for the bigger team and if they don't feel that way they should do what does feel right for them.

Frozen XVIII? hahaha omg! i hope there aren't that many of them.

I'll give my leader elections some thought but at the moment even though it was a joke Gates is a relatively strong contender in my mind. Be interesting to see how he would handle it all.

As for a 50th member. that's tough so many good cadets to choose from.

This has been a great ride and I'm so happy to get a happy ending to this volume. I look forward to vol. 5. But i will say i am super happy to be all caught up!

read the adventures of the Reboot Legion!;f=2;t=001232
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Unseen, not unheard
Unseen, not unheard
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Posts: 85,738
looks like you just skyrocketed into the lead in terms of what has been read, Omni tongue Raz voted for leader first, but not sure if he read the ending of Volume 4 yet smile

Originally Posted by Omni
Hey IB,

I'm starting off with the team being restored to health. (i'm not 100% sure where i left off and i may cover a section or two that i already commented on. So sorry in advance if i do.)

no worries, always glad to read more thoughts!

Originally Posted by Omni
This is hard for Nura any time this happens but i'm sure this is probably the worst its been in a while. I wonder if Dreamer is going to have to learn some counter spells to help ensure her sight.

Perhaps Mysa or the other sorcerers can help wink

Originally Posted by Omni
man Dragonmages turn on the team is really hurting them and they are so right. i feel the same. ( but take it a complement IB! you've gotten me to care about Xao and i was really looking forward to his development.) So yeah me and Mysa share the same sentiments about it.
Damn, Mysa brings up a great point how far back does this plan go? How much does Dragonmage know?

thanks Omni, I am happy to hear that, so kind of you smile

Originally Posted by Omni
Man the medical just sounds heart breaking to be there and see so many hurt and those around them hurting.
I'm glad there was someone there who could help Lume. the idea of being transformed into something that completely questions your sense of self is utter unimaginable to me. hopefully this can help Lume really recover.

yeah, it's a bit unimaginable for me too, thankfully there's some help out there!

Originally Posted by Omni
OMG! Triad and RJ's moment was so sad. i'm glad she finally called him dad! i really want a family post with her and RJ now when their not imperial.

And Lori, your wish is my command wink perhaps something like that to start off Volume 5...

Originally Posted by Omni
Tenzil and Brek have good insight into Vi and Zoe and this moment was well done. But i still don't see Vi and Tenzil as more than really good friends. idk why. it's just not a pairing i'm seeing that works for me, i guess. But he's a good guy cares so that's what matters.

to be fair, I don't think I've written anything with Vi and Tenzil that's particularly romantic, so that could be why smile perhaps we should look a bit into their relationship later...

Originally Posted by Omni
I don't know how Mekt is keep his mind blank enough to help connect everyone. if it was me i would have been sobbing the moment the connetion started and i could feel the shock, pain and sorrow from those i was connected to.

I think one reason for Mekt is because he's thought Garth has been dead before (Legion Lost). with this, at least he can see them in front of him, not to say that there is no danger, but at least he knows exactly where Garth and Ayla are

Originally Posted by Omni
Oh boy, looks like another cadet maybe on the ropes to being a reservist only. its understandable. being a Legionnaire is a tough and deadly job in a lot of ways and it takes a very strong character to be one. not just a strong power.

indeed, and one has to be very comfortable with the risks smile

Originally Posted by Omni
The moment with the Robotican surgeons has me wording if maybe Robotica will start to take an interest in the studies of the mystic arts. We know magic can affect machines. so why not robtican's being able to conjure and use magic? or at least their own version of it.

would certainly be interesting to see if a Robotican could harness magic! hmmm!

Originally Posted by Omni
Wow XS really has come a long way that i forgot they were living in one of his warehouses before the original "L" shaped headquarters was built.

yeah, those days seem like so long ago tongue

Originally Posted by Omni
Dryad -
Well at least Kono is thinking smartly about her wish from the Chinese Gods. lord knows if you don't phrase something just the right way it can be used against you. (see any Genie story out there outside of Disney's Aladdin. lol.)

oh yes, indeed smile

Originally Posted by Omni
So if violent energies from battle were needed, isn't the Legion's rescue also feeding the spell? even though their not losing/being killed, its still energy that is being expanded and added to the pot. Did the Legion think of that possibility?

yes they did, so it's a race to disrupt the energies from feeding into said spell smile

Originally Posted by Omni
Oh shoot! i had totally forgotten about Vampire! that was a great idea to bring her in for this mission to help depower the Zodiac. i was wondering what was going on.
Nice glad the Sorcerers were able to find away for Jaques do participate safely! oh nice and a spell for Vampire too. good thinking.

glad your question from earlier was answered almost right away smile

Originally Posted by Omni
I'm also surprised that Dragonmage is even still standing and not instantly knocked out by Inferno.

Dragonmage does have some basic protection spells smile plus he is empowered by his Zodiac sign, just like Brawler and others are

Originally Posted by Omni
So Slizz mental powers aren't as strong as Senor's without the magical talismans or were they using something else to know where to converge their powers if they couldn't actually see? i know they were playing it up. but its not clear that they weren't actually blinded at least to me...

they were blinded, but they knew where Slizz was before hiding, and they knew Slizz could cast illusions. so they just had to aim in Slizz's general area

Originally Posted by Omni
Question, can Shikari do the wing vibration trick too or is that specific to Chakuq?
Glad they were able to lay the smack down on her.

Kari could potentially vibrate her wings, but Chakuq is magically empowered to be stronger than the usual Kwai as well

Originally Posted by Omni
Loved seeing Spider-girl ensnare the Tiger. But now that they know where she is they need to knock her out. Dreamer shouldn't have waited. I'd kick her swiftly and knock her out cold before trying to figure out her next move.

the Tiger was struggling a bit too much to make it that simple. Dreamer can fight but she doesn't have super speed smile maybe if XS or Karate Kid or Thunder had been able to break away from their targets...

Originally Posted by Omni
Question, when Kono came up from the ground, she was still intangible right? cause Invisible Kid chopped her on the was she only partially intangible?
this is what i love seeing the team working together to keep the villains down. But what else does the Kono the Rat need to do to complete the spell? i thought it was a waiting game at this point...

she turned partially tangible, in anticipation of doing something. I should have made that clearer smile

Originally Posted by Omni
wow... i thought Kono said she'd never put her hand into someone's chest. damn, i hope Val is gonna be ok!

Desperate times call for desperate measures wink

Originally Posted by Omni
Wow the Gods arrival and their accoutrements are very lavish and beautiful. The idea of sending houses to the afterlife is intriguing.

My grandma used to do that. We'd get these bits of paper money and burn them so they would be offered to our ancestors tongue

Originally Posted by Omni
Oh wow. the four transformations were interesting, I get the painting one as it depicts what she wanted and the Rabbit being turned itno a harmless bunny makes sense. But the doll and rocking horse seem to just fun images, unless i'm missing some other significances.

not everything has a strong symbolism tongue but we could say, Chakuq became a doll because she wanted to be fancy and pretty; while Lusyo/Horse became a rocking horse in an ironic twist re his self-teleporting power and trying to escape when things got tough

Originally Posted by Omni
Oh wow! i did not see that ending for the Pig coming and we never even got to learn who he was.

