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I'm Thinking of a DCU character Part 6!
by Invisible Brainiac - 01/09/25 04:35 AM
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by Invisible Brainiac - 01/09/25 02:26 AM
Wheel of Fortune / Hangman Season 3
by Invisible Brainiac - 01/09/25 02:26 AM
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Legion Trivia 6
by Invisible Brainiac - 01/09/25 02:25 AM
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by Ann Hebistand - 01/08/25 05:11 PM
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The Non-Legion Comics Trivia Thread Pt 5
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I believe Prime is so scared of Impulse becasue he was responsible for Prime's defeat (well, along with Wally and Barry (?), I think) They grabbed him and took him into the Speed Force. Eventually, Bart returned though he had aged from a kid to a young man. Much later Bart was killed off by the Rogues and Wally returned in the Lightning Saga.

But Bart is very much responsible for Prime's defeat and the end of his hopes to remake the Earth inot Earth Prime.

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Prime wasn't really defeated by the Flashes, but they did trap him into the Speed Force (which he later broke out of).

It's never exactly been explained why Prime should fear the Flashes (I mean, it's not like they succeded in beating him up or anything) but there it is, he is scared of Bart.

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Retconned in backstory... not sure what to think about that, but thanks for clearing it up for me. So I'm not amnesiac as for Legion crossovers...

The Flashes defeated Superboy Prime? When, during Infinite Crisis? As far as I remember, it was Kon-El Superboy whom died the heros death defeating Prime... never had the motivation to reread Infinite Crisis, so my memories are hazy at best...

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Originally posted by Chemical King:
Retconned in backstory... not sure what to think about that, but thanks for clearing it up for me. So I'm not amnesiac as for Legion crossovers...

The Flashes defeated Superboy Prime? When, during Infinite Crisis? As far as I remember, it was Kon-El Superboy whom died the heros death defeating Prime... never had the motivation to reread Infinite Crisis, so my memories are hazy at best...
Kon-El destroyed Alex Luthor's machine while brawling with SB-Prime, but Prime won the fight (and killed Kon-el). The Flashes were responsible for trapping Prime in the Speed Force after the Titans massacre.

Supposedly years of relative time passed for them before he escaped and it was very traumatic for Prime, but we never saw exactly what happened in the Speed Force.

Prime was finally defeated by the two Supermen and the GLC (esp, Mogo).

Thanks for making me have to relive that.


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Originally posted by Chemical King:
2) Brainy explaining the continuity... now does this mean that all the three Legions, when time travelling, always travelled to New Earth? And does this mean that the Reboot is Earth 247, the Action Legion is from New Earths future and the Threeboot is from... another important Elseworld?

And did this first crossover ever really happen in a comic book - Negative Flash, Starman, I can't seem to remember it - or is Johns just making it up to explain the new continuity?

Please help....
The Reboot Legion did establish a time travel mission early in their history which none of them could truly remember, which might have been a seed for Johns.
Pondering the anomalous appearance of Brainiac 5.1 and Koko--perhaps intrigued by the by the vague accounts of the mission, Brainy opted to investigate it personally with an augmented version of the Anywhere Machine and ultimately ended up taking part of the adventure himself.

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According to DC's Web Site, Lo3W # 4 is now due on freaking May 13th!

I may have to resign myself to never seeing the end of this story after all. Not unless scientists figure out how to dramatically increase the human lifespan. And attention span.

Chaim Mattis Keller
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I heard there is actually a 6th issue for the series now but we won't see it until November 13th, 2055!

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Actually the three remaining issues will come simultaneously one from each merging world in May 3009!

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They're trying to tie it into the final issue of Ambush Bug: Year None.

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I heard the final issue will actually be available later today because when it comes out in 4009, they'll use time travel technology to send it backwards in time for us readers!

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Oh, I just hope the final issue doesn't get sent into the wrong universe again.

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Oh, and I neglected to mention, the current projected release date for # 5 is June 17.

Whichever univers that applies to.

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(I just hope my comic shop can finally get a #1 for me, before the last issue comes out!
I just got #2 last week.
They forgot I collect Legion!???????)

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From the latest Newsarama " 20 Answers " with Dan DiDio.

8) When will Superman: Secret Origin be starting?
DD: The Latter half of the year. Again, because some of the issues are oversized, we’re actually waiting until we have a few in the can, because we want Secret Origin to roll out monthly over six months, so we want to make sure we’re in a position that we can do that, confidently, and as I said, a lot of the things that were focusing on now are aimed at making sure we have enough material in the pipeline so we can be consistent in our delivery as promised.

Ya reckon that woulda worked with any other book?????????????????? mad mad mad mad mad

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A moment of silence for the passing, Legion-less, of March 25, 2009. This was the first scheduled release date for the conclusion of Legion of 3 Worlds, pushed off twice since.

