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I'm Thinking of a DCU character Part 6!
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No offense taken. In some circles, that's a compliment. And you know that you'd never offend any of us here. hug

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I've put on line a smaller 137 KB version of the splash page.

I like the looks thus far, by and large. They're sassy and spirited. The bare midriffs are inevitable, let's face it, for readers being in the Britney Age. Mixing of (Legion) eras? That doesn't make much difference for a future team, which has another millennium to draw upon. We readers may find it jarring. It's a reboot, though.

I'm going to suspend being a detailed fashion critic until I can see these people in action. Especially about whether the capes -- which I've never been fond of -- will be retained, and how that would look. I'll say this, though: If the capes are to be used, they'd better be big-ass wraps with some landscape to 'em, or small enough to be strictly decorative. So far, Kitson seems to be doing this. No unsatisfying middle ground, as with "classic" Supes or with Mon-el.

Waid and Kitson need some nonhumanoid members, though, and they need 'em quick.

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I was gonna camera phone the page of LL for ya Scott but looks like you got it already. Someone who *could* be Bouncing Boy is featured in the background on page 5 of the 7 preview. I'm sure they can work in a genetic mishap orgin for him to bring Chuck into this latest incarnation. Overall, very exciting. Some of the costumes are awesome, some are alright, and some could be cooler.

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Who is that between Dream Girl and Phantom Girl? Is that supposed to Colossal Boy? Wasn't he orange and grey in that other preview? And with longer hair?

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I don't like Rokk being front and center but at least it is Garth you see the flight ring on, with the familiar Legion 'L'.

Which brings up: So we are keeping the 'L' we've had for the last few years? No new design?

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Originally posted by Soy-Monkey Eater Lad:
I was gonna camera phone the page of LL for ya Scott but looks like you got it already.
Thanks for the thought though Kev. Much appreciated.

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Originally posted by Soy-Monkey Eater Lad:
Who is that between Dream Girl and Phantom Girl? Is that supposed to Colossal Boy?
It is indeed Gim, though I asked the same question when I first saw him with regard to the colors.

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No prob, Scott. Here's who I'm hoping'll be Chuck:
[Linked Image]

I think the text reads "Control his DNA appetite".

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Thanks to everyone who posted the splash page. I haven't felt this excited about the Legion since the beginning of the Great Darkess Saga. There is a sense of vitality, danger and rebellion that was often present in the 1970s and early 1980s art and stories. I really dig most of the new outfits (Nura's pants, Projectra's whole thing), but am disappointed to see the Post-Boot uniform look on Saturn Girl. That look was fine as a standard uniform for the whole team, but in isolation on Saturn Girl and in contrast with her teammates it looks kind of prepubescent. Maybe it fits the direction Waid and Kitson want to take her character? I hope Mr. Cockrum is out there and smiling as he sees the costumes for Ligthning Lad and Phantom Girl. Element Lad's look is really an interesting break from the past. I wonder how Waid and Kitson will address him? He's been dutiful, spiritual, vengeful, air-headed and just plain crazy in past incarnations. Finally, I just feel, well, happy seeing Colossal Boy again.

...but you don't have a moment where you're sitting there staring at a table full of twenty-five characters with little name signs that say, "Hi, my superpower is confusing you!"
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First, I want to say how much I'll miss Legion 2.0. But I am intrigued and interested in this new version.

Even though it sounds like I'm sucking up to mechana for being here, I have to say that I hate the washed out, bland colors on the preview pages. I know it was look that they wanted and probably not Chris' choice. It's even more apparent when you've just read the first half of the book. Just because of the colors alone, I want to be back with the old Legion!

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Anyone else notice the cover of the comic book the alien mother ripped up? It was LSH v.4 #0, the first issue of the 1994 reboot. It didn't strike me as funny.

Like other people, I'm divided about the new uniforms (and the reboot itself) but I'll leave my wardrobe comments for the costume ratings thread.

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I haven't read the book yet so all my comments are based on this one splash page...