Pig is not an established character anyway wink there's not much more behind him than a very ambitious, cunning and power-hungry man.

Originally Posted by Omni
Dragonmage is offering himself? Oh my. that is truly the greatest act of redemption that he could offer. i just wish it didn't mean that we had to lose Xao permanently. but at least Dryad will live. :tears:
Mysa's words to Xao never rang truer. Poor Mysa. i had honestly thought maybe they would have been happy together at some point. frown
I'm glad the team is there for her. I think Tinya and Zoe and Mysa could be an interesting friend group to explore.

Dragonmages last moments...OMG! :sobs:

yeah, Xao felt that after everything he did, this was the least he could do. and I think it shows his own growth. He didn't want power for himself this time...

I am very glad though that you felt Dragonmage's ending made sense. It was not happy, but...

Originally Posted by Omni
I'm glad the team came through this alright and that the Chinese gods were benevolent. But Saturn Girl raises a lot of points. They all saw just how close they were to being defeated. With all of them hurt it makes sense that many of them are anxious and shell shocked. Mysa must be a mess.

So the punished aren't taken away in their altered forms with the Chinese Gods but left with the Legion? that doesn't sound like a good idea even if they can only be released if they've learned their lesson...

no, but the Chinese gods have a reason for leaving them with the team wink

Originally Posted by Omni
wait so one of the pieces turned into a sentient creature that is now with the Legion? So is he like a magical golem? a piece of its soul? a piece of Dragonmage even? if it grows can it go back and help Dryad grow? so many questions!

the future of Dryad is... open smile

Originally Posted by Omni
Ahh so Dryad is a geo-kinetic or geomancer depending on how you look at it. it's interesting that this reality doesn't have a Blok persay but in a sense it does now with Dryad. Just a different powerset and origin lol.

yeah, and I really wanted someone who controlled earth and rock along. We have wind (Nightwind), fire (Dirk), and water (Lamprey) so earth completes the classic set!

Originally Posted by Omni
Aww i was hoping that Grava would make the main team someday. But at least she's getting a chance to show the galaxy what she's got.

I like your plans with the other teams and how they will be growing and helping the Legion more as sister teams. The Universe is so big, it makes sense that eventually there would be more teams out there. You've created your own version of Legion Worlds like Harbinger in a sense. But without planetoids. instead sister teams. Like Harbinger you've really created Legions instead of just a Legion and its such a natural progression for the team. Great job!

thank you! I felt Grava had a place elsewhere, and also now that we have sister teams, the Amazers and Lallor Heroes need to grow too!

Originally Posted by Omni
That's great they were able to return them. but i hope they recommend better security of each of the magical items. Although with a cataloged it will be easier to track and make sure their in their proper places.

for sure, someone will be keeping track of all of those smile

Originally Posted by Omni
I really look forward to seeing how Shikari's people deal with the new and expanding opportunities they have. I just hope no more Kawi get taken in by these villains. This is the second one i think we've had since Singularity and his forces if i'm correct.
Sensor's people taking a strong and responsible approach to making their people feel more included in their governing.

indeed, the Kwai have a lot to think about!

Originally Posted by Omni
I feel slightly bad for Brawler. But I'm slightly surprised that he was even told about his past. I thought this was a new lease on life for him. that in a sense he was getting to start over. but i guess he does have to be held accountable. Although we shall see if the courts truly think he should be with no memory. But i don't think he's going to be leaving a hospital for a very long time.

Brawler was told because it was better for him to be told in a safe setting, than to find out later. he may be amnesiac, but he's still recognizably him.

Originally Posted by Omni
I feel for Mysa, I do and it must be hard to do this ceremony for Dragonmage. But i think it is needed. Just like with Element Lad. We have to honeor the good parts even if in the end he betrayed them. He made a great sacrifice to try and atone. But i totally also understand how/why the team feels uncomfortable about it all.

yeah, lots of mixed feelings here for sure!

Originally Posted by Omni
Awesome that the party got to continue and yeah i'd move everything into one room too after all that happened. idk if i'd ever want to be alone again. :X

glad you picked up on it - these were some rather shaking events, and that's why even the loners like Mysa, Brainy, Tasmia, etc. were in th ebig room!

Originally Posted by Omni
the quieter members was a nice group to see and i'd be interested in seeing this grouping on a mission.

that is a fun grouping! great idea smile

Originally Posted by Omni
its great how Babbage and Dryad bring this up. Greif and death are such complicated concepts to deal with. All the strange ways that it can manifest is so incredible. their explanations were very good.

thank you! I thought Babbage and Dryad would be the perfect characters to bring all this up out of their own genuine curiosity smile

Originally Posted by Omni
Hahahaha Gates for Legion Leader! lead the charge Lume. lol
Oh Umbra, maybe you should be his deputy :mischievous grin:
Oh Brainy stop with the fake protest. lol.

OMG imagine a Gates/Umbra leadership... lots of room for comedy for sure, just not sure how I would ever justify that in-story haha

Originally Posted by Omni
i like all the cadets reasons for leaving but i am sad to see them go from the spotlight of the cadet program.

no worries, the Amazers and Heroes of Lallor will still appear from time to time smile

Originally Posted by Omni
I'm glad Crystal Kid is really thinking it over. i'm surprised that Rainbow Girl wasn't also thinking of leaving...

Rainbow Girl is a bit more committed than Crystal Kid is smile

Originally Posted by Omni
Frozen XVIII? hahaha omg! i hope there aren't that many of them.

I hope not too - don't see how Disney could continue the story that much! but I do not have a lot of faith in these big companies lol!

Originally Posted by Omni
I'll give my leader elections some thought but at the moment even though it was a joke Gates is a relatively strong contender in my mind. Be interesting to see how he would handle it all.

As for a 50th member. that's tough so many good cadets to choose from.

This has been a great ride and I'm so happy to get a happy ending to this volume. I look forward to vol. 5. But i will say i am super happy to be all caught up!

thank you tons Omni! appreciate your R&R, you raised a lot of good points and made me think of a few. I've also cleaned up/added to the earlier fights with the Tiger / Dreamer / Spider-Girl, and the scene with Kono/Invisible Kid - thanks for pointing that stuff out smile looking forward to getting your vote, I'm curious who you will pick!

Last edited by Invisible Brainiac; 05/07/23 04:40 AM.
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Thanks for the heads up IB, I had been wondering where the end of your storyline was, especially as you'd ended the last post on such a great cliffhanger. Anyway, finally, and with apologies for taking so long to get to it, here's a review. Usual caveats, as I'm writing as I read:

Nearly the whole team are here - fantastic! And love Wildfire's enthusiasm and XS hugging her teammates. Dreamer giving orders while welcoming the team - all nicely written. The Titanet getting involved is inspired too. An angry White Witch is a scary prospect! I would feel sorry for the Pig, but he's got it coming. Inferno and Polar Boy taking out the cold-blooded snake was good thinking. Hopefully Mentalla is strong enough to keep the Pig in place, though even with Amp's help I can't see it will too easy for them.

