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Inane one word posts XXXIV - inanity
by Invisible Brainiac - 03/14/25 09:02 PM
Kill This Thread LXIV - The Giant Checkerboard
by Invisible Brainiac - 03/14/25 09:02 PM
So, what are you listening to?
by rickshaw1 - 03/14/25 08:59 PM
Coming... Super-Attractions! (From the Silver Age)
by rickshaw1 - 03/14/25 08:49 PM
Lois Lane's Lucky Legion Earrings...
by Korbal - 03/13/25 06:43 PM
5 Worst movies ever!
by Klar Ken T5477 - 03/13/25 01:22 PM
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I was on the fence about TG's new origin - I didn't want to see 1,000 TG's running around. But the conclusion, and her isolation from the rest of the Carggites, made it work for me.

And this creates one of the most unique UP worlds, which counts as a very goood thing in my eyes.

I'd say a really stellar issue - I even enjoyed the humor bits.

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Just a thought....Does anyone think that it is possible that TG had something to do with the destruction of Cragg? Maybe that is why she doesn't remember anything, she is blocking it out. It seems ridiculous that a teenage girl could survive the total destruction of a planet and become it's only survivor unless she was somehow involved.

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maybe she was out buying shoes?

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What is the point of de-powering Element Lad even further? 60 seconds? What good was his pawer last issue then? "Here, I'll transform the poison chemical, then I'll leave before it changes back to poison. Psyche!" They should just change his name to Dissolvo Lad, since that seems the only permanent effect of his powers.

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Yeah, the 60 second limit on EL's power does seem to generate certain problems.

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I like the limitations on Element Lad's powers. It makes the writer dig deeper for innovative solutions to seemingly insurmountable problems. (Mark Waid seems very capable of taking on this task.) That's what makes the Legion interesting to me - Legionnaires who use their somewhat restricted powers in unexpected or clever ways to solve a problem that initially seems unsolvable by their particular super-powers. I get bored very quickly with stories that solve every problem with a massive physical affront. That to me is just lazy writing.

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Semi's back!

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I was under the impression that Jan was using his powers to change his clothing. Is that not the case? I must be mistaken, because they would've changed back in 60 seconds. I hope I was mistaken, because that seems far beyond someone who merely transmutes elements and makes him too much like Marvel's Phoenix. So, does that mean everybody's clothing in the 31st century is presto changeo?

I don't like the 60 second limitation either. The touching limitation is enough I think.

I was displeased with the coloring. Lu looks like she has black hair and a black costume in most panels. I assume she's still a brunette with a purple costume, but it was hard to prove it in this issue.

Not to beat the gay thing to death, but if every human being on Cargg is a teenaged female, rampaging hormones and all, don't you think Lu might be a lesbian? Or at least have experimented with lesbianism? If she'd never met a male before joining the Legion, I could see how she'd be fascinated by them, but I'm thinking she must be at least bisexual.

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My original impression was that he was using his power, too, but he does seem to be twisting his flight ring or something when the clothing changes...

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Sun boy does much the same thing to change clothes on page with the Kono juice gag.

(I miss page numbers)

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I know I am getting older when a planet full of women does not make me think of lesbians....... eek

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Originally posted by jimgallagher:
Not to beat the gay thing to death, but if every human being on Cargg is a teenaged female, rampaging hormones and all, don't you think Lu might be a lesbian? Or at least have experimented with lesbianism? If she'd never met a male before joining the Legion, I could see how she'd be fascinated by them, but I'm thinking she must be at least bisexual.
In every incarnation I'd expect Lu to have experimented.

But even if she experimented a LOT that would only speak to her experience, not her orientation (which might be hetero-, homo- or bi-).

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Originally posted by joe mondo:
I was on the fence about TG's new origin - I didn't want to see 1,000 TG's running around. But the conclusion, and her isolation from the rest of the Carggites, made it work for me.

And this creates one of the most unique UP worlds, which counts as a very goood thing in my eyes.

