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"although the inconsistent faces still bother me at times "

Purely out of curiosity, and for the sake of interest, can you point out two faces in issue 36 that were inconsistent with each other?

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It's always good to see Nura reappear.... but I agree with the above readers that we should get her "dream soul" or whatever re-connected with her missing body soon and move forward. Maybe Jeckie has been masking Nura's whereabouts since she aquired her illusion casting powers??
I look forward to Jim's run on the Legion again! I will miss and do miss Mark and Barry AND Dennis and Tony as well. Thanks to all you guys for a great 36 issues thus far.

Looking to great things for the future...........................

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Wow, the last six months have really flown thanks to Dennis and Tony. Guys, thank you for introducing Tenzil and Drake, for some terrific character moments with Mekt, Thom, Violet, Imra, Brainy, Dreamy, etc., and for ending the arc on such an upbeat note. Most of all, thank you for treating the Legion with affection and respect. It's been a fun ride.

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I'm acrually hoping Nura will stay as-is, usually in Querl's head but occassionally elsewhere. As much as I was rooting for her resurrection at the time, I think this version really works. It might be the single best element Waid introduced.

I'll ditto Tromium, too.

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I responded to this a few days and lost it. frown

The issue did feel rushed. On the art side I liked it though. In some instances I noticed a thinner line which I liked. I also like the facial expressions best in this issue. Dennis' Supergirl rocked!

The story certainly felt rushed. Too many questions. Still liked it better than any of Waid's.

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Originally posted by Lad Boy:
Damn Verizon Wireless. My earlier attempt at a post didn't transmit.

We Calero/Bedard fans grieve the end of their run. You Calero/Bedard detractors were probably not swayed to our side.
I think that's one of the problem. I'm a big Bedard fan and it's the first thing he writes that I don't like.

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Mr. Bedard and Mr. Calero did a great job in tying up some loose ends and transitioning to the upcoming creative team. I enjoyed both the story and art in the past six issues. I think they did an amazing job, especially under the constraints of the established run and time they had to do it.
Congratulations to you both!

That said, I am still having a hard time accepting this latest Waid reboot. After three years, I still don't like most of the characters, many of the costumes, and definitely dislike the basic youth vs. adult premise of the whole thing. By contrast, the Action stories are much more to my liking. I would like to see Mr. Shooter steer away from as much of the Waid foundation as possible, as soon as possible.

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Even for Waid, the adult-v-kid thing seemed to be an element cast aside fairly early (but then, what wasn't?).

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Well, that settled a lot of questions! But I'm having a hard time getting my head around this Dream Girl business.

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Personally, I liked the issue a lot.

Thanks very much for a great six issues, Dennis.

Aaron Kashtan/Sir Tim Drake
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The Infinite Man--of Gripes! (and--of Space!)
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I thought that the art work was great, yet again. Kudos, Dennis! And the story was good, too; I'm looking forward to seeing Evolvo Lad again in the future. smile

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I'll be brief, since I don't want to sound like I'm just bitching, but I didn't like the issue at all. It wasn't bad exactly but it didn't really interest me either. The story felt... odd. More like a story where the basic plot beats and resolutions had been given first and then Bedard had to fill in the details which meant the whole thing felt slightly hollow. There were some nice ideas and characters but ultimately none of them really connected with me.

The art I thought was just too dark. Too many heavy shadows and half hidden faces and murky surroundings made it feel wrong for the title. I don't think Dennis is a bad artist but I do think he's not teh right match for the Legion. It's a much more Vertigo-esque feel (without the prerequisite Vertigo colour pallet of brown, yellow and some more brown) and doesn't click with me on this title.

So, yeah, not bad exactly but just sort of a feeling of wrongness when I read it that left me not liking it much, if you see what I mean.

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That's fair Bevis. 99% of the criticism of art on this title that I've seen has basically centered around the feeling that the art just isn't "right" and depending on your view of what is "right" for the title, there's really no argument I can make except the ones that I've already made in terms of MY feeling of the appropriateness of the work.

