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SUNDAY Sunday started out with Stealth. Following that was a Scarlet Witch Captain America combo. Check out Mark’s description in the link for more on that. Scarlet Witch & Captain America Next up was Ryan on a “quick” Cap sketch. Cough, cough. More about that in his link. WW II Captain America Next up was Paul, who got the award for the longest in line, and the reward was Atom Girl. WOW! Back to the Marvel Universe with Ms Marvel after that. Following that was a Kingdom Come Superman. Jason had successfully found a comic that proved Barry right from the previous day’s panel, and was rewarded well. Next was Queen Amidala from the Star Wars series, straight from photo reference. Nice! Queen Amidala To finish of the day 2 Legionnaires. Timberwolf, to a very appreciative Jeff. Gotta admit I wanted to see that one too! Timber Wolf And a quick Braniac 5 (5 minute too) to end the Con. Whew. Another marathon day for Barry. Sunday was a 7 hour day, with a 1 hour panel break, and he still got through 9 sketches & 3 quickies. Judge Dredd – 3 minute sketch. Judge Dredd Morbius – Giant board. Superman – quickie head sketch. That AND signing Hundreds if not a thousand comics over the course of the 2 days! Fortunately I was able to purchase some of the great art that Barry brought along with him & I hope to post that up soon. That & a little something special. Those who were there know what I mean!!!!!! Personally I was really surprised by the number of non legion sketches, and wide variety of books signed. Opened up my eyes a bit to Barry body of work. Empire is up for me next. Thanks to all for making the 2 days so great, and fast I might add. Hope Barry makes it next year, and those who came can come again, and those who didn’t can make it next time! OK, carpal tunnel is now setting in. Time to stop. LLLater! Chad
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That sounds cool.
Was anyone privy to any interesting or enlightening Legion-related discussions while at the con?
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Thanks for sharing these with us. Having seen Barry work like that at Bristol and a Con in London, I can confirm that that is just what the man is like. He never seems to stop and genuinely wants to get every one a sketch or something.
That WWII Cap is amazing. And like you I Loved the Power girl sketch, so much nicer to see her a shall we say thinner up top.
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Barry! I want to thank you so much. The kids loved what you did for them. I am going to out myself as one of the guys who stood in line and watched for two days to get what I would call the, "Grail" of my Comic art. It was great meeting fellow Legion fans. It was a fun time watching the master at work. Check out my comic gallery. My CAF Gallery
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Sorry. Wrong Website. The Real Deal Gallery
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Now that the con report is out of the way, here are my thoughts. Great to meet Longtime Lw'ers, Outdoor Miner, Fat Cramer, Stu, Lad Boy, & Querl Dox. Thanks to Querl for bringing over some really cool convention sketches. Nice stuff. And a special hello to Fat Cramer. It was a treat to run into you at the harbour on Monday. Made for a "post con" enjoyable afternoon. Special props to Miner for being a upstanding and kind guy. A great representation of Legion fans. Also a BIG welcome aboard roguelegionnaire & Marko! Hope you stick around awhile and share your thoughts (And any Legion art) on the Legion! Everyone couldn't have been any nicer. And patient I might add. Looking forward to the next one. LLLater! Chad aka.
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*Cries* I wish I could have gone! Glad you guys had so much fun, met up, found some new members, and Barry avoided thumb-severing obstacles. Awesome sketches too!
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Time Trapper
Time Trapper
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We wish you could have gone too! And everyone else, for that matter. It was a treat. Thanks U-Boy for posting all those wonderful sketches and thanks of course to Barry for drawing them, non-stop (and managing to converse with people at the same time). All the exhibitors & creators I met were really friendly and upbeat, even by the end of the day on Sunday. It must have been something of a marathon for them. Matt Wagner did a quick sketch of Superman and Dean Haspiel did "Kraftwerk Bizarro" (it just came out that way ) - these were small sketches for the CBLDF. I hope they continue that program because it looks like that's pretty much my comic art "collection" (in Chicago I got one by Carla Speed McNeil).
