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No time to write much in detail.

Those who roll their eyes at Shooter's objectification of women will roll again.

For lovers of Manupal's art, don't open the cover.

Seeking resolution on Dream Girl's status? -- beware what you ask for.

Perhaps this issue was a passive/aggressive swipe at DC for the whole fiasco that is the Legion nowadays.

I am looking forward with little hope to a merciful demise of this title.

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I really, really enjoyed this issue, and I still have not gotten over my anger at DC for cancelling this series.

Aaron Kashtan/Sir Tim Drake
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Originally posted by Lad Boy:

Seeking resolution on Dream Girl's status? -- beware what you ask for.

Oh no don't tell me it was Brainy just being crazy or that Nura is really dead-dead.......

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So we finally get Dream Girl back... and the first blow... she is drawn badly (cross-eyed at one point) by the fill-in artist. And then Shooter blinds her and deprives her of her power in a convuloted (and ridiculous) plot.

The poster formerly known as Carggaphile.
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Originally posted by The Man From Cargg:

So we finally get Dream Girl back... and the first blow... she is drawn badly (cross-eyed at one point) by the fill-in artist. And then Shooter blinds her and deprives her of her power in a convuloted (and ridiculous) plot.
WHAT!!! WTF!!! it is a fill-in artist?! UGG how the **** does she go blind?? I am annoyed

I was gonna rush out and get this tomorrow but now I won't

Is she at least alive as in flesh & blood?

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Has anybody read the Shooter interview on CBR.

I tried to rip their soul out.I tried to make them forget Superman.
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Originally posted by Lone Wolf Legionnaire:
Has anybody read the Shooter interview on CBR.
Shooter sounds VERY angry in the interview which in a way I don't blame him - seems like they used him.

DC has put such a bad taste in my mouth. If it wasn't for the excellent "Terror Titans", I would drop all of DC books. Didio has not improved "Titans" like he is as bad as ever.

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Wow, guess that explains things....what a shame. At least Mr. Shooter was kind enough to provide fans an explanation. I can't imagine that DC would be happy with that though. Hopefully things will pick up for the future. Not much of a 50th year anniversary though.

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oh. my. god.

please take a moment to look at my art thread where i said something like "i just hope he doesn't beat her to death or something".

i'm done with this book. just.. done. no more. i'm so glad it's ending. i know there's only three more issues left, but that's it for me. i give up. i'll be back when i can stop puking.

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I would never pretend to have any skill that would let me credibly opine on some of his comments about the quality of (his) stories or aspects of the art but they did come off harsh. I generally accept that experts in a field will do that and that others in the field accept that but I would have liked more praise for Manipul's PRESENT work as opposed to potential.

Two covers at least, the last two solicits, we have generally raved about. I don't know coloring for nothing but I've been happy with all the issues.

I'd like to be that fly on the wall to know what snafu he was referring to.

All in all, once again I'm unhappy that DC is not letting artists finish their work. This would have cost them nothing. It's a pissing context.

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WHOA THAT INTERVIEW!! i didn't realize it was different one. how... how dare he. that is... OH MY GOD. francis' art was the only thing holding that comic together!!! OH MY GOD. MORE PUKING IS IN ORDER.

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“Sales of ‘The Legion of Super-Heroes’ aren’t great, but they’re a lot better than those of some of the titles they’re keeping. I think canceling the book is a graceful way of getting rid of me. I complain too much and too loudly.”
I believe him. After Legion #50, it will be a long, long time before I buy another DC comic.

Aaron Kashtan/Sir Tim Drake
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Originally posted by veryvery:
WHOA THAT INTERVIEW!! i didn't realize it was different one. how... how dare he. that is... OH MY GOD. francis' art was the only thing holding that comic together!!! OH MY GOD. MORE PUKING IS IN ORDER.
I think Shooter's comments about Francis were bad form. Why say anything even remotely negative about an artist, particularly a young one? It just reflects badly on Shooter.

I do think Shooter probably intended for the comments to be more positive. He acknowledges that Francis' art is phenomenal and he could be one of the best with some more experience. (I agree on both points.) But it sounds like there might be some issues with timing that necessitated the use of substitute artists (who really sucked). I disagree about Francis not telling a story with pictures, though. I thought there were a lot of panels Francis drew where the looks and expressions told volumes. Perhaps there is more to what Shooter is saying (who knows if there were a lot of revisions or other things going on), but it never came across on page.

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I agree with Blockade Boy. Several of the covers have been excellent and I didn't find any problems with the colors.

