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Kill This Thread LXIII - Sticking to your Resolutions
by Ann Hebistand - 01/23/25 01:57 PM
Legion Trivia 6
by Invisible Brainiac - 01/23/25 12:18 PM
RIP Jules Feiffer
by Ann Hebistand - 01/23/25 07:53 AM
I'm Thinking of a DCU character Part 6!
by Chaim Mattis Keller - 01/23/25 07:18 AM
The Non-Legion Comics Trivia Thread Pt 5
by Chaim Mattis Keller - 01/23/25 06:05 AM
Mon-El's Adventures In The Phantom Zone!
by Set - 01/23/25 04:20 AM
Inane one word posts XXXIV - inanity
by Invisible Brainiac - 01/22/25 05:00 PM
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Brawler finally appears. It's a bit unfortunate for the team that Babbage is on the squad he faces as I think this isn't going to go well for them. And, wow! immediately brutal with Brawler tearing off Babbage's arms, that was nasty! Nice that Drura can control her microbes to heal her up after that tumble, and she's at least managed to infect him first. An andry Kinetix is quite a scary prospect - perhaps the team will win this round? I've got a feeling that's just wishful thinking, unfortunately. The bubble around Brawler's head was a good move. Ah, maybe not, she shouldn't have taken her eyes of him. Poor Babbage, hope you won't kill it, I've a sort spot for big, hulking orange robots smile

The Princess Holograms XXXVIII sounds like my idea of hell laugh I think Insect Queen may be the Legion character I dislike the most - her powers are just too creepy for my tastes (I killed her the first chance I got in the Dream Boy fic because of this) and changing only her head - yeuch! Particon and IQ are a couple so it's nice that they don't flaunt it as neither Rokk or Tinya's partners are there - very considerate, especially at a time when you'd probably most want them close by. Rokk's optimism is great to read. Oh the old switch powers trick - funnily enough, I was thinking of tropes I want to include before the end of LW9 and that was one I had considered smile It's always fun. Nice to see the team at least try though there's notgetting away from their lack of experience. And, if only Chaquk had met Kinetix or Monstress before the Pig things would have turned out very differently!

The speech pattern, very Scooby Doo! Gives me a smile every time. Thom's lack of fine motor control isn't a surprise though him admitting it is a good way to show how straight hs character is. And getting the team to fight themselves is always a good way to saveoneself from taking risks, so the Dog's another clever member of the Zodiac gang. And, I'm kind of glad that you didn't show the team fighting each other there.

The Pig! Okay, now we'regetting to the root of this trouble. Very opportunistic of him to see Mordru's reappearance as something he could emulate to a degree to match his own designs. And f course he has kept the nest artifacts for himself. Nice to see Sussa actually be supportiv - she ain't stupid! Though perhaps Jo is... Lume charging up Mon El's daxamite physiology is smart. So the Pig can drain and use other's powers - he's Earth Man! (or maybe the Wesrerner?) That has got to be one of the best reveals as he's been popping up for so long and we knew he was a schemer so it would fit perfectly. And perfect timing for another White Wave to transport them to wherever they are going next.

And I'm out of time. Aaagh! Oh well, nearer to the end at least than I was this morning. Am thoroughly invested in finding out what the Pig's big plan will be, who has survived, and what the free members of the team and support crew will do to hopefully save the day. This has been great fun IB. Looking forward to more, more and more!

Legion Worlds Ten - the final chapter is here. Find out the ultimate fate of our fantastic future friends.Only found in the Bits o' Legionnaire Business Forum.
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As always, thanks a ton Harbi! I look forward to properly replying in a week or so smile

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Yay, and here I am again, back for a final puh to catch up with your work.

So, at least the White Witch and Thunder are still free - between them they could probably take out most opponents, but the Zodiac Gang are tough so let's see who they can rustle up to support them. Things are pretty desperate for your main team so they better be quick - unless you plan on killing them all off and starting again laugh Which has given me a great idea for where to take the LW Saga laugh

Good to see Marla taking a role here and helping out. There's a character that could have been great in canon but was woefully underused.

Also great to see your reverists and cadets including your own creations. Am looking forward to seeing how you use them. And you are a tease for not letting Crystal Kid finish his sentence, "they're al..." what? I'm going to assume alive but battered, say 95% sure, though you may throw in a shock or two smile Pol's concern for Rokk was touching. The search for Legionnaires was tough as broken and bashed bodies started to pile up - the team really took a beating here and I imagine the after effects will be pretty tough going too. The little scene between Vision and Healer was touching, and poor Candi! Uplift's decision to not put herself in such a risky situation is understandable, tbh I'd be the same. Bless Brin, of course he'd take an acid burn. Dr Gym'll's worries were well done, and using the Mess to clean wounds - brilliant! Mysa and Xao's showdown is coming, and I reckon it's going to break both their hearts. XS recovering quickly makes sense.

Eight active Legionnaires and two reservists against the Zoc=diac Gang - you don't make things easy, do you? Glad to see Babbage may recover soon, though poor Lume! Nice that Mysa has figured out what's going on and they don't just rush in unprepared. Ah, poor Dryad, being used like that - does this mean we'll be getting a Blok?

That list of those in the medi-bay is daunting! All of these scenes are really well done, very poignant, though a few realy stood out - Nice that the Vyrgan visitors were boisterous while the Talokean's are stoic. Winema is another great character that should have been kept on with the various reboots, and your writing of her is great, nice to see her edges be softened. Bless RJ. Are you going to give your Jacques a chance to shine? Be good to have him on the team. Marla stepping up again to field questions from family - that'd be a tough job! And Mekt being helpful, will you have him join the Legionnaires when they go after the Pig? Mentalla talking to Sizzle's parents to reassure them, very sweet. Be handy to have him onside against the Lightning Beast? Mentalla reassuring Sizzles parents was sweet.

And we're back with the Zodiac gang and when you list them like that we can see just how dangerous they are! Xao appears to be playing both ends against the middle, and the Pig is aware it seems. Interesting which of the gang will meet the Pig's eyes.

Good to see the Fleet has been called in, just in case the team don't win this one. And, yes XS is the most senior Legionnaire here, she joined pretty early on didn't she? Before James died? I'm fairly spotty on re-boot lore, soorry.

Kono planning her exit strategy - clever girl! Attacks fading? Is Mysa hiding them, or (I hope) Jacques invisibilty field? Polar Boy, Element Lass and Magno to the rescue! Nice use of their powers to get the magical talismans (talismen? What is the plural?) out of the way. Yay, it is Jacques! Controversial but I always preferred him to Lyle. Mentalla taking on the Snake and Xao - both would have quite strong wills I reckon so hopefully she hasn't over stretched herself. XS freeing her colleagues - good move! And a well timed "Long live the Legion!" And that's it! I'm up to date and hanging here waiting for the conclusion.

This has been an epic story line IB, well done for keeping it going for so long and you've handled it brilliantly. I'm kind of sorry that it looks like it'll end soon laugh

Looking forward to seeing how you end this arc, and the repercussions.

More, more, more!

Legion Worlds Ten - the final chapter is here. Find out the ultimate fate of our fantastic future friends.Only found in the Bits o' Legionnaire Business Forum.
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wow you catch up fast, Harbi, thanks tons for your kind words! Will reply properly later, heck I’m almost tempted to copy paste the next instalment but will hold off wink I do want to read through and perhaps edit a bit too

Thanks again smile

Last edited by Invisible Brainiac; 04/19/23 05:14 AM.
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Just read your last post from 13/04 and yay, the tables are turning!

I like the little focus on Kono to start with, it makes sense that as a thief she'd be thinking about her exit strategy.

I think one of the best parts of the Legion is seeing how their powers can work together to accomplish more than they could alone, and that is on good display here!

While this squad have a couple powerhouses they are overall not the most powerful Legionnaires you could put together, so it's very gratifying seeing how well they can do when they've got a plan!

I am with Harbi, this has been an epic storyline and I have enjoyed every bit of it! I am REALLY intrigued to see how Xao's gonna end up after all this!

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Thanks raz, appreciate your read and review and comments, and glad you’re enjoying it!

I really enjoy taking a situation and seeing how every Legionnaire can contribute to it, glad that’s worked out well here with everyone having their own little part wink

Also glad Kono’s characterisation works!

More to come very very soon smile including Xao’s fate, dun dun dun!!

Last edited by Invisible Brainiac; 04/22/23 08:42 AM.
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Hey IB,

I'm back for another round of R&R. I'm looking forward to what you have in store for me.

thank you for the updated roster list! its super helpful to see whos who of sorts.
Oh the emojis. lol all very cute.

Starting off this R&R in Brainy's Lab -
Time for some multiversal adventures! and to the U-0 team? nice to see them again. Now the question becomes which Legion is this? Raz's Legion? Harbi's Legion? or the one from the last time we saw them in your fic? oh so many to choose from! lol. (i know which one. but i think it be fun to have cross overs at some point of the fics and other legions.)

A three hour window huh? a lot of damage can happen in that time...
its always interesting to see the differences pointed out.
Yeah Sizzle and Gravity would have been out in the cold for sure with those rules. I do enjoy that your team has no cap on members. it was always a silly rule to me. I understood why, the taxes thing and then from a writers stand point its super hard just to do 25 never mind legions upon legions.
laugh laugh the codenames are always the biggest differences. its the one thing i always see posted everywhere when talking about the Reboot vs well any other version.

How could Phantom Girl not get any satisfaction from shutting up Gates?? ;p
Hahah I'm with Amp and wouldn't have expected that from Gates.
Oh Brin ever the flirt.

hahaah OMG the Jed's and Tel's are sure a randy bunch. but i'm not gonna lie i kept getting confused of which could was saying what and then when i read they were both basically saying the same things i just chuckled. At least one Jed was trying to be somewhat professional. lol laugh laugh laugh

Lamprey's moment with 0-Grava and 0-Myra was well done. Sadly U-0 lamprey really did get the shaft. But maybe some encouraging words from IB-Lamprey will help.
i liked how IB-Lamprey compared these two to her own friends and how all it takes with any Grava is time, practice, and patients. lol.

Lol of course the two Brainy's are happily discussing their projects.

Sun Boy and Inferno - Yeah Sun Boy is for lack of a better word a Manwhore it seems.
Inferno makes a great point but at the same point who else would understand you and your life better than someone whose in the same spot.
Oh Inferno is Bi. that's interesting had no idea. But Sun Boy's response is funny.
Inferno brings up some good points about the father figure stuff. But I think its also you know technically different time periods. different expectations/cultural norms.
Hahah. maybe Sunboy might give it a shot after all lol.

Calorie Queen - lol "they're all just so mega-sexy". haha. i guess. I think its just that their older. its like getting to see the fantasy of the future. But not exactly.
Oh cool she got to meet her counter-part too.

Collassal Boy/ Chameleon Girl/ IB-Chemical Kid -
I loved Chameleon Girl's speech and helped put it into perspective. There truly are so many universes out there that they could have happened upon.
I'm glad that the counter parts want to hear about their counter parts even though things didn't turn out well.
Poor Zoe this must be super awkward.
Seems like Reboot Gim was much more of a ladies man than we ever thought. lol.

Echo and Tyroc - i hate to say this but i totally forgot that Echo was your universe's variant of Tyroc.

Monstress - this broke my heart. Poor Candi. But i loved the resolution and their outlook about what the Progenitor did to her.

And now back to Legion World. Andromeda/M'Onel
I had forgotten about the bracelets that Daxamites are to wear now. It makes sense but at the same time it seems so demeaning to do that to them and now Durlarians are possibly going to face something similar? That's big. but it makes me wonder about all the different planets whose sentients gain powers simply by being on a lower gravity world or a different colored sun. I'm surprised that not more designations haven't been handed out. But i guess it only goes to those that they all fear...

a missing Daxamite?? hmmm

Also i'm slightly surprised with more Daxamites leaving Daxam that some form of Lead vaccine hasn't been developed for them so that they don't have to live in transuites.
the White Triangle really ruined things. its so hard (as we are currently seeing in the world) when that bigoted ideology takes hold in the world and affects everyone. But sadly being a bystander and being empathetic can be just as much of an issue.

The Brawler Mystery - I had totally forgotten that Brawler was a hold over from the old Academy. I wonder if maybe he was compromised back then and they just didn't know it. like maybe he's a sleeper agent of some sort.
I'd love to see who else was in the defunct Legion Academy and where they are now.
Idk Cham i'd call Dragonmage in sooner than later. the delay could make it worse...

Away team - and Officer Erin.
Shvaughn's run down of the team and then corrections with Lume size changing and Shikari defining her abilities was cute and fun interaction. I can just imagine M'Onel's smile at Shvaughn.
I hope Andromeda works through her issues. It will take time and i'm sure she can.
I think we all enjoy how much Shikari's powers vex Brainy.
Lol yes Sizzle we do spend a lot of time talking about Brainy! laugh
Shvaughn is totally right about being strict on time travel studies. We know what that can lead to...
Hahah loved the destructive Brainy trope. Although, i have to say it hasn't happened in a while. I feel like Brainy's gotten better. But i did love how Andromeda explained it using her times joining and leaving the team.
M'Onel has a bracelet on too? Nice. i remember that scene with trying to be intimate and he almost hurt her really bad. So i guess the bracelets really are a good thing.
Thank you for the note about the ages for M'Onel and Shvaughn. Yeah when i saw the who remembering your first time line i couldn't help but raise and eyebrow and laugh a little at the same time and Lead serum issues. I had forgotten that its all keyed to their DNA.

The first days -
That's a really cool training moment for Brek and Tayla.
Brek sticking his tongue out in concertation was super cute. mainly because i remember doing the same thing when i was a kid and writing. lol.
lol Calorie Queen sounds like an old mother hen, you're too thin! eat more! lol.
I do enjoy still hearing the comparisons though. lol.

You definitely get very personal with all of your legionnaires and its nice to see that even super heroes have issues with diets.

I've never really read much of the old comics but i've heard about the different groupings that used to take place like the Mon, Shady, Tinya, Jo quartet. So its interesting to see the groups your pulling together. Most of which i like. Its really fun to see the new Legionnaires with the older ones. even though they aren't that much older there is a clear difference between them. Its kind of like when the Legion met the Teen Titans and Jo and Tinya commented on ever being "that young".

I always find the small cultural tidbits that you throw in interesting. The idea that on Titan they share meal perceptions is kind of wild.
I'm glad Umbra has lightened up so much.

The return of Thunder!
Great reaction times for the team and now its time for some more time travel escapades.
Seven Statues that can give power? Hmm i wonder what that could be. heheh...
A descendant of Silvanna huh? that could lead to bad things...although he doesn't sound like much of a threat as his partner does.

The search for Teena -
I enjoy the exploration of all of their powers and M'Onel is a great one to do it with. Especially when you think about it he might have evolved them to a greater state than the average Daxamite due to his 1000 years in the Stasis Zone.
You know i never noticed it before but yeah Andromeda and M'Onel are never on a mission unless really needed. It was cute to see have them answer in unison.
I'm with Sizzle, to be able to see what they see would be amazing.

Haha we got to check in on Koko! that's great. i always felt like that was such and unresolved plot point. Haha oh Sizzle it was a site to behold.
love it! Brainy was totally the pet!

On to Sataar-- Teena seems to be going on a greatest hits of Legion missions to worlds that aren't super mainstream.
Sizzle and Andromeda i think could make good friends. i'd love to see Laurel expand her inner circle more.
Andromeda is so positive and its true they all provide their own gifts to help.
I like how your letting us into the inner circle more with using Sizzle to see just how normal the Legionnaires are and they are more than their powers/status.
haha M'Onel blushing was cute.
A M'Onel and Shikari training session would be fun to see.

Cham playing detective/ a drunk was interesting. Maybe Cham's got more acting talent that we ever realized. Question though, i thought Cham only could morph but not take on the actual powers or special talents of what/who he morphed into, So how is he able to use a bismollian physiology, because wasn't that the biggest thing between him and the Composite Durlarian?

It's great to see that Lume has figured out how to carry small objects in its light form. They truly needed to. it was too impractical not to, imho.
Hahah.. the Lume and the fart part was funny.
Ahh yeah Cham makes a great point and Lume would be perfect for insight espionage.

This is the hard part with traveling in any reality it seems. you have to be very careful about who you talk to while also trying to have fun and be adventureous. Hopefully this guy isn't real bad news and its a red herring.
I'm glad you're giving Shikari limits in her powers. But idk she sounds more like Dawnstar and i always saw her powers as different, more fine tuned and not just in space. But maybe that's how i see it and i need to go back and reread how its depicted in cannon. But still a good moment with Shikari.

Cham and M'Onel's moment was well done and showed the respect they have for one another really well.
i enjoyed getting to understand Sizzle and Lume's abilities and how they work together.
Oh Shikari that makes sense thats how it worked for her. i don't mind the name + Legion. it makes me think about how people might call them in the upcoming centuries when their time/history becomes lost to the annuals of time.
This was a well done mission with everyone playing their part and i liked that Sizzle remembered that instead of trying to play the hero.
So who is this mad man?
An Android that's super life like?? Hmmm i honestly would think they'd be fairly common place in the future. especially with Robotica running around. i figured there were tones of variations of Robots/AI there.
Glad they were able to save her after all! Maybe Teena should see Dr. Ryk'rr and i hope Andromeda's right about her healing knowing she saved them all.

the return of the Dark Circle? hmmm that could be interesting. But hopefully the AP isn't lying and they aren't fronting the Dark Circle.
Oh snap, were getting the Reboot version of Timber Wolf's dad? Does this mean that Brin is actually from Zunn in this reality as well and not from Rimbor?

To the 90th Century we go -
Thunder makes a point magic users would come in handy.
wait does Jed's ring not have the eco-protect function? i figured most legionnaires didn't wear transuits any more because of this function for the ring...but maybe i'm thinking of another version of the team. I will say it was funny hearing about Jed's time without one thought. lol.
Ahh I was right! its the Seven Deadly Sins!

Looks like Gluttony got Thunder...
Damn the team was taken pretty quick! This doesn't look like it boards well for them. These are some powerful vessels that's for sure.
IB these have been some fun posts and some great character work. I've enjoyed all of this a lot. I can't wait to continue with my R&R. but sadly that's all the time i have for now. Can't wait to finish up some more later!

read the adventures of the Reboot Legion!;f=2;t=001232
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thanks again Harbi, raz and Omni for your read & reviews! Now here I am to do your comments justice!

Harbi - you made excellent progress catching up!

Originally Posted by Harbinger
Interesting that Kono is scheming about her place in the Zodiac gang. So, there are 'ultimate targets' - interesting. Nice group of Legionnaires, old and new. Love Spark's snark. Sinking Drake into the ground is cruel, if he blows his way out he might hurt one of his teammates. What did Kono do to short circuit Ayla?

Ayla def has a nice sarcastic streak going. Kono short-circuited Ayla the same way Tinya short-circuits machinery (see canon examples LSH 87, LSH 91, Legionnaires 78). She basically disrupts something when she phases smile

Originally Posted by Harbinger
Liked the little bit about Cargggite's 'knowing'.

this bit was alluded to in canon, when Triad fought the Composite Durlan - and he copied her powers smile See LSH 107. I like it too, makes sense that a Carggite would have some sense re their other bodies, kinda like how we sense our appendages.

Originally Posted by Harbinger
I'm enjoying the individual motivation you give each of the Zodiac gang by the way, Scratch wanting to return Wellur to its former glory is quite poignant.

thanks! I always hate it when a writer creates a team and makes them all the same (not counting, say, Hand soldiers or the like, but groups where each member is distinct - like the Zodiac smile so I made sure to flesh each sign out

Originally Posted by Harbinger
Funny how Jazmin and Condo think about their partners but Lyle didn't, though still got to see Rokk, perhaps he will. Love it that your rabbit can literally become a rabbit - that made me laugh. An evil Captain Carrot! That is such a great idea, I am very envious as I wish I'd though of it smile

Each of the Legionnaires did think of their partners and/or friends, for sure. We only really saw it with Jaz and Condo because a) I didn't want it to get repetitive, and b) we see each group at different stages of waking up. Jaz and Condo are just waking up, while Lyle etc. had been awake long enough to put aside their worries smile

evil Captain Carrot is a fast fave of mine too, and I love how he can sneak up on an opponent by pretending to be a normal cuddly bunny...

Originally Posted by Harbinger
Nice teamwork between XS and Amp - must hurt to see Xao is attacking them.Funny how he ismost saddened by the thought that they will tell Mysa about his betrayal, not the actual betrayal itself. Though his tears make it clear he knows that he's gone too far. Will he end up betraying the Pig? I can see him and Kono cauing havoc if the rest of the Zodiac Gang go too far.

Xao feels like he has a good motivation for joining the Zodiac, which is why he thinks this way wink though indeed, he is walking a tight line, trying to help the Zodiac succeed without killing any of the Legionnaires...

Originally Posted by Harbinger
We know that one of Jaka'a people is an illusion caster so I assume Nura, etc., are not fighting their teammates. What a nasty trick to pull! And then creating an illusion that t's Universo, Brainstorm and Charma, that's pretty clever actually. And, Val hurling himself into a tree? Are you stating to channel your inner Giffen, haha. Of course, Candi is crystaline now so none of the others would really be able to knock her out.

very sharp of you to remember the illusion-casting Orandan that has appeared before smile as for Val, he needed to be taken out, so tree he goes. at least he lives wink

Originally Posted by Harbinger
Brainy's force field lets in magic - well, that's a design flaw but understandable given his dislike/distrust of the mystical. Nice to see Brin get the chance to be the acrobat, though a nuclear blast to the face has got to hurt!

