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Originally posted by Ricardo: Originally posted by superboymddjr: [b] sure wish that somebody scan the whole page of all the Legionnaires on it. that would be perfect for the screen saver, wouldn't it? I have not seen it yet...but I hear that there are a lot of positive reactions...only a few small complaints. hmmm. It's beautiful indeed, but I think my favorite piece of Legion art is still on Legion v4 #13. Not to diminish George PĂ©rez' but it's a bit expected to see something like that on this book. I am reading an online version of it (my copy was shipped today, but takes 2 months to arrive, if you can excuse me for my bad behaviour) and will give my full opinion later on. So far, the expected is happening... [/b]they have the ONLINE VERSION?!? never knew it...hmmm.
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No, they don't. But being here in Brazil makes one look for ways to read it while your book is probably on a ship by now...
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No one is talking about LO3W #5 yet? It was amazing!!! They have developed at least 7 or 8 different potential storylines! My all time favorite politically correct legionnaire shifted worlds! Here's too looking to a bright future, Legion. LLL!
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Darn my slow computer... Ok, so there are posts about # 5 but let me say that I am personally excited again for what the Legion can become. Ever the optimist? Maybe, but LLL!
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I haven't seen it but I might not have looked hard enough but the <span class="spoiler_containter"><span class="spoiler_wording">Click Here For A Spoiler</span><span class="spoiler_text">document Starboy is carrying says "Last Will and Testament of R.J. Brande" But he had already left when that happened</span></span>...hmmmm interesting
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LOL at the Prime Stuff at the end. The only thing that would have made it funnier is if Prime had talked about the guy writing those comics either sucking or wanting to take revenge on him.
Overall it seemed kind of like this issue needed more pages. They basically just tried to get the big changes in and left the smaller stuff to sort out later.
None of the Legions came out this series the worse for being in it.
The 3boot actually has kind of intersting premise being the Legion that is the enemy of their Superboy.
The Earth Prime thing was alluded to long ago by Waid himself. This ending matches up totally with Waid's hints...Including the 3boot Mon-El.
Remember when he was brought out of the zone, he wasn't sure if the S-shield was friend or foe, he just knew it put him in the zone. Prime easily slides into that.
The Reboot gets a premise very similar to what Keith Giffen had planned for the 5YG Legion...only instead of calling them the Omega Men, they're called the New Wanderers. This Legion which was the long shot of the 3 to survive actually came out of it with a multi-versal platform...they can fit into continuity now. Johns set them up with a very good reason for re-appearing.
The main Legion got rich in that it has pretty much the definitive versions of the characters, and the tie to Superman...
But Johns legitimately dropped the ball by ignorning the Supergirl issue....I mean he had it all right there to put her into this Legion's continuity. I realize this Legion isn't an exact copy of the Pre-Crisis Legion, but it supposed to have those relevant ties to the Superman Family and Supergirl is part of those...
This Brainiac 5 is the worse for it...
Overall though, I enjoyed the series with this final issue being probably the worst of the 5 in terms of quality, but the Legion is effectively sorted out and rebooted out of this...
That said...I see absolutely nothing about the now current Legion that is likely to set it apart from the 3boot or the reboot in terms of sales appeal. The only thing that is going to fix that is putting Superman in the title...and if they don't do that I don't expect this incarnation is going to fare any better than the any of the other reboots...the Superheroes of the future concept is a tough sell without a marquee character.
And if the Adventure stories are just going to feature one or two Legionnaires at a time...that's not the best format for the Legion, never has been.
But it is what it is....
Now it's wait to see what happens next and where the plotlines with the missing Legionnaires go.
I absolutely abhor the fact that the Legion is now kind of a Titans backup...I'ver never been a Titans fan, and not that much of a Connor Fan either and the fact that they are likely going to be featured heavily in the Adventure lead is not something I'm looking forward to reading through to get to my Legion stories. I am enjoying the Mon-El story in Superman so I guess that kind of offsets the Adventure disappointment.
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Johns dropped the ball at both 5YL and Supergirl, who actually shows up at the poster. How were they summoned and how did they simply disappeared? Why only the 2 other Legions "survived" to tell the story? The appearence of Kono, Kent Shakespeare, Laurel Gand, Devlin O'Ryan and Vi were poetical licences from PĂ©rez and Johns, but nothing else. And, as you said, there is absolutely nothing on it to tie to a killer hook for a new Legion book. It ends on a bunch of solo stories. It didn't explain how the current Superman fits into the Johnsverse Legion (maybe on the mini this will be retconned). And, again, much of the book was to retrofit Titans into continuity - so much that it is going to be revamped, but not the Legion. A wimper, by all accounts.
A PS: Did you guys notice that at the one-before-the-last panel at page 9, when Imra is opening the gate, 4 years do show up and I think they are exactly the years each Legion was created? It is as if 5YL was another Legion indeed: 3058, 3089, 3094, 3104.