Chlorohyll Kid and Rebound taking on the teleporting Horse was fun! I love the potential that Ral has, and let's be honest - being smacked in the face by a fully inflated Chuck is never going to be fun laugh

Bless Particon and Candi for dealing with the Goat compassionately!

Nightwind and Ferro against the Dog - to be honest., given how tough you showed them to be before I reckon it'll be a toss up to decide. Still the Legionnaires only need to delay the Zodiac.

Nice having Dreamer tackle the inperceivable Tiger, and your Spider Girl is always a delight! "I just conditioned it a few days back..." haha.

The Rabbit being a match with hunder is really quite impressive! Loved Val just standing there signalling him to attack, that's a very Karate Kid move smile He's pretty fearless, isn't he? Would make a good Green Lantern, actually.

Wildfire and S against the Ox - "Has anyone ever actually stood still when you asked them to?" haha good line.

Mysa, Magno and Gravity against Dragonmage - well, what did he really expect? None of them will play too nicely. Tel sending him tumbling along the ground was a great image, and with Magno bustng his hand poor Xao will hurt after that.

"Ugh, men, never know when to take No for an answer,"good line, we do love Kono! And of course she would be the one that's smart enough to figure out why the Legionnaires are geting the better of her teammates and do something about it. Taking out both Thunder and Val 0 in a particularly nasty way! - was very smart of her. Poor Amp and Mentalla. The Pig mimicking the Legionnaires powers gives them a massive opportunity to win, and of course he'd keep a talisman or two to himself. Oh wow, armies of the dead and zodiac animals - the team just go from one bade situation an even worse one! Loving how, even at this stage you are amping up the stakes here IB, this is great! and now you bring EVERYONE in for the final battle - fantastic!

I have to do some work, but will be back later for more, more, more!

Legion Worlds Ten - the final chapter is here. Find out the ultimate fate of our fantastic future friends.Only found in the Bits o' Legionnaire Business Forum.
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hi Harbi, glad you could begin catching up smile yeah, with me once I end on a cliffhanger I'm even more motivated to continue writing tongue

Originally Posted by Harbinger
Hopefully Mentalla is strong enough to keep the Pig in place, though even with Amp's help I can't see it will too easy for them.

you make a really good assessment of how willful the Pig is!

glad you liked all the little bits too! and I'm very proud indeed of the lines you picked out, hee smile

ooh, Val as a Green Lantern, that could be cool. yeah, Val is rightly self-confident, and knows what he can handle smile

Originally Posted by Harbinger
Mysa, Magno and Gravity against Dragonmage - well, what did he really expect? None of them will play too nicely. Tel sending him tumbling along the ground was a great image, and with Magno bustng his hand poor Xao will hurt after that.

totally... Dragonmage should be lucky he didn't get some of the angrier Legionnaires wink

Originally Posted by Harbinger
"Ugh, men, never know when to take No for an answer,"good line, we do love Kono! And of course she would be the one that's smart enough to figure out why the Legionnaires are geting the better of her teammates and do something about it. Taking out both Thunder and Val 0 in a particularly nasty way! - was very smart of her. Poor Amp and Mentalla. The Pig mimicking the Legionnaires powers gives them a massive opportunity to win, and of course he'd keep a talisman or two to himself. Oh wow, armies of the dead and zodiac animals - the team just go from one bade situation an even worse one! Loving how, even at this stage you are amping up the stakes here IB, this is great! and now you bring EVERYONE in for the final battle - fantastic!

I have to do some work, but will be back later for more, more, more!

Kono IS a smart cookie, too bad for the team she's not on the good side!
glad you like the raised stakes! and hope the finale will be a treat for ya smile

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And I'm back, yay!

You really have brought in the whole kit and kaboodle! And of course the Pig is using this to his advantage - nice twist when it seems everything is finally coming up roses for the team. And absorbing the strength from his own Zodiac team - he really is determined! And the injured Legionnaires joining in - magnificent! That would make a stunning couple of pages in a comic. Xao stopping Mysa was quite poignant, there's going to be tears before bedtime between those two by the end, isn't there? Oh dear, the Pig's plan has worked! Let's hope the Chinese Gods aren't grateful to him and grant all his wishes... actually, that's a good point, has it been established that firstly it will be the gods he wants and second that they will like it that he's brought them there? They might be lazing in a garden somewhere enjoying their retirement smile

Nice description of the carpets, pagodas and lanterns shining a soft light, the altar and incense - very cinematic! Nice mover getting Thunder to represent the team by Jazmin. Good of Cece to get straight in there telling the gods what the Pig and Zodiac crew had done to summon them. Bit worrying that the gods are listening to him. It's funny reading the Zodiac teams wishes as quite a few are pretty selfless. Maybe I don't want to see them get squished any more - nah, only joking, of course I do laugh

"Some of you are selfish and immature," sneered the Mother of the Great Chariot. "How dare you ask us for such self-serving boons? Ones that you would use to tread on others?" I like these Deities! That was well said. Nice work there, a doll, a painting, a harmless bunny and especially a wooden rocking horse - wow! Take that Zodiac losers! And how nice having the Chinese gods call up the Greek pantheon - Thunder's surprise at seeing Athena was cute. Brawler getting to start over was a surprise, and nice too, the gods aren't malicious so it was good that they recognised how damaged he was. And, aso great that they realised that Kono and Xao actively tried to minimise any hurt caused. Is Xao in chains as well as Kono, that isn't clear. Oh, bye bye Pig, you don't mess with gods! Nice of the gods to heal the team, very kind of them. And I'm really glad you have the gods address Dryad - great! Jazmin volunteering to give up part of her, and the teams, life force to help Dryad is perhaps the single most Legion moment I've read in a while, very nice! Mysa and Xao's conversation was touching, her anger and also love were pretty clear, that was nicely written. That was a well crafted section with the team giving up part of their life energy and Xao sacrificing himself like that.

I expected you to end that chapter there and just go straight into a 'day later' type post, so it's good to see you carry on with the Deities on Dryad. And will Dryad become your Blok? "Physically, anyway..." Saturn Girl said quietly. Yup, this was my next question, great to see you're dealing with the aftereffects of this as it has been pretty monumental. Garth's reassurances to Imra was a nice moment. So, is Dryad your Blok??? Looks like it smile yay, got to love Blok!

Three days later - let's see what you have planned as I think you're going to shake the box...

Nice that the Cadets are given credit and are Reserves now. Also good that they are still being given cadet training, that's smart. Love that you are including your own creations in the team now IB, they're an interesting bunch so I'm looking forward to seeing what you do with them. And I like that dryad is aware through the life force transference of the Lgion's training, I do wonder if it knows more than that though. Ah, it didn't inherit them, haha, should have read the next line. It's good to see some of the students joining other teams too, though wonder how the really feel about missing out on a spot with the Legion? Interesting that some of the students decided to stay atthe academy too. Clever to have the three teams have their own quadrants to look after while working within the greater framework. Bless Lume for standing up to share it's experiences. Nice that the team are invited to help beef up their protection against their extended membership being compromised. The Kwai Matriach and the Orandese royalty both looking at how they can increase their people's contendedness was a surprise, and nicely done. XS being particularly afraid of being imboliside - yup, good characterisation there. Of all the Zodiac gang, I'm really happy that the Goat is okay. Dragonmage's memorial - ummm that'd be interesting. I think if I were in their place I'd wonder what else he had lied about... Leader elections already?