Let's say Brainy has tried to make his field impenetrable to magic, but has not quite succeeded. part of why he hates magic so much wink

Originally Posted by Harbinger
Imra knowing to expect thunder, and the reason why, were well done. Gear made me smile - creating earmuffs, and the comment "I wish neither of you had said anything," - you're doing a good job of giving your team their own personalities. Andromeda being taken out by lightning? I assume that bolt was magically enhanced, makng her vulnerable. "lit up like a Diwali offering" great phrase, though strange in the usually secular Legion. I kind of feel a bit sorry for the Goat, as she doesn't seem like se really knows whats going on and the Pig is using her just to fill a space in the Zodiac. Still, eagerly hurting the Legionnaires because she had been told to... hmmm I'm not feeling too much sympathy for her.

Gear was a relative blank slate, so happy he is growing! you are correct that magic is what took Andromeda out.

as for Diwali, I know from talking to friends that some see it as many of us see Christmas - there are some religious roots, but some just celebrate it as a holiday now, time for friends and family and all that. conversely, there is some religion still in the Legion's time - with Valor worship being example #1 smile and you are absolutely right that the Goat isn't fully responsible - the Goat is not fully sentient but more like an animal, so can be akin to a trained pet.

thanks again for your mega kind words Harbi!

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thanks for your detailed R&R, Omni! and wow are you fast!

Originally Posted by Omni
btw, you missed the world over. here [quote]had evolved into a series of discussions about him never having truly gotten ever his first failed Legion application*,

nice catch, thanks Omni! I've fixed it smile appreciate it a lot

Originally Posted by Omni
Of course Sandy is being a brat. lol....brat might be an understatement.
be good Mendalla. be good. and she was.
Man, i don't know how any of them didn't deck her. i love me some Inferno/Sandy but man. You've definitely showcased better why she would never be with the Legion no matter how much i want it to be so.

Dr. Ryk'rr and Mandalla definitely wanted to deck Sandy too, they were just doing their best to be professional wink and alas, Sandy just isn't quite Legion material...

Originally Posted by Omni
that meeting with Martin and Sandy went better than expected. i half expected her to honestly just make him cry. its sad that Sandy doesn't have memories of her childhood or her family. But i honestly can relate a bit. i know thinking on my own past is hard sometimes, now that there are many who aren't there any more. So were they both orphaned? I'm blanking on what happened to Sandy's parents.
So if i recall right Martin has fire powers too? is it a family power?
I do hope Sandy keeps in touch and that was really quick thinking on her part getting him into the cadet program. she knew there was no way for them to say no once she gave the kid hope. lol.

Yeah, Sandy's not ALL bad wink like, she doesn't want Martin to go out into the cold. I posit that there is some sort of meta-gene running in their family. I'm not sure canon ever revealed exactly what happened to Sandy's parents to be honest!

Originally Posted by Omni
I had totally forgotten that Magno's brother went to TG for attempted murder. I wonder if he'll ever reform like Mekt did...

Magno's bro DID do it in the heat of battle, as the attempted murder was on a criminal. so he's not a complete monster. that said, he doesn't have any mental conditions like Mekt has, either...

Originally Posted by Omni
I love that Jo gave the advice about the ES. the only thing that i think is interesting though is the team knowing whose on the ES squad at all, i'm not 100% on this and it might be one of the other fics but i thought no one knew but the members themselves. It makes sense that Jo and Chuck would know. But its just a food for thought.

The Espionage Squad membership was actually spelled out in the Legion Constitution - see LSH Secret Files 2 smile And the Squad has been fairly public - see Legionnaires 58 for an example of the Squad openly going on a mission together. We also see RJ Brande sitting with Lyle while monitoring the Squad's activities/missions in... one of the Dark Circle issues, I think Legionnaires 62 or 64. So the Squad membership is pretty public, and also it's not too difficult for the rest of the team to figure out whose powers make them best-suited for the Squad.

Originally Posted by Omni
Mano -
Ah yes, there's the thing the Five were after...idk if we ever found out what the thing was...

not in canon, nope!

Originally Posted by Omni
Sensor, i like the way you used/explained her abilities. its so easy to make her a fairly standard telepath. I will have to keep this in mind when writing her. lol.

that is quite a compliment, that you would take something I describe as canon smile

Originally Posted by Omni
IB stop breaking my heart! and this time it was all because of a little red skinned girl and her mom. frown

sorry Omni, if it helps, Sensor was able to sense some burst of anger - so the little girl and her mom will learn the truth, that the mom was kinda manipulated.

Originally Posted by Omni
I was shocked that Omar didn't break out. i thought this would be the moment. But i'm glad he looked out for Magno. Even if it was just for a second.

Omar is not a complete monster wink just a big jerk

Originally Posted by Omni
Kono - The rat? Slizz the snake? ...based off the titles i've seen *spolier* we're moving into the Chinese Zodiac arch.
Oooo another Orandian mentalist... and a Kawi! we don't see many of them outside of being guides for the threshold system. what the Fatal Five took was mystical? The Serpent's Crown? is that something you made up or a DC Cannon thing?
haha of course Kono has to have a little fun with the Fatal Five.

very sharp of you Omni, indeed the Zodiac smile and the Serpent Crown, I blatantly stole that name from Marvel Comics lol! It was quite an artifact in a lot of stories, I understand

Originally Posted by Omni
The introduction of Devlin O'Ryan huh? Haha. him shaking in his boots was cute.

Devlin has appeared before in passing in my fic, but this is his first real moment. see here for first appearance smile

Originally Posted by Omni
thank you for making the distinction about these tryouts and that everyone is going into the Cadet program for the most part.
Microbe is doing great and i like that Cham coached her on this too.
Devlin's nervousness is soo cute and well done. Drura makes a great host companion.

glad you liked these bits! I always felt that some additional training could be needed before someone becomes a full Legionnaire, even if they control their powers really well. it's one thing to know how to use their powers, and another thing to know what to do in situations!

Originally Posted by Omni
The Heroes of Lallor are getting in on the Xanthu deal? that's a great way to strengthen all these worlds and teams. Hotspot must be thrilled.
poor Splitter. man he makes me soo sad! But i'm glad the others were able to help cheer him up a little bit and he's right. Your team has it so much easier with thresholds...although this line makes me worry. lol.

those Thresholds are SUCH a game-changer! I am both grateful to, and blame, DNA for introducing them lol! it makes things easy, but sometimes too easy...

Originally Posted by Omni
Lamprey i think will do well and it was super nice of Nightwind and Amp to visit. I want to see them work together again.

oh definitely, these three are forming a nice new friendship group!

Originally Posted by Omni
Jed and Tel was well done and an argument that i think alot of partners have. I hope Jed makes it but he's right. he can find a support staff job and still stay on Legion World to be with Tel. I liked the moment when Tel finally cried and Jed got to hold him and he wanted to laugh at him. very well done and i felt the love.

glad this worked! Good communication can sort out a lot of things smile

Originally Posted by Omni
All three made the right choice to stay with the academy. But Retro idk if he's going to be here much longer.

yeah, Retro is far from being Legion material. the other 3 (Crystal Kid, Rainbow, Vision) have some flaws, but they are much more motivated AND level-headed AND willing to work on their weaknesses!

Originally Posted by Omni
Retro caught on to the thing Brawler said about his dream and it having to come true? People with time related powers are odd with sensing future events, i mean look at kid Quantum during the Dream Crime and Foundations Arc. Maybe he's senses something coming. I think he should have spoke up.

that is a good bit re Retro's powers maybe sensing something. I should think about that. To be honest we've only seen his power once in canon, so I've been drawing a lot from how Harbinger writes his powers!

Originally Posted by Omni
the potentials:
I find it odd that Andromeda wouldn't be spending more time with the cadets to get better acquainted with those she might fear to help her conquer her xenophobia even more.
/i totally believe Shikari wouldn't thought. she's all about battle. Not training.

Andromeda has overcome much of her xenophobia, though she does see the use in meeting more races/species (part of how Kid Q and Nightwind talked her into overseeing the tryouts). Andromeda is a bit of an introvert though, which is part of why she doesn't really like sitting in these tongue

Originally Posted by Omni
Battering Ram - so kind of like Havok from X-men? Can they fine tune the blasts to make them smaller? I'm with Babbage that its great how they haven't hurt anyone and can control the force well. the misfiring was funny.

Havok is a good comparison for what Battering Ram does!

Originally Posted by Omni
Healer - that's a new take on healing powers. usually it drains only the actual healer. but health transference is something i don't think i've ever seen before.

I thought this would be a good way to add limits to what Healer can do. the healing process can take a lot out of the patient smile

Originally Posted by Omni
Betty Shell - hahaha i chuckled at Wildfire's comment after Shikari and Karate Kid looked at him. X-Bomb Betty...So she can now do more than one explosion? was she experimented on by the Monitor too? lol. Coming with a med kit was really smart.

could be, could be, it would be easy to just have Betty be one of the Monitor's captives lol! saves time thinking of origins!

Originally Posted by Omni
Uplift - i like that your giving Cera another shot at life in the comics. Andromeda helped come up with a good one and that was a good idea of Amp to do that. it makes sense actually. That way your not wasting so much time trying to find an upper limit. She's on par with Zoe? hmmmm

Cera is definitely not on par with Zoe - Vi's exact line was "not far from Kinetix", so Cera's full potential would be behind - but not super far behind. of course, Cera has to work hard to reach that potential smile

Originally Posted by Omni
Hahah, the moment i read the Legion called i was like good job guys. good job!

yeah! I always thought the Legion should be super more careful in screening candidates, and dealing with ones who cause trouble tongue

Originally Posted by Omni
Fauna - so does she need an animal present to do ask for their abilities? Starhaven? i for a second thought we were getting DawnStar. (which sooooo happy were not. lol)

yeah, Fauna won't be much use if there's no animal nearby - so that gives her a limitation hee hee. Also curious re why you do not like Dawnstar tongue as for me, I do like Dawnstar BUT we have Shikari, so I wanted to include a different Starhavenite... smile

Originally Posted by Omni
Survivor - So the WorkForce is getting some help too? lol love it. and agreed they need someone to watch Evolvo. Loved that they put in provisions to actually make the WorkForce less of cooperate stooges. Interesting power set. Retired does that mean she's too old for the Legion? is there an age limit to being a legionnaire now that i think of it? i mean M'Onel is over 1000 years old. so probably not. lol

Yeah, and I do not recall one in the Constitution (in LSH Secret Files 2). Although I do think the Legionnaires would tend to self-select, someone too much older may not mesh well with the team. besides M'Onel though, Mysa is also at least 100 years old wink

Originally Posted by Omni
The Mess - glad Amp did her thing again. its always cool to see the upper limits of these cadets powers. So he attracts any and all particles in the air or just dust? didn't know this was a former reject.

Yup, Mess can attract any object smaller than a certain diameter, so not limited to dust wink Mess didn't apply before, when I wrote "As with some previous candidates", it meant that Amp has done this for quite a few tryouts.

Originally Posted by Omni
The Question - a 31st century equivalent. Very nice. When she "transforms" its interesting you put it that way. because it almost seemed like a possession. like someone else is giving her the power to make others answer her questions. I think the support roll with the Legion and the SP's is a great option. I also like that as support staff a legionnaire or Erin will be with her.

oooh, I like the possession connection. Maybe I can work with that... smile

Originally Posted by Omni
Swallowtail - i love that your brining back all these sentients affected by the Elements of disaster arc and brining alot of that back. i like seeing the ramifications of it and how the Legion is helping to move it all forward. Those wings are mighty powerful. So this might be a power all of her people could have? the cocooning part at least.
I might explore the cocooning part later on. Have not thought about it before smile

Originally Posted by Omni
Dream Boy and Dream Girl - not sure how i feel about the names. but interesting powerset. so is it pheromonal based?
I see what you did there with Vi. There's the Reboot confirmation lol.
I'm surprised Wildfire was affected being an energy being and all.

not pheromone based, but more mental based - hence Wildfire was affected. those names aren't the best, but I did like the puns behind them tongue

Originally Posted by Omni
I'm a little shocked that they use goggles still for VR and its not the whole room.

There are many canon examples of the goggles: Legionnaires 0, 23, 40 to start with. As for why goggles and not just the whole room, it is also a safety feature in a way - so anyone monitoring the VR sim can see what is really happening and what is virtually happening.

Originally Posted by Omni
i loved all the small moments with each one.
Retro may have done the right thing. but i don't see him becoming a legionnaire.
Brawler's dreams? that's all that helped him?

Nope, I also do not see Retro as a Legionnaire wink as for Brawler...

Originally Posted by Omni
The moment Amp called out Tenzil reminded me of when Monstress did the same thing about not getting a party when she joined. lol good call back!

that is exactly what I was thinking of when I wrote Amp's calling out tongue

Originally Posted by Omni
Kid Q makes a good point and that is something i think i need to look at for my own roster.
Cham being the detective! yes! i'm on board with this and right with him. something isn't adding up!

Alright, well that's all the time i have for today! looking forward to catching up more later. This has been a fun bunch of posts!

thank you! Always nice to hear that something I've wrote makes so much sense, it bears being considered in someone else's work wink and yeah, there's something off here for sure ... smile thanks again Omni!

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Originally Posted by Harbinger
Brawler finally appears. It's a bit unfortunate for the team that Babbage is on the squad he faces as I think this isn't going to go well for them.

I have to say, Babbage being matched up with Brawler was one of the most interesting results from my random number generator!!

Originally Posted by Harbinger
The Princess Holograms XXXVIII sounds like my idea of hell laugh I think Insect Queen may be the Legion character I dislike the most - her powers are just too creepy for my tastes (I killed her the first chance I got in the Dream Boy fic because of this) and changing only her head - yeuch!

yeah, the visuals of Insect Queen's powers creep me out a bit too!

Originally Posted by Harbinger
And, if only Chaquk had met Kinetix or Monstress before the Pig things would have turned out very differently!

heh! yeah maybe Chaquk should have just joined their fashion academy... oh well...

Originally Posted by Harbinger
The speech pattern, very Scooby Doo! Gives me a smile every time. Thom's lack of fine motor control isn't a surprise though him admitting it is a good way to show how straight hs character is. And getting the team to fight themselves is always a good way to saveoneself from taking risks, so the Dog's another clever member of the Zodiac gang. And, I'm kind of glad that you didn't show the team fighting each other there.

yeah, it's quite scary just how badly the Legionnaires can actually hurt others with their powers... I did not have the heart to go too far with this scene!

Originally Posted by Harbinger
The Pig! Okay, now we'regetting to the root of this trouble. Very opportunistic of him to see Mordru's reappearance as something he could emulate to a degree to match his own designs. And f course he has kept the nest artifacts for himself. Nice to see Sussa actually be supportiv - she ain't stupid! Though perhaps Jo is... Lume charging up Mon El's daxamite physiology is smart. So the Pig can drain and use other's powers - he's Earth Man! (or maybe the Wesrerner?) That has got to be one of the best reveals as he's been popping up for so long and we knew he was a schemer so it would fit perfectly. And perfect timing for another White Wave to transport them to wherever they are going next.

Jo can be a bit stupid, especially where Tinya is concerned. I think I will develop this positively in volume 5, as DNA really did a big thing with him in Legion Lost, where he went nuts a few times cause he thought Tinya was missing. He should definitely do better!

Originally Posted by Harbinger
And I'm out of time. Aaagh! Oh well, nearer to the end at least than I was this morning. Am thoroughly invested in finding out what the Pig's big plan will be, who has survived, and what the free members of the team and support crew will do to hopefully save the day. This has been great fun IB. Looking forward to more, more and more!

thanks tons Harbi, glad you're liking all of this and that the reveals are working well!

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Originally Posted by Harbinger
Things are pretty desperate for your main team so they better be quick - unless you plan on killing them all off and starting again laugh Which has given me a great idea for where to take the LW Saga laugh

I don't think I could ever do that, I'm too invested in them!! but goodness, now I am intrigued to see what you'll do with your LW saga!!

Originally Posted by Harbinger
Good to see Marla taking a role here and helping out. There's a character that could have been great in canon but was woefully underused.

agree, and his stern manner contrasts nicely with RJ Brande's niceness!

Originally Posted by Harbinger
And you are a tease for not letting Crystal Kid finish his sentence, "they're al..." what? I'm going to assume alive but battered, say 95% sure, though you may throw in a shock or two smile

hee hee, I was very deliberate in not letting Crystal Kid finish indeed tongue gotta keep some suspense up!

Originally Posted by Harbinger
Eight active Legionnaires and two reservists against the Zoc=diac Gang - you don't make things easy, do you? Glad to see Babbage may recover soon, though poor Lume! Nice that Mysa has figured out what's going on and they don't just rush in unprepared. Ah, poor Dryad, being used like that - does this mean we'll be getting a Blok?

glad you liked the various bits and scenes here. and indeed, I almost made it too hard for myself, with so many injured and captured! tongue

read on to see Dryad's final fate... smile

Originally Posted by Harbinger
That list of those in the medi-bay is daunting! All of these scenes are really well done, very poignant, though a few realy stood out

glad you liked this bit too! I intentionally gave the full list of injured to add to the weight and drama...

Originally Posted by Harbinger
And we're back with the Zodiac gang and when you list them like that we can see just how dangerous they are! Xao appears to be playing both ends against the middle, and the Pig is aware it seems. Interesting which of the gang will meet the Pig's eyes.

also why I listed the Zodiac gang with powers smile dun dun dun!!

Originally Posted by Harbinger
Good to see the Fleet has been called in, just in case the team don't win this one. And, yes XS is the most senior Legionnaire here, she joined pretty early on didn't she? Before James died? I'm fairly spotty on re-boot lore, soorry.

no sorries needed! and indeed, XS joined at the same time as James, so she was on the mission where he died too!

Originally Posted by Harbinger
Kono planning her exit strategy - clever girl! Attacks fading? Is Mysa hiding them, or (I hope) Jacques invisibilty field? Polar Boy, Element Lass and Magno to the rescue! Nice use of their powers to get the magical talismans (talismen? What is the plural?) out of the way. Yay, it is Jacques! Controversial but I always preferred him to Lyle. Mentalla taking on the Snake and Xao - both would have quite strong wills I reckon so hopefully she hasn't over stretched herself. XS freeing her colleagues - good move! And a well timed "Long live the Legion!" And that's it! I'm up to date and hanging here waiting for the conclusion.

yeah, Mentalla bit off a tough bit! and glad Jacques' appearance made you happy! (it was a last minute idea to work him in TBH, after I had him at the medi-bay - I thought it was too good an opportunity not to have him!

Originally Posted by Harbinger
This has been an epic story line IB, well done for keeping it going for so long and you've handled it brilliantly. I'm kind of sorry that it looks like it'll end soon laugh

Looking forward to seeing how you end this arc, and the repercussions.

More, more, more!

thanks again mucho for your very kind words Harbi!!! and indeed, the end is coming.. dun dun dun!!!

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Originally Posted by Omni
Starting off this R&R in Brainy's Lab -
Time for some multiversal adventures! and to the U-0 team? nice to see them again. Now the question becomes which Legion is this? Raz's Legion? Harbi's Legion? or the one from the last time we saw them in your fic? oh so many to choose from! lol. (i know which one. but i think it be fun to have cross overs at some point of the fics and other legions.)

ha ha! imagine if all four of us crossed over... whew! we would need to stick to like 5 Legionnaires each tongue

Originally Posted by Omni
A three hour window huh? a lot of damage can happen in that time...
its always interesting to see the differences pointed out.
Yeah Sizzle and Gravity would have been out in the cold for sure with those rules. I do enjoy that your team has no cap on members. it was always a silly rule to me. I understood why, the taxes thing and then from a writers stand point its super hard just to do 25 never mind legions upon legions.
laugh laugh the codenames are always the biggest differences. its the one thing i always see posted everywhere when talking about the Reboot vs well any other version.

you are so right, a lot can happen in 3 hours! And yes, considering they protect a whole galaxy (or two), having only 25 is silly!

Originally Posted by Omni
hahaah OMG the Jed's and Tel's are sure a randy bunch. but i'm not gonna lie i kept getting confused of which could was saying what and then when i read they were both basically saying the same things i just chuckled. At least one Jed was trying to be somewhat professional. lol laugh laugh laugh

yeah, I should probably label them better lol. thanks for the -IB moniker!

Originally Posted by Omni
Lamprey's moment with 0-Grava and 0-Myra was well done. Sadly U-0 lamprey really did get the shaft. But maybe some encouraging words from IB-Lamprey will help.
i liked how IB-Lamprey compared these two to her own friends and how all it takes with any Grava is time, practice, and patients. lol.

yeah, U-0 Lamprey did pretty well in some of her appearances... I do think she was held back by her powers partially overlapping with Garth/Ayla, but still.

Originally Posted by Omni
Sun Boy and Inferno - Yeah Sun Boy is for lack of a better word a Manwhore it seems.
Inferno makes a great point but at the same point who else would understand you and your life better than someone whose in the same spot.
Oh Inferno is Bi. that's interesting had no idea. But Sun Boy's response is funny.
Inferno brings up some good points about the father figure stuff. But I think its also you know technically different time periods. different expectations/cultural norms.
Hahah. maybe Sunboy might give it a shot after all lol.

this is a good point - maybe if IB-Dirk were in 0-Dirk's shoes, with 0-Dirk's dad, and in 0-Dirk's culture, he would have turned out the same!

Originally Posted by Omni
Seems like Reboot Gim was much more of a ladies man than we ever thought. lol.

He got both Zoe and Vi to like him, without really trying! lol! he must have done something right!

Originally Posted by Omni
Echo and Tyroc - i hate to say this but i totally forgot that Echo was your universe's variant of Tyroc.

understandable, what with code name changes tongue

Originally Posted by Omni
And now back to Legion World. Andromeda/M'Onel
I had forgotten about the bracelets that Daxamites are to wear now. It makes sense but at the same time it seems so demeaning to do that to them and now Durlarians are possibly going to face something similar? That's big. but it makes me wonder about all the different planets whose sentients gain powers simply by being on a lower gravity world or a different colored sun. I'm surprised that not more designations haven't been handed out. But i guess it only goes to those that they all fear...

yeah, it's a good point, lots of the other worlds have powers that could be deadly... Imsk, Tharr, etc. etc. something to think about, and I may develop this idea in volume 5

Originally Posted by Omni
Also i'm slightly surprised with more Daxamites leaving Daxam that some form of Lead vaccine hasn't been developed for them so that they don't have to live in transuites.
the White Triangle really ruined things. its so hard (as we are currently seeing in the world) when that bigoted ideology takes hold in the world and affects everyone. But sadly being a bystander and being empathetic can be just as much of an issue.

