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<span class="spoiler_containter"><span class="spoiler_wording">Click Here For A Spoiler</span><span class="spoiler_text">And so Supergirl's term as leader ends before it even gets started thanks to the scheming of Brainiac 5, who is looking out for everyone's best interest like the president of Plato's Republic.

Some nice bits as Bedard finishes the bridge between Waid and Shooter. He continues to bring out the aspects of the characters that I think MW intended but too often hid behind some of the edgier unlikable aspects of youth.

Saturn Girl is as she's always been the female aspect of Brainiac 5. Both are controlling and keep their own secrets, Where Brainy is cerebral and analytical with facts and figures Imra is equally analytical with emotions, gossipy needing to know about everyone else. So know she knows for sure about Dream Girl, is she going to tell anybody?

If there was any doubt before I think it's safe to say that Brainiac and Dream Girl are married. I really got a kick when Imra and Brainy smiled when she got kicked out of "the room" when Dreamy and Brainy got kissy faced. It was a dorky superhero moment and yet quite mundane for a bunch of younguns living in a co-ed dorm.

So goodbye Supergirl, we know that you have at a whole bunch of issues with bad writing in your immediate future. Let's hope that the Legion candidates that Brainy recruited over the past few issues were requested by JS because I kinda like Tenz and Drake.</span></span>

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Thanks Peter!

Because of the American holiday last week, I won't be getting this until tomorrow. frown

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Posts: 5,430 one Legionnaire is alive in flesh?!? can't wait to see.

By the way there is a new team for Supergirl book - they're pretty good and can't wait to read her sometimes soon! I will miss Supergirl in the Legion of course because that s what I thought that she ought to be a part of the Legion as she was way back in the old days of Legion during the adventure era. I feel relieved. ah... but will miss her. *sigh*

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No unfortunately, but with a sweet enough scene to establish closure (via a happy status quo) to the storyline that has run through most of MW's run.

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Well, that was an underwhelming end to a pretty much useless run, I have to say.

At least, this issue was better than the previous ones, and you also have the bonus of being given an end to the Waid version of the threeboot, bridging with Shooter's debut next issue.

Bedard's run still feels like a fill-in, which I find quite disappointing because i'm generally a big fan of what he writes. At least, the characters stopped being snotty and arrogant like they were when Mark Waid wrote the story, and we got re-introduced to Wildfire.

And Supergirl's gone.

Ze Frainch Legion fan
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I think the clean up arc did a good job. it cleaned up some bits of disorder to make way for shooter and company.

supergirl's gone. it's amazing how few supergirl fans made the move over to the book(the sales didn't go up right?)

it seems Baltar and Six; sorry, I meant to say Brainy and Nura are getting along rather well.

I am looking forward to what's going to happen next.

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I loved it thus far and can't wait to read the latest installment. I'm so happy that Matter-Eater Lad and Wildfire are back! Now just Ferro Lad (Whom I heard Shooter wants to bring in as well, among others). Even though we know Bedard was fill-in, I'm impressed with it. It's not usual fill-in. It brought back some of my favorite characters.

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I thought it was a great run. It would have been better if there wasn't so much to clean up for Waid's run though. I wish they came up with a way to give Dreamy back a body. Her "death" has to be the absolute worst decision made, ever.

Evolvo Lad needs to be a member too. It's a shame Bouncing Boy couldn't have been wedged in somewhere. Maybe Jim will rectify the oversight.

Thanks Tony and Dennis on a beautiful and interesting bridging arc.

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Lots of good stuff here. I'm one of those who has been reading the Legion for decades, and typically finds something to enjoy in any version of the team. Unfortunately, I didn't find much to enjoy in the Waid and Kitson run. I was no longer looking forward to reading the Legion, and found the pacing to be a form of torture. Sorry to say, Barry's style grew old quickly and became kind of bland to me. I did not have high expectations for the Bedard and Calero arc.

That opening splash page of Cosmic Boy with clenched fist and an excrutiating look on his face in Calero's first issue changed that. The Legion was suddenly enjoyable and interesting again. I had missed that feeling, and can't thank Tony and Dennis enough for bringing it back. It's fitting that their final issue gives us another amazing rendetion of Cosmic Boy on the cover. And he never really appeared in the story...

I've used this forum to praise the the artwork over the past few months. Dennis didn't disappoint in his final effort, and I loved his take on Supergirl. However, Bedard gets the big kudos this time out. The majority of the Legionnaires in the 3boot have been void of personality. In this issue, Imra, Garth, and Kara, Nura, and Thom all show some depth. Imra gets the spotlight, and it is about damn time. We've had discussions about which members are the "heart" of the Legion, or who is an essential member. Lots of discussion recently about what makes an inteprtretation of the team "real", "classic" or "original". For me, Saturn Girl is the heart and an essential member. No writer can claim to be presenting the real Legion if he isn't making Saturn Girl one of the most interesting and complex characters in comics. It took 36 issues of the current series, but Bedard finally made the effort on her behalf, and that means a hell of a lot.