I'd say a really stellar issue - I even enjoyed the humor bits.
I'm actually wondering what happens what/if the Carggites decide to reproduce. Will all of them be the mother? Will they all inherit the powers of the mother? Can the children safely reproduce with any other half-Carggites? I admit that such ideas are speculation for *years* down the road in terms of the Legionverse, but I'd be interested to know.

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Just re-read the issue....

Shadowy figure in Brainy's lab? (Page 14) Mon-el.

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the newest Legion title is getting better with each issue!!! I love the character interaction. We are quickly finding out that although we are dealing with chronlogically young people(mostly teens), the Legionnaires are not necessarily children. It's great that the cast is so large, that some of them haven't met. Apparently(from the conversation between E-Lad and Phantom Girl) Element Lad still hasn't met "Atom Girl"...or so
it seems. This is a REAL Legion!

This new incarnation so reminds me of the 80's run. There are so many characters and an endless array of stories to be told. Just think, we probably haven't even been introduced to a quarter of the core cast, never mind everyone else. Great stuff!!!

Long Live the Legion!!!
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Hmmm, random, wild speculation... Mystery person in Brainy's lab, possibly Timber Wolf... What if Brainy's personal recruits trying to do...whatever his plan is, don't adhere to the kid/boy/girl/lad naming standard?


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sososo...hard not to comment on anything you guys have said cause i haven't read it yet...won't until next week. but it sure does sound interesting...vewy interesting. as in "Jorgey likes it" interesting. wink

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Well I didn't like this issue as much as the previous 2 (a lot of the jokes fell flat for me and I could've done with some more action) but it was still a very enjoyable comic and light-years ahead of anything I read in the last series!

Some random musings :

* Triplicate Girl (as someone else mentioned) has just had her intelligence/scientific level ratcheted up enormously! To be able to completely rebuild her homeworld from scratch in the short amount of time that it looks like it took here must put her up near Brainy's level of skill! I heartily approve of this extra dimension to her character. I'm really quite intrigued by the idea of a planet populated by thousands of the same person too and look forward to seeing a story there. My only gripe is that I wish the Legion's Luornu had kept the Madrox-type powers. Triplicating into 3 girls is still very weak IMO but multiplying into an army would've made for a much more formidable/interesting dimension.

* I love seeing the roll call back but am not sure I like the one we've got. I'd prefer to see it tweaked so that we can see all the figures on the page in detail but with the ones appearing in the story being the only ones in colour. Also to move those text boxes so that they're under each character's feet and therefore not blocking anyone else. I guess this is all a fairly minor gripe though.

* Brainy's secret agent - at first I thought it was either Jo or Tasmia but later appearances by them made me think not. I bet its that 'mystery Legionnaire' we've been getting hints about.

* Dying to find out what the correct joining-order of membership on this new team is!

* Cham's costume is really growing on me and I sill LOVE Tinya's!

* I'm beginning to think the mystery man in Nura's vision is Mon-el too.

* Loving seeing a Gim appearance every issue! I really liked his crack about 'not staying mad at the little people' too. I think its only natural that he'd have a slightly superior attitude to a world of miniature people. Didn't Gulliver have the same thing?

* LOVED the pay-off when Luornu's triple date with the guys was revealed followed by "BAR!" THAT was funny!

* The highlight of the issue for me though was the exposing of two clear factions in the Legion, one on Brainy's side and one on Cos's side, therefore sowing the seeds for a new 'Civil War of the Legion' storyline! That was one of the first of the Adventure-era comics I read and while it wasn't a great one I did love the idea of Legionnaire vs Legionnaire and have been looking forward ot an update for years! Hopefully Waid has got just that storyline in mind!

* Finally - I know I mention it every month but I'm gonna keep on mentioning it until hopefully something is done about it. The colours in this comic are BLAND BLAND BLAND! Rhonda did a much better job in the last series! Can we have her back please?

Otherwise, keep up the good work guys.