Lots of good admistrative stuff - nice that you've thought it through, the team are pretty big now so these things will need sorting out.

Back to partying - yay, our favourite kind of announcement at work meetings smile

The siblings teasing each other - true to life. Val not enjoying fighting games, that's a good character moment, as is Ral saying he plays to relax not competitively. For Tel to as "Is this cut far too low? boggles the mind laugh Thom wearing the same suits, and Troy wanting to look dapper were good little moments, very telling of their characters. Dryad's description makes me think of the Bendis-boot Blok, was that what you were going for? Good question from Babbage, it is odd that they are all enjoying themselves really, but even better answer from Andromeda - we all need these upbeats when things aren't great don't we. Gates for Legion Leader - well, that would be interesting though I think the UP government might not be impressed smile Give Brainy a challenge, no matter how banal, and he's hooked, it's his fatal flaw isn't it, and nice to see Wildfire and Shikari take advantage of that to get him to join in with the gamers. Catpaws rationale for joining the Lallor team makes perfect sense. Same with Grava too, she suits the rescue mission type of adventure really. Crystal Kid's worries also ring very true, it's understandable that he's close to realising his dream but has now seen just how much it could cost that he has doubts. " if you can't sing well, sing loudly!" oh no, no, please no, I've been to enough school shows were this happens, hahaha! Who will be number 50? I think Dryad, or at least, I hope so smile Disney's Frozen XVIII, haha. Lved how you used Marla at the end, and his resisting smiling so he could keep the cool facade was cute.

That was a great way to end this arc - take a bow IB and accept the applause!

Wow, your team is getting massive! You're opening up for a leadership vote too? Hmmm, will need to think about it but I'll get back to you soon with my votes.

You have excelled with this story IB, genuinely every post was so well done, the overall story arc, from Kono in the cave much much erlier on through to the party at the end, has been an absolute feat! Well done!

Take a well deserved break, let your imagination run riot and come back with more, more, more!

Legion Worlds Ten - the final chapter is here. Find out the ultimate fate of our fantastic future friends.Only found in the Bits o' Legionnaire Business Forum.
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and you're back, mega yay!

Originally Posted by Harbinger
And the injured Legionnaires joining in - magnificent! That would make a stunning couple of pages in a comic.

thank you, that is high praise indeed! maybe I should commission something, though having over 60 characters on a page would cost a pretty penny tongue

Originally Posted by Harbinger
Xao stopping Mysa was quite poignant, there's going to be tears before bedtime between those two by the end, isn't there? Oh dear, the Pig's plan has worked! Let's hope the Chinese Gods aren't grateful to him and grant all his wishes... actually, that's a good point, has it been established that firstly it will be the gods he wants and second that they will like it that he's brought them there? They might be lazing in a garden somewhere enjoying their retirement smile

you are sharp, Harbi! you predicted the gods' reactions quite well wink

Originally Posted by Harbinger
Brawler getting to start over was a surprise, and nice too, the gods aren't malicious so it was good that they recognised how damaged he was. And, aso great that they realised that Kono and Xao actively tried to minimise any hurt caused. Is Xao in chains as well as Kono, that isn't clear. Oh, bye bye Pig, you don't mess with gods! Nice of the gods to heal the team, very kind of them. And I'm really glad you have the gods address Dryad - great! Jazmin volunteering to give up part of her, and the teams, life force to help Dryad is perhaps the single most Legion moment I've read in a while, very nice! Mysa and Xao's conversation was touching, her anger and also love were pretty clear, that was nicely written. That was a well crafted section with the team giving up part of their life energy and Xao sacrificing himself like that.

yeah, I really hate capricious and unjust gods, so I did want the Chinese gods to apply justice smile ah you're right, I should have made it clear Xao was in chains too smile glad the "volunteering life force" bit read well, the team is pretty noble eh! glad you liked this best - Mysa and Xao were really pouring their hearts out in the end for sure!

Originally Posted by Harbinger
I expected you to end that chapter there and just go straight into a 'day later' type post, so it's good to see you carry on with the Deities on Dryad. And will Dryad become your Blok? "Physically, anyway..." Saturn Girl said quietly. Yup, this was my next question, great to see you're dealing with the aftereffects of this as it has been pretty monumental. Garth's reassurances to Imra was a nice moment. So, is Dryad your Blok??? Looks like it smile yay, got to love Blok!

yes indeed, Dryad is my version of Blok - though much expanded, I always thought Blok "only" having strength and toughness was limiting wink

very happy you liked the admin bits, the Cadet movements, and the evolving three-team relationship!

Originally Posted by Harbinger
Dryad's description makes me think of the Bendis-boot Blok, was that what you were going for? Good question from Babbage, it is odd that they are all enjoying themselves really, but even better answer from Andromeda - we all need these upbeats when things aren't great don't we.

not particularly, but I do like the Bendisboot Blok look so let's stick with that wink and yeah, I had that bit with Babbage in there to call things out, as having a big party isn't quite what comes to mind after all the recent events tongue

Originally Posted by Harbinger
Gates for Legion Leader - well, that would be interesting though I think the UP government might not be impressed smile

I think even Winema would have a heart attack if Gates were to become Legion leader tongue tongue and glad you liked the bits in the party!

Originally Posted by Harbinger
That was a great way to end this arc - take a bow IB and accept the applause!

Wow, your team is getting massive! You're opening up for a leadership vote too? Hmmm, will need to think about it but I'll get back to you soon with my votes.

You have excelled with this story IB, genuinely every post was so well done, the overall story arc, from Kono in the cave much much erlier on through to the party at the end, has been an absolute feat! Well done!

Take a well deserved break, let your imagination run riot and come back with more, more, more!

thank you, thank you very much Harbi, what a ringing endorsement! I'm very pleased, thank you tons!

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also an update: thanks raz, Omni, and Harbi for sending in your leader votes! it's interesting that we, so far, have zero overlap between your picks - each of you picked a different three!

It will be interesting to see if a 4th voter will break the tie - I've already decided not to vote, as if I do vote now it will be very much open to my own biases. or f I'll need to use a random number generator to break the ties smile

what an exciting ride this is turning out to be, for me as well!

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hi all, I was getting ready to use a random number generator to break the tie... and in swoops Set, with a tie-breaking vote laugh whew!

Right now, I am writing bios for each Legionnaire (mainly Active ones, but a few others will get entries too). Once I am done with that, I will begin actually writing Volume 5 smile Bios are in the recap thread:

One clue I'll throw out to Volume 5 plans... Volume 4 was fairly heavy on magic, Volume 5 will veer into the realm of science!

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Hi IB, I could have sworn I wrote a reply here after Dryad got their humanoid form but I must have forgotten to post it! Also it seems I have missed way more than I thought so this will be a big catch up! smile

Dryad becoming a character is a nice (and honestly, also more versatile) alternative to Blok! I am really intrigued about how they're gonna develop, you don't see a planet become a person too often!