Manapul has been growing as a storyteller each issue. This may be in part a result of Shooter's feedback. In private that may help an artist grow. The public criticism in this interview is out of line. It shows an unfortunate lack of class on Shooter's part. The sad thing is that I get a feel that he really likes Manapul, and he slides in a number of compliments between the critical comments. I'm sure that he sees his comments as being complimentary. Oh well, the man has never had a reputation for tact.

Whatever the inside politics, the saddest part of all this is that we don't get to see the story finished as the artists intended. It's exactly the same thing that happened with DnA's exit. Frustrating. I get the feeling that the current administration at DC isn't going to be around much longer. I'll be glad to see them go. They've botched too much up, and really don't seem to understand comic book fans or the business of comics.

As to issue #47. I need to let it settle for a while. It was interesting and certainly something we haven't seen in a Legion story before. I can't say that it was satisfying conclusion for Nura, but Waid set up a situation that would have been hard for any writer to resolve. I do appreciate that the series won't end with this big thread left dangling. No, I'm not crazy about the art but recognize that it was a fill in. For me, it was an improvement over the last fill in effort. Die hard Legion fan here. I'll be buying the final three issues and hope that Shooter can manage to pare down his epic in a manner that allows us to get a good feel for what he intended.

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I prefer to believe that Jim didn't consciously intend to insult Francis, but that he did so unintentionally, due to his natural lack of tact.

However, this does not mean I'm absolving Jim of responsibility for his rude comments. At this point in his career, Jim certainly ought to realize that he has a tendency to behave in a tactless way, and he should have tried to correct this problem.

Aaron Kashtan/Sir Tim Drake
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manapul's covers were AMAZING, his art on the issues were AMAZING, the best art we've ever had on a legion book since adam hughes and coipel's french magic graced the pages.

i seriously cannot believe he said those things. manapul's story telling was SPOT ON i was NEVER confused about what was happening, not one second. he made characters relatable with body language and facial expressions in a way that the words WERE NOT. meanwhile, the nonsensical blathering going on in the dialogue of this issue, THAT'S STORYTELLING? good god.

there is no excuse for that. none. absolutely none. i'm sorry, but a grown man does not need someone to tell him not to be impolite and unprofessional in an interview. think about it, would any of YOU say something like that even if you DID, for some reason, think your artist's work wasn't top notch (ALTHOUGH IT CLEARLY WAS). WOULD YOU? would you EVER? even if i was DRUNK OUT OF MY MIND i wouldn't say those things!

i am SO MAD. i didn't think i could be more angry than this issue had already made me, but i am SOMEHOW ANGRIER.

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It's funny cause I got a few emails from some friends after they had read the interview. After reading it myself I wasn't really shocked by Jim's comments. He's a tell it to you straight kinda guy. Like that hard coach that stays on your ass, he comes off as harsh but in the end he means well. At least I think he does... I think the problem with the storytelling is that we just didn't mesh. I believe that he thinks if I had it my way I'd have splash pages all the time when in fact I do aspire to the same end result as he does which is good clear storytelling. I believe our differences in execution is what created the disconnect. I prefer slow dramatic pacing and Jim likes to maximize the amount of story a reader gets each issue. Much can be said and analyzed about our "collaboration" but truth be told this was Jim's ship we were all just along for the ride. As for the covers... I didn't really have any creative freedom on them since all of the covers barring the first one were all based on his directions and he even did layouts for a few of them. . In the end it was a real honor to work with such a legendary creator, livesay and JD all did great work and we all busted our ass to try and make it what Jim envisioned. It was definitely an interesting ride and I've learned a lot about creative chemistry. Jim was a great coach but we both know we'd have greater success if we played on different teams.

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You're a class act, bud! And you did a really great job with the artwork during your time on the book!

So, what are you working on after Legion? Anything you can reveal? I'm sure there's a lot of folks around here that will follow you wherever you go (but not in a "dangerous stalker" kind of way...). smile

Craig C.

- Time travel stories are told in chronillogical order.
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godddddddd francis, you're so nice @_______@!!!! are you made of kitten breaths?!!

craig, your signature is amazing, chonillogical is my favorite word now.

anyways... i was not feeling the art on this issue, it was... so weird and sloppy, i wasn't sure what was going on half the time. i was pretty creeped out by querl sleeping with that girl, non-consent much? creepy on every level!!!

oh god. wait i'm not even going to try to rattle off everything that was amazingly bad, i don't have to. because all you need are those weird things that came out of brainiac 5's head. those weird, weird things that spoke in really stupid, even PAINFUL to read rhyme. and, you know, the fact that one CAME OUT OF HIS HEAD for SOME REASON?! AMAZING. really i'm astounded.

this has to be a joke, right? like.. he must have been doing this badly on purpose, right? i think someone else already suggested that and it seems more plausible.

anyways, if this comic ravaged your mind, you should watch a gatsby commercial. gatsby is a brand of men's haircare products in japan and whenever i watch them, i feel better about life in general.

