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by Nightcrawler - 01/08/25 09:18 AM
Kill This Thread LXII - Post-Christmas Blues
by Invisible Brainiac - 01/08/25 08:25 AM
The Non-Legion Comics Trivia Thread Pt 5
by Invisible Brainiac - 01/08/25 04:08 AM
I'm Thinking of a DCU character Part 6!
by Invisible Brainiac - 01/08/25 04:04 AM
What's the worst part of being a "Super" hero?
by Invisible Brainiac - 01/08/25 04:04 AM
Wheel of Fortune / Hangman Season 3
by Invisible Brainiac - 01/08/25 04:03 AM
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wow. some impressive collections here. well as a newbie, my selection only includes all of the current run. I have thought about reading some of the past incarnations, but I think I am going to hold off for a while. I still don't have all of the current names, home planets, powers, etc worked out. smile

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Terrifyingly On-Topic.
Terrifyingly On-Topic.
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The great thing about having just the current version is that they can't get too unorganized...or can they?

Matlock -- really, the trunk of your car? Where were they going?

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To work, so I could flip through them during lunch. I don't have much time at home for reading comics. I really ought to take them out but first I have to organize the storage room in our house.

All issues of the new series are actually under my passenger seat; I guess you could call that organized. At least they're centrally located.

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I fill up about two long boxes in my comic-book room. I've got every issue of the book starting with the issue when Superboy turned into Superboy and the Legion of Super-Heroes. Since that's the era when I started reading, I figured that was a good place to buy back to.

I have a few sporadic issues of the Adventure and Action appearances. I read all those in my uncle's basement when I was a kid. I couldn't afford the archives.

I've got all the minis and specials that have come out since I started collecting, including Karate Kid and even Inferno. I also have the tab and several major appearances in other books.

What noncomic stuff does everyone have?

I've got the Giffen (first), Immonen, Archie Legion (the one where they're battling the Emerald Empress-less Fatal Five, I can't remember the artist) and Moy relationship posters. I've got Moy's three convention miniposters and stickers. On the AR poster front, I've got a small DC Universe sampler (with the founders and Brainy) and the Alex Ross re-creation of the Crisis poster. I've got the Alex Ross print, all the figures and the PVCs (I really wish they had used different costumes from the figures).

I also have a flight ring (the official one and a really ugly one I made the first time I dressed up as Star Boy), the metal figures for the DC Heroes RPG, the Pocket Superheroes, the first wave of Hero Clix and a production cel from their appearance in the animated Superman.

(Hmm, maybe that's why people aren't talking about noncomics -- it tends to ramble. smile )

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Whew, all those almost complete collections make me feel like an amateur... I started reading after the Zero Hour reboot so that's the only era I'm interested in collecting, but I have already read my aunt's almost complete collection of everything from Earthwar up to the Magic Wars and the preboot V4 issues.

I have LSH v4 0, 62-66, 68, 69, 72-76, 79,80, 82-111, 113-124, and Legionnaires 0, 19-21, 23-29, 31-33, 38, 39, 42, 44-47, 49-56, 58, 60-64, 66, 71-80 and Secret Files #2. Then I have everything from Legion Lost 2 to the end of DnA's run and all the WaK issues, plus the Titans/Legion special, the Great Darkness Saga TPB (the most recent version), a couple of V3 issues, a couple of the TMK v4 issues and about one-third of the pre-ZH Legionnaires issues. I also have Legion Archives # 9, the Beginning of Tomorrow trade and a handful of reboot Legion guest appearances in titles like Impulse and Superman.

I'm still trying to fill in the gaps in my reboot collection, and I was lucky enough to find Legionnaires 23, 28, 38 and LSH 79 within the past year, which means there's hope yet!

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I have about 7 short boxes that includes just about everything from Adventure Comics 247 to current (tabloids, books, related titles, mini series, etc). I may be missing a couple of issues from the Action run and maybe a "special issue" or two, but other than that I have "EVERYTHING Legion".