One thing no one can fight is if you have a pre-conveieved image of a title or a character, it can be very difficult to present something new. Most of the time, this is neighter good nor bad. Many long term characters have a built in template that made them succesful that was honed over decades sometimes and one goes against that at their peril.

With a character like Batman, who has multiple titles, it can be easier. One can always say, "well, if you don't liek my Batman, read another one of the 20 current permutations."

But I understand you guys don't get enough legion, no nearly enough.

So to everyone, thanks for sticking with the book, love it or hate it. We did what we had to do for Jim, who is going to be awesome, and we even managed to keep the sales figures within DC's hopes for a temporary arc. And that's all thanks to you guys!

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Oh exactly. I loved Coipel on LSH but can compleetly understand why a lot of people didn't think he was right for the book. I'd probably feel very different about your art if it were on Hellblazer or Fables or even something like X-Factor, but ultimately it's about taste and expectations rather than purely artistic merit.

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Well, I thought you did an great job Dennis! Thank YOU for an enjoyable though short run. I thought the style was perfectly fitting for the storyline. Mystery, deception... What's next for Denis Calero?

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The B/C run was a great ride. It was a fine example of how to handle a legion of characters. We got the team broken into groups, connected with an over-reaching story. Tony gave us some Atom Girl, Lightning Lad, and Star Boy moments. We saw Brin cute loose and Violet step up to her role as kick-nass kid. Forget setting the stage for Jim S. this was a solid run.

Dennis's art brought a different feel to teh book. He mentioned with a previous issue, he was trying to provide a more grounded, sci-fi look, and it worked. There were scenes that I thought were a bit dark, but I still liked the pretty pictures. smile

I'm all for seeing the B/C team on another book.

Just spouting off.
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I try to avoid commenting too much about art, as I know that tastes are very subjective.

Some of the little tiny details in Dennis' art really amused me, such as the way Dreamy's lips pulled back when she was shouting in Imra's face, or the length of Garth's chin on the first page (repeated later near the end at a different size), making him look oddly like the evil lawyer-dude from the Angel TV series. The look on Brainy's face when he told Imra that he was gonna kick her out now if she didn't give him some alone time with his dream girl was also awesome, and very, very much not the sort of face that people usually draw on Brainy (who is all-too-often drawn looking all constipated and annoyed).

Other stuff, like the many pictures of people's hands that clearly did not have flight rings on them, I rolled my eyes at, but ultimately, it's a quibble, not a complaint, since that sort of technical detail doesn't really impact the story so much. (Hey, last page, Vi has a Flight Ring!)

Although it was amusing that Brainy was facing the wrong way when he was yelling at Imra and telling her that she had no business being in his head, with Imra standing behind him and him shouting into *Nura's* face...

The writing also had some very nice parts, such as Brainiac being referred to, not just by Nura, but by Imra as well, as *Querl.* It's been 36 issues, and I still wasn't sure if *this* Brainiac 5 was actually named Querl Dox (lots of other stuff had changed, after all). It makes me all verklempt to read the Legionnaires referring to each other as *people.* Querl also refers to Imra by name, which, again, was awesome. I love the idea that these Legionnaires no longer hold each other in naked contempt and derision, as they have for the last few years.

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Dennis, sorry I didn't post sooner, but it's been uber-hectic in the DC world lately. I want to thank you and Tony for such an enjoyable run on the Legion. I can't believe it was six months, but I would not have minded it being longer.

On your art, I really enjoyed it, especially the expressive faces and the strong atmospherics. Your run reminded me of how I felt, oh, 30 years ago when Jim Sherman followed Mike Grell on the title. At first, it was a huge shock, but I soon began to totally dig the style, mood and composition that Sherman brought, and then I really missed him when he departed the title so quickly. I may have mentioned it before, but the panel with the closeup of Atom Girl talking to the small holo of Brainiac was a great, clever and ironic composition, telegraphing all kinds of things about the relationship between these two characters. Bravo!