All the personnel movements are logical, but what really grabbed my attention is the idea of ramping up the Heroes of Lallor and the Amazers to be sister teams to the Legion - with the way you have been writing them it totally makes sense, it will be good to see that develop as well!

Aww, poor Brawler frown He was a nasshead, but I still feel sorry for him. I like the realistic reactions though, not everyone is gonna have endless compassion.

Tenzil grinned as he lowered his sunglasses and peered at her.

Tenzil wearing sunglasses 24/7 might actually be the most important change in status quo that the Legion of Superheroes have ever had...I love how much character it gives him laugh

Ral and Val being friendly was very cute, and I love the fashion interlude - you could probably write a whole mini-series about various Legionnaires shopping and going to fashion shows and I would love it laugh

the former Sister of the Eternal Cosmos had made some very meaningful suggestions on how to best remember Xao's life.

Nice reminder of Laurel's past! I'm not wild about her whole space nun thing, but I would prefer it be used if it's gonna exist.

Its face had hardly any of the features that would be found in most humanoid races or species; Dryad had two button-like eyes, and a basic mouth that let it speak. Not even a nose, not that it needed one. And its ears were simply two little holes on the sides of its head. Dryad BendisBlok?? Cool!

Lyle and Jacques are also so cute!

Somehow, Konk! rushing to karaoke is cracking me up laugh

"I'll make you sing really loudly tonight," Insect Queen whispered slyly as she followed Particon.

LONNA! shocked

IB!! This was such a great ending to the volume! I love the optimism, and Marla being the one to play adult advisor at the end of the much good stuff! I am also dying to know who the next leader is gonna steal a phrase, more more more!

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hiya raz thanks for the R&R! hope you didn't have to rewrite a lot of lost comments!

I am also intrigued about Dryad! It's such a new concept for me... but I really like the added versatility of having a rock-and-earth mover on the team wink

glad you like the Amazers and Lallor plans wink I like having a place to put a lot of heroes/characters whose powers have hard limits, that likely can't make the Legion... but there's a place for them anyway wink

Glad you liked the little bits, Tenzil and sunglasses, the realism re poor Brawler's fate, Lonna being naughty tongue So, I didn't quite think of BendisBlok when I was describing Dryad, but I like it!

maybe I should do more with the whole fashion show bit, lol!

I do like Andromeda being a bit nun-ny still, in terms of her compassion and calmness wink but yeah, no way is she going back to being a nun!

thanks tons raz, glad you liked the ending! really appreciate it a lot!

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VOLUME 5: What Makes Us Special

Legion World

Active Legionnaires

Apparition, Tinya Wazzo of Bgztl; intangibility
Ultra Boy, Jo Nah of Rimbor; enhanced speed, strength, invulnerability, vision powers and flight, but can only use one power at a time


Jo Nah grunted as he crouched behind a wall. The blasts of energy weapons sounded all around him. He felt the rush of adrenaline, and chided himself.

Too many times, he had been all gung-ho, rushing into battle, and using absolutely the wrong power at the wrong time.* But Tinya had thought him to think, a lesson that had been driven him when he let his guard down once, and Tinya...

Forcing himself to stop thinking about Tinya's burned body, Jo focused on the here and now. Now, he was snug behind a wall, and needed to find where the weapons were coming from. "Stop the threat at its source," he quoted Tinya.

He crouched even lower and turned around. Switching from invulnerability to penetra-vision, he scanned the area where most of the blasts were coming from.

"There," Jo smiled to himself. Peeking his head out from behind the wall, he switched to flash vision and fired.

Yelps of pain and surprise greeted him. He waited a few seconds, to see if more fire would come. Switching back to penetra-vision, he saw soldiers running around in panic.

"Good." Slamming his fist into an open palm, he grinned. "Now it's time to get physical."


Whistling, Jo took a swig of protein-enhanced coffee as he tapped on the code of the door to the apartment he shared with Tinya and Cub. His wife, and his son. As the door slid open, the smell of freshly cooked eggs and bacon wafted towards him.

"You've been working hard," Tinya wrinkled her nose in mock disgust.

"I really should shower," Jo laughed a she leaned over to kiss her.

"Yup. Just a peck for now," Tinya teased. She was dressed in a robe, her hair still messy. "Thanks for letting me sleep in."

"You were the one who got up last night when Cub woke up," Jo grabbed a plate and spooned some eggs onto it. "And, you have the memorial today."

"I'm glad you're not forcing yourself to come just for me," Tinya smiled.

"Like you said before, we don't actually need to be physically there for each other ALL the time," Jo's eyes twinkled as he took a bite of the bacon. "Mmmm."

"Tel keeps asking me how you can eat all that and not get fat," Tinya laughed.

"Tel thinks too much about having a perfect set of abs," Jo shook his head. He wolfed down the rest of his breakfast. "Now," he stood up and peeled his shirt off. He absent-mindedly touched his own midsection. He was a little heavier around the gut, he acknowledged; but he still had a very respectable four-pack, and certainly quite a bit more upper-body muscle than the leaner Gravity. Jo had to spend less time in the gym and more time taking care of Cub; he sheepishly acknowledged that drinking about the same amount of silverale also contributed.

And, Jo's workouts now focused more on combat skills than on purely building muscle. He was still a bit ashamed of how easily he got taken out fighting the Pig**... M’Onel had given him a talking-to after that. If he kept getting distracted by Tinya and Cub during battle, how could he make sure they were protected? Jo had promised himself that he would do better from now on…

He brushed that thought away as he flexed for Tinya. "If I shower now, will you still have time for a little couples' workout before you have to go?"

Tinya bit her lip in mock shyness as she began pulling her robe off. "Just about, and you won't even need your ultra-speed..."

Jo was already fiddling with his combat boots, when a cry sounded from the nursery. Tinya cursed under her breath as she turned to run to Cub.

"I've got him, angel," Jo sighed as he stepped out of his boots. "You can't be late."

Smiling gratefully, Tinya leaned in to kiss Jo full on the lips. "Tonight, I promise."

"For sure," Jo winked. He waved at Tinya as she phased into their bathroom. Then he sped off to Cub's room.

Thank grife he still had his pants on.

Opening the door and turning on the light, he leaned over his son. "Hey, hey there little man. What's happened?"

"I..." Cub's eyes shot open as tears spilled down his face. "I dreamed that you and mommy and Uncle Brin were all gone again, and I kept running around and couldn't find you..."

"We're right here, kid," Jo pulled Cub upright. "Yeah, your mom and I and Uncle Brin all disappeared for a bit, but we came back, okay?" He held Cub in his hands and looked him deep in the eyes. "We won't ever leave you, not willingly. And if we have to leave for a bit, your Nana Winema and all your other aunties and uncles will watch over you until we can come back, okay?"

"Okay, daddy," Cub said as his breathing slowed to normal. Jo smiled as he tenderly rubbed Cub's arm. Who would ever have thought, that when Jo Nah left Rimbor, he'd eventually settle down as a family man?

