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"Lost To The Legion Part 2" - Spoilers Within


First things first - No one dies. Feeling better now?

The situation is grim as the Legion and the Titans face the Fatal 500. Raven teleports the teams to the relative safety of the former Legion HQ in Metropolis (apparently it hadn't been repurposed or destroyed in all the DnA Earth Shattering Events). During the lull Superboy is torn between his loyalties to the two teams. Brainiac 5 deduces a means to returning the FF doppelgangers to their own realities using vibrational frequencies provided by XS and Kid Flash. The combined teams attempt to hold off the 500 while the cousins generate the neccesary speed, a brief side trip by Bart notwithstanding. The alternate Fives fade back to their true realities.

An unforseen side effect pulls the two teams into the timestream and although the Persuaders axe (captured by Superboy) has the means to "cut" through the timestream to put the teams back into normal time/space. Unfortunately it's a one way trip to either the past or the future. The Legion volunteer to take exile to the past but a last ditch attack by the Persuader seperates the teams. The Titans make it back to the past but something seems amiss... (see the next issues of Titans if you're interested.)

The Legion remain stuck in the timestream but are determined to remain together and find a way out. The team link hands with Shikari at one end in order for her to utilize her tracking abilities if possible. Unfortunately she is seperated from the team and finds herself alone over an unfamiliar, yet futuristic landscape. The remaining team members continue to maitain their chain and to the familiar cry "Long Live the Legion" are lost to us as they fade to white...

Goodbye Legion 2.0, I will miss you.

I'm omitting tons of nice character moments and fun asides between the two teams. In fact those moments are what makes this book enjoyable. The dry story mechanics as spoiled above are not especially memorable but the spirit of the Legion shines through to the end. The art is quite good as well. I'll be interested to find out if Shikari has somehow been shunted tho the Waid/Kitson reality. It's worth noting that other than the Legion, the post-Zero Hour reality is left intact. In fact, the cadets are left behind and theoretically could carry on the Legion tradition in that reality.

I will post about the Waid/Kitson preview seperately. Might as well get used to the new reality.

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Wow! That does sound like a great send off. Can't wait ot see it on Monday! laugh

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[Insert worst swear word you can think of here. I can't think of any strong enough] Waid.

Originally posted by matlock:
First things first - No one dies. Feeling better now?


The remaining team members continue to maitain their chain and to the familiar cry "Long Live the Legion" are lost to us as they fade to white...
Doesn't sound that way.

My views are my own and do not reflect those of everyone else... and I wouldn't have it any other way.

Cobalt, Reboot & iB present 21st Century Legion: Earth War .
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Lost in the timestream does not equal dead in Legion World explosion or hacked up by axes. They're gone just the same but an unecessary bloodbath was avoided.

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Originally posted by matlock:
They're gone just the same

[Linked Image] [Linked Image] [Linked Image] [Linked Image]

My views are my own and do not reflect those of everyone else... and I wouldn't have it any other way.

Cobalt, Reboot & iB present 21st Century Legion: Earth War .
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Reboot, I see a dilemma for you with the Legion/TT special. On one hand it is the last appearance of your preferred legion; on the other hand it includes a preview of the new Legion which you have sworn not to support in any way. So what will you do - purchase the book and go back on your word about the new Legion, or refuse to buy the book and miss your Legion's final appearance?

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Maybe the people at your shop will rip out the preview if you ask.

Seriously, I think you'd find this a more proper sendoff than Gail's arc so you might want to pick it up.

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Originally posted by Semi Transparent Fellow:
Reboot, I see a dilemma for you with the Legion/TT special. On one hand it is the last appearance of your preferred legion; on the other hand it includes a preview of the new Legion which you have sworn not to support in any way. So what will you do - purchase the book and go back on your word about the new Legion, or refuse to buy the book and miss your Legion's final appearance?
My Legion's final in-continuity appearance was Legion 33 (I put L34 between 30 & 31. FNBR doesn't count). No dilemma at all.

My views are my own and do not reflect those of everyone else... and I wouldn't have it any other way.

Cobalt, Reboot & iB present 21st Century Legion: Earth War .
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Well, for what was basically one long battle (but then again,this is a super hero comic) things weren't half bad. A lot of nice character bits, and it was nice to see my favorite Legion member, XS, in action. As for the end with the Legion? I'm still iffy on that. No sign of Jenni in this reboot/future/whatever, but it seems another one of my favorites, Shikari appears to still be around though. I guess for now I'll have to wait and see on what XS's fate will be, since I know I saw her with the other Legion members in that timewarp. I hope she doen't get sacrificed becuase she's not "silver age" although the bit with Shikari has given me at least some hope though, but couldn't they have just left her to lead the cadets in the 30th century? No muss, no fuss, and no wonking around with Bart's past.

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Two observations/thoughts....

