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Since a thread hasn't been created post-publication, I thought I'd start this one. Someone let me know if it should be folded into the "Solicitations" thread about #1 instead.... ***********SPOILERS for #1**************** -- Loved it! The stuff we've seen so far has been encouraging, and Kitson's art has been stellar, but nothing I had seen really made me excited about this new relaunch until now! It all came down to the story Thom tells Lyle at the end. I was half expecting to see a "Tienneman Square" type image of a kid standing in front of a row of tanks. Even though it was all exposition, the combination of the writing and art made me feel as though I had just read the whole story of that epic confrontation. I almost wanted to cheer at the end. I got a bit choked up at the thought that these kids weren't just groupies, but were protecting the Legion! They're upholding the ideal as much as the rest of them -- they really are "Legionnaires" (like all of us now!  ) -- Slightly confusing, yet hilarious-once-I fugred-out-what-was-going-on scene at SP HQ. It's almost something out a Gilliam movie, it's almost over the top seeing them talk to each other through viewscreens when they're in the same room (Depressing sidenote: when the SP guy tells his superior that there are "seventy-five thousand" Legionnaires, I couldn't help but think that that was the last body count I had heard regarding the tsunami) -- Barry should be anointed to sainthood -- not only is he drawing extra pages of a team with over twenty members, he now has to draw huge crowd scenes *every time* we see Legion HQ?!? Maybe Waid really hates him -- Theena's an interesting character - at first I thought those viewscreens came out from her, but it looks like something on her back - is it alive or organic tech? Does she have a more formal role on the team or is she like their secretary? -- Interesting to see that the people in the hood/cloak in the Legion HQ scene is now colored blue instead of orange (they also both have a little floaty robot camera near them - whats that about?) -- Fans of Sun Boy should be very happy - after all this time away Dirk gets tons of great screentime. Characterization-wise, this could've been Garth (and judging from his one significant contribution this issue, it looks like Garth hasn't changed all that much  ) -- Great to see that Shady is not only blue, but that her hair is black instead of Brown (as the previews showed). Cos' hair is brown now though, which doesn't bother me so much. -- Cos' speach about "who they always put on the front lines" got me a bit choked up considering what's happening now. Great writing that despite it, Cos demures to Sunboy's argument, choosing a more reckless(?) path but one more suited to their core philosophy. -- "Eat it Grandpa!!" (I think we found out lettercol title)
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This was quite possibly the best issue of the Legion that I have read in a long time. Mark Waid is great and Kitson's art is phenomenal. Finally a writer who really is a fan and understands the Legion is on this book. Haven't been this happy since Paul Levitz's run. LONG LIVE THE LEGION
The Legion is Back!!! All Three of Them....How Sprocking Magnificent!!!
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I agree - Waid's letting his freak-flag fly here as a fan. The last part was practically a love letter to Legion fandom.
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Ok, nitpick time (we warned you this was coming Barry...). Interesting to see that Dyrk wears his ring on his left hand (as does Colossal Boy apparently), but in that "anonymous" groupshot at the beginning it looks like Sun Boy's wearing it on his right (not that there's nothing wrong with going both ways as it were  ). Tinya on the other hand (bad pun intended) doesn't appear to be wearing one at all (unless it's under her glove or on some other part of her body  ). Yes Barry, we're going to make you totally neurotic about flight ring placement...
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YOU WILL ONLY DISAPPOINT YOURSELF!!11!!ONE!!</font s> . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Did anyone else catch the humor of the S.P chief ranting to his subordinate through the communication link, all the while the subordinate is standing right beside him talking to the chief through his com link?
At first I thought my page had a printer error with the chat bubble partially cut off on a a few frames of the page, but after re-reading it, the joke suddenly made sense. I got a good chuckle out of that one.
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<3 <3 <3 <3 <3
Thanks Mark and Barry, for turning what could have been very sour lemons into lemonade.
I <3 the return of the Super-Hero Clubhouse.
My only real nitpick is that from my first reading, it seems that Gim and Jo look way too much alike.
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My friend picked it up for me today at the comic shop and is dropping it off for me tonight!
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A great read and I'm lovin this ride. So, have Mark and Barry "depowered" Element Lad? It looked like he has to have physical contact with something to transmute it.
If so, not a bad idea. He always seemed like he could have ended any battle he was in by changing the air or some such. No need for anyone else in the Legion with him around.
I'm liking what I'm seeing.
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Good catch on E-Lad, huntdrouin - I hadn't noticed that. I did notice that Shadow Lass is wading into those troops hand-to-hand in the double-page spread. Good to know she's still a kick-butt girl.
And what's Phantom Girl doing to that guy in her solo panel? Does she affect him somehow by phasing through him or is he just surprised (though he looks kinda drowsy)? She's also seen breaking a guy's faceplate by punching it - is she especially strong or just well-trained?