Holy Cats of Egypt!
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yeah, these 2 days have passed so fast! I wish i could have stayed longer, i had to rush out almost just after Barry finished my sketch, and i didn't like that. I confirm that everybody was so nice and patient, it was really great, and looking at Barry sketching was even better. I really like the Timber Wolf one, it is absolutely beautiful! I wish you could have gone too, MEL. It would have been great to meet you too. I'm already looking forward to next year.
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strange but not a stranger
strange but not a stranger
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Originally posted by Fat Cramer: Matt Wagner did a quick sketch of Superman and Dean Haspiel did "Kraftwerk Bizarro" (it just came out that way ) - these were small sketches for the CBLDF. I hope they continue that program because it looks like that's pretty much my comic art "collection" (in Chicago I got one by Carla Speed McNeil). FC, It seems like you have become a convention maven.
Big Dog! Big Dog! Bow Wow Wow!
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Great Job at Barry's table, UB!
Thanks for posting all the sketches. They demonstrate not only how hard working an artist Barry is but also how talented and versatile he is.
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Hi Guys Thanks yet again for being so friendly and patient. I'd also officially like to thank Ultra Boy - We only met in person on the Friday night before the convention and there had been no suggestion at all that he and 'M' would 'work the booth' as they did. They just volunteered the moment they saw what chaos was likely to ensue once the line started and never left their posts the entire weekend. I am totally sure that no where near so many sketches would have been completed - nor so many people kept happy while waiting if not for their efforts! Can't thank you guys enough for the tireless help you gave Mark & me!
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Barry, Thanks for the opportunity to watch you draw & take pictures all weekend. That was SO cool. Valor1 & I really appreciated the chance to help you too. And I did not go home empty handed either! Legion / Teen Titans Special Splash Thanks! LLLater!
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Wow! what a great piece. Congratulations Ultra Boy, you deserve it for all you've done this week-end.
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Originally posted by Barry Kitson: I'm only sorry I didn't get chance to chat with more of you individually - we'll have to organize a Legion World dinner or something where I can do sketches exclusively for you guys?
I really hope the next time Barry does a Con, preferably soon and with a bit more advance notice; we can all get together and have a Legion World dinner. Fried Jovian Attack Squid anyone?? Even if we didn’t get around to the sketch part, I am sure that it would be a blast! LLLater!
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Hey everyone. I guess the thing that surprised me the most about the Baltimore Con, was just how many fans Barry has from titles other than the Legion. Even Barry was surprised that of the 19 sketches completed, only 3 of them were from the current Legion series. So I spoke to Barry about starting up a Yahoo Group for fans of his art. He was more than receptive, and agreed to join the group and keep the group up to date on what is going on. I often feel that we are wonderfully spoiled by having Barry here at Legion World, so while I know this group is not a substitute for Legion World site, it might be a nice entry point for those “non” Legion Kitson fans. Plus I put a Legion World link in the “links” section!!! The cool thing is, so far I have talked a few “Kitson art fans” into trying out the Legion, so the more we can get on the title the merrier! So stop on over to: Barry Kitson Art Yahoo Group and join up. Say hi, make people feel welcome, then we can lure them into our lair here! LLLater!