He reflected for a moment. His own mother had just kept him fed until he turned old enough to join a gang, and he didn't even know who his father was.*** When he'd found out he had a son of his own...**** He had been scared and surprised at first, but seeing his boy like this... He ruffled Cub's hair as he lay him down. "Now, go back to sleep. When you wake up, daddy will be here."

"Okay, daddy," Cub sighed as he closed his eyes. "But can you shower first? You kinda stink."

"You little scamp," Jo playfully ruffled Cub's hair. "You every try making a crack like that at Nana Winema..."

Cub didn't hear; he was sleeping peacefully.

Chuckling, Jo floated over to the door. Taking a last look at Cub, he turned off the lights.

Maybe he'd get one of those new VR displays to help Cub sleep better... and select a nice wine to set the mood for when Tinya came back tonight...


IB's notes:

1) This was a common theme earlier in the Reboot: see Legionnaires 26, Legionnaires Annual 2, and even LSH 83. While fighting a Daxamite in Legionnaires Annual 2, Tinya coached Jo in using his powers, and they knocked the Daxamite out briefly... but when Jo and Tinya declared their love for each other, the Daxamite murdered Tinya while an invulnerable Jo was unharmed.

2) End of Volume 4

3) Legion Worlds 6 - Tinya went to Rimbor and sought out Jo's mom. She didn't even know he was a Legionnaire (which I find surprising, as Legion identities are public, but I guess she doesn't watch or read the news)? And admitted she didn't even know WHO his dad was!

4) Tinya found out she was pregnant around the time of the Rift Disaster, she hadn't even told Jo yet when he got swallowed up as part of Legion Lost (revealed Legion Worlds 6). Almost nobody else knew about Cub, except Lyle (who puzzled it out) and of course Winema, Tinya's mom.

Last edited by Invisible Brainiac; 07/04/23 12:46 AM.
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VOLUME 5: What Makes Us Special


Active Legionnaires

Andromeda, Laurel Gand of Daxam; enhanced speed, strength, invulnerability, vision powers, flight
Apparition, Tinya Wazzo of Bgztl; intangibility
Blizzard, Brek Bannin of Tharr; cold projection
Element Lass, Candi "Princess" Pyponte-LeParc III of Xanthu; transmutation
Inferno, Dirk Morgna of Earth (USA and Russia); pyrokinesis, can see heat signatures
Kinetix, Zoe Saugin of Aleph; telekinesis and animation of objects; affinity for magic
White Witch, Mysa of Zarrox; sorcery

Reserve Legionnaires (Still in the Legion Cadet program)

Dryad, living remnant of the dead planet of the same name; malleable rock body, geokinesis and terrakinesis


Apparition stood silently beside the White Witch, as Mysa stood over the grave of Xao Jin, Dragonmage. Most of the other mourners had left for Legion World; around about half of the Legion had shown up. Many of the others were still angry at Dragonmage's actions, or at least ambivalent.*

Mysa had been concerned about burying Xao on Shanghalla, for this reason. And the magicla community on Zarrox had also been split about Xao...

... so Tinya had suggested JS-1967 as a compromise. Here, Xao had helped fight Mordru; and he had helped defeat the Elementals he himself had freed. It seemed fitting.***

"You are very calm, Mysa." Andromeda floated over; she was wearing some sort of ceremonial shawl. Laurel had explained that, though she had officially left the Sisters of the Eternal Cosmos, she was still some sort of lay sister and could perform some of their rites.***** "I'm sure you know you can let all of your emotions out."

"I know," Mysa said. "I would just prefer to do it in private." She looked up and smiled to show her appreciation. "But I really am grateful that you are all spending time here, with me, in memory of Xao."

Element Lass delicately tapped her crystalline face with a hanky, though she didn't need to. "I know most of us are confused about what he did, but I do try to focus on the earlier days!" She clutched the hanky in her hands. "I wouldn't be here, if not for him helping..."*******

"I am grateful that some still decided to come, despite their mixed feelings," Mysa said quietly, her eyes wandering to the burning paper house in front of Dragonmage's tomb. Dirk Morgna had lit it, as an offering to Xao in the afterlife, just like Xao had described his family's practices. She knew that Dirk was one of the Legionnaires who had the most cause to be angry at Xao...

"Would you all join me in one last prayer?" Mysa asked. The other three nodded, and they all closed their eyes.


Dirk Morgna stood beside Dryad, in front of the memorial to the last Dryadian, Brika.

"I remember her," Dryad said softly as it stroked the glass protecting Brika's remains. "She was the only one who dared confront the colonizers who tried to bulldoze my surface, asking them to let my children move their hibernating stone forms."*****

"She was brave, and a hero," Dirk said quietly. "She turned against the Elementals who possessed us, and she saved me from the final explosion... She knew she would likely die..." He thought about placing a hand on Dryad's arm, then stopped. How should one act with the remnant of a living planet?******

"I'm just glad we were able to collect and preserve her physical form," Dirk continued.

"When the Earth Elemental destroyed my original form," Dryad continued, "I felt all my children die." Dryad turned to Dirk. "I never thought I would at least have remains to mourn. Thank you for taking care of Brika in this way."

Blizzard popped up beside Dryad. "I watched the logs of that battle," he said. "Do you want to know more about what happened, Dryad?"

"Of course." As Dryad turned to chat with Brek, Kinetix came up beside Dirk. "Dirk, have a look at this," she motioned with her head.

"What?" Dirk took to the air, flying after Zoe. They flew a few meters on. Sure that they were out of earshot, Zoe turned to Dirk. "You're fine being here? JS-1967 holds some bad memories for you. And I know Dragonmage wasn't your favorite person..."

"No, he wasn't," Dirk muttered. "I tried to forgive him, and then he went and turned on us. But..." Dirk looked at Dryad. "I'm here for Dryad, and Mysa, and to remember Brika.******" His eyes blazed for a moment. "And I guess he did enough good, that he doesn't deserve jus having his body lie in a ditch or something."

"That's... really mature, Dirk," Zoe said softly. She brushed her hair back. "If it helps, I know how you feel. I still feel betrayed, but I came today mainly for Mysa."

Dirk smiled, slowly. "And thanks for having Brek distract Dryad, so you could check on me."

Zoe laughed. "That obvious?"

"Brek isn't subtle," Dirk's eyes twinkled. "And I've done this maneuver before. With Brek as my wingman, even."

Zoe laughed. "He's told me about that. Nothing about after contact is made, thank grife."

He and Zoe laughed, then fell silent for a moment. "Should we go make sure Brek isn't boring Dryad too much?" he said, cheekily.

Zoe laughed, as she gestured at Brek, who was animatedly hopping up and down while Dryad looked on quietly. "I hope he hasn't tried to reenact a blow-by-blow of the Elemental battle yet..."


IB's notes:

1) See the last parts of Volume 4!

2) Mordru - Legionnaires 49-52, Elementals - Legionnaires 71-74

3) Space nun Andromeda! See Legionnaires 46, among others.

4) Element Lass is referring to the final battle against the Monitor in Volume 3!

5) Brika of Dryad was possessed by the Earth Elemental. While in its thrall, she exploded Dryad, killing everyone on it. She redeemed herself by fighting her possession (alongside Dirk Morgna/Inferno, who was possessed by the Fire Elemental). She shielded Dirk from the explosive black hole at the end.

