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Timberwolf's hair
#67156 12/20/04 10:46 PM
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In which era did TimberWolf have the best hair and if he shows up in this New Reboot What kind of hair should he have.

a)Original Clean Cut
b)Spiked Hair Cockrum Hair
c)Levitz/Giffen Era MopTop
d)Magic Wars Caesar Haircut
e)Long Hair, Last Version
f)Something else else New, maybe Slicked Back Hair.

What do you guys think???

Re: Timberwolf's hair
#67157 12/21/04 01:13 AM
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I liked the Levitz/Giffen mop top. A little long and shaggy but not too much. The spiked Cockrum look would have him too much like Wolverine (yes I know TW had it first) and I hated the mullet later on but got used to it.


Re: Timberwolf's hair
#67158 12/21/04 01:53 AM
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Something else else new would be nice, but the mop top was good. Too much hair gets makes him look like an imitation lion, not a wolf. I'd say keep the shaggy look but maybe that's just clichéd.

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Re: Timberwolf's hair
#67159 12/21/04 06:53 AM
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Yeah, shaggy, tousled, whatever you want to call it. I'm more in favor of a wildman look than the facile animalistic thing. Done to death.

I used to get high on life, but I built up a tolerance.
Re: Timberwolf's hair
#67160 12/21/04 09:31 AM
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I loved the way that Steve Lightle drew him, particularly in the issue when he goes to Lythl. He has a leanness that none of the other Legion strong guys shared. That, to me, expresses the wolf in him most clearly. Wolves (one of my favorite animals) have always seemed to me like lean, economized dogs, with none of the extra fat that dogs put on in the largely sedentary lifestyle that most of them lead in human homes. Wolves are built to hunt, often over long distances, and T-wolf should be built the same way.

So, yeah, short version is I like the mop top, bu more for what went along with it.

Re: Timberwolf's hair
#67161 12/21/04 09:49 AM
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I liked the Lightle look too. Sort of sloppy since I think Brin would probably be runnerup behind Brainy in not caring about his looks (Brainy in the Lightle/Larroque era was always getting to the point of looking shaggy), unless it was back when Ayla probably had him using "product" in his hair. Maybe that explains the Cockrum look.

Re: Timberwolf's hair
#67162 12/21/04 02:44 PM
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I liked the Cockrum hair best. I didn't care much for the Levitz/Giffen-era hair, but that might be because he seemed to drop 20 or so IQ points around the same time. I might have just had a general dislike for the character at that point.

Re: Timberwolf's hair
#67163 12/21/04 04:18 PM
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i'd pick the mop top, also ....


Re: Timberwolf's hair
#67164 12/21/04 07:58 PM
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I liked the Cockrum look the best - not just the hair, but his pupil-less eyes as well.

If he came back though I'd want something new but somewhat animalistic.

Re: Timberwolf's hair
#67165 12/21/04 09:08 PM
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The shaggy, longish look is cool. I wouldn't mind seeing it long again, but without the stripes and the split ends. Long but sleek.

I wonder if split ends have been cured by the 31st century. Maybe thay've been fixed for so long that they've actually come into style.
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Re: Timberwolf's hair
#67166 12/21/04 11:43 PM
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To quote Julie Brown in Earth Girls are Easy, "Split ends are universal."

I would like Brin to look more like an actual wolf, so that'd mean sort of stiff, spiky grey colored hair, with wicked yellow eyes and a pale skin tone. His costume should match the look, too.

However, I have always liked the way Timber Wolf looked as drawn by Mike Grell. He took Cockrum's design and streamlined it a bit.

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