The first link above describes Colan's contribution to "Going Home," in "LSH" v3 n27 (October 1986), this way: "Dick Giordano and Gene team up for Gene's only visit to The Legion."
That's not correct. Colan penciled and Larry Mahlstedt inked the second story in "LSH" v2 n311 (May 1984), "A Shared Destiny," which was the conclusion of Dawnstar's vision quest -- and Wildfire's response to it. You might understand my attention to this if I note, again, that it's my favorite single Legion story. (And it's not a backup -- it runs as long as the first story in that issue.)
If I could even potentially get Colan pages from "A Shared Destiny," I'd probably pay a king's ransom I couldn't afford *sigh*