- Re: the colours. I agree with Nightchangeling. They're too dull and muted and aren't anywhere near as good as when mechana was doing them. However, I was very impressed with the colours for those 3 pages shown at the Comicon site so I'm hoping that this 'Chris Blythe' (if he is going to be the regular colorist) was just having an off-day here.

- On that topic... HATE pale-white Shady! Why such an odd change? Back to blue please Barry!

- Very strange to see Saturn Girl so far in the background of the team's first group shot... but EXTREMELY encouraging! Could we *finally* have a continuity where Imra doesn't hog all the spot-light? God, I hope so!

- The costumes are a weird mix. NONE of them really excite me... but some are definitely better than others. Light Lass, Star Boy, Phantom Girl and Karate Kid have the better ones IMO. Brainiac 5, Chameleon Boy, Colossal Boy, Dream Girl, Saturn Girl, Triplicate Girl and Princess Projectra have the worst ones. And no - I don't have a problem with capes. I actually *really* like capes. I just think that these costumes just really need to go back to the drawing board. Think "exciting" Barry - "EXCITING"!

- Sun Boy needs to change his name to 'Flamer'! wink

- Chameleon Boy *really* needs his antennae back! (I hope you're taking notes Barry.) wink

- Does Brainiac 5 have wires coming out of his head?

- *Love* the new-look Karate Kid! His semi-'race change' is a lot less jarring than Star Boy's.

- I count 20 characters in that picture. 18 full-body Legionnaires plus 2 pairs of feet. If one of them is Ultra Boy's then... whose are the other ones? Are there any Legionnaires that have already been confirmed that aren't in this picture? Or does this give hope to Matter-Eater Lad, Chemical King and Ferro Lad fans? (We've already heard from Waid that Bouncing Boy, Timber Wolf and Wildfire won't be on the team as yet.)

All in all that is one very encouraging picture! Barry's art is gorgeous as usual. I love the sense of impending adventure and excitement that the page implies too. I cannot wait to read the whole intro!

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I can't wait to see this either! I didn't venture to the comics shop on my lunch break today per my usual routine, as we were told that my office will be relocated in 6 months, so I'll be out of a job then. Pretty much killed productivity around the building. Actually, I was offered a great promotion and bonus, but I'd have to move my family to Atlanta, Georgia to take it... nothing against Atlanta but I'm a native Californian, and we have our "dream home" now (actually it's our "under-constant-renovation-diamond-in-the-rough" home). I'm afraid I'll have to turn it down.

Sorry, didn't mean to derail the thread. I look forward to picking up the TT/LSH crossover tomorrow during lunch!!! The future looks pretty good so far!

Craig C.

- Time travel stories are told in chronillogical order.
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Originally posted by Blacula:

- I count 20 characters in that picture. 18 full-body Legionnaires plus 2 pairs of feet. If one of them is Ultra Boy's then... whose are the other ones? Are there any Legionnaires that have already been confirmed that aren't in this picture? Or does this give hope to Matter-Eater Lad, Chemical King and Ferro Lad fans? (We've already heard from Waid that Bouncing Boy, Timber Wolf and Wildfire won't be on the team as yet.)
Not really. As a huge fan of all three of those characters, I'm very much aware that neither Condo nor Andrew were ever very popular with most fans. And as much as I love Tenzil, this reboot looks a little to 'not-funny' for ole' M-E Lad. But if any writer could make uses out of matter-eating power, it's Waid smile

"I weighed the odds of this working versus the odds I was doing something incredibly stupid and, well, I did it anyway,"

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{ Anyone else notice the cover of the comic book the alien mother ripped up? It was LSH v.4 #0, the first issue of the 1994 reboot. }






(I'm holding in my Schadenfreude, but it ain't easy)

Edit: I completely messed up in reading the second sentence above. I thought the issue involved was the first of TMK's Legion. My mistake. Schadenfreude should be directed at something that deserves it. ... More at this post .

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The "Triplicate Girl" outfit is interesting, in that they seem to have abandoned the orange-purple split on the main costume, moving the orange to the cape.