Long Live the Legion!!!
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Terrifyingly On-Topic.
Terrifyingly On-Topic.
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Aww, now, see, matlock, I thought maybe you were taking them for a nostalgic drive to the comic book shop. Do you remember the day we met here? Sure you do!

Hmmm, the content Post-Script surely caught on like wildfire but not that many have commented on collection organization or relative state thereof. Perhaps the truth is too awful and since fibbing is out....

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My Lsh collection spans about 8 and 1/2 long boxes. No original Adventures, but I have both tabloids, entire Action run all limited series and one shots, and EVERY digest. YAY LEGION!!!!! Superboy

The Legion is Back!!! All Three of Them....How Sprocking Magnificent!!!
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Single issues: 3 1/2 short boxes; sporadic issues from the Adventure era, 2/3 of the Action run, and a complete run of everything else starting with Superboy and the Legion #201. Also, the wedding tabloid, but not the other one. A/R appearances as I find them.

Collections and other Books: Archives 1-9, the original Great Darkness TPB, the New Beginning TPB (which I only bought to loan to a friend), the Legion Companion, and the Best of the Legion Outpost.

Toys: Every action figure released to date from DC Direct, including the Superboy and Supergirl set and Mordru, plus, every HeroClix figure so far released, including all the Limited editions.

Other Stuff: Giffen's original poster (which I bought at a Creation Con in Cambridge MA in 1984), Immoen's FYL Poster, the Lapel pin, and all three sourcebooks for the Mayfair DC Heroes RPG.
I think that's everything.

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Just an update on my collection (and I'm pretty happy about it! smile )

First, major thanks again to Cobie, who took the time to look for and send me LSH 67, Legionnaires 30, 34, 37, 41, 43 and 81 AND Legionnaires Annual 2 (the resolution of the White Triangle storyline, and one of the best issues of the post-ZH era IMHO).

Then, I was browsing around the new wing of a mall near my grandparents' place, and was able to dig up a copy of LSH 71!

And finally, just a while ago, I visited my fave comics shop and found they acquired copies of: LSH 77 and LSH Annual 6! (That last one almost made me shout out loud in the store, since it tells the origins of Kinetix and XS, two of my faves!)

Vee has also very kindly sent me a couple of issues to fill the gaps in my collection! Big big thanks to Cobie and Vee for helping me out, and thanks too to Lady Luck. Boy do I feel happy smile

Originally posted by Invisible Brainiac:

Whew, all those almost complete collections make me feel like an amateur... I started reading after the Zero Hour reboot so that's the only era I'm interested in collecting, but I have already read my aunt's almost complete collection of everything from Earthwar up to the Magic Wars and the preboot V4 issues.

I have LSH v4 0, 62-66, 68, 69, 72-76, 79,80, 82-111, 113-124, and Legionnaires 0, 19-21, 23-29, 31-33, 38, 39, 42, 44-47, 49-56, 58, 60-64, 66, 71-80 and Secret Files #2. Then I have everything from Legion Lost 2 to the end of DnA's run and all the WaK issues, plus the Titans/Legion special, the Great Darkness Saga TPB (the most recent version), a couple of V3 issues, a couple of the TMK v4 issues and about one-third of the pre-ZH Legionnaires issues. I also have Legion Archives # 9, the Beginning of Tomorrow trade and a handful of reboot Legion guest appearances in titles like Impulse and Superman.

I'm still trying to fill in the gaps in my reboot collection, and I was lucky enough to find Legionnaires 23, 28, 38 and LSH 79 within the past year, which means there's hope yet!

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Here's what I don't have
Adventure Comics
Action Comics
Lois Lane
Jimmy Olsen
Worlds Finest
Legion of Super-Heroes Secret Files and Origins
Alex Ross Legion Print.
Neal Adam's Legion Poster though I do have it for a desktop background.
The last two issues of the first Legion/Titans crossover Universe Ablaze.
I dont have a Legion Flight Ring
No Legion HeroClix

I think I have everything else but I could use a new issue of Amazing World of DC comics Legion Special I wore it out over the last 30 years and the cover is now gone so I'm not even sure about the issue #.
I even have the Super Powers Tyr action figure.

