My first Legion of Superheroes comic was the second part story in Adventure when five Legionnaires were poisoned by a common crook and saved by the Miracle Machine.
I was awed and swamped by all these colourful characters with superpowers who worked together as a team and showed true emotion with the seeming death of five of their members. I couldn't wait to find out more about all them and their powers.
I followed the Legion through their first incarnation and laid them to rest with Zero Hour. The recap scene of their major adventures was an emotional one for me.
I wanted so much to like the new versions of the Legion but hated the post-Zero Hour version because they were either too cute for words or too dreary. When Waid and Kitson rebooted the Legion, I was delirious until the poor motivation for the Legion and slow development of the storyline bored me to tears. But, hey, I can live with it, I thought.
Then came the Lightning Saga. All at once, I was enchanted again and knew what I have been missing all along. Geoff wrote such a beautiful story about the heart of the Legion that I am truly grateful to him for reminding me once again why I am a Legion fan. The scene when Dawnstar and Wildfire said goodbye to each other brought a lump in my throat and a tear to my eye.
I don't know whether the Levitz Legion will still be around after Countdown. But I do know that this is the Legion I will always remember and love. Thanks Geoff, if you are reading. Thank you for bringing back, no matter how briefly, the Legion of Superheroes!