I had thought about this, but indeed there's the whole genetic code thing. I did think that Brainiac 5 could have solved it with time, but it would take some effort. and I also thought that not solving it would help keep a bit of balance to check the Daxamites' power too

Originally Posted by Omni
The Brawler Mystery - I had totally forgotten that Brawler was a hold over from the old Academy. I wonder if maybe he was compromised back then and they just didn't know it. like maybe he's a sleeper agent of some sort.
I'd love to see who else was in the defunct Legion Academy and where they are now.
Idk Cham i'd call Dragonmage in sooner than later. the delay could make it worse...

good theory wink that Academy had only 3 characters, Cannus and Tomb being the other two - and both are Legion Support Staff members now smile

Originally Posted by Omni
Hahah loved the destructive Brainy trope. Although, i have to say it hasn't happened in a while. I feel like Brainy's gotten better. But i did love how Andromeda explained it using her times joining and leaving the team.

glad you like. Brainy is more considerate these days, so he is more careful about blowing stuff up tongue
Originally Posted by Omni
Brek sticking his tongue out in concertation was super cute. mainly because i remember doing the same thing when i was a kid and writing. lol.

I still do the same thing these days too tongue

Originally Posted by Omni
You definitely get very personal with all of your legionnaires and its nice to see that even super heroes have issues with diets.

I know I would if I were in their shoes! And I like showing that even heroes have weaknesses and insecurities smile

Originally Posted by Omni
I've never really read much of the old comics but i've heard about the different groupings that used to take place like the Mon, Shady, Tinya, Jo quartet. So its interesting to see the groups your pulling together. Most of which i like. Its really fun to see the new Legionnaires with the older ones. even though they aren't that much older there is a clear difference between them. Its kind of like when the Legion met the Teen Titans and Jo and Tinya commented on ever being "that young".

there are some natural groupings that click in my mind, given the personalities smile and I always liked the Reboot team being basically a big group of friends working for a common goal. so there will be tons more of this!

Originally Posted by Omni
Sizzle and Andromeda i think could make good friends. i'd love to see Laurel expand her inner circle more.

you have given me an idea... smile

Originally Posted by Omni
Cham playing detective/ a drunk was interesting. Maybe Cham's got more acting talent that we ever realized. Question though, i thought Cham only could morph but not take on the actual powers or special talents of what/who he morphed into, So how is he able to use a bismollian physiology, because wasn't that the biggest thing between him and the Composite Durlarian?

Oops! thank you for reminding me of that. I'll fix it so Cham uses a different shapeshifting trick.

Originally Posted by Omni
It's great to see that Lume has figured out how to carry small objects in its light form. They truly needed to. it was too impractical not to, imho.
Hahah.. the Lume and the fart part was funny.
Ahh yeah Cham makes a great point and Lume would be perfect for insight espionage.

Right? Lume needs to be able to carry some of the stuff that Legionnaires have in their utility pouches!

Originally Posted by Omni
This is the hard part with traveling in any reality it seems. you have to be very careful about who you talk to while also trying to have fun and be adventureous. Hopefully this guy isn't real bad news and its a red herring.
I'm glad you're giving Shikari limits in her powers. But idk she sounds more like Dawnstar and i always saw her powers as different, more fine tuned and not just in space. But maybe that's how i see it and i need to go back and reread how its depicted in cannon. But still a good moment with Shikari.

I don't really understand Shikari's powers very well myself tongue but I am drawing from Legion Lost 5, where her powers vaguely led her to the ark housing the Omniphagos, but lacked some precision.

Originally Posted by Omni
This was a well done mission with everyone playing their part and i liked that Sizzle remembered that instead of trying to play the hero.
So who is this mad man?
An Android that's super life like?? Hmmm i honestly would think they'd be fairly common place in the future. especially with Robotica running around. i figured there were tones of variations of Robots/AI there.

glad you liked it! one thing with Robotica is that the robots didn't really attempt to look like humans - see Legion 11-14, and refer to Babbage's look in Legion 25.

Originally Posted by Omni
the return of the Dark Circle? hmmm that could be interesting. But hopefully the AP isn't lying and they aren't fronting the Dark Circle.
Oh snap, were getting the Reboot version of Timber Wolf's dad? Does this mean that Brin is actually from Zunn in this reality as well and not from Rimbor?

We will see about the AP, although it won't be easy for the Dark Circle to take them over again smile and yes, Brin is from Zuun.

Originally Posted by Omni
To the 90th Century we go -
Thunder makes a point magic users would come in handy.
wait does Jed's ring not have the eco-protect function? i figured most legionnaires didn't wear transuits any more because of this function for the ring...but maybe i'm thinking of another version of the team. I will say it was funny hearing about Jed's time without one thought. lol.
Ahh I was right! its the Seven Deadly Sins!

no eco-protect functions here, I think you're thinking of Harbinger's version. there are many canon examples of the Legion needing transuits for eco-protect, which I do like as it gives some limitations tongue (see: Legionnaires 33-34 among others)

thanks again Omni, really appreciate your R&R!!

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Feel daunted by the length of this thread? You can also check out the Recap Thread to catch up!



Active Legionnaires

Amp, Ming Sul of Earth (Korea and Taiwan); amplifies the natural abilities of self and others
Blizzard, Brek Bannin of Tharr; cold projection
Density, Jed Rikane of Earth (Mongolia and Nepal) and Quothon; controls his body's density
Dreamer, Nura Nal of Naltor; precognition
Echo, Troy Stewart of Earth (South Africa and Trinidad and Tobago); sound manipulation
Element Lass, Candi "Princess" Pyponte-LeParc III of Xanthu; transmutation
Ferro, Andrew Nolan of 20th century Earth (USA); previously could turn his body into durable iron, but now stuck in his iron form
Gravity, Tel Vole of Earth (Cambodia and Thailand); gravity manipulation
Inferno, Dirk Morgna of Earth (USA and Russia); pyrokinesis, can see heat signatures
Invisible Kid, Lyle Norg of Earth (Australia and Israel); invisibility
Karate Kid, Val Armorr of Omega Colony (Earth colony: Japan and Myanmar); skilled martial artist
Lamprey, Tayla Skott of Earth (Maldives and Palau) and Neptune; underwater survival; hydrokinesis
Magno, Dyrk Magz of Braal; magnetokinesis
Mentalla, Delya Castil of Titan; telepathic control of others' physical functions
Nightwind, Berta Skye Harris of Earth (Iceland) and Enwa; wind and air manipulation, enhanced vision
Particon, Jennifer Sanchez of Earth (India and Philippines); "hard light" energy casting and manipulation
Rebound, Chuck Taine of Earth (Canada and Uzbekistan); inflates into a durable bouncing form
Spider-Girl, Sussa Paka of Luna; prehensile hair
Timber Wolf, Brin Londo of Zuun; enhanced speed, strength, durability, senses and regenerative powers
White Witch, Mysa of Zarrox; sorcery
Wildfire, Drake Burroughs (energy gestalt of two beings); anti-energy being
XS, Jenni Ognats of Aarok; super-speed

Reserve Legionnaires (Not Legion Cadets or Support Staff)

Magnetic Kid, Pol Krinn of Braal; magnetokinesis (magno-ball athlete)
Thunder, Cece Beck of 90th century Binderaan; SHAZAM-empowered human with enhanced strength, speed, durability, stamina, wisdom and flight powers

Reserve Legionnaires (also Legion Support Staff)

Chlorophyll Kid, Ral Benem of Mardru; accelerated plant growth (Disaster Relief & Development)
Impulse, Kent Shakespeare of Earth (United Kingdom: England); enhanced speed, strength, durability and recuperative abilities (Legion World chief medical doctor)

Other Legion Support Staff

Vampire, Jackie Idonno of Hermaphrodite; energy draining field (Clean-Up)

Other Legion Allies

Jacques Foccart of Earth (Haiti and Ivory Coast); complete self-cloaking from all conventional senses; usage of his power severely damages his body
Jancel Ardeen of Titan; telepathy, Titanet officer
Lianna Erqol of Titan; Chief Adept of the Titanet
Micah Aven of Titan; extremely skilled telepath and tutor of the most promising adepts


"Whomever thought of bringing in Vampire AND Jacques Foccart to sneak up on these dweeks and disrupt their spell is a sprocking genius!" Wildfire gloated as he poured his anti-energy at the Zodiac Signs, scattering them.

"Hey now, it was a group effort," XS laughed as she hugged each of her freed teammates, one by one.

"It was tough, I had to keep turning my power on and off," Vampire smiled shyly. The diminutive humanoid brushed their long hair out of their face. "It took perfect timing, whenever I'd turn my power on, Jacques' cloaking would slip, and XS lost her speed..."

"Jacques' power hurts him when he uses it," Invisible Kid asked with concern. "How did he...?"

"A little spell that the sorcerers from Zarrox worked up," Blizzard laughed. "It will wear off soon, but for a while he hid us as well as Sensor would have!"

"They also cast a spell on Vampire," XS smiled at the Support Staffer. "Otherwise, draining all that magic would have burnt her out."

"Wow, you really did it, you really did it!" Density stretched. His body still ached; he could see the pain and injuries on his other freed teammates, too. "So what's our game plan?"

"Allow us." The group suddenly felt themselves connected mentally by some familiar telepathic voices.

"Hi from the Titanet, gang!" Jancel Ardeen said, her voice full of adrenaline. "Chief Adept Erqol and Dr. Aven are gonna feed you a status report right now!"

"We'll keep running interference, dears!" Element Lass said as she and Blizzard kept fending off attacks. XS also ran off with Vampire in her arms, to bring the Legion staff member to safety.

"So will we!" Timber Wolf called from above. He, Dreamer, and White Witch joined Thunder and Mentalla outside.

“Do hurry up,” Dreamer called. “Thunder, Rabbit to left. Mysa, a counter spell for a transmutation effort by the Pig please.” Turning back to the newly-freed Legionnaires, she continued. “sorry, but as you can see the enemy is busy - so please get cracking.”

As the telepaths filled the rescued Legionnaires in, the mood shifted up and down. Everyone gasped as they saw the injured Legionnaires, such as their partners, in the medi-bay; they all looked shocked as they saw the extent of their friends' injuries. Invisible Kid, Particon and Rebound in particular looked concerned about their respective partners. Amp and Spider-Girl glowered as they learned of the Zodiac Signs' plans in kidnapping them. Echo had a questioning look as they were informed of the Zodiac's goals. Chlorophyll Kid gasped as he learned the extent of their plans.

"I should burn that squaj!" Inferno hissed as he learned of Dragonmage's involvement. Lamprey squeezed his arm in support; but she looked only a little less angry.

The group watched through the telepathic network, as Magno and Magnetic Kid pulled the block of ice containing all the magical objects to the Dreadnought Terra, where the sorcerers from Zarrox were waiting. "We will guard these objects," said one. "It will take much time, as we have to sort them to ensure they are handled safely..."

"Don't worry, we'll take care of the bad guys," Magno winked.

"Just like playing magno-ball," Magnetic Kid joked, as he turned to return to battle.

"So basically, we have to stop them from casting their spell," Nightwind concluded.

"Indeed," White Witch replied through the telepathic link. “They don’t have access to their magical talismans, so they only have their own natural powers now - this will make them easier to handle.”

"You heard her, team" Nightwind turned to her teammates. As one, they nodded... and charged to engage the enemy.

Joined at the speed of thought, the Legionnaires quickly broke off to engage their opponents, each choosing the ones their powers could best counter. "Remember, team," Nightwind cautioned. "We have to stop their spell; aim to engage and stall, and don't overstretch trying to beat them outright!"

"No! We're too close to let you thwart us!" The Pig raised his staff and began to chant. He could feel himself drawing in the powers of all those around him.

"We're prepared for you now," White Witch said coldly as she aimed a blast of magical energy at The Pig. It threw him off balance, and the staff flew from his hand. "And you've lost most of your magical objects, too," White Witch continued, smiling in satisfaction. Cursing, the Pig prepared to freeze White Witch in her tracks using the powers he was copying from Blizzard.

"Mentalla, break off from snake "empress" and the traitor here, and go after the Pig!" Inferno called, as he and Blizzard flew above Mentalla and the Snake.

"You got it!" Mentalla traded smiles with Echo even as she ran. Planting her feet firmly, she pushed her consciousness into the Pig's. The White Witch smiled at her, then turned grim as she confronted the Dragon.

"His will is strong..." Mentalla shuddered. "I think I'll need all my focus just for him!" The Pig snarled up at her, eyes starring daggers.

"I got you, Delya." Amp stood beside her teammate, extending her boosting aura. The two young women stood, side-by-side, holding hands and giving each other strength as they stopped the Pig in his tracks.

Blizzard and Inferno, meanwhile, had caught up to a recovering Snake. "I will make you lose all sense of self," she snapped as she stretched her serpentine form to meet her attackers.

"Oh no, I can't see you," Blizzard mocked, exaggerating his worry.

"Whatever shall we do?" Inferno put his hands on his head. "I mean, you're only the cold-blooded villain who helped put our friends in the medi-bay."

"If only we knew where you were standing," Blizzard continued. Nodding at Dirk, he yelled, "now!"

Streams of fire and ice converged where the Snake stood, and the Orandan illusionist began to scream as the temperature extremes played havoc with her body systems.

"Not so tough without your magical trinkets, eh?" Inferno said as they pressed their attack.


"You fakes! You won't stop me!" the Monkey screamed as he faced Impulse. "I'll break your glasses and make you eat them, you phony!"

The Monkey charged at Impulse, who sidestepped smoothly; Impulse grabbed the Monkey and spun him around. "You should have paid more attention during combat class, Brawler," Impulse said darkly.

The Monkey landed on his behind with a grunt. Gesturing, he mind-melded with the scrap metal he carried wrapped around his arms and made them stream towards Impulse.

"Ah ah, that's a foul move," Magnetic Kid used his magnetism to divert the path of the Monkey's attack. Giving a powerful yank, he pulled all of the metal off of Brawler's body, crunching it into a ball.

The Monkey stood up, glowering. "You... you..." he stepped forward, stumbling. "What have you done..."

Lamprey stood behind him as he fell to his knees. A tiny sphere of water spun around in her hands; water she had extracted from Brawler's form. "We beat you this way before... You really don't learn from your mistakes, do you, Brawler?"

“I’m still stronger than you thought I was!” The Monkey focused on the nearest piece of machinery: Lamprey’s flight ring. He interfaced with its circuitry, making it shock Lamprey.

“No!” Magnetic Kid yanked the flight ring off Lamprey, being careful not to hurt her. She fell, shaken, to the ground.

“This is going to be tougher than I thought,” Impulse muttered as he punched the Monkey again.


Density, his skin a lighter purple than normal, danced and dodged as the Rooster slashed at him.

"Stand still, you...!" the Rooster began.

"I don't think so," Density stuck his tongue out as he leaped high to avoid another attack.

"Then I will take you from afar," the Rooster began to vibrate her wings.

"None of that now," Echo said. Matching the Rooster's vibratory speed, he countered her vibrations, sending them back at her.

"This is for slicing our friends up," Density said as he punched the Rooster in the face. She snarled as she somersaulted in the air, landing warily to face the attacking Legionnaires.


"No, wait!" the Horse pleaded as Rebound cannoned at him. The rotund Legionnaire smacked into the Horse's face, then careened off a mound of stone, bouncing back and hitting the Horse in the back as he ran. "Wait, I was a stooge, I was!"

"You expect us to believe that?" Chlorophyll Kid held out his hand, blowing a few feathery seeds at the Horse. The Horse whined as they latched onto his clothing. Using his power, he warped a few meters away.

"No, what are these?" he gasped as he watched the seeds grow tiny creepers that laced around his body.

"Saturnian Spiderweb Sargasso," Chlorophyll Kid said with pride as he watched them envelop the Horse. "You'd need a lot of strength to break out of those."

"We won't give you the chance, though." Before the Horse could move, Rebound battered him point-blank in the nose.

The Horse muttered as he warped away again. "Stupid plants!" he struggled to pull them off him; he couldn't teleport away without them!

While he was distracted, Rebound had spotted the Horse and was careening towards him. "We won't let you get away," Rebound said grimly as he battered the Horse again, slamming him into the ground. Rebound knew they might not be able to beat the Horse, but they could certainly keep him off-balance.


Particon closed her eyes as she faced the tempest being summoned by the Goat. The lightning beast threw its head back as it called the winds.

"I feel sorry for this one; it's not even fully sentient," Element Lass said as she transmuted the hydrogen in front of them into an inertron wall. "It can't possibly know what it's doing."

"No, and we shouldn't hurt it," Particon added. "It's an endangered species, after all." She watched in concern as Element Lass' wall began to buckle. "Okay, we're going to see if my energy powers can contain magical lightning..." Particon rolled to the side and began encasing the Goat in a sphere of her energy.

"Even if it can't alone, we're Legionnaires. We never have to do things alone," Element Lass smiled as she reinforced Particon's prison with her powers. "Let's see that poor thing crack through an inertron-veridium-titanium mix!"

“It just might…” Particon whispered as the Goat flailed around, trying to break free with lightning and wind. She fell silent as she focused her power on the Goat; beside her, she could feel Element Lass doing the same.


"I will end this fight soon, with my pheromones," The Dog said as she turned on her natural powers.

"No, I don't think so." Nightwind flung her hands out, making the winds spin around the Dog. "Your air-based pheromones won't get far, not while I'm here."

"And let's see how well you fight against someone who doesn't need to breathe," Ferro punched his fist as he landed in front of the Dog. "I saw what you did, how you hurt my friends. Like Violet."

"I did what I had to do!" The Dog protested.

"No, nobody made you choose violence," Nightwind spat. Ferro just cocked his fist and charged through Nightwind's cyclone right at the Dog. The Dog grunted as she was pushed back, though she didn’t fall. Eyeing Ferro warily, she began to circle…


The Tiger slashed at Dreamer, who simply smiled and jumped backwards.

"How do you keep avoiding me?!" The Tiger shrieked. "You're not even able to perceive me!"

"You're probably wondering why we know where you are," Dreamer smiled, even as she had trouble hearing the Tiger due to how the Tiger's powers asked. "But my Naltorian precognition is more than enough to figure out what you will say... or do."

Two strong strands of tough, taut hair wrapped themselves around the Tiger's legs. "And with the Titanet linking us, Dreamer can tell me exactly where you're standing..."

The Tiger hissed as she began to struggle. Spider-Girl just laughed as her hair tangled more and more around the Tiger. It was jarring though; she had to force herself to keep looking right at the Tiger, who seemed sort of there and sort of not. It's like her gaze kept sliding away. "I just conditioned it a few days back, you witch."

“I hope for your sake it grows back,” the Tiger hissed as she began slashing at Spider-Girl’s hair.

“Faster than you think,” Spider-Girl began to sweat. Dreamer stood, eyes closed, back straight as she tried to predict the Tiger’s next move. The Tiger was struggling too much for her to safely land a blow...


The Rabbit had been grappling with Thunder for the last quarter of an hour. Getting a flash of inspiration, he drove forward, smashing her into the surface of Dryad. Her grip loosened for the shortest of moments...

Enough time for the Rabbit to kick her in the stomach. Thunder winced; even with Atlas' stamina, that hurt.

"Now to finish you off," the Rabbit leaped forward...

... only to be met in the face with Karate Kid's foot. The martial artist landed on both foot, even as the Rabbit fell on his behind.

"You, the one without powers. I'll crush you like a bug," the Rabbit spat.

Karate Kid simply stood his ground, and motioned with his hand for the Rabbit to come.

As the Rabbit charged, Thunder intercepted him, smashing him into a rock pile. "Good teamwork!" she sent telepathically to Karate Kid. Val replied with a mental thumbs up, before leaping up and smashing his knee into the Rabbit's face.

The Rabbit was surprised, but not hurt. He cocked his arm back to punch Val… and Thunder crashed into him again.

“Mopey, he’s strong!” Thunder grappled with him; she could stalemate him, but not much more…

The Ox roared as XS ran in circles around him. "Stand still, blast you!" he yelled as he commanded the ground to shake. Weeds and thorny bushes grew, but XS stepped around them nimbly as she ran.

"Has anyone ever actually stood still when you asked them to?" Wildfire said as he flew above the Ox. "Wait, don't answer that, I don't give a sprock." Channeling his anti-energy into a pinpoint beam, Wildfire fired right at the Ox's face.

“This squaj is taking much more of my energy than I expected!” Wildfire called to XS.

“I know, and it’s not easy to dodge all his plants,” XS sent back as she zipped past a growing thicket of thorns.


"M... Mysa..." the Dragon stammered as the White Witch levitated herself towards him.

"You have lost the right to call me by my name," she replied coldly as she spun a spell to paralyze the Dragon.

"I have good reasons for doing this!" the Dragon used one of his specialty spells, a draining spell. The White Witch staggered as he started draining the magics from her.

"Stop that." A whirring sound was the Dragon's only warning, as a metal disk flew through the air and hit his right hand. Cursing, the Dragon clutched his bleeding, battered hand in pain. He turned to see Magno, two metallic disks hovering by his head.

Uttering a transmutation smell, the Dragon turned both disks into paper. Then he reached out to send a dragon-form at Magno...

... only to find his arms both pinned to his sides. Then he felt a force pull him into the air, and smash him back into the ground.

"I hate traitors," Gravity hissed as he made the Dragon tumble head over heels across the surface of Dryad.

"So do I," the White Witch sounded like ice, as she began casting a spell to encase the Dragon in a crystal prison.