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In mid-2007 I wrote a blogpost about superhero movies and TV shows, here:

In that article I said the following things about the plethora of superhero stuff that was around:

In particular, it's a good time to be a fan of the Legion. DC is publishing two quite decent Legion comics every month, the TV show is entering its second season, there are obviously big plans for the Legion in titles like Supergirl and Countdown and Action Comics, it's the 50th anniversary of Adventure Comics #247 next year, and just recently I was able to walk into McDonald's and buy a Mano toy (the significance of which defies analogy).
My advice: enjoy it while you can. Because if it lasts forever, it'll be one of the few things that ever has.
Now, I wasn't bright enough to directly link those two passages. But it's scary how quickly it can all go away and leave us with, basically, nothing.

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I know, I'm worried that we're in danger of becoming a nostalgia fan site like the Doom Patrol fans. I believe there will eventually be a new book but I have nothing to base that on but wishful thinking, hope and faith. Certainly not faith in Didio but faith in fandom to not let this group die off due to corporate neglect.
Not much to go on is it?

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There have been rumours. I read somewhere that somebody at DC said that there would be a regular Legion title in 2010. And Kurt Busiek apparently put in a Legion pitch one day late: DC had already accepted someone *else's* Legion pitch.

None of which is any guarantee of anything, of course.

But I do believe that a) DC's intention is not to put the Legion into storage indefinitely, and b) even if that was their intention, DC never keeps any of their major properties out of circulation forever. If the freaking Odd Man can come back and appear in Infinite Crisis and 52, then the Legion, which is one of DC's major properties, must bob up to the surface again sooner or later. It's inevitable. The only questions are a) when and b) how well. I have no idea as to the answer of the second one, but the answer to the first is "not nearly soon enough".

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Originally posted by Yellow Kid:
I believe there will eventually be a new book but I have nothing to base that on but wishful thinking, hope and faith.
They can't let the Legion lie fallow too long, or they'll start risking their IP rights. So, even from a cold-blooded pragmatic perspective, the Legion will be back.

And to those who quoted Didio's empty promises back when some of us were antsy about the Legion's uncertain future, I wish to heck y'all were right. I would rather be wrong and have a monthly Legion comic and a cartoon and be thought the 'sky is falling' crank in the corner!

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One thing that's worth pointing out: Marvel and DC have a joint trademark on the word "superhero". In order to keep this trademark, which I must assume they really want to do, my understanding is that every now and then they have to publish something with the word "superhero" in it. And, for DC, the most obviously easy way for them to do this is to have a comic book starring the Legion of Super-Heroes. In fact, I don't believe that either company has any other title that works nearly as well.

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Legion will be back when Johns finishes some of his 5-year-long plots, right after L3W comes out in 2096. This is also when GL: Blackestest Night comes out too.

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Do guest appearances work for the IP 'thing'?

'Cause it looks to me like the Legion could exist in that kind of limbo, for a scadzillion years!

DC seems to LOVE scattering a few of them here and there throughout the DCU.

Maybe, if the Legion is in the 'Smallville season ending episode coming up soon, DC will do something to coincide with the first episode of the new season, in the fall.

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Isn't this the final season for Smallville? I thought I read that somewhere...

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I read recently Smallville was renewed for season 9 and TPTB are already planning for another Legion related episode. smile

Craig C.

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Maybe I'm a hopeless Legion fanboy but methinks what they're trying to do is roll the Legion concept around a few high-profile titles until it starts to grow into a big snowball they can launch a title from...somewhat akin to what happened in the past when LSH first started out in Adventure Comics and demand grew from there.

With appearances in JSA (Star Boy, some of the other team members from the Lightning Saga arc), the Action (Terra Man et al) and now Mon-el in a/the Superman title/s, it seems plausible. The only prob I see was that worked for the LSH back in the day because there were hardly any teams at all like LSH...but today, I can't say the same.

Also, the nice thing with Lo3W succeeding the way it has (the few issues that've come out), TPTB at DC saw that as a concept the LSH is still financially viable...with the unfortunate caveat that it has to be attached to big names like Johns & Perez...something that holds true for most titles these days. Like it or not, titles are more likely to sell provided the marquee names are there to shine their light on it. The only exceptions I can think off are some indies (Invincible, Walking Dead) or alternative titles (Fables) whose concepts are just really unique.

So yeah, I'm hopeful that there will be a Legion title soon, but I think that delays (i.e. Lo3W) have caused plans to be pushed back for 2 reasons:

First, I think DC understands that between pushing a brand new comic (new characters, new concepts) to readers versus selling a title with a built-in fanbase, the latter will do much better (given also if its not a flagship character like Supes or Bats)...less $$$ to spend on building awareness, selling the concept, etc.

Second, DC knows they messed up with the tail end of the latest reboot and are trying to a) tether the Legion now to as many strong titles as they can to encourage "crossover" buying (getting Supe/GL buyers to buy LSH) and b) to find the best possible marquee creative team available. Right now from a business perspective not having an LSH title is equivalent to not earning from ~25K copies sold (simplistic argument given economies of scale, breakeven point, etc).

Nonetheless I see hope at the end of Lo3W because I just love this concept and if I csn't hope then I might as well keel over and die. :-)

Igee The Mighty!
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