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Originally posted by jimgallagher:
I don't like the 60 second limitation either. The touching limitation is enough I think.
There was the caveat that any of the material which gets "processed" via organic systems and such remains in its transformed state, so he doesn't have to worry about transmuting poisons and having them change back once they've been ingested by someone. Still, yeah, it creates a serious inconvenience if he has to stand around for minutes transmuting and retransmuting hazardous materials until they're completely absorbed by surrounding organics.

Not to beat the gay thing to death, but if every human being on Cargg is a teenaged female, rampaging hormones and all, don't you think Lu might be a lesbian? Or at least have experimented with lesbianism? If she'd never met a male before joining the Legion, I could see how she'd be fascinated by them, but I'm thinking she must be at least bisexual.
Her experience would have been a bit more specific than that...she'd only be used to sleeping with herself! Other women might be almost as novel/weird to her as men.

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- Legionnaires who use their somewhat restricted powers in unexpected or clever ways to solve a problem that initially seems unsolvable by their particular super-powers.
Wasn't this the basis for the story where Superboy first met the 3 Legionaires? wink

As I recall, all 3 of them beat Superboy, even though he possesed a wider range of powers.

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The comic book that Tinya is reading is Batman #122, featuring "The Marriage of Batman and Batwoman." Can I claim credit for this discovery? smile

Aaron Kashtan/Sir Tim Drake
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Originally posted by Starbucks Kid:
- Legionnaires who use their somewhat restricted powers in unexpected or clever ways to solve a problem that initially seems unsolvable by their particular super-powers.
Wasn't this the basis for the story where Superboy first met the 3 Legionaires? wink

As I recall, all 3 of them beat Superboy, even though he possesed a wider range of powers.
Well, they also used those Legion standbys: backbiting and treachery!

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Originally posted by Blacula:
Finally - I know I mention it every month but I'm gonna keep on mentioning it until hopefully something is done about it. The colours in this comic are BLAND BLAND BLAND! Rhonda did a much better job in the last series! Can we have her back please?
There seems to be a deliberate juxtaposition of bright and shiny (the dating scenes) with grim and gritty (the scenes between Cos and Brainy). Still, I agree with you. I find reading those murky pages a real chore.

I also had some problems with Waid's overly verbose dialogue, e.g, "Under what circumstances can you imagine I might refer to a matter-energy logistics difficulty as, I quote, 'licked'". Even Brainy choked on that one. Worse was Garth mouthing words like "Despite its disadvantagous distance from anything even remotely resembling a United Planets stronghold, blah, blah..." He just doesn't talk like that.

I have a few other objections (recorded in the CTR thread). Otherwise I liked it, mainly for the humor and characterizations, but I'm eager to get on with the rest of the story.

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Originally posted by Sir Tim Drake:
The comic book that Tinya is reading is Batman #122, featuring "The Marriage of Batman and Batwoman." Can I claim credit for this discovery? smile
Sure, I proclaim you Legion World Historian! Ok, you might have to fight a few others over that title (like Cobalt Kid), but that's your problem. smile

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You know I had to weigh in on this one.

Count me in the same camp with those who were wary of Infinite Girl's new origin at first - but eventually succumbed to it by issue's end. It was her segregation from the other TGs on her return to the planet that won me over - plus the fact that the new TG would have near encyclopeidic knowledge. Also, there will be no point in killing off any of her bodies for dramatic impact when a whole planet could take her place. As to that entire planet of TGs - it didn't make sense that they were all dressed in her Legion uniform, albeit minus the TG symbol, prior to her joining. Why would she create a tribute to old superhero duds, complete with cape, on her own? I'm also troubled by the flight ring's inability to triplicate. That is only going to add to the standard view that Lu is a useless superhero.

I like the fresh, new take on Legion romances. We can't be sure who will end up with who. After all, these are teens in the early stages of dating - we can't assume because of 1 or 2 dates that we have a Legion couple on our hands. Dating seems to be more fun than serious - as it should be at this stage. Ultra Boy's urging Lu to "use your power" was the first time the obvious sexual implications of being TG have been so explicitly referred to. I loved that scene.

The poster formerly known as Carggaphile.
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