Concentrating his power, the Dragon burst free - Gravity blocked most of the crystal shards with his power, while Magno propelled his magnetic disks at the Dragon again. Cursing, Xao loosed a half-dozen dragonforms. Mysa knew most of his spells by now… he wondered if he could break through the three Legionnaires around him.


"Just let me go!" The Rat said as Timber Wolf pursued her. "You can't hurt me!"

"No, but I can keep you busy so you don't hurt anyone else," Timber Wolf snarled.

"Ugh, men, never know when to take No for an answer," the Rat quipped as she dove into the earth. Surfacing a few meters away, she poked her head out of the ground cautiously to look around. Seeing the other Zodiac Signs and Legionnaires battling in the distance, she rose, turning herself tangible and thinking of her next move...

... and cried out as something smacked into the back of her head. She turned around, only to see nobody.

"Boo," Invisible Kid's voice sounded as another hand chopped into her back.

Gritting her teeth, the Rat sank into the ground again. She chastised herself mentally for not being careful enough; always stay intangible until she needed to touch something! She emerged from the rock a few meters later...

"Thought you could get away?" Timber Wolf smiled as he leaned above her. From far away, Dreamer smiled and waved.

The Rat cursed as she dove once more under the surface. Between Timber Wolf's smell, Dreamer's precognition, and likely the telepaths using the Titanet, they could anticipate where she would surface... She considered her options. Why were the Legionnaires doing so well now? Besides losing the element of surprise, what were the Zodiacs doing wrong...

... well, of course. The Legionnaires were not only better prepared, but they were acting as a team.

The Rat realized she needed to even the playing field. Yes, the Legionnaires could not touch her - not with Mentalla occupied - but this also meant the Rat could not do anything to continue the spell.

She swam through the rock, towards the middle of the circle. She popped her head out again, to see Timber Wolf, Dreamer, Element Lass and Particon all staring at her.

"Stand down, Kono," Timber Wolf snarled.

"No, I don't think so." Reminding herself she was literally untouchable, the Rat ran through the four Legionnaires, and at her target... Thunder. She leaped through the body of the Legionnaire from the future, activating the tiny totem she had palmed from the Pig. It was a very weak magical object, so weak that the Pig had never detected it even while the Rat had hidden it on her person. But it was sufficient to boost her power just enough... just enough to disrupt the magical lightning powering the powerful Legionnaire's body.

"Ugh.... ahhhhh!" Thunder screamed as she reverted back to her normal self, a powerless teenage girl. Kono smiled as she used her phasing powers on Thunder, rendering the Legionnaire intangible.

Karate Kid knew what happened, but his training told him he had to move fast and not let himself get distracted. "I need backup," he thought to his teammates, before mentally removing all distractions and focusing on the Rabbit. Val twisted his body to evade a kick, then slammed his elbow onto the Rabbit's foot. The Rabbit scowled. Val turned his upper body, getting ready to slam his knee into the Rabbit's neck...

... and then Val felt something enter his chest. He looked down, to see the Rat's pale yellow arm sticking through him. He screamed in pain as the Rat squeezed his heart from inside of him.

"No!" Echo cried, sending sonic waves at Kono. She just laughed as the attack passed harmlessly through her. "Go, Rabbit! Go help the Pig!" she urged at her recovering fellow Zodiac Sign.

"Gladly," the Rabbit said as he sped at Amp and Mentalla.

"No!" Timber Wolf and Ferro both leaped in front of the Rabbit; but Oswald Lepus was too strong. He slammed into both of them, sending them flying in opposite directions. And he grinned with glee as he saw the horrified faces of Amp and Mentalla coming closer and closer.

He heard Amp say something about increasing their durability, even as Mentalla tried to enter his mind. But the Rat leaped out of the ground and reached into the blond telepath's form; Mentalla fell with a cry as she felt her stomach get punched from the inside. The Rabbit in turn backhanded Amp, causing the brunette to cry out as she fell, nose bloodied, to the ground.

As Mentalla's hold on him vanished, the Pig swayed. The Rabbit caught him as he fell forward.

"How can we finish the spell?" The Rat demanded, even as the Rabbit sat the Pig down.

The Pig's eyes glowed. "With that Titanian witch out of my mind, I can copy all their powers." With a wave of his hand, he created an inertron wall around them, reinforced by a glowing pink energy wall. Then he pulled out a pendant from around his neck. The Rat kept her face smooth, but the Rabbit sneered. "I thought we were to use ALL the magical objects for the spell?"

The Pig ignored him. "Over the centuries, soldiers have fallen in defense of the great Middle Kingdom," he said. Grabbing a knife and slicing his arm open, the Pig let his blood drop on the pendant. "I call on them now to serve us!"

The Rat and the Rabbit stared, open-mouthed, as the air above them shimmered... and thousands of ghostly forms on horseback, as well as hundreds of glowing Zodiac animal forms, appeared.

"Go! Kill the Legionnaires!" The Pig pointed, and as one, the army charged.

"Keep them off me," the Pig told the Rat and the Rabbit, even as he ran to the glowing red sphere that hovered in the middle of their battlefield.

The Rat and the Rabbit watched as the ghostly army descended on the Legionnaires. Timber Wolf and XS had come to help Mentalla and Amp to their feet; the four were now running away from the charge of the ghostly army.

The Rat just shook her head. "I mean... do we even need to do anything more? I don't see how they're going to live through this."

"Then you lack imagination." The Rat jumped as an image of Micah Aven appeared beside her. "Did you think we were just watching, not doing anything, as this battle raged? The Legion takes care of its own, little girl."

And as if to prove Micah Aven's point, a glowing bluish-white triangle appeared above the battlefield...

... and Shikari, one wing limp and bent, flew through. Kid Quantum, sitting in a floating chair, followed behind her.

"Sprock me," the Rat and Wildfire both said, at the same time.

"We couldn't let you have all the fun," Kid Quantum said; her voice was still faint, but full of conviction. Behind her, more Legionnaires appeared. Andromeda had a bandage on her face; Ultra Boy hobbled on crutches; Violet had one arm in a sling. Most of the others were in floating chairs or even beds. But they were all there. Pain and exhaustion were evident on their faces... but so was conviction and determination.

"Let's finish this, Legionnaires!" Kid Quantum pointed, and the team poured out of the Threshold.

Last edited by Invisible Brainiac; 05/07/23 03:58 AM.
Joined: Feb 2011
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Joined: Feb 2011
Posts: 1,203
Hey Ib.
back for some more R&R. But before i do that...

As far as the Flight Rings go, i did some research and you were right. as always you're great with your knowledge of Reboot cannon. those functions are both a Harbinger and Threeboot concept. But in my own writing i gave my version of the Reboot the eco-protection function for the flight rings. So there will be a flashback story coming about how this happened i guess lol.

I just figured the Robatican's had many types and a highly advanced human-like android would be part of their world. I understand that they don't attempt to on purpose. But that maybe over the centuries of collecting Robots/AI there happened to be one or a few that's all.

Idk what it is about Dawnstar. But i've never liked her in anything I've read. Cannon and non-cannon. But i've always loved Shikari and saw them very differently. it might be because of the very stereotyped look she has idk. She's just always rubbed me the wrong way. Her aloofness maybe. i can't exactly explain it.

no problem on Cham. its one of those things that's easy to over look with him.

Starting off this R&R I'm picking up with the team in the 90th Century helping Thunder.
Ok, so i was wrong and it wasn't Gluttony that had gotten Thunder.

i had to laugh a little bit when it realized that Calorie Queen and gotten Gluttony. i should have figured with the ability to eat anything that she'd be their perfect choice of hosts.
Live Wire and Lamprey's combo was pretty cool trick. I forgot that Garth can do the lighting eyes thing. he doesn't do it often though because of it hurting right?
i totally forgot that Spark is more powerful now. That's something that i think needs to be focused on!

Ahh that makes sense that they can't access everything within their minds. This is so going to make this easier to fight their teammates. The sins are so much more cerebral than any of us give them credit for when it comes to their battle tactics.

Brin's battle with Calorie Queen was pretty cool. Seeing the two go back and forth and him springing all over the place.
The bus part was my favorite visual for this battle as i could see him easily walking on the bus surface for a short time before running up and off to the pole.

Microbe using the snowball to deliver her microbes was well done and the best way to get to Brek for sure. what is the range she can "shoot" her microbes to affect one person?

Gear is so underrated. The dude can turn into anything his body can think of that is organic tec! like come on Gravity/Envy!
Ok Tel and Jed fighting again about sharing and being sexy is funny. But i hope its not a trope we see too much with them. I understand sexuality and sensuality is a part of everyone but it seems like in a lot of literature its turned up to 11 for gay and bi males and it ends becoming so much of who they are that there isn't room for anything else. I love these two and them together. i think i'd just love to see more of their interest and less sexualization of them. Not that your are doing a bad job or that you are doing this a great deal. its just after the foursome post and then this one its something i think is worth noting to be aware of.

Wow, Mentalla is pretty powerful is she can keep Thunder stopped in her tracks for as long as she did.
Loved how Tinya turned off Wildfire's suit. Even if she didn't affect things on electronic level after her resurrection she could still just solidify different parts to affect the suit. But i do enjoy her "ghostly" powers.
i enjoyed the debate that the team had and how they decided it be best to go back and get help. the fact that they can do that now is a luxury.
Mentalla and Thunder's plan sounds like a good one. but agreed go get the help.

It's interesting that the sins imprisonment made them weaker. But i guess without sentients to fuel those "base desirers" it makes sense. Its more like their a parasite feeding than giving power to its host.
Oh snap, so the team getting taken over was part of the plan! i didn't see that coming. good reveal.
Man i think Kid Quantum is over due for a vacation.
Brainy being extra diligent when it comes to time travel makes sense. i wouldn't want to be arrested again for that. Although it might be the only time he gets to think quietly again. laugh
Good thinking on Thunder's part to let the local authorities know who the legion is and that they might come for a visit. I'm slightly surprised that the Science Police make it to the 90th century.
Mentalla - oo that is a great distinction of how her powers work. the pushing of the levers and buttons great analogy!
And with the Magic words the Sins are down for the count and back in their vessels.

Hhaha "What did i eat!" Love Calorie Queens comments.
i like that this possession wasn't the same as with the Blight and that it was more like an out of body experience.
Haahah Brainy literally running to get out of the future and not see any more future tech so he doesn't create something dangerous was hilarious. i couldn't help but laugh at this moment.
its really nice to see Tinya making an effort with Mysa.
Oh crap this is about to go down for Timber Wolf. He's got a new girl interested in him while also having to deal with his dad. this isn't going to an easy time for Brin that's for sure.
i wonder if Brin even notices Calorie Queen's flirting.
And so we get Zunn, experimented on by his dad, but we also get Karth Arn the android. Timber Wolf's origin is shaping up nicely and you've peeked by curiosity. why did he need to experiment on him? how did it save his life?

Next on to Mysa and the crew checking on Mordru.
This was a well done moment and shows 1. just how much procaution they are taking with Mordru, and 2 that Mysa and Zoe still have quite a bit of work to do on their relationship or rather building one that isn't based on their old one. Maybe Mysa can teach Zoe some magic and Zoe can teach her some stuff about life as a young woman of the 31st century.

Jo keeping Brek out of the argument was funny. Brek just doesn't seem to get when to let things happen. Sometimes these emotions and arguments need to happen in order to really move on.

I will say i'm just glad Mysa's own enchantments didn't wake up Mordru.

On to Lallor -
i really enjoy the bits you bring up about the different worlds of the UP. it makes me wonder just how many worlds out there are thought of as x imitation of Earth and how much of a complex that gives these worlds. We've seen what Xanthu is like and now Lallor. Gates makes some great points about the presentation. Lallor needs better writers to boost its moral and self image. Gates evoking Gim's codename was risky.

all the animals sound really cool and would love images of them.

I felt bad for Tellus through out this who segment. Gates was trying his best to be supportive. But he's so harsh about it. I know he wants to see Tellus succeed but he needs to learn another way to say it.

Having special criteria for different members that require it is a really good idea! you've got a lot of great practical steps for missions and how the Legion is being run. (which is why you need to introduce the eco-protect :P)

Val and Sussa's moment was well done and i like that they are be coming friendlier now that their in the Legion vs the Workforce. loloh they are for sure a family!

Babbage and Tomb - this was an interesting moment. Tomb's speech pattern took a couple rereads to get around. But it works for his character. makes him seem more mysterious.
I like that Babbage tries to enter into a standard conversation and how he uses it to gather even more data. Maybe a post on how hard it can be for Babbage to relate would be nice. We get snippets here and there. But a full on post might be interesting.

I''m glad Babbage doesn't have cameras everywhere but it would make for an interesting story if he did or tapped into the security systems because he was trying to understand something that he couldn't get enough data on through conversation.

So Tomb loves new stimuli but isn't expressive about it in the ways we understand. interesting. i can see why Babbage was confused with him.

Poor Splitter. But at least he's trying to make the best of it.
As mean as Spider-girl's thoughts could be, i don't fully disagree. i like Floyd but he just wouldn't be the best Legionnaire.
Beastmaster is just upset and he really doesn't like the Legion coming to help it seems.
haha i chuckled a little bit at the idea of Gates challenging Beastmaster.
I have a feeling Nightwind and Gates may be coming to blows soon with how short she seems with him.

When animals attack!! Geeze those attacks sound brutal.
That's an interesting aspect of Beastmaster's powers i never considered. That he could actually communicate with the animals he's turned into. The animal instinct taking over is an interesting aspect i hadn't ever considered but i wonder if its based on the animal itself. the more "savage" the animal the harder it is to get back to being human for him? or if it depends on how many transformations he does and it slowly deteriorates his mind. lots to think about.

All the small teams seemed like fun choices to bounce off each other. Maybe next time Hotspot!
Gate! stop bring up things from the 20th century! we get it, you've been twice for extended stays. Stop spilling the secrets. lol

I enjoy how Babbage is always questioned about really needing anyone's help and he always explains it so well as to why he does need the help. he's based in logic. So it makes sense that he wouldn't see nor think of every angel they could look at to determine a cause for the animals going wild.
i enjoyed seeing Staq getting into the detective work.

Great job Tellus he's really trying hard to read these animals.
I liked that Vapor said something to Beastmaster and that she's seeing it too. Maybe whatever is happening to the animals is affecting him too.
Man when Tellus was getting those images it looked like it really took its toll on him.
I really like the idea of being able to recorded psychic images/memories. something i think could be a fun storyline to play with.

Karate Kid trying to hold himself back from yelling at Gates was interesting mainly because i don't think i've ever really noticed Val being annoyed by him. But i guess when someone complains as much as he does, it can get grating on everyone.

Hahah Hotspot getting upset that he was being pulled away from the job he didn't want in the first place was super funny.
I enjoyed seeing Splitter and Spider-girl working together and easily they flowed.

great teamwork with saving the tourist. I liked the Nightwind and Tellus combo.

I'm with Spider-girl and seeing all those animals swarm him, i wouldn't want any of them to touch me.
I always forget about how defensive Gates teleport discs can be. i really gotta remember that.
Ouch! Beastmaster really got it there. Those birds are pretty smart to bring him in like that for a trap.
WOW! Beastmaster really went all in. i half expected that the team wouldn't be able to reach him and they'd have to fight him too. At least none of those birds were killed and can be healed.
That's great that Tellus was able to connect with him. i enjoy their budding friendship. I wonder if part of the reason they can connect is because Tellus is Hykrian and even though his people are the dominate species and are highly intelligent that they are still an animal that Beastmaster can connect with.
Man Gates give it a rest and let Tellus be! i know he's trying to be encouraging. but its just coming off super over barring.

Oh, so the Dark Circle is involved somehow or at least the remnants of it...
And the battle begins. Loved how Stoneboy just dropped in.
Spider-girl they never think about the fact that their harming their own ship. its shoot first ask questions later.
I wish Splitter could recall his limbs or make them move while detached.
haha watching Val take out everyone and then when Floyd tried to warn him and Sussa is like don't bother, he's fine was funny. laugh
Val does seem to be his happiest while taking down the scum.
Nightwind teasing Gates was a nice change of pace. i wish he joked more/they joked more with him.

Ok, i'm slightly confused. So they used the sub-sonic ray on the animals they captured and it sent that signal of fear and anger to the other animals? or they went out a used it on the animals but then captured one of each kind? sorry, just trying to understand how a sub-sonic ray could cause the animals to go wild like that.
Tomb was pretty cool with taking out the Dominators.
Beastmaster is lucky Tellus was with him. he could have gone full feral mode.
tellus really does just need more confidence. i know 30 animal minds is a lot but i know he can do it. The two of them really are forming a very symbiotic relationship.
Ahh so this is new tech that the Dominatoris and Tyrannzzi came up with...Here's hoping they got all the plans.

Awww and so we lose Tellus. it seems Lallor is a much better place for him to learn and grow and knowing how much he will be helping Beastmaster is a great reason to stay.
Gates and Tellus moment was well done. i really liked how Tellus finally stood up for himself but that Gates was only trying to give was congrats was cute. i liked it a lot. Yes, Gates quit while your ahead.
Hmmm wait there ore missing? that's not good...

Ahhh so Lusyo was a plant and can sense magical objects...So then its the Pig. I can't wait to discover who is the Pig!
Thanks for posting the updated three laws in full.

On to Aleph
And now were really brining it back to when you started this series and seeing the Legacy of Zoe and Candi.
Spark was such comic relief for this post. But i'm with her. i wouldn't really care about being there either. free food all the way! lol.
Loved the talk about how the Fashion institute was designed with the old Aleph culture in mind. But did you mean to say that Vi and Zoe weren't surprised instead of Vi and XS? because i would think Zoe shouldn't be surprised about ruins on her home world and ones her mom is working on. tongue
Proty shifting into the different outfits was cute.

hahah omg you brought in Plaid Lad! that's amazing. loving all the little Easter eggs. i also like seeing someone with a power who knows outright that just because they have a power doesn't make them hero material. i like where you've taken Plaid Lad.
Its interesting how you have Lori picking up on the friendships between Zoe, Vi, and Mabuhay. This seems to be a good teaching moment for her about how friendships can work. But i will say it seemed like she was seeing it more like Zoe and Vi were a couple and that Mabuhay was coming in between them. it might also just be her over protectiveness of the team. Lori seems that way alot through these post.
Oh hey, its Yera making another appearance. Does your Yera have hair? for some reason i envision her without it. But wanted to know if i was crazy or that was a description used. lol.

Awww Candi and her dad! is this their first real moment since her return? I love to see how far he's come from when we first learned about him in Legion Lost # 2.
I kind of forgot that Tenzil and Vi were a thing now. its cute but at the same time idk. They don't speak couple to me.
this was a fun beginning to these adventures and i look forward to seeing what comes next! hopefully more r&r soon!

read the adventures of the Reboot Legion!;f=2;t=001232
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Originally Posted by Omni
Hey Ib.
back for some more R&R. But before i do that...

As far as the Flight Rings go, i did some research and you were right. as always you're great with your knowledge of Reboot cannon. those functions are both a Harbinger and Threeboot concept. But in my own writing i gave my version of the Reboot the eco-protection function for the flight rings. So there will be a flashback story coming about how this happened i guess lol.

Thanks for checking, Omni! Climate shielding IS useful... I did go check Legion of 3 World, because I remembered the Brainiacs talking about climate-shielding in flight rings. Retroboot did, Threeboot did, but Reboot Brainy side-stepped the question... smile looking forward to your flashback giving them climate shielding! It IS more useful than the transuits... sometimes it's so tricky, because Brainy theoretically can solve pretty much any problem or make any enhancement!

Originally Posted by Omni
I just figured the Robatican's had many types and a highly advanced human-like android would be part of their world. I understand that they don't attempt to on purpose. But that maybe over the centuries of collecting Robots/AI there happened to be one or a few that's all.

true, androids that look like humans probably are out there smile

Originally Posted by Omni
Idk what it is about Dawnstar. But i've never liked her in anything I've read. Cannon and non-cannon. But i've always loved Shikari and saw them very differently. it might be because of the very stereotyped look she has idk. She's just always rubbed me the wrong way. Her aloofness maybe. i can't exactly explain it.

fair enough smile

Originally Posted by Omni
no problem on Cham. its one of those things that's easy to over look with him.

thanks smile it's a fine line with Cham!

Originally Posted by Omni
Starting off this R&R I'm picking up with the team in the 90th Century helping Thunder.
Ok, so i was wrong and it wasn't Gluttony that had gotten Thunder.

i had to laugh a little bit when it realized that Calorie Queen and gotten Gluttony. i should have figured with the ability to eat anything that she'd be their perfect choice of hosts.
Live Wire and Lamprey's combo was pretty cool trick. I forgot that Garth can do the lighting eyes thing. he doesn't do it often though because of it hurting right?
i totally forgot that Spark is more powerful now. That's something that i think needs to be focused on!

yup, I remember Garth doing that in... Legionnaires 57 I think, and it hurt his eyes for a bit smile

Originally Posted by Omni
Ahh that makes sense that they can't access everything within their minds. This is so going to make this easier to fight their teammates. The sins are so much more cerebral than any of us give them credit for when it comes to their battle tactics.

yes, thank goodness tongue this would have been a much much longer story if the Sins were fully competent battlers lol

Originally Posted by Omni
Brin's battle with Calorie Queen was pretty cool. Seeing the two go back and forth and him springing all over the place.
The bus part was my favorite visual for this battle as i could see him easily walking on the bus surface for a short time before running up and off to the pole.

glad you like! I also like focusing on Brin's agility to help differentiate him from some of the other physical types!

Originally Posted by Omni
Microbe using the snowball to deliver her microbes was well done and the best way to get to Brek for sure. what is the range she can "shoot" her microbes to affect one person?