I tried to rip their soul out.I tried to make them forget Superman.
But they won't.
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I have almost everything from about 1980 through to Zero Hour; I'm missing about six issues of Legionnaires from then and a few other things here and there. I also have everything from The Legion #1 on. In between Zero Hour and the end of Legion Worlds there are a lot of gaps; I probably only have about 2/3 of those comics. And I have nothing from before 1980, in any form.

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My collection is about 3 short boxes....none of it is bagged or backed. I have a solid run from SLSH #250 to Tales #354 including all annuals. Most of the Baxters (though i'm missing #30-41).
I have most of the TMK era through to zero hour (missing about ten). Post zero hour my collection is spotty, as I was pretty broke at the time, but I am slowly filling in the gaps. I have all of Legion Lost, Legion Worlds and the DNA run and the current series.
I also have the first 4 archives, Legionnaires 3, Cosmic boy, Universe Ablaze, Superboy's Legion, and a couple of the blue ribbon digests.
oh and I can't forget a near complete run of L.E.G.I.O.N.(still missing Invasion #3) with all annuals and crossovers and the REBELS run.

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All of the regular series from v4#1 to present. (Giffen and the Bierbaums all the way to right now)

A smattering of V2 and 3 issues, including the first ones of both (V3#1 and V2#259, the first issue where they took over the title from Superboy)

The entire four issue run of V1.

A few of the later Adventure Comics digests, including the very last issue (#503). I have three of the classic Adv. Comics run: #303 (1st Matter Eater Lad) and the two issue Mordru introduction. ADv.#303 is one of the oldest things in my collection (beaten only by a few Carl Barks issues of Walt Disney's Comics and Stories)

The big tabloid where Garth and Imra got married.

And a few other related odds and ends (ie the Valor series, a very few LEGION and REBELS issues)

"I will drill a hole through my head. You cannot stop me."
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i still have my DC directs flight ring although i had two, one i wore daily the other i was going to put in a display case next to my Hal Jordan GL power ring but alas that and most of my comic book collection (about 25 long boxes)including a run of the LSH from the issue where Superboy leaves and the book becomes the Legions own book all the way through the inital Giffen/Levitz run, to the batxer series, to the 5yr gap to the 90's reboot. were destroyed in a fire about 3 years ago at the storage place i had them stored at. but i do have the entire run of the DnA Legion books and i've been collecting the WaK legion books. i think i'm going to start collecting the DC archives legion books, hopefully i can find them at a cheap price on Amazon. so i'm starting from scratch

Judging yourself right is a
destination, i'm just on a journey
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Sorry to hear about your collection John.

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From Adventure 300 to the present, I think I have everything. I don't have Adv #247, and there are maybe 4 or 5 more that were published prior to Adv #300 that I have the reprints of instead of the originals. It's fun though, to be able to read the entire series from start to finish.

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I'm solid from about 1975 stopping at the third from the last issue of the run before Waid and Kitson. I have the first trade from the current run.

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For regular comics, I have a few of the last Superboy issues. From the point it became 'Superboy and the Legion' until Zero Hour, I am only missing 4 issues.

I also have 2 SLSH treasury editions: the Shooter/Swan Mordru issue, and the Levitz/Grell LL/Saturn Girl wedding issue.

From the reboot, things get a lot spottier. I've got most of the early stuff, and of course everything from 'Legion of the Damned', until the end of the Reboot... but the middle stuff is hit and miss.

All of the current series.

A few short boxes full of the Invasion mini, L.E.G.I.O.N. '89 (though I had fallen off by the time the book became R.E.B.E.L.S.), the Valor series, Timber Wolf mini, and other various mini series.

The Adventure Comics digests which reprinted (and were my first exposure to) the early Legion.

The Archive Editions, except for volume 4 (that one volume I somehow have never got around to buying).

I've got one of those silver knock-off flight rings.