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I should give my con report too. As someone who only had a limited amount of time at the con on Sunday only, I wasn't able to get in Barry's line until around 3:30pm. I knew I had no chance for a sketch, but I did get him to sign a copy of LSH #1 for me (that Mark had signed last year), as well as L.E.G.I.O.N. '89 #1 and LSH Annual #4 (probably his earliest LSH work way back in 1988). As reported by others, Barry was quite gracious, even signing all 30 or so comics (including all 12 issues of JLA Year One) from the guy in line ahead of me. I mentioned that I was from Legion World, and thanked him for participating here. He responded by saying that he considered that part of being a comic creator; sharing the love of the hobby as much as he could. He said a similar thing when I thanked him for being on L.E.G.I.O.N. for so long. I asked how long he'd stay on the current book, and he said as long as they would let him, referring back to a panel the day before when George Perez admitted (again) that he'd like to do the Legion. Since I hadn't attended that panel, I asked if they announced anything about that (maybe All Star LSH), and he said no; George just would like to do it. I then said I remembered some other hot artist recently mentioned he'd like to do it too, with Matter Eater Lad, but couldn't remember who it was at that moment; when Mark Waid piped up (sitting next to Barry), and reminded me it was Jim Lee. Barry also said he is glad that comics have moved back closer to more realistic art, which Barry is obviously so good at (and is my own preference). I also got Jim Starlin to sign my copy of Superboy and The Legion #238, a new Starlin cover around a reprint of one of my favorite stories (Adventure #359 and #360; The Legion Chain Gang). He told me he never could really get into the Legion (his loss). He did give me a little factoid about his current series (Mystery in Space, with Captian Comet). Did you know Captain Comet is the longest-running super-hero that has never been invited to join the Justice League? I tried to get Olivier Coipel to sign Legion Lost #1 for me, but he was always too busy. Oh well, I prefer Barry's art style anyway. Hey, if anyone is interested to see a chronological list of Barry's work as indexed on the GCD, try this: http://www.comics.org/search.lasso?type=penciller&query=Kitson&sort=chrono&Submit=Search
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[img] http://us.a2.yahoofs.com/groups/g_18669732/1119/__sr_/57b5.jpg?grArSnFBVzkqIrXK[/img] Kitson: "Ultimately, what we have planned for Dream Girl is . . . Ow ! That camera flash is so bright, I can't see anything . . . I forgot what I was talking about." Busiek:"Well that concludes the collaborators forum here at the Baltimore Conventions. Thanks to all of you for coming -- except for the guy with the killer digital camera."
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Hey everyone! The dates for Baltimore Comic Con 2007 are there! Saturday & sunday, September 8 & 9 2007 ! http://www.comicon.com/baltimore/ It will be hosting the Harvey Awards like last year. And...and... They are already announcing a very interesting list of artists! Judge by yourself! Guest of Honor: Mike Mignola. Adam Hughes John Romita Sr Barry Kitson Frank Cho Todd Dezago Billy Tucci Brandon Peterson Howard Chaykin Eric Powell Al Feldstein Jim Starlin Michael Golden Herb Trimp Mark Waid Kyle Baker Mike Oeming Dean Haspiel Mark Chiarello and many more to come. i'm really looking forward to it.
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Me too - be good to see you again! ...and anyone who couldn't make it last year too!
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Looking forward to being there again. Barry and Mark were seated together last time and probably will again. So for all those Legionworlders that missed it last time, it will be a great opportunity to talk to and get your books signed by both creators.
I know Chad will be helping Barry out at his table again and I will be the 'gofer'
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Since it is this week-end, i just thought of bringing this thread up for this year's edition.
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Hi Guys I'm looking forward to seeing as many of you who can make it at the show!
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Originally posted by Querl Dox: Hey everyone!
And...and... They are already announcing a very interesting list of artists! Judge by yourself! Guest of Honor: Mike Mignola. Adam Hughes John Romita Sr Barry Kitson Frank Cho Todd Dezago Billy Tucci Brandon Peterson Howard Chaykin Eric Powell Al Feldstein Jim Starlin Michael Golden Herb Trimp Mark Waid Kyle Baker Mike Oeming Dean Haspiel Mark Chiarello and many more to come. i'm really looking forward to it. and DENNIS CALERO
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I made a request in my recent article on Mon-El , but I'll repeat it here because it makes sense to repeat it here... could someone who goes to Baltimore please try to squeeze an answer out of someone at DC about how we seem to have too many Mon-Els running around? (Not that I imagine they'll give us a good answer. I'm really just wondering if they realize there's a problem in the first place.)
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