I think Microbe's range is about the same range where one can infect someone else with a contagious airborne disease. teammates like Nightwind are her best friends battle-wise smile

Originally Posted by Omni
Gear is so underrated. The dude can turn into anything his body can think of that is organic tec! like come on Gravity/Envy!
Ok Tel and Jed fighting again about sharing and being sexy is funny. But i hope its not a trope we see too much with them. I understand sexuality and sensuality is a part of everyone but it seems like in a lot of literature its turned up to 11 for gay and bi males and it ends becoming so much of who they are that there isn't room for anything else. I love these two and them together. i think i'd just love to see more of their interest and less sexualization of them. Not that your are doing a bad job or that you are doing this a great deal. its just after the foursome post and then this one its something i think is worth noting to be aware of.

right, Gear is so versatile!

and thanks, I had also thought of that, and don't worry - I slipped that sensuality in here because Lust was involved, but will focus on other aspects later. I was worried about that too, as I do not want to play into stereotypes too much. thank you for sharing this, and in such a thoughtful way smile

Originally Posted by Omni
Wow, Mentalla is pretty powerful is she can keep Thunder stopped in her tracks for as long as she did.
Loved how Tinya turned off Wildfire's suit. Even if she didn't affect things on electronic level after her resurrection she could still just solidify different parts to affect the suit. But i do enjoy her "ghostly" powers.
i enjoyed the debate that the team had and how they decided it be best to go back and get help. the fact that they can do that now is a luxury.
Mentalla and Thunder's plan sounds like a good one. but agreed go get the help.

Thanks, Mentalla is a bit underrated too indeed smile I should probably have a scene establishing her limits and abilities more... and yeah, Tinya does not need to destroy things, she can just turn them off tongue

Originally Posted by Omni
It's interesting that the sins imprisonment made them weaker. But i guess without sentients to fuel those "base desirers" it makes sense. Its more like their a parasite feeding than giving power to its host.
Oh snap, so the team getting taken over was part of the plan! i didn't see that coming. good reveal.
Man i think Kid Quantum is over due for a vacation.
Brainy being extra diligent when it comes to time travel makes sense. i wouldn't want to be arrested again for that. Although it might be the only time he gets to think quietly again. laugh
Good thinking on Thunder's part to let the local authorities know who the legion is and that they might come for a visit. I'm slightly surprised that the Science Police make it to the 90th century.
Mentalla - oo that is a great distinction of how her powers work. the pushing of the levers and buttons great analogy!
And with the Magic words the Sins are down for the count and back in their vessels.

glad the reveal worked! and being Legion leader is tough, I wouldn't want it - you're right, poor Kid Q needs a break! LOL at Brainy thinking quietly smile re Science Police, my headcanon is that the name at least makes it that far, but I expect their function has changed a lot since then!

Originally Posted by Omni
Hhaha "What did i eat!" Love Calorie Queens comments.
i like that this possession wasn't the same as with the Blight and that it was more like an out of body experience.

yeah, I didn't want to make it just like the Blight - it's been done, plus a lot of other things are gonna happen so I don't want to deal with the trauma of possession again lol

Originally Posted by Omni
Oh crap this is about to go down for Timber Wolf. He's got a new girl interested in him while also having to deal with his dad. this isn't going to an easy time for Brin that's for sure.
i wonder if Brin even notices Calorie Queen's flirting.
And so we get Zunn, experimented on by his dad, but we also get Karth Arn the android. Timber Wolf's origin is shaping up nicely and you've peeked by curiosity. why did he need to experiment on him? how did it save his life?

heh smile Brin does not notice it yet, not in this scene. but yeah, a lot was needed! More to come on Brin and his dad and Karth Arn in volume 5 smile

Originally Posted by Omni
Next on to Mysa and the crew checking on Mordru.
This was a well done moment and shows 1. just how much procaution they are taking with Mordru, and 2 that Mysa and Zoe still have quite a bit of work to do on their relationship or rather building one that isn't based on their old one. Maybe Mysa can teach Zoe some magic and Zoe can teach her some stuff about life as a young woman of the 31st century.

I think Mysa and Zoe could be good for each other, maybe not as friends friends but as teammates who help each other smile (and Mordru was such a big bad, all the precautions make sense!)

Originally Posted by Omni
Jo keeping Brek out of the argument was funny. Brek just doesn't seem to get when to let things happen. Sometimes these emotions and arguments need to happen in order to really move on.

I will say i'm just glad Mysa's own enchantments didn't wake up Mordru.

totally! Brek can be a bit ... what is a good word. well he needs to learn a bit still. and good point, after all if Mysa used to much magic it could easily wake Mordru!

Originally Posted by Omni
On to Lallor -
i really enjoy the bits you bring up about the different worlds of the UP. it makes me wonder just how many worlds out there are thought of as x imitation of Earth and how much of a complex that gives these worlds. We've seen what Xanthu is like and now Lallor. Gates makes some great points about the presentation. Lallor needs better writers to boost its moral and self image. Gates evoking Gim's codename was risky.

there could certainly be more worlds out there like Lallor and Xanthu! smile and yeah, if Gates had talked like that about Leviathan in front of some other Legionnaires.... whooo boy!

Originally Posted by Omni
all the animals sound really cool and would love images of them.

if I could draw, I would tongue

Originally Posted by Omni
I felt bad for Tellus through out this who segment. Gates was trying his best to be supportive. But he's so harsh about it. I know he wants to see Tellus succeed but he needs to learn another way to say it.

Gates definitely needs to work on the "how"! I have a friend just like that, means well but comes off so overbearing about it...

Originally Posted by Omni
Having special criteria for different members that require it is a really good idea! you've got a lot of great practical steps for missions and how the Legion is being run. (which is why you need to introduce the eco-protect :P)

haha I am tempted, I am tempted... tongue

Originally Posted by Omni
Val and Sussa's moment was well done and i like that they are be coming friendlier now that their in the Legion vs the Workforce. loloh they are for sure a family!

I thought this was needed, poor Sussa has been through a lot actually between leaving the Workforce and joining the Legion smile

Originally Posted by Omni
Babbage and Tomb - this was an interesting moment. Tomb's speech pattern took a couple rereads to get around. But it works for his character. makes him seem more mysterious.
I like that Babbage tries to enter into a standard conversation and how he uses it to gather even more data. Maybe a post on how hard it can be for Babbage to relate would be nice. We get snippets here and there. But a full on post might be interesting.

I''m glad Babbage doesn't have cameras everywhere but it would make for an interesting story if he did or tapped into the security systems because he was trying to understand something that he couldn't get enough data on through conversation.

So Tomb loves new stimuli but isn't expressive about it in the ways we understand. interesting. i can see why Babbage was confused with him.

Glad you liked these! perhaps Babbage could use a bit more time in the spotlight smile nice ideas about Babbage too!

Originally Posted by Omni
Poor Splitter. But at least he's trying to make the best of it.
As mean as Spider-girl's thoughts could be, i don't fully disagree. i like Floyd but he just wouldn't be the best Legionnaire.
Beastmaster is just upset and he really doesn't like the Legion coming to help it seems.
haha i chuckled a little bit at the idea of Gates challenging Beastmaster.
I have a feeling Nightwind and Gates may be coming to blows soon with how short she seems with him.

I can definitely see Gates and Nightwind having a word war wink

Originally Posted by Omni
When animals attack!! Geeze those attacks sound brutal.
That's an interesting aspect of Beastmaster's powers i never considered. That he could actually communicate with the animals he's turned into. The animal instinct taking over is an interesting aspect i hadn't ever considered but i wonder if its based on the animal itself. the more "savage" the animal the harder it is to get back to being human for him? or if it depends on how many transformations he does and it slowly deteriorates his mind. lots to think about.

I certainly would not want to be caught outside of a tourist craft when those animals attack! lots to think about re Beastmaster too, but indeed I see it as him "becoming" the animal, in contrast to Chameleon who just takes their shape.

Originally Posted by Omni
All the small teams seemed like fun choices to bounce off each other. Maybe next time Hotspot!
Gate! stop bring up things from the 20th century! we get it, you've been twice for extended stays. Stop spilling the secrets. lol

I enjoy how Babbage is always questioned about really needing anyone's help and he always explains it so well as to why he does need the help. he's based in logic. So it makes sense that he wouldn't see nor think of every angel they could look at to determine a cause for the animals going wild.
i enjoyed seeing Staq getting into the detective work.

glad these bits work! and Gates needs to be better at discretion indeed haha!

Originally Posted by Omni
Great job Tellus he's really trying hard to read these animals.
I liked that Vapor said something to Beastmaster and that she's seeing it too. Maybe whatever is happening to the animals is affecting him too.
Man when Tellus was getting those images it looked like it really took its toll on him.
I really like the idea of being able to recorded psychic images/memories. something i think could be a fun storyline to play with.

Karate Kid trying to hold himself back from yelling at Gates was interesting mainly because i don't think i've ever really noticed Val being annoyed by him. But i guess when someone complains as much as he does, it can get grating on everyone.

re Karate Kid, indeed. I remember Karate Kid talking badly about Brainy in LSH 111, so I can imagine he would also be irked at Gates' constant complaining.

Originally Posted by Omni
Oh, so the Dark Circle is involved somehow or at least the remnants of it...
And the battle begins. Loved how Stoneboy just dropped in.
Spider-girl they never think about the fact that their harming their own ship. its shoot first ask questions later.
I wish Splitter could recall his limbs or make them move while detached.
haha watching Val take out everyone and then when Floyd tried to warn him and Sussa is like don't bother, he's fine was funny. laugh
Val does seem to be his happiest while taking down the scum.
Nightwind teasing Gates was a nice change of pace. i wish he joked more/they joked more with him.

it is quite a trope isn't it, bad guys attack and damage their own stuff! and yeah, after the Dark Circle collapsed I imagine some remnants got away, there were just so many of them.

Originally Posted by Omni
Ok, i'm slightly confused. So they used the sub-sonic ray on the animals they captured and it sent that signal of fear and anger to the other animals? or they went out a used it on the animals but then captured one of each kind? sorry, just trying to understand how a sub-sonic ray could cause the animals to go wild like that.
Tomb was pretty cool with taking out the Dominators.
Beastmaster is lucky Tellus was with him. he could have gone full feral mode.
tellus really does just need more confidence. i know 30 animal minds is a lot but i know he can do it. The two of them really are forming a very symbiotic relationship.
Ahh so this is new tech that the Dominatoris and Tyrannzzi came up with...Here's hoping they got all the plans.

no sorries needed smile It's a little fuzzy, but they did need to capture a specimen of a certain species to help configure the ray to target that species. and yeah, Tellus needs more confidence. this was my main takeaway from the early days when he was introduced, he always seemed so unsure!

Originally Posted by Omni
Awww and so we lose Tellus. it seems Lallor is a much better place for him to learn and grow and knowing how much he will be helping Beastmaster is a great reason to stay.
Gates and Tellus moment was well done. i really liked how Tellus finally stood up for himself but that Gates was only trying to give was congrats was cute. i liked it a lot. Yes, Gates quit while your ahead.
Hmmm wait there ore missing? that's not good...

Ahhh so Lusyo was a plant and can sense magical objects...So then its the Pig. I can't wait to discover who is the Pig!
Thanks for posting the updated three laws in full.

happy to smile and glad Tellus' staying on Lallor made sense - it's always a relief when someone "leaving" the Legion is seen as a good choice!

Originally Posted by Omni
On to Aleph
And now were really brining it back to when you started this series and seeing the Legacy of Zoe and Candi.
Spark was such comic relief for this post. But i'm with her. i wouldn't really care about being there either. free food all the way! lol.
Loved the talk about how the Fashion institute was designed with the old Aleph culture in mind. But did you mean to say that Vi and Zoe weren't surprised instead of Vi and XS? because i would think Zoe shouldn't be surprised about ruins on her home world and ones her mom is working on. tongue
Proty shifting into the different outfits was cute.

full circle indeed! very first post. I'm with Spark and you too, I'd just be munching on treats while everyone else is gallivanting around lol. and oops, indeed, Zoe was not surprised, I've edited that in. thanks!

Originally Posted by Omni
hahah omg you brought in Plaid Lad! that's amazing. loving all the little Easter eggs. i also like seeing someone with a power who knows outright that just because they have a power doesn't make them hero material. i like where you've taken Plaid Lad.
Its interesting how you have Lori picking up on the friendships between Zoe, Vi, and Mabuhay. This seems to be a good teaching moment for her about how friendships can work. But i will say it seemed like she was seeing it more like Zoe and Vi were a couple and that Mabuhay was coming in between them. it might also just be her over protectiveness of the team. Lori seems that way alot through these post.
Oh hey, its Yera making another appearance. Does your Yera have hair? for some reason i envision her without it. But wanted to know if i was crazy or that was a description used. lol.

thanks! I thought some of these powered people would have a clue, and be practical enough to know when they are not suited for crimefighting. there's lots of other things that can be done with some powers tongue ah interesting take on Lori's thoughts, I was just thinking when I was her age, I (and others) could be possessive of their friends smile

Yera definitely did not have hair in the early Preboot, but did have hair as Chameleon Girl. I figure that my Yera has hair whenever she wants, considering she's an actress smile

Originally Posted by Omni
Awww Candi and her dad! is this their first real moment since her return? I love to see how far he's come from when we first learned about him in Legion Lost # 2.
I kind of forgot that Tenzil and Vi were a thing now. its cute but at the same time idk. They don't speak couple to me.
this was a fun beginning to these adventures and i look forward to seeing what comes next! hopefully more r&r soon!

Candi's dad did appear at the end of Volume 3, to say hi to Candi:

fair enough about Tenzil and Vi, I think among the couples they are the most low-key. more of super best friends actually. I might have to do something about that... thanks again for the comments Omni, really appreciate it!

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Joined: Feb 2011
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Hey IB!
I'm back for another round of R&R!

Aleph -
hahah i laughed at Spark being the judge and her reasons. but it makes sense that they might see something that a trained fashionista wouldn't that the average wearer would like. But it also seems like a staple of most judge panels these days. Gotta have that outsider POV.
Nice save there Zoe. doubt it would have gone well had she not. lol.
I hope Vi going to watch for Zoe's mom doesn't lead to trouble!
Loved XS telling Tenzil that good food is worth waiting for. So true! plus its great to hear her say that she's actually willing to be patient. lol tongue
oh Proty let Lori have some fun and a cupcake! lol
haha Proty being a serving spoon and Tenzil saying he had to be sterilized first was funny. I love all these small funny moments. I'm personally not great at them. So i love seeing your team have them.
Spark and Ferro's moment was really well done and i'd love to see the two of them become better friends.
You make Spark so funny.
Loved the story about Spark's mom. honestly i'm with her. i hate shopping and waiting 2 hours just to get in to shop. no way. did that once for a black friday sale here in the US and it was the worst. so tired and crowded.
Yera makes a great point about the contest. the numbers are a good idea but i think that's why this contest should be for armatures and not professionals. Or at the least those whose styles haven't become renown.

Vi found them alright...a scream from reality? hmm that could be so many things....
Damn, so it really was all of reality. i wonder if anyone else like on Legion world felt something like it at the same time. (never mind got my answer! lol)

Loving the team just getting into action. Zoe could make a potential leader one day i think. tongue
Element Lass transmuting the table and choosing people first was great. mainly because she was upset at having to destroy the nice furniture. lol why is Tenzil on a diet? didn't we just learn he needs to gain some more muscle?

I loved seeing Lori the hero and not because of her powers but because of her compassion for the trapped little girl. i wish Lori would learn just how much she can do without being a Legionnaire.
Good job Vi! i was worried Zoe might lose her family there for a second.

So did Azra and Thanot unearth something that caused this? OK well i guess they sort of did. Too much to catalogue at the moment makes sense.
I got my wish! Lori got to see how much she can help. here's hoping she can keep that in mind and find other ways to help.
Also on a side note i want a family dinner with RJ, Lu, and Lori. i think that would be fun to explore now that she's Lu's little sister.
Tenzil always makes me laugh when he describes the "food" he eats. lol

You know i wish our own people had such respect for the past. if they did then maybe we wouldn't still be dealing with stolen artifacts from cultures around the world that end up being sold by crap like Hobby-lobby or pottery barn. or having entire cultures ransacked never to know their stories again. but at least its protected.

Damn great save XS!

oh wow A Wellurian? damn we haven't seen one of them in ages. i actually forgot about them so much so that i gave Catspaw a whole new planet. lol. You know i'm glad you're bringing them back in. i think there is more story there with how much they hate the Legion. Heck i could easily see them joining the Skarlarians and Tyranzzi's as a new dark circle of sorts. I forgot that they actually freed the Wellurians. my memory still has them under the kings rule. lol
I'm surprised the knockout gas didn't work...maybe there's a story there. but great quick thinking XS!
That's horrible, i had forgotten that moment for Spark, clearly.
Something tells me those secrets won't have to wait too long Zoe.

Questions first mission -
Imra did well on making Akiko feel better and welcomed.
She also tried to get the Wellurian to listen. Oh damn! Imra was rebuffed? those are some big time psychic shields.
Agreed the psychic shields must be doing something to her powers as well. But now we no for sure that it is definitely to do with defeating the Legion.

6 spots of the zodiac filled and we only know the id of Kono, Shakuq, Slizz, and Lusyo. So each of these races are the literal animal? well except Kono as far as we know Skarla is only symbolically related rats. I honestly thought it was symbolic and not actually being the animal until we got to these descriptions.

a sword? they stole a mystical sword?

Talok VIII -
I really do love the idea of Umbra communing with her ancestors through the shadows and i like how you explained how it worked a bit.
I find it interesting how it was her mother who tried to connect with her when they barely met. Umbra always seemed like she was closer with the older Shadow champions that the most recent ones.
They have similar treatment to Xanthu for the threshold gates only? Are their other tribe champions? we never really explored Talok VIII in cannon much. outside of them telling Umbra she needs to open up to the UP only for them to recede at the loss of her.
Aren't Science Police headquartered on every world that is part of the UP?

It's easy to forget how much decorum is on Umbra's world when all we ever see much of is the warrior aspect. So great job showcasing something different.
I liked how they were all ready to go into the Cave and Umbra's like nah you'll die. lol yeah i'd stay out too. laugh laugh laugh
Damn i thought the cave just about destroyed Umbra with how much shadows were flying out of that cave.
Wow, Dreamer was lucky with that vision. Those shadow daggers were super close.
Wait...something was thrown into the cave? so that could be the thing that was stolen from Aleph but now the question becomes what did they steal from the Cave? heck what could they steal other than one of the shadow champions? Did they take the first shadow champion?

So another transuit question their activated instead of put on here? or did they already have them on but they need to activate them? i thought they activated once inside. no need to do anything else. I think this might have been why i thought you had the eco-protect, because they activate them instead of putting them on. Which then makes me think that they are like the Daxamites who are in one 24/7.

Honestly, if your legion leader the best person to date is a former leader. only person who knows what your going through and won't complain. But i'm sure the next leader won't have the same problems. lol.
Poor Jazmin. she's running herself ragged it seems.
Brainy, your on the team, you have meetings to do. just deal. lol But glad Jazmin was able to sooth him by messaging his ego. lol
Seeing the meeting selection and what goes into it was interesting. Each one was well chosen.
I had forgotten that Nightwind had stepped down. But yes all of those positions need to be filled! maybe then Jazmin will find some time to relax.

i sure hope its not a cult working to awaken Mordru.
So it wasn't something stolen from Aleph...
I'm loving that how much work you've put into this spot about the meetings. All aspects of the team are represented! love it! Makes sense that Lu and Lyle would do some background checking and that its secret. The newbies especially i could see having issues with him doing so.

Good job Nura and seeing that team moral is a big part and getting everyone time off? that's going to be one tall order.
I would have just gone for the cake in the first place. lol laugh

We need more post with the whole team is what your saying with the meeting and how lively its getting right? tongue

Loved all these little character moments.
Like the fact that getting beaten by Chuck is a team tradition now or everyone gushing about Garth and Imra's honeymoon.
I know we technically got the subs. But i wish we had gotten to see them in action. maybe we need a flash back post from you about them. wink
Haahah! Poor Condo. i guess him and Gates will be spending some more time together. But i'm with Gates. i'd love to see more non-humanoids on the team.

I don't think we've ever see them this excited for a day off in a while. lol
I'm glad the whole team will be working on this though. That's a great chance to see many different team pairings and really check in with everyone at some point.

Troy and Delya are cute. its also funny to have XS of all people commenting on this moment. I'm sure she's had plenty that she wasn't to happy to have witnesses for. lol.
this is probably the most nervous we've seen Troy. lol they are both such dorks its sooo cute. i love that they still want to go out and learn. its always interesting to see what they learn about/ what we learn about them.

I like that Val is leading classes. But i'm slightly surprised they aren't mandatory/ knowing hand to hand combat without powers is mandatory. (achkem, Starboy!)

The boys are having a VR night. that sounds like it could be fun. especially playing a game that has every 20th/21st century hero, even the ones no ones heard of. lol.

So the cadets are off to Colu and some of the girls are going to another fashion show? the Ventura one that was mentioned on Aleph?
Lol love the commentary on Kinetix.

Awww poor Ferro! don't count yourself out yet. But maybe something will change for him...
Alright so we also have a brawler squad.
Drake's reaction to Kari was super cute. Maybe someday he'll say how he feels. Although i'm sure Kari knows.
Oh Brin wasn't too thrilled until he got a date too! lol. Maybe Brin's finally starting to see Calorie Queen's advanced smile

the married couples date was funny. Its nice to see Tel actually bonding with his teammates.
Hahah Imra tapping her temples was super funny. The girls just giving the guys a tough time is funny.

This were all great posts that i had a lot of fun reading and i can't wait to continue to catch up. Sadly that's all the time i have for tonight.
Keep it coming IB!

read the adventures of the Reboot Legion!;f=2;t=001232
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yay! you read fast Omni, wow!

Originally Posted by Omni
Aleph -
I love all these small funny moments. I'm personally not great at them. So i love seeing your team have them.

Thank you Omni, that is really high praise!

Originally Posted by Omni
Loved the story about Spark's mom. honestly i'm with her. i hate shopping and waiting 2 hours just to get in to shop. no way. did that once for a black friday sale here in the US and it was the worst. so tired and crowded.