6) For the story of Dryad's return, see Volume 4!

7) Dirk was only possessed by the Fire Elemental because Dragonmage released the Elementals in the first place. Click here for a scene where Dirk talks to Dragonmage!

Last edited by Invisible Brainiac; 07/04/23 06:25 AM.
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VOLUME 5: What Makes Us Special

Legion World

Active Legionnaires

Violet, Salu Digby of Imsk; shrinks and grows own body

Reserve Legionnaires (also Legion Support Staff)

Matter-Eater Lad, Tenzil Kem of Bismoll; consume and digest all forms of matter (Legion World head chef)


Violet's normally well-lit quarters were dimmed, to simulate romantic candlelight. The soft sounds of a bubbling waterfall ran in the background, and the scent of lavender wafted through the air.

In the middle of it was a dining room set for two. Tenzil had cooked; and because he was cooking, Violet had offered her kitchen. She wouldn't be much help with cooking, but she could at least clean up, she had said.

"Oh, Tenzil," Violet gushed as she took a spoonful of the gorgeous pluberry-liqueur souffle that Tenzil had created. "Every bite of this pastry is exploding with flavor! How did you get it so?"

"If I told you, I'd have to kill you," Tenzil's eyes twinkled as he had some of his own - though his was flavored with mercury and copper. As a Bismollian chef, Tenzil always had to make absolutely sure he didn't mix up the plates of the sentients he was serving...

"Fair enough," Violet giggled. "Anyway, most of the cooking terms would fly over my head."

"You have other skills," Tenzil winked. "You can fight like the best, for one."

"Mmmm," Violet coyly looked at Tenzil as she began twirling her hair. "Which of my moves do you like the most?"

"That kick thing you used on Micro in your Legion tryout, that was iconic," Tenzil laughed. "I was there when the holo was transmitted over to Legion HQ, and whooo boy!"*

"Mmmm. You know," Violet stood up and sat on the edge of the table. "Zoe has this one move that she says Brek likes..."

Tenzil gulped. "Oh, yeah? She told you?"

Violet reached out and ran a finger along Tenzil's arm. "Well, she's my best friend, we talk about everything. With Brek's permission, of course, and she won't tell him what I talk about unless I say it's okay. And of course, I'd ask you first if it were okay to tell her anything, and she wouldn't tell Brek either..." She traced her finger up Tenzil's arm. "Is there anything you're thinking of doing, that you don't want me to talk about?" She fixed him in her stare.

Tenzil scratched the back of his head. "I, um... Salu, I think I, uh... do-do you want some of the second dessert I made, it's a chocolate tart with..."

"Oooh!" Violet stood up abruptly and stamped her foot. "Tenzil, we've been dating for months now; I know you're into me, but every time I bring this up you just stammer and change the subject." Tenzil shrank back as Violet loomed over him; she wasn't using her power to grow, but she seemed twice his height now!

"I've asked you about it before, and you brushed it off." Violet slammed her fist down on the table. "Well, I'm done with evading the subject. Tenzil, talk to me! Why are you so skittish about sex?" Seeing Tenzil's face, Violet softened. She sat down and took a deep breath. "Tenz, it's not so much you saying NO that makes me mad. But I want to know WHY you say no. It feels like you don't trust me to understand..."

Tenzil blinked. Then he sighed, and took off his shades and made himself meet Violet's eyes. They were such a pretty shade of violet, and right now they were wide with concern for him. "I'm sorry, Vi, you're right. I'm so used to evading things with humor..." He leaned forward and took Vi's hand. "I... you know that Bismoll has a toxic environment, we're used to keeping covered up to protect ourselves. So we're not generally very used to being casual about nudity.** And..." he gulped. "With foodstuff being so scarce, I mean... we can eat anything, except a lot of the stuff on our homeworld. A lot of that is poisonous to us, right? So..." he looked down. Violet squeezed his hand in support, and kept quiet.

"So... we've always had strict laws on rationing and weight, and... and... when I was a kid, I often came afoul of those laws. That's one reason I left, I hated being so restricted. But I guess it gave me a complex of how I weigh, how I look, and..."

Violet gripped Tenzil's hand. "Thank you for telling me, Tenz."

Tenzil looked up and smiled. "Now you understand why I crack so many jokes."

"We cope in our own ways. I was a shy wallflower, remember?" Violet smiled back.

"It's not easy being around fit, gorgeous types all day," Tenzil shook his head. "That's why I always hit the gym with Chuck. I get intimidated when I'm in the locker rooms with Karate Kid, or Timber Wolf, or Ultra Boy, or Density..."

"I used to feel that way in the early days," Violet chuckled. "Apparition always had the best street clothes, and Saturn Girl never had a hair out of place, XS has that runners' build, and you know how Zoe always had guys fighting for her attention on a night out... and I could go on and on..." She stood up and wrapped Tenzil in a hug.

"You really get me, Salu," Tenzil sighed.

"I do." Salu held Tenzil's face in her hands and stared into his baby blue eyes. "And I want you to know that I find you absolutely gorgeous. And your sense of humor and your vulnerabilities make you even more adorable to me."

"Salu, I..." Tenzil caressed Vi's face. He could feel his heart pounding. He had opened up to her, and she had understood and accepted it all. He was nervous, but he wanted to make her feel like... he wanted to show her...

He stepped back and began taking off his shirt.

"Tenz, we don't need to do it if you're not ready-"

"I want to, Salu," Tenzil smiled. He finished pulling his shirt up off his head and dropped it on his seat. He tried not to look down.

Salu looked at him and smiled. "Tenz, you know you may not be Mister Atlas, but trust me, you're fitter than the average sentient our age."

"Yeah, at least my belly actually disappears when I stand up," Tenzil snickered.

"I mean it," Salu moved closer to him. "You're gorgeous." Closing her eyes, she leaned in for a kiss.

Tenzil could feel Salu unbuttoning her top as he kissed her back. "Go easy on me, okay?"

"Only if you ask nicely," Salu quipped back as she led him to the bedroom.


IB's notes:

1) Way, way, way back in LSH 66! We don't actually SEE Tenzil in that issue, but he was already Legion HQ Chef then so could very well have been!

2) I first touched on Bismollians and covering up here!

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VOLUME 5: What Makes Us Special

Legion World

Active Legionnaires

Kid Quantum II, Jazmin Cullen of Xanthu; time manipulation. Current Legion leader.

Amp, Ming Sul of Earth (Korea and Taiwan); amplifies the natural abilities of self and others
Calorie Queen, Taryn Loy of Bismoll; consume all forms of matter, and conversion of same into super-strength
Chemical Kid, Condo Arlik of Phlon; controls chemical reactions
Gear, I.Z.O.R. of Linsnar; bio-mechanical techno-morphing
Invisible Kid, Lyle Norg of Earth (Australia and Israel); invisibility
Magno, Dyrk Magz of Braal; magnetokinesis
Sizzle, Teela Spuunvil of Abaddonus; absorbs and converts energy


"And let's just say that Timber Wolf is equally hairy all over," Calorie Queen mischievously took a sip of her drink. Her companions had been grilling her on her last date.

