CALLING THE ROLL is a character-by-character look at the latest issue of any comic featuring Legionnaires.
Let the roll be called!
SHIKARI... She should've referenced her fight with the Batman robot-thingie on Warworld.
"Legion friends!" Guess she never played Crack-the-Whip-in-the-Timestream. I need a definitive answer in order to believe that 'Kari's now on new-Legion world. She
could be in yet
another reality.
UMBRA... A perfect companion for Raven.
DREAMER... The dreaming eye and cryptic, to her actual listeners anyway, comment comprised Nura's contributions.
STAR BOY... "I see. And what sort of headquarters do
you have?" Ha!
SPARK: It looks like she and Cos just did a 'do-ce-do' in space right before meeting the Titans! Also looks like she's subbing for Garth-in-Jan for the primary Legionnaires tableau (the founders plus Brainy, Cham and Jo-- only M'onel's missing...).
BRAINIAC 5... "I drink to forget you." Right... Brainy's full of Bart-love and we all know it. Why else would call him Koko... after his dear, long-absent pet?
"That wildlife preserve you call the 21st century," Heh! Everything else Brainy said on that page made my eyes cross. Good thing Cos was there to translate. (snicker)
Love the leaping intangible image of Tinya in the bottom panel of page one of the Special. Lovely. I like Reis' Tinya. Maybe he should illustrate a Special featuring just the Nahs...
"Grife, were we ever that age?" God... guess seeing her mom almost die aged Tinya.
SATURN GIRL... Nice 'glow' about Imra when she announces her telepathic pinpointing of the moment to which they returned Superboy. Wouldn't Titanet have been useful in battling the 500?
CHAMELEON... It'd be humorous if Cham's first action upon meeting someone was always to turn into them. Loved the brown/green triceratops.
The image of the blued-up-with-Raven's-teleportation-energy Cham was quite nice to look at.
Interesting choice to have Cham deliver the closing (for the reboot) 'LONG LIVE THE LEGION'.
KID QUANTUM... I liked Jaz's ambassadorial stance with Starfire. But, jeez... how did Gary Coleman 2030's head get grafted to her body?
I'm surprised the Titans didn't have something to say about her line, "Superboy's become a valued member of the Legion. And he's finally coming into his own. He's actually
TRIAD... Princess Valiant? Notice that it was Triad to whom Superboy looked when deliberating between the Titans and the Legion. Maybe the flight rings weren't the only things to get 'upgraded' in the months between FNBR and the Special.
M'ONEL... Cos may be the leader of leaders of the Legion, but it's M'on who's the point of the 'flock'.
XS... Man, I like seeing her with her cousin. I sure hope this wasn't the last time. I enjoyed her trust in Bart, providing him a moment with his mom. I wanted to see more of the COMET COUSINS.
INVISIBLE KID... "Headband Lad" says "My name is Invisible Kid. Should we just wear names on our shirts?" Lyle, you've got a head start, since you're sporting the first letter of yours.
GEAR: "But even if this works, I-Kid, isn't there a danger of..." Cue the organ music. What was Gear thinking?
GARTH-IN-JAN... "Shikari's the one with the wings, throwback. I'm Livewire...er... I mean Element Lad." Guess being called a *girl* flustered Garth and he just couldn't remember who he was. 'Boktonium alloy'? New one on me. "Amplified her bio-electric aura"? What? Since when could he do that?
VIOLET... "Zap away, little man. It tickles." Looks to me like she's enjoying it...
ANDROMEDA... Andromeda? Andromeda! No dialogue? No dialogue! No dialogue
TIMBER WOLF... Guess he'll be kicking himself for all eternity (however long that'll last) for letting 'Kari go.
GATES, SENSOR, KINETIX... at least they made it for the migration.
Liked the art, esp. in the SPECIAL.
I expected more of the Fatal 500... an Emerald Emperor... a female Tharok... a gorilla Mano... a Fatal Five comprised of evil Legionnaires... a truly heroic Fatal Five... a robotic one...
What if a handful of Peruaders traded axes?
There could've been a hundred stories in this crossover.
What is it about Titans/Legion crossovers? Something else else in the timing's never right. Though I mostly was entertained... the itch I've wanted to see scratched in viewing these two teams meet still keeps itching.
Maybe a TT/LSH meeting... with the 'new' kids traveling to the youth of the original Fab Five plus a couple? I dunno...
The final shot of the reboot... hand-in-hand, arranged in the V of migrating birds... a V of victory as yet unwon, the Legionnaires once again disappear into their ultimate foe... Whitespace.
Like the plague victims trailing after Death personified, also hand-in-hand, in the closing shot of the SEVENTH SEAL.
THE PREVIEW... LYLE... Presumably Invisible Kid. First, the tantrum. I wonder if his 'sucks' speech was supposed to signify the 'plight' of teens across the UP civilization rather than serve as a delineation of Lyle's core character? I hope so.
That intense scene with his parents reminded me of REBEL WITHOUT A CAUSE. Lyle as James Dean?
His mom is cute.
The UP as stagnant utopia ignoring its stifled youth could get old
real quick. I hope there's more going on than a generational cold war. Please... some... many... adults who 'get' it... whatever the 'it' is going to be.
I found the fall/flight sequence quite interesting... an obverse of a similar scene in LEGION WORLDS featuring Karate Kid.
On one level, Lyle really
does commit suicide. He's literaly letting his 'old' life fall away.
His intentional freefall reveals a daredevil streak. His joy at donning and activating the flight ring, and all it apparently implies, is palpable.
"Glad you decided to join us," (who said that?), I think does not necessarily imply that Lyle's a brand new Legionnaire. I get the sense that Lyle's participated with the Legion. But not, perhaps, as a fully committed 'lifer'.
"We didn't think you
would. We figured you'd be
grounded." (and who said that?) I hope all the Legionnaires aren't alienated from their families. That'd be a dangerous message. And boring.
I have a feeling we'll be seeing a lot of the word 'grounded'.
December seems a long time away... I'm both encouraged and fearful of the new #1. Anticipatory.