Right? My mom-in-law says the same thing, she just cannot understand why people would wait in line so long...

Originally Posted by Omni
Loving the team just getting into action. Zoe could make a potential leader one day i think. tongue

ooh! maybe field leader, but I think she would not have much patience with teammates who are being dense tongue but intriguing idea!

Originally Posted by Omni
Element Lass transmuting the table and choosing people first was great. mainly because she was upset at having to destroy the nice furniture. lol why is Tenzil on a diet? didn't we just learn he needs to gain some more muscle?

he's on a special diet that limits carbs and is heavy on protein wink it won't be much fun sadly!

Originally Posted by Omni
I loved seeing Lori the hero and not because of her powers but because of her compassion for the trapped little girl. i wish Lori would learn just how much she can do without being a Legionnaire.

Hope Lori will indeed wink

Originally Posted by Omni
Also on a side note i want a family dinner with RJ, Lu, and Lori. i think that would be fun to explore now that she's Lu's little sister.
Tenzil always makes me laugh when he describes the "food" he eats. lol

that would be a good scene! I will put that on the to do list, thanks smile

Originally Posted by Omni
You know i wish our own people had such respect for the past. if they did then maybe we wouldn't still be dealing with stolen artifacts from cultures around the world that end up being sold by crap like Hobby-lobby or pottery barn. or having entire cultures ransacked never to know their stories again. but at least its protected.

we could certainly learn a bit from Aleph! smile

Originally Posted by Omni
oh wow A Wellurian? damn we haven't seen one of them in ages. i actually forgot about them so much so that i gave Catspaw a whole new planet. lol. You know i'm glad you're bringing them back in. i think there is more story there with how much they hate the Legion. Heck i could easily see them joining the Skarlarians and Tyranzzi's as a new dark circle of sorts. I forgot that they actually freed the Wellurians. my memory still has them under the kings rule. lol

Catspaw as a Wellurian would have made sense, I am almost sorry I didn't make her one!
Originally Posted by Omni
Questions first mission -
Imra did well on making Akiko feel better and welcomed.
She also tried to get the Wellurian to listen. Oh damn! Imra was rebuffed? those are some big time psychic shields.
Agreed the psychic shields must be doing something to her powers as well. But now we no for sure that it is definitely to do with defeating the Legion.

you picked that part up well smile the shields are to prevent them from inadvertently revealing whatever plan is up...

Originally Posted by Omni
6 spots of the zodiac filled and we only know the id of Kono, Shakuq, Slizz, and Lusyo. So each of these races are the literal animal? well except Kono as far as we know Skarla is only symbolically related rats. I honestly thought it was symbolic and not actually being the animal until we got to these descriptions.

it is a bit of both. the Zodiac Signs have to embody their Zodiac animal, so resembling them physicality does help with that. but on the other hand, why this particular Orandan and not any other? so there's more to it than just physical resemblance.

Originally Posted by Omni
Talok VIII -
I really do love the idea of Umbra communing with her ancestors through the shadows and i like how you explained how it worked a bit.
I find it interesting how it was her mother who tried to connect with her when they barely met. Umbra always seemed like she was closer with the older Shadow champions that the most recent ones.

I always read it as Umbra being about equally connected to each of them, in most scenes with the ancestors we just see a whole bunch of them without names. but you are correct that Tasmia and her mom only saw each other like 4 times, and without speaking too!

Originally Posted by Omni
They have similar treatment to Xanthu for the threshold gates only? Are their other tribe champions? we never really explored Talok VIII in cannon much. outside of them telling Umbra she needs to open up to the UP only for them to recede at the loss of her.
Aren't Science Police headquartered on every world that is part of the UP?

SP's are headquartered on every UP world, it's only the Thresholds - not all have a permanent open one. See Legion 24 for why, it was to help Talok ease in to being open again.

Legends of the Legion 3 established there is only one planetary champion, to help unite the 12 Tribes of Talok. And Legion 24 also showed this continuing. this is part of how the Shadow Cave and Darkfield work.

Originally Posted by Omni
heck what could they steal other than one of the shadow champions? Did they take the first shadow champion?

don't worry, it's not the Shadow Champion.

Originally Posted by Omni
So another transuit question their activated instead of put on here? or did they already have them on but they need to activate them? i thought they activated once inside. no need to do anything else. I think this might have been why i thought you had the eco-protect, because they activate them instead of putting them on. Which then makes me think that they are like the Daxamites who are in one 24/7.

Once a transuit is on, it automatically works unless someone turns it off. so the main thing is putting the transuits on. Insect Queen already had it on to prepare, she just turned it off temporarily to get a "feel" of Talok VIII. It is her first time, after all!

Originally Posted by Omni
I'm loving that how much work you've put into this spot about the meetings. All aspects of the team are represented! love it! Makes sense that Lu and Lyle would do some background checking and that its secret. The newbies especially i could see having issues with him doing so.

thanks! meetings can be boring so I'm glad this came off as interesting!

Originally Posted by Omni
We need more post with the whole team is what your saying with the meeting and how lively its getting right? tongue

you know I love writing all-team scenes wink
Originally Posted by Omni
I know we technically got the subs. But i wish we had gotten to see them in action. maybe we need a flash back post from you about them. wink
Haahah! Poor Condo. i guess him and Gates will be spending some more time together. But i'm with Gates. i'd love to see more non-humanoids on the team.

I would rather do a flash-forward than a flashback, but let's see wink

I would love more non-humanoids too, it's just that there were so many established humanoid minor characters already frown but let's see what we can do about that... though the team is already so big, so I'll have to grow them carefully...

Originally Posted by Omni
Troy and Delya are cute. its also funny to have XS of all people commenting on this moment. I'm sure she's had plenty that she wasn't to happy to have witnesses for. lol.
this is probably the most nervous we've seen Troy. lol they are both such dorks its sooo cute. i love that they still want to go out and learn. its always interesting to see what they learn about/ what we learn about them.

we really need a scene where someone teases XS about her crushes before... and yeah, Troy and Delya normally come off as so self-possessed, but it's funny to have them be all dorky with each other

Originally Posted by Omni
I like that Val is leading classes. But i'm slightly surprised they aren't mandatory/ knowing hand to hand combat without powers is mandatory. (achkem, Starboy!)

there was mandatory combat training that everyone had to go through, but once passing that it becomes more voluntary. there are mandatory refreshers of course, but as with all these things some Legionnaires put more effort into it than others.

Originally Posted by Omni
Oh Brin wasn't too thrilled until he got a date too! lol. Maybe Brin's finally starting to see Calorie Queen's advanced smile

Brin is not completely oblivious wink

Originally Posted by Omni
This were all great posts that i had a lot of fun reading and i can't wait to continue to catch up. Sadly that's all the time i have for tonight.
Keep it coming IB!

glad you liked it Omni and thanks again for your kind words!!

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Lyle immediately checking on Jacques's welfare was a nice character bit smile

More fun teamups! I like how everyone compliments one another power-wise and/or tactically, but the winner for me was Candi and Particon being careful not to hurt the lightning beast...Candi is such a sweetheart, I'm glad you kept her around smile

I laughed at Spider-Girl saying she just conditioned her hair last night - gotta love Sussa! laugh

I love how Mysa is getting all cold and witchy in this fight! Mysa is one of those characters where you know it's really hit the fan if you have managed to get her mad!

And although it's a shame she's on the wrong side, love seeing my girl Kono get clever and kick butt!

The Pig ignored him. "Over the centuries, soldiers have fallen in defense of the great Middle Kingdom," he said. Grabbing a knife and slicing his arm open, the Pig let his blood drop on the pendant. "I call on them now to serve us!"

The Rat and the Rabbit stared, open-mouthed, as the air above them shimmered... and thousands of ghostly forms on horseback, as well as hundreds of glowing Zodiac animal forms, appeared.

This is such a cool image!!

And you just topped it with the injured Legionnaires all coming in to save the day!

I love how epic this has all become! To steal a phrase, more more more!

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hiya raz, glad you're digging it!

Lyle still has a lot of residual guilt for Jacques' power nearly killing him smile I'm super glad Candi is here too, and she and Particon have some history fighting Mordru together. And Sussa always has something witty to say wink

yeah, and Mysa can be both cold-angry or blazing-angry too!

glad you liked these bits and the escalation at the end! big ghostly army versus big Legion army, whohoo!

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Feel daunted by the length of this thread? You can also check out the Recap Thread to catch up!




The Pig watched as over two dozen injured Legionnaires joined their comrades on the battlefield. He snorted to himself as he saw a few others; he recognized Atmos and Vapor and most of their teams, and even some Reservists and support staff like Matter-Eater Lad and Mandalla, Rainbow and Flying Fox. He guessed that with magical disruptions being lessened throughout the galaxy, the Legionnaires were able to pull more of their forces here.

Dryad, emboldened, spoke. "I... am weak... but I will aid as best I can..." Slowly, feebly, a ring of stone surrounded the Legionnaires, providing cover. The Legionnaires murmured in appreciation; even with telepathic communications support, it was not easy getting their bearings against Twelve Zodiac Signs, a ghostly army, and magical Zodiac avatars.

The Pig laughed. The Legion thought they had reinforced themselves, but they had given him an advantage. The energies of the newcomers could replace those of the magical objects they had spirited away. With that cursed energy-draining Legion staff member away, everything was his for the taking. And Dryad was simply too weak to provide much aid.

The Pig plunged his hands into the red sphere that was collecting energies for the gods. Reciting the spells he had learned by heart, he nudged the spell to begin taking in energy from all present, whether Earth-born or not. He didn't care where they came from anymore; he just needed a little more to complete the spell... As the caster, only he was immune to its effects. Something the other Zodiac Signs did not know...

The Pig watched as M'Onel, with a face swollen almost beyond recognition, crashed into the Rabbit. Live Wire, scars and gashes ringing his arms, joined hands with Spark to begin absorbing the lightning from the Goat. Sizzle, leaning on Triad for support, also joined in. Chameleon, wincing in pain as he shifted into a winged form, evaded a leaping tiger. Umbra, looking regal even as her face showed her anger, smashed ghostly forms to bits with her darkfield - all while she remained seated. Gear, body sparking and creaking, painfully formed blasters from his wrists. Calorie Queen stood back-to-back with Timber Wolf, smashing at enemies left and right even as one of Calorie Queen's arms remained out of commission. Kinetix, a gaping scar running along her side, was being supported by Blizzard even as she wrapped the Monkey's clothing around his eyes. Chemical Kid leaned on Invisible Kid, even as Condo slowed down the Monkey's mteabolism.

Buoyed by the reinforcements, the Legionnaires drew together in a large stone circle, with their injured in the middle. Gates' green teleport disks and Veilmist's tell-tale purple aura appeared here and there, bringing allies into the natural fortress being formed by Dryad.

Even Thunder said her magic word again, joining the fight. Saturn Girl and Sensor, both sporting scars and bandages, hovered in the middle of their comrades, eyes closed; the Pig knew they were coordinating their allies and beguiling their enemies.

No matter. The Pig forced the spell along; and he threw his head back and laughed as energies began to flow from everyone. Legionnaires, their allies, and Zodiac Signs all fell to their knees; and the ghostly soldiers and Zodiac Sign avatars began fading away. Everyone was feeding into the spell, save the Pig himself.

"No!" The White Witch stood, facing the Pig. "You must not succeed!" She began weaving a counter-spell.

"I'm sorry Mysa, but no." The Dragon enveloped his former teacher in one of his dragon-forms. "We will also feed this spell," he whispered. "We must." The White Witch cried out as her counter-spell failed, and watched in horror as the red glowing sphere began to grow.

"Finally, finally..." The Pig breathed as the sphere grew...

The ground rumbled underneath the Pig. "I will not let you win!" The voice of Dryad sounded both angry and desperate, and the rock under the Pig erupted. But it was a feeble quake; too much of Dryad's energies had been absorbed...

The Pig laughed as he used M'Onel's power to fly. For added safety, he copied Apparition's power and phased most of his body. He watched as the spinning sphere grow bigger and bigger, watched as all those around him were forced to crouch down to the ground, sighing and groaning as they powered the spell...

... and the Pig, confident in his own victory, poured the last of his stolen powers into the same sphere that hung in front of him...

... and the red sphere grew slowly, and it began enveloping the entire surface of Dryad.

"Xao!" Mysa gripped at Dragonmage's arm. With the last of her strength, she pulled him so he faced her. Looking into his eyes, she cried, "What have you done!"

"What I needed to do," Xao said sadly. "I am sorry, Mysa. I thought I could temper the Pig's plan..."

"You did not need to do this!" Mysa began. But before she could finish, the red sphere enveloped them all...


Dragonmage watched, transfixed, as the surface the red sphere washed over Dryad's surface. The bland, formless, rocky ground they were on was replaced slowly by finely woven carpets, decorated in with scenes of fierce battles and meadows of lush flowers.

Familiar pagodas and temples began growing out of the ground; Dragonmage had seen similar buildings when visiting his aunt and uncle in Beijing, on Earth. Red lanterns sprouted from the eaves of buildings, casting a soft light.

In front of the Pig, a giant golden gate appeared. And the gates slowly opened, showing a large altar covered with offerings of food and paper houses; Dragonmage recognized these as the kind his culture would burn, to send to their ancestors in the afterlife.

The middle of the altar held a thick clump of incense. And the incense suddenly began to burn, even though nobody lit it.

Several forms shimmered into view. They were all dressed in rich robes, elaborately embroidered, and wearing colorful crowns on their heads.

Dragonmage's heart leaped. He recognized them from the paintings and the stories... The Jade Emperor, the God of Heaven. Mother of the Great Chariot, the Queen of Heaven. The Queen Mother of the West, and the King Duke of the East.

The Queen Mother stepped forward, carefully lifting her shining white robes so they did not drag on the ground. She clasped her hands together in front of her, the long sleeves flowing together. She eyed the assemblage before her; beings of great power, by mortal standards. But not by hers. Most of them seemed heavily injured, and the stench of violence hung in the air.

"Who summons us, and for what cause?"

"I do, Queen Mother." The Pig knelt forward, his voice unfamiliarly humble. "I seek a boon, please."

"We did it together!" gasped the Ox. "All of us twelve!"

"Using OUR energy!" Thunder prostrated herself before the Chinese gods.

Kid Quantum hushed the rest of the Legionnaires through their telepathic network. "Gang, this is beyond us," she said. "Thunder has the most experience with deities here - let her talk."

If Thunder felt the pressure, she didn't show it. "Please, Queen Mother. These twelve cast a spell using our energies, and the energies of this living planet, to draw you here. But they nearly slew us to do it, and they have caused untold suffering across many worlds..."

"Is this true?" The Jade Emperor, back straight and with eyes blazing like coals, turned to the Pig.

"Yes, your majesty," The Pig kept his eyes down, his body rigid even as he held his bow. His forehead touched the floor. "We had much need of you."

The Queen of Heaven sat down on a couch, reclining as she took a goblet. "Well then, if your need was so great that you would cause such suffering, we would hear what it is you wish."

The Signs began talking one on top of the other. Thunder looked mortified, and Matter-Eater Lad made a face.

The King Duke of the East waved his hand. "One at a time!" Pointing his feathered fan at the Rat, he fixed her with a stare. "You represent the Rat, the first of the Zodiac. For that, you may go first."

The Rat hoped her pose mimicked the Pig's closely enough. "My lords and ladies," she breathed. "An evil wizard destroyed by world, Sklar. I wish for it back." Live Wire closed his eyes; he had been on the away team that had failed to stop Mordru from destroying Sklar.

Holding her breath, the Rat waited as she four deities remained silent.

"You are next," the Jade Emperor pointed at the Ox.

"My kind are scattered across the stars," the Ox stood rigidly. "I wish for a planet for us, where I can rule and guide them into greatness once more." Echo glared in anger, his face showing what he thought of this.

Once more, the deities remained silent, there faces not betraying any emotion.

The Tiger spoke next; she was on one knee. "My people suffered under a terrible tyrant, who slew many of us. I wish that he had never risen to power." Cosmic Boy looked sadly at the Tiger; he had been one of the Legionnaires who had gone to Wellur, and ended the ex-King's deception.

The Rabbit puffed his chest out. "I was nothing in my home universe. I simply wish to remain here." Amp shook her head at that; she was clearly not amused.

Dragonmage followed, and his bow was even deeper than the Pig's. "My actions unleashed a terrible evil that destroyed this world, Dryad; and nearly destroyed another, Gil'd. I wish to undo those events." The White Witch balled her heads into fists; she understood Dragonmage's guilt, but this was not the way to go about it!

The Snake pulled herself up, and she cast a contemptuous glance at Sensor. "My world, Orando, has been ruled by the foolish Wynzorr family for ages! They are not fit to rule, and I would be the new Queen of Orando! Why should they have all the power and prestige?" Sensor's eyes bulged in anger as the Snake spoke.

The Horse smirked as he fantasized about his wish. "I wish for power and riches, to show all those who laughed at me that I have won!" Spark rolled her eyes at this.

"This one cannot speak for herself," the Queen Mother of the West flicked her finger at the Goat. A vision emerged above the Goat's head, of her and her fellow lightning beasts frolicking in a garden paradise, happy and safe. "The Goat is not even fully sentient," Brainiac 5 mused.

Brawler, the Monkey, puffed out his chest. "I only wish for what I deserve: to be a Legionnaire, with the real Legion, so I can get the glory I deserve!" Saturn Girl shivered... Brawler was clearly very far gone.

"I wish for the life of luxury and comfort I deserve," the Rooster said simply, eyes twinkling, wings fluttering, as she thought about the beautiful dresses and the nice house she would have. Shikari looked as if she had been hit; what sort of motivation was this!

"My family died in an accident..." The Dog said quietly. "I wish for them back." Nightwind looked down for a moment; she could understand wanting family back, but...

And finally, the Pig. He lifted his head up, and he looked right at each of the deities. "Your majesties. Humanity has gotten weak and soft, and they no longer have a purpose other than their own comfort. I would bring them to heel under you, so they can all sing your praises and devote themselves to your glory. I would be the ruler of the galaxy, so I can do that."

The Snake and the Ox looked askance at the Pig; and Gates could be heard muttering about "greedy power-hungry fools"; but the Pig ignored them, putting all his attention on the deities.

The four deities looked at one another, and nodded. The Jade Emperor stepped forward. "We have conferred, and pass our judgment."

The Horse looked startled. He had been led to believe that this was a done deal! What...

"Some of you are selfish and immature," sneered the Mother of the Great Chariot. "How dare you ask us for such self-serving boons? Ones that you would use to tread on others?"

"But...!" The Snake began.

"Silence!" The Mother continued. "We have looked into your hearts, and we know. Perhaps some time to reflect will change your hearts for the better... perhaps."

She raised her hand, palm facing upwards, and tiny spheres appeared. They flew outwards, spinning in the air. The first one hit the Rooster, who cried out in fear. Shikari tried to stand, but before she could take a step, the Rooster had shrunk down into a child's doll. Shikari watched as her fellow Kwai fell to the ground, making a squeak as she landed.

Another hit The Snake, who arched her back. She began to spin, faster and faster and faster... and suddenly she stopped. Sensor gasped as she watched her fellow Orandan transform into a painting. It depicted The Snake, a crown on her head, seated on a rich throne.

The Horse already knew he was next. He attempted to run. But before he could take two steps, a sphere crashed into him. His form warped, and in a burst of light he fell to Dryad's surface as a wooden rocking horse.

The Rabbit tried to fly away, but the sphere sped in front of him. He flew into it and screamed. His body seemed to twist and turn... and he hopped to the ground, as a harmless little bunny.

"They will have some time to reflect on their actions," The Mother said, satisfied, as she inspected the four transformed Zodiac Signs. "When they have learned, they shall be restored."

The rest of the Zodiac remained bent, shell-shocked. The Rat phased her form as a precaution, her heart pounding. Only the Pig remained prostrate, his body language not betraying his thoughts.

"But we consider extenuating circumstances." The King Duke of the East turned to the Ox. "You are proud, even arrogant. You believe that you would be a great ruler, but you are too arrogant for that. Yet... your wish shows you care for your people."

"Yes... yes I do, my lord," The Ox said, without the hint of a stammer.

"Do not address us so," the King Duke continued. "We are not your gods. You have your own."

"But they have abandoned us!" The Ox protested.

"That is not what they say." The Queen Mother waved her hands, holding one on top of the other like a mirror. The space between them shimmered, and a strawberry blonde woman appeared.

"My lady Athena!" The Ox gasped. Thunder swayed; as one who took her power from the gods, she knew most of the pantheons. "It's THE Athena!" she whispered to Ferro.

"I am disappointed in you, Ferdinand," Athena said. "When we scattered your kind, we told you this would be a lesson in humility. Yet here you are, attacking the heroes of this time, willing to kill for no reason. You clearly have not learned your lesson yet."

Before the Ox could protest, Athena addressed the heavenly court. "By your leave, may I pass judgment on him?"

"He is one of yours," The Queen Mother answered. "Do as you will with him."

Athena looked at him, and the Ox screamed. His body began to shrivel up, and his fur turned gray. "My power... my strength!" His knees gave way, and he dropped to the ground.

"Time will tell if you will learn," Athena said. "I will check on you in a few decades. Perhaps then, you will deserve to be restored." Giving her thanks to the heavenly court, Athena vanished.

"Now this one," The Jade Emperor pointed to the Monkey, who was staring wildly. "This one is not in possession of his sound mind, anymore."

"He has indeed been damaged," said the Mother of the Great Chariot. "I fear there is nothing to be done."

"Please, if I may!" Saturn Girl spoke up. "We have telepaths, we can try..."

"No, I am sorry," the Mother of the Great Chariot said, pity in her voice. "We have assessed him. Even with all your combined telepathic might, he is beyond help. No..." she waved her hand. "There is only one way forward for this one." A soft white light emanated from her, and slowly swallowed up the Monkey. He thrashed around at first, but soon stopped. As the light vanished from around him, he fell to his knees.

