FINAL TALLY - Favorite Legion PLANETS (11 votes.)
FIRST PLACE - 64% (7 votes) - Legion World - Nearly 2/3 pick the Legion’s new stomping ground as coolest globe, and I’m sure the name of this MB didn’t it’s chances!
- Shanghalla - An asteroid cemetery world for heroes with a big lighthouse! It don’t get much cooler than this! Party Central!
- Winath - Home of two Legionnaires and their supervillain bro’, and goshdarn it, everybody loves honkin' huge colossal trees!
- Xanthu - Home of many Legionnaires and the Amazers, it was actually the first Legion planet ever depicted (Adventure 282.)
- Colu - Home of the kooky Brainiac dynasty, which includes heroes, supervillains, bad barbers, A/C repairmen, and, of course, some big-steppin trash-talkin zoot-suiters.
- Rimbor - The other side of the tracks, a get-tough-or-die planet, now post-boot home of two Legionnaires and Ma Nah’s galaxy-class blueberry tarts! C’mon! Teleport down and pull up a chair or fishtank!
- Daxam - Doesn’t yet look like Darkseid’s puss yet. (Foundations ain’t over yet.)
- Earth - A minor planet, believed to be home of Chia pets and the pre-vaccinated Clapper.
- Kwai Galaxy - The Second Galaxy (not to be confused with Earth 2,) the bugnutty bored creation of the bugnuts Progenitor.
- Trom - Nobody home. Turn out the lights.
- Ventura - The Vegas of the 31st Century, but with Carggian hookers and Khundish death matches. Don’t pass up the Orandan raccoon buffets!
18% (2) - Braal, Cargg, Durla, Kathoon, Khundia, Krypton, Orando, Steeple, Talok VIII, Zerox
9% (1) - Aleph, Bismol, Hykraius, Imsk, Lythyl, The Protean Planet, Starhaven, Takron-Galtos, Titan
0% (0) - Aarok, Bgztl, Binderaan, Dryad, Gil’Dishpan, Korbal, Lallor, Linsnar, Lupra, Mardru, Mars, Naltor, Phlon, Shwar, Sklar, Teall, Tharr, Vryga, Weber’s World, Zoon (Zuun), Zwen
Original starting post:
Regardless of your favorite characters, which SEVEN Legion Planets are your favorites? (i.e, which do you find most interesting, fun, mysterious, etc.)