Unfortunately, I can't find that copy of the issue where we meet Holt, and my roommate says it disappeared a while ago - possibly when we moved.
However, I did find the issues I was thinking of re: Sun Emperor and Mekt. (And he didn't have a ponytail, just long hair. I suppose a ponytail holder wold burn right up.) The storyline I was specifically thinking of was the one where the LSV conspire to do funky things with the planet Orando, and the issue with the specific scene I'm thinking of is
Legion of Super-Heroes #4 (1984, Levitz, Giffen & Mahlstedt)... when Val died.
The book opens on a nice splash page of Mekt looking out the window of a castle as it thunders and storms outside, and Sun Emperor just behind him, with Tyr, Titania, & Nemesis Kid further beyond.
Mekt: "
Listen, Sun Emperor... The Storm
roars its approval. We have done
well, taking the first step of our passage."
Sun Emperor: (grinning) "I agree, Lightning Lord, but some of our
comrades do not."
Blah blah, LSV bitching amongst themselves. On the third page, Mekt notices, and he and Sun Emperor do a fantabulous show of what lightning and fire combined can look like combined, and their use in getting attention. And then we see them both really showing off their elements, Mekt surrounded by lightning aura, Sun Emperor all flamey... er, firey (and looking especially attractive in the panel in question
Mekt: "Enough -- will you do the Legionnaires' work
for them?"
Sun Emperor: "We stand together -- or die."
Threat implicit? Why yes. It's just nice to see a couple of villains sticking together, especially in an otherwise fractious bunch. This was really my first introduction to these two working together, reading wise -- It made an impression. Sun Emporer is well drawn in this issue, and when I saw Holt, I was reminded of him.
I don't think Holt is S.E. though - but hey, it proves Mekt can make friends with other guys.
Look, he can play well with others!!