Every year, I hope I'll find some original Legion art at the San Diego con which I can afford... Hasn't happened yet, but I'm not giving up. Last year, I saw the cover to LSH 267 (Element Lad floating in space), but it was way, way, way out of my price range. But some original Legion art from somewhere in the '80s is the main thing I'd love, to complete my collection... Someday...

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Originally posted by Pov:
4 1/2 shortboxes, plus the tabloids and Archives minus vol.s 9 and 12.

<strike>I'm missing Adventure 301, 304, 309, 314-6, and 319</strike>, alot of the Supergirl stuff in Action, <strike>all the Jimmy Olsen's</strike> and Lois Lanes, and Amazing World/DC 9 and 12. <strike>I also don't have the dot.Legion series past #11.</strike>
I've since acquired all my missing Adventures, completed yesterday with an order from Lone Star Comics for #304, along with 320 and 403 in better condition than my previous copies. My Jimmy Olsen's are filling up-- most of the full Legion app.s and a couple of the AR's. No LL's yet and the early Supergirl in Action are pricey! frown

FC helped me awhile ago with my Dot-Legion run, thanks Nan! love

"Anytime a good book like this is cancelled, I hope another Teen Titan is murdered." --Cobalt

"Anytime an awesome book like S6 is cancelled, I hope EVERY Titan is murdered." --Me
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They are in boxes and bags. Most aren't "mint" anymore, not that I care much about condition. Except Adv. 247, a few of the earliest Adventures and special appearances here and there,I've managed to get practically everything else over the years.

There are only 2 items I really wish I had. The flight ring, which I ordered but never arrived at the local comic shop, and the Alex Ross print.

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No idea how many boxes if Legion material I have. My collection, currently at 12,785 books, is filed chonologically.

However, I beleive I have everything from Adventure Comics #340 to the present, excepting a handful of AR and minor cross overs perhaps.

I've got about 1/4 to 1/2 of all the pre-Computo issues in the original, and, of course, all the material in Archives.

I did stop buying the Archives at Volume 5 though.

I also have the a Legion flight ring, the action figures, and the PVC set, as well as a half-dozen pages of origial art.

My big wants right now are the early appearances not collected in the archives not already in my collection, as well as some of the early AR stuff, such as Advenure Comics #191 and 195, as well as the early Elastic Lad stories, either in original of reprint.

Also, I'm on the lookout for the Slurpee Cups, the Happy Meal toys and the Heroclix figures, as funds allow.

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I don't think I have quite every appearence of a Legionnaire or the Legion but I'm pretty sure I have most of them. Reprints, giants and the Digest series filled the gaps for me.

Then I made sure to get all the HeroClix and I've got the set of figures in the Club House/Rocket Ship box. Unfortunately I only bought one of the early figures (Saturn Girl) but it came with one of the plastic flight rings laugh so at least I have one of those..doesn't work though..darnit.

One of these days I'll get around to the gaming source books and the Archives.

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My collection starts as Superboy 197 and goes on from there with pretty much every issue after. I have the 12 Archives so I have never really tried getting the Adventure/Action issue. Mine fills 2 1/2 longboxes so far. That is counting L.E.G.I.O.N., Valor, Legionaries, and all the various mini series and guest shots. I divided mine by Preboot and Postboot. I am so bad I even have those really bad mini series like SciCops, Inferno, and Timber Wolf. If the Legion makes a cameo in another book I usally don't put that in with the rest of them if they are not the important. Stuff like Brainiac 5 showing up in the issue of Guy Gardner: Warrior for two panels. If they are major guest stars like with a few Superman issues or the Booster Gold issue I put those with the Legion issues.

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My collection starts with an encased e-bay purchased Adventure Comics issue 247. I think I have just about every Legion appearence since then to current day. I even have all of the mini's, archives, source books, posters, signed orignal art, cameos in other books, and even the flight ring. Everything is boxed, bagged and boarded. I even have several doubles of some stuff mostly for occassional viewing.

Long Live the Legion!!!
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