Which would mean that current Legion is about 60 years-old, unless it is retconned...
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I liked the issue, the first & second issues were probably the best when it came to quality though.
The ending (concerning Superboy Prime) was...dull. It was an interesting twist but not an original one. Pertaining to SBP, I expected alot more of Time Trapper, he was just thrown in there, and we barely saw any of the Legion of Villains but I can live with that.
Kudos to Johns for <span class="spoiler_containter"><span class="spoiler_wording">Click Here For A Spoiler</span><span class="spoiler_text"> bringing back Bouncing Boy & Duplicate Damsel, two of my all-time favorites.</span></span>
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I'm happy with the way the book ended.
One thing that I think would have been a nice touch that he didn't do, though, would have been for Black-Magic Mysa to look like (or even call herself) the Hag.
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A larger 1.2 mb version is here Just to name everyone... First Row...Shadow Kid, <strike>"Tiger Girl"</strike> Bloodclaw, Shrinking Violet?, Power Boy, Supergirl, Triplicate Girl, Karate Kid, Wildfire, Atmos, Infectious Lass, Stealth, Lobo, "Urk," Phantom Girl Second Row...Fire Lad, Neon, Triad, Triplicate Girl/Duo Damsel, (<strike>Shrinking Violet</strike> Nightwind, Kid Quantum I, & Dawnstar [post-Bounty] - all behind balloon), Night Girl, Element Lad Third Row...Dream Girl, Sensor Girl, Lightning Lass, Porcupine Pete, Lightning Lad, Cosmic Boy, Saturn Girl, Tellus, Invisible Kid Fourth Row...Comet Queen's energy trail?, Laurel Gand, Dragonmage, Cosmic Boy, Saturn Girl, Lightning Boy, Laurel Kent, Cosmic Boy, Sensor, Computo, Lightning Lad, Matter-Eater Lad, Element Lad, Krypto, Reflecto, Spider Girl, Fledgerweb Fifth Row...Thunder, Duo Damsel, Duo Damsel, Kono, Stone Boy, Mon-El, Unnamed Academy Student, Computo, Visi-Lad, Streaky, Catspaw, Kinetix, Elastic Lad, Cosmic Boy, Chlorophyll Kid Sixth Row...Karate Kid, Polar Boy, Ultra Boy, Kid Psycho, Magnetic Kid, Bouncing Boy, Invisible Kid, Inferno, Captain Comet, Chemical King, Calamity King, Lady Quark, Quislet, Colossal Boy, Monstress, Echo Seventh Row...Shadow Lass, Quislet?, Laurel Gand, Crystal Kid, Kent Shakespeare, Color Kid, Proty (II?), Timber Wolf, Saturn Girl, Beppo, Princess Projectra, Tyroc Eighth Row...Devlin O'Ryan, Leviathan, Shrinking Violet, Vi, Ferro Lad, Strata, Veilmist, Insect Queen, Umbra, Chameleon Boy, Firefist, Furball
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It's. So. Beautiful.
Oh, and did anyone notice that on the page after Mysa goes black, and presumably never goes back, 3B Imra was talking.
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Originally posted by Sarcasm Kid: It's. So. Beautiful. It's funny to think that it's a Legion poster of mainly of all character made redundant after Johns. Kind of a bye-bye to all of them in a sense (otherwise, there is not a single reason for Kinetix, 5YL and L.E.G.I.O.N. being summoned).
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too bad I don't see Sandy Anderson, Nightwind, Lamprey, Shadow Kid...and Dream Boy... there in the spread out. however it was good to see Veilmist...ah....Chemical King...ah....Devlin O Ryan...ahh....Dragonmage....oh shucks I have to wait for one month to have my order arrive in my mail.
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Here's Geoff Johns take on Superboy Prime's fate, from the Comic Bloc: http://www.comicbloc.com/forums/showthread.php?t=72633&page=9 You are smart, Atom. You nailed it.
It's about Superboy-Prime's own private hell. He's created it for himself and we, the readers, are his jailers, we are not him. Prime is not a blanket "metaphor" for fanboys. It's called ironic black humor.
Hey, kids! Comics!
Glad this has been so widely divided. It's fun to see discussion here!
San Diego rules btw.
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It's strange, but the Umbra in the poster shot is NOT the one who came with the reboot Legion, she's before LOST. And the reboot Legion itself is strange because the time period they were taken from can't be defined since the costume on Umbra is one she adopted AFTER Monstress was killed. It's a minor point, I guess, but it adds to the(my) confusion.
The 5YL was never in the original continuity either, well, after Mon El destroyed the original Time Trapper in issue #4, anyway. About the issue ~ I was disappointed in the ending, except for XS and Gates remaining with the older Legion, I guess.
Prime didn't change or repent or get punished. And how is the 3boot Legion supposed to stop him when all of the Legions together really couldn't, since it was his TT persona who seemed to actually stop him. That was Superman's brilliant solution? Throw him back and let someone else deal with him later? I bet Lori appreciated his answer to things.