Recently, there was a discussion on another thread about great moments, and someone argued that the 3boot had nothing to compare to Lightning Saga's, "We were Legion" comment by Superman. The final conversation between Kara and Garth, this issue, was quite emotional, and is in the ballpark of "great moments". Definitely one the best moments of the 3boot.

Thanks, guys, for making it fun again. You've done Shooter and Manapul a great service. I can't wait to see what's next.

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Damn Verizon Wireless. My earlier attempt at a post didn't transmit.

We Calero/Bedard fans grieve the end of their run. You Calero/Bedard detractors were probably not swayed to our side. `

Once again, it's not exactly the solicited cover. Maybe Dennis will comment.

Others have said it better above -- every legionnaire with a speaking role in this issue showed significant character development.

Calero and Bedard excelled at conveying emotion in this issue through dialog and pictures that worked together flawlessly.

Saturn Girl's narrative during the initial Evolvo Lad fight was a very effective way to portray Garth -- much more effective than if garth's own thoughts had been the narrative. Her protective/manipulative relationship with Garth hopefully will be a characteristic that is not lost on the new creative team.

Saturn Girl's narrative over Supergirl's discovery through the portal of 21st century earth was a perfect word/picture combo to demonstrate that something took Kara by surprise.

I fully agree with Jerry's comment above about "ballpark moments." The last two panels of the interaction between Brainiac and Saturn Girl were the big play to me. The postures, the facial expressions, the simplicity of "Sweet Dreams, Brainiac 5," and Irma's turning off the lights (if that's what she's doing) before leaving Brainiac's mind all made for a very touching scene that not only recalls, but surpasses, the Grell-drawn Supergirl robot issue from 30 years ago.

Thanks, Dennis and Tony, this arc has been a pleasure.

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This issue felt a little rushed. I wish Bedard & Calero had had another issue to really give this wrap up the space it deserved.

Many thanks to Dennis and Tony for their efforts during their run. I can only imagine how challenging it must be to attempt to bridge two other creative teams. I felt they did a commendable job.

Dennis, I hope you continue to visit us here on Legion World. Once a Legionnaire always a Legionnaire. You're part of the family now so stop by and let us know what you're up to from time to time.

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"Once again, it's not exactly the solicited cover. Maybe Dennis will comment."

Oh this I can comment on. I thought I could do a better job! And some special people get weeks to do covers. We were on a very tight schedule to get all the books out on time, so it sometimes meant cutting corners to get a cover image out for the solicitation.

"This issue felt a little rushed. I wish Bedard & Calero had had another issue to really give this wrap up the space it deserved."

We wish we had another six months!

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I enjoyed Supergirl's leavetaking and the nod back to the old idea of having to wipe Superboy's mind of anything he might have learned about his future. There's an old Grell cover with Supes in a torture-looking chair - with Cosmic Boy and Brainy looking over his shoulder. Their thematic link to the similar work Evolvo Lad did in this issue was very nice.

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I really liked this run and this issue did a great job of tying some things up. I got a much better sense of the characters, something I've rally been looking for. And I can't say enough about the art, none of the characters looked like another, they seemed to actually be people wearing their costumes rather than costumes with generic people filling them out. Not to say previous artists are doing that specifically, just that Mr. Calero does such a good job at it. I wish Bedard and Calero could continue. Between this and the last couple issues of Action I'm in Legion nerd heaven!

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Bring on Shooter. This issue while not bad was nothing special either. Still not a fan of the art, and it looked more rushed this issue compared to others. All I hope is that with Shooter coming in next issue we get Brainiac 5 back in the Legion, and not Vril Dox in the 31st century anymore. I know I have said that Waids Brainy was just a Vril clone before, but Bedards seemed even more so.

I think the only good thing to come out of this fill in run was the reintro of Tenzil and Wildfire. The rest was just filler.

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Dennis, I asked these questions on Tony Bedard's forum at, but he hasn't responded, and I wondered if you wanted to:

1. Who does and does not know about Dream Girl's continued existence? Saturn Girl seems surprised to see her in #36, but Saturn Girl was definitely among the Legionnaires who learned she was still around back in #30. Does the Legion know she sort of exists, or not?

