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Originally posted by Barry Kitson: Hi Guys - glad so many are looking forward to teh new series.
As soon as issue #1 is out I'll post the design sheet I promise! I may even have a copy with me for those attending Dallas to get a preview in November Barry, I know you're not too familiar with the USA; Dallas is a long way from Minneapolis. If you think I'm driving that far to buy you that beer... well, it is beer and you and Legion artwork. ROADTRIP!
Just spouting off.
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Have you lot go no shame at all? Have you all suspended your taste glands just coz Barry is posting?
I'd be amazed if everyone was still frothing at the fanny about this stinky looking reboot if Saint Bazza wasn't on here.
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Originally posted by Barry Kitson:
The approach we've taken is to try and make the new Legion something that readers with no prior LSH history will find accessible and enjoyable
Right - I don't mean to be rude, but do you honestly think new readers are going to be attracted to the book? Bringing back the Lad/lass names is a bad move (when I tried to get my friends to read Legion in the 80s they wouldn't because they were put off by the names) and culling the membership from the ranks of the Adventure era is just going to alienate any Legion readers under the age of 35.
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Originally posted by Cad Lad: Whoops, didn't mean to post twice. I just can't figure out how to edit my posts. CL, click on this image above a post you want to edit, ![[Linked Image]](http://www.legionworld.net/ubb/omnicomshort.gif) . That will allow you to change anything you want or even delete your own posting. 
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Originally posted by imskian78: Boy! Some very negative fans in here! I don't really post often but this whole thing has really got me pumped. The fact is change is a fact of life. Life is full of change..adapt or perish.
What did the Archie Legion give us?? We lost Dawnstar, Blok, Sunboy, Tyroc.. So change is OK only when you get what you want then? I wouldn't hold my breath if you're waiting for Waid to reboot Tyroc or Dawnstar. I really hated the Archie era - but I loved what DnA did to fix it. That's what should happen when creative teams are changed! Their replacement should have built on the brilliant iconography they created (thresholds, Titanet, the cadets) instead of just ignoring all DnA's hard work and throwing it in the bin. It's the arrogance of this reboot that's really getting my goat. Basically, if you weren't buying Adventure in the 60s there's no need to bother reading the new title. You don't get Wonder Woman rebooting every time there's a new creative team do you? So why should we?
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Don't Stop Peelieving
Don't Stop Peelieving
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Hmmm... reboot Wonder Woman... 
"Anytime a good book like this is cancelled, I hope another Teen Titan is murdered." --Cobalt
"Anytime an awesome book like S6 is cancelled, I hope EVERY Titan is murdered." --Me
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"Suit yourself, John. But real men wear pants, y'know?"--King Faraday in DC: New Frontier
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Hi Guys - thanks for the kind comments, to answer a couple of the questions that came up... The legion and the future DEFINITELY aren't all happy go-lucky caucasion heterosexual humanoids , in fact many of the future's inhabitants aren't ANY of those things.  The Legion itself won't be those things either. At the start they are mostly humanoid, but that'll be explained too. I will be inking the book myself as long as possible - until the 30 pages a month defeats me totally! 
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Plus Barry is saying all the right things. Hey I like humanoids! Easily can be explained why most of them are...especially since most of the Legionnaire planets are descendents of Earth (Invasion/Dominion/Monel). I am also bummed not all of my faves are there but the fact that Barry mentions they will show up is a plus. can't wait for Shikari! Jorge
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Originally posted by Barry Kitson: The legion and the future DEFINITELY aren't all happy go-lucky caucasion heterosexual humanoids , in fact many of the future's inhabitants aren't ANY of those things. THANKS, BARRY! This is an extremely comforting bit of news. Originally posted by Barry Kitson: I will be inking the book myself as long as possible - until the 30 pages a month defeats me totally! OUCH. Who do you think you are, John Romita Jr.? Seriously, man, that's amazing.
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wow !!! i'm away for 3 days [ went to London, for an awards ceremony .... ]
and there's this EXCITING new "Legion of Super Heroes" news !!! and 13 pages of posts, so far .....
i'm not sure what to make of it at the moment ??? the image by BARRY looks cool, and the info on the characters, is interesting !!! a return to their original names, is great !!!
i always preferd those over the current ones, i'm so confused to see how we get to this, from the current storyline ???
roll on the next issue of the "TEEN TITANS" and the cross over special .....
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Thanks for all the posts Mr. Kitson, I can tell you that if I had any doubts about giving this series a try before you posted, I don't now. Knowing that you have bothered to find out what the fan reaction is to the little info we have is comforting. I, like many here, am tired of the state of flux that the Legion has been in, lo, these many years (since the Great Darkness in my opinion- some good, some bad, but little stability) and I hope that what you and Mr. Waid begin here can be a foundation for years of Legion stories, maybe even triple digit issue numbers again. If this is the last number 1 Legion issue I ever have to see I won't be disappointed. Good luck and have fun gentlemen.
BTW, put it in the happy box with the "They're just rebooting back to the Adventure years!!" chatter. Maybe read an issue before you decide what they have done?
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Time Trapper
Time Trapper
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I'm optimistic about this "take" on the Legion.
It's amazing that some people will write it totally off if they haven't read a word of the issue yet. Ah well...different strokes baby.