And that's what I am going to remember most about this arc, the wonderful characterization you and Tony brought to these beloved characters. Waid's dialogue was usually wonderful, but I often felt he sacrificed character for snark. Tony's writing brought all of these characters to life in way Mark rarely did, sadly. While it was sometimes hard to appreciate the plot, knowing that it was constrained to bridge from Waid to Shooter, Tony's wonderful characterization made the arc worthwhile.

Thanks so much for posting here during your run. Your participation (and Kitson's before you), has brought a whole new level of enjoyment to reading the Legion.

...but you don't have a moment where you're sitting there staring at a table full of twenty-five characters with little name signs that say, "Hi, my superpower is confusing you!"
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Catching up: just got the last two issues and loved both of the stories and characters. It seemed like a lot of story was told, though I wish they'd have left that gramdpa crap well enough alone.

The art was a lot of fun but so much black in every scene made it difficult for me to see.

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Good Sherman anaology, doub.

While stylistically different, Dennis' style is similar to Sherman's in how different it was from what came before, and how he used color and lighting as more intrinsic elements, and added a naturalistic flair instead of the more standardized comic-art approach that preceded. I've been trying to think of a way to put it into words; your Sherman comparison fits the bill.

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Yes, the Sherman analogy works. I had been working with a Copiel analogy in my mind, but Sherman works better. Coipel seems to have been brought in because the editors wanted to shake things up, and point the book a different - more mature - direction. They seemed to know exactly what they were doing.

With both Sherman and Calero the editors seemed to be in situations where there weren't any clear solutions or concrete plans. They took a chance on artists with a fresh styles and ended up with delightful results.

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Hey Dennis C., I know you read and respond to the posts on here and I just wanted to say a big THANK YOU for your run on this series! It was an honour having you on board for some of the Legion's great history, and here's hoping we see your fine work on here again soon. Maybe a special issue sometime down the road?
All the best in whatever you do... I'm sure you'll be successful.

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Originally posted by Kid Quislet:
Mr. Bedard and Mr. Calero did a great job in tying up some loose ends and transitioning to the upcoming creative team. I enjoyed both the story and art in the past six issues. I think they did an amazing job, especially under the constraints of the established run and time they had to do it.
Congratulations to you both!

That said, I am still having a hard time accepting this latest Waid reboot. After three years, I still don't like most of the characters, many of the costumes, and definitely dislike the basic youth vs. adult premise of the whole thing. By contrast, the Action stories are much more to my liking. I would like to see Mr. Shooter steer away from as much of the Waid foundation as possible, as soon as possible.
I can totally second your feelings. I recently reread the Waid run, but well... I kept my opinion that it was mediocre at best. The more Shooter will leave out, the better his run will start off.

As for Calero/Bedard, it was a hard task to write this thing without a beginning or an ending, so they did good on their task. I cared much more for these six issues than for the first 20 Waid books. They were not spectacular but they were enjoyable. Well done and see you soon!

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Just read the issue and I'm strangely dissapointed - The art was okay though not the best we've seen from Dennis to date, the colours were great and the characters were, well, alien! I'm really uncomfortable with Brainy admitting he set up the wanderers, this is an awful twist!Imra and Nuras casual acceptance of this rationale is also shocking. I also didn't understand the whole Evolvo Lad thing, what was the point of introducing him and having him fight the group again? It made absolutely no sense to me.

After a strong run with great characters, fantastically atmospheric and interesting art and a wonderful mystery linking each issue this issue was a disappointment for me.

That said it was better than the six issues that preceded it.

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I think it's pretty much been said before, but I appreciated this six-issue arc more than the stories before. Thanks to Messrs Bedard and Calero.

I for one am glad that Kara is finally back in her own time, and this series can go back to being about the LSH, not a timelost and confused Kryptonian. Having said that, over in Action, I am digging the tale of a timelost and confused Kryptonian...

Roll on Jim Shooter, and roll on the time when the Final Crisis (Final? Yeah, right!) resets the timelines and there is only one Legion! I make no apologies for hoping it will be the Levitz legion, or some variation thereon. The last three years have been painful.

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