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You gotta admit, this is pretty fun! We've got hours of nuances (sp?) to "Waid" through.
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I agree with you guys. This was a fun read. It's going to be a long month of waiting for #2.
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getting it tomorrow at the comic book shop (yep, Thursdays in the UK)
Looking forward to read it
Ze Frainch Legion fan
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I was very pleased with this issue. It's really easy to get behind the Legion's ideals even though I could be one of their parents! The art was fantastic and I can't wait for more.
LOVE Theena!!! Antennae Lass anyone? And Beerm. He can "hyperpath" people. What's that? Gate Boy? Also, there's a "Transmatter Room." No need for Shikari or Gates, I guess...
I think I'll start a new thread for hair....
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I got it! It was really cool and fun again. Random thoughts: I liked that they had disagreements drama. The girl with the organic 'tv screen' backpack is kinda scary. Shadow Lass is darker! In one panel Karate Kid is playing chess with Chameleon and Element Lad is playing fooseball (the mystery kid next to Princess Projectra is still in blacks and grey). In another Karate Kid is playing chess with Element Lad (I'm not sure if the same mystery kid is reading a comic or if that's Micro Lad). More thoughts later but did anyone have messed up pages? My pages when the Science Police are talking to eachother are messed up - the text balloons are cut off on the right side of the page  the left text balloon of "--BECAUSE THEIR FLIGHT RINGS TAKE THEM OFF THE PUBLIC SERVICE." is chopped off.
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75,000 members? Hello! I think it's safe to say we had BEST be seeing EVERYONE from the Legion's rich past sooner or later. It's not like there isn't room for them.
How soon 'til the all-THEENA thread?
Hmm. LSH # 1 was.... well, weird. In a good way.
At this point, I'm less interested in the actual Legionnaires we know and am dying to learn more about the throng of kids outside.
What will happen when The Mess or The Polecat or Eyeful Ethel decide they DO want to join the Legionnaires inside...?
I'm ready to find out EVERYthing I can. Color me intrigued!
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MEL, read some of the earlier posts in this thread about those word balloons. It ends up being hilarious.
I believe that Theena isn't wearing something, but that's her body. We'll see...
Just noticed some kids forming an "L" shape with their fingers, as a sort of salute.
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Originally posted by Nightcrawler: Originally posted by Monkey Eater Lad: [b]More thoughts later but did anyone have messed up pages? My pages when the Science Police are talking to eachother are messed up - the text balloons are cut off on the right side of the page  the left text balloon of "--BECAUSE THEIR FLIGHT RINGS TAKE THEM OFF THE PUBLIC SERVICE." is chopped off. Both my copies have the same defect.[/b]I thought it was at first, but it's not. The word balloons are repeating exactly what the guy on the monitor is saying because they're the same guy -- they're talking to each other on vid screens though they're three feet from one another. Having the word balloons cut off is a neat way to emphasize how "cut off" people have become from one another in this future(as if the visual weren't enough).
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Originally posted by Sketch Lad: And Beerm. He can "hyperpath" people. What's that?.... He said that he could hyperpath someone who could hyperpath someone... which to me sounds like the 31st century equivalent of making a phonecall. He's saying he knows someone who knows someone who might be able to get them an audience with a Daxamite official (that's how I took it). Still, it begs the question, "who is Beerm?" and why would he have those connections?
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I'm waiting for the analysis of who's hands those are on page 5....
I also just noticed that Mick Gray is the inker for pages 21-30. I thought the art didn't suffer at all because of this. Thumbs up to Mick Gray, Barry!! Keep 'im!!
The colors are very good, too. Plenty of effects, but they don't take over.
Yeah, I'm liking this book!
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I'm guessing we've got less than 12 months before Shikari shows.
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Okay, speculation time. On page 14 at the bottom when Sun Boy id talking to Invisible Kid, there are other people in the background inside the HQ. The only obvious one is Saturn Girl flying away. Any ideas about the others? Do only Legionnaires with flight rings go in there? How many total are we supposed to have on the main team right now? Also, mysterious pair of boots on the common room on the far side of the foosball table.
Yeah, I'm on my fifth re-read ;-)
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Originally posted by huntdrouin: What do you mean Whizzy? If you look at the end of Legion/Titans, Shikari shows up in the 'new' Legion's universe. I'm guessing that she makes her presence known, and likely will try to enlist their help to search for her Legion. I could be completely wrong, but I don't think she'd just show up and do nothing. It could just be a backburner story, but I think it'll eventually happen.
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IMHO, I hope that doesn't happen. I think it might take away from this new universe if we see Shikari come in all of a sudden and start talking about "her" Legion. Give us time to get into the new series without worrying about the old.
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So, do all those Legion-lovin' kids living outside the HQ qualify as a Super-Hippie Commune... of Space?
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