Active LMB character is still Beast Boy.
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I seem to remember them rebooting Wonder Woman after the Crisis....  Oh the horror! Anyway, I agree with narrrowhouse, give 'em a try before we condemn them. If you don't like it after that, don't read it.
"Your plan didn't work, now let's try it my way...brute force!"
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When you've been down this road as many times as I and others have with the Legion,(reboot after reboot)you tend to not to be so optimistic. So it's really not so amazing that some people write it off before they even read a word of the new issue. It DOES get old after a while. As I mentioned before, they (DC) knows that loyal readers like me will continue to come back anyway. It's not fair to us, but it's been happening for years.
Long Live the Legion!!!
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Just remember how many of the creators we have on our side. Of course we have an evil publishing empire to contend with but when haven't we? (curse Jeanette Khan) There's a unique connection between the Legion and it's fans and creators and I find it quite comforting to know that people that write and draw the Legion love the Legion as much as we do.
Give 'em hell boys, let's see that indie rock Legion!
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[QUOTE]Originally posted by Barry Kitson: [QB] Don't count Brin ( or anyone) out too soon - we have all sorts of plans for everybody Hi Barry, Can you please tell me if Invisible Kid/Lyle Norg is going to be on the team?? He is my favorite Legionnaire. :-)
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Originally posted by Barry Kitson: Don't count Brin ( or anyone) out too soon - we have all sorts of plans for everybody
Than-Q Very Very Much!
I love Vol.4 Prepare your stones.
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Thanks everyone! On the reboot debate - I'm reliably informed LSH has only actually been rebooted once.... though as there have been so many changes of direction I can understand the debate ( I would have said more than once if I'd been asked before)  I believe KC Carlson said at the Baltimore Legion panel that it was a reboot done to fit in with - and to save as much LSH continuity as possible from - a DCU event that necessitated it, so it wasn't really as deeply thought out as all those involved would have liked. I know it doesn't change any of the concerns some of you have, but I thought it was interesting. Personally I've completely given up on trying to understand what does or doesn't constitute a reboot! Anyway... My answer on Invisible Kid is the same as for Timber Wolf Thanks again!
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Lar Gand?If he does appear what is Waid gonna call him Marvel Lad?
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Legionnaire Lemon!..or maybe he'll get a pink outfit with a question mark on it?
Thanks for checking in so often Barry. We really appreciate the information you've dropped here for us and we'll probably worry it to death during this three month stint of legionless comic shops. Don't worry too much about the negatives, normally this is as pleasant a crew as you'll find anywhere but the stress of doing without our monthly fix is already beginning to show.
My god, it could get really ugly before Dec.29th. ...on second thought run! Run for your life!
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Barry, on the matter of reboots. Crisis happened and it changed things in the series but it wasn't a reboot. Then we had the 5 years gap story which wasn't a reboot until issue #4. Mon-El kills the Time Trapper we get the Morduverse. That is rebooted and we get things back to "normal" with some minor changes all around. And then yeah the obvious reboot with Zero Hour. But between Crisis, 5 year gap, Zero Hour and now this...well we've had some upheavels. Thanks for posting.
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Originally posted by MYG: When you've been down this road as many times as I and others have with the Legion,(reboot after reboot)you tend to not to be so optimistic. So it's really not so amazing that some people write it off before they even read a word of the new issue. It DOES get old after a while. As I mentioned before, they (DC) knows that loyal readers like me will continue to come back anyway. It's not fair to us, but it's been happening for years. Been a fan since right around the Great Darkness Saga in the early 80's. Actually been a fan since the mid 70's, but got into collecting in the early 80's. So, don't presume to know hoe long some of "us" have been fams. I've been around for the reboot. There have been tweaks along the way, but only one true reboot. I'm a long term fan, and still optimistic about the book. I still always give something a chance before totally writing it off. Although, if Liefeld was reimagining the Legion...that might be a different story. 
Active LMB character is still Beast Boy.
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Originally posted by Barry Kitson: Thanks everyone!
On the reboot debate - I'm reliably informed LSH has only actually been rebooted once.... though as there have been so many changes of direction I can understand the debate ( I would have said more than once if I'd been asked before) I believe KC Carlson said at the Baltimore Legion panel that it was a reboot done to fit in with - and to save as much LSH continuity as possible from - a DCU event that necessitated it, so it wasn't really as deeply thought out as all those involved would have liked. I know it doesn't change any of the concerns some of you have, but I thought it was interesting. Personally I've completely given up on trying to understand what does or doesn't constitute a reboot! Well, here's what your partner-in-crime said at that time: "I'm sorry if I sound cranky, but this wasn't an editorial fiat from DC. This drastic change was my choice, and DC chose to back me." http://www.legionworld.net/cgi-bin/ultimatebb.cgi?ubb=get_topic;f=1;t=002300 [Edited to fix link that was broken after the topic was moved & moved back]
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Originally posted by Barry Kitson: Thanks everyone!
I believe KC Carlson said at the Baltimore Legion panel that it was a reboot done to fit in with - and to save as much LSH continuity as possible from - a DCU event that necessitated it Is the DCU event Barry's referring to here Identity Crisis?
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