"Where... where am I?" he looked around. "Who are all of you? And... who am I?"

"He receives the gift of starting anew," the Mother said, not unkindly. "We have taken his memories, and returned him to his original level of power."

"Now, as for you..." The Jade Emperor turned to the Goat. "You are not responsible for your actions, and you have been misled. We take away your increased power, and return you to your own kind. It is not for us to ensure your safety, but I believe you will be protected by the authorities of this time." The Goat neighed as a red glow surrounded her; thin red threads representing her increased powers flowed from her. Then, she disappeared back to Korbal.

"Seven have been judged, five remain," the Queen Mother turned to the rest. "Rat, Tiger, Dragon and Dog, stand up."

Slowly, one by one, they stood. All four stared forward, not daring to look away.

"Your wishes were relatively selfless. Or at least, you sought to benefit others, not just yourselves," the Queen Mother said. "However, whatever you have been told, it is not our place to change the past."

"But you have the power to do so, don't you, your majesty?" Kono breathed. Tears welled up in her eyes.

"Even we would not alter the past," the Queen Mother said. "It is not our place to do so. And the future, is your own destiny to pursue."

"But my babies..." The Dog began; she was straining to speak through her tears. "My poor babies did not deserve to die..."

"Our judgment is final," The Queen Mother said firmly. Her voice softened. "And you have committed violence to summon us. That was not our wish. You could have summoned us through benevolent magics, as well."

At this, the Pig slipped a little, his elbow touching the ground. He had not known that... the road here would have been much easier, if he had.

"And as you have committed evil acts, even with good intentions..." The Queen Mother continued. "You must face justice, as administered by those who govern in this time." She turned to the Legionnaires. “One point to consider: The Rat tried not to take any lives, merely to disable. The Dragon as well, and indeed he cast a spell to help prevent any deaths.”

The White Witch looked at Dragonmage with a mixture of emotions. She had been right that the spell he’d cast was benevolent! But this did not excuse everything else he had done...

The Queen Mother waved her hands.

The Rat gasped as she felt her body turn solid. Bonds appeared around her limbs, chaining her feet and hands together. She tried to phase, but could not.

"You still have your individual gifts, no worry," The Queen Mother smiled. "But these bonds will ensure you cannot use them, while they are on." She turned to Kid Quantum. "You are the leader, yes?" At Jazmin's nod, the Queen Mother held her hand out and presented a key. "To unlock their bonds, when you are ready." Jazmin wordlessly took the key, though remembered to bow in thanks.

Dragonmage slumped to the ground, defeated. He had thought... he had thought...

"And finally, you," the Jade Emperor turned to the Pig. The Pig began to tremble.

"You are worst of all. You misled your compatriots, you committed evil acts knowingly, and you only wished for power at the expense of others. You have corrupted our name. You do not deserve anything but oblivion."

"But your majesty!" The Pig only had time to cry that out before his entire body burst into flames. He began screaming, his agonized wails piercing the air... and then, mercifully, he was gone. Only ashes remained where the Pig once knelt.

Only the Dog's sobs echoed through the silence.

The Queen Mother turned to the assembled Legionnaires and their allies. "You have impressed us, young ones. You fought with honor, skill and wisdom. And most importantly, you fought for right and justice. Take this boon: you, we heal you to how you were before you encountered these poor misled wretches."

And a soft greenish-white glow advanced, covering one and all of the Legionnaires. Gasps and exclamations of surprise sounded out as wounds and bone knit themselves. Insect Queen looked in wonder at her arms; Gear touched his head in gratitude.

"And finally, you." The King Duke knelt down, touching Dryad. "You are as well a victim in all of this..." The King Duke looked down, sadly. "I am afraid you are dying, little one."

"What?" Dragonmage looked up.

"But I want to live again..." Dryad said, weakly. A little rumble sounded.

"I am sorry," The King Duke said softly. "I can feel your life forces... too much has been drained. These others, they were greatly weakened, but we arrived in time. But you..."

"The Pig has been draining Dryad for months, hasn't he?" Dragonmage paled. "He said he had left Dryad alone, but..."

"But he lied," The King Duke shook his head. "I can tell that your Pig has been using Dryad to power his own spells for months, indeed."

"Dryad was supposed to be reborn!" Inferno spat. "And now... now... it can't end this way!"

"And would you offer your own life force?" The King Duke said, gently. "Even if you would, it is not enough. Many of you would be needed, to replenish this planet's energy."

"What if..." Kid Quantum looked around. "What if we each gave a little of our life forces? Voluntarily, of course. We don't even need to declare it publicly. No pressure. Just... just take some from anyone who is willing." Murmurs of agreement erupted from the gathered team. Even Atmos looked in pride at his former Amazer teammate.

"Even that would not be enough..." The King Duke looked somber, and for the first time, even a little sad. "Our little planet here has boundless life, and it has been weakened for too much, and for too long."

"Wait..." Dragonmage struggled to sit up. "If I give my own life, and you take a little bit from all those willing. Will that be enough?"

The Queen Mother looked thoughtful. "It would not be enough to restore Dryad to its true glory... but it would be a spark that would fan the flame. Dryad would be much diminished, but it would live."

"Really?" Dryad rumbled again, and with much effort, it created a tiny humanoid figure from its surface. The figure turned to face Dragonmage. "You would sacrifice yourself, for me?"

"I only did this because I wanted to restore you and Gil'd fully..." Dragonmage hung his head. "And I hoped to temper the actions of the Pig, avoid killing anyone if it wasn't absolutely necessary." He ignored the White Witch's unreadable stare. "If I can... if I can do something to alleviate my sins..."

"I accept your gift..." Dryad's little avatar slowly walked to Dragonmage, and touched a rocky hand to his knee.

"Xao..." Mysa began.

"My lady," Dragonmage turned to her. "I hurt you, I hurt everyone, I know. I just... I thought... I thought I could keep you alive, if I joined the Pig. And still soothe my conscience, undo my deeds."

"You selfish fool!" Tears flowed down Mysa's face. "You lied to us, and you put your own pride above our team and our wellbeing!" Apparition and Kinetix silently stepped forward, each putting a comforting hand on Mysa's shoulders. Lamprey silently pulled a tissue from her pouch and stood awkwardly near Mysa, unsure whether to offer it. Rebound also moved forward; Triad placed a gentle hand on his arm, motioning for him to give Mysa some space. Ferro hesitated, then stood where he was, but keeping an eye on Mysa. Element Lass began dabbing at her own tears; and Magno hugged XS from behind.

"My lady..." Dragonmage began.

"No, I am not finished yet!" Mysa choked. "But even with all your selfishness, and stubbornness, and impatience, you are still so infuriatingly noble! That you would give your life..."

A lopsided smile appeared on Dragonmage's face. "I was always too full of pride, wasn't I?"

"You could have come to us..." Mysa sobbed. "We could have thought of a plan... If we had understood what was happening earlier..."

"I should have trusted you and the Legion," Dragonmage closed his eyes. "But it is too late now. I am really sorry for hurting you, my lady Mysa."

Mysa forced herself to look into Dragonmage's face one last time. "Farewell, Xao. May the afterlife be kind to you."

"And may you live a long, happy life, with much more worthy and thoughtful pupils than I..." Dragonmage said. "Farewell, Lady Mysa."

Turning to the deities, Dragonmage bowed his head. "I am ready."

"Then begin, we shall." The Jade Emperor stepped forward. "Any who wish to lend some of their life forces, simply leave your hearts open. And close your eyes."

And as the Jade Emperor opened his hands, each Legionnaire who wanted to partake felt a little bit of themselves flow through their chests. None save Dragonmage and the deities could see who, but each and every Legionnaire present had decided to join in. Over four dozen streams flowed up into the air, melding into one sphere.

"That is all we can take, without harming them forever," The Queen Mother turned to Dragonmage. "Now, it is your turn."

Dragonmage closed his eyes, opening his heart and soul. He felt a tug on the deepest part of himself. Then he felt his life flow out of his body. His eyesight slowly dimmed, even as he slumped to the ground; he could feel Dryad's gratitude as it accepted his soul. And the last thing he saw before he passed was Mysa, surrounded by friends, looking at him, crying.

Joined: Feb 2011
Posts: 1,203
Joined: Feb 2011
Posts: 1,203
Hi IB,

Its that time of the week again for another read and review. I'm still hoping to catch up. but at this point i think i've accepted that i will forever be behind. lol.

i'm starting off with Jed, Jo, and Garth running from their spouses. That was super funny. especially when we find out the VR gaming session isn't for another half hour. laugh

Another fun moment for some of the couples within the team.
not surprised that Lyle doesn't care about fashion tongue
If i had to do weekly shopping with Candi i wouldn't care about fashion any more either. all i can think about is the little Arthimates after she joined. laugh laugh laugh
Hahah of course Spark does.

Poor Kid Q. she really does need a Deputy. But she has a point maybe its time for leader elections. She's done a great job. but everyone needs a rest.
That was super romantic of Rokk.

glad Sensor is gaining some perspective about her transformation. She still has so much compared to others.
Poor Candi, i didn't realize her transformation caused her to lose that much. i guess i just figured she still had those. just maybe dulled but not lost.

a cute scene with the some of the girls. i chuckled at Lamprey and Sizzle's reactions.
Oh the minds of teenagers.
Loved the call back to "Girls Night Out" I always thought that was a fun issue.
So google still exists? wow i knew they had staying power. lol.
Man they really were so young once upon a time.
Its funny how much the new kids need to be reminded that their teammates who've been there longer are still regular people. it demonstrates the hero worship of the Legion well.

I enjoy how you're trying to flesh out Gear more. Give him a a sense of humor.
A world of living organic they don't have things like fun? i think at some point Gear's world needs to be explored more.

Magno makes a point. not having to worry about life's needs and being able to be pampered helps make saving the universe a lot easier.

the girls slumber party talking about the boys was funny and cute.
Chuck eating RJ's bday dinner was probably my favorite.
Sussa telling Jo stoires...funny but that could go either way if Apparition comes in. But yeah Jo wasn't the smartest back in the day. But Sussa also didn't seem to take much of a hint that he wasn't interested any more. Although, he should have actually said something to her.

Another good quiet moment. Andromeda wanting to join into the political debates was interesting. I like that each of them was more than happy to have Andromeda join them.
Gates made a good point to Brainy and I'm glad he's taking it. Orin Fex is a tricky one.
I'm glad she's finally dealing with her feelings towards Brainy and what that means.

I like the M'Onel and Shavuagn dynamic. Uhmmm so M'On likes to be dominated a little bit huh? haha. tease

Hmm alluding to the Umbra/M'Onel love of other realities?
I like how he understands what he needs.
Umbra's thinking about why she would want to mate with M'onel was really interesting. but i liked how she wasn't going to be petty and vie for his attention because she views him as the ultimate mate for her.
Haha i love that Mysa saw the look from Umbra.

It's interesting how Mysa is integrating into the team and who she surrounds herself with.
I think this would be the most visually stunning moment to see. just floating out in space and seeing the stars.

Troy is adorable and Mentalla seems smitten too, So i guess Ferro is no longer an option.
Our last moment of cuteness it seems before a blinding white light comes...Oh boy this isn't going to be good...
i know were about to get into some serious stuff but gaming session and Jo being Lobo was funny and of course Garth was Black Lightning. lol.
These were all fun moments that really showed us the other side of the Legionnaires's. its always nice to get to see them on some down time.

Wait what? Mysa's it? so her spell didn't work on the others? But Legion World is still at least it was time being rewritten an the Legion being erased. i can deal with them being captured.

The arrival of the cavalry!
I understand Marla flipping out on M'Rrissey but he had the right idea. They need all hands on deck. I also find it odd that there are no protocols about what to do when the entire active roster disappears. its not like its the first time. lol. tongue
Poor Theena, its clear how hard she's trying. So magic can jam her abilities too?
these were some good character moments for the side characters.

Thanagar -
Loved that Porcupine Pete is doing so well. You made him into a very competent and encouraging field leader.
Seeing Thanagar was pretty cool. But i thought they had natural wings. But Thanagar has been rebooted almost as much as the Legion. So i can totally understand why i would think that. lol.
i enjoyed Aquamarine getting the instructions on what to do and seeing her power work. its handy that she doesn't have to physically have to touch people in order to change them. Seeing how hard Uplift was working to help push those sentients up onto the roof was also well done.
the moment with Vielmist smiling at the child was well done. i could totally see it in my head and i recoiled a little bit too from that sharp toothy grin.
Ahh poor Flying fox. but the kid was scared.
Considering all that was going on this mission went pretty well.

Takron-Galtos -
I never knew that 0-MEL only took on the name as a joke. But makes sense. I'm glad Tenzil is out there and trying. But i'd be right with him and feeling less than comfortable.

Magic does not have the best rep in the galaxy it seems. Maybe Mysa needs to think of ways to do out reach and understanding to make the galaxy a bit more ok with magic. especially with the likes of Mordru around....speaking of which, hopefully his cell on JS-1969 is still working.
X-Betty calling Ral, Mr. was cute. especially since i think she might be older than him. Loved him enjoying his win over only tripping over a few words.

Tenzil in battle is fun. love the quipping. But he does give rise the the question, what would a Bismollian villain be like?
Your description of Catspaw fighting and putting on a show reminded me of how i read that in the old animated x-men series from the 90's Wolverine was never allowed to actually claw his opponents and only use them on inanimate objects. I guess that's the only way for her to really work and be non-lethal.

Question can Dream Boy and Girl not go on separate missions? not thinking they needed to. Just something i was curious about.
It's great getting to see Mandalla let loose along with the other cadets. Swallowtail's powers are interesting to see working on the prisoners. She's able to switch tactics so effortlessly.
Dream Boy and Girl did pretty well. But agreed they definitely need more training before going on a mission again. Hand to hand should be their favorite class!

Colu -
the Sleepnet is down? I wonder if that's how they expel all the access information in their minds and without it they can't get rid of it because even though they are super smart they're still only human.
Poor Pol. But i'm glad Kent talked to him and their able to get him to do more Legiony Stuff. loved the call back to your own series. smile
Good use of Calamity and hopefully Dragonwing's attitude will change a bit after figuring out how to be helpful. Pol did good work encouraging Dragonwing.

Paragon is an interesting one with her powerset. The idea of inspiration being a power to get people motivated wasn't something i was sure how it would work in the Legion's world. But for search and rescue she's a really good person to have around it seems.

You know if you paired healer with someone with an accelerated healing, or super durability he might be able to transfer for a really long time. Glad Kent saw that he was burning himself out and stepped in.

Vyrga -
It's interesting to see just how much Gates' home world reveres the Legion for their aid. But now that you bring up that they are short-lived; do we know how long exactly? Don't want to lose Gates to old age already.

Poor Martin. But i'm slightly surprised he's on a mission. i figured with his state of mind he'd be with Lori and the others on Legion World. i know he's getting help. But i wouldn't think he'd be up for this so soon.

Man Retro is so not gonna make the team. Seriously, why don't you have a transuit on!
its too bad that the Vyrgans haven't developed a way for faster travel so they could help the search. Maybe something for Gate's to think about, especially since he doesn't enjoy walking long distances himself.

Glad Theena is able to go on a mission a help. I'm sure she's beyond thrilled.
Poor Crystal Kid. Being too egger is always a double edged sword.
unknown species? could be fun and scary. lol.
Poor Hotspot he sure didn't get the best team. But at least Mess and Cannus are useful. Cannus is just hard to understand.
Seriously, why is Retro even in the Cadet Program.

i liked how Vapor handled Martin.
Fauna is very useful in this situation.
Crystal Kid oh Crystal Kid, missions are not about glamor. Also Tellus is really capable. But he knows his limitations. Unlike some it seems.

Well that's good that each team found everyone and there wasn't a huge problem.
Lol Oh Theena get used to it. These types of things happen more than you think.

M'Rrissey is doing a great job with all the predictions and tracking of the power outages.
Man, magic never makes it easy or leaves a clear pattern.
Wow this really is super varied and wide spread.
That's an interesting point that Earth and Blgtz were hit twice already.

You know Shavughn makes a great point about Winema and how much she's changed. But she is very shrewd in politics. Placing Cub just so was a great idea.
You did a good job showing how things have changed with so many people changing their views on the Legion. its great to see how far things have come.
I'm with Devil this is such a great coordinated effort and so well organized. IB you did a great job laying this out and their response to the ever growing threat.
Good job Hanna! i'm glad she stood up to her boss and didn't use Cub like that.

Gallan -
checking in with the WorkForce was fun and interesting to see how they've kind of changed.
Seeing Amber's thoughts about Evolvo and the comparisons to McCauley were well done. it makes sense that Evolvo is pragmatic instead of greedy. its the hyper-evolved state. McCauley just never cared for anyone. He was honestly a bit of a psycho when you think about it. He reminds of a certain politician we all love to hate.
You've also done a great job again highlighting life in the UP for the Daxamites.
Amber is more powerful than we know. i mean makes sense when amber sap can last for millions of years and preserve whatever is it in preet dang well.
Dr. Mollie is super cute. its always fun to see people who are still enthralled by the Legion's world.
Also giving us insight to the two different twins who aren't in the same line of work has been interesting. Mainly because it always seemed like the Winathians would die if they weren't always with their twin. i had wondered back in the day if there was some weird separation issue/mental block/or physical symptoms with not being with them. Especially when Spark was having her issues about not being like Garth any more in regards to powers.

Zarrox -
You know i always wondered why there seemed to be so few magic users. it makes sense that Mordru would have taken out all threats. But i didn't think he had brought it all the way down under 20 sentients or the fact that they wouldn't be as strong or as practiced. There's gotta be some out there that hid themselves from him somewhere.
I'm glad Thunder stuck around to make sure they were safe. There is a huge chance this could lead to some trouble.
lol nice glad to see there's still one magical family lineage going.

Oh snap! So Brawler was being influenced by the Pig and Slizz using his dreams? damn. Sounds like the Legion's got another frontier to monitor/combat.
So Brawler is the monkey...kind of makes sense. he sure acts an ape sometimes.
Wow that was super harsh. that poor Wellurian.
So their pretending to be the Legion...i wonder if they're trying to rewrite reality and make themselves the heroes?
Now i really gotta know whose behind the Pig.

Back to Zarrox -
Thunder is under attack by crystal animals that can reform? great. but there's only the 12 right? or can they send multiple of the same ones?
Crystal Kid is starting to get on my nerves. the missions not glam enough. i have to do this. But why. sheesh.
but loved the dome idea and the spikes.
Glad Tracie XVIII is able to fight too!.
Brawler looks sadistic.
Vision and Rainbow are proving themselves well!

Can't wait for more. but that's all the time i have for tonight!

read the adventures of the Reboot Legion!;f=2;t=001232
Joined: Oct 2003
Posts: 85,407
Unseen, not unheard
Unseen, not unheard
Joined: Oct 2003
Posts: 85,407
yay! more comments, thanks Omni, always a treat reading your thoughts smile

Originally Posted by Omni
Hi IB,

Its that time of the week again for another read and review. I'm still hoping to catch up. but at this point i think i've accepted that i will forever be behind. lol.

You are doing an excellent job catching up Omni, and I'm slowing down on writing (as we are near the end of Volume 4; and VOlume 5 needs time to germinate in my mind) so my pace will slow down, don't worry wink

Originally Posted by Omni
If i had to do weekly shopping with Candi i wouldn't care about fashion any more either. all i can think about is the little Arthimates after she joined. laugh laugh laugh

Poor Candi out-exhausted the Athramites! tongue

Originally Posted by Omni
Poor Kid Q. she really does need a Deputy. But she has a point maybe its time for leader elections. She's done a great job. but everyone needs a rest.
That was super romantic of Rokk.

Yeah I'll say! Jaz deserves a break. and Rokk does know how to romance wink

Originally Posted by Omni
glad Sensor is gaining some perspective about her transformation. She still has so much compared to others.
Poor Candi, i didn't realize her transformation caused her to lose that much. i guess i just figured she still had those. just maybe dulled but not lost.

I was thinking if she would, but in a crystal form I didn't think Candi would have those senses. maybe she and Ferro should talk more... smile

Originally Posted by Omni
Its funny how much the new kids need to be reminded that their teammates who've been there longer are still regular people. it demonstrates the hero worship of the Legion well.

yeah, especially most (if not all) of the new kids went through the Legion Cadet program. So while they saw some of the Legionnaires up close, they still saw them as THE Legionnaires for a while... smile but the "older" Legionnaires are very much willing to connect to their new teammates on a personal level

Originally Posted by Omni
I enjoy how you're trying to flesh out Gear more. Give him a a sense of humor.
A world of living organic they don't have things like fun? i think at some point Gear's world needs to be explored more.

oh, definitely! there's so much potential to Gear's world smile

Originally Posted by Omni
Sussa telling Jo stoires...funny but that could go either way if Apparition comes in. But yeah Jo wasn't the smartest back in the day. But Sussa also didn't seem to take much of a hint that he wasn't interested any more. Although, he should have actually said something to her.

yeah, though in this case I think Tinya would have taken it not-negatively: by this time Sussa has clearly shown she has no more interest in Jo. you are correct that Sussa didn't take the hint very well, and even made a move on Jo a little while after Tinya "died". on the other hand, Jo certainly also did string Sussa along for a bit... but they've mostly ironed it out by now smile

Originally Posted by Omni
I like the M'Onel and Shavuagn dynamic. Uhmmm so M'On likes to be dominated a little bit huh? haha. tease

M'On doesn't get that opportunity a lot wink and Shvaughn's maturity and experience are good for him wink

Originally Posted by Omni
Hmm alluding to the Umbra/M'Onel love of other realities?
I like how he understands what he needs.
Umbra's thinking about why she would want to mate with M'onel was really interesting. but i liked how she wasn't going to be petty and vie for his attention because she views him as the ultimate mate for her.
Haha i love that Mysa saw the look from Umbra.

