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#86065 08/22/06 02:12 PM
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Hi Guys
Just pencils and inks this month - I think my thumbnails would probably end all the speculation I'm enjoying tease

Hope you like the scans!

click to enlarge

click to enlarge

Thanks as always to Nightcrawler for hosting the images!

#86066 08/22/06 02:18 PM
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Thanks Barry! Beautiful work as always!

My new guesses for the background quad are Supergirl, Cosmic Boy, Dream Girl (with her new look) and Brainiac 5.

#86067 08/22/06 02:23 PM
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Thanks Barry.

As though there is less things on the cover than usual, it must have been harder than the other to do this one, that must represent a lot of work.

How do you do to do those effects with all these lines? you pencilled them one by one?

#86068 08/22/06 02:36 PM
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Time Trapper
Time Trapper
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Gorgeous. Feel like I need a thesaurus each month just to describe how beautiful you work is Barry.

And I agree with NC about who we are seeing. I originally thought the mystery hero may have been Sunboy but it definitely looks like Lar stepping out of a Phantom Zone projector.

#86069 08/22/06 02:53 PM
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It's all done by fact Mick (Gray) did say he was a bit relieved I hadn't asked him to ink it! smile

#86070 08/22/06 03:18 PM
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dream Girl? looks like Vi to me. I see Saturn Girl next to Supergirl....not Cosmic Boy. Hmm Hmm ARGH!! how can the speculation end? Looking at the bright side, MOn-El!!! YEAAAAAHHHH! !!!! about time! to come : bouncing Boy please.

#86071 08/22/06 03:36 PM
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I agree with Scott and Gary , i think its Kara, Rokk, Nura and Brainy.

It'd make sense b/c Kara/Rokk and Nura/Brainy are kinda couples. If not Nura its either Vi (who's Igor to Brainy's Dr. Frankenstein) or Imra (who did a lot of the work to free Mon-El from prison in another time and place)

#86072 08/22/06 03:37 PM
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I still say it's Reflecto

#86073 08/22/06 03:40 PM
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Hey, for the first time I prefer the inked version to the pencils. laugh

Thanks for sharing Barry, I'm like Scott running out of new ways to say Wow!

#86074 08/22/06 03:42 PM
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Definitely a Phantom Zone Projector, or Mr. Kitson has constructed a shiny explosion thingy just to toy with us. I RESENT all the glee he gets from speculating on these cover images! Stupid previews!

...but you don't have a moment where you're sitting there staring at a table full of twenty-five characters with little name signs that say, "Hi, my superpower is confusing you!"
#86075 08/22/06 06:32 PM
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clearly, it's Superboy Prime.

#86076 08/23/06 01:02 AM
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Space Fatigue Survivor
Space Fatigue Survivor
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Wow! Another great cover. Your covers are the best in the history of the Legion - and that's something with the Farmer/Davis and Swan art of the past!

Thanks again, Mr. Kitson, for the previews and insights!

Celebrating 10+ years of Legion Worldness
#86077 08/23/06 03:00 AM
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Wow! That's a huge compliment, Kid Quislet - thanks so much! laugh

Sorry Doublechinner...

Hi Faraway Lad - I have to agree the pencil version isn't quite as finished as it usually is - even I couldn't face blacking in all the areas in pencil - laugh

#86078 08/23/06 03:29 AM
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Another great cover,Barry!
Thanks again for giving us a peek at the creative process behind the finished artwork.
The final inks reminds me of my favorite artist - Virgil Finlay.

#86079 08/23/06 03:40 AM
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Thanks Valor1 - It really means a great deal to me when I get a compliment like that! What a great way to start the day! smile

#86080 08/23/06 03:56 AM
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wow !!

another amazing cover, BARRY !!

the image is very powerful and striking, and i'm pretty sure that's a PHANTOM ZONE PROJECTOR also, that Mon-El is appearing from .......


#86081 08/23/06 04:34 AM
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Thanks Matthew! smile

#86082 08/23/06 07:42 PM
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Originally posted by Barry Kitson:
Wow! That's a huge compliment, Kid Quislet - thanks so much! laugh
I second that Barry and this isn't just idle sucking up...

The artwork(covers and interior)you are producing is without doubt among the best ever produced for the Legion. Right there with Curt Swan's run which IMO rates as the best in the history of the book.

It's been, not just a highlight of this incarnation, but one of the highlights in all of Legion history IMO.

A lot of us are grousing about where the Legion has gone over the past 20 years..and where it's going in the future...

But no one, and I mean no one(not even the critics), is complaining in the slightest about the artwork in this run...and the covers are probably the best of it...these last few and upncoming covers are among my favorite all time covers of any era from any artist. Take a well deserved bow....and by all means keep doing whatever you are doing that is leading to these covers, please.

#86083 08/24/06 03:14 AM
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Wow thanks Superboy - I don't like to repeat myself over and over, but I honestly can't tell you much your compliment means to me! I take the responsibilty of drawing the LSH and following in the footsteps of so many great artists VERY seriously so it really does give me a boost to know that so many of you don't feel I'm letting you down (I am a pretty harsh self-critic). I hope I can keep improving for you and the book for a long time to come! smile

#86084 08/24/06 10:50 AM
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You know what a fan I am of the covers smile laugh drool love !