Originally posted by LoneWolf21:
I guess for now I'll have to wait and see on what XS's fate will be, since I know I saw her with the other Legion members in that timewarp. I hope she doen't get sacrificied becuse she's not "silver age" although the bit with Shikari has given me at last some hope though, but couldn't they have just left her to lead the cadets in the 30th century? No muss, no fuss, and no wonking around with Bart's past.
#1 Didn't I hear somewhere that after all of this is said and done, a Legionnaire would end up in the Teen Titans? We've all assumed it was a reference to Superboy's return to the past and others speculated that Star Boy was finally taking on the Starman mantle, but maybe it's XS.

#2 Has anyone else found it amusing that Waid & Kitson have turned the tables with the new incarnation of Gim? In the DnA version, Gim is killed and Vi inherits his growing powers. Now, Gim is back and he has "inherited" her shrinking powers. Subtle inside joke from the new team?

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The saddest part in all of this is the fact that I enjoyed the way these charaters were written by Waid and Johns. It's a shame they didn't feel like they could capture an audience writing about them.

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I flipped through the story. I just didn't have the heart to read it through. I find it all too painful right now.

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To be the honest, I really didn't think the story was anything special. It seemed like Johns when he is at his overpadded worst. I don't think there's much of a chance of it replacing End of an Era as far as gret send-offs go. Though that last image of the entire Legion holding hands struggling to survive was a bit chilling considering the consequences.

I also really didn't care too much for all the technobabble about the Persuader's axe and ripping realities and what-not. I guess since I already knew what was going to happen, the journey was just too tedious.

I am grateful, however, that the writers cared enough to give an in-continuity reason for the reboot. I'm glad they didn't pull the Doom Patrol trick. That would have made me very angry.

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I'm afriad to buy this. I love reboot. I love those characters.

I simply don't get it. So Reboot got shunted off to the timestream, and the WAID Legion is a different reality?

But yeah, I'm going to bash Waid.

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Originally posted by Super Lad Kid:
To be the honest, I really didn't think the story was anything special.
I also was NOT impressed with this "Special."

The battle between the Legion/Titans and the "Fatal Five Hundred" was boring and ludicrous. The last time we saw the Fatal Five (The Legion #15 and 16), they were outnumbered yet still man-handled the Legionnaires opposing them. Somehow the Fatal Five Hundred are much weaker than the Fatal Five. The super-heroes should be getting slaughtered in this "Special", but instead through 20 pages we see 35 super-heroes fending off 500 of the most powerful and fearsome villains of the 31st century, without so much as sustaining an injury. Ludicrous.

Regarding the Waid/Kitson pages, don't be fooled: it is a RADICAL re-imagining of the LSH, and one that doesn't really tickle my fancy. What Waid/Kitson are doing here looks intelligent, multi-faceted and "true" science fiction...., but it's not the LSH. The Legion characters are being shoe-horned into this concept.

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I'll give Johns credit for trying to create a little emotional tension when Superboy has to choose. The moment when he looks at himself in the mirror was good. Later when Cos asks him what he's going to decide his answer reminded me of Kal-el's decision in a similar situation. I've never respected Kon like I did Kal but that was damned nice. Like bart says: "Superboy and the Legion of Super Heroes, why does that sound familiar?" For me it was nice to see a spark of the REAL Superboy in Kon-el.

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Excellent. This special was fantastic. I had my doubts after the choppy nature of the story in Teen Titans #16, but they were not brought to fruition.

I found the myriad versions of the fatal five fixating. I loved the nods at the various incarnations--the early reboot clubhouse, Bart questioning his familiarity with "Superboy and the Legion of Super-Heroes," Lyle's offer that the legion wear their names on their shirts. Good stuff.

I'm glad they explained why the Persuader's axe is now able to cut into different realities. And I was happy with the length and nature of the personal moments. Overall, the plausibility was much more than I had hoped for.

I'm very glad they didn't kill anyone. But seeing the Legion drift off like that was pretty wrenching. Luckily, I don't think that we've seen the last of them, not since Shikari has made it through. Plus their expressing that some other force was involved.

It was exhilarating to see the new team, especially Element Lad. And I'm glad that it's light lass and not a duplicate lightning-wielder. I was also gratified that this future isn't all about more metal technology, but adds some biological aspects too. It's all been set up with some real depths to plumb, and I can't wait to see where it goes!


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the art was great

the story was silly (the Fatal 500? come on, Mano alone destroys planets, Validus and the Empress have each stood alone against an impressive number of Legionnaires) and seemed to focus primarily on the Titans, which would be great if i read the book and cared a whit about this version (but i don't)

who/what was that pounding on reality? us, the fans? Earth-2's Superman from Kingdom Come Hypertime? all the characters about to be wiped in the reboot?

the preview was tight at the end for the new Legion book

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The bad.

Well, I wish individual members would have been given more face time. And I agree, the story was silly.