And why would reboot take off without a ship or anything? They're just going to float around in the 'multiverse', whatever THAT is? Anyone they find is just going to join hands and float around with them?
I just bought the 'Dance' and 'Escape' minis (both 'Final Crisis' connected) thinking that maybe the 'New' Wanderers will show up there. Is the 'multiverse' different or separate from the '52' and 'Final Crisis'? gads
The Black Witch reminds me just a little of Dark Phoenix. Except she wants to fight evil. We just don't know for how long. She was more mentally disturbed than everyone thought!
Those are my first thoughts. sigh
A singin' and a dancin' along the way.
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Originally posted by Ricardo:
Johns dropped the ball at both 5YL and Supergirl, who actually shows up at the poster. How were they summoned and how did they simply disappeared? Why only the 2 other Legions "survived" to tell the story? The appearence of Kono, Kent Shakespeare, Laurel Gand, Devlin O'Ryan and Vi were poetical licences from PĂ©rez and Johns, but nothing else. I don't see it that way. The sequence at the end of time was Imra summoning Legionnaires from the timestream and after KOing the Trapper, they all went back to whence they came. Soooo what has been established is that the Legion of the main DCU is the 'Johns' Legion. The Legion of the destroyed Universe-247 are out there as the New Wanderers. The Legion of Earth Prime is back on Earth Prime. And.... The Old Earth 1 is still out there and accessible from the end of time (that's how Kara turned up). Ditto the Post Crisis and Glorithverse Earths as the Pocket Universe Superboy was on page one and the 5YG and 5YL Legionnaires turned up. What Johns has done is create a situation where any of the previous incarnations of the Legion can be brought into play from the end of time and with Brainy having a full set of Time Spheres getting there is no problem. I don't understand why L.E.G.I.O.N. turned up but given that they did, it's a shame the Durlan ie RJ Brande wasn't in the end of time sequence. That would have been a nice closure. ... And the Earth 22 Legion. And the SW6 batch, And a Kid Quantum I, Mentalla, Anti-Lad, Kara's cousin, Pete Ross...
"Our devotion to each other was unexplainable" "You were kids" "No Batman, we were Legion"
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But Johns legitimately dropped the ball by ignorning the Supergirl issue....I mean he had it all right there to put her into this Legion's continuity. I realize this Legion isn't an exact copy of the Pre-Crisis Legion, but it supposed to have those relevant ties to the Superman Family and Supergirl is part of those...
This Brainiac 5 is the worse for it... I don't think so at all we still know little about this legion. If he wanted to he could say she also came from a different Earth aqnd just wan't in the crossover. Not everything had to be dealth with in this one mini. I still like the idea power girl was this legion's supergirl and she just forgot. There are a million ways to fix it.
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I liked the way this ended, much more so than the pitiful ending to 3boot.
I don't know if the Legion will ever be able to carry a regular series on its own again. Despite Geoff Johns' best efforts to clean up the continuity morass I don't think enough fans care about the legion anymore.
I think the best solution would be a constant stream of self contained series like this one, but less complicated. I loved Legion Lost.
I've just read the complete original Adventure Comics series and the Action/Superboy series up to S/LSH 219. Long ways to go yet at one per night!
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Originally posted by superboymddjr: too bad I don't see Sandy Anderson, Don't worry she's in the book itself on page 13 panel 6. The 5YL was never in the original continuity either, well, after Mon El destroyed the original Time Trapper in issue #4, anyway. Techincally it goes back to issue 18 of the baxter series since after that issue the post COIE legion appears. I bet Lori appreciated his answer to things. Yeah...i think Prime either killed or hurt her really bad by the implication of what he said to his parents "You don't want what happend to Lori to happen to you, do you? Pfft. That's what I thought"
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Guys I just realized a plot hole that isn't actually a plot hole. Why is it that Earth-Prime was reborn without a new Prime, when Earth-2 was reborn with a new Power Girl and Kal-L? And the truth, there are a couple of other mistakes that I think nullify it. In that Supergirl story with Saturn Queen, how did Saturn Queen remember the events of Absolute Power in SM/BM if her timeline was erased? Or that Happy Terril, the original Ray, claimed he went to Earth-10 instead of Earth-X when he was remembering his time with the Freedom Fighters. Or the fact that there are two worlds out there that mimic Marvel Comics, or the appearance of two very different versions of Earth-10.
And the fact that the Majestic of Earth-50 remembers travelling to the DC Universe.
Maybe it had to do with the battle during Infinite Crisis, or maybe because Prime really IS an anomaly.
I just felt the need to point this out before someone else realized it and blew it out of proportion.
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PS...i'm getting a kick out of talking to "prime" on the dc message boards LOL. I already told him we know where he lives dont make us all come there and kick his butt! ROFL.
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Just wait until Prime pops up here.
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We're legion we can kick his non powered butt LOL.
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And tell him that his armor made his ass look huge.
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