2. What exactly went on on Winath? I know Brainy planted the information about Mekt and Jeyra and the idea for destroying the Dominator homeworld; no problem there. But who was responsible for the Cult of Validus, and why? I can see two possible answers, neither of which is at all satisfying:
- Vrax Gozzl was behind the Validus cult. But why would he do that? What does he get out of it? I can't think of a motive.
- Brainy was behind the Validus cult, and forged Vrax Gozzl's microsignature as a way of implicating the Wanderers in this crime. But would Brainy really do that to a bunch of innocent farmers that included the parents of two of his teammates? I certainly hope he wouldn't.
So what's the story?


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Matt, I wish I could answer these questions for you, and I do admit that I had some questions about the exact logistics of who knew what, and when.

About the second question, I will say more info and revelations will (I understand) be revealed.

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it did seem a bit rushed this issue. both the art and writing.
this plot of Brainy's behind the scene mechanations has more than a few holes in it. why would Brainy need to hide from Supergirl that he found a way to send her home? why was DEvolvo Lad able to clobber Supergirl? they only explained that Evolvo mentally had SG hold her punches. she's still invulnerable though. can't turn that off.
Although i've enjoyed Dennis art take on the book, this ish was not the best work. in some shots Supergirl's nose is wider than her mouth. i feel like i can tell where he used photo reference and where he drew from his head. it felt a bit choppy.
however, all in all i've enjoyed this stint by these guys quite a bit.

Gorilla Nebula
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Is this Evolvo Lad from Lallor?

I'd like to see him as a Legionnaire, along with Wildfire, at least. Tenzil as legal ally is an interesting idea. I might prefer that to outright membership.

Thanks for a Saturn Girl that's at least somewhat more like the 'classic'. I'd like to see her even more independent-minded, but this is a good start.

I enjoyed the Brainy/Nura/Imra scene, but I'm left asking where the heck her body is? We saw it disappear, after all.

I enjoyed the tighter focus of the interim creative team. I think we need that. There's way too many Legionnaires who are virtual ciphers and stories like this, with a cap on characters used is the only way we'll get to 'know' them.

I'd say Bedard and Calero did exactly the job they were given. Set things up nicely for Shooter while wrapping up some of the many outstanding threads from the previous administration. And provide some entertainment along the way. For me, they did just that.

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Originally posted by Dennis Calero:
Matt, I wish I could answer these questions for you, and I do admit that I had some questions about the exact logistics of who knew what, and when.

About the second question, I will say more info and revelations will (I understand) be revealed.

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Isn't it odd that the same characters and situations read so much better under a new writer and editor. Maybe in the future Bedard and Calero can grace us with an Annual or a mini-series or a back-up or something/anything. There are still lots of things that are unresolved in this book, but at least in the last six months the book has been infinitely less frustrating to read. Thank you Bedard and Calero, I for one appreciated your work. I will keep my eyes out for future Calero work, and hope that you can find an on-going gig real soon.

So what.
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Despite the minor inconsistencies Matthew points out, I found the issue to be a satisfying wrap-up of not only their run, but of the first three years in general. I enjoyed that last six issues more than the entire 30 before that, and I fully second the motion to see an occassional Bedard/Calero guest issue or special.

I assumed Brainy was aware of the Validus cult but did not originate it, and chose Winath as the mission site as a means to deal with it - and as a distration while planting his evidence.

I assumed Brainy sensed Kara was feeling too at home in the 31st, especially now as leader, and would not voluntarily go back on her own. Perhaps he foresaw something Nura did not, which could make sending Kara back at a later point unfavorable.

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I sat down and read the last three issues all at once and really liked them. I think the pacing was just right and the re-introduction of characters from the Legion's past was a perfect hook. I'm a little disappointed that Cosmic Boy's situation was not resolved, but I'm sure Mr. Shooter can handle that.

I've also started to appreciate Dennis' art. While it's still too noire (dark) for me, I loved the attention to faces in close-up. Especially Lightning Lad - I don't think I've ever seen him look so handsome or individualistic. I would love to see Dennis do an issue where there was a lot more light. It might not be his style, but he's so talented that it would be beautiful.

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I like the mood of Calero's art quite a bit, although the inconsistent faces still bother me at times (not as much as his first Legion issue, though).

I would say, however, that I've found the entire Threeboot quite satisfying, if a little too heavy on the political machinations and too light on the cosmic superheroics, and I'm more excited than ever about where Shooter and Manipul will take the team. I have no idea if it's going to be any good, but I'm eager to see.

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I'm glad Cos wasn't found so quickly.

I am not a Cos-hater by any means, but the guy's rarely been out of the spotlight (or far away from leadership at all) since late 1989. Since the beginning of v.4, his only down time, other than injuries, has been Legion Lost and the first half of Kid Q's leadership; but even as figments of Imra's imagination (LL #8, the Universo/diner bit) he still crops up in those eras, in a very prominent way.

I hope Shooter takes his time before bringing Cos back.

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