Umbra is too proud to compete for a mate, especially when said potential mate is clearly not interested wink I was also mainly drawing from the few instances in the Reboot where Umbra/M'On "hung out". e.g., Legionnaires 62, LSH 100, 121, and XS panicking and getting jealous about them lol

Originally Posted by Omni
Troy is adorable and Mentalla seems smitten too, So i guess Ferro is no longer an option.
Our last moment of cuteness it seems before a blinding white light comes...Oh boy this isn't going to be good...

no, and Mentalla never really considered poor Ferro an option. personality-wise, she just does not find his personality attractive

Originally Posted by Omni
i know were about to get into some serious stuff but gaming session and Jo being Lobo was funny and of course Garth was Black Lightning. lol.
These were all fun moments that really showed us the other side of the Legionnaires's. its always nice to get to see them on some down time.

glad you liked it smile

Originally Posted by Omni
Wait what? Mysa's it? so her spell didn't work on the others? But Legion World is still at least it was time being rewritten an the Legion being erased. i can deal with them being captured.

Mysa's protection spell worked, in a fashion, but it was not enough to prevent capture smile it may help prevent death though. may smile

Originally Posted by Omni
The arrival of the cavalry!
I understand Marla flipping out on M'Rrissey but he had the right idea. They need all hands on deck. I also find it odd that there are no protocols about what to do when the entire active roster disappears. its not like its the first time. lol. tongue

They have more general protocols for when the entire Active roster would otherwise be unavailable, but Marla was thinking more of: generally, in those situations they would KNOW where everyone is. but you are correct, this isn't the first time the entire active roster would be off somewhere wink

Originally Posted by Omni
Poor Theena, its clear how hard she's trying. So magic can jam her abilities too?
these were some good character moments for the side characters.

glad you liked! and yes, magic can randomly disrupt anything. it's a bit lazy I know, but you know, magic tongue

Originally Posted by Omni
Thanagar -
Loved that Porcupine Pete is doing so well. You made him into a very competent and encouraging field leader.
Seeing Thanagar was pretty cool. But i thought they had natural wings. But Thanagar has been rebooted almost as much as the Legion. So i can totally understand why i would think that. lol.

yeah, Thanagar and its various reboots confuse me lol. glad you liked this outing!

Originally Posted by Omni
Takron-Galtos -
X-Betty calling Ral, Mr. was cute. especially since i think she might be older than him. Loved him enjoying his win over only tripping over a few words.

Tenzil in battle is fun. love the quipping. But he does give rise the the question, what would a Bismollian villain be like?
Question can Dream Boy and Girl not go on separate missions? not thinking they needed to. Just something i was curious about.
Dream Boy and Girl did pretty well. But agreed they definitely need more training before going on a mission again. Hand to hand should be their favorite class!

I can see why you'd think X Bomb Betty is older than Ral! She does carry herself very confidently.

Ooh a Bismollian villain. Raz has one in his fic wink

Dream Boy and Dream Girl can definitely go on separate missions. they just have a limitation that each only affects those attracted to their own biological sex, so they are most effective together. and yes, they should take Val's classes more for sure smile

Originally Posted by Omni
Colu -
the Sleepnet is down? I wonder if that's how they expel all the access information in their minds and without it they can't get rid of it because even though they are super smart they're still only human.
Poor Pol. But i'm glad Kent talked to him and their able to get him to do more Legiony Stuff. loved the call back to your own series. smile
Good use of Calamity and hopefully Dragonwing's attitude will change a bit after figuring out how to be helpful. Pol did good work encouraging Dragonwing.

Paragon is an interesting one with her powerset. The idea of inspiration being a power to get people motivated wasn't something i was sure how it would work in the Legion's world. But for search and rescue she's a really good person to have around it seems.

You know if you paired healer with someone with an accelerated healing, or super durability he might be able to transfer for a really long time. Glad Kent saw that he was burning himself out and stepped in.

good point about the Sleepnet. we only really saw it as an info-sharing tool in the Dark Circle story, and a couple panels in Legionnaires 72 about the Sleepnet's loss making Coluans disoriented. you have a great idea that it expels info, or maybe it can help them process info. because indeed, info overload is a real thing!

glad Pol came out well smile and yeah this series has gotten so long, I'm gonna have self-call-outs a lot lol

ooh that's a good one, having Healer maybe link up with Timber Wolf or M'Onel later on smile

yeah Paragon is an interesting one. I think she'd be more useful in the end as a Support Staff member, and she has the personality for it too!

Originally Posted by Omni
Vyrga -
It's interesting to see just how much Gates' home world reveres the Legion for their aid. But now that you bring up that they are short-lived; do we know how long exactly? Don't want to lose Gates to old age already.

Poor Martin. But i'm slightly surprised he's on a mission. i figured with his state of mind he'd be with Lori and the others on Legion World. i know he's getting help. But i wouldn't think he'd be up for this so soon.

Man Retro is so not gonna make the team. Seriously, why don't you have a transuit on!

Poor Hotspot he sure didn't get the best team. But at least Mess and Cannus are useful. Cannus is just hard to understand.
Seriously, why is Retro even in the Cadet Program.

Crystal Kid oh Crystal Kid, missions are not about glamor. Also Tellus is really capable. But he knows his limitations. Unlike some it seems.

I definitely do not want to lose Gates to old age! I haven't defined how long yet, but don't worry, Gates will be alive for a good long while yet!

you raise a good point re Martin. the team took a chance sending him on a mission so soon - they did make sure it would not be a combat one, but...

yeah, the Vyrgans do have a big limitation eh! we never really saw how they travel around on Vyrga... and nope, Retro ain't Legion material, hee hee . and yeah, Hotshot got Cannus and Mess, so now he has to deal with Retro too!

Tellus is building some much-needed confidence smile

Originally Posted by Omni
M'Rrissey is doing a great job with all the predictions and tracking of the power outages.
Man, magic never makes it easy or leaves a clear pattern.
Wow this really is super varied and wide spread.
That's an interesting point that Earth and Blgtz were hit twice already.

indeed, but the pattern seems to be random... and is, actually wink but Earth just seems like a magnet for these types of things eh tongue

Originally Posted by Omni
You know Shavughn makes a great point about Winema and how much she's changed. But she is very shrewd in politics. Placing Cub just so was a great idea.
You did a good job showing how things have changed with so many people changing their views on the Legion. its great to see how far things have come.
I'm with Devil this is such a great coordinated effort and so well organized. IB you did a great job laying this out and their response to the ever growing threat.
Good job Hanna! i'm glad she stood up to her boss and didn't use Cub like that.

Yeah, I like Winema more as the shrewd politician than the always-angry and screaming one. glad you liked these bits!

Originally Posted by Omni
Gallan -
checking in with the WorkForce was fun and interesting to see how they've kind of changed.
Seeing Amber's thoughts about Evolvo and the comparisons to McCauley were well done. it makes sense that Evolvo is pragmatic instead of greedy. its the hyper-evolved state. McCauley just never cared for anyone. He was honestly a bit of a psycho when you think about it. He reminds of a certain politician we all love to hate.
You've also done a great job again highlighting life in the UP for the Daxamites.
Amber is more powerful than we know. i mean makes sense when amber sap can last for millions of years and preserve whatever is it in preet dang well.
Dr. Mollie is super cute. its always fun to see people who are still enthralled by the Legion's world.
Also giving us insight to the two different twins who aren't in the same line of work has been interesting. Mainly because it always seemed like the Winathians would die if they weren't always with their twin. i had wondered back in the day if there was some weird separation issue/mental block/or physical symptoms with not being with them. Especially when Spark was having her issues about not being like Garth any more in regards to powers.

thank you! glad you liked these bits. yeah, McCauley indeed was like that awful real life man tongue you recall right re Winathians, I drew a lot from Legionnaires 57/LSH 101, where Spark was getting physically ill because her powers didn't synch with Live Wire's. Dr. Gym'lls conclusion was it was all psychological, and causing physical symptoms... but he also did say,if she could deal with it she'd be fine. so it all depends on how the twins in question deal with it smile

Originally Posted by Omni
Zarrox -
You know i always wondered why there seemed to be so few magic users. it makes sense that Mordru would have taken out all threats. But i didn't think he had brought it all the way down under 20 sentients or the fact that they wouldn't be as strong or as practiced. There's gotta be some out there that hid themselves from him somewhere.
I'm glad Thunder stuck around to make sure they were safe. There is a huge chance this could lead to some trouble.
lol nice glad to see there's still one magical family lineage going.

there may be some more lost magic users out there. maybe wink but I kept the number small and untrained on purpose, to add to the danger... and so I would not have too many magic users running around smile

Originally Posted by Omni
Oh snap! So Brawler was being influenced by the Pig and Slizz using his dreams? damn. Sounds like the Legion's got another frontier to monitor/combat.
So Brawler is the monkey...kind of makes sense. he sure acts an ape sometimes.
Wow that was super harsh. that poor Wellurian.
So their pretending to be the Legion...i wonder if they're trying to rewrite reality and make themselves the heroes?
Now i really gotta know whose behind the Pig.

yeah, and the Legion will recognize that they do have to guard against magical influences. they don't want another Brawler on their hands in the future..

rewriting reality would be a good one! and it is kind of what they are planning... smile

Originally Posted by Omni
Back to Zarrox -
Thunder is under attack by crystal animals that can reform? great. but there's only the 12 right? or can they send multiple of the same ones?

nice question, and one of the future posts will reveal the answer re sending multiples wink

Originally Posted by Omni
Crystal Kid is starting to get on my nerves. the missions not glam enough. i have to do this. But why. sheesh.
but loved the dome idea and the spikes.
Glad Tracie XVIII is able to fight too!.
Brawler looks sadistic.
Vision and Rainbow are proving themselves well!

Crystal Kid does have his bad points along with his good points wink will see if he can actually improve enough...

thanks again Omni, really appreciate your R&R smile

Last edited by Invisible Brainiac; 04/30/23 03:41 PM.
Joined: Oct 2005
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Joined: Oct 2005
Posts: 20
I just wanted 2 say i love all ur hard work and dedication 2 the Legion. lovin what ive read so far, as i am in the middle of readin this particular Legion. keep it up and we fans will keep readin. long live the Legion!!

"I can't get hold of your mind! Like something slippery..." Saturn Girl, The Legion #2
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hi SaturnGirlLover, what a treat! thank you, I appreciate your message a lot smile thank you for reading my work! and hope you enjoy the rest of the canon Reboot Legion stories! your thoughts and comments are always welcome!

Joined: Feb 2011
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Joined: Feb 2011
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Hey IB,

time for some more R&R.

I'm starting off with the team being captured and finding out what's happened to each.
I'll try and see how i feel about the groups. But you know me i enjoy seeing random pairings.

I'm enjoying the Chinese lore your using for the Zodiacs and sharing it with us.
I've tried to figure out how each of the characters presented embody their Zodiac.

The Rat -
Man Kono's battle with the team was pretty harsh.
So i'm not 100% familiar with her abilities. So she makes herself intangible but also others? there were times reading this that i thought she was a geokinetic. (When Gates gets pulled into the ground when she's not touching him is the part i'm thinking of the most)

i'm glad that she doesn't want to kill anyone really. Well except Live Wire it seems. I'm hoping your right and that Mysa's spell protects them from death. I'm glad she realizes though that Mordru would have destroyed her world either way.
I'm glad she's also not too fond of the Pig and sees just how bad he is. But Kono is definitely an opportunists. I feel like there had to be a better way to get Skarla back. Maybe i'm forgetting something but were they ever tried to be resettled to a new world?

How does Kono know about the spell Mysa cast? Can they detect it?

I know i shouldn't laugh but Spark's snark was really well done and well its how i feel. this thing happens all the time. Not gonna panic. lol
Damn! she short circuited Spark?

So Wildfire's the only one left for this grouping? Hmmm interesting. I would agree that he's the biggest threat.

The OX -
Ferdinand - this is pulling from deep DC lore based off of those comments he had about Wonder Woman and her owing his people.
the Greek Gods really are terrible with their patrons. But that's some interesting mythology that they were cast to the stars.
So Ferdinand is a geo-kinetic/geomancer?
At least he has some honor i guess. So far all of them seem to at least want to fight the Legion and not just kill them.

Putting Echo and Ferro together...i see what you did there. create even more tension with the two members who have a bit of a beef with each other. Well one sided beef as i don't think Echo realized that Ferro had feelings for Mentalla.

this was some good fighting and tactics. I really enjoyed how you showed Triad to continue to fight. The fact that she landed some hits that actually hurt him is great!
You know i'm surprised Garth's lightning didn't set the vegetation Ferdinand was calling forth on fire. The would have at least caused a little distraction for the team.
Garth is getting really good at shooting from his eyes. I like the tactic.

I can't remember or not but did Triad and Ferro fix their issues or have they just agreed to keep their distance? if so, its kind of telling because even though there's only the four of them they don't seem to interact too much.
But another issue i've noticed with each of these little groups, for all their power team work seems to be the last thing their really relying on and keep trying to strike individually.

Ok, another one who doesn't want to kill them but keep them for sport. oh boy.

the Tiger -
Scratch - man if she hadn't fallen in with this crowd can you imagine how get she could be on one of the other teams. She's a little too violent for the Legion. But maybe the work force. She's a very tragic character. But at least she knows the truth and that the Legion was responsible. Unfortunately, she still has way too much pain.

the fact that Umbra can't even sense her ancestors says there's some serious magic at work here.

Sensor makes a great point for a mentalist of any sort they need other minds. Makes even more sense why Saturn Girl feels empty when she's cut off from her powers.

Ok, i know Sensor is tough but that sounds like she got her head bashed in and with her new physiology id if she can take that. i hope she's ok..

Holy Nass! the way Scratch took out Lyle was brutal. All that blood. i don't know how he'll survive that much blood loss.
Umbra too! wow! Nightwind! wow...

Scratch wants to cripple Umbra? shocked
YES! Umbra keep fighting! ... damn. ...wait they stole a ring? a ring that protects against the shadow champion's powers? Hmmmm i want to know more about this ring! was it a mystical object that was stolen from another location or was it in the shadow caves to begin with? so many questions!

The rabbit -
Lepus - This one's interesting because we get no narration from the villain to start off the segment. i like the change up and the reveal that comes with it.

So one thing i've noticed and i could totally be wrong on this. But it always seems like Shikari is partnered up with someone she was in the Second Galaxy with. Not that i don't like it. But there usually seems to be one of them around.

I'm glad Kid Q thought again about trying to help Condo. I don't know how well that would turn out either.

That's right guys be careful guys! Bunnies are evil! ( Buffy anyone?) Wow that is one viscous bunny. went right for Jed's throat!

U-26 inspired for sure! Never would have thought of bringing a character in from there. again this is another one if he hadn't fallen victim to his own ego he could have been a member of the Legion.

so is it that their powers aren't affective right away because of the physics surrounding him and his universe or because of his own powers and that its too fast?

Lepus really is fast and able to pound on the team for sure. Shikari's right thank grief for the flight rings because i don't know if they would have survived that crash landing at the speeds they might be going.

The Dragon -
I don't know much about Chinese culture but i do know Dragons are very revered creatures. so I'm surprised that the Dragon is in the 5th position. Especially after the deeds he performed which made him late.

the dragon seems sad and like they don't want to do this. But i have to wonder what the end goal is as Kono said they all have different desires for this plan.

Its so weird to think of a place that has no metal at all. Even when they do the plastic prisons in X-men metal still some how gets in because its in so much of what we make.

Slightly out of phase with this reality? hmmm. That could be so many people. But out of everyone their the only one not actually trying to fight. they don't want to fight. But then why does everyone else?

wait right some past wrongs and you hope? so you don't even know if this plan will work? wow Dragon's putting a lot of faith in the Pig.

i can't believe it. i just can't. Xao why? why Xao? why?

The violent mystical energies are being collected? to contact the great Ancestors? so the Chinese gods of old?
You know i was hoping that Dragonmage was going to be really atoning for his actions and would one day find peace with or without the Legion and this is like none of that development happened. That he just wants the easy way to fix things. This makes me so angry.

I find it interesting that the Reboot Era is really the only era where Dragonmage is treated as kind of villainous compared to his counter parts and that's including the fan fics here. I have to wonder why that is. is it because of the big fear that was magic for a long part of the Legion's arch when dealing with the Eye and Mordru?

i don't care how many tears you cry at this point Xao. i don't feel bad for you. You've made your choices.

The Snake -
So the teams fighting their teammates? Could Slizz be a stronger mentalist than Sensor?

I'm little confused with the Dreamer parts. is she having a vision of fighting and then fighting or is it just the visions?
As she watched Thom fall to the ground, Dreamer forced herself to snap back to the present. Her teammates needed her!

Wow, i understand what Element Lass was trying to do. But that could be lethal to someone if not done right, like now in the heat of the moment. i don't care how much she's studied.

Mentalla's thoughts of Echo and Ferro as they attack was interesting. i thought she had an idea that Ferro liked her. But i guess she has no idea how he really feels. dang. Poor Ferro.

Oh so it is just an illusion! damn. i really thought Slizz had like a power boots and could control the team. But i should have known it wasn't as there were team members who we haven't seen defeated yet. But glad they figured it out! The knockout gas is good thinking.

OOoo. damn Slizz that's pretty crafty. a second illusion is something they for sure wouldn't think of. Sensor never does stuff like that usually. But i feel like we've barely explored what Sensor or Slizz for that matter are truly capable of.

Damn, so Candi is it? I guess her new form really is hard to take out.

The Horse -
Lusyo wants fame and fortune? well at least he's got goals. But out of everyone his seem to be the smallest and most self serving so far.

So is Lusyo a mystic or his he using different artifacts that were stolen by this Zodiac coven?
Really liking how Sizzle has learned to take in the ambient energy.
Damn Brainy's temper sure can get out of hand. Are his emotional regulators working?

Oh crap! he took out Brainy!

Oh damn! great dive Sizzle and she makes a great point, energy is energy.
Oh damn! Brin's down for the count.

So Lusyo is a teleporter. ok i wasn't 100% sure on that fact.
Yeah of course he only likes it if its not too dangerous. :shakeshead:

The Goat -
Ok i know i shouldn't be laughing with the situation there in. But Gear complaining about the different everyday devices he has to make is super funny to me.

Its so weird to think that so many of them don't really know what thunder might be or at least how sever it can get without weather control.

Ok, i'm gonna say i am so glad that this one didn't turn out to be who i thought it was. I for a moment thought Mekt was behind this particular scenario. A Lightning Beast thought is pretty cool idea.
Dang. Pig is devious to recruit and animal who doesn't have a real sense of morality.

The Monkey -
Yeah Brawler sure is one. They've really done a job on his mind. He can't even tell that is the real Zoe.
OMG Poor Babbage he's so damaged.
Rebound did a lot of good work. Great job trying Chuck!

Zoe did great but i'm surprised she didn't try to morph the local surroundings more. I also wonder if she could sense the magic acting within Brawler and maybe some how tap into it?

Damn. Poor Babbage...Brawler is going to be brutal.

The Roosters -
Ahhh and so Chakuq wants a life beyond the Kawi way. That makes sense. if i had been exposed to a new life style and technology that inspired a life in me i never even dreamed of why not go for it. I'm sure that Mother Emmket would understand if Chakuq wanted to leave and explore her path in a different way. Why did she need to do it this way?

She brings up a valid point. The Kawi were getting paid in their ability to use the thresholds and travel new paths but is that really a payment of any sort? i know its part of their culture but they must be paid some how. As it does kind of seem like the UP is taking advantage of them and treating the Second Galaxy like a tourist trap.

Apparition and her fear of bus. it must be interesting with Insect Queen on the team. But i am with her. Not a huge fan of insects.

Glad Particon is trying to be sensitive to both Rokk and Tinya

i like how they all try and attack. thank goodness for those discs on Cos's uniform.
Oh a magical talisman to swap powers that's pretty cool and Chakuq makes a great point she's not Shikari. Maybe they don't all have the same weak points. But it might also be the magical stuff helping her.

Dog -
Hachiko - her reasons for doing this are heartbreaking. But its not a good enough reason to cause all of this.

Making them fight each other first is a great way to take out the Legionnaires and damn do they get brutal with each other.
I honestly thought Calorie Queen was down for the count. To see her get back up was great.
Damn Vi. That nose shot was wow.

I hope they find a way to snap out of this and fight off the pheromones' before its too late!

The Pig -
The Pig has no real actual powers? interesting. Still need to know who it is!
So we have a Mordru in the making? someone who wants to be a Lord of Chaos? does he know that part?

So the pig has an alchemy stone or something. Because Jo's ring is gone!

wait so the Pig can steal people powers like Rouge? so he needs to touch them to do it? When he drains it does he drain just powers or life force too? does he cut them off from it permanently or is it a short duration? So many questions i must know!!

the world turns white again? please let this be the White Witche's doing!

Zarrox -
Ok so the White Witch did something!
Poor Dori but at least she's able to keep going and hadn''t complained as much as Bobb. lol.

There on Pon? i should have realized that. That location has come up a couple times.

Wait why wouldn't he be able to find Impulse and Chloraphyl Kid? gasp

Wow The team has arrived just in time. well sort of each of these vignettes were heart breaking to read. Each time it was harsh.
Candi's was so... i'm crying for her.
Brin and Sizzle made it!

Cera i think is making the right choice. train and then never do this again and there's nothing wrong with that.
Dr. Gym'll is really trying but i don't blame him for snapping. He's worried. this is a hard moment for all of them to deal with.

I'm glad XS made it too and poor Mysa. This is a huge betrayal to them.
i love how each of them are doing their part. The Mess and Healer are perfect on this mission!
I hope they can save Brainy and that he doesn't have any brain damage.

Looks like they all have a pretty good opinion about Retro but at least he's trying and seeing that maybe he needs to rethink his choices in life.

There were so many good small emotional moments in this post and i like that you didn't break it up in separate post but just the asterisk running though.

Wow. these have all been great and i'm so pumped to see what comes next. But sadly that's all the time i have for tonight. Keep it coming and hopefully i'll finish soon!

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