"Oh, I know, I've seen him in the locker rooms," Chemical Kid giggled. Invisible Kid fixed him with a mock angry stare. "Condo!" Lyle playfully hissed. Magno shook his head; Lyle used to be so private and secretive. But ever since being separated from Condo for a while, Lyle had slowly been opening up to the rest of the team.*

"This seat taken?" Kid Quantum asked as she approached the only occupied table in the Legion cafeteria. It was the night-cycle now, so only Legionnaires who had just finished active duty were present. Without waiting for an answer, she plopped down and took a deep breath, then slammed her head into her crossed arms.

"Preparing for the handover?" Invisible Kid remarked sympathetically. "I remember when I had to do that for Imra.* I nearly went crazy thinking of what I had to tell her, and how to organize all the information."

"Right?" Jazmin sighed. "I will be so glad when it's over."

"For what it's worth, you're during a great job," Sizzle smiled encouragingly. "I didn't vote for you only because I know you've been wanting a break."

"Who DID you vote for?" Amp leaned forward with a conspiratorial grin. "Gear, Lamprey and I have been trying to see if we can predict the results beforehand... We're also trying to tease Nightwind that maybe she'll get voted in again, but..."

"She definitely did a good job while she was leader," Chemical Kid offered. "But she's made it clear she doesn't want the job again just yet, so I'm respecting that."

"Well?" Amp looked around at the group. "I voted for Echo myself. I think us new kids could make a good showing."

Sizzle raised an eyebrow. "But he said he wasn't interested in running? I mean, he's responsible and everything but if he's not interested..."

"The best leaders don't want the job!" Calorie Queen laughed. "But I think experience counts, I actually went with Triad. I mean, she and Apparition are the most senior Legionnaires who haven't had the job yet. And while Apparition's a mom now, Triad has been really active with admin stuff."

"I thought about experience too," Sizzle said. "I actually voted for a past leader myself." She slyly smiled at Invisible Kid. "I think you've done great things with the Espionage Squad, Lyle."

Lyle threw his hands up. "But I work best in the shadows!"

"I know, you were always saying that when you first led us," Magno laughed. "I went with White Witch. When there were only a handful of us battle-ready while fighting the Zodiac, she steered us pretty well through it. And hopefully it will help take her mind off Dragonmage..."

"Sorry, Dyrk, but I think that's a terrible reason to make someone leader. Being leader isn't a distraction," Chemical Kid shook his head. "I went for Chameleon, actually."

"We both did," Lyle smiled. "Cham has the people skills to handle this team."

"Keep going, keep going," Gear grinned. "I'm taking notes and adjusting the odds." He made a show of rubbing his hands in glee.

Amp slapped Gear's hand playfully. "You know you can't make a bet now, Gear, you're the bookie!"

Kid Quantum raised her head up. "A lot of good candidates, actually. I've been too sprocking busy to vote, frankly."

"But which of them would YOU want to be your successor?" Calorie Queen asked. "Any preference?"

Before Kid Quantum could answer, Gear's flight ring beeped. "Gear," Theena's voice sounded. "Sorry, I know your shift just ended, but we need you for this one."

"Oh?" Gear playfully replied. "Is Star Boy having trouble programming his holo-array again?"

"I wish," Theena sighed. "Sorry Gear... but it's about Linsnar."

Gear paled at the mention of his homeworld. "Can't Babbage or Brainiac 5 go?"

"They've asked for you, Gear."

Uncharacteristically for him, Gear stood up without a word, face pale. He gave a half-hearted wave to his teammates, and left.

The Legionnaires at the table looked at each other in puzzlement.

"Was it just me..." Invisible Kid mused. "Or did Gear seem... afraid?"


IB's notes:

1) Volume 1-3, when the original/earlier Legionnaires were lost in the multiverse.

2) Invisible Kid handed leadership over to Saturn Girl in Legionnaires 59. He was leader from Legionnaires 45.

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Hi IB, I have caught up on your latest tonight and must say very enjoyable!

Some more thoughts:

Jo learning to be a better fighter is a nice bit of development, as is his perfect superhero physique becoming mildly less perfect as he spends more time being a dad.

I liked the bit about Jo & Tinya realising they don't need to be joined at the hip 24/7 as well, and it is nice to see Jo, Tinya and Cub actually being a family unit as opposed to Cub just being a DRAMATIC PLOT DEVICE as he basically was in the comics.

Candi dabbing her eyes even though she doesn't cry anymore is funny and seems very her laugh

Awww Vi and Tenzil's bit was really wholesome and cute! It also really drums home how different they both are from the OG versions (and for Vi, how different she is from how she started in the reboot even! I can't imagine her doing bedroom talk before all the Emerald Eye stuff happened!) I really love how well you handled what could have been a cringey topic, with them both being quite forthright and mature, and it's a nice thematic follow-up from Jo's thoughts earlier about how being a dad is making him less of a Rimborian Calvin Klein model (also, thanks for the link to Tenzil and Brek's previous conversation - I had forgotten about that till I started reading it again!)

OOOH we are gonna get to see Linsnar!! Gear's race is such a fascinating concept to me, but I don't remember ever seeing another Linsnarian in a Legion comic ever and I can't wait to see what you do with them!

Also, I forgot to add this to my notes as I was going but I really like seeing who various people voted for - it's a good quick way to show a bit of characterisation smile

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hi raz, thank you for the fast read & review smile appreciate it tons!

glad you like the Jo, Tinya and Cub developments! I didn't like Cub much when he was introduced, but indeed he's there now... and best utilized as a real kid wink I'll conveniently ignore all the weird powers he had, and just keep the phasing!

and re Jo's changes, I personally hate how superhero types tend to be uber duper underwear model fit most of the time. I like a bit of realism, and it makes sense Jo would be like some of the athletic dads I know... like, they still do sports and stuff but their focus changes too.

I love how Candi tends to steal scenes just by being her lol! she's so much fun to write!

glad you liked Vi and Tenz! I figured they were the perfect couple (among mine anyway) to illustrate this point, and I like how they can both relate to the "feeling outclassed" bit. I figure that's what would make them such a great couple, that they help each other through their insecurities and all. and happy to share links to past bits, TBH I also needed to reread that Brek/Tenz moment - I remembered there was one, but forgot exactly how I wrote it lol. I also figure, considering all that Vi (and Tenz for that matter) have gone through, they'd be quite mature and not bicker like idiots about the topic.

yes! I'm both excited and a bit apprehensive at tackling Linsnar, as we've never seen anything about it or seen anyone else from there other than Gear, so we only know secondhand stuff about it!

and a treat for you, you're going to LOVE the away team going to Linsnar wink

oh and there's also another mission coming up soon to Swizzar - and you're gonna love the away team for that too wink

and yeah, I'm pleased at how smoothly the "who voted for who" bits flowed, I thought I'd be struggling to think who voted for who but it just seemed to come naturally based on each character smile

Last edited by Invisible Brainiac; 07/04/23 06:23 AM.
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PS, I forgot to add this earlier, but here's a link to a scene where Dirk talks to Dragonmage (from before all the Zodiac shenanigans) and kinda forgives him!

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