Is this finally the end of the fan-designed split costume idea?

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Vi lives!!!! laugh
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Originally posted by Soy-Monkey Eater Lad:
No prob, Scott. Here's who I'm hoping'll be Chuck:
His DNAppetite better be controlled with a cellular trim ray!

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Hang on a minute. I made one for that WhiteWitch contest pic that just needs a tiny adjustment to work. Anybody else notice that the comet was turned upside down?

[Linked Image]

...and fellas, just 'cause Sunboy might be gay this time that doesn't mean Lyle is... (just an observation)

Another thing I got curious about goes back to my complaint about the muted colors. I noticed the opening page is done in the standard manner of brightly colored and slightly garish comic books then the colors get washed out for the rest of the story. A reverse "Wizard of Oz"? Life is more colorful when the Legion is possible but slightly less without them?

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A young sentient (non-humaniod) watches sadly as his parental unit destroys his Legion memoribilia.

The second I saw that panel, I had a horrible flashback as my father did the same thing to a couple of Legion Adventure Comics digests when I was a kid. Not surprising, considering how much of violent temper he had/has.

Oh well, still a pretty okay special. At least Legion "2.0" has a chance of coming back one day. Wonder what will happen to Shikari? Hopefully we'll be seeing her again soon!

Great to see Kitson's art...I'd forgotten how much I missed his work in L.E.G.I.O.N.!

Long Live The Legion ("2.0")

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Where are you going?
I don't know!

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I really, really don't know what to think/feel about Waid's reboot. I like Waid as a writer, but the way he's set up the concept with every Legion hero being a rebel against the values of the age makes it hard for the characters to maintain the personalities that we'd expect.

Seeing Lyle stamp his feet around and cry in front of his parents really hurt because DnA made him into one of my favorite characters, a genius and one of Braniac 5's few peers, a bit of a leader, and senior enough to even tell Saturn Girl when she's out of line.

I can't picture how Element Lad can be the meek pacifist I enjoyed so much from the Post-ZH group if he's a rebellious teen....

I keep telling myself, "It's just like when Julie Schwartz re-made the Flash" though I think I'd handle it alot easier if they kept the code names but not their real names you know? Oh well I'll learn to cope.

I still like some of Waid's concept, it just seems really fun. I like the focus on the flight rings (even if Lyle didn't make them), when you get one its like a symbol of 'cool'.

I'm still looking forward to Waid's first issue.

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Geez and the previous previews looked so good.

Too many capes! Triad and Saturn Girl look terrible with a cape. Hate the title Teenage Wonderland. They were so darn teeny in the postboot and now we start yet again with the teenage thing.

Not so optimistic anymore.

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I picked up the issue (and hunted for that DARN titans issue in my regular LA shops) because everyone here was talking about; so I blame you.

And you know what? I like the design work. I think Kitson did a great job on the visuals of the 30th century.

Now, a few of those costumes need some explaining for their odd "Star Wars"/"Lord of the Rings" blending-- right now a few are just plain silly (if not downright ugly), but I want to hear the explanation first before jumping up & down pissy. Because the ones that really jump out at me were GREAT.

The writing? Got my hopes up. Let's see more.

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Wow guys - I can only say thank you once again for the largely positive response to the costumes!
I knew it wasn't going to be possible for everyone to like each and every one, but I am so pleased most of you seem to like the overall look!

I'm happy to discuss the thought processes behind them more - just post any questions in the 'creators' corner' of the site! smile

I'm really pleased we seem to have a whetted a few appetites! Can't wait for #1 to come out now! smile

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Originally posted by Greybird:
{ Anyone else notice the cover of the comic book the alien mother ripped up? It was LSH v.4 #0, the first issue of the 1994 reboot. }

(I'm holding in my Schadenfreude, but it ain't easy)
THAT moment PLUS the BB dig on DnA?
i like the commentary provided to readers in simple visual codes .. gave me more reason to re-read it and not feel like it was a hefty price for a 7-page preview ($6 = $3.50 Special +2.50 for Titans)

hats off to Kitson for that stuff

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