Legion was the 20th best selling DC issue for January...56th overall and the 16th best selling title for DC (52 took 5 slots)
1. 6 10 144.96 52 WEEK #35 $2.50 DC
2. 8 7 136.28 ALL STAR SUPERMAN #6 $2.99 DC
3. 10 16 133.54 52 WEEK #36 $2.50 DC
4. 11 17 133.26 52 WEEK #37 $2.50 DC
5. 12 18 132.34 52 WEEK #38 $2.50 DC
6. 13 19 130.85 52 WEEK #39 $2.50 DC
7. 15 11 118.87 JUSTICE SOCIETY O/AMERICA #2* $2.99 DC
8. 20 23 100.00 BATMAN #662 $2.99 DC
9. 23 26 91.18 GREEN LANTERN #16 $2.99 DC
10. 26 28 83.70 SUPERMAN #658 $2.99 DC
11. 27 29 83.16 TEEN TITANS #43 $2.99 DC
12. 31 32 70.30 FLASH FASTEST MAN ALIVE #8 $2.99 DC
13. 32 33 65.45 BATMAN CONFIDENTIAL #2 $2.99 DC
14. 42 43 57.03 SUPERMAN CONFIDENTIAL #3 $2.99 DC
15 43 15 56.40 SUPERMAN BATMAN VS ALIENS PREDATORS #1 (Of 2) $5.99 DC
16. 48 49 50.93 GREEN LANTERN CORPS #8 $2.99 DC
17. 49 50 47.50 OUTSIDERS #44 $2.99 DC
18. 52 53 46.80 NIGHTWING #128 $2.99 DC
19. 54 55 46.51 ION #10 (Of 12) $2.99 DC
20. 56 57 44.61 SUPERGIRL & LOSH #26 $2.99 DC
For the rest of the list see newsarama