I know this is nit picky but, M'Onel is in his old uniform. Live Wire's back to Element Lad's costume?!? Violet is called Leviathan again. Andromeda's back and no longer a short nun, with no explanation.

The good.

Waid and Johns actually captured some of the magic of the post-boot Legionnaires. XS has some much needed moments. Witty reparte. They gave us the opportunity to say goodbye and give an explanation as to why Superboy is back with the Titans.

The art was really nice! And Rhonda Pattison of Sno Cone, Studies rocked the house! Nice job!

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What a bunch of crap.

"Superboy, it's your decision which team survives." How ridiculous was that? Rokk is going to trust such a decision to his idiotic whipping boy?

And just how does Cosmic Boy KNOW that the Legion will be stranded in this limbo once Superboy drops his TK shield or whatever. Does the timestream know the difference between Titans and Legionnaires? It can automatically separate the 2 teams and send one group back in time while the other is lost in limbo? How did they even get into that limbo? The FF is shown breaking through the walls of the clubhouse and a couple pages later it's announced that "we're in limbo." Pathetic storytelling.

And just how the heck did Persuader chop into these other dimensions PRECISELY where another FF was just waiting to pop through and join the fight and attack whoever happened to be standing there without any explanation? I can see Persuader chopping into other dimensions with Tharok's brainy help (it's a huge stretch but okay) but being able to home in on all the alternate FFs is too much for me to swallow.

And hello? There are about 30 super heroes standing around holding an unconscious Persauder captive. Do you think just ONE of them might have been keeping an eye on him in order to prevent him from coming to and attacking Superboy at a critical moment?

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I was surprised to find that I was quite sad to see the present team drift off into the time stream. Of course, the possibilities are still there for a mini-series of their adventures in the time stream. Perhaps DC could call back the writers and artists to guest in each issue. As for the story, it appeared to be one long battle - not very interesting to me. However, there were many fine moments that have been mentioned above. I was happy that Gear finally got some "face time" even if it was only the back of his head. I'm also heartened to see that Shikari might be sticking around. I like her. To me she's not insectoid, but rather elfen or fairy.

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Overall, I think I liked it. It might take a little while for it to really sink in though. No more of my first Legion? Well, that and I didn't sleep last night (not because of the comic, heh) so this post might be a little incoherent. wink Sorry.

It was pretty neat, when I went into the comic store every other customer in there was also buying this book. I got the last copy the guy had.

I'm glad the Persuader's new power was explained, even if offhandedly. I don't like the little flaws other people mentioned, especially Andromeda's mysterious appearance, but since the Legion's been in this battle for 'months,' maybe Andromeda's had time to grow her hair out and don the ole loincloth once again in the name of cosmic justice. I liked the differences between the Fatal Fives. I do think 100 Fatal Fives would have destroyed the Earth to itty bitty bits by now if they wanted, but hey, I'll give slack on that too. Overall I liked the book. I enjoyed the Titans and Legion's interaction, especially the conversation between Jo and Tinya about the similarity in ages versus the difference in maturity.

Brainy and Bart parted on pretty good terms in the 20th century, didn't they? Brainy left Bart the earplug and later called him in (over other Legionnaires' protests) to help against Computo. He seems to have it in for Bart here though. Well, maybe it's just the stress.

To be perfectly honest, the whole vibrations axe universe tearing thing made absolutely no sense to me. It could again be because I haven't slept in a while. I'm gonna chalk it up to comic magic. It's not really the important part.

The Legion holding hands was a very stirring image. Hey, look, they kinda form an "L"! Heh.

I don't know what to think about the 'preview' for the new boot (3boot?) I don't like the idea of the Legion as some sort of illegal underground movement, but so long as we don't get into Legion On the Run territory... At least the world and universe has a rather clearly expressed sci-fi 'atmosphere' to it. I was annoyed at the making out in the back of the hovercar, too... what's the opposite of anachronistic? That. Lyle seems kind of immature in this. Brainy has wires coming out of his head. I'll need to see more to understand where they're going with this...

Going to go post about the costumes now!

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Originally posted by Mearl Dox:
what's the opposite of anachronistic?

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Honestly my first thought was "What a snoozefest." Hideous comic until page 32, when we first meet the new Legion universe. There's some interesting potential there, but I don't see the point of the first 32 pages.

I don't have much of a reaction to the Post-Boot Legion's fate. It kinda reminded me of the fall of the JSA, when they were stuck in another dimension battling Ragnarok for "eternity" (that, of course, would be eternity in comic book time). Give it time and somebody will want to take those toys back off the shelf.

I like what we see of the new Legion. Of course, what I like best is that Lyle is there and has finally gotten a futuristic update to his powers.

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Originally posted by LyleLyle:

I like what we see of the new Legion. Of course, what I like best is that Lyle is there and has finally gotten a futuristic update to his powers.
How so? We didn't see him use his powers....

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