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by Ann Hebistand - 02/02/25 04:10 PM
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by Ann Hebistand - 02/02/25 10:00 AM
I'm Thinking of a DCU character Part 6!
by Invisible Brainiac - 02/02/25 09:34 AM
Legionnaire Mastermind
by Invisible Brainiac - 02/02/25 02:11 AM
Wheel of Fortune / Hangman Season 3
by Invisible Brainiac - 02/02/25 02:09 AM
The Legion Of Has-Beens...
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#74384 11/03/06 04:48 PM
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Originally posted by SiliconDream:See, what I took from that is that Cos isn't in love with her. Not at all. (After all, he was convinced in about forty seconds that it was actually a mild case of nausea.) He's just emoting for her benefit. Ditto for his threatening the doctors, which as you say doesn't make much sense otherwise. Laying on the flattery, steering her into absolving him of guilt...he knows exactly what he's saying.

I thought the whole issue was rather skillfully showing that Cos is just as much of an unscrupulous, manipulative bastard as Brainy; but he's got the (as Matthew E points out) magnetic charisma and acting skills to pull it off better. He looks, and quite possibly is, genuinely sorry for what he's doing to you...but he still does it, and you go along with it, because he's a born leader.[/QB]
I think he's totally got a giant crush on her but has no idea what to do about it, which makes him susceptible to Invisible Kid's deceit.

#74385 11/04/06 01:09 PM
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I re-read the issue today and I think a subconscious reason why I feel the book's pace has been glacial was the retitling of the book to "Supergirl and the Legion of Super-Heroes". I guess part of my mental impatience has been my curiousity as to how long the retitling would last. In this issue it seems they're *finally* gettin around to addressing this whole Supergirl question. I'm thinking her involvement is partly due to 52: the series and what is shaping up to be something (concept? event?) that 52 stands for.

Igee The Mighty!
#74386 11/05/06 07:02 AM
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Originally posted by Matthew E:
I think he's totally got a giant crush on her but has no idea what to do about it, which makes him susceptible to Invisible Kid's deceit.
Thing is, giant crushes make you stupid, but how often do they make you unaware of their own existence? I can see Brainy, maybe, wanting to tell himself that a crush on someone is actually gas--though he reconciled himself to wanting Nura pretty fast--but it doesn't seem like Cos is particularly afraid of emotion. He certainly likes to project it. (Though it's interesting that he's never been in love before this...I wonder if he's capable of it?)

That, and it's Cos who comes up with this rather vicious plan to snap Kara back into reality, and who almost single-handedly emotionally blackmails her into going along with it. That "No, I don't actually love you/you're a threat to your friends/I'm only doing this for the greater good, not for myself" triple play of patronizing nastiness doesn't sound to me like someone addled by love.

But maybe love just makes Rokk a bastard. Whatever's going on with him, I like it.

#74387 11/05/06 12:40 PM
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Upon rereading this ish... and although I would have absolutely loved it to be the case... I don't think we have any clues as to Dream Girl's status or Brainy's sanity.

I'm pretty sure all the thought bubbles that Imra picks up on are from Mon El. It's consistant more with him. Nura wouldn't have been alone, hasn't been in her state for too long and has hopes of rescue.

I also think that in keeping with her moniker she only appears to Brainy in dreams or when he is so tired he is dreaming while awake.

I don't think Brainy has any new precog powers now either as he has always been able to tell what is about to happen from calculating and sneaking secret info. He was just always pissed he had to work so hard for it when it came so easily to Nura.

The only clue we may have had was that Brainy needed the ring back. That could be that he just has a limited supply and can't let one go idle, or it could be that thinks Dream Girl will need it? This could be because he is goint to get her a new body or he is just insane... and isn't it strange how similar his insanity is to Supergirls? But they haven't locked him up... yet...

And I still really want to know what Brainy has on Brin to get him to continually do him such bigfavors. It doesn't seem like blackmail, but whatever it is it must be huge. Stealing Kryptonite can't be a simple task.

#74388 11/05/06 01:36 PM
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finally, this series is *slowly* moving forward.
i loved how Supergirl was drawn in this issue(why can't Kitson draw the main "Supergirl" title?), and loved the surprise in the last page. can't wait to see how that turns out. laugh

#74389 11/07/06 05:45 PM
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I finally picked up and read this issue, and immediately came here to read all 6 pages of this thread! Whew! This is the stuff Legion fans live for! Tons of characters and plot developments that aren't tedious, all presented with great artwork.

My vote on covers is to just make them be eye candy. I don't need the cover to tell what's going on inside the issue. Especially in these days of online previews and solicitations.

#74390 11/07/06 10:31 PM
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I'll second that let the plot be a surprise ;-)

#74391 11/07/06 11:33 PM
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All in favor, say "aye."


#74392 11/08/06 09:57 AM
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I don't really mind either way, but of course I don't want covers that promise something that the book doesn't deliver. Can you imagine how ticked off we'd be to find that Mon-El didn't appear at all in the next few issues, after seeing the covers? (Can't happen, of course, since we saw him last issue, but you get the point.)

#74393 11/08/06 11:23 AM
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I'm all for the covers being just great artwork. It's what brings in the new customers. I will pick up a new title if the cover catches my eye, not if it pertains to the story concisely or not.

I would like to vote against the high-priced variant covers. I don't mind picking up a second copy of a comic if it has a neat alternative cover, but I won't do it for $10!!

BTW, for Legion leader, I think it would be cool to have a more centralist character in the mix. Karate Kid, Lightning Lad or Projectra would be three characters I'd like to see more of, one of them as leader.

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#74394 11/10/06 08:14 PM
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Per the cover being eye candy? I agree. I'm a big fan of Barry's but I didn't even notice if the store had his cover or not. I went for the AH! cover the second I saw it.

I'm a sucker for AH! and Alan Davis covers. (I wish Davis was still doing the JSA covers)

#74395 11/11/06 02:02 AM
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I want Theena to be nominated as Legion Leader. She's the one person that the non-super-powered Legionnaires-by-the-thousands know as the 'face' of the team. She's more 'one of them' than any of those people who live in the headquarters...

Wrapped Around Your Finger now complete in BITS!
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