Just curious - in each era/boot/pick your own word for it, how many issues are there that contain at least one original LSH story headlined by that version of the LSH?
[By "headlined", I mean "not a guest appearance, or solo title, but a story that says 'Tales of LSH'/LSH/Legionnaires/something like that up front", and by "original" I mean "not a reprint"]
I was sitting, trying to figure that out for post-ZH there, and provisionally came up with
Series - (No. of issues)
LSH v4 - 66
Legionnaires - 65
Annuals - 4
Secret Files - 4 (inc. GuideDCU 2001-02)
Showcase '9x - 5
Legends of the Legion - 4
Legion: Science Police - 4
Superman Plus The Legion of Super-Heroes - 1
* 80-Page Giant - 2
Legion Lost - 12
Legion Worlds - 6
The Legion - 38
Total (provisional) - 211
Did I miss anything obvious? What about the other versions?