As always THANKS for sharing the images!

And while this group does not constitute the whole Legion collecting community, it is a large enough sampling to form a objective opinion. And I think that Superboy hit it on the head there with . . .

"But no one, and I mean no one(not even the critics), is complaining in the slightest about the artwork in this run...and the covers are probably the best of it...these last few and upncoming covers are among my favorite all time covers of any era from any artist. Take a well deserved bow....and by all means keep doing whatever you are doing that is leading to these covers, please.

Some will complain about the pacing, the storyline, heck even the additon of Supergirl, BUT I will go on the record saying that I have yet to hear 1 complaint about the art!

So please keep those hands safe, keep the little self-critic on your shoulder in check, and keep doing your thing!

Looking forward to seeing some amazing sketches in Baltimore. Must remember to bring digital camera!



#86085 08/24/06 11:08 AM
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Another gorgeous cover, Barry. You're setting a very high bar for the cover artists, you know. smile

What amazes me is we've people on the comics industry who are soley doing cover work that doesn't even come close to what you've done on this series. Yes, I am biased. Yes, you are one of my favorite artists but it's the truth.


#86086 08/24/06 03:16 PM
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Now THAT, is a dang fine composition. I like the white lines on black effect alot. makes me want to read SIN CITY. I love your work on this series. Its my favorite thing you've ever done. Right up there with JLA:YEAR ONE and EMPIRE.

And thanks again for the free signed copy of TEEN TITANS/LEGION special from Wizardworld Dallas '04.


Is Civil War over with yet?
#86087 08/24/06 04:58 PM
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Now Barry, did you have to do alot of research to capture Lester Spiffany so well, or was that cover drawn from memory? Cuz that is obviously Lester standing before his pile of shiny wealth (my guess is that Lester is becoming the new benefactor of the Legion, a la RJ Brande) smile

Some people are like slinkys: not really good for anything, but they bring a smile to your face when you knock them down a flight of stairs
#86088 08/25/06 03:47 AM
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Really, thanks again guys! You're definitely way too kind, but I appreciate the compliments hugely! smile

Now you know I can't answer that question, Spellbinder, it would be a dead giveaway that the figure is Lest....oops! laugh

#86089 08/25/06 12:20 PM
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And somewhere Thriftshop Debutante and Mllash are squealing with joy wink

Some people are like slinkys: not really good for anything, but they bring a smile to your face when you knock them down a flight of stairs
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thoth lad: Hello Mattropolis!
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Ann Hebistand: Did anyone have problems getting into Legion World earlier this afternoon?
Invisible Brainiac: I didn't have any issues, though I can't remember what time I tried this afternoon
Ann Hebistand: Okay, thanks.
Ann Hebistand: Happy Birthday, Ultra Jorge
Ann Hebistand: OptimusPrime < 40th Anniversary TOMORROW
Ann Hebistand: Today, 40 years ago... OptimusPrime
KryptonKid: Sgt Pepper taught the band to play...
Sarcasm Kid: I hope those of us in the southeast are okay and safe
Ann Hebistand: Thank you, Sarky.
Ann Hebistand: I was lucky, but many people were not. Please keep them in your thoughts. And if you can, make a charitable donation.
Sarcasm Kid: Am I gonna see anyone at NYCC this Thursday?
Nightcrawler: Staying local, sorry.
Fat Cramer: Hello Legion World. Missed you! Lots of catching up to do.
Gaseous Lad: Welcome back FC!!!! We missed you!
Ann Hebistand: Cramey! hug love
thoth lad: Great to see you Cramer!
Kappa Kid: Hope everyone is doing well! smile
Eryk Davis Ester: Wow! Cramer and Kappa Kid? Are we gathering up all fo the members for some big #200 anniversary event or something? wink
Invisible Brainiac: sweet! nice seeing ya, FC and Kappa!
Future: Hi, Legion World! Thanks for keeping the Legion alive!
Ann Hebistand: Hi! Good to see you here. I miss your comments on the Transformers G1 cartoon.
Eryk Davis Ester: Now Future? Wow!
Reboot: Truly, there was a future, once.
Sarcasm Kid: Happy Hanksgiving all you turkey droppings
Ann Hebistand: LOL. Belated Happy Thanksgiving to you, Sarky dear.
Sarcasm Kid: Candle is alive she's okay
Eryk Davis Ester: Santa brought thoth back!
Ann Hebistand: Huzzah!
Rockhopper Lad: The Rookery Holiday party is in progress! Pop by!
Ann Hebistand: I am so going to attend! Thanks, Rocky!
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Nightcrawler: Sorry. Didn't realize the solution I had for the old PHP would screw up the new board.
Reboot: Wait, Version 8 actually happened shocked
Nightcrawler: Yeah. smile
Reboot: *insert "It Has Been 84 Years" clip here*
Invisible Brainiac: thanks Nighty, appreciate it smile
Ann Hebistand: Yes! Thank you, Nightcrawler. And Happy New Year, Legion Worlders! CalorieQueen
Rockhopper Lad: Howdy, Legion Worlders! love
Ann Hebistand: Hi, Rocky! hug love
thoth lad: Rocky!
Lard Lad: Yo, Adrian!
Ann Hebistand: "Gonna fly now"
cleome58: "I'm the Queen of 58 and I'm here to state..." wink
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