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WELL, I haven't read the comic yet and now I'm not really looking forward to it. It's still better than Dr. Mayavale, right? RIGHT?!?!?

Francis, it sounds like a case of contrasting styles to the point where JS is like one of those geniuses "whom the little people can't begin to understand." I liked your work. What artist doesn't strive to grow? In reading his recent interviews, it seems he is still using the thousands-upon-thousands of words scripts after all these years. That's all well and good, but times change, life gets faster paced and it sounds like he's the one who can't move on. I think he only blamed himself because he realize he was really coming across as a horse's...

as for the gatsby commercials, veryvery, thanks a lot! First, I watched one. Then another one, and that one had A-ha on it. (Child of the 80's here) Then I watched a few A-ha videos. 20 MINUTES LATER I'm back. Oh, and by the way, the lead singer is older than me but looks way younger. Crap.

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I haven't read #47 yet, and I'm kinda dreading it, but I read the interview.

Frankly, I don't think it was that bad. Shooter has been around a long time and has seen a lot of his scripts illustrated, colored, lettered and printed. I'm sure there must be a lot of frustrations between his original vision and what gets put out there.

It's too bad he seems to be unable to solve problems without burning bridges, though. Really? Cancel a beloved series to get rid of the writer?

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Originally posted by fjm:
Jim was a great coach but we both know we'd have greater success if we played on different teams.
Francis honestly it is because of your art that I became a Legion fan in the first place. I knew who Shooter was but when I saw the 2 covers for the new run...they were amazing. I absolutely LOVE your work.

I just wish I could have seen you draw more Dream Girl. Thanks to your art I liked everyone in the book. You are definitely my favorite Legion artist.

Sorry that Shooter was such an a** - but I didn't buy the book cause of was your art.

Thank you for your great art, kind heart and for making me a Legion fan.

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Jim Shooter @ CBR:
"Despite problems getting the book drawn, Shooter still holds his collaborator Manapul in high regard. “I must add that Francis Manapul is going to be great someday – maybe one of the best of all time,” Shooter remarked. “He already shows flashes of brilliance. He works very hard and seems to care a lot – but that and a $1.85 gets you a cup of coffee. As soon as Francis groks what business he’s in – storytelling – as soon as he realizes that conveying the story and information clearly, at a glance, is first priority, he’ll be a contender. It’s not just about making cool shots that vaguely relate to what was asked for in the script. It’s about thinking things through until you can come up with just-as-cool shots that effectively deliver all the content required; about making the visual storytelling ‘read’ effortlessly. Francis is incapable of drawing a dull picture, so if he ever really grasps the importance of the story and science of storytelling, he’s going to be a hall-of-famer.
“That’s not easy, by the way. Even Frank Miller struggled with storytelling for a while – but once he grokked -- wow.”
Tactless, you bet. Insulting, no, not terribly. Saying a young and relatively inexperienced artist has the potential to be one of the greats of the industry, but still has a ways to go, is an insult I (as an FJM fan) can swallow.

As for this month's issue, I thought Lopresti and Shooter were a perfect example of a writer-artist disconnect. The art wasn't bad, it just didn't synch with the dialogue and action all that well, and was confusing in some parts. The story itself was romantic in a kooky/weird sort of way -- and I just *adored* Madame Meander -- but it was only half a story. I shall never forgive Dan Didiot for depriving us of Brainy and Nura's dream wedding, nor will I ever forgive him for aborting the larger Legion storylines and character arcs intended by DnA and now Jim Shooter. The "Super Lad" fiasco sounds absolutely typical of his relentless indecision and mismanagement. Worse yet, Didiot's incompetence has made the franchise fatally radioactive to every single writer in his stable except his most overburdened workhorse, Geoff Johns. Now all that remains of a once glorious enterprise is Johns' fake-original pod people Legion, which will no doubt float around in second-stringer Limbo for years.

The Legion is done, son, and now you all know who to thank for it. I respect Jim for his brutal honesty, and wish him all the best. For Didio, I have only the utmost disdain.

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It's sad that I'm to the same point I was with DnA: Glad this will all be over soon. I really disliked this issue, and think Shooter's making a big enough mess behind him that no one will want to try and salvage this version of the team (and maybe that's for the best). Having Projectra turn is dumb enough, but to have her actively and with malice of forethought plot to kill the other Legionnaires essentially ruins the character. At least the snake was a pleasant type.

The less said about the maiming of the already dead Dream Girl, the